Example #1

import os, shutil, parse, safe, apachehost
from random import Random

parse.parser.usage = '%prog HOST'
bitrix_file = 'templates/bitrix8setup.php'
parse.shovel({'name': 'installer', 'help': 'Path to bitrix installer script', 'short': 'd', 'default': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), bitrix_file)})

if __name__ == '__main__':
	if len(parse.arguments) < 1:
		safe.quit('Please, provide host name\n' + parse.parser.format_help(), 1)
	# find apache host and get it's document root
		host = apachehost.find(apachehost.config_dir(), parse.arguments[0]).next() # we need only the first [0] host, since it has precedence in apache
	except StopIteration:
		safe.quit('Can\'t find host named {0}'.format(parse.arguments[0]), 1)
	newname = '{0}.php'.format(Random().randint(10**6, 10**7-1))
	docroot = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(apachehost.get(host, 'DocumentRoot')['DocumentRoot']), newname)
	# copy bitrix8setup.php to a randomly named php file
	safe.catch(shutil.copy, (parse.options['installer'], docroot), 'Can\'t copy bitrix installer to {1}.')
	# run default web browser
	os.system('x-www-browser http://{0}/{1}'.format(parse.arguments[0], newname))
	safe.quit('Success! Do installation instructions in your browser.')
Example #2

import os, shutil, parse, safe, apachehost
from random import Random

tpl_suffix = '.nano.php'
default_title = 'Page title'

if __name__ == '__main__':
	parse.parser.usage = '%prog TEMPLATE [DEST]'
	parse.shovel({'name': 'force', 'help': 'Overwrite DEST if exists.', 'short': 'f', 'default': False}, {'name': 'title', 'help': 'Set page title', 'short': 't', 'default': default_title})
	if len(parse.arguments) < 2:
		safe.quit('Please, provide host name, template name and destination filename.\n' + parse.parser.format_help(), 1)
	# check if template exists
	src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'templates', parse.arguments[1] + tpl_suffix)
	if not os.path.isfile(src):
		safe.quit('There is no template {0} in templates folder ({1})'.format(parse.arguments[1], src), 1)
	# compose destination path
	dest = os.getcwd()
	if len(parse.arguments) > 1:
		dest = os.path.join(dest, parse.arguments[2])
	if os.path.isdir(dest):
		dest = os.path.join(dest, parse.arguments[1].replace(tpl_suffix, '.php'))
	if dest[-4:] != '.php':
		dest += '.php'
Example #3
def create(opts, arguments):
	"""Creates a name-based virtual host (config file), enables it and adds to /etc/hosts."""
	if os.getenv('USERNAME') != 'root':
		safe.quit('I can\'t do anything this way. Sudo me, please!')

	opts['server'] = arguments[0] # these vars are needed to pass to format()
	opts['servername'] = arguments[0] + '.' + os.uname()[1] # ...into config.template
	where = config_dir()
	if where is None:
		safe.quit('Apache config directory not found in /etc/')
	# check if there's no other same named host
		find(where, opts['servername']).next() # need to check if there is ANY file with the same servername
		safe.quit('A host with ServerName \'{0}\' already exists.'.format(opts['servername']))
	except StopIteration: # the only way not to consume the generator (find) is to get .next() and  catch the exception
	# need to check if docroot does not exists or is empty
	opts['docroot'] = opts['docroot'].format(opts['server']) # by default docroot is named as /var/www/host/public_html
	if os.path.lexists(opts['docroot']):
		if not os.path.isdir(opts['docroot']):
			safe.quit('docroot was a file or a link (\'{0}\')'.format(opts['docroot']), 1)
		if safe.catch(os.listdir, opts['docroot'], 'Document root (\'{0}\') exists but is not accessible.') != []: # try to list the directory. may fail if no access rights
			safe.quit('docroot parameter was a non-empty directory (\'{0}\')'.format(opts['docroot']), 1)
		safe.catch(os.makedirs, opts['docroot'], 'Can\'t create document root directory \'{0}\'')
	safe.catch(os.chown, (opts['docroot'], int(os.getenv('SUDO_UID')), int(os.getenv('SUDO_GID'))), 'Can\'t change document root ownership \'{0}\'')

	# create apache vhost file
	new_conf = os.path.join(where, 'sites-available', opts['server'])
		with nested(safe.fopen(opts['host_template']), safe.fopen(new_conf, 'w')) as (conf_src, conf_dest):
			for l in conf_src:
	except KeyError:
		msg = '\nOops, your template \'{0}\' has placeholders for parameters\nthat were not supplied in the command line:\n - {1}\n'.format(opts['host_template'], '\n - '.join(sys.exc_info()[1].args))
		safe.catch(os.rmdir, opts['docroot'], msg + 'Couldn\'t remove document root (\'{0}\')')
		safe.quit(msg, 1)
	print 'Host config saved in {0}. '.format(new_conf),
	# link it
	couldnt_add_host = 'Couldn\'t add host to enabled hosts (make symlink in \'{0}\')'
	safe.catch(os.chdir, where + '/sites-enabled', couldnt_add_host)
	safe.catch(os.symlink, [new_conf, opts['server']], couldnt_add_host)
	print 'Enabled. ',
	# add to /etc/hosts
	with safe.fopen('/etc/hosts', 'a') as hosts:
		safe.catch(hosts.write, '\n127.0.0.1\t{0}'.format(opts['servername']), 'Can\'t add host to \'/etc/hosts\'.')
	print 'Added to /etc/hosts. ',
	# restart apache
	safe.catch(os.system, '/etc/init.d/{0} restart'.format(serv), 'Couldn\'t restart ' + serv + '({0})')

	print 'Apache restarted successfully. Host {0} is now available at http://{1}.'.format(opts['server'], opts['servername'])

(главная программа)


with safe.open(hosts_file, 'r') as f:


        print ''.join(f)

except IOError:

        safe.quit('Файл {0} открылся, но при чтении произошёл сбой.', hosts_file)


(Примечание: в своих программах и своём модуле safe я использую декораторы, проверяющие тип данных.)

Что дальше?

Во-первых, трассировка исключения содержит очень много полезной информации, намного больше, чем та, что печатается Питоном. Полезно будет сделать метод, сохраняющий эти данные куда-либо в файл, чтобы пользователь мог отправить его разработчику.


Теперь на множество типичных случаев у нас есть 4 способа обрабатывать исключения:
вынести действия в новый метод и декорировать его методом wrap
Example #5

import os, parse, safe, apachehost

parse.parser.usage = '%prog SERVERNAME [options]'
parse.shovel({'name': 'docroot', 'help': 'Server\'s document root. Default: /var/www/SERVERNAME/public_html', 'short': 'd', 'default': '/var/www/{0}/public_html/'},\
{'name': 'admin', 'help': 'Admin\'s contact email', 'default': 'webmaster@localhost', 'short': 'a'},\
{'name': 'override_docroot', 'help': 'AllowOverride for DocumentRoot', 'default': 'All'},\
{'name': 'override_cgi', 'help': 'AllowOverride for cgi-bin', 'default': 'All'},\
{'name': 'host_template', 'help': 'Template for host configuration (./config.template by default)', 'default': os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'templates', 'config.template')})

if __name__ == '__main__':
	if len(parse.arguments) < 1: # 1 argument (server name) is required
	apachehost.create(parse.options, parse.arguments)