import rospy from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan rospy.init_node('laserscan_publisher') scan_msg = LaserScan() scan_msg.header.frame_id = "base_link" scan_msg.angle_min = -1.57 scan_msg.angle_max = 1.57 scan_msg.angle_increment = 0.1 scan_msg.time_increment = 0.001 scan_msg.scan_time = 0.05 scan_msg.range_min = 0.0 scan_msg.range_max = 10.0 scan_msg.ranges = [0.0] * len(range(0, int((scan_msg.angle_max - scan_msg.angle_min) / scan_msg.angle_increment))) rospy.loginfo(scan_msg) publisher = rospy.Publisher('/laserscan_topic', LaserScan, queue_size=10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): publisher.publish(scan_msg) rospy.sleep(0.1)This code initializes a node in the ROS framework, sets up a LaserScan message with specific parameters, publishes the message to the '/laserscan_topic' topic using a publisher instance, and then enters a loop to keep publishing the message every 0.1 seconds until the script is stopped. The package library that this code uses is the rospy library, which is a Python library for ROS that provides a simplified interface to ROS topics, services, and parameters.