def simple( img_path='/media/dengpingfan/leone/dpfan/gepeng/Dataset/3Dataset/img', gt_path='/media/dengpingfan/leone/dpfan/gepeng/Dataset/3Dataset/gt', batchSize=7, target_size=(256, 256), epoch=24, lr=0.03, steps_per_epoch=663, model_save_path='./models/FPN/fpn_camouflage_baseline.h5'): seed = 1 data_gen_args = dict(horizontal_flip=True, fill_mode='nearest') img_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(**data_gen_args) data_gen_args['rescale'] = 1. / 255 mask_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(**data_gen_args) img_gen = img_datagen.flow_from_directory(img_path, batch_size=batchSize, target_size=target_size, shuffle=True, class_mode=None, seed=seed) mask_gen = mask_datagen.flow_from_directory(gt_path, color_mode='grayscale', batch_size=batchSize, target_size=target_size, shuffle=True, class_mode=None, seed=seed) train_gen = zip(img_gen, mask_gen) # model = Xnet(backbone_name='vgg16', encoder_weights='imagenet', decoder_block_type='transpose') model = FPN(backbone_name='resnet50', classes=1, activation='sigmoid') print(model.summary()) opt = optimizers.SGD(lr=lr, momentum=0.9, decay=0.0001) model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer=opt, metrics=['binary_accuracy']) save_best = callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=model_save_path, monitor='loss', save_best_only=True, verbose=1) early_stopping = callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', patience=30, verbose=2, mode='min') callbacks_list = [save_best, early_stopping] model.fit_generator(train_gen, steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch, epochs=epoch, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks_list)
from segmentation_models import get_preprocessing from segmentation_models.losses import bce_jaccard_loss from segmentation_models.metrics import iou_score from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist BACKBONE = 'resnet34' preprocess_input = get_preprocessing(BACKBONE) # load your data (x_train, y_train),( x_val, y_val) = mnist.load_data() # preprocess input x_train = preprocess_input(x_train) x_val = preprocess_input(x_val) # define model model = FPN(BACKBONE, input_shape=(224, 224, 6),classes=9, encoder_weights=None) model.compile('Adam', loss=bce_jaccard_loss, metrics=[iou_score]) # fit model x=x_train, y=y_train, batch_size=16, epochs=100, validation_data=(x_val, y_val), )
class unet(): def __init__(self, architecture, backbone, image_net, single_labels, colors, address, annotation_file, image_folder, annotation_folder, bodyparts, BATCH_SIZE=5, train_flag=1, annotation_assistance=0, lr=0.001, loss="Weighted Categorical_cross_entropy", markersize=13): self.lr_drop = 25 self.loss_function = loss self.markerSize = int(markersize) self.BATCH_SIZE = int(BATCH_SIZE) # the higher the better self.annotation_file = os.path.join(address, annotation_file) self.bodyparts = bodyparts self.colors = colors self.error = 0 self.single_labels = single_labels self.architecture = architecture self.backbone = backbone self.image_net = image_net if self.image_net == 'None': self.image_net = None self.annotation_assistance = annotation_assistance self.learning_rate = float(lr) self.train_flag = train_flag self.num_bodyparts = len(self.bodyparts) self.image_folder = image_folder self.annotation_folder = annotation_folder self.address = address try: file = open(self.address + os.sep + 'annotation_options.txt') self.options = file.readlines() except: wx.MessageBox( 'Error in reading the annotation_options, please check the existence or choose' ' annotation_options\n ' 'annotation_options reading error ', 'Error!', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) return try: configuration_file = self.address + os.sep + 'file_configuration.txt' file = open(configuration_file) self.pref = file.readlines() except: wx.MessageBox( 'Error in reading the configuration file, please check the address or existence' 'configuration file \n ' 'configuration file_error', 'Error!', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) self.error = 1 return self.scorer = self.options[1][:-1] self.number_videos = len(self.pref) - 2 for i in range(0, self.number_videos): ind = self.pref[2 + i].rfind(os.sep) if self.pref[2 + i][ind + 1:-1] in self.annotation_file: self.name_video_list = self.pref[2 + i][ind + 1:-1] break try: self.dataFrame = pd.read_pickle(self.annotation_file) except: wx.MessageBox( 'Annotations reading error\n ' 'Annotation not found', 'Error!', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) self.error = 1 return self.annotated = np.where( np.bitwise_and((np.isnan(self.dataFrame.iloc[:, 0].values) == False), self.dataFrame.iloc[:, 0].values > 0) == True)[0] if train_flag == 1: self.train() if self.error != 1: self.test() def weighted_categorical_crossentropy(self, weights): weights = K.variable(weights) def loss(y_true, y_pred): # scale predictions so that the class probas of each sample sum to 1 y_pred /= K.sum(y_pred, axis=-1, keepdims=True) # clip to prevent NaN's and Inf's y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, K.epsilon(), 1 - K.epsilon()) # calc loss = y_true * K.log(y_pred) * weights loss = -K.sum(loss, -1) return loss return loss def train(self): # gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.5) # config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options) session_config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( allow_growth=True, per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.6)) session = tf.Session(config=session_config) addresss = self.address warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=UserWarning, module='skimage') seed = 42 np.random.seed(10) print('Getting and resizing train images and masks ... ') sys.stdout.flush() counter = 0 self.IMG_WIDTH = 288 # for faster computing on kaggle self.IMG_HEIGHT = 288 # for faster computing on kaggle counter = 0 files_original_name = list() #self.num_bodyparts =1 if len(self.annotated) == 0: wx.MessageBox( 'Did you save your annotation?\n ' 'No annotation found in your file, please save and re-run', 'Error!', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) self.error = 1 return for i in range(0, len(self.annotated)): files_original_name.append(self.dataFrame[ self.dataFrame.columns[0]]._stat_axis[self.annotated[i]][7:]) img = imread(self.image_folder + os.sep + files_original_name[0]) IMG_CHANNELS = len(np.shape(img)) self.IMG_CHANNELS = IMG_CHANNELS self.file_name_for_prediction_confidence = files_original_name X_train = np.zeros((len( self.annotated), self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH, IMG_CHANNELS), dtype=np.uint8) Y_train = np.zeros((len(self.annotated), self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH, self.num_bodyparts + 1), New_train = np.zeros( (len(self.annotated), self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH), for l in range(0, len(self.annotated)): img = imread(self.image_folder + os.sep + files_original_name[l]) # mask_ = np.zeros((np.shape(img)[0],np.shape(img)[1],self.num_bodyparts)) mask_ = np.zeros( (np.shape(img)[0], np.shape(img)[1], self.num_bodyparts)) img = resize(img, (self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH), mode='constant', preserve_range=True) X_train[counter] = img for j in range(0, self.num_bodyparts): mask_single_label = np.zeros((mask_.shape[0], mask_.shape[1])) #if annotation was assisted, x is negative points = np.asarray([ self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[j * 2]].values[ self.annotated[l]], self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[j * 2 + 1]].values[ self.annotated[l]] ], dtype=float) points = np.abs(points) if np.isnan(points[0]): continue, (int(round( (points[0] * (2**4)))), int(round(points[1] * (2**4)))), int(round(self.markerSize * (2**4))), (255, 255, 255), thickness=-1, shift=4) mask_[:, :, j] = mask_single_label mask_ = resize(mask_, (self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH), mode='constant', preserve_range=True) a, mask_ = cv2.threshold(mask_, 200, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) mask_ = mask_ / 255.0 if len(np.shape(mask_)) == 2: mask_new = np.zeros( (np.shape(mask_)[0], np.shape(mask_)[1], 1)) mask_new[:, :, 0] = mask_ mask_ = mask_new for j in range(0, self.num_bodyparts): New_train[counter] = New_train[counter] + mask_[:, :, j] * (j + 1) # alternative method to build the ground truth # temp = temp + 1 # temp[temp == 0] = 1 # temp[temp > 1] = 0 # Y_train[counter, :, :,1:] = mask_ # Y_train[counter,:,:,0] = temp counter += 1 # try: Y_train = tf.keras.utils.to_categorical( New_train, num_classes=self.num_bodyparts + 1) except: wx.MessageBox( 'two or more labels are overlapping!\n ' 'Check annotation or re-perform the labeling operation', 'Error!', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) self.error = 1 return counter = 0 from segmentation_models import get_preprocessing self.processer = get_preprocessing(self.backbone) X_train = self.processer(X_train) print('Done!') from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing import image # Creating the training Image and Mask generator image_datagen = image.ImageDataGenerator(shear_range=0.5, rotation_range=50, zoom_range=0.2, width_shift_range=0.2, height_shift_range=0.2, fill_mode='reflect') mask_datagen = image.ImageDataGenerator(shear_range=0.5, rotation_range=50, zoom_range=0.2, width_shift_range=0.2, height_shift_range=0.2, fill_mode='reflect') # Keep the same seed for image and mask generators so they fit together[:int(X_train.shape[0] * 0.9)], augment=True, seed=seed)[:int(Y_train.shape[0] * 0.9)], augment=True, seed=seed) x = image_datagen.flow(X_train[:int(X_train.shape[0] * 0.9)], batch_size=self.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, seed=seed) y = mask_datagen.flow(Y_train[:int(Y_train.shape[0] * 0.9)], batch_size=self.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, seed=seed) # Creating the validation Image and Mask generator image_datagen_val = image.ImageDataGenerator() mask_datagen_val = image.ImageDataGenerator()[int(X_train.shape[0] * 0.9):], augment=True, seed=seed)[int(Y_train.shape[0] * 0.9):], augment=True, seed=seed) x_val = image_datagen_val.flow(X_train[int(X_train.shape[0] * 0.9):], batch_size=self.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, seed=seed) y_val = mask_datagen_val.flow(Y_train[int(Y_train.shape[0] * 0.9):], batch_size=self.BATCH_SIZE, shuffle=True, seed=seed) train_generator = zip(x, y) val_generator = zip(x_val, y_val) from segmentation_models import Unet, PSPNet, Linknet, FPN from segmentation_models.losses import CategoricalFocalLoss from segmentation_models.utils import set_trainable import segmentation_models from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import RMSprop, SGD if self.architecture == 'Linknet': self.model = Linknet(self.backbone, classes=self.num_bodyparts + 1, activation='softmax', encoder_weights=self.image_net, input_shape=(self.IMG_WIDTH, self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_CHANNELS)) elif self.architecture == 'unet': self.model = Unet(self.backbone, classes=self.num_bodyparts + 1, activation='softmax', encoder_weights=self.image_net, input_shape=(self.IMG_WIDTH, self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_CHANNELS)) elif self.architecture == 'PSPnet': self.model = PSPNet(self.backbone, classes=self.num_bodyparts + 1, activation='softmax', encoder_weights=self.image_net, input_shape=(self.IMG_WIDTH, self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_CHANNELS)) elif self.architecture == 'FPN': self.model = FPN(self.backbone, classes=self.num_bodyparts + 1, activation='softmax', encoder_weights=self.image_net, input_shape=(self.IMG_WIDTH, self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_CHANNELS)) weights = np.zeros((1, self.num_bodyparts + 1), dtype=float) weight = 1.0 / self.num_bodyparts num_zeros = 1 # while (weight * 100 < 1): # weight = weight * 100 # num_zeros += 1 # # weight = int(weight * 100) / np.power(100, num_zeros) weights[0, 1:] = weight weights[0, 0] = 0.01 * len(self.bodyparts) while weights[0, 0] > weights[0, 1]: weights[0, 0] = weights[0, 0] / 10 num_zeros += 1 for i in range(1, len(self.bodyparts) + 1): weights[0, i] = weights[0, i] - 10**-(num_zeros + 1) if self.loss_function == "Weighted Categorical_cross_entropy": loss = self.weighted_categorical_crossentropy(weights) else: loss = segmentation_models.losses.DiceLoss(class_weights=weights) metric = segmentation_models.metrics.IOUScore(class_weights=weights, per_image=True) self.model.compile(optimizer=RMSprop(lr=self.learning_rate), loss=loss, metrics=[metric]) earlystopper = EarlyStopping(patience=6, verbose=1) # checkpointer = ModelCheckpoint(os.path.join(self.address, 'Unet.h5'), verbose=1, save_best_only=True) reduce_lr = keras.callbacks.LearningRateScheduler(self.lr_scheduler) # # model.fit_generator(train_generator, validation_data=val_generator, validation_steps=10, steps_per_epoch=50, # epochs=2, callbacks=[earlystopper, checkpointer],verbose=1) # model.load_weights(self.address + 'Temp_weights.h5') # set_trainable(model) # self.model.fit_generator( train_generator, validation_data=val_generator, steps_per_epoch=20, validation_steps=5, epochs=100, callbacks=[earlystopper, checkpointer, reduce_lr], verbose=1) def test(self): import segmentation_models from segmentation_models import Unet session_config = tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=tf.GPUOptions( allow_growth=True, per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=0.6)) session = tf.Session(config=session_config) weights = np.zeros((1, self.num_bodyparts + 1), dtype=float) weight = 1.0 / self.num_bodyparts num_zeros = 1 # while (weight * 100 < 1): # weight = weight * 100 # num_zeros += 1 # # weight = int(weight * 100) / np.power(100, num_zeros) weights[0, 1:] = weight #weights[0, 0] = 1 - np.sum(weights[0, 1:]) weights[0, 0] = 0.01 * len(self.bodyparts) while weights[0, 0] > weights[0, 1]: weights[0, 0] = weights[0, 0] / 10 num_zeros += 1 for i in range(1, len(weights)): weights[i] = weights[i] - np.power(10, num_zeros + 1) weights = weights[0] if self.loss_function == "Weighted Categorical_cross_entropy": loss = self.weighted_categorical_crossentropy(weights) else: loss = segmentation_models.losses.DiceLoss(class_weights=weights) metric = segmentation_models.metrics.IOUScore(class_weights=weights, per_image=True) model = load_model(os.path.join(self.address, 'Unet.h5'), custom_objects={ 'loss': loss, 'dice_loss': segmentation_models.losses.DiceLoss, 'iou_score': metric }) OUTPUT = os.path.join(self.address, self.name_video_list + '_prediction') try: os.mkdir(OUTPUT) except: pass files = os.listdir(self.image_folder) files_original_name = list() self.annotated = np.where( np.bitwise_and((np.isnan(self.dataFrame.iloc[:, 0].values) == False), self.dataFrame.iloc[:, 0].values > 0) == True)[0] # if len(self.annotated)==0: # wx.MessageBox('Did you save your annotation?\n ' # 'No annotation found in your file, please save and re-run' # , 'Error!', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) # self.error = 1 # return for i in range(0, len(self.annotated)): files_original_name.append(files[self.annotated[i]]) #files = np.unique(files_original_name) img = imread(self.image_folder + os.sep + files[0]) IMG_CHANNELS = len(np.shape(img)) self.IMG_CHANNELS = IMG_CHANNELS self.IMG_WIDTH = 288 self.IMG_HEIGHT = 288 counter = 0 if self.annotation_assistance == 0: self.X_test = np.zeros( (len(files) - len(self.annotated), self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH, self.IMG_CHANNELS), dtype=np.uint8) self.testing_index = list() for l in range(0, len(files)): if l not in self.annotated: self.testing_index.append(l) img = imread(self.image_folder + os.sep + files[l])[:, :, :self.IMG_CHANNELS] img = resize(img, (self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH), mode='constant', preserve_range=True) self.X_test[counter] = img counter += 1 self.testing_index = np.asarray(self.testing_index) else: if os.path.isfile( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.annotation_file), self.name_video_list + '_index_annotation.txt')): self.pref_ann = open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.annotation_file), self.name_video_list + '_index_annotation_auto.txt'), 'r') temporary = self.pref_ann.readlines() for i in range(0, len(temporary)): temporary[i] = temporary[i][:-1] temporary = np.asarray(temporary) self.frame_selected_for_annotation = temporary.astype(int) self.frame_selected_for_annotation = np.sort( self.frame_selected_for_annotation) if len(self.frame_selected_for_annotation) == 0: filename = self.ask() if filename == "": return else: num_frame_automatic = int(filename) if num_frame_automatic > len(files): wx.MessageBox( 'Error! Number of frames must be lower than the total number of frames\n ' 'Input error', 'Error!', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) my_list = list( range(0, len(files)) ) # list of integers from 1 to end # adjust this boundaries to fit your needs random.shuffle(my_list) self.frame_selected_for_annotation = my_list[ 0:num_frame_automatic] output = open( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(self.annotation_file), self.name_video_list + '_index_annotation_auto.txt'), 'w') for fra in self.frame_selected_for_annotation: output.writelines(str(fra)) output.writelines('\n') output.close() self.X_test = np.zeros( (len(self.frame_selected_for_annotation), self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH, self.IMG_CHANNELS), dtype=np.uint8) for l in range(0, len(files)): if l in self.frame_selected_for_annotation: img = imread(self.image_folder + os.sep + files[l])[:, :, :self.IMG_CHANNELS] img = resize(img, (self.IMG_HEIGHT, self.IMG_WIDTH), mode='constant', preserve_range=True) self.X_test[counter] = img counter += 1 #X_test = X_test / 255.0 seed = 42 # Creating the training Image and Mask generator # image_datagen = tf.keras.preprocessing.image.ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1./255) # # Keep the same seed for image and mask generators so they fit together #, augment=False,seed=seed) # x = image_datagen.flow(self.X_test, batch_size=1, shuffle=False, seed=seed) from segmentation_models import get_preprocessing self.processer = get_preprocessing(self.backbone) self.X_test = self.processer(self.X_test) x = self.X_test preds_test = model.predict(x, verbose=0) # Threshold predictions # preds_train_t = (preds_train > 0.5).astype(np.uint8) # K.clear_session() # preds_val_t = (preds_val > 0.5).astype(np.uint8) #preds_test_t = (preds_test > 0.5).astype(np.uint8) preds_test_t = preds_test # Create list of upsampled test masks preds_test_upsampled = [] address_single_labels = os.path.join( self.address, self.name_video_list + '_Single_labels') self.annotated = np.where( np.bitwise_and((np.isnan(self.dataFrame.iloc[:, 0].values) == False), self.dataFrame.iloc[:, 0].values > 0) == True)[0] try: os.mkdir(address_single_labels) except: pass if self.single_labels == 'Yes': if self.annotation_assistance == 1: self.testing_index = self.frame_selected_for_annotation # PREDICT AND SAVE SINGLE LABELS IMAGES for i in range(0, len(preds_test)): img = imread(self.image_folder + os.sep + files[self.testing_index[i]]) sizes_test = np.shape(img)[:-1] for j in range(0, self.num_bodyparts + 1): preds_test_upsampled = resize(np.squeeze( preds_test_t[i, :, :, j]), (sizes_test[0], sizes_test[1]), mode='constant', preserve_range=True) preds_test_upsampled = (preds_test_upsampled * 255).astype(int) cv2.imwrite( address_single_labels + os.sep + ("{:02d}".format(j)) + files[self.testing_index[i]], preds_test_upsampled) #let us create a dataframe to store prediction confidence imlist = os.listdir(self.image_folder) self.index = np.sort(imlist) a = np.empty(( len(self.index), 3, )) self.dataFrame3 = None a[:] = np.nan self.scorer = 'user' for bodypart in self.bodyparts: index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [[self.scorer], [bodypart], ['x', 'y', 'confidence']], names=['scorer', 'bodyparts', 'coords']) frame = pd.DataFrame(a, columns=index, index=imlist) self.dataFrame3 = pd.concat([self.dataFrame3, frame], axis=1) num_columns = len(self.dataFrame3.columns) # if this is a regular testing, all of the images (but the annotated ones) have to be analyzed if self.annotation_assistance == 0: out = OUTPUT, self.name_video_list + '.avi'), outputdict={'-b': '300000000'}) for i in range(0, len(preds_test)): results = np.zeros((self.num_bodyparts * 2)) results_plus_conf = np.zeros((self.num_bodyparts * 3)) #here to update dataframe with annotations img = imread(self.image_folder + os.sep + files[self.testing_index[i]]) sizes_test = np.shape(img)[:-1] for j in range(0, self.num_bodyparts + 1): if j == 0: continue preds_test_upsampled = resize(np.squeeze( preds_test_t[i, :, :, j]), (sizes_test[0], sizes_test[1]), mode='constant', preserve_range=True) preds_test_upsampled = (preds_test_upsampled * 255).astype( np.uint8) results[(j - 1) * 2:(j - 1) * 2 + 2] = self.prediction_to_annotation( preds_test_upsampled) results_plus_conf[(j - 1) * 3:(j - 1) * 3 + 3] = self.compute_confidence( preds_test_upsampled) self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[(j - 1) * 2]].values[ self.testing_index[i]] = -results[(j - 1) * 2] self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[ (j - 1) * 2 + 1]].values[self.testing_index[i]] = results[(j - 1) * 2 + 1] self.dataFrame3[self.dataFrame3.columns[ (j - 1) * 3]].values[self.testing_index[i]] = -results_plus_conf[ (j - 1) * 3] self.dataFrame3[self.dataFrame3.columns[ (j - 1) * 3 + 1]].values[self.testing_index[i]] = results_plus_conf[ (j - 1) * 3 + 1] self.dataFrame3[self.dataFrame3.columns[ (j - 1) * 3 + 2]].values[self.testing_index[i]] = results_plus_conf[ (j - 1) * 3 + 2] self.plot_annotation(img, results, files[self.testing_index[i]], OUTPUT, out) else: #if annotation assistance is requested, we only want to annotate the random frames extracted by the user for i in range(0, len(preds_test)): results = np.zeros((self.num_bodyparts * 2)) results_plus_conf = np.zeros((self.num_bodyparts * 3)) # here to update dataframe with annotations img = imread(self.image_folder + files[self.frame_selected_for_annotation[i]]) sizes_test = np.shape(img)[:-1] for j in range(0, self.num_bodyparts + 1): if j == 0: continue preds_test_upsampled = resize(np.squeeze( preds_test_t[i, :, :, j]), (sizes_test[0], sizes_test[1]), mode='constant', preserve_range=True) preds_test_upsampled = (preds_test_upsampled * 255).astype( np.uint8) results[(j - 1) * 2:(j - 1) * 2 + 2] = self.prediction_to_annotation( preds_test_upsampled) results_plus_conf[(j - 1) * 3:(j - 1) * 3 + 3] = self.compute_confidence( preds_test_upsampled) self.plot_annotation( img, results, files[self.frame_selected_for_annotation[i]], OUTPUT, out) self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[(j - 1) * 2]].values[ self.frame_selected_for_annotation[i]] = -results[ (j - 1) * 2] self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[ (j - 1) * 2 + 1]].values[ self.frame_selected_for_annotation[i]] = results[ (j - 1) * 2 + 1] self.dataFrame3[self.dataFrame3.columns[ (j - 1) * 3]].values[self.frame_selected_for_annotation[ i]] = -results_plus_conf[(j - 1) * 3] self.dataFrame3[self.dataFrame3.columns[ (j - 1) * 3 + 1]].values[self.frame_selected_for_annotation[ i]] = results_plus_conf[(j - 1) * 3 + 1] self.dataFrame3[self.dataFrame3.columns[ (j - 1) * 3 + 2]].values[self.frame_selected_for_annotation[ i]] = results_plus_conf[(j - 1) * 3 + 2] self.dataFrame.to_pickle(self.annotation_file) self.dataFrame.to_csv(os.path.join(self.annotation_file + ".csv")) out.close() try: self.dataFrame3.to_csv( os.path.join(self.address, self.annotation_file + "_with_confidence.csv")) except: wx.MessageBox( 'Error in writing the results file' 'file not accessible\n ' 'Error in writing', 'Error!', wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) def lr_scheduler(self, epoch): return self.learning_rate * (0.5**(epoch // self.lr_drop)) def prediction_to_annotation(self, annotation): # compute_corresponding_annotation_point # annotation = cv2.cvtColor(annotation, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) thresh, annotation = cv2.threshold(annotation, 150, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) contour, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(annotation, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) if contour != []: max_area = 0 i_max = [] for cc in contour: mom = cv2.moments(cc) area = mom['m00'] if area > max_area: max_area = area i_max = cc if len(i_max) == 0: xc = 1 yc = -1 else: center = cv2.moments(i_max) xc = center['m10'] / center['m00'] yc = center['m01'] / center['m00'] else: #maybe one joint is missing, but the other were correctly identified # self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[(i - 1) * 2]].values[j] = -1 # self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[(i - 1) * 2 + 1]].values[j] = -1 xc = 1 yc = -1 return xc, yc # self.statusbar.SetStatusText("File saved") # MainFrame.updateZoomPan(self) # # copyfile(os.path.join(self.filename + ".csv"), os.path.join(self.filename + "_MANUAL.csv")) # self.dataFrame.to_csv(os.path.join(self.filename + ".csv")) # copyfile(os.path.join(self.filename + ".csv"), os.path.join(self.filename + "_MANUAL.csv")) # self.dataFrame.to_pickle(self.filename) # where to save it, usually as a .pkl # wx.PyCommandEvent(wx.EVT_BUTTON.typeId, self.load.GetId()) def compute_confidence(self, annotation): # compute_corresponding_annotation_point # annotation = cv2.cvtColor(annotation, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) confidence_image = copy.copy(annotation) raw_image = copy.copy(annotation) confidence_image[np.where(confidence_image != 0)] = 1 mask = np.zeros_like(confidence_image) thresh, annotation = cv2.threshold(annotation, 150, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) contour, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(annotation, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) if contour != []: max_area = 0 i_max = [] for cc in contour: mom = cv2.moments(cc) area = mom['m00'] if area > max_area: max_area = area i_max = cc if len(i_max) == 0: xc = 1 yc = -1 confidence = 0 else: center = cv2.moments(i_max) cv2.drawContours(mask, [i_max], -1, (255, 255, 255), -1) mask[np.where(mask != 0)] = 1 mean_values = np.multiply(confidence_image, mask) confidence = np.mean(raw_image[np.where(mean_values != 0)]) confidence = confidence / 255.0 xc = center['m10'] / center['m00'] yc = center['m01'] / center['m00'] else: # maybe one joint is missing, but the other were correctly identified # self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[(i - 1) * 2]].values[j] = -1 # self.dataFrame[self.dataFrame.columns[(i - 1) * 2 + 1]].values[j] = -1 xc = 1 yc = -1 confidence = 0 return xc, yc, confidence def plot_annotation(self, image, points, name, OUTPUT, out): image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) for i in range(0, len(self.bodyparts)): if not np.isnan(points[i * 2] and points[i * 2 + 1]):, (int(round( (points[i * 2] * (2**4)))), int(round(points[i * 2 + 1] * (2**4)))), int(round(self.markerSize * (2**4))), self.colors[i] * 255, thickness=-1, shift=4) cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(OUTPUT, name), image) out.writeFrame(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) def ask( self, parent=None, message='Attention:\n you did not input the number of frames to automatically detect in previous interface \n Please, fill the following textbox with such number or cancel' ): default_value = "" dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(parent, message, value=default_value) dlg.ShowModal() result = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() return result
def train_generatorh5(params): from hitif_losses import dice_coef_loss_bce from hitif_losses import double_head_loss print('-' * 30) print('Loading and preprocessing train data...') print('-' * 30) # Prepare for splitting the training set imgs_ind = np.arange(number_of_imgs) np.random.shuffle(imgs_ind) # Split 80-20 train_last_id = int(number_of_imgs * 0.80) # Generators training_generator = DataGeneratorH5( source_target_list_IDs=imgs_ind[0:train_last_id].copy(), **params) validation_generator = DataGeneratorH5( source_target_list_IDs=imgs_ind[train_last_id:number_of_imgs].copy(), **params) print('-' * 30) print('Creating and compiling model...') print('-' * 30) layers = get_feature_layers(backbone_name, 4) if backbone_type == 'FPN': model = FPN(input_shape=(None, None, num_channels), classes=num_mask_channels, encoder_weights=encoder_weights, encoder_freeze=freezeFlag, backbone_name=backbone_name, activation=act_fcn, encoder_features=layers) elif backbone_type == 'Unet': model = Unet(input_shape=(None, None, num_channels), classes=num_mask_channels, encoder_weights=encoder_weights, encoder_freeze=freezeFlag, backbone_name=backbone_name, activation=act_fcn, encoder_features=layers) #model.summary() #model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-5), loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['binary_crossentropy','mean_squared_error',dice_coef, dice_coef_batch, dice_coef_loss_bce,focal_loss()]) #model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=dice_coef_loss_bce, metrics=['binary_crossentropy','mean_squared_error',dice_coef, dice_coef_batch,focal_loss()]) #model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=loss_fcn, metrics=['binary_crossentropy','mean_squared_error',dice_coef, dice_coef_batch,focal_loss()]) if loss_fcn == 'dice_coef_loss_bce': model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=dice_coef_loss_bce) elif loss_fcn == 'double_head_loss': model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=double_head_loss) else: model.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=loss_fcn) # Loading previous weights for restarting if oldmodelwtsfname is not None: if os.path.isfile(oldmodelwtsfname) and reloadFlag: print('-' * 30) print('Loading previous weights ...') weights = np.load(oldmodelwtsfname, allow_pickle=True) model.set_weights(weights) #model.load_weights(oldmodelwtsfname) checkpoint_path = get_checkpoint_path(log_dir_name) print("checkpoint_path:", checkpoint_path) model_checkpoint = ModelCheckpoint(checkpoint_path, monitor='val_loss', save_best_only=True, save_weights_only=True) custom_checkpoint = Checkpoints(checkpoint_path, monitor='val_loss', verbose=1) reduce_lr = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.1, patience=25, min_lr=1e-6, verbose=1, restore_best_weights=True) model_es = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=1e-7, patience=15, verbose=1, mode='auto') csv_logger = CSVLogger(csvfname, append=True) #my_callbacks = [reduce_lr, model_es, csv_logger] #my_callbacks = [model_checkpoint, reduce_lr, model_es, csv_logger] my_callbacks = [custom_checkpoint, reduce_lr, model_es, csv_logger] print('-' * 30) print('Fitting model encoder freeze...') print('-' * 30) if freezeFlag and num_coldstart_epochs > 0: model.fit_generator(generator=training_generator, validation_data=validation_generator, use_multiprocessing=True, workers=num_gen_workers, epochs=num_coldstart_epochs, callbacks=my_callbacks, verbose=2) # release all layers for training set_trainable(model) # set all layers trainable and recompile model #model.summary() print('-' * 30) print('Fitting full model...') print('-' * 30) ## Retrain after the cold-start model.fit_generator(generator=training_generator, validation_data=validation_generator, use_multiprocessing=True, workers=num_gen_workers, epochs=num_finetuning_epochs, callbacks=my_callbacks, verbose=2) ## <<FIXME>>: GZ will work on it. # Find the last best epoch model weights and then symlink it to the modelwtsfname # Note that the symlink will have issues on NON-Linux OS so it is better to copy. '''
activation="sigmoid", weights=None, encoder_weights="imagenet", encoder_features="default", pyramid_block_filters=256, pyramid_use_batchnorm=True, pyramid_aggregation="concat", pyramid_dropout=None, ) image = np.load("./data/image.npy") label = np.load("./data/label.npy") model.compile( loss=lambda labels, predictions: tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy( labels[:, :, :, 1:], predictions ), optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"], ) [image], [label], batch_size=1, epochs=300, verbose=2, callbacks=[ tf.keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint( filepath="./dist/keras/psenet", save_weights_only=True ) ],
dropout=0.25, activation='softmax') save_name = 'weights/' + args.backbone + '.h5' callbacks_list = [ ModelCheckpoint(save_name, monitor='loss', verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode='min', save_weights_only=True), ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='loss', factor=0.2, patience=2, min_lr=1e-5) ] model.compile(optimizer=Adam(1e-4), loss=custom_loss, metrics=[dice_coef, jaccard_coef, mean_iou]) history = model.fit_generator(generator, steps_per_epoch=3000, epochs=10, verbose=1, callbacks=callbacks_list) model_json = model.to_json() json_file = open('models/' + args.backbone + '.json', 'w') json_file.write(model_json) json_file.close() print('Model saved!') K.clear_session()
# preprocess_input = get_preprocessing(BACKBONE) # x_train = preprocess_input(x_train) # x_val = preprocess_input(x_val) # define model #model = Unet(BACKBONE, classes=number_of_classes, encoder_weights='imagenet',activation='softmax') # model = Linknet(BACKBONE, classes=number_of_classes, encoder_weights='imagenet') model = FPN(BACKBONE, classes=number_of_classes, encoder_weights='imagenet',activation='softmax') # model = PSPNet(BACKBONE, classes=number_of_classes, encoder_weights='imagenet') # for multiclass segmentation choose another loss and metric model.compile('Adam', loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['categorical_accuracy']) #model.compile('Adam', loss=cce_jaccard_loss, metrics=[jaccard_score]) model.summary() #from keras.utils import plot_model #plot_model(model, to_file='model.png') modelCheckpoint = keras.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint(filepath=model_checkpoint_prefix+'_weights.{epoch:02d}-{val_loss:.4f}.hdf5', monitor='val_loss', verbose=0, save_best_only=False, save_weights_only=False, mode='auto', period=1) reduceLROnPlateau = keras.callbacks.ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor='val_loss', factor=0.2, patience=7, verbose=1, mode='auto', min_delta=0.001, cooldown=0, min_lr=10e-7)