Esempio n. 1
 def process_request(self, request):
     global coreui_inited, urlpatterns
     if not coreui_inited:
             coreui_inited = True
         except Exception, e:
             print "**** panic! AppLoader.registerAllApps() threw this Exception:"
             print e
         for index, app in enumerate(AppLoader.apps):
             # Redirect / to the first app in the list
             if (index == 0):
                 urlpatterns += patterns(
                     (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {
                         'url': '/' +
             urlpatterns += patterns(
                 '', (r'^' + + '/?$',
                      'sdncon.coreui.views.show_application_tabs', {
             urlpatterns += patterns(
                 (r'^' + + '/', include( + '.urls')),
             for t in app.tabs:
                 urlpatterns += patterns(
            + '.views',
                     (r'^' + + '/' + t["id"] + '/?$', t["view"]))
Esempio n. 2
def bsc_app_init():
    if not docs_enabled:

    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Documentation", 9, "User Guide")
    app.addTab("docs", "User Guide", user_guide)
def bsc_app_init():  
    if not docs_enabled:

    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]   
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Documentation", 9, "User Guide")
    app.addTab("docs", "User Guide", user_guide)
 def process_request(self, request):
     global coreui_inited, urlpatterns
     if not coreui_inited:
             coreui_inited = True
         except Exception, e:
             print "**** panic! AppLoader.registerAllApps() threw this Exception:"
             print e
         for index, app in enumerate(AppLoader.apps):
             # Redirect / to the first app in the list
             if (index == 0):
                 urlpatterns += patterns( '', (r'^$', 'django.views.generic.simple.redirect_to', {'url': '/'}),)
             urlpatterns += patterns( '', (r'^''/?$', 'sdncon.coreui.views.show_application_tabs', {'app'}) )
             urlpatterns += patterns( '', (r'^''/', include('.urls')), )
             for t in app.tabs:
                 urlpatterns += patterns('.views', (r'^''/'+t["id"]+'/?$', t["view"]) )
Esempio n. 5
def bsc_app_init():
    # By default, App Name is the same as directory name. Change if needed.
    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]

    # Create the App. Parameters are
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - Priority: determines ranking the menu to the left), One-line description
    # - Description: One line description of the app
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Controller Stats", 5, "Controller Stats")

    # Add Tabs. Parameters are:
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - View: name of the python function that contains the django view (see below)
    app.addTab("openflow_graphs", "OpenFlow Graphs", flow_graphs_view)
    app.addTab("system_graphs", "System Graphs", system_stats_graph_view)
def bsc_app_init():  
    # By default, App Name is the same as directory name. Change if needed.
    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]   
    # Create the App. Parameters are 
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - Priority: determines ranking the menu to the left), One-line description
    # - Description: One line description of the app
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Controller Stats", 5, "Controller Stats")

    # Add Tabs. Parameters are:
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - View: name of the python function that contains the django view (see below)
    app.addTab("openflow_graphs", "OpenFlow Graphs", flow_graphs_view)
    app.addTab("system_graphs", "System Graphs", system_stats_graph_view)
Esempio n. 7
def show_application_tabs(request, app):
    clusterlist = []
    cus = CustomerUser.objects.all()
    for cu in cus:
        if cu.user.username == request.user.username:
            for cluster in cu.customer.cluster_set.all():
                    'customer': cluster.customer.customername,
                    'clustername': cluster.clustername,
                    'clusterid': unicode(cluster)

    return render_to_response(
        'coreui/templates/showapp.html', {
            [x for x in AppLoader.getApps() if not hasattr(x, 'invisible')],
            'currentapp': app,
            'tabs': AppLoader.getApp(app).tabs,
            'clusterlist': clusterlist,
            'isCloudBuild': isCloudBuild()
def show_application_tabs(request, app):
    clusterlist = []
    cus = CustomerUser.objects.all()
    for cu in cus:
        if cu.user.username == request.user.username:
            for cluster in cu.customer.cluster_set.all():
                clusterlist.append({'customer': cluster.customer.customername,
                                    'clustername': cluster.clustername,
                                    'clusterid': unicode(cluster)})

    return render_to_response('coreui/templates/showapp.html', 
                {'apps':[x for x in AppLoader.getApps() if not hasattr(x,'invisible')],'currentapp':app,'tabs':AppLoader.getApp(app).tabs,'clusterlist':clusterlist, 'isCloudBuild': isCloudBuild()},
def bsc_app_init():
    # Check if logging is enabled, else do not start the app
    if not log_collection_enabled():

    # By default, App Name is the same as directory name. Change if needed.
    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]   
    # Create the App. Parameters are 
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - Priority: determines ranking the menu to the left), One-line description
    # - Description: One line description of the app
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Logs", 5, "Controller Logs")

    # Add Tabs. Parameters are:
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - View: name of the python function that contains the django view (see below)
    app.addTab("controllerlogs", "Controller Logs", controller)
    app.addTab("dblogs", "Database Logs", db)
    app.addTab("sdnconlogs", "SDNCon Logs", sdncon)
    app.addTab("alllogs", "All Logs", all)
Esempio n. 10
def bsc_app_init():
    # Check if logging is enabled, else do not start the app
    if not log_collection_enabled():

    # By default, App Name is the same as directory name. Change if needed.
    APP_NAME = os.path.dirname(__file__).split("/")[-1]

    # Create the App. Parameters are
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - Priority: determines ranking the menu to the left), One-line description
    # - Description: One line description of the app
    app = AppLister(APP_NAME, "Logs", 5, "Controller Logs")

    # Add Tabs. Parameters are:
    # - Name: the id, lowercase letters only
    # - Label: Human readable discription for the menu to the left
    # - View: name of the python function that contains the django view (see below)
    app.addTab("controllerlogs", "Controller Logs", controller)
    app.addTab("dblogs", "Database Logs", db)
    app.addTab("sdnconlogs", "SDNCon Logs", sdncon)
    app.addTab("alllogs", "All Logs", all)