def _poll(self): assert and, 'cannot poll while websocket is not connected' try: except: log.warning('no poll response received from {!r}, closing connection, will attempt to reconnect', self.url, exc_info=True) else: self._last_poll =
def watchlist_guess(self): try: from uber.models import Session with Session() as session: watchentries = session.guess_attendee_watchentry(self) return [w.to_dict() for w in watchentries] except Exception as ex: log.warning('Error guessing watchlist entry: {}', ex) return None
def check_authentication(cls): host, origin = cherrypy.request.headers['host'], cherrypy.request.headers['origin'] if ('//' + host) not in origin: log.error('Javascript websocket connections must follow same-origin policy; origin {!r} does not match host {!r}', origin, host) raise ValueError('Origin and Host headers do not match') if config['ws.auth_required'] and 'username' not in cherrypy.session: log.warning('websocket connections to this address must have a valid session') raise ValueError('you are not logged in') return cherrypy.session.get('username', '<UNAUTHENTICATED>')
def _put(self, item): delay, item = item if delay: if self.task.running: heapq.heappush(self.delayed, (time.time() + delay, item)) else: message = 'TimeDelayQueue.put called with a delay parameter without background task having been started' log.warning(message) warn(message) else: Queue._put(self, item)
def stop(self): with self.lock: if self.running: self.stopped.set() for i in range(50): self.threads[:] = [t for t in self.threads if t.is_alive()] if self.threads: time.sleep(0.1) else: break else: log.warning('not all daemons have been joined: {}', self.threads) del self.threads[:]
def ldap_auth(username, password): if not username or not password: return False try: ssl_material = ( config['ldap.cacert'], config['ldap.cert'], config['ldap.key'] ) server_kwargs = {} tls_kwargs = {} if config['ldap.url'].startswith('ldaps') or any(ssl_material): server_kwargs['use_ssl'] = True else: server_kwargs['use_ssl'] = False server_kwargs['host'] = config['ldap.url'] if config['ldap.cacert']: tls_kwargs['ca_certs_file'] = config['ldap.cacert'] # if we specify a CA certs file, assume we want to validate it tls_kwargs['validate'] = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED if tls_kwargs: server_kwargs['tls'] = ldap3.Tls(**tls_kwargs) server = ldap3.Server(**server_kwargs) except: log.error('Error initializing LDAP server', exc_info=True) raise # attempt to bind on each base DN that was configured for basedn in listify(config['ldap.basedn']): dn = '{}={},{}'.format(config['ldap.userattr'], username, basedn) log.debug('attempting to bind with dn {}', dn) try: connection = ldap3.Connection(server, user=dn, password=password) connection.start_tls() is_bound = connection.bind() except: log.warning("Error binding to LDAP server with dn", exc_info=True) raise if is_bound: return True # we couldn't auth on anything return False
def check_authentication(cls): host, origin = cherrypy.request.headers[ 'host'], cherrypy.request.headers['origin'] if ('//' + host) not in origin: log.error( 'Javascript websocket connections must follow same-origin policy; origin {!r} does not match host {!r}', origin, host) raise ValueError('Origin and Host headers do not match') if config['ws.auth_required'] and 'username' not in cherrypy.session: log.warning( 'websocket connections to this address must have a valid session' ) raise ValueError('you are not logged in') return cherrypy.session.get('username', '<UNAUTHENTICATED>')
def check_authentication(cls): host, origin = cherrypy.request.headers[ 'host'], cherrypy.request.headers['origin'] if ('//' + host.split(':')[0]) not in origin: log.error( 'Javascript websocket connections must follow same-origin policy; origin {!r} does not match host {!r}', origin, host) raise WebSocketAuthError('Origin and Host headers do not match') if config['ws.auth_required'] and not cherrypy.session.get( config['ws.auth_field']): log.warning( 'websocket connections to this address must have a valid session' ) raise WebSocketAuthError('You are not logged in') return WebSocketDispatcher.check_authentication()
def ldap_auth(username, password): if not username or not password: return False try: conn = ldap.initialize(config['ldap.url']) force_start_tls = False if config['ldap.cacert']: ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, config['ldap.cacert']) force_start_tls = True if config['ldap.cert']: ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CERTFILE, config['ldap.cert']) force_start_tls = True if config['ldap.key']: ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_KEYFILE, config['ldap.key']) force_start_tls = True if force_start_tls: conn.start_tls_s() else: conn.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND, config['ldap.start_tls']) except: log.error('Error initializing LDAP connection', exc_info=True) raise for basedn in listify(config['ldap.basedn']): dn = '{}={},{}'.format(config['ldap.userattr'], username, basedn) log.debug('attempting to bind with dn {}', dn) try: conn.simple_bind_s(dn, password) except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS as x: continue except: log.warning("Error binding to LDAP server with dn", exc_info=True) raise else: return True
from __future__ import unicode_literals import importlib import six import cherrypy from sideboard._version import __version__ try: import sideboard.server except: from sideboard.lib import log log.warning('Error importing server', exc_info=True) from sideboard.internal.imports import _discover_plugins from sideboard.internal.logging import _configure_logging _discover_plugins() _configure_logging()