Example #1
    def partition(self, force=False):
        Calculate the best nodal partition of G using the louvain
        algorithm as implemented in :func:`community.best_partition`.
        If desired, the node-wise partition can be accessed and manipulated by
        the nodal attribute "module" and the module-wise partition as

        force : bool
            pass True to recalculate when a partition exists

        (dict, dict)
            Two dictionaries represent the resulting nodal partition of G. The
            first maps nodes to modules and the second maps modules to nodes.

        See Also
        if 'partition' not in self.graph:
            nodal_partition, module_partition = calc_nodal_partition(self)
            nx.set_node_attributes(self, nodal_partition, name='module')
            self.graph['partition'] = module_partition
        return nx.get_node_attributes(self,
                                      name='module'), self.graph['partition']
Example #2
    def setUpClass(self):
        self.karate = nx.karate_club_graph()

        self.totalpart = {x: [x] for x in list(self.karate.nodes)}
        self.triviallpart = {0: [x for x in list(self.karate.nodes)]}
        self.nonpart = {0: [0]}
        n, m = gm.calc_nodal_partition(self.karate)
        self.bestpart_n = n
        self.bestpart_m = m

        self.nonbinary = nx.karate_club_graph()
        nx.set_edge_attributes(self.nonbinary, '0.5', name='weight')
Example #3
 def throw_out_nonbinary_graph(self):
     with self.assertRaises(Exception):