Example #1
 def getmesh(self):
     model_path = PATH.OUTPUT + '/' + 'model_init'
         m = solver.load(model_path)
         x = m['x'][0]
         z = m['z'][0]
         mesh = stack(x, z)
         from seisflows.seistools.io import loadbin
         x = loadbin(model_path, 0, 'x')
         z = loadbin(model_path, 0, 'z')
         mesh = stack(x, z)
     return mesh
Example #2
 def getmesh(self):
     model_path = PATH.OUTPUT +'/'+ 'model_init'
         m = solver.load(model_path)
         x = m['x'][0]
         z = m['z'][0]
         mesh = stack(x, z)
         from seisflows.plugins.io.sem import read
         x = read(model_path, 'x', 0)
         z = read(model_path, 'z', 0)
         mesh = stack(x, z)
     return mesh
Example #3
 def getmesh(self):
     model_path = PATH.OUTPUT +'/'+ 'model_init'
         m = solver.load(model_path)
         x = m['x'][0]
         z = m['z'][0]
         mesh = stack(x, z)
         from seisflows.seistools.io import loadbin
         x = loadbin(model_path, 0, 'x')
         z = loadbin(model_path, 0, 'z')
         mesh = stack(x, z)
     return mesh
Example #4
    def smooth(self, path='', parameters=None, span=0.):
        """ Smooths SPECFEM2D kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian
        from seisflows.tools.array import meshsmooth, stack

        #assert parameters == self.parameters

        # implementing nproc > 1 would be straightforward, but a bit tedious
        #assert self.mesh.nproc == 1

        kernels = self.load(path, suffix='_kernel')
        if not span:
            return kernels

        # set up grid
        x = sem.read(PATH.MODEL_INIT, 'x', 0)
        z = sem.read(PATH.MODEL_INIT, 'z', 0)
        mesh = stack(x, z)

        for key in parameters or self.parameters:
            kernels[key] = [meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

        unix.rm(path + '_nosmooth')
        unix.mv(path, path + '_nosmooth')
        self.save(path, kernels, suffix='_kernel')
Example #5
    def smooth(self, path='', parameters='dummy', span=0. ):
        """ Smooths SPECFEM2D kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian
        from seisflows.tools.array import meshsmooth, stack

        #assert parameters == self.parameters

        # implementing nproc > 1 would be straightforward, but a bit tedious
        #assert self.mesh.nproc == 1

        kernels = self.load(path, suffix='_kernel')
        if not span:
            return kernels

        # set up grid
        _,x = loadbypar(PATH.MODEL_INIT, ['x'], 0)
        _,z = loadbypar(PATH.MODEL_INIT, ['z'], 0)
        mesh = stack(x[0], z[0])

        for key in self.parameters:
            kernels[key] = [meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

        unix.rm(path + '_nosmooth')
        unix.mv(path, path + '_nosmooth')
        self.save(path, kernels, suffix='_kernel')
Example #6
    def smooth(self, path='', span=0., parameters=[]):
        """ Smooths SPECFEM2D kernels by convolving them with a Gaussian
        from seisflows.tools.array import meshsmooth, stack

        kernels = self.load(path, suffix='_kernel')
        if not span:
            return kernels

        x = kernels['x'][0]
        z = kernels['z'][0]
        mesh = stack(x, z)

        for key in parameters:
            kernels[key] = [meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

        unix.mv(path, path + '_nosmooth')
        self.save(path, kernels)
Example #7
    def apply_smoothing(self, parameter):
        from seisflows.tools.array import meshsmooth, stack

        coords = []
        for key in ['x', 'z']:
            coords += [sem.read(PATH.MODEL_INIT, key, 0)]
        mesh = stack(*coords)
        for suffix in ['_nu']:
            path = PATH.MUMFORD_SHAH_OUTPUT

            if PAR.SMOOTH_EDGES > 0.:
                # backup original
                kernel = sem.read(path, parameter+suffix, 0)
                sem.write(kernel, path, parameter+suffix+'_nosmooth', 0)

                # apply smoothing operator
                kernel = meshsmooth(kernel, mesh, PAR.SMOOTH_EDGES)
                sem.write(kernel, path, parameter+suffix, 0)
def smooth_legacy(input_path='', output_path='', parameters=[], span=0.):
        solver = sys.modules['seisflows_solver']
        PATH = sys.modules['seisflows_paths']

        if not exists(input_path):
            raise Exception

        if not exists(output_path):

        if solver.mesh_properties.nproc!=1:
            raise NotImplementedError

        # intialize arrays
        kernels = {}
        for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
            kernels[key] = []

        coords = {}
        for key in ['x', 'z']:
            coords[key] = []

        # read kernels
        for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
            kernels[key] += solver.io.read_slice(input_path, key+'_kernel', 0)

        if not span:
            return kernels

        # read coordinates
        for key in ['x', 'z']:
            coords[key] += solver.io.read_slice(PATH.MODEL_INIT, key, 0)

        mesh = array.stack(coords['x'][0], coords['z'][0])

        # apply smoother
        for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
            kernels[key] = [array.meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

        # write smooth kernels
        for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
            solver.io.write_slice(kernels[key][0], output_path, key+'_kernel', 0)
Example #9
def smooth_legacy(input_path='', output_path='', parameters=[], span=0.):
    solver = sys.modules['seisflows_solver']
    PATH = sys.modules['seisflows_paths']

    if not exists(input_path):
        raise Exception

    if not exists(output_path):

    if solver.mesh_properties.nproc != 1:
        raise NotImplementedError

    # intialize arrays
    kernels = {}
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] = []

    coords = {}
    for key in ['x', 'z']:
        coords[key] = []

    # read kernels
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] += solver.io.read_slice(input_path, key + '_kernel', 0)

    if not span:
        return kernels

    # read coordinates
    for key in ['x', 'z']:
        coords[key] += solver.io.read_slice(PATH.MODEL_INIT, key, 0)

    mesh = array.stack(coords['x'][0], coords['z'][0])

    # apply smoother
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] = [array.meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

    # write smooth kernels
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        solver.io.write_slice(kernels[key][0], output_path, key + '_kernel', 0)
Example #10
    def write_damping_term(self, parameter):
        path_coords = PATH.OUTPUT+'/'+'model_init'
        path_input = PATH.GRAD+'/'+'model'
        path_output = PATH.MUMFORD_SHAH_OUTPUT
        path_run = PATH.SUBMIT

        x = sem.read(path_coords, 'x', 0)
        z = sem.read(path_coords, 'z', 0)
        mesh = stack(x,z)

        m, grid = mesh2grid(sem.read(path_input, parameter, 0), mesh)
        nu, _ = mesh2grid(sem.read(path_output, parameter+'_nu', 0), mesh)

        grad_m = grad(m)
        grad_nu = grad(nu)

        V = -2.*(grad_m[0]*grad_nu[0] + grad_m[1]*grad_nu[1]) +\
            -nu**2 * nabla2(m)

        v = grid2mesh(V, grid, mesh)

        sem.write(v, path_output, parameter+'_dm', 0)
Example #11
def smooth_legacy(path='', parameters=[], span=0.):
    solver = sys.modules['seisflows_solver']
    PATH = sys.modules['seisflows_paths']

    # intialize arrays
    kernels = {}
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] = []

    coords = {}
    for key in ['x', 'z']:
        coords[key] = []

    # read kernels
    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] += solver.io.read_slice(path, key + '_kernel', 0)

    if not span:
        return kernels

    # read coordinates
    for key in ['x', 'z']:
        coords[key] += solver.io.read_slice(PATH.MODEL_INIT, key, 0)

    mesh = array.stack(coords['x'][0], coords['z'][0])

    #mesh = array.stack(solver.mesh_properties.coords['x'][0],
    #                   solver.mesh_properties.coords['z'][0])

    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        kernels[key] = [array.meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

    unix.rm(path + '_nosmooth')
    unix.mv(path, path + '_nosmooth')

    for key in parameters or solver.parameters:
        solver.io.write_slice(kernels[key][0], path, key + '_kernel', 0)
Example #12
    def smooth(self, path='', parameters=None, span=0.):
        """ For a long time SPECFEM2D lacked its own smoothing utility; this 
          method was intended only as a crude workaround
        from seisflows.tools import array

        assert self.mesh_properties.nproc == 1,\

        kernels = self.load(path, suffix='_kernel')
        if not span:
            return kernels

        # set up grid
        x = sem.read(PATH.MODEL_INIT, 'x', 0)
        z = sem.read(PATH.MODEL_INIT, 'z', 0)
        mesh = array.stack(x, z)

        for key in parameters or self.parameters:
            kernels[key] = [array.meshsmooth(kernels[key][0], mesh, span)]

        unix.rm(path + '_nosmooth')
        unix.mv(path, path + '_nosmooth')
        self.save(path, kernels, suffix='_kernel')
Example #13
from seisflows.seistools import io
from seisflows.tools.array import mesh2grid, stack
import numpy as np
#from seisflows.postprocess.regularize import getmesh

x = io.read_fortran('../model_init/proc000000_x.bin')
z = io.read_fortran('../model_init/proc000000_z.bin')
mesh = stack(x, z)
#from seisflows.seistools.io import loadbin
vs = io.read_fortran('proc000000_vs.bin')
vs, grid = mesh2grid(vs, mesh)
print vs.shape
dd = vs[:, 328]
np.savetxt('extrue.dat', dd, fmt='%7.4f')
#ext = vs[]