Example #1
 def process_request(self, request):
     global coreui_inited, urlpatterns
     if not coreui_inited:
             coreui_inited = True
         except Exception, e:
             print "**** panic! AppLoader.registerAllApps() threw this Exception:"
             print e
         for index, app in enumerate(AppLoader.apps):
             # Redirect / to the first app in the list
             if (index == 0):
                 urlpatterns += patterns(
                     (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {
                         'url': '/' + app.name
             urlpatterns += patterns(
                 '', (r'^' + app.name + '/?$',
                      'sdncon.coreui.views.show_application_tabs', {
                          'app': app.name
             urlpatterns += patterns(
                 (r'^' + app.name + '/', include(app.name + '.urls')),
             for t in app.tabs:
                 urlpatterns += patterns(
                     app.name + '.views',
                     (r'^' + app.name + '/' + t["id"] + '/?$', t["view"]))
Example #2
def bsc_app_init():
    if not docs_enabled:

    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Documentation", 9, "User Guide")
    app.addTab("docs", "User Guide", user_guide)
def bsc_app_init():  
    if not docs_enabled:

    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]   
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Documentation", 9, "User Guide")
    app.addTab("docs", "User Guide", user_guide)
 def process_request(self, request):
     global coreui_inited, urlpatterns
     if not coreui_inited:
             coreui_inited = True
         except Exception, e:
             print "**** panic! AppLoader.registerAllApps() threw this Exception:"
             print e
         for index, app in enumerate(AppLoader.apps):
             # Redirect / to the first app in the list
             if (index == 0):
                 urlpatterns += patterns( '', (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url': '/'+app.name}),)
             urlpatterns += patterns( '', (r'^'+app.name+'/?$', 'sdncon.coreui.views.show_application_tabs', {'app':app.name}) )
             urlpatterns += patterns( '', (r'^'+app.name+'/', include(app.name+'.urls')), )
             for t in app.tabs:
                 urlpatterns += patterns(app.name+'.views', (r'^'+app.name+'/'+t["id"]+'/?$', t["view"]) )
def bsc_app_init():
    # By default, App Name is the same as directory name. Change if needed.
    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]

    # Create the App. Parameters are
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - Priority: determines ranking the menu to the left), One-line description
    # - Description: One line description of the app
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Controller Stats", 5, "Controller Stats")

    # Add Tabs. Parameters are:
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - View: name of the python function that contains the django view (see below)
    app.addTab("openflow_graphs", "OpenFlow Graphs", flow_graphs_view)
    app.addTab("system_graphs", "System Graphs", system_stats_graph_view)
def bsc_app_init():  
    # By default, App Name is the same as directory name. Change if needed.
    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]   
    # Create the App. Parameters are 
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - Priority: determines ranking the menu to the left), One-line description
    # - Description: One line description of the app
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Controller Stats", 5, "Controller Stats")

    # Add Tabs. Parameters are:
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - View: name of the python function that contains the django view (see below)
    app.addTab("openflow_graphs", "OpenFlow Graphs", flow_graphs_view)
    app.addTab("system_graphs", "System Graphs", system_stats_graph_view)
def show_application_tabs(request, app):
    clusterlist = []
    cus = CustomerUser.objects.all()
    for cu in cus:
        if cu.user.username == request.user.username:
            for cluster in cu.customer.cluster_set.all():
                    'customer': cluster.customer.customername,
                    'clustername': cluster.clustername,
                    'clusterid': unicode(cluster)

    return render_to_response(
        'coreui/templates/showapp.html', {
            [x for x in AppLoader.getApps() if not hasattr(x, 'invisible')],
            'currentapp': app,
            'tabs': AppLoader.getApp(app).tabs,
            'clusterlist': clusterlist,
            'isCloudBuild': isCloudBuild()
def show_application_tabs(request, app):
    clusterlist = []
    cus = CustomerUser.objects.all()
    for cu in cus:
        if cu.user.username == request.user.username:
            for cluster in cu.customer.cluster_set.all():
                clusterlist.append({'customer': cluster.customer.customername,
                                    'clustername': cluster.clustername,
                                    'clusterid': unicode(cluster)})

    return render_to_response('coreui/templates/showapp.html', 
                {'apps':[x for x in AppLoader.getApps() if not hasattr(x,'invisible')],'currentapp':app,'tabs':AppLoader.getApp(app).tabs,'clusterlist':clusterlist, 'isCloudBuild': isCloudBuild()},
def bsc_app_init():
    # Check if logging is enabled, else do not start the app
    if not log_collection_enabled():

    # By default, App Name is the same as directory name. Change if needed.
    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]   
    # Create the App. Parameters are 
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - Priority: determines ranking the menu to the left), One-line description
    # - Description: One line description of the app
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Logs", 5, "Controller Logs")

    # Add Tabs. Parameters are:
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - View: name of the python function that contains the django view (see below)
    app.addTab("controllerlogs", "Controller Logs", controller)
    app.addTab("dblogs", "Database Logs", db)
    app.addTab("sdnconlogs", "SDNCon Logs", sdncon)
    app.addTab("alllogs", "All Logs", all)
Example #10
def bsc_app_init():
    # Check if logging is enabled, else do not start the app
    if not log_collection_enabled():

    # By default, App Name is the same as directory name. Change if needed.
    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]

    # Create the App. Parameters are
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - Priority: determines ranking the menu to the left), One-line description
    # - Description: One line description of the app
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Logs", 5, "Controller Logs")

    # Add Tabs. Parameters are:
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - View: name of the python function that contains the django view (see below)
    app.addTab("controllerlogs", "Controller Logs", controller)
    app.addTab("dblogs", "Database Logs", db)
    app.addTab("sdnconlogs", "SDNCon Logs", sdncon)
    app.addTab("alllogs", "All Logs", all)