def statistics_mmd_kernel_selection_single(m,distance,stretch,num_blobs,angle,selection_method):
	from shogun.Features import RealFeatures
	from shogun.Features import GaussianBlobsDataGenerator
	from shogun.Kernel import GaussianKernel, CombinedKernel
	from shogun.Statistics import LinearTimeMMD
	from shogun.Statistics import MMDKernelSelectionMedian
	from shogun.Statistics import MMDKernelSelectionMax
	from shogun.Statistics import MMDKernelSelectionOpt
	from shogun.Statistics import BOOTSTRAP, MMD1_GAUSSIAN
	from shogun.Distance import EuclideanDistance
	from shogun.Mathematics import Statistics, Math

	# init seed for reproducability

	# note that the linear time statistic is designed for much larger datasets
	# results for this low number will be bad (unstable, type I error wrong)

	# streaming data generator
	gen_p=GaussianBlobsDataGenerator(num_blobs, distance, 1, 0)
	gen_q=GaussianBlobsDataGenerator(num_blobs, distance, stretch, angle)
	# stream some data and plot
	#plot(data[0][0:num_plot], data[1][0:num_plot], 'r.', label='$x$')
	#title('$X\sim p$')
	#plot(data[0][num_plot+1:2*num_plot], data[1][num_plot+1:2*num_plot], 'b.', label='$x$', alpha=0.5)
	#title('$Y\sim q$')

	# create combined kernel with Gaussian kernels inside (shoguns Gaussian kernel is
	# different to the standard form, see documentation)
	sigmas=[2**x for x in range(-3,10)]
	widths=[x*x*2 for x in sigmas]
	for i in range(len(sigmas)):
		combined.append_kernel(GaussianKernel(10, widths[i]))

	# mmd instance using streaming features, blocksize of 10000
	mmd=LinearTimeMMD(combined, gen_p, gen_q, m, block_size)
	# kernel selection instance (this can easily replaced by the other methods for selecting
	# single kernels
	if selection_method=="opt":
	elif selection_method=="max":
	elif selection_method=="median":
	# print measures (just for information)
	# in case Opt: ratios of MMD and standard deviation
	# in case Max: MMDs for each kernel
	# Does not work for median method
	if selection_method!="median":
		#print "Measures:", ratios
	# perform kernel selection
	#print "selected kernel width:", kernel.get_width()
	# compute tpye I and II error (use many more trials). Type I error is only
	# estimated to check MMD1_GAUSSIAN method for estimating the null
	# distribution. Note that testing has to happen on difference data than
	# kernel selecting, but the linear time mmd does this implicitly
	# number of trials should be larger to compute tight confidence bounds
	alpha=0.05 # test power
	typeIerrors=[0 for x in range(num_trials)]
	typeIIerrors=[0 for x in range(num_trials)]
	for i in range(num_trials):
		# this effectively means that p=q - rejecting is tpye I error
	#print "type I error:", mean(typeIerrors), ", type II error:", mean(typeIIerrors)
	return kernel,typeIerrors,typeIIerrors
Example #2
def statistics_mmd_kernel_selection_combined(m, distance, stretch, num_blobs,
                                             angle, selection_method):
    from shogun.Features import RealFeatures
    from shogun.Features import GaussianBlobsDataGenerator
    from shogun.Kernel import GaussianKernel, CombinedKernel
    from shogun.Statistics import LinearTimeMMD
    from shogun.Statistics import MMDKernelSelectionCombMaxL2
    from shogun.Statistics import MMDKernelSelectionCombOpt
    from shogun.Statistics import BOOTSTRAP, MMD1_GAUSSIAN
    from shogun.Distance import EuclideanDistance
    from shogun.Mathematics import Statistics, Math

    # init seed for reproducability

    # note that the linear time statistic is designed for much larger datasets
    # results for this low number will be bad (unstable, type I error wrong)

    # streaming data generator
    gen_p = GaussianBlobsDataGenerator(num_blobs, distance, 1, 0)
    gen_q = GaussianBlobsDataGenerator(num_blobs, distance, stretch, angle)

    # stream some data and plot
    num_plot = 1000
    features = gen_p.get_streamed_features(num_plot)
    features = features.create_merged_copy(
    data = features.get_feature_matrix()

    #plot(data[0][0:num_plot], data[1][0:num_plot], 'r.', label='$x$')
    #title('$X\sim p$')
    #plot(data[0][num_plot+1:2*num_plot], data[1][num_plot+1:2*num_plot], 'b.', label='$x$', alpha=0.5)
    #title('$Y\sim q$')

    # create combined kernel with Gaussian kernels inside (shoguns Gaussian kernel is
    # different to the standard form, see documentation)
    sigmas = [2**x for x in range(-3, 10)]
    widths = [x * x * 2 for x in sigmas]
    combined = CombinedKernel()
    for i in range(len(sigmas)):
        combined.append_kernel(GaussianKernel(10, widths[i]))

    # mmd instance using streaming features, blocksize of 10000
    block_size = 10000
    mmd = LinearTimeMMD(combined, gen_p, gen_q, m, block_size)

    # kernel selection instance (this can easily replaced by the other methods for selecting
    # combined kernels
    if selection_method == "opt":
        selection = MMDKernelSelectionCombOpt(mmd)
    elif selection_method == "l2":
        selection = MMDKernelSelectionCombMaxL2(mmd)

    # perform kernel selection (kernel is automatically set)
    kernel = selection.select_kernel()
    kernel = CombinedKernel.obtain_from_generic(kernel)
    #print "selected kernel weights:", kernel.get_subkernel_weights()
    #title("Kernel weights")

    # compute tpye I and II error (use many more trials). Type I error is only
    # estimated to check MMD1_GAUSSIAN method for estimating the null
    # distribution. Note that testing has to happen on difference data than
    # kernel selecting, but the linear time mmd does this implicitly

    # number of trials should be larger to compute tight confidence bounds
    num_trials = 5
    alpha = 0.05  # test power
    typeIerrors = [0 for x in range(num_trials)]
    typeIIerrors = [0 for x in range(num_trials)]
    for i in range(num_trials):
        # this effectively means that p=q - rejecting is tpye I error
        typeIerrors[i] = mmd.perform_test() > alpha

        typeIIerrors[i] = mmd.perform_test() > alpha

    #print "type I error:", mean(typeIerrors), ", type II error:", mean(typeIIerrors)

    return kernel, typeIerrors, typeIIerrors
def statistics_linear_time_mmd (n,dim,difference):
	from shogun.Features import RealFeatures
	from shogun.Features import MeanShiftDataGenerator
	from shogun.Kernel import GaussianKernel
	from shogun.Statistics import LinearTimeMMD
	from shogun.Statistics import BOOTSTRAP, MMD1_GAUSSIAN
	from shogun.Distance import EuclideanDistance
	from shogun.Mathematics import Statistics, Math

	# init seed for reproducability

	# note that the linear time statistic is designed for much larger datasets
	# so increase to get reasonable results

	# streaming data generator for mean shift distributions
	gen_p=MeanShiftDataGenerator(0, dim)
	gen_q=MeanShiftDataGenerator(difference, dim)

	# compute median data distance in order to use for Gaussian kernel width
	# 0.5*median_distance normally (factor two in Gaussian kernel)
	# However, shoguns kernel width is different to usual parametrization
	# Therefore 0.5*2*median_distance^2
	# Use a subset of data for that, only 200 elements. Median is stable
	# Stream examples and merge them in order to compute median on joint sample
	# compute all pairwise distances
	dist=EuclideanDistance(features, features)
	# compute median and determine kernel width (using shogun)
	median_distance=Statistics.matrix_median(distances, True)
	#print "median distance for Gaussian kernel:", sigma

	# mmd instance using streaming features, blocksize of 10000
	mmd=LinearTimeMMD(kernel, gen_p, gen_q, n, 10000)

	# perform test: compute p-value and test if null-hypothesis is rejected for
	# a test level of 0.05
	#print "test statistic:", statistic
	# do the same thing using two different way to approximate null-dstribution
	# bootstrapping and gaussian approximation (ony for really large samples)

	#print "computing p-value using bootstrapping"
	mmd.set_bootstrap_iterations(50) # normally, far more iterations are needed
	#print "p_value_boot:", p_value_boot
	#print "p_value_boot <", alpha, ", i.e. test sais p!=q:", p_value_boot<alpha
	#print "computing p-value using gaussian approximation"
	#print "p_value_gaussian:", p_value_gaussian
	#print "p_value_gaussian <", alpha, ", i.e. test sais p!=q:", p_value_gaussian<alpha
	# sample from null distribution (these may be plotted or whatsoever)
	# mean should be close to zero, variance stronly depends on data/kernel
	mmd.set_bootstrap_iterations(10) # normally, far more iterations are needed
	#print "null mean:", mean(null_samples)
	#print "null variance:", var(null_samples)
	# compute type I and type II errors for Gaussian approximation
	# number of trials should be larger to compute tight confidence bounds
	alpha=0.05 # test power
	typeIerrors=[0 for x in range(num_trials)]
	typeIIerrors=[0 for x in range(num_trials)]
	for i in range(num_trials):
		# this effectively means that p=q - rejecting is tpye I error
	#print "type I error:", mean(typeIerrors), ", type II error:", mean(typeIIerrors)
	return statistic, p_value_boot, p_value_gaussian, null_samples, typeIerrors, typeIIerrors
Example #4
def statistics_linear_time_mmd(n, dim, difference):
    from shogun.Features import RealFeatures
    from shogun.Features import MeanShiftDataGenerator
    from shogun.Kernel import GaussianKernel
    from shogun.Statistics import LinearTimeMMD
    from shogun.Statistics import BOOTSTRAP, MMD1_GAUSSIAN
    from shogun.Distance import EuclideanDistance
    from shogun.Mathematics import Statistics, Math

    # init seed for reproducability

    # note that the linear time statistic is designed for much larger datasets
    # so increase to get reasonable results

    # streaming data generator for mean shift distributions
    gen_p = MeanShiftDataGenerator(0, dim)
    gen_q = MeanShiftDataGenerator(difference, dim)

    # compute median data distance in order to use for Gaussian kernel width
    # 0.5*median_distance normally (factor two in Gaussian kernel)
    # However, shoguns kernel width is different to usual parametrization
    # Therefore 0.5*2*median_distance^2
    # Use a subset of data for that, only 200 elements. Median is stable

    # Stream examples and merge them in order to compute median on joint sample
    features = gen_p.get_streamed_features(100)
    features = features.create_merged_copy(gen_q.get_streamed_features(100))

    # compute all pairwise distances
    dist = EuclideanDistance(features, features)
    distances = dist.get_distance_matrix()

    # compute median and determine kernel width (using shogun)
    median_distance = Statistics.matrix_median(distances, True)
    sigma = median_distance**2
    #print "median distance for Gaussian kernel:", sigma
    kernel = GaussianKernel(10, sigma)

    # mmd instance using streaming features, blocksize of 10000
    mmd = LinearTimeMMD(kernel, gen_p, gen_q, n, 10000)

    # perform test: compute p-value and test if null-hypothesis is rejected for
    # a test level of 0.05
    statistic = mmd.compute_statistic()
    #print "test statistic:", statistic

    # do the same thing using two different way to approximate null-dstribution
    # bootstrapping and gaussian approximation (ony for really large samples)
    alpha = 0.05

    #print "computing p-value using bootstrapping"
        50)  # normally, far more iterations are needed
    p_value_boot = mmd.compute_p_value(statistic)
    #print "p_value_boot:", p_value_boot
    #print "p_value_boot <", alpha, ", i.e. test sais p!=q:", p_value_boot<alpha

    #print "computing p-value using gaussian approximation"
    p_value_gaussian = mmd.compute_p_value(statistic)
    #print "p_value_gaussian:", p_value_gaussian
    #print "p_value_gaussian <", alpha, ", i.e. test sais p!=q:", p_value_gaussian<alpha

    # sample from null distribution (these may be plotted or whatsoever)
    # mean should be close to zero, variance stronly depends on data/kernel
        10)  # normally, far more iterations are needed
    null_samples = mmd.bootstrap_null()
    #print "null mean:", mean(null_samples)
    #print "null variance:", var(null_samples)

    # compute type I and type II errors for Gaussian approximation
    # number of trials should be larger to compute tight confidence bounds
    num_trials = 5
    alpha = 0.05  # test power
    typeIerrors = [0 for x in range(num_trials)]
    typeIIerrors = [0 for x in range(num_trials)]
    for i in range(num_trials):
        # this effectively means that p=q - rejecting is tpye I error
        typeIerrors[i] = mmd.perform_test() > alpha

        typeIIerrors[i] = mmd.perform_test() > alpha

    #print "type I error:", mean(typeIerrors), ", type II error:", mean(typeIIerrors)

    return statistic, p_value_boot, p_value_gaussian, null_samples, typeIerrors, typeIIerrors