def test_auto_mode(): pid = PID(1, 0, 0, setpoint=10, sample_time=None) # ensure updates happen by default assert pid(0) == 10 assert pid(5) == 5 # ensure no new updates happen when auto mode is off pid.auto_mode = False assert pid(1) == 5 assert pid(7) == 5 # should reset when reactivating pid.auto_mode = True assert pid._last_input is None assert pid._integral == 0 assert pid(8) == 2 # last update time should be reset to avoid huge dt from simple_pid.PID import _current_time pid.auto_mode = False time.sleep(1) pid.auto_mode = True assert _current_time() - pid._last_time < 0.01 # check that setting last_output works pid.auto_mode = False pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=10) assert pid._integral == 10
def run(self): global leftSpeed global rightSpeed global dx global curPos global curPos_d dt = 0.1 pid_straight = PID(0.5, 0.5, 0.04, setpoint=0) pid_straight.sample_time = dt flag = False while threadRun: if straight and leftSpeed != 0 and rightSpeed != 0: if flag == False: pid_straight.set_auto_mode = True flag = True err = (abs(leftDistance) - abs(rightDistance)) * PULSE_LENGTH pid_straight.output_limits = (-speed / 2, speed / 2) fix = pid_straight(err) #print(leftDistance, rightDistance, fix) if leftSpeed > 0: leftSpeed = speed + fix elif leftSpeed < 0: leftSpeed = -speed - fix if rightSpeed > 0: rightSpeed = speed - fix elif rightSpeed < 0: rightSpeed = -speed + fix else: if flag == True: pid_straight.set_auto_mode = False flag = False time.sleep(dt)
def reflow_app(): global oven_state global temp_0 global temp_0_rate global Button_Start_pressed global command_transfer global cycle_started timer1 = time.time() speed = 1850 #Controls temperature rate. ####################################### pid_rate1 = PID(3, 0.01, 0.1, setpoint=1) pid_rate1.output_limits = (-5, 5) pid_rate1.proportional_on_measurement = False pid_rate1_F = 100 pid_rate1_max = 0 pid_rate1_min = 730 ####################################### #Controls the actual temperature of soaking time pid_temp1 = PID(.5, 0.01, 0.2, setpoint=140) pid_temp1.output_limits = (-2, .5) pid_temp1.proportional_on_measurement = False pid_temp1_F = 100 timer_soak = time.time() #30-90 seconds 30-120 acceptable ####################################### #Controls the actual temperature of soaking time pid_rate2 = PID(1.3, 0.02, 0.2, setpoint=.6) pid_rate2.output_limits = (-5, 5) pid_rate2.proportional_on_measurement = False pid_rate2_F = 100 timer_dripping = time.time() #30-90 seconds 30-120 acceptable ####################################### #Timestamps TimeAboveLiquidus = .07 #Also used to time the reflow 45-60 seconds Soak_last_pos = 0 pid_dt = time.time() QThread.msleep(3000) application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: 0. Ready.") while 1: #First wait for the start button #Then start the sequence #either use the preheat zone and prewarm to 100 #Then go to the critical zone (my cabezone) #When there use the QThread.msleep(50) pid_dt = time.time() - timer1 if (time.time() - timer1) > 1000 / 1000: timer1 = time.time() #print(timer1) temp = temp_0 #application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: {oven_state}") ########################################################### if oven_state == 0: ########################################################### application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: 0. Ready.") if Button_Start_pressed == 1: Button_Start_pressed = 0 reinit_graph() new_position = application.ui.spinBox_preheat.value() print( f"Oven program started, Position preheat: {new_position} Speed {speed}" ) print( str.encode('G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str(speed) + '\n')) command_transfer = 'G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str( speed) + '\n' application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: 1 : Preheating") oven_state = 1 global cycle_started cycle_started = True ########################################################### elif oven_state == 1: #Preheat ########################################################### application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 1 : Preheating: {(60-temp):,.2f}") if temp > 60: oven_state = 2 new_position = application.ui.spinBox_critical.value() print( f"Moving to critical point: {new_position} Speed {speed}" ) print( str.encode('G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str(speed) + '\n')) command_transfer = 'G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str( speed) + '\n' ########################################################### elif oven_state == 2: #Waiting to arrive to critical zone ########################################################### new_position = application.ui.spinBox_critical.value() application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 2 : Moving to Critical {(new_position-position):,.2f}mm" ) if position >= new_position - 2: #waiting until we arrive to new location.. oven_state = 3 print("Arrived to Critical point") application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: 2 : Arrived!") ########################################################### elif oven_state == 3: #Increasing temp to 135 at 1C/s (to SoakZone) ########################################################### #warming from Preheat to Soaking between 140-150C, 130-170C Acceptable. #Here we will use a PID loop jog to the desired value (130C) at rate <2C/s #After the that is achieve we will just to the next loop. """Add PID loop here""" pid_rate1.sample_time = pid_dt output = pid_rate1( temp_0_rate ) #<----------------------------------------------- command_transfer = 'G1X' + str( int(position + output)) + 'F' + str(pid_rate1_F) + '\n' print("PID Rate 1 output:", output) application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 3 : Heating to soaking T-0= {(130-temp):,.2f} PID {output:,.2f}" ) Soak_last_pos = position + output if temp > 130: oven_state = 4 print("Temp of 130 reached") timer_soak = time.time() application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 3 : Arrived to SoakZone!") pid_temp1.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=0) ########################################################### elif oven_state == 4: #Soaking stage. 45-60s Recommended. 30-100s Acceptable ########################################################### #Here the setpoing is changed to maintain the temp between 140-150 using PWM value #When the timer is done """Cascade PID loop""" pid_temp1.sample_time = pid_dt output = pid_temp1( temp_0) #<----------------------------------------------- pid_rate1.setpoint = output pid_rate1.sample_time = pid_dt output2 = pid_rate1( temp_0_rate ) #<----------------------------------------------- if position + output2 > 730: command_transfer = 'G1X' + str( int(position + output2)) + 'F' + str(pid_rate1_F) + '\n' #command_transfer = 'G1X'+str(int(position+output))+'F'+str(pid_temp1_F)+'\n' #print(f"PID Temp 1 {output:,.2f}, T-0 = {(time.time() - timer_soak):,.2f}") application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 4 : Soaking: t-0 = {45-(time.time() - timer_soak):,.2f} PID{output:,.2f}->{output2:,.2f}" ) if time.time() - timer_soak > 45: #45 seconds? oven_state = 5 application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: 4 : Timeout!") command_transfer = 'G1X' + str(Soak_last_pos) + 'F' + str( pid_rate1_F) + '\n' ########################################################### elif oven_state == 5: #Here we slowly move the car at rate of .5-1Cs recommend up to 2.4C/s is acceptable. ########################################################### """Add PID loop here""" pid_rate2.sample_time = pid_dt output = pid_rate2( temp_0_rate ) #<----------------------------------------------- command_transfer = 'G1X' + str( int(position + output)) + 'F' + str(pid_rate2_F) + '\n' print("PID Rate 2 output:", output) application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 5 : Heating to Peak t-0= {(210-temp):,.2f} PID {output:,.2f}" ) if temp >= 183: if TimeAboveLiquidus == .07: #just to know we haven't been here TimeAboveLiquidus = time.time() print("###Warning above liquidus temp!###") pid_rate2.setpoint = 1.2 pid_rate2.Ki = .1 if temp > 210: oven_state = 6 application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: 5 : Done!") new_position = application.ui.spinBox_maxTravel.value() print( str.encode('G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str(speed) + '\n')) command_transfer = 'G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str( speed) + '\n' #maybe stop the car just in case ########################################################### elif oven_state == 6: #here we just move the car to the reflow position and wait. ########################################################### #We wait around 30-60 seconds... application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 6 : reflowing t-0= {30-(time.time() - TimeAboveLiquidus):,.2f}" ) if time.time() - TimeAboveLiquidus > 30: oven_state = 7 new_position = application.ui.spinBox_dripping.value() print( str.encode('G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str(speed) + '\n')) command_transfer = 'G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str( speed) + '\n' application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: 7 : dripping") #send the command to the dripping position. ########################################################### elif oven_state == 7: #Here we waiting until we arrive to the dripping ########################################################### new_position = application.ui.spinBox_dripping.value() #We wait around 30-60 seconds... application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 7 : Waiting for drip... Moving?->{abs(position - new_position)}" ) if abs(position - new_position ) < 11: #waiting until we arrive to new location.. oven_state = 3 print("Arrived to dripping") application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 7 : Arrived to dripping!") oven_state = 8 timer_dripping = time.time() ########################################################### elif oven_state == 8: #here we just move the car to the reflow position and wait. ########################################################### application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 8 : Dripping t-O : {time.time() - timer_dripping:,.2f}" ) #We wait around 15 seconds... if time.time() - timer_dripping > 25: oven_state = 9 application.ui.label_test.setText(f"State: 8 : Timeout!") new_position = application.ui.spinBox_coolDown.value() command_transfer = 'G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str( speed) + '\n' ########################################################### elif oven_state == 9: #Here we waint until it cools down to <80 ########################################################### application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 9 : Cooling down {(80-temp):,.2f}") if temp < 80: application.ui.label_test.setText( f"State: 9 : Cool down completed! DONE!") oven_state = 0 cycle_started = False new_position = application.ui.spinBox_home.value() command_transfer = 'G1X' + str(new_position) + 'F' + str( speed) + '\n' #we Finish save data whatever and send card to home. if close_everything == 1: return 0
class animate(Thread): def __init__(self, Kp=1, Ki=0.1, Kd=0.05, cps=1, function=None, queueSize=10, *args, **kwargs): Thread.__init__(self) assert function, 'You must supply a function to animate' self._speed = 1/cps self._pid = PID(Kp, Ki, Kd, setpoint = self._speed, sample_time=self._speed) self._function = function self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs self.fps = 0 self._running = True self._queue = Queue(maxsize=queueSize) self._event = Event() self._forceEvent = Event() @property def empty(self): return self._queue.empty() @property def full(self): return self._queue.full() @property def qsize(self): return self._queue.qsize() def pause(self): self._event.clear() def restart(self): self._event.set() def toggle(self): if self._event.isSet(): self._event.clear() else: self._event.set() def stop(self): self._running = False self._event.set() self.get() self.join() def force(self, *args, **kwargs): self._Force = True # Set new arguments for animated function self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs # If needed, unblock run if the queue if full try: self._queue.get_nowait() self._queue.task_done() except Empty: pass # Wait until animate confirms force is finished self._forceEvent.clear() self._forceEvent.wait() def get(self, wait=0): try: retval = self._queue.get(wait) self._queue.task_done() except Empty: retval = None return retval def _emptyQueue(self): while True: try: self._queue.get_nowait() self._queue.task_done() except Empty: break def _invoke(self, *args, **kwargs): # Invoke function if args and kwargs: retval = self._function(*args, **kwargs) elif args: retval = self._function(*args) elif kwargs: retval = self._function(**kwargs) else: retval = self._function() return retval def run(self): correction = 0 loopTime = self._speed renderTimer = time.time() renderCounter = 0 self._event.set() self._Force = False while self._running: # Compute current FPS every 5 seconds renderCounter += 1 if renderTimer + 5 < time.time(): self.fps = renderCounter/5 renderCounter = 0 renderTimer = time.time() # Disable pid while waiting to be activated self._pid.set_auto_mode(False) self._event.wait() # Activated! Re-enable PID, begin processing self._pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=correction) correction = self._pid(loopTime) startLoop = time.time() if self._speed + correction > 0: time.sleep(self._speed + correction) # Disable PID while trying to place new render in queue self._pid.set_auto_mode(False) putStart = time.time() if self._Force: self._Force = False self._emptyQueue() # Must put value in queue before clearing the forceRender Event # so that the forced render receives the newly computed value retval = self._invoke(*self._args, **self._kwargs) self._queue.put( retval ) self._forceEvent.set() else: retval = self._invoke(*self._args, **self._kwargs) self._queue.put( retval ) # Correct the loop timer if queue was blocked and restart the PID startLoop = startLoop + (time.time()-putStart) self._pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=correction) loopTime = time.time() - startLoop
if boiler_power > 0: # print(self.water_temp, " + ", boiler_power, dt) # Boiler can only produce heat, not cold self.water_temp += 3 * boiler_power * dt # Some heat dissipation self.water_temp -= 90 * dt return self.water_temp client = mqtt.Client("pid") pid = PID(0.2, 0.15, 0, sample_time=1800, proportional_on_measurement=False) pid.setpoint = 0 pid.output_limits = (25, 45) pid.set_auto_mode(False) run = True PID_TOPIC = "sensors/pannu/pid" SETPOINT_TOPIC = "sensors/indoor/command" INPUT_TOPIC = "sensors/indoor" # use wall clock instead of relative process time def fix_pid_time(now): pid._last_time = now start_time = time.time() fix_pid_time(start_time)
class Node: def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("joint_controller_node") rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) rospy.loginfo("Setting up joint_controller_node") self.pitch_pub = rospy.Publisher("roboclaw/pitch_vel", Twist, queue_size=10) self.height_pub = rospy.Publisher("roboclaw/height_vel", Twist, queue_size=10) self.joint_pub = rospy.Publisher('arm_joint_state', JointState, queue_size=10) self.pitch_sub = rospy.Subscriber('roboclaw/pitch', JointState, self.pitch_pos_callback) self.height_sub = rospy.Subscriber('roboclaw/height', JointState, self.height_pos_callback) self.joint_status_pub = rospy.Subscriber('joint_states', JointState, self.joint_states_callback) self.rate = rospy.Rate(5) self.height_min_length = 15.71 self.height_max_length = 25.55 self.height_stroke_length = self.height_max_length - self.height_min_length self.height_angle_offset = 369.69 self.pitch_min_length = 11.69 self.pitch_max_length = 17.6 self.pitch_stroke_length = self.pitch_max_length - self.pitch_min_length self.start = False self.h1_pid = PID(5, 0, 0, output_limits=(-127, 127), auto_mode=False, sample_time=1 / 5) self.h2_pid = PID(5, 0, 0, output_limits=(-127, 127), auto_mode=False, sample_time=1 / 5) self.p1_pid = PID(5, 0, 0, output_limits=(-127, 127), auto_mode=False, sample_time=1 / 5) self.p2_pid = PID(5, 0, 0, output_limits=(-127, 127), auto_mode=False, sample_time=1 / 5) self.MAX_ENC = 2047.0 self.quantize_div = 12.0 self.deadband = 11.0 self.h_params = {"m1": 50.0, "m2": 50.0} self.p_params = {"m1": 50.0, "m2": 50.0} self.p1_vals = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.p2_vals = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.h1_vals = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.h2_vals = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] self.height_pos = {"m1": 0.0, "m2": 0.0} self.pitch_pos = {"m1": 0.0, "m2": 0.0} def run(self): rospy.loginfo("waiting for data") while self.height_pos['m1'] == 0 and self.pitch_pos['m1'] == 0: self.rate.sleep() rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("got data") self.h1_pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=0.0) self.h2_pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=0.0) self.p1_pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=0.0) self.p2_pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=0.0) h1_old, h2_old, p1_old, p2_old = self.call_pids() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): h1, h2, p1, p2 = self.call_pids() h1, h2, p1, p2 = self.apply_deadband(h1, h2, p1, p2) h1, h2, p1, p2 = self.safety_check(h1, h2, p1, p2, 40, 20) if h1_old != h1 or h2_old != h2: rospy.loginfo("pid output h1 %d, h2 %d", h1, h2) if p1_old != p1 or p2_old != p2: rospy.loginfo("pid output p1 %d, p2 %d", p1, p1) h1_old = h1 h2_old = h2 p1_old = p1 p2_old = p2 self.publish_height_vel(-h1, h2) self.publish_pitch_vel(-p1, -p2) self.publish_arm_state() self.rate.sleep() def shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Shutting down joint_controller_node") def call_pids(self): h1 = self.h1_pid(self.quantize(self.height_pos['m2'])) h2 = self.h2_pid(self.quantize(self.height_pos['m1'])) p1 = self.p1_pid(self.quantize(self.pitch_pos['m1'])) p2 = self.p2_pid(self.quantize(self.pitch_pos['m2'])) return h1, h2, p1, p2 def quantize(self, val): return int(val / self.quantize_div) def get_avg(self, lst): return sum(lst) / len(lst) def apply_deadband(self, h1, h2, p1, p2): if abs(h1) < self.deadband: h1 = 0.0 if abs(h2) < self.deadband: h2 = 0.0 if abs(p1) < self.deadband: p1 = 0.0 if abs(p2) < self.deadband: p2 = 0.0 return h1, h2, p1, p2 def safety_check(self, h1, h2, p1, p2, thresh_p, thresh_o): had_error = False if abs( self.quantize(self.height_pos['m1']) - self.quantize(self.height_pos['m2'])) > thresh_p: had_error = True #h1 = -20 #h2 = -20 if abs( self.quantize(self.pitch_pos['m1']) - self.quantize(self.pitch_pos['m2'])) > thresh_p: had_error = True #p1 = 0 #p2 = 0 if abs(h1 - h2) > thresh_o: had_error = True h1 = -40 h2 = -40 if abs(p1 - p2) > thresh_o: had_error = True p1 = 0 p2 = 0 if had_error: rospy.logerr("ERROR!!!") return h1, h2, p1, p2 def pitch_add_meas(self, p1, p2): self.p1_vals.insert(0, p1) self.p1_vals.pop() self.p2_vals.insert(0, p2) self.p2_vals.pop() def height_add_meas(self, h1, h2): self.h1_vals.insert(0, h1) self.h1_vals.pop() self.h2_vals.insert(0, h2) self.h2_vals.pop() def pitch_pos_callback(self, msg): if msg.position[0] < 0.001 or msg.position[1] < 0.001: self.pitch_add_meas(self.p1_vals[0], self.p2_vals[0]) else: self.pitch_add_meas(msg.position[0], msg.position[1]) self.pitch_pos['m1'] = self.get_avg(self.p1_vals) self.pitch_pos['m2'] = self.get_avg(self.p2_vals) def height_pos_callback(self, msg): if msg.position[0] < 0.001 or msg.position[1] < 0.001: self.height_add_meas(self.h1_vals[0], self.h2_vals[0]) else: self.height_add_meas(msg.position[0], msg.position[1]) self.height_pos['m1'] = self.get_avg(self.h1_vals) self.height_pos['m2'] = self.get_avg(self.h2_vals) def joint_states_callback(self, msg): height_angle_target = msg.position[2] height_inch_target = self.height_angle_to_dist( math.radians(self.height_angle_offset) - height_angle_target) height_enc_target = self.height_inch_to_enc(height_inch_target, self.h_params['m1']) height_enc_target = self.height_inch_to_enc(height_inch_target, self.h_params['m2']) self.h1_pid.setpoint = self.quantize(height_enc_target) self.h2_pid.setpoint = self.quantize(height_enc_target) pitch_angle_target = msg.position[3] pitch_inch_target = self.pitch_angle_to_dist(pitch_angle_target) pitch_enc_target = self.pitch_inch_to_enc(pitch_inch_target, self.p_params['m1']) pitch_enc_target = self.pitch_inch_to_enc(pitch_inch_target, self.p_params['m2']) self.p1_pid.setpoint = self.quantize(pitch_enc_target) self.p2_pid.setpoint = self.quantize(pitch_enc_target) def publish_arm_state(self): arm_msg = JointState() arm_msg.header = Header() arm_msg.header.stamp = = ['base_to_lever_arm', 'lever_arm_to_digging_arm'] height_pos_inch = self.height_enc_to_inch(self.height_pos['m1'], self.h_params['m1']) pitch_pos_inch = self.pitch_enc_to_inch(self.pitch_pos['m1'], self.p_params['m1']) height_angle = math.radians( self.height_angle_offset) - self.height_dist_to_angle( height_pos_inch) pitch_angle = self.pitch_dist_to_angle(pitch_pos_inch) arm_msg.position = [height_angle, pitch_angle] self.joint_pub.publish(arm_msg) def publish_pitch_vel(self, m1, m2): vel = Twist() vel.linear.x = m1 vel.linear.y = m2 vel.linear.z = 0 self.pitch_pub.publish(vel) def publish_height_vel(self, m1, m2): vel = Twist() vel.linear.x = m1 vel.linear.y = m2 vel.linear.z = 0 self.height_pub.publish(vel) def height_enc_to_inch(self, enc, enc_min): percent = float(enc - enc_min) / float(self.MAX_ENC - enc_min) return self.height_min_length + self.height_stroke_length * percent def height_inch_to_enc(self, inch, enc_min): percent = float(inch - self.height_min_length) / float( self.height_stroke_length) return float(enc_min) + float(self.MAX_ENC - enc_min) * percent def pitch_enc_to_inch(self, enc, enc_min): percent = float(enc - enc_min) / float(self.MAX_ENC - enc_min) return self.pitch_min_length + self.pitch_stroke_length * percent def pitch_inch_to_enc(self, inch, enc_min): percent = float(inch - self.pitch_min_length) / float( self.pitch_stroke_length) return enc_min + (self.MAX_ENC - enc_min) * percent def height_angle_to_dist(self, theta): return math.sqrt(793.5625 - 708 * math.cos(math.radians(90) - theta)) def height_dist_to_angle(self, pos): #pos in inches return math.radians( 90 - math.degrees(math.acos((793.5625 - (pos * pos)) / 708))) def pitch_angle_to_dist(self, theta): return math.sqrt(((30 - 11 * math.cos(theta)) - 14.875)**2 + ((11 * math.sin(theta) - 3) - 6.75)**2) def pitch_dist_to_angle(self, pos): return math.asin(0.05557 * pos * math.sin( math.acos((pos * pos - 202.828125) / (22 * pos * pos)))) + math.radians(32.807)
class PIDRunner(QObject): status_sig = pyqtSignal(list) pid_output_signal = pyqtSignal(dict) def __init__(self,model_class, move_done_signals=[], grab_done_signals=[], move_modules_commands=[], detector_modules_commands=[], params=dict([]), filter=dict([]), det_averaging = [] ): """ Init the PID instance with params as initial conditions Parameters ---------- params: (dict) Kp=1.0, Ki=0.0, Kd=0.0,setpoint=0, sample_time=0.01, output_limits=(None, None), auto_mode=True, proportional_on_measurement=False) """ super().__init__() self.model_class = model_class self.move_done_signals = move_done_signals self.grab_done_signals = grab_done_signals self.det_averaging = det_averaging self.move_modules_commands = move_modules_commands self.detector_modules_commands = detector_modules_commands self.current_time = 0 self.input = 0 self.output = None self.output_to_actuator = None self.output_limits = None, None self.filter = filter #filter=dict(enable=self.settings.child('main_settings', 'filter', 'filter_enable').value(), value=self.settings.child('main_settings', 'filter', 'filter_step').value()) = PID(**params) ##PID(object): self.refreshing_ouput_time = 200 self.running = True self.timer = self.startTimer(self.refreshing_ouput_time) self.det_done_datas = OrderedDict() self.move_done_positions = OrderedDict() self.move_done_flag = False self.det_done_flag = False self.paused = True self.timeout_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timeout_timer.setInterval(10000) self.timeout_scan_flag = False self.timeout_timer.timeout.connect(self.timeout) def timerEvent(self, event): if self.output_to_actuator is not None: self.pid_output_signal.emit(dict(output=self.output_to_actuator, input=[self.input])) else: self.pid_output_signal.emit(dict(output=[0], input=[self.input])) def timeout(self): self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", 'Timeout occured', 'log']) self.timeout_scan_flag = True def wait_for_det_done(self): self.timeout_scan_flag=False self.timeout_timer.start() while not(self.det_done_flag or self.timeout_scan_flag): #wait for grab done signals to end QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() self.timeout_timer.stop() def wait_for_move_done(self): self.timeout_scan_flag=False self.timeout_timer.start() while not(self.move_done_flag or self.timeout_scan_flag): #wait for move done signals to end QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() self.timeout_timer.stop() @pyqtSlot(ThreadCommand) def queue_command(self, command=ThreadCommand()): """ """ if command.command == "start_PID": self.start_PID(*command.attributes) elif command.command == "run_PID": self.run_PID(*command.attributes) elif command.command == "pause_PID": self.pause_PID(*command.attributes) elif command.command == "stop_PID": self.stop_PID() elif command.command == 'update_options': self.set_option(**command.attributes) elif command.command == 'input': self.update_input(*command.attributes) elif command.command == 'update_timer': if command.attributes[0] == 'refresh_plot_time': self.killTimer(self.timer) self.refreshing_ouput_time = command.attributes[1] self.timer = self.startTimer(self.refreshing_ouput_time) elif command.attributes[0] =='timeout': self.timeout_timer.setInterval(command.attributes[1]) elif command.command == 'update_filter': self.filter = command.attributes[0] # elif command.command == "move_Abs": # self.set_option(dict(setpoint=command.attributes[0])) def update_input(self, measurements): self.input =self.model_class.convert_input(measurements) def start_PID(self, input = None): try: for sig in self.move_done_signals: sig.connect(self.move_done) for sig in self.grab_done_signals: sig.connect(self.det_done) self.current_time = time.perf_counter() self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", 'PID loop starting', 'log']) while self.running: #print('input: {}'.format(self.input)) ## GRAB DATA FIRST AND WAIT ALL DETECTORS RETURNED self.det_done_flag = False self.det_done_datas = OrderedDict() for ind_det, cmd in enumerate(self.detector_modules_commands): cmd.emit(ThreadCommand("single", [self.det_averaging[ind_det]])) QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() self.wait_for_det_done() self.input = self.model_class.convert_input(self.det_done_datas) ## EXECUTE THE PID output = ## PROCESS THE OUTPUT IF NEEDED if output is not None and self.output is not None: if self.filter['enable']: if np.abs(output-self.output) <= self.filter['value']: self.output = output else: self.output += np.abs(self.filter['value'])*np.sign(output - self.output) = self.output else: self.output = output else: self.output = output ## APPLY THE PID OUTPUT TO THE ACTUATORS #print('output: {}'.format(self.output)) if self.output is None: self.output = dt = time.perf_counter() - self.current_time self.output_to_actuator = self.model_class.convert_output(self.output, dt, stab=True) if not self.paused: self.move_done_positions = OrderedDict() for ind_mov, cmd in enumerate(self.move_modules_commands): cmd.emit(ThreadCommand('move_Abs',[self.output_to_actuator[ind_mov]])) QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() self.wait_for_move_done() self.current_time = time.perf_counter() QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents() QThread.msleep(int(*1000)) self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", 'PID loop exiting', 'log']) for sig in self.move_done_signals: sig.disconnect(self.move_done) for sig in self.grab_done_signals: sig.disconnect(self.det_done) except Exception as e: self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", str(e), 'log']) pyqtSlot(OrderedDict) #OrderedDict(name=self.title,data0D=None,data1D=None,data2D=None) def det_done(self,data): """ """ try: if data['name'] not in list(self.det_done_datas.keys()): self.det_done_datas[data['name']]=data if len(self.det_done_datas.items())==len(self.grab_done_signals): self.det_done_flag=True except Exception as e: self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", str(e), 'log']) pyqtSlot(str,float) def move_done(self,name,position): """ | Update the move_done_positions attribute if needed. | If position attribute is setted, for all move modules launched, update scan_read_positions with a [modulename, position] list. ============== ============ ================= **Parameters** **Type** **Description** *name* string the module name *position* float ??? ============== ============ ================= """ try: if name not in list(self.move_done_positions.keys()): self.move_done_positions[name]=position if len(self.move_done_positions.items())==len(self.move_done_signals): self.move_done_flag=True except Exception as e: self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status",str(e),'log']) def set_option(self,**option): for key in option: if hasattr(, key): if key == 'sample_time': setattr(, key, option[key]/1000) else: setattr(,key, option[key]) if key == 'setpoint' and not dt = time.perf_counter() - self.current_time self.output = option[key] self.output_to_actuator = self.model_class.convert_output(self.output, dt, stab=False) for ind_move, cmd in enumerate(self.move_modules_commands): cmd.emit(ThreadCommand('move_Abs', [self.output_to_actuator[ind_move]])) self.current_time = time.perf_counter() if key == 'output_limits': self.output_limits = option[key] def run_PID(self, last_value): self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", 'Stabilization started', 'log']) self.running = True, last_value) def pause_PID(self, pause_state): if pause_state:, self.output) self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", 'Stabilization paused', 'log']) else:, self.output) self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", 'Stabilization restarted from pause', 'log']) self.paused = pause_state def stop_PID(self): self.running = False self.status_sig.emit(["Update_Status", 'PID loop exiting', 'log'])
class Node: def __init__(self): rospy.init_node("joint_controller_node") rospy.on_shutdown(self.shutdown) rospy.loginfo("Setting up joint_controller_node") self.pitch_pub = rospy.Publisher("roboclaw/pitch_vel",Twist,queue_size=10) self.height_pub = rospy.Publisher("roboclaw/height_vel",Twist,queue_size=10) self.joint_pub = rospy.Publisher('arm_joint_state',JointState,queue_size=10) self.pitch_sub = rospy.Subscriber('roboclaw/pitch',JointState,self.pitch_pos_callback) self.height_sub = rospy.Subscriber('roboclaw/height',JointState,self.height_pos_callback) self.joint_status_pub = rospy.Subscriber('joint_states',JointState,self.joint_states_callback) self.rate = rospy.Rate(5) self.height_min_length = 15.71 self.height_max_length = 25.55 self.height_stroke_length = self.height_max_length - self.height_min_length self.height_angle_offset = 369.69 self.pitch_min_length = 11.69 self.pitch_max_length = 17.6 self.pitch_stroke_length = self.pitch_max_length - self.pitch_min_length self.start = False self.h1_pid = PID(5,0,0,output_limits=(-127,127),auto_mode=False,sample_time=1/5) self.h2_pid = PID(5,0,0,output_limits=(-127,127),auto_mode=False,sample_time=1/5) self.p1_pid = PID(5,0,0,output_limits=(-127,127),auto_mode=False,sample_time=1/5) self.p2_pid = PID(5,0,0,output_limits=(-127,127),auto_mode=False,sample_time=1/5) self.MAX_ENC = 2047.0 self.quantize_div = 12.0 self.deadband = 11.0 self.h_params = {"m1":50.0,"m2":50.0} self.p_params = {"m1":50.0,"m2":50.0} self.p1_vals = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] self.p2_vals = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] self.h1_vals = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] self.h2_vals = [0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] self.height_pos = {"m1":0.0,"m2":0.0} self.pitch_pos = {"m1":0.0,"m2":0.0} def run(self): rospy.loginfo("waiting for data") while self.height_pos['m1'] == 0 and self.pitch_pos['m1'] == 0: self.rate.sleep() rospy.sleep(1) rospy.loginfo("got data") self.h1_pid.set_auto_mode(True,last_output=0.0) self.h2_pid.set_auto_mode(True,last_output=0.0) self.p1_pid.set_auto_mode(True,last_output=0.0) self.p2_pid.set_auto_mode(True,last_output=0.0) h1_old, h2_old, p1_old, p2_old = self.call_pids() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): h1,h2,p1,p2 = self.call_pids() h1,h2,p1,p2 = self.apply_deadband(h1,h2,p1,p2) h1,h2,p1,p2 = self.safety_check(h1,h2,p1,p2,14,20) if h1_old!=h1 or h2_old!=h2: rospy.loginfo("pid output h1 %d, h2 %d", h1,h2) if p1_old!=p1 or p2_old!=p2: rospy.loginfo("pid output p1 %d, p2 %d", p1,p1) h1_old = h1 h2_old = h2 p1_old = p1 p2_old = p2 self.publish_height_vel(-h1,h2) self.publish_pitch_vel(-p1,-p2) self.publish_arm_state() self.rate.sleep() def shutdown(self): rospy.loginfo("Shutting down joint_controller_node") def call_pids(self): h1 = self.h1_pid(self.quantize(self.height_pos['m1'])) h2 = self.h2_pid(self.quantize(self.height_pos['m2'])) p1 = self.p1_pid(self.quantize(self.pitch_pos['m1'])) p2 = self.p2_pid(self.quantize(self.pitch_pos['m2'])) return h1,h2,p1,p2 def quantize(self, val): return int(val/self.quantize_div) def get_avg(self,lst): return sum(lst) / len(lst) def apply_deadband(self,h1,h2,p1,p2): if abs(h1) < self.deadband: h1 = 0.0 if abs(h2) < self.deadband: h2 = 0.0 if abs(p1) < self.deadband: p1 = 0.0 if abs(p2) < self.deadband: p2 = 0.0 return h1,h2,p1,p2 def safety_check(self, h1, h2, p1, p2, thresh_p, thresh_o): had_error = False if abs(self.quantize(self.height_pos['m1'])-self.quantize(self.height_pos['m2'])) > thresh_p: had_error = True h1 = 0 h2 = 0 if abs(self.quantize(self.pitch_pos['m1'])-self.quantize(self.pitch_pos['m2'])) > thresh_p: had_error = True p1 = 0 p2 = 0 if abs(h1 - h2)>thresh_o: had_error = True h1 = 0 h2 = 0 if abs(p1 - p2)>thresh_o: had_error = True p1 = 0 p2 = 0 if had_error: rospy.loginfo("ERROR!!!") return h1, h2, p1, p2 def pitch_add_meas(self, p1, p2): self.p1_vals.insert(0,p1) self.p1_vals.pop() self.p2_vals.insert(0,p2) self.p2_vals.pop() def height_add_meas(self, h1, h2): self.h1_vals.insert(0,h1) self.h1_vals.pop() self.h2_vals.insert(0,h2) self.h2_vals.pop() def pitch_pos_callback(self, msg): if msg.position[0] < 0.001 or msg.position[1] < 0.001: self.pitch_add_meas(self.p1_vals[0],self.p2_vals[0]) else: self.pitch_add_meas(msg.position[0],msg.position[1]) self.pitch_pos['m1'] = self.get_avg(self.p1_vals) self.pitch_pos['m2'] = self.get_avg(self.p2_vals) def height_pos_callback(self, msg): if msg.position[0] < 0.001 or msg.position[1] < 0.001: self.height_add_meas(self.h1_vals[0],self.h2_vals[0]) else: self.height_add_meas(msg.position[0],msg.position[1]) self.height_pos['m1'] = self.get_avg(self.h1_vals) self.height_pos['m2'] = self.get_avg(self.h2_vals) def joint_states_callback(self,msg): height_angle_target = msg.position[2] height_inch_target = self.height_angle_to_dist(math.radians(self.height_angle_offset)-height_angle_target) height_enc_target = self.height_inch_to_enc(height_inch_target,self.h_params['m1']) height_enc_target = self.height_inch_to_enc(height_inch_target,self.h_params['m2']) self.h1_pid.setpoint = self.quantize(height_enc_target) self.h2_pid.setpoint = self.quantize(height_enc_target) pitch_angle_target = msg.position[3] pitch_inch_target = self.pitch_angle_to_dist(pitch_angle_target) pitch_enc_target = self.pitch_inch_to_enc(pitch_inch_target,self.p_params['m1']) pitch_enc_target = self.pitch_inch_to_enc(pitch_inch_target,self.p_params['m2']) self.p1_pid.setpoint = self.quantize(pitch_enc_target) self.p2_pid.setpoint = self.quantize(pitch_enc_target) def publish_arm_state(self): arm_msg = JointState() arm_msg.header = Header() arm_msg.header.stamp = = ['base_to_lever_arm', 'lever_arm_to_digging_arm'] height_pos_inch = self.height_enc_to_inch(self.height_pos['m1'],self.h_params['m1']) pitch_pos_inch = self.pitch_enc_to_inch(self.pitch_pos['m1'],self.p_params['m1']) height_angle = math.radians(self.height_angle_offset) - self.height_dist_to_angle(height_pos_inch) pitch_angle = self.pitch_dist_to_angle(pitch_pos_inch) arm_msg.position = [height_angle, pitch_angle] self.joint_pub.publish(arm_msg) def publish_pitch_vel(self,m1,m2): vel = Twist() vel.linear.x = m1 vel.linear.y = m2 vel.linear.z = 0 self.pitch_pub.publish(vel) def publish_height_vel(self,m1,m2): vel = Twist() vel.linear.x = m1 vel.linear.y = m2 vel.linear.z = 0 self.height_pub.publish(vel) def height_enc_to_inch(self,enc,enc_min): percent = float(enc-enc_min)/float(self.MAX_ENC-enc_min) return self.height_min_length + self.height_stroke_length * percent def height_inch_to_enc(self,inch,enc_min): percent = float(inch-self.height_min_length)/float(self.height_stroke_length) return float(enc_min) + float(self.MAX_ENC-enc_min) * percent def pitch_enc_to_inch(self,enc,enc_min): percent = float(enc-enc_min)/float(self.MAX_ENC-enc_min) return self.pitch_min_length + self.pitch_stroke_length * percent def pitch_inch_to_enc(self,inch,enc_min): percent = float(inch-self.pitch_min_length)/float(self.pitch_stroke_length) return enc_min + (self.MAX_ENC-enc_min) * percent def height_angle_to_dist(self, theta): return math.sqrt(793.5625 - 708*math.cos(math.radians(90)-theta)) def height_dist_to_angle(self, pos): #pos in inches return math.radians(90 - math.degrees(math.acos((793.5625-(pos*pos))/708))) def pitch_angle_to_dist(self, theta): return math.sqrt(((30-11*math.cos(theta))-14.875)**2 + ((11*math.sin(theta)-3)-6.75)**2) def pitch_dist_to_angle(self, pos): return math.asin(0.05557*pos*math.sin(math.acos((pos*pos - 202.828125)/(22*pos*pos))))+math.radians(32.807)
class animate(Thread): """ Animate function. Create a thread to call a function at a specified number of calls per second (CPS) placing the results in a queue for consumption :param function: the function (or method) that will be called :type function: function or method :param cps: Calls per second. The rate to call the provided function :type cps: int :param queueSize: The size of the queue used to record return results from function :type queueSize: int :param args: The arguments to pass to the function :type args: tuple :param kwargs: The keyworded arguments to pass to the function :type kwargs: dict To begin animation, call the start method. Example:: a = animate(function=func, cps=10) a.start ..note: The animate function uses a queue to pass results back. This allows for the results to be consumed asynchronous. If the queue fills up though, the function will no longer be called until space opens up in the queue. """ def __init__(self, function=None, cps=1, queueSize=100, *args, **kwargs): Thread.__init__(self) assert function, "You must supply a function to animate" self._speed = cps Kp = 5 Ki = 0.2 Kd = 0.05 self._pid = PID( Kp, Ki, Kd, setpoint=self._speed, sample_time=0.1, output_limits=(cps * 0.1, None), ) self._function = function self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs self.fps = 0 self._running = True self._queue = Queue(maxsize=queueSize) self._event = Event() self._forceEvent = Event() @property def empty(self): """ Return whether queue is empty. :returns: True of empty, False if not """ return self._queue.empty() @property def full(self): """ Return whether queue is full. :returns: True if full, False if not """ return self._queue.full() @property def qsize(self): """ Return estimate of queue size. :returns: Estimate of queue size """ return self._queue.qsize() def pause(self): """Temporarily pause calling the function.""" self._event.clear() def restart(self): """ Restart Animation. Restart calling the function (if paused). Otherwise this will have no effect. """ self._event.set() def toggle(self): """Toggle calling the function from on to off or off to on.""" if self._event.isSet(): self._event.clear() else: self._event.set() def stop(self): """Shut down the animate object including terminating its internal thread.""" self._running = False self._event.set() self.get() self.join() def clear(self): """Clear the queue of all curent values.""" self._emptyQueue() def force(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Change the parameters that are passed to the function. :param args: The positional arguments to provide to the animated function (optional) :type args: tuple :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to provide to teh animated function (optional) :type kwargs: dict ..note: force has the side effect of clearing any existing values within the queue. """ self._Force = True # Set new arguments for animated function self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs # If needed, unblock run if the queue if full try: self._queue.get_nowait() self._queue.task_done() except Empty: pass # Wait until animate confirms force is finished self._forceEvent.clear() self._forceEvent.wait() def get(self, wait=0): """ Get the current value from the results queue. :param wait: Number of seconds to wait for a response. If zero (the default) return immediately even if no value is currently available :type wait: float :returns: The current result. Type of value is determined by what the animated function returns. :rtype: object ..note: Be careful with long wait values. The animate thread will block during the wait. If you attempt to shut down the animate object (using stop), it will not finish closing down until the wait has completed. """ try: retval = self._queue.get(wait) self._queue.task_done() except Empty: retval = None return retval def _emptyQueue(self): while True: try: self._queue.get_nowait() self._queue.task_done() except Empty: break def _invoke(self, *args, **kwargs): # Invoke function if args and kwargs: retval = self._function(*args, **kwargs) elif args: retval = self._function(*args) elif kwargs: retval = self._function(**kwargs) else: retval = self._function() return retval def run(self): """ Animate function. Main loop for the animate thread """ correction = 0 loopTime = 1 / self._speed tpf = 1 / self._speed renderTimer = time.time() renderCounter = 0 renderCounterLimit = 1 self._event.set() self._Force = False while self._running: # Compute current FPS every 5 seconds renderCounter += 1 if renderCounter > renderCounterLimit: self.fps = renderCounter / (time.time() - renderTimer) renderCounter = 0 renderCounterLimit = 10 renderTimer = time.time() if not self._event.isSet(): # Disable pid while waiting to be activated self._pid.set_auto_mode(False) self._event.wait() # Activated! Re-enable PID, begin processing self._pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=correction) fps = 1 / loopTime # Time per frame correction = self._pid(fps) startLoop = time.time() tpf = (1 / (self._speed + correction) if self._speed + correction > 0 else 0) time.sleep(tpf) # Disable PID while trying to place new render in queue putStart = time.time() if self._Force: self._Force = False self._emptyQueue() # Must put value in queue before clearing the force Event # so that the forced function receives the newly computed value try: retval = self._invoke(*self._args, **self._kwargs) self._queue.put(retval) except NoResult: pass self._forceEvent.set() else: try: retval = self._invoke(*self._args, **self._kwargs) try: self._queue.put_nowait(retval) except Full: self._pid.set_auto_mode(False) self._queue.put(retval) self._pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=correction) except NoResult: pass # Correct startLoop to account for time blocked by full queue startLoop = startLoop + (time.time() - putStart) loopTime = time.time() - startLoop
class Control: """PID controller with FIWARE interface""" def __init__(self): """Initialization""" # # use envirnment variables # os.environ["CONFIG_FILE"] = "False" # define parameters self.params = {} self.params['controller_name'] = os.getenv("CONTROLLER_NAME", 'PID_1') self.params['type'] = "PID_Controller" self.params['setpoint'] = float(os.getenv("SETPOINT", '293.15')) # reverse mode can be activated by passing negative tunings to controller self.params['Kp'] = float(os.getenv("KP", '1.0')) self.params['Ki'] = float(os.getenv("KI", '0')) self.params['Kd'] = float(os.getenv("KD", '0')) self.params['lim_low'] = float(os.getenv("LIM_LOW", '0')) self.params['lim_upper'] = float(os.getenv("LIM_UPPER", '100')) self.params['pause_time'] = float(os.getenv("PAUSE_TIME", 0.2)) self.params['sensor_entity_name'] = os.getenv("SENSOR_ENTITY_NAME", '') self.params['sensor_type'] = os.getenv("SENSOR_TYPE", None) self.params['sensor_attr'] = os.getenv("SENSOR_ATTR", '') self.params['actuator_entity_name'] = os.getenv( "ACTUATOR_ENTITY_NAME", '') self.params['actuator_type'] = os.getenv("ACTUATOR_TYPE", '') self.params['actuator_command'] = os.getenv("ACTUATOR_COMMAND", '') self.params['actuator_command_value'] = self.params[ 'actuator_command'] + '_info' self.params['service'] = os.getenv("FIWARE_SERVICE", '') self.params['service_path'] = os.getenv("FIWARE_SERVICE_PATH", '') self.params['cb_url'] = os.getenv("CB_URL", "http://localhost:1026") # settings for security mode self.security_mode = os.getenv("SECURITY_MODE", 'False').lower() in ('true', '1', 'yes') self.params['token'] = (None, None) # Get token from keycloak in security mode if self.security_mode: = KeycloakPython() self.params['token'] = # Create simple pid instance = PID(self.params['Kp'], self.params['Ki'], self.params['Kd'], setpoint=self.params['setpoint'], output_limits=(self.params['lim_low'], self.params['lim_upper'])) # Additional parameters self.auto_mode = True self.u = None # control variable u self.y_act = self.params[ 'setpoint'] # set the initial measurement to set point # Create the fiware header fiware_header = FiwareHeader(service=self.params['service'], service_path=self.params['service_path']) # Create orion context broker client self.ORION_CB = ContextBrokerClient(url=self.params['cb_url'], fiware_header=fiware_header) def create_entity(self): """Creates entitiy of PID controller in orion context broker""" try: self.ORION_CB.get_entity(entity_id=self.params['controller_name'], entity_type=self.params['type']) print('Entity name already assigned') except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: msg = err.args[0] if "NOT FOUND" not in msg.upper(): raise # throw other errors except "entity not found" print('[INFO]: Create new PID entity') pid_entity = ContextEntity(id=f"{self.params['controller_name']}", type=self.params['type']) cb_attrs = [] for attr in ['Kp', 'Ki', 'Kd', 'lim_low', 'lim_upper', 'setpoint']: cb_attrs.append( NamedContextAttribute(name=attr, type="Number", value=self.params[attr])) pid_entity.add_attributes(attrs=cb_attrs) self.ORION_CB.post_entity(entity=pid_entity, update=True) def update_params(self): """Read PID parameters of entity in context broker and updates PID control parameters""" # read PID parameters from context broker for attr in ['Kp', 'Ki', 'Kd', 'lim_low', 'lim_upper', 'setpoint']: self.params[attr] = float( self.ORION_CB.get_attribute_value( entity_id=self.params['controller_name'], entity_type=self.params['type'], attr_name=attr)) # update PID parameters = (self.params['Kp'], self.params['Ki'], self.params['Kd']) = (self.params['lim_low'], self.params['lim_upper']) = self.params['setpoint'] # read measured values from CB try: # read the current actuator value u (synchronize the value with the actuator) self.u = self.ORION_CB.get_attribute_value( entity_id=self.params['actuator_entity_name'], entity_type=self.params['actuator_type'], attr_name=self.params['actuator_command_value']) if not isinstance(self.u, (int, float)): self.u = None # read the value of process variable y from sensor y = self.ORION_CB.get_attribute_value( entity_id=self.params['sensor_entity_name'], entity_type=self.params['sensor_type'], attr_name=self.params['sensor_attr']) # set 0 if empty if y == " ": y = '0' # convert to float self.y_act = float(y) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: msg = err.args[0] if "NOT FOUND" not in msg.upper(): raise self.auto_mode = False print("Controller connection fails") else: # If no errors are raised self.auto_mode = True # Update the actual actuator value to allow warm star after interruption, last_output=self.u) def run(self): """Calculation of PID output""" try: if self.auto_mode: # if connection is good, auto_mode = True -> controller active # calculate PID output self.u = # build command command = NamedCommand(name=self.params['actuator_command'], value=round(self.u, 3)) self.ORION_CB.post_command( entity_id=self.params['actuator_entity_name'], entity_type=self.params['actuator_type'], command=command) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: msg = err.args[0] if "NOT FOUND" not in msg.upper(): raise self.auto_mode = False print("Controller connection fails") def update_token(self): """ Update the token if necessary. Write the latest token into the header of CB client. """ token = input_token=self.params['token'], min_valid_time=60) if all(token): # if a valid token is returned self.params['token'] = token # Update the header with token self.ORION_CB.headers.update( {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.params['token'][0]}"}) def control_loop(self): """The control loop""" try: while True: # Update token if run in security mode if self.security_mode: self.update_token() else: pass self.update_params() time.sleep(self.params['pause_time']) finally: print("control loop fails") os.abort()
class PIDController(object): """ Convert ackermann_drive messages to carla VehicleCommand with a PID controller """ def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ self.frequency = 1000.0 #Hz = {} # target values['target'] = {}['target']['speed'] = 0.['target']['accel'] = 0. # current values['current'] = {}['current']['time_sec'] = time.time()['current']['speed'] = 0.['current']['accel'] = 0. # control values['status'] = {}['status']['status'] = 'n/a'['status']['speed_control_activation_count'] = 0['status']['speed_control_accel_delta'] = 0.['status']['speed_control_accel_target'] = 0.['status']['accel_control_pedal_delta'] = 0.['status']['accel_control_pedal_target'] = 0.['status']['brake_upper_border'] = 0.['status']['throttle_lower_border'] = 0. # restriction values['restrictions'] = {} # control output['output'] = {}['output']['throttle'] = 0.['output']['brake'] = 1.0 # set initial maximum values self.vehicle_info_updated() # PID controller # the controller has to run with the simulation time, not with real-time # we might want to use a PID controller to reach the final target speed self.speed_controller = PID( Kp=1.5, Ki=0.0, Kd=0.5, sample_time=0.001, output_limits=(0.0,['restrictions']['max_speed'])) self.accel_controller = PID( Kp=1.1, Ki=0.0, Kd=0.1, sample_time=0.001, output_limits=(['restrictions']['max_decel'],['restrictions']['max_accel'])) @property def throttle(self): return['output']['throttle'] @property def brake(self): return['output']['brake'] def destroy(self): """ Function (override) to destroy this object. Finish the PID controllers. :return: """ self.speed_controller = None self.accel_controller = None def updatePIDParameters(self, sKp, sKi, sKd, aKp, aKi, aKd): if (self.speed_controller.Kp, self.speed_controller.Ki, self.speed_controller.Kd) != (sKp, sKi, sKd): self.speed_controller.tunings = (sKp, sKi, sKd) if (self.accel_controller.Kp, self.accel_controller.Ki, self.accel_controller.Kd) != (aKp, aKi, aKd): self.accel_controller.tunings = (aKp, aKi, aKd) def vehicle_status_updated(self, velocity, pitch): """ Stores the car status for the next controller calculation :return: """ # set target values self.vehicle_status = { 'velocity': velocity, 'orientation': { 'pitch': pitch } } def vehicle_info_updated(self, carMass=None): """ Stores the car info for the next controller calculation :return: """ # set target values self.vehicle_info = {} if carMass is not None: self.vehicle_info['mass'] = carMass # calculate restrictions['restrictions']['max_speed'] = phys.get_vehicle_max_speed( self.vehicle_info)['restrictions'][ 'max_accel'] = phys.get_vehicle_max_acceleration(self.vehicle_info)['restrictions'][ 'max_decel'] = phys.get_vehicle_max_deceleration(self.vehicle_info)['restrictions']['min_accel'] = 1.0 # clipping the pedal in both directions to the same range using the usual lower # border: the max_accel to ensure the the pedal target is in symmetry to zero['restrictions']['max_pedal'] = min(['restrictions']['max_accel'],['restrictions']['max_decel']) def set_target_speed(self, target_speed): """ set target speed """ if abs(target_speed) >['restrictions']['max_speed']:['target']['speed'] = numpy.clip( target_speed,['restrictions']['max_speed'],['restrictions']['max_speed']) else:['target']['speed'] = target_speed def set_target_accel(self, target_accel): """ set target accel """ epsilon = 0.1 # if speed is set to zero, then use max decel value if['target']['speed'] < epsilon:['target'][ 'accel'] =['restrictions']['max_decel'] else:['target']['accel'] = numpy.clip( target_accel,['restrictions']['max_decel'],['restrictions']['max_accel']) def vehicle_control_cycle(self): """ Perform a vehicle control cycle and sends out CarlaEgoVehicleControl message """ # perform actual control self.run_speed_control_loop() self.run_accel_control_loop() self.update_drive_vehicle_control_command() def run_speed_control_loop(self): """ Run the PID control loop for the speed The speed control is only activated if desired acceleration is moderate otherwhise we try to follow the desired acceleration values Reasoning behind: An autonomous vehicle calculates a trajectory including position and velocities. The ackermann drive is derived directly from that trajectory. The acceleration and jerk values provided by the ackermann drive command reflect already the speed profile of the trajectory. It makes no sense to try to mimick this a-priori knowledge by the speed PID controller. => The speed controller is mainly responsible to keep the speed. On expected speed changes, the speed control loop is disabled """ epsilon = 0.00001 target_accel_abs = abs(['target']['accel']) if target_accel_abs <['restrictions']['min_accel']: if['status']['speed_control_activation_count'] < 2:['status']['speed_control_activation_count'] += 1 else: if['status']['speed_control_activation_count'] > 0:['status']['speed_control_activation_count'] -= 1 # set the auto_mode of the controller accordingly self.speed_controller.set_auto_mode(['status']['speed_control_activation_count'] >= 2) if self.speed_controller.auto_mode: self.speed_controller.setpoint =['target']['speed']['status'][ 'speed_control_accel_target'] = self.speed_controller(['current']['speed']) # clipping borders clipping_lower_border = -target_accel_abs clipping_upper_border = target_accel_abs # per definition of ackermann drive: if zero, then use max value if target_accel_abs < epsilon: clipping_lower_border =['restrictions']['max_decel'] clipping_upper_border =['restrictions']['max_accel']['status']['speed_control_accel_target'] = numpy.clip(['status']['speed_control_accel_target'], clipping_lower_border, clipping_upper_border) else:['status']['speed_control_accel_delta'] = 0.['status']['speed_control_accel_target'] =[ 'target']['accel'] def run_accel_control_loop(self): """ Run the PID control loop for the acceleration """ # setpoint of the acceleration controller is the output of the speed controller self.accel_controller.setpoint =['status'][ 'speed_control_accel_target']['status'][ 'accel_control_pedal_target'] = self.accel_controller(['current']['accel']) # @todo: we might want to scale by making use of the the abs-jerk value # If the jerk input is big, then the trajectory input expects already quick changes # in the acceleration; to respect this we put an additional proportional factor on top['status']['accel_control_pedal_target'] = numpy.clip(['status']['accel_control_pedal_target'],['restrictions']['max_pedal'],['restrictions']['max_pedal']) def update_drive_vehicle_control_command(self): """ Apply the current speed_control_target value to throttle/brake commands """ # the driving impedance moves the 'zero' acceleration border # Interpretation: To reach a zero acceleration the throttle has to pushed # down for a certain amount['status'][ 'throttle_lower_border'] = phys.get_vehicle_driving_impedance_acceleration( self.vehicle_info, self.vehicle_status, False) # the engine lay off acceleration defines the size of the coasting area # Interpretation: The engine already prforms braking on its own; # therefore pushing the brake is not required for small decelerations['status']['brake_upper_border'] =['status']['throttle_lower_border'] + \ phys.get_vehicle_lay_off_engine_acceleration(self.vehicle_info) if['status']['accel_control_pedal_target'] >[ 'status']['throttle_lower_border']:['status']['status'] = "accelerating"['output']['brake'] = 0.0 # the value has to be normed to max_pedal # be aware: is not required to take throttle_lower_border into the scaling factor, # because that border is in reality a shift of the coordinate system # the global maximum acceleration can practically not be reached anymore because of # driving impedance['output']['throttle'] = ( (['status']['accel_control_pedal_target'] -['status']['throttle_lower_border']) / abs(['restrictions']['max_pedal'])) elif['status']['accel_control_pedal_target'] >[ 'status']['brake_upper_border']:['status']['status'] = "coasting" # no control required['output']['brake'] = 0.0['output']['throttle'] = 0.0 else:['status']['status'] = "braking" # braking required['output']['brake'] = ( (['status']['brake_upper_border'] -['status']['accel_control_pedal_target']) / abs(['restrictions']['max_pedal']))['output']['throttle'] = 0.0 # finally clip the final control output (should actually never happen)['output']['brake'] = numpy.clip(['output']['brake'], 0., 1.)['output']['throttle'] = numpy.clip(['output']['throttle'], 0., 1.) def update_current_values(self): """ Function to update vehicle control current values. we calculate the acceleration on ourselves, because we are interested only in the acceleration in respect to the driving direction In addition a small average filter is applied :return: """ current_time_sec = time.time() delta_time = current_time_sec -['current']['time_sec'] current_speed = self.vehicle_status['velocity'] if delta_time > (1 / self.frequency): delta_speed = current_speed -['current']['speed'] current_accel = delta_speed / delta_time # average filter['current']['accel'] = (['current']['accel'] * 4 + current_accel) / 5['current']['time_sec'] = current_time_sec['current']['speed'] = current_speed def run(self): self.update_current_values() self.vehicle_control_cycle()
def run(alt, launchaoa, climbrate, maxaoa, heading, rate, speed): conn = krpc.connect() t = conn.mech_jeb.translatron a = conn.mech_jeb.smart_ass v = conn.space_center.active_vessel c = v.control a.interface_mode = conn.mech_jeb.SmartASSInterfaceMode.surface a.autopilot_mode = conn.mech_jeb.SmartASSAutopilotMode.surface a.force_pitch = True a.force_yaw = True a.force_roll = True a.surface_heading = heading a.surface_pitch = launchaoa a.surface_roll = 0 a.update(False) f = v.flight(v.orbit.body.reference_frame) s_alt = conn.add_stream(getattr, f, 'mean_altitude') s_alt.rate = rate s_alt.start() s_vs = conn.add_stream(getattr, f, 'vertical_speed') s_vs.rate = rate s_vs.start() s_spd = conn.add_stream(getattr, f, 'speed') s_spd.rate = rate s_spd.start() start_alt = s_alt() alt_pid = PID(Kp=.10, Ki=.00, Kd=.00, sample_time=None, setpoint=alt) vs_pid = PID(Kp=.15, Ki=.05, Kd=.01, sample_time=None, setpoint=0) vs_pid.output_limits = (-1.0 * maxaoa, 1.0 * maxaoa) spd_pid = PID(Kp=.20, Ki=.05, Kd=.25, sample_time=None, setpoint=speed) spd_pid.output_limits = (0, 1.0) climb_alts = [0, 14000, 18000, 20000] climb_speeds = [climbrate, climbrate, 50, 0] if start_alt > 1500: start_alt = None try: s_alt.condition.acquire() while True: s_alt.wait() c_alt = s_alt() c_vs = s_vs() c_spd = s_spd() if start_alt: if c_alt < (start_alt + 25): print('{:8.1f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}'.format( c_alt, c_vs, a.surface_pitch)) continue print('going closed loop') start_alt = None conn.space_center.active_vessel.control.gear = False alt_pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=c_vs) vs_pid.set_auto_mode(True, last_output=a.surface_pitch) climbrate = numpy.interp(c_alt, climb_alts, climb_speeds) alt_pid.output_limits = (-1.0 * climbrate, 1.0 * climbrate) p_alt = alt_pid(c_alt) vs_pid.setpoint = p_alt p_vs = vs_pid(c_vs) a.surface_pitch = p_vs a.update(False) if speed > 0: c.throttle = spd_pid(c_spd) print( "alt: {:8.1f} avs: {:6.2f} dvs: {:5.2f} dpitch: {:5.2f} speed: {:5.2f}" .format(c_alt, c_vs, p_alt, p_vs, c_spd)) finally: s_alt.condition.release() s_alt.remove()