def drawImage(self, theImage, theWidthMM, theLeftOffset, theTopOffset): """Helper to draw an image directly onto the QGraphicsScene. This is an alternative to using QgsComposerPicture which in some cases leaves artifacts under windows. The Pixmap will have a transform applied to it so that it is rendered with the same resolution as the composition. Args: * theImage: QImage that will be rendered to the layout. * theWidthMM: int - desired width in mm of output on page. * theLeftOffset: int - offset from left of page. * theTopOffset: int - offset from top of page. Returns: QGraphicsSceneItem is returned Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug("InaSAFE Map drawImage called") myDesiredWidthMM = theWidthMM # mm myDesiredWidthPX = mmToPoints(myDesiredWidthMM, self.pageDpi) myActualWidthPX = theImage.width() myScaleFactor = myDesiredWidthPX / myActualWidthPX LOGGER.debug("%s %s %s" % (myScaleFactor, myActualWidthPX, myDesiredWidthPX)) myTransform = QtGui.QTransform() myTransform.scale(myScaleFactor, myScaleFactor) myTransform.rotate(0.5) myItem = self.composition.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(theImage)) myItem.setTransform(myTransform) myItem.setOffset(theLeftOffset / myScaleFactor, theTopOffset / myScaleFactor) return myItem
def test_mmPointConversion(self): """Test that conversions between pixel and page dimensions work.""" myDpi = 300 myPixels = 300 myMM = 25.4 # 1 inch myResult = pointsToMM(myPixels, myDpi) myMessage = "Expected: %s\nGot: %s" % (myMM, myResult) assert myResult == myMM, myMessage myResult = mmToPoints(myMM, myDpi) myMessage = "Expected: %s\nGot: %s" % (myPixels, myResult) assert myResult == myPixels, myMessage
def renderHtmlToImage(self, theHtml, theWidthMM): """Render some HTML to a pixmap. Args: * theHtml - HTML to be rendered. It is assumed that the html is a snippet only, containing no body element - a standard header and footer will be appended. * theWidthMM- width of the table in mm - will be converted to points based on the resolution of our page. Returns: QImage Raises: Any exceptions raised by the InaSAFE library will be propagated. """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map renderHtmlToImage called') myWidthPx = mmToPoints(theWidthMM, self.pageDpi) self.loadAndWait(theHtmlSnippet=theHtml) myFrame = # Using 150dpi as the baseline, work out a standard text size # multiplier so that page renders equally well at different print # resolutions. #myBaselineDpi = 150 #myFactor = float(self.pageDpi) / myBaselineDpi #myFrame.setTextSizeMultiplier(myFactor) mySize = myFrame.contentsSize() mySize.setWidth(myWidthPx) myImage = QtGui.QImage(mySize, QtGui.QImage.Format_RGB32) myImage.setDotsPerMeterX(dpiToMeters(self.pageDpi)) myImage.setDotsPerMeterY(dpiToMeters(self.pageDpi)) # Only works in Qt4.8 #myImage.fill(QtGui.qRgb(255, 255, 255)) # Works in older Qt4 versions myImage.fill(255 + 255 * 256 + 255 * 256 * 256) myPainter = QtGui.QPainter(myImage) myFrame.render(myPainter) myPainter.end()'/tmp/test.png') return myImage
def drawImage(self, theImage, theWidthMM, theLeftOffset, theTopOffset): """Helper to draw an image directly onto the QGraphicsScene. This is an alternative to using QgsComposerPicture which in some cases leaves artifacts under windows. The Pixmap will have a transform applied to it so that it is rendered with the same resolution as the composition. Args: * theImage: QImage that will be rendered to the layout. * theWidthMM: int - desired width in mm of output on page. * theLeftOffset: int - offset from left of page. * theTopOffset: int - offset from top of page. Returns: QGraphicsSceneItem is returned Raises: None """ LOGGER.debug('InaSAFE Map drawImage called') myDesiredWidthMM = theWidthMM # mm myDesiredWidthPX = mmToPoints(myDesiredWidthMM, self.pageDpi) myActualWidthPX = theImage.width() myScaleFactor = myDesiredWidthPX / myActualWidthPX LOGGER.debug('%s %s %s' % (myScaleFactor, myActualWidthPX, myDesiredWidthPX)) myTransform = QtGui.QTransform() myTransform.scale(myScaleFactor, myScaleFactor) myTransform.rotate(0.5) myItem = self.composition.addPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap.fromImage(theImage)) myItem.setTransform(myTransform) myItem.setOffset(theLeftOffset / myScaleFactor, theTopOffset / myScaleFactor) return myItem