stime = 20000

gp = GP(dt=0.01, omega2_GP=(0.5**2), alpha=[1., 1.])
gm = GM(dt=0.01, eta=0.001, eta_d=1.0, eta_a=0.01, eta_nu=0.002)
sim = Sim("demo_" + type, type, stime)
plotter = Plotter(sim, stime, type)

delta_action = np.zeros(2)

frame = 0
for t in range(stime):

    # move box with scheduling based on type
    # and conpute collision
    collision, curr_angle_limit = sim.move_box(t)

    # update process
    gp.effective_object_position[0] = curr_angle_limit

    # update model
    delta_action = gm.update(gp.s_t[0], gp.s_p[0], gp.cpg[0])

    # update data
    plotter.update(t, gm, gp, curr_angle_limit, collision)

    # plot
    if t % int(stime / 200) == 0 or t == stime - 1:
