Example #1
    def __call__(self, data, replay):
        # The replay.attribute.events file is comprised of a small header and
        # single long list of attributes with the 0x00 00 03 E7 header on each
        # element. Each element holds a four byte attribute id code, a one byte
        # player id, and a four byte value code. Unlike the other files, this
        # file is stored in little endian format.
        # See: ``objects.Attribute`` for attribute id and value lookup logic
        data = ByteDecoder(data, endian='LITTLE')
        attribute_events = list()
        for attribute in range(data.read_uint32()):
            info = struct.unpack('<IIB4s', data.read(13))

        return attribute_events
Example #2
    def __call__(self, data, replay):
        # The replay.attribute.events file is comprised of a small header and
        # single long list of attributes with the 0x00 00 03 E7 header on each
        # element. Each element holds a four byte attribute id code, a one byte
        # player id, and a four byte value code. Unlike the other files, this
        # file is stored in little endian format.
        # See: ``objects.Attribute`` for attribute id and value lookup logic
        data = ByteDecoder(data, endian='LITTLE')
        attribute_events = list()
        for attribute in range(data.read_uint32()):
            info = struct.unpack('<IIB4s', data.read(13))

        return attribute_events
Example #3
    def __init__(self, contents):
        # According to http://www.galaxywiki.net/MapInfo_(File_Format)
        # With a couple small changes for version 0x20+
        data = ByteDecoder(contents, endian='LITTLE')
        magic = data.read_string(4)
        if magic != 'MapI':
            self.logger.warn("Invalid MapInfo file: {0}".format(magic))

        #: The map info file format version
        self.version = data.read_uint32()
        if self.version >= 0x18:
            self.unknown1 = data.read_uint32()
            self.unknown2 = data.read_uint32()

        #: The full map width
        self.width = data.read_uint32()

        #: The full map height
        self.height = data.read_uint32()

        #: Small map preview type: 0 = None, 1 = Minimap, 2 = Custom
        self.small_preview_type = data.read_uint32()

        #: (Optional) Small map preview path; relative to root of map archive
        self.small_preview_path = str()
        if self.small_preview_type == 2:
            self.small_preview_path = data.read_cstring()

        #: Large map preview type: 0 = None, 1 = Minimap, 2 = Custom
        self.large_preview_type = data.read_uint32()

        #: (Optional) Large map preview path; relative to root of map archive
        self.large_preview_path = str()
        if self.large_preview_type == 2:
            self.large_preview_path = data.read_cstring()

        if self.version >= 0x1f:
            self.unknown3 = data.read_cstring()

        if self.version >= 0x26:
            self.unknown4 = data.read_cstring()

        if self.version >= 0x1f:
            self.unknown5 = data.read_uint32()

        self.unknown6 = data.read_uint32()

        #: The type of fog of war used on the map
        self.fog_type = data.read_cstring()

        #: The tile set used on the map
        self.tile_set = data.read_cstring()

        #: The left bounds for the camera. This value is 7 less than the value shown in the editor.
        self.camera_left = data.read_uint32()

        #: The bottom bounds for the camera. This value is 4 less than the value shown in the editor.
        self.camera_bottom = data.read_uint32()

        #: The right bounds for the camera. This value is 7 more than the value shown in the editor.
        self.camera_right = data.read_uint32()

        #: The top bounds for the camera. This value is 4 more than the value shown in the editor.
        self.camera_top = data.read_uint32()

        #: The map base height (what is that?). This value is 4096*Base Height in the editor (giving a decimal value).
        self.base_height = data.read_uint32()/4096

        # Leave early so we dont barf. Turns out ggtracker doesnt need
        # any of the map data thats loaded below.
        #: Load screen type: 0 = default, 1 = custom
        self.load_screen_type = data.read_uint32()

        #: (Optional) Load screen image path; relative to root of map archive
        self.load_screen_path = data.read_cstring()

        #: Unknown string, usually empty
        self.unknown7 = data.read_bytes(data.read_uint16()).decode('utf8')

        #: Load screen image scaling strategy: 0 = normal, 1 = aspect scaling, 2 = stretch the image.
        self.load_screen_scaling = data.read_uint32()

        #: The text position on the loading screen. One of:
        #: * 0xffffffff = (Default)
        #: * 0 = Top Left
        #: * 1 = Top
        #: * 2 = Top Right
        #: * 3 = Left
        #: * 4 = Center
        #: * 5 = Right
        #: * 6 = Bottom Left
        #: * 7 = Bottom
        #: * 8 = Bottom Right
        self.text_position = data.read_uint32()

        #: Loading screen text position offset x
        self.text_position_offset_x = data.read_uint32()

        #: Loading screen text position offset y
        self.text_position_offset_y = data.read_uint32()

        #: Loading screen text size x
        self.text_position_size_x = data.read_uint32()

        #: Loading screen text size y
        self.text_position_size_y = data.read_uint32()

        #: A bit array of flags with the following options (possibly incomplete)
        #: * 0x00000001 = Disable Replay Recording
        #: * 0x00000002 = Wait for Key (Loading Screen)
        #: * 0x00000004 = Disable Trigger Preloading
        #: * 0x00000008 = Enable Story Mode Preloading
        #: * 0x00000010 = Use Horizontal Field of View
        self.data_flags = data.read_uint32()

        self.unknown8 = data.read_uint32()

        if self.version >= 0x19:
            self.unknown9 = data.read_bytes(8)

        if self.version >= 0x1f:
            self.unknown10 = data.read_bytes(9)

        if self.version >= 0x20:
            self.unknown11 = data.read_bytes(4)

        #: The number of players enabled via the data editor
        self.player_count = data.read_uint32()

        #: A list of references to :class:`MapInfoPlayer` objects
        self.players = list()
        for i in range(self.player_count):

        #: A list of the start location point indexes used in Basic Team Settings.
        #: The editor limits these to only Start Locations and not regular points.
        self.start_locations = list()
        for i in range(data.read_uint32()):

        #: The number of start locations used
        self.start_location_used = data.read_uint32()

        #: The number of alliance flags encoded in :attr:`alliance_flags`.
        self.alliance_flags_length = data.read_uint32()
        # A set bit (1) indicates that the pair of Start Locations are to be allied.
        # bit = 1; // Set up a bitmask
        # // i will be the first Start Location in the Point Indexes array
        # // j will the the Start Location after i
        # for(i=0;i< Start Location Count;i++){
        #    for(j=i+1;j < Start Location Count;j++){ // set j, and then iterate through the rest
        #       bit <<= 1; // Shift left to move the mask to the next bit.
        #       if((Team Enemy Flags & bit) != 0) { // These start locations are allies
        #          // Add more to compensate for byte boundaries. This array can get big.
        #       }
        #    }
        # }
        #: A bit array of flags mapping out the player alliances
        self.alliance_flags = data.read_uint(int(math.ceil(self.alliance_flags_length/8.0)))

        #: A list of the advanced start location point indexes used in Advanced Team Settings.
        #: The editor limits these to only Start Locations and not regular points.
        self.advanced_start_locations = list()
        for i in range(data.read_uint32()):
            # point index for each start location used

        #: A list of bit arrays marking which start locations below to which team.
        self.advanced_teams_flags = list()
        for i in range(data.read_uint32()):
            # TODO:
            # One set for each team. Each bit corresponds with the Point Indexes
            # array index (i.e., bit 0 is PointIndexes[0], bit1 is PointIndex[1],
            # etc.). If the bit is set, that start location is a part of that team.

        #: Possibly "number of teams used"? Similar to "start locations used"
        self.advanced_teams_count2 = data.read_uint32()

        #: The number of enemy flags encoded in :attr:`enemy_flags`.
        self.enemy_flags_length = data.read_uint32()
        # A set bit (1) indicates that the pair of teams are to be enemies.
        # bit = 1; // Set up a bitmask
        # // i will be the first Team in the Team Members array.
        # // j will be the Team that comes after i
        # for(i=0;i< Team Count;i++){
        #    for(j=i+1;j < Team Count;j++){ // set j, and then iterate through the rest
        #       bit <<= 1; // Shift left to move the mask to the next bit.
        #       if((Team Enemy Flags & bit) != 0) { // These teams are enemies
        #          // Add more code to compensate for byte boundaries.
        #       }
        #    }
        # }
        #: A bit array of flags mapping out the player enemies.
        self.enemy_flags = data.read_uint(int(math.ceil(self.enemy_flags_length/8.0)))

        if data.length != data.tell():
            self.logger.warn("Not all of the MapInfo file was read!")
Example #4
    def __init__(self, contents):
        # According to http://www.galaxywiki.net/MapInfo_(File_Format)
        # With a couple small changes for version 0x20+
        data = ByteDecoder(contents, endian='LITTLE')
        magic = data.read_string(4)
        if magic != 'MapI':
            self.logger.warn("Invalid MapInfo file: {0}".format(magic))

        #: The map info file format version
        self.version = data.read_uint32()
        if self.version >= 0x18:
            self.unknown1 = data.read_uint32()
            self.unknown2 = data.read_uint32()

        #: The full map width
        self.width = data.read_uint32()

        #: The full map height
        self.height = data.read_uint32()

        #: Small map preview type: 0 = None, 1 = Minimap, 2 = Custom
        self.small_preview_type = data.read_uint32()

        #: (Optional) Small map preview path; relative to root of map archive
        self.small_preview_path = str()
        if self.small_preview_type == 2:
            self.small_preview_path = data.read_cstring()

        #: Large map preview type: 0 = None, 1 = Minimap, 2 = Custom
        self.large_preview_type = data.read_uint32()

        #: (Optional) Large map preview path; relative to root of map archive
        self.large_preview_path = str()
        if self.large_preview_type == 2:
            self.large_preview_path = data.read_cstring()

        if self.version >= 0x1f:
            self.unknown3 = data.read_cstring()

        if self.version >= 0x26:
            self.unknown4 = data.read_cstring()

        if self.version >= 0x1f:
            self.unknown5 = data.read_uint32()

        self.unknown6 = data.read_uint32()

        #: The type of fog of war used on the map
        self.fog_type = data.read_cstring()

        #: The tile set used on the map
        self.tile_set = data.read_cstring()

        #: The left bounds for the camera. This value is 7 less than the value shown in the editor.
        self.camera_left = data.read_uint32()

        #: The bottom bounds for the camera. This value is 4 less than the value shown in the editor.
        self.camera_bottom = data.read_uint32()

        #: The right bounds for the camera. This value is 7 more than the value shown in the editor.
        self.camera_right = data.read_uint32()

        #: The top bounds for the camera. This value is 4 more than the value shown in the editor.
        self.camera_top = data.read_uint32()

        #: The map base height (what is that?). This value is 4096*Base Height in the editor (giving a decimal value).
        self.base_height = data.read_uint32()/4096

        # Leave early so we dont barf. Turns out ggtracker doesnt need
        # any of the map data thats loaded below.
        #: Load screen type: 0 = default, 1 = custom
        self.load_screen_type = data.read_uint32()

        #: (Optional) Load screen image path; relative to root of map archive
        self.load_screen_path = data.read_cstring()

        #: Unknown string, usually empty
        self.unknown7 = data.read_bytes(data.read_uint16()).decode('utf8')

        #: Load screen image scaling strategy: 0 = normal, 1 = aspect scaling, 2 = stretch the image.
        self.load_screen_scaling = data.read_uint32()

        #: The text position on the loading screen. One of:
        #: * 0xffffffff = (Default)
        #: * 0 = Top Left
        #: * 1 = Top
        #: * 2 = Top Right
        #: * 3 = Left
        #: * 4 = Center
        #: * 5 = Right
        #: * 6 = Bottom Left
        #: * 7 = Bottom
        #: * 8 = Bottom Right
        self.text_position = data.read_uint32()

        #: Loading screen text position offset x
        self.text_position_offset_x = data.read_uint32()

        #: Loading screen text position offset y
        self.text_position_offset_y = data.read_uint32()

        #: Loading screen text size x
        self.text_position_size_x = data.read_uint32()

        #: Loading screen text size y
        self.text_position_size_y = data.read_uint32()

        #: A bit array of flags with the following options (possibly incomplete)
        #: * 0x00000001 = Disable Replay Recording
        #: * 0x00000002 = Wait for Key (Loading Screen)
        #: * 0x00000004 = Disable Trigger Preloading
        #: * 0x00000008 = Enable Story Mode Preloading
        #: * 0x00000010 = Use Horizontal Field of View
        self.data_flags = data.read_uint32()

        self.unknown8 = data.read_uint32()

        if self.version >= 0x19:
            self.unknown9 = data.read_bytes(8)

        if self.version >= 0x1f:
            self.unknown10 = data.read_bytes(9)

        if self.version >= 0x20:
            self.unknown11 = data.read_bytes(4)

        #: The number of players enabled via the data editor
        self.player_count = data.read_uint32()

        #: A list of references to :class:`MapInfoPlayer` objects
        self.players = list()
        for i in range(self.player_count):

        #: A list of the start location point indexes used in Basic Team Settings.
        #: The editor limits these to only Start Locations and not regular points.
        self.start_locations = list()
        for i in range(data.read_uint32()):

        #: The number of start locations used
        self.start_location_used = data.read_uint32()

        #: The number of alliance flags encoded in :attr:`alliance_flags`.
        self.alliance_flags_length = data.read_uint32()
        # A set bit (1) indicates that the pair of Start Locations are to be allied.
        # bit = 1; // Set up a bitmask
        # // i will be the first Start Location in the Point Indexes array
        # // j will the the Start Location after i
        # for(i=0;i< Start Location Count;i++){
        #    for(j=i+1;j < Start Location Count;j++){ // set j, and then iterate through the rest
        #       bit <<= 1; // Shift left to move the mask to the next bit.
        #       if((Team Enemy Flags & bit) != 0) { // These start locations are allies
        #          // Add more to compensate for byte boundaries. This array can get big.
        #       }
        #    }
        # }
        #: A bit array of flags mapping out the player alliances
        self.alliance_flags = data.read_uint(int(math.ceil(self.alliance_flags_length/8.0)))

        #: A list of the advanced start location point indexes used in Advanced Team Settings.
        #: The editor limits these to only Start Locations and not regular points.
        self.advanced_start_locations = list()
        for i in range(data.read_uint32()):
            # point index for each start location used

        #: A list of bit arrays marking which start locations below to which team.
        self.advanced_teams_flags = list()
        for i in range(data.read_uint32()):
            # TODO:
            # One set for each team. Each bit corresponds with the Point Indexes
            # array index (i.e., bit 0 is PointIndexes[0], bit1 is PointIndex[1],
            # etc.). If the bit is set, that start location is a part of that team.

        #: Possibly "number of teams used"? Similar to "start locations used"
        self.advanced_teams_count2 = data.read_uint32()

        #: The number of enemy flags encoded in :attr:`enemy_flags`.
        self.enemy_flags_length = data.read_uint32()
        # A set bit (1) indicates that the pair of teams are to be enemies.
        # bit = 1; // Set up a bitmask
        # // i will be the first Team in the Team Members array.
        # // j will be the Team that comes after i
        # for(i=0;i< Team Count;i++){
        #    for(j=i+1;j < Team Count;j++){ // set j, and then iterate through the rest
        #       bit <<= 1; // Shift left to move the mask to the next bit.
        #       if((Team Enemy Flags & bit) != 0) { // These teams are enemies
        #          // Add more code to compensate for byte boundaries.
        #       }
        #    }
        # }
        #: A bit array of flags mapping out the player enemies.
        self.enemy_flags = data.read_uint(int(math.ceil(self.enemy_flags_length/8.0)))

        if data.length != data.tell():
            self.logger.warn("Not all of the MapInfo file was read!")