def eval_define(self,weights_path): n_classes = self.n_classes net = ShelfNet(n_classes=n_classes) net.load_state_dict(torch.load(weights_path)) net.cuda() net.eval() self.evaluator = MscEval(net, dataloader=None, scales=[1.0],flip=False)
def evaluate(respth='./res', dspth='/data2/.encoding/data/cityscapes', checkpoint=None): ## logger logger = logging.getLogger() ## model'\n')'====' * 20)'evaluating the model ...\n')'setup and restore model') n_classes = 19 net = ShelfNet(n_classes=n_classes) if checkpoint is None: save_pth = osp.join(respth, 'model_final.pth') else: save_pth = checkpoint net.load_state_dict(torch.load(save_pth)) net.cuda() net.eval() ## dataset batchsize = 5 n_workers = 2 dsval = CityScapes(dspth, mode='val') dl = DataLoader(dsval, batch_size=batchsize, shuffle=False, num_workers=n_workers, drop_last=False) ## evaluator'compute the mIOU') evaluator = MscEval(net, dl, scales=[1.0], flip=False) ## eval mIOU = evaluator.evaluate()'mIOU is: {:.6f}'.format(mIOU))
def test(): model = ShelfNet(n_classes=19) # official implementation #model = BiSeNet(19,criterion=None,ohem_criterion=None,is_training=False) print(model) # count parameter number pytorch_total_params = sum(p.numel() for p in model.parameters()) print("Total number of parameters: %.3fM" % (pytorch_total_params / 1e6)) model = model.cuda() model.eval() run_time = list() for i in range(0, 100): input = torch.randn(1, 3, 1024, 2048).cuda() # ensure that context initialization and normal_() operations # finish before you start measuring time torch.cuda.synchronize() torch.cuda.synchronize() start = time.perf_counter() with torch.no_grad(): #output = model(input)#, aucx=False) output = model(input, aux=False) torch.cuda.synchronize() # wait for mm to finish end = time.perf_counter() print(end - start) run_time.append(end - start) run_time.pop(0) print('Mean running time is ', np.mean(run_time))
def train(): args = parse_args() torch.cuda.set_device(args.local_rank) dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', init_method='tcp://', world_size=torch.cuda.device_count(), rank=args.local_rank) setup_logger(respth) ## dataset n_classes = 19 n_img_per_gpu = 7 n_workers = 4 cropsize = [1024, 1024] ds = CityScapes('/data2/.encoding/data/cityscapes', cropsize=cropsize, mode='train') sampler = dl = DataLoader(ds, batch_size=n_img_per_gpu, shuffle=False, sampler=sampler, num_workers=n_workers, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True) ## model ignore_idx = 255 net = ShelfNet(n_classes=n_classes) net.cuda() net.train() net = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(net, device_ids=[ args.local_rank, ], output_device=args.local_rank, find_unused_parameters=True) score_thres = 0.7 n_min = n_img_per_gpu * cropsize[0] * cropsize[1] // 16 LossP = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx) Loss2 = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx) Loss3 = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx) ## optimizer momentum = 0.9 weight_decay = 5e-4 lr_start = 1e-2 max_iter = 80000 power = 0.9 warmup_steps = 1000 warmup_start_lr = 1e-5 optim = Optimizer(model=net.module, lr0=lr_start, momentum=momentum, wd=weight_decay, warmup_steps=warmup_steps, warmup_start_lr=warmup_start_lr, max_iter=max_iter, power=power) ## train loop msg_iter = 50 loss_avg = [] st = glob_st = time.time() diter = iter(dl) epoch = 0 for it in range(max_iter): try: im, lb = next(diter) if not im.size()[0] == n_img_per_gpu: raise StopIteration except StopIteration: epoch += 1 sampler.set_epoch(epoch) diter = iter(dl) im, lb = next(diter) im = im.cuda() lb = lb.cuda() H, W = im.size()[2:] lb = torch.squeeze(lb, 1) optim.zero_grad() out, out16, out32 = net(im) lossp = LossP(out, lb) loss2 = Loss2(out16, lb) loss3 = Loss3(out32, lb) loss = lossp + loss2 + loss3 loss.backward() optim.step() loss_avg.append(loss.item()) ## print training log message if (it + 1) % msg_iter == 0: loss_avg = sum(loss_avg) / len(loss_avg) lr = ed = time.time() t_intv, glob_t_intv = ed - st, ed - glob_st eta = int((max_iter - it) * (glob_t_intv / it)) eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta)) msg = ', '.join([ 'it: {it}/{max_it}', 'lr: {lr:4f}', 'loss: {loss:.4f}', 'eta: {eta}', 'time: {time:.4f}', ]).format(it=it + 1, max_it=max_iter, lr=lr, loss=loss_avg, time=t_intv, eta=eta) loss_avg = [] st = ed if it % 1000 == 0: ## dump the final model save_pth = osp.join(respth, 'shelfnet_model_it_%d.pth' % it) #net.cpu() #state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict() #if dist.get_rank() == 0:, save_pth), save_pth) if it % 1000 == 0 and it > 0: evaluate(checkpoint=save_pth) ## dump the final model save_pth = osp.join(respth, 'model_final.pth') net.cpu() state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict() if dist.get_rank() == 0:, save_pth)'training done, model saved to: {}'.format(save_pth))