Example #1
def translate_seqs(seq_iter, gap_characters=['-'], **kwargs):
    Translates DNA or RNA sequences into amino acid sequences.

    This function returns a generator that yields a copy of each input sequence
    translated into an amino acid sequence (all `gap_characters` are removed
    from the sequence prior to translation). `kwargs` are keyword arguments
    that are passed to the Seq.translate method of biopython to translate each
    sequence. Below is biopython's description of valid keyword arguments:

     - table - Which codon table to use?  This can be either a name
               (string), an NCBI identifier (integer), or a CodonTable
               object (useful for non-standard genetic codes).  This
               defaults to the "Standard" table.
     - stop_symbol - Single character string, what to use for terminators.
                     This defaults to the asterisk, "*".
     - to_stop - Boolean, defaults to False meaning do a full translation
                 continuing on past any stop codons (translated as the
                 specified stop_symbol).  If True, translation is
                 terminated at the first in frame stop codon (and the
                 stop_symbol is not appended to the returned protein
     - cds - Boolean, indicates this is a complete CDS.  If True,
             this checks the sequence starts with a valid alternative start
             codon (which will be translated as methionine, M), that the
             sequence length is a multiple of three, and that there is a
             single in frame stop codon at the end (this will be excluded
             from the protein sequence, regardless of the to_stop option).
             If these tests fail, an exception is raised.
    for s in remove_gaps(seq_iter, gap_characters=gap_characters):
        yield sequtils.get_translation(seq_record=s, **kwargs)
Example #2
def translate_seqs(seq_iter,
    Translates DNA or RNA sequences into amino acid sequences.

    This function returns a generator that yields a copy of each input sequence
    translated into an amino acid sequence (all `gap_characters` are removed
    from the sequence prior to translation). `kwargs` are keyword arguments
    that are passed to the Seq.translate method of biopython to translate each
    sequence. Below is biopython's description of valid keyword arguments:

     - table - Which codon table to use?  This can be either a name
               (string), an NCBI identifier (integer), or a CodonTable
               object (useful for non-standard genetic codes).  This
               defaults to the "Standard" table.
     - stop_symbol - Single character string, what to use for terminators.
                     This defaults to the asterisk, "*".
     - to_stop - Boolean, defaults to False meaning do a full translation
                 continuing on past any stop codons (translated as the
                 specified stop_symbol).  If True, translation is
                 terminated at the first in frame stop codon (and the
                 stop_symbol is not appended to the returned protein
     - cds - Boolean, indicates this is a complete CDS.  If True,
             this checks the sequence starts with a valid alternative start
             codon (which will be translated as methionine, M), that the
             sequence length is a multiple of three, and that there is a
             single in frame stop codon at the end (this will be excluded
             from the protein sequence, regardless of the to_stop option).
             If these tests fail, an exception is raised.
    for s in remove_gaps(seq_iter, gap_characters=gap_characters):
        yield sequtils.get_translation(seq_record = s, **kwargs)
Example #3
 def test_extra_base(self):
     s1 = SeqRecord(Seq('ATGACCAACTGAATAA', IUPAC.unambiguous_dna), id='1')
     s2 = sequtils.get_translation(s1)
     self.assertSameMetadata(s1, s2)
     self.assertFalse(s1 is s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(s2.seq), 'MTN*I')
Example #4
 def test_to_stop(self):
     s1 = SeqRecord(Seq('ATGACCAACTGA', IUPAC.unambiguous_dna), id='1')
     s2 = sequtils.get_translation(s1, to_stop=True)
     self.assertSameMetadata(s1, s2)
     self.assertFalse(s1 is s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(s2.seq), 'MTN')
Example #5
 def test_ambiguous_rna(self):
     s1 = SeqRecord(Seq('AUGAURAACUGA', IUPAC.ambiguous_rna), id='1')
     s2 = sequtils.get_translation(s1)
     self.assertSameMetadata(s1, s2)
     self.assertFalse(s1 is s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(s2.seq), 'MXN*')
Example #6
 def test_extra_base(self):
     s1 = SeqRecord(Seq('ATGACCAACTGAATAA', IUPAC.unambiguous_dna), id='1')
     s2 = sequtils.get_translation(s1)
     self.assertSameMetadata(s1, s2)
     self.assertNotEqual(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(s2.seq), 'MTN*I')
Example #7
 def test_to_stop(self):
     s1 = SeqRecord(Seq('ATGACCAACTGA', IUPAC.unambiguous_dna), id='1')
     s2 = sequtils.get_translation(s1, to_stop = True)
     self.assertSameMetadata(s1, s2)
     self.assertNotEqual(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(s2.seq), 'MTN')
Example #8
 def test_ambiguous_rna(self):
     s1 = SeqRecord(Seq('AUGAURAACUGA', IUPAC.ambiguous_rna), id='1')
     s2 = sequtils.get_translation(s1)
     self.assertSameMetadata(s1, s2)
     self.assertNotEqual(s1, s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(s2.seq), 'MXN*')
Example #9
 def test_ambiguous_dna(self):
     s1 = SeqRecord(Seq('ATGATRAACTGA', IUPAC.ambiguous_dna), id='1')
     s2 = sequtils.get_translation(s1)
     self.assertSameMetadata(s1, s2)
     self.assertFalse(s1 is s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(s2.seq), 'MXN*')
Example #10
 def test_unambiguous_rna(self):
     s1 = SeqRecord(Seq('AUGACCAACUGA', IUPAC.unambiguous_rna), id='1')
     s2 = sequtils.get_translation(s1)
     self.assertSameMetadata(s1, s2)
     self.assertFalse(s1 is s2)
     self.assertEqual(str(s2.seq), 'MTN*')