class KinematicModel: def __init__(self, config: configparser.ConfigParser): self.__distance_margin = config.getfloat('distance_controller', 'margin') self.__current_goal: Tuple[int, int] = None self.__v_pid = PID(config.getfloat('angle_controller', 'k_P'), config.getfloat('angle_controller', 'k_I'), config.getfloat('angle_controller', 'k_D')) self.__w_pid = PID(config.getfloat('angle_controller', 'k_P'), config.getfloat('angle_controller', 'k_I'), config.getfloat('angle_controller', 'k_D')) def get_kinematic_values(self, trunk: Tuple[int, int], hood: Tuple[int, int], goal: Tuple[int, int]) -> KinematicValues: if goal != self.__current_goal: self.__v_pid.reset() self.__w_pid.reset() self.__current_goal = goal robot = ((trunk[0] + hood[0]) / 2, (trunk[1] + hood[1]) / 2) delta_phi = self.get_angle_to_goal(goal, hood, robot, trunk) dist_to_goal = self.get_distance_to_goal(robot, goal) w = self.__w_pid(delta_phi) v = self.__v_pid(dist_to_goal) return KinematicValues(v, w) @staticmethod def get_angle_to_goal(goal, hood, robot, trunk): delta_phi = atan2(goal[1] - robot[1], goal[0] - robot[0]) # Account for orientation if hood[1] < trunk[1]: delta_phi += pi + delta_phi return delta_phi def get_distance_to_goal(self, robot: Tuple[float, float], goal: Tuple[float, float]) -> float: dist_to_goal = sqrt((robot[0] - goal[0])**2 + (robot[1] - goal[1])**2) return 0 if dist_to_goal < self.__distance_margin else dist_to_goal
def mainThread(debug=False): """ Controls the robot including joystick input, computer vision, line following, etc. Arguments: debug: (optional) log debugging data """ DC = ControllerUtils.DriveController(flip=[1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) # Get Controller gamepad = None while (not gamepad) and execute['mainThread']: time.sleep(5) try: gamepad = ControllerUtils.identifyController() except Exception as e: print(e) newestImage = [] newestSensorState = { 'imu': { 'calibration': { 'sys': 2, 'gyro': 3, 'accel': 0, 'mag': 0 }, 'gyro': { 'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0 }, 'vel': { 'x': -0.01, 'y': 0.0, 'z': -0.29 } }, 'temp': 25 } # Initalize PID controllers Kp = 1 Kd = 0.1 Ki = 0.05 xRotPID = PID(Kp, Kd, Ki, setpoint=0) yRotPID = PID(Kp, Kd, Ki, setpoint=0) zRotPID = PID(Kp, Kd, Ki, setpoint=0) mode = "user-control" override = False print("mode:", mode) print("override:", override) lastMsgTime = time.time() minTime = 1.0 / 10.0 while execute['mainThread']: while not mainQueue.empty(): recvMsg = mainQueue.get() if recvMsg['tag'] == 'cam': #newestImage = CommunicationUtils.decodeImage(recvMsg['data']) pass elif recvMsg['tag'] == 'sensor': newestSensorState = recvMsg['data'] # Get Joystick Input event = gamepad.read_one() if event: if (ControllerUtils.isOverrideCode(event, action="down")): override = True print("override:", override) elif (ControllerUtils.isOverrideCode(event, action="up") and override): override = False print("override:", override) if (ControllerUtils.isStopCode(event)): handlePacket(CommunicationUtils.packet("stateChange", "close")) time.sleep(1) stopAllThreads() elif (ControllerUtils.isZeroMotorCode(event)): handlePacket( CommunicationUtils.packet("motorData", DC.zeroMotors(), metadata="drivetrain")) elif (ControllerUtils.isStabilizeCode(event)): if (mode != "stabilize"): # Reset PID controllers xRotPID.reset() yRotPID.reset() zRotPID.reset() xRotPID.tunings = (Kp, Ki, Kd) yRotPID.tunings = (Kp, Ki, Kd) zRotPID.tunings = (Kp, Ki, Kd) # Assuming the robot has been correctly calibrated, (0,0,0) should be upright xRotPID.setpoint = 0 yRotPID.setpoint = 0 zRotPID.setpoint = 0 mode = "stabilize" print("mode:", mode) else: mode = "user-control" print("mode:", mode) if (mode == "user-control" or override): DC.updateState(event) speeds = DC.calcThrust() if (time.time() - lastMsgTime > minTime): handlePacket( CommunicationUtils.packet("motorData", speeds, metadata="drivetrain")) lastMsgTime = time.time() elif (mode == "stabilize" and not override): xTgt = xRotPID(newestSensorState["imu"]["gyro"]["x"]) yTgt = yRotPID(newestSensorState["imu"]["gyro"]["y"]) zTgt = zRotPID(newestSensorState["imu"]["gyro"]["z"]) speeds = DC.calcPIDRot(xTgt, yTgt, zTgt) if (time.time() - lastMsgTime > minTime): handlePacket( CommunicationUtils.packet("motorData", speeds, metadata="drivetrain")) lastMsgTime = time.time()
class DroneController(): """A class to implement controllers, given a frame and a rectangular bounding box for an object in the frame. There are PIDs for throttle, pitch, and yaw, each tuned carefully to work with the CoDrone and my setup.""" def __init__(self, frame, keep_distance=False, setpoint_throttle=-60.0, setpoint_yaw=0.0, meter_distance=150.0, ctr_rect_proportions=(3 / 16, 3 / 16)): """rect_proportions is a tuple with the width of the X part of rectangle as first, and width of y as second""" # flag to know if we're controlling distance too self.keep_distance = keep_distance # throttle setpoint negative so that head will be in top of frame, as bboxy - frame - will be negative # pid for x-axis, or yaw adjustments # Kp, Ki, Kd are gain constants on the principal, integral, and derivative terms # setpoint is the pixel x distance from center of frame to center of object # output limits are the limits to CoDrone's yaw # sample_time is minimum time that this will update. here, it'll be bounded naturally by the FPS # of the computer vision system, but putting in a limit in case other folks run on upgraded hardware where that # isn't a bottleneck self.setpoint_throttle = setpoint_throttle self.setpoint_yaw = setpoint_yaw if keep_distance: self.meter_distance = meter_distance self.pitch_pid = PID(Kp=.3, Ki=.1, Kd=.1, setpoint=0.0, sample_time=round(1 / 14, 2), output_limits=(-50, 50)) self.yaw_pid = PID(Kp=.1, Ki=0.1, Kd=0.2, setpoint=self.setpoint_throttle, sample_time=round(1 / 14, 2), output_limits=(-15, 15)) # because the drone is heavy with camera going down is much easier than up # reflecting this in output limits in the throttle pid self.throttle_pid = PID(Kp=.5, Ki=0.3, Kd=0.4, setpoint=self.setpoint_yaw, sample_time=round(1 / 14, 2), output_limits=(-20, 90)) # flags to determine when to reset the pid if nescessary # for instance, when our error is within tolerance for throttle, we'll reset the throttle PID # when we're back out of tolerance we'll use it again self.throttle_pid_on = True self.yaw_pid_on = True if keep_distance: self.pitch_pid_on = True self.throttle_errors = [] self.throttle_outputs = [] self.yaw_errors = [] self.yaw_outputs = [] self.pitch_errors = [] self.pitch_outputs = [] # setting a center rectangle where if a face is in that area, we won't be out of tolerance self.height, self.width = frame.shape[:2] x1 = int((self.width / 2) - (self.width * ctr_rect_proportions[0])) x2 = int((self.width / 2) + (self.width * ctr_rect_proportions[0])) y1 = int((self.height / 2) - (self.height * ctr_rect_proportions[1])) y2 = int((self.height / 2) + (self.height * ctr_rect_proportions[1])) self.center_rectangle_coords = (x1, y1, x2, y2) self.min_abs_x_error = (self.center_rectangle_coords[2] - self.center_rectangle_coords[0]) / 2 self.min_abs_y_error = (self.center_rectangle_coords[3] - self.center_rectangle_coords[1]) / 2 # setting minimum distance error in meters. The current approach for estimating distance is rather inaccurate. # so, setting this high. if keep_distance: self.min_distance_error = 40 @staticmethod def calc_x_y_error(frame, bounding_box): """This takes a frame object and a tuple of a bounding box where the entries are coordinates of top left and bottom right corners, ie, (x1, y1, x2, y2) and outputs the x distance from object center to frame center and y distance from object center to frame center """ # calculate center of image height, width = frame.shape[:2] frame_center_coords = (width / 2, height / 2) bb_x_center = (bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]) / 2 + bounding_box[0] bb_y_center = (bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]) / 2 + bounding_box[1] bb_center_coords = (bb_x_center, bb_y_center) x_distance_from_center = frame_center_coords[0] - bb_center_coords[0] # making it so if frame center is below object center, result is negative so that pid tries to increase throttle y_distance_from_center = bb_center_coords[1] - frame_center_coords[1] return x_distance_from_center, y_distance_from_center def _get_yaw_from_x_error(self, x_error): if abs(x_error) >= self.min_abs_x_error: yaw_output = self.yaw_pid(x_error) components_yaw = self.yaw_pid.components if not self.yaw_pid_on: self.yaw_pid_on = True else: yaw_output = 0 components_yaw = ("no_error", "no_error", "no_error") if self.yaw_pid_on: self.yaw_pid_on = False self.yaw_pid.reset() return yaw_output, components_yaw def _get_throttle_from_y_error(self, y_error): if abs(y_error) > self.min_abs_y_error: throttle_output = self.throttle_pid(y_error) components_throttle = self.throttle_pid.components if not self.throttle_pid_on: self.yaw_pid_on = True else: throttle_output = 0 components_throttle = ("no_error", "no_error", "no_error") if self.throttle_pid_on: self.throttle_pid_on = False self.throttle_pid.reset() return throttle_output, components_throttle def _get_pitch_from_distance(self, distance_error): if abs(distance_error) > self.min_distance_error: pitch_output = self.pitch_pid(distance_error) components_pitch = self.pitch_pid.components if not self.pitch_pid_on: self.pitch_pid_on = True else: pitch_output = 0.0 components_pitch = ("no_error", "no_error", "no_error") if self.pitch_pid_on: self.pitch_pid_on = False self.pitch_pid.reset() return pitch_output, components_pitch def get_drone_movements(self, frame, bounding_box, estimate_distance=False, write_frame_debug_info=False): x_error, y_error = DroneController.calc_x_y_error(frame, bounding_box) self.throttle_errors.append(y_error) self.yaw_errors.append(x_error) yaw_output, components_yaw = self._get_yaw_from_x_error(x_error) throttle_output, components_throttle = self._get_throttle_from_y_error( y_error) if estimate_distance: frame, distance = DroneVision.calculate_distance( frame, bounding_box) distance_error = self.meter_distance - distance self.pitch_errors.append(distance_error) pitch_output, components_pitch = self._get_pitch_from_distance( distance_error) else: pitch_output = 0.0 components_pitch = ("dist. False", "dist. False", "dist. False") distance_error = 0.0 self.throttle_outputs.append(throttle_output) self.yaw_outputs.append(yaw_output) self.pitch_outputs.append(pitch_output) if write_frame_debug_info: frame = self.write_debug(frame, x_error, y_error, distance_error, throttle_output, yaw_output, pitch_output, components_throttle, components_yaw, components_pitch) return int(throttle_output), int(yaw_output), int(pitch_output), frame def write_debug(self, frame, x_error, y_error, distance_error, throttle_output, yaw_output, pitch_output, components_throttle, components_yaw, components_pitch, font=cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, color=(0, 255, 0), font_scale=.3, font_thickness=1): throttle_text = "Throttle: {} (y_error: {})".format( round(throttle_output, 2), round(y_error, 2)) throttle_component_text = "Throttle components: {}".format([ round(component, 2) if not isinstance(component, str) else component for component in components_throttle ]) yaw_text = "Yaw: {} (x_error: {})".format(round(yaw_output, 2), round(x_error, 2)) yaw_component_text = "Yaw components: {}".format([ round(component, 2) if not isinstance(component, str) else component for component in components_yaw ]) pitch_text = "Pitch: {} (distance_error: {})".format( round(pitch_output, 2), round(distance_error, 2)) pitch_components = "Pitch components: {}".format([ round(component, 2) if not isinstance(component, str) else component for component in components_pitch ]) cv2.putText(frame, throttle_text, (0, 20), font, font_scale, color, font_thickness) cv2.putText(frame, throttle_component_text, (0, 30), font, font_scale, color, font_thickness) cv2.putText(frame, yaw_text, (0, 40), font, font_scale, color, font_thickness) cv2.putText(frame, yaw_component_text, (0, 50), font, font_scale, color, font_thickness) cv2.putText(frame, pitch_text, (0, 60), font, font_scale, color, font_thickness) cv2.putText(frame, pitch_components, (0, 70), font, font_scale, color, font_thickness) # writing center rectangle cv2.rectangle( frame, (self.center_rectangle_coords[0], self.center_rectangle_coords[1]), (self.center_rectangle_coords[2], self.center_rectangle_coords[3]), color=color) return frame def reset(self): self.throttle_pid.reset() self.yaw_pid.reset() if self.keep_distance: self.pitch_pid.reset()
class PIDMixin(BaseController): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor method. """ = PID() super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.update_settings(settings=kwargs.get('settings', {})) self.__slow_mode = False self.__logger = logging.getLogger('MCS.PID') @classmethod def get_defaults(cls) -> dict: """Return the default class values. :return: A dict holding all class default values :rtype: dict """ return { 'tunings': { 'Kp': 1.0, # PID Parameter P 'Ki': 0, # PID Parameter I 'Kd': 0, # PID Parameter D }, 'output': { 'minimum': 0, # Minimum PID output value 'current': 0, 'maximum': 100 # Maximum PID output value }, 'setpoint': { 'minimum': 0, # Minimum setpoint value 'current': 0, 'maximum': None # Maximum setpoint value }, 'sample_time': 0.1 } def update_settings(self, settings: dict = {}): """Internal method to update the PID settings The only reason fo this method was to improve code readbility because :meth:`ExtendedClient.updateSettings()` got a little big. :param settings: A dictionary holding all settings to be updated. :type settings: dict """ super().update_settings(settings=settings) if 'pid' not in self._settings: self._settings['pid'] = PIDMixin.get_defaults() settings = self._settings pid_settings = settings.get('pid', None) if pid_settings is None: return for key, value in pid_settings.get('tunings', {}).items(): if key in ['Kp', 'Ki', 'Kd']: setattr(self, key, value) if 'minimum' in pid_settings.get('output', {}): self.pid_control_min = pid_settings['output']['minimum'] if 'maximum' in pid_settings.get('output', {}): self.pid_control_max = pid_settings['output']['maximum'] if 'setpoint' in pid_settings: self.pid_target = pid_settings['setpoint'].get( 'current', self.pid_target) self.pid_target_minimum = pid_settings['setpoint'].get( 'minimum', self.pid_target_minimum) self.pid_target_maximum = pid_settings['setpoint'].get( 'maximum', self.pid_target_maximum) self.pid_sample_time = pid_settings.get('sample_time', self.pid_sample_time) def __set_slow_mode(self, state: bool = True): """Temporarly set different PID values """ if state and not self.__slow_mode: self.__slow_mode = True self.__previous_Kp = self.Kp self.Kp = 0.1 self.logger.getChild('PID').info('Enable slow mode!') if not state and self.__slow_mode: self.__slow_mode = False self.Kp = self.__previous_Kp self.logger.getChild('PID').info('Disable slow mode!') @property def Kp(self) -> float: """PID P parameter :getter: Return the current parameter P :setter: Set the new parameter P and reset the PID control """ return @Kp.setter def Kp(self, value: float): try: value = float(value) except ValueError: pass else: self._settings['pid']['tunings']['Kp'] = value = value @property def Ki(self) -> float: """PID I parameter :getter: Return the current parameter I :setter: Set the new parameter I and reset the PID control """ return @Ki.setter def Ki(self, value: float): try: value = float(value) except ValueError: pass else: self._settings['pid']['tunings']['Ki'] = value = value @property def Kd(self) -> float: """PID D parameter :getter: Return the current parameter D :setter: Set the new parameter D and reset the PID control """ return @Kd.setter def Kd(self, value): try: value = float(value) except ValueError: pass else: self._settings['pid']['tunings']['Kd'] = value = value @property def pid_sample_time(self) -> float: """PID sample time :getter: Return the current sample time in seconds :setter: Set the new sample time in seconds """ return @pid_sample_time.setter def pid_sample_time(self, value: float): if float(value) <= 0: raise ValueError('Sampletime cannot be 0 or less') = float(value) self._settings['pid']['sample_time'] = @property def pid_target(self) -> float: """Get the current temperature target (PID setpoint). :getter: Return the current PID setpoint. :setter: Set the PID setpoint after checking boundaries. :type: float ..note:: Minimum and maximum values for the setpoint can be set with :attr:`Temperatures.target_minimum` or :attr:`Temperatures.target_maximum`. """ return float(self._settings['pid']['setpoint']['current']) @pid_target.setter def pid_target(self, value: float): """Only enforce limits if set. """ try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise ValueError value = max(value, self.pid_target_minimum or value) value = min(value, self.pid_target_minimum or value) self._settings['pid']['setpoint']['current'] = value = self.pid_target self.logger.getChild('PID').info(f'Set target to {value}') @property def pid_target_minimum(self) -> Union[float, None]: """Get the minimum setpoint (PID target) value :getter: Return the current minimum setpoint. Default is ``None``. :setter: Set a minimum setpoint value. :type: float .. note:: :attr:`Temperatures.target_minimum` must be smaller or equal to :attr:`Temperatures.target_maximum` (if set). """ return self._settings['pid']['setpoint']['minimum'] @pid_target_minimum.setter def pid_target_minimum(self, value: Union[float, None]): """Check that the value is not larger than an existing maximum. """ try: value = None if value is None else float(value) except ValueError: value = None if value is not None: value = min(value, self.pid_target_maximum or value) self.logger.getChild('PID').info(f'Set minimum target to {value}') self._settings['pid']['setpoint']['minimum'] = value @property def pid_target_maximum(self) -> Union[float, None]: """Get the maximum setpoint (PID target) value :getter: Return the current maximum setpoint. Default is ``None``. :setter: set a maximum setpoint value. :type: float .. note:: :attr:`Temperatures.target_maximum` must be larger or equal to :attr:`Temperatures.target_minimum` (if set). """ return self._settings['pid']['setpoint']['maximum'] @pid_target_maximum.setter def pid_target_maximum(self, value: Union[float, None]): try: value = None if value is None else float(value) except ValueError: value = None if value is not None: value = max(value, self.pid_target_minimum or value) self.logger.getChild('PID').debug(f'Set maximum target to {value}') self._settings['pid']['setpoint']['maximum'] = value @property def pid_control(self) -> float: """Get the PID control value :getter: Calculate the current PID output. :setter: Update the current PID value in the settings. :type: float """ if if min((self.current or 1) / (self.pid_target or 1), 1) < 0.75: self.__set_slow_mode(True) else: self.__set_slow_mode(False) self.pid_control = return self._settings['pid']['output']['current'] @pid_control.setter def pid_control(self, value: float): self._settings['pid']['output']['current'] = value @property def pid_control_min(self) -> Union[float, None]: """Get the minimum output limit. :getter: Return the minimum output limit. :type: float, NoneType """ return self._settings['pid']['output']['minimum'] @pid_control_min.setter def pid_control_min(self, value: Union[float, None]): try: value = None if value is None else float(value) except ValueError: value = None value = value if value is None else min(value, self.pid_control_max or value) self._settings['pid']['output']['minimum'] = value = self.pid_control_min, self.pid_control_max @property def pid_control_max(self) -> Union[float, None]: """Get the maximum output limit. :getter: Return the maximum output limit :type: float, NoneType """ return self._settings['pid']['output']['maximum'] @pid_control_max.setter def pid_control_max(self, value: Union[float, None]): try: value = None if value is None else float(value) except ValueError: value = None value = value if value is None else max(value, self.pid_control_min or value) self._settings['pid']['output']['maximum'] = value = self.pid_control_min, self.pid_control_max def datalogger_collect(self) -> None: super().datalogger_collect() if 'pid' not in self.datalogger_current: self.datalogger_current['pid'] = {} self.datalogger_current['pid'].update({ 'control_maximum': self.pid_control_max, 'control_minimum': self.pid_control_min, 'control': self.pid_control, 'target': self.pid_target, 'target_minimum': self.pid_target_minimum, 'target_maximum': self.pid_target_maximum, 'Kp':, 'Ki':, 'Kd':, })
class SawyerEnv(MujocoEnv): """Initializes a Sawyer robot environment.""" def __init__(self, gripper_type=None, gripper_visualization=False, use_indicator_object=False, has_renderer=False, has_offscreen_renderer=True, render_collision_mesh=False, render_visual_mesh=True, control_freq=10, horizon=1000, ignore_done=False, use_camera_obs=False, camera_name="frontview", camera_height=256, camera_width=256, camera_depth=False, pid=True, **kwargs): """ Args: gripper_type (str): type of gripper, used to instantiate gripper models from gripper factory. gripper_visualization (bool): True if using gripper visualization. Useful for teleoperation. use_indicator_object (bool): if True, sets up an indicator object that is useful for debugging. has_renderer (bool): If true, render the simulation state in a viewer instead of headless mode. has_offscreen_renderer (bool): True if using off-screen rendering. render_collision_mesh (bool): True if rendering collision meshes in camera. False otherwise. render_visual_mesh (bool): True if rendering visual meshes in camera. False otherwise. control_freq (float): how many control signals to receive in every second. This sets the amount of simulation time that passes between every action input. horizon (int): Every episode lasts for exactly @horizon timesteps. ignore_done (bool): True if never terminating the environment (ignore @horizon). use_camera_obs (bool): if True, every observation includes a rendered image. camera_name (str): name of camera to be rendered. Must be set if @use_camera_obs is True. camera_height (int): height of camera frame. camera_width (int): width of camera frame. camera_depth (bool): True if rendering RGB-D, and RGB otherwise. """ self.has_gripper = gripper_type is not None self.gripper_type = gripper_type self.gripper_dof = 0 self.gripper_visualization = gripper_visualization self.use_indicator_object = use_indicator_object # Set to False if actions are supposed to be applied as is self.normalised_actions = True super().__init__(has_renderer=has_renderer, has_offscreen_renderer=has_offscreen_renderer, render_collision_mesh=render_collision_mesh, render_visual_mesh=render_visual_mesh, control_freq=control_freq, horizon=horizon, ignore_done=ignore_done, use_camera_obs=use_camera_obs, camera_name=camera_name, camera_height=camera_height, camera_width=camera_width, camera_depth=camera_depth, **kwargs) if (pid): self._setup_pid() def _setup_pid(self): = PID( dim=self.mujoco_robot.dof, sample_time=None, ) limits = (self.sim.model.actuator_ctrlrange[:7, 0].copy(), self.sim.model.actuator_ctrlrange[:7, 1].copy()) gains = self.mujoco_robot.velocity_pid_gains kps = np.array([ gains['right_j{}'.format(actuator)]['p'] for actuator in range(7) ]) kis = np.array([ gains['right_j{}'.format(actuator)]['i'] for actuator in range(7) ]) kds = np.array([ gains['right_j{}'.format(actuator)]['d'] for actuator in range(7) ]) = (kps, kis, kds) = limits def _load_model(self): """ Loads robot and optionally add grippers. """ super()._load_model() if ( is not None): self.mujoco_robot = Sawyer(torque=True) else: self.mujoco_robot = Sawyer() if self.has_gripper: self.gripper = gripper_factory(self.gripper_type) if not self.gripper_visualization: self.gripper.hide_visualization() self.mujoco_robot.add_gripper("right_hand", self.gripper) self.gripper_dof = self.gripper.dof def _reset_internal(self): """ Sets initial pose of arm and grippers. """ super()._reset_internal()[ self._ref_joint_pos_indexes] = self.mujoco_robot.init_qpos if self.has_gripper:[ self._ref_gripper_joint_pos_indexes] = self.gripper.init_qpos def _get_reference(self): """ Sets up necessary reference for robots, grippers, and objects. """ super()._get_reference() # indices for joints in qpos, qvel self.robot_joints = list(self.mujoco_robot.joints) self._ref_joint_pos_indexes = [ self.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr(x) for x in self.robot_joints ] self._ref_joint_vel_indexes = [ self.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr(x) for x in self.robot_joints ] self._ref_joint_ids = [ self.sim.model.joint_name2id(x) for x in self.robot_joints ] if self.use_indicator_object: ind_qpos = self.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr("pos_indicator") self._ref_indicator_pos_low, self._ref_indicator_pos_high = ind_qpos ind_qvel = self.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr("pos_indicator") self._ref_indicator_vel_low, self._ref_indicator_vel_high = ind_qvel self.indicator_id = self.sim.model.body_name2id("pos_indicator") # indices for grippers in qpos, qvel if self.has_gripper: self.gripper_joints = list(self.gripper.joints) self._ref_gripper_joint_pos_indexes = [ self.sim.model.get_joint_qpos_addr(x) for x in self.gripper_joints ] self._ref_gripper_joint_vel_indexes = [ self.sim.model.get_joint_qvel_addr(x) for x in self.gripper_joints ] self._ref_gripper_body_indx = self.sim.model.body_name2id( 'right_gripper') # indices for joint pos actuation, joint vel actuation, gripper actuation # self._ref_joint_pos_actuator_indexes = [ # self.sim.model.actuator_name2id(actuator) # for actuator in self.sim.model.actuator_names # if actuator.startswith("pos") # ] self._ref_joint_vel_actuator_indexes = [ self.sim.model.actuator_name2id(actuator) for actuator in self.sim.model.actuator_names if actuator.startswith("vel") ] self._ref_joint_torque_actuator_indexes = [ self.sim.model.actuator_name2id(actuator) for actuator in self.sim.model.actuator_names if actuator.startswith("torq") ] if self.has_gripper: self._ref_joint_gripper_actuator_indexes = [ self.sim.model.actuator_name2id(actuator) for actuator in self.sim.model.actuator_names if actuator.startswith("gripper") ] # IDs of sites for gripper visualization self.eef_site_id = self.sim.model.site_name2id("grip_site") self.eef_cylinder_id = self.sim.model.site_name2id( "grip_site_cylinder") def move_indicator(self, pos): """ Sets 3d position of indicator object to @pos. """ if self.use_indicator_object: index = self._ref_indicator_pos_low[index:index + 3] = pos def _pre_action(self, action): """ Overrides the superclass method to actuate the robot with the passed joint velocities and gripper control. Args: action (numpy array): The control to apply to the robot. The first @self.mujoco_robot.dof dimensions should be the desired joint velocities. If self.normalised_actions is True then these actions should be normalised. If the robot has a gripper, the next @self.gripper.dof dimensions should be actuation controls for the gripper, which should always be normalised. """ assert len( action) == self.dof, "environment got invalid action dimension" low, high = self.action_spec arm_action = action[:self.mujoco_robot.dof] gripper_action = action[self.mujoco_robot.dof:self.mujoco_robot.dof + self.gripper_dof] if (self.normalised_actions): arm_action = np.clip(arm_action, low[:self.mujoco_robot.dof], high[:self.mujoco_robot.dof]) # rescale normalized action to control ranges ctrl_range = self.control_range[:self.mujoco_robot.dof, :] bias = 0.5 * (ctrl_range[:, 1] + ctrl_range[:, 0]) weight = 0.5 * (ctrl_range[:, 1] - ctrl_range[:, 0]) arm_action = bias + weight * arm_action if self.has_gripper: gripper_action = self.gripper.format_action(gripper_action) # rescale normalized action to control ranges ctrl_range = self.control_range[self.mujoco_robot.dof:, :] bias = 0.5 * (ctrl_range[:, 1] + ctrl_range[:, 0]) weight = 0.5 * (ctrl_range[:, 1] - ctrl_range[:, 0]) gripper_action = bias + weight * gripper_action action = np.concatenate([arm_action, gripper_action]) else: action = arm_action if ( is None):[:] = action else:[self.mujoco_robot.dof:] = gripper_action = arm_action # gravity compensation[ self._ref_joint_vel_indexes] =[ self._ref_joint_vel_indexes] if self.use_indicator_object:[ self._ref_indicator_vel_low:self. _ref_indicator_vel_high] =[ self._ref_indicator_vel_low:self._ref_indicator_vel_high] def _set_pid_control(self): dt = self.model_timestep if is not None else 1e-16 current_qvel =[self._ref_joint_vel_indexes][:self.mujoco_robot.dof] =, dt) def _post_action(self, action): """ (Optional) does gripper visualization after actions. """ ret = super()._post_action(action) self._gripper_visualization() return ret def _get_observation(self): """ Returns an OrderedDict containing observations [(name_string, np.array), ...]. Important keys: robot-state: contains robot-centric information. """ di = super()._get_observation() # proprioceptive features di["joint_pos"] = np.array( [[x] for x in self._ref_joint_pos_indexes]) di["joint_vel"] = np.array( [[x] for x in self._ref_joint_vel_indexes]) robot_states = [ np.sin(di["joint_pos"]), np.cos(di["joint_pos"]), di["joint_vel"], ] if self.has_gripper: di["gripper_qpos"] = np.array([[x] for x in self._ref_gripper_joint_pos_indexes ]) di["gripper_qvel"] = np.array([[x] for x in self._ref_gripper_joint_vel_indexes ]) di["eef_pos"] = np.array([self.eef_site_id]) di["eef_quat"] = T.convert_quat("right_hand"), to="xyzw") # add in gripper information if (self.gripper_type == "PushingGripper"): robot_states.extend([di["eef_pos"], di["eef_quat"]]) else: robot_states.extend( [di["gripper_qpos"], di["eef_pos"], di["eef_quat"]]) di["robot-state"] = np.concatenate(robot_states) return di @property def control_range(self): return self.sim.model.actuator_ctrlrange @property def action_spec(self): """ Action lower/upper limits per dimension. """ if self.normalised_actions: low = np.ones(self.dof) * -1. high = np.ones(self.dof) * 1. return low, high else: ctrl_range = self.control_range return ctrl_range[:, 0], ctrl_range[:, 1] @property def dof(self): """ Returns the DoF of the robot (with grippers). """ dof = self.mujoco_robot.dof if self.has_gripper: dof += self.gripper.dof return dof def pose_in_base(self, pose_in_world): """ A helper function that takes in a pose in world frame and returns that pose in the the base frame. """ base_pos_in_world ="base") base_rot_in_world ="base").reshape((3, 3)) base_pose_in_world = T.make_pose(base_pos_in_world, base_rot_in_world) world_pose_in_base = T.pose_inv(base_pose_in_world) pose_in_base = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(pose_in_world, world_pose_in_base) return pose_in_base def pose_in_base_from_name(self, name): """ A helper function that takes in a named data field and returns the pose of that object in the base frame. """ pos_in_world = rot_in_world =, 3)) pose_in_world = T.make_pose(pos_in_world, rot_in_world) base_pos_in_world ="base") base_rot_in_world ="base").reshape((3, 3)) base_pose_in_world = T.make_pose(base_pos_in_world, base_rot_in_world) world_pose_in_base = T.pose_inv(base_pose_in_world) pose_in_base = T.pose_in_A_to_pose_in_B(pose_in_world, world_pose_in_base) return pose_in_base def set_robot_joint_positions(self, jpos): """ Helper method to force robot joint positions to the passed values. """[self._ref_joint_pos_indexes] = jpos self.sim.forward() @property def _right_hand_pose(self): """ Returns eef pose in base frame of robot. """ return self.pose_in_base_from_name("right_hand") @property def _right_hand_quat(self): """ Returns eef quaternion in base frame of robot. """ return T.mat2quat(self._right_hand_orn) @property def _right_hand_total_velocity(self): """ Returns the total eef velocity (linear + angular) in the base frame as a numpy array of shape (6,) """ # Use jacobian to translate joint velocities to end effector velocities. Jp ="right_hand").reshape((3, -1)) Jp_joint = Jp[:, self._ref_joint_vel_indexes] Jr ="right_hand").reshape((3, -1)) Jr_joint = Jr[:, self._ref_joint_vel_indexes] eef_lin_vel = eef_rot_vel = return np.concatenate([eef_lin_vel, eef_rot_vel]) @property def _right_hand_pos(self): """ Returns position of eef in base frame of robot. """ eef_pose_in_base = self._right_hand_pose return eef_pose_in_base[:3, 3] @property def _right_hand_orn(self): """ Returns orientation of eef in base frame of robot as a rotation matrix. """ eef_pose_in_base = self._right_hand_pose return eef_pose_in_base[:3, :3] @property def _right_hand_vel(self): """ Returns velocity of eef in base frame of robot. """ return self._right_hand_total_velocity[:3] @property def _right_hand_ang_vel(self): """ Returns angular velocity of eef in base frame of robot. """ return self._right_hand_total_velocity[3:] @property def _joint_positions(self): """ Returns a numpy array of joint positions. Sawyer robots have 7 joints and positions are in rotation angles. """ return[self._ref_joint_pos_indexes] @property def joint_positions(self): """ Returns a numpy array of joint positions. Sawyer robots have 7 joints and positions are in rotation angles. """ return copy.deepcopy([self._ref_joint_pos_indexes]) @property def joint_velocities(self): """ Returns a numpy array of joint velocities. Sawyer robots have 7 joints and velocities are angular velocities. """ return copy.deepcopy([self._ref_joint_vel_indexes]) @property def _joint_velocities(self): """ Returns a numpy array of joint velocities. Sawyer robots have 7 joints and velocities are angular velocities. """ return[self._ref_joint_vel_indexes] @property def _joint_velocities_dict(self): """ Returns a numpy array of joint velocities. Sawyer robots have 7 joints and velocities are angular velocities. """ return { 'right_j0':'right_j0'), 'right_j1':'right_j1'), 'right_j2':'right_j2'), 'right_j3':'right_j3'), 'right_j4':'right_j4'), 'right_j5':'right_j5'), 'right_j6':'right_j6'), } @property def _joint_pos_dict(self): """ Returns a numpy array of joint velocities. Sawyer robots have 7 joints and velocities are angular velocities. """ return { 'right_j0':'right_j0'), 'right_j1':'right_j1'), 'right_j2':'right_j2'), 'right_j3':'right_j3'), 'right_j4':'right_j4'), 'right_j5':'right_j5'), 'right_j6':'right_j6'), } @property def _joint_ranges(self): """ Returns a numpy array of joint ranges. Sawyer robots have 7 joints with max ranges in radiants. """ return self.sim.model.jnt_range[self._ref_joint_ids] def _gripper_visualization(self): """ Do any needed visualization here. """ # By default, don't do any coloring. self.sim.model.site_rgba[self.eef_site_id] = [0., 0., 0., 0.] def _check_contact(self): """ Returns True if the gripper is in contact with another object. """ return False
class TrajController: def __init__(self): self.planning_cmd_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/planning/pos_cmd',PositionCommand) self.vins_imu_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/vins_estimator/imu_propagate',Odometry) self.time_syn = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer([self.planning_cmd_sub,self.vins_imu_sub], 10, 0.1, allow_headerless=True) self.time_syn.registerCallback(self.call_back) self.pos_cmd_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/planning/pos_cmd_pose',Odometry,queue_size=10) self.laikago_pose_pub = rospy.Publisher('/laikago_tracker/pose',Odometry,queue_size=10) self.cmd_handle = laikago_command_handle() self.safe_distance = rospy.get_param('safe_distance') # m self.replan_distance = rospy.get_param('replan_distance') # m self.pid_x = PID(1.5, 0.0, 0.01, setpoint=0) self.pid_y = PID(1.5, 0.0, 0.023, setpoint=0) self.pid_yaw = PID(1.5, 0.0, 0.01, setpoint=0) self.pid_x.output_limits = (0,1) self.pid_y.output_limits = (-1,1) self.pid_yaw.output_limits = (-1,1) self.reach_goal_first_time = def reset_pid(self): self.pid_x.reset() self.pid_y.reset() self.pid_yaw.reset() def call_back(self,pos_cmd, vins_imu): enable = rospy.get_param('enable_replan') # enable = True if enable: # debug pos_cmd_pos = Odometry() pos_cmd_pos.pose.pose.position.x = pos_cmd.position.x pos_cmd_pos.pose.pose.position.y = pos_cmd.position.y q = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, pos_cmd.yaw) pos_cmd_pos.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] pos_cmd_pos.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] pos_cmd_pos.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] pos_cmd_pos.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] pos_cmd_pos.header = pos_cmd.header self.pos_cmd_pose_pub.publish(pos_cmd_pos) vins_imu.pose.pose.position.x = vins_imu.pose.pose.position.x - 0.2 self.laikago_pose_pub.publish(vins_imu) # if pos_cmd.velocity.x == 0.0 and pos_cmd.velocity.y == 0.0: # if - self.reach_goal_first_time.to_nsec() > 500000000: # rospy.set_param('enable_replan', False) # # rospy.set_param('enable_seek_target', True) # else: self.cmd_handle.cmd.mode = 2 self.cmd_handle.cmd.forwardSpeed = self.pid_x(vins_imu.pose.pose.position.x - pos_cmd.position.x) self.cmd_handle.cmd.sideSpeed = self.pid_y(vins_imu.pose.pose.position.y - pos_cmd.position.y) orientation = vins_imu.pose.pose.orientation (roll, pitch, yaw) = transformations.euler_from_quaternion([orientation.x, orientation.y, orientation.z, orientation.w]) # (roll, pitch, yaw) = transformations.euler_from_quaternion([ # pos_cmd.position.x - vins_imu.pose.pose.position.x, # pos_cmd.position.y - vins_imu.pose.pose.position.y, # 0, orientation.w]) self.cmd_handle.cmd.rotateSpeed = self.pid_yaw(yaw - pos_cmd.yaw) self.cmd_handle.send() self.reach_goal_first_time = else: self.reset_pid()
class ManualNavigator: def __init__(self, max_angle=45, max_setpoint_angle=12.5, scaling_factor=1000, max_collinear_offset=120000): self.MAX_ANGLE = math.radians(max_angle) self.MAX_SETPOINT_ANGLE = math.radians(max_setpoint_angle) self.MAX_COLLINEAR_OFFSET = max_collinear_offset self.MAX_ROTATIONAL_OFFSET = 100000 self.SCALING_FACTOR = scaling_factor = pid_class.PID() = PID(400, 10, 0, setpoint=0) self.pid_output = 0 self.imu = mpu.Sensors(1, 0x68) self.remote = remote.RemoteController() self.update_user_angle() self.odrv = drive.OdriveController() self.setup_odrive() self.angle = self.dt = 0 # Values set in update_pid self.running = False self.sample_time = 0.001 self.update_pid() def update_constants(self): with open("PID.txt", 'r') as infile: kP, kI, kD, max_I = (float(infile.readline()) for i in range(4)) if kP != or kI != or kD != print("New constants fixed. resetting I-val.") #self.I = 0 = kP = kI = kD #self.max_I_val = max_I def start(self): self.angle = self.imu.reset_angle() self.running = True def stop(self): self.running = False self.odrv.set_collinear_offsets(0) self.odrv.set_all_motors_speed(0) def cleanup(self): self.odrv.set_all_motors_speed(0) self.odrv.set_axis_state(odrive.enums.AXIS_STATE_IDLE) self.imu.bus.close() def setup_odrive(self): print("Starting calibration...") self.odrv.calibrate() print("Calibration finished.") print("Setting axis state...") self.odrv.set_axis_state(odrive.enums.AXIS_STATE_CLOSED_LOOP_CONTROL) print("Setting control mode...") self.odrv.set_control_mode(odrive.enums.CTRL_MODE_VELOCITY_CONTROL) print("Done, please standby...") time.sleep(1) def update_user_angle(self): main_axis_input = self.remote.get_ly_axis() angle = main_axis_input * self.MAX_SETPOINT_ANGLE = angle def update_collinear_offset(self): collinear_input = self.remote.get_lx_axis() collinear_offset = collinear_input * self.MAX_COLLINEAR_OFFSET self.odrv.set_collinear_offsets(collinear_offset) def update_rotational_offset(self): rotational_input = self.remote.get_rx_axis() rotational_offset = rotational_input * self.MAX_ROTATIONAL_OFFSET self.odrv.set_rotational_offsets(rotational_offset) def update_pid(self): self.angle, self.dt = self.imu.get_angle(), self.dt) #self.pid_output = self.pid_output = def update_odrive_output(self): velocity = self.pid_output * self.SCALING_FACTOR self.odrv.set_all_motors_speed(velocity) def main_task(self): """ Returns: true if ok, false if not""" self.update_user_angle() self.update_collinear_offset() self.update_rotational_offset() self.update_pid() self.update_odrive_output() if self.fallen_over: self.stop() return not self.fallen_over def print_telemetry(self): print(f"Setpoint: {math.degrees(}") print(f"Angle: {math.degrees(self.angle)}\tOutput: {self.pid_output}") @property def fallen_over(self): if abs(self.imu.angle) > self.MAX_ANGLE: print("has fallen over, ", math.degrees(self.imu.angle), "\t", math.degrees(self.MAX_ANGLE)) return True return False
class BottyMcBotFace(object): def __init__(self, serial_device): self.serial_device = serial_device self.yaw_target = 0. self.pitch_target = 0. self.yaw_vel = 0. self.pitch_vel = 0. self.trigger_start = 0 self.is_parked = False self.configure_feather() self.set_pid_tuning(cfg.track_kp, cfg.track_ki, cfg.track_kd) """ Motion stuff """ def configure_feather(self): command_string = 'C0' for k, v in cfg.Feather_Parameter_Chars.items(): command_string += ' {}{}'.format(k, v) self.serial_device.command(command_string) def home(self): print('TODO implement this plz') def zero(self): self.serial_device.command('G92 X0 Y0') def enable(self): self.serial_device.command('M17') def disable(self): self.serial_device.command('M84') def trigger(self, min_pwm=cfg.trigger_min_pwm, max_pwm=cfg.trigger_max_pwm, time_held_s=cfg.trigger_hold_s, force_off=False): """ Call this function continuously and do other stuff while it runs, will return true when it is done """ if self.trigger_start == 0 and force_off is False: self.trigger_start = time.time() self.serial_device.command('c1 a{}'.format(max_pwm)) elif ((time.time() - self.trigger_start) > time_held_s) or force_off is True: self.trigger_start = 0 self.serial_device.command('c1 a{}'.format(min_pwm)) return True return False def set_pid_tuning(self, kp, ki, kd): self.pitch_pid = PID(kp / 1000000, ki / 1000000, kd / 1000000) # self.pitch_pid.output_limits = (-0.015, 0.015) self.yaw_pid = PID(kp / 1000000, ki / 1000000, kd / 1000000) # self.yaw_pid.output_limits = (-0.015, 0.015) def reset_pid(self): self.pitch_pid.reset() self.yaw_pid.reset() def absolute_move(self, yaw_rads, pitch_rads, velocity_mmps=None): """ I move da motorz """ # Filter commands if exceeding limits if yaw_rads > cfg.yaw_travel_rads: self.yaw_target = cfg.yaw_travel_rads elif yaw_rads < 0: self.yaw_target = 0 else: self.yaw_target = yaw_rads if pitch_rads > cfg.pitch_travel_rads: self.pitch_target = cfg.pitch_travel_rads elif pitch_rads < 0: self.pitch_target = 0 else: self.pitch_target = pitch_rads # Send gcode command = 'G0 X{} Y{}'.format(self.yaw_target, self.pitch_target) if velocity_mmps is not None: command += ' F{}'.format(velocity_mmps * 60) self.serial_device.command(command) def relative_move(self, yaw_rads=0, pitch_rads=0, velocity_mmps=None): self.yaw_target += yaw_rads self.pitch_target += pitch_rads self.absolute_move(self.yaw_target, self.pitch_target, velocity_mmps) def update_target(self, pitch_pixel_err, yaw_pixel_err, mult=1.0): """ Takes in raw pixel errors and determines and sends motor commands """ # First calculate motor leads self.get_velocities() pitch_pixel_err += self.pitch_vel * cfg.lead_ahead_constant yaw_pixel_err += self.yaw_vel * cfg.lead_ahead_constant # Then run through pid with adjusted pixel targets pitch_move_rads = self.pitch_pid(pitch_pixel_err) * mult yaw_move_rads = self.yaw_pid(yaw_pixel_err) * mult # Then command motors self.relative_move(yaw_move_rads, pitch_move_rads) if cfg.DEBUG_MODE: print('PITCH: {}\tcomponents: {}\tlead: {}'.format( pitch_move_rads, self.pitch_pid.components, self.pitch_vel * cfg.lead_ahead_constant)) print('YAW: {}\tcomponents: {}\tlead: {}'.format( yaw_move_rads, self.yaw_pid.components, self.yaw_vel * cfg.lead_ahead_constant)) return pitch_move_rads, yaw_move_rads def get_velocities(self): """ Updates pitch and yaw motor velocities """ ret = self.serial_device.command('C2') (self.yaw_vel, self.pitch_vel) = (float(k) for k in ret.split(',')) def send_gcode(self, filename): with open(os.path.join(cfg.gcode_folder, filename)) as f: while (True): line = f.readline().strip('\n') if not line: break if line[0] == ';': # Comments start with semicolon continue self.serial_device.command(line) @property def is_homed(self): raise Exception('NOT IMPLEMENTED') @property def xpos_mm(self): ret = self.serial_device.command('M114') return float(ret.split(',')[0]) @property def ypos_mm(self): ret = self.serial_device.command('M114') return float(ret.split(',')[1])
class ArduinoPCR: """Classe com protocolos para comunicação serial.""" def __init__(self, baudrate, timeout=1, experiment: ExperimentPCR = None): self.timeout = timeout self.baudrate = baudrate self.experiment: ExperimentPCR = experiment self.cooling_experiment = ExperimentPCR('Resfriamento', 1, 25, StepPCR('1', std.COOLING_TEMP_C, 5)) = PID(Kp=std.KP, Ki=std.KI, Kd=std.KD, output_limits=(-255, 255), sample_time=0) # print( # Conferir com o nome no Gerenciador de dispositivos do windows # caso esteja usando um arduino diferente. self.device_type = '' self.port_connected = None self.serial_device: serial.Serial = None self.is_connected = False self.waiting_update = False self.monitor_thread = None self.is_running = False self.is_waiting = True self.current_sample_temperature = 0 self.current_lid_temperature = 0 self.current_step = '' self.current_step_temp = 0 self.current_cycle = 0 self.elapsed_time = 0 self.is_cooling = False self.reading = '' self.initialize_connection() def run_experiment(self): sleep(1) started_time = time() self.elapsed_time = 0 for step in self.experiment.steps: self.elapsed_time += int(step.duration) self.elapsed_time *= self.experiment.n_cycles for i in range(int(self.experiment.n_cycles)): self.current_cycle = i + 1 for step in self.experiment.steps: started_step_time = time() self.current_step = self.current_step_temp = step.temperature set_point = int(step.temperature) duration = int(step.duration) = set_point current_time = time() while current_time - started_step_time <= duration: if self.is_waiting: if not self.is_running: # print('Experiment Cancelled') messagebox.showinfo('Cetus PCR', 'O experimento foi ' 'cancelado.') self.serial_device.write(b'<peltier 0 0>') self.is_waiting = False return output = print(f'output= {output}') # print(self.current_sample_temperature) if output >= 0: new_str = f'<peltier 0 {int(output)}>' elif output < 0: new_str = f'<peltier 1 {abs(int(output))}>' self.serial_device.write(b'%a\r\n' % new_str) self.is_waiting = False self.elapsed_time = int(time() - started_time) if not set_point - std.TOLERANCE < \ self.current_sample_temperature < \ set_point + std.TOLERANCE: # Delay para atingir a temperatura desejada difference = time() - current_time duration += difference # print(duration) experiment_data_x.append(current_time - started_time) experiment_data_y.append(self.current_sample_temperature) experiment_data_setpoint.append( current_time = time() sleep(0.1) self.is_cooling = False print(f'Finish time: {time() - started_time}') file_path = f'{} - {}' with open(f'experiment logs/{file_path}.csv', 'w') as outfile: outfile.write('X,Y,Set Point\n') for x, y, sp in zip(experiment_data_x, experiment_data_y, experiment_data_setpoint): outfile.write(f'{x},{y},{sp}\n') messagebox.showinfo('Cetus PCR', f'"{}" ' f'concluído.') def serial_monitor(self): """Função para monitoramento da porta serial do Arduino. Todas as informações provenientes da porta serial são exibidas no prompt padrão do Python. Determinadas informações também são guardadas em variáveis para serem posteriormente exibidas para o usuário. Esse processo deve ser rodado em outra thread para evitar a parada do mainloop da janela principal. """ while self.is_connected: try: self.reading = self.serial_device.readline().decode() self.reading = self.reading.strip('\r\n') if 'tempSample' in self.reading: self.current_sample_temperature = \ float(self.reading.split()[1]) # print(self.current_sample_temperature) if 'tempLid' in self.reading: self.current_lid_temperature = \ float(self.reading.split()[1]) if 'Cooling finished' in self.reading: messagebox.showinfo('Cetus PCR', 'Rotina de resfriamento ' 'concluída.') elif self.reading == 'nextpls': self.is_waiting = True if 'Heat' in self.reading or 'Cooling' in self.reading: print(f'(SM) {repr(self.reading)}') # if not self.is_running: # self.serial_device.write(b'<peltier 0 0>') # if self.reading != '': # print(f'(SM) {repr(self.reading)}') except serial.SerialException: messagebox.showerror('Dispositivo desconectado', 'Ocorreu um erro ao se comunicar com ' 'o CetusPCR. Verifique a conexão e ' 'reinicie o aplicativo.') self.is_connected = False self.waiting_update = True self.is_running = False std.hover_text = 'Cetus PCR desconectado.' return # Return para encerrar a thread def initialize_connection(self): try: ports = list_ports.comports() if not list_ports.comports(): # Se não há nada conectado raise serial.SerialException for port in ports: if self.device_type in port.description: self.serial_device = serial.Serial(port.device, self.baudrate, timeout=self.timeout) sleep(2) # Delay para esperar o sinal do arduino self.reading = self.serial_device.readline() if self.reading == b'Cetus is ready.\r\n': self.is_connected = True self.port_connected = port.device print('Connection Successfully. ' 'Initializing Serial Monitor (SM)') break else: raise serial.SerialException except serial.SerialException: self.serial_device = None self.is_connected = False print('Connection Failed') if self.is_connected: self.monitor_thread = Thread(target=self.serial_monitor) self.monitor_thread.start()
class GasUptakeDirector(IsDaemon): _kind = "gas-uptake-director" def __init__(self, name, config, config_filepath): self.i = 0 super().__init__(name, config, config_filepath) self.recording = False self.temps = collections.deque(maxlen=500) self.set_temp = 0 self.row = [] #time.sleep(30) # initialize clients self._heater_client = gpiozero.DigitalOutputDevice(pin=18) #yaqc.Client(38455) self._heater_client.value = 0 self._temp_client = yaqc.Client(39001) self._temp_client.measure(loop=True) self._pressure_client_a = yaqc.Client(39100) #self._pressure_client_a.set_state(gain=2, size=16) self._pressure_client_a.measure(loop=True) self._pressure_client_b = yaqc.Client(39101) #self._pressure_client_b.set_state(gain=2, size=16) self._pressure_client_b.measure(loop=True) self._pressure_client_c = yaqc.Client(39102) #self._pressure_client_c.set_state(gain=2, size=16) self._pressure_client_c.measure(loop=True) # begin looping self._pid = PID(Kp=0.2, Ki=0.001, Kd=0.01, setpoint=0, proportional_on_measurement=True) self._loop.create_task(self._runner()) def _connection_lost(self, peername): super()._connection_lost(peername) self.set_temp = 0 def begin_recording(self): # create file now = fname = "gas-uptake_" + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ".txt" self.record_path = data_directory / fname tab = "\t" newline = "\n" with open(self.record_path, "a") as f: f.write("timestamp:" + tab + "'" + now.isoformat() + "'" + newline) f.write("gas-uptake version:" + tab + "'" + __version__ + "'" + newline) f.write("temperature units:" + tab + "'C'" + newline) f.write("pressure units:" + tab + "'PSI'" + newline) f.write("column:" + tab + "[") f.write("'labtime'") f.write(tab + "'temperature'") for i in range(12): f.write(tab + f"'pressure_{i}'") f.write("]" + newline) # finish self.recording = True return self.record_path.as_posix() def stop_recording(self): self.recording = False def set_temperature(self, temp): self.set_temp = temp self._pid.reset() async def _poll(self): row = [time.time()] # temperature m = self._temp_client.get_measured() value = m["temperature"] row.append(value) # pressure measured = [] i = 0 self._last_current_readings = dict() for client in [ self._pressure_client_a, self._pressure_client_b, self._pressure_client_c, ]: m = client.get_measured() for channel in range(4): value = m[f"channel_{channel}"] self._last_current_readings[i] = value offset = self._state[f"channel_{i}_offset"] value -= offset value -= 4 value *= 150 / 20 # mA to PSI if value < 0: value = float('nan') measured.append(value) row.append(value) i += 1 # append to data self.temps.append(row[1]) self.row = row # write to file if self.recording: write_row(self.record_path, row) # PID self._pid.setpoint = self.set_temp duty = self._pid(row[1]) if duty >= 1: self._heater_client.value = 1 elif duty <= 0: self._heater_client.value = 0 else: duty = round(duty, 2) self._heater_client.blink(on_time=duty, off_time=10, n=1) async def _runner(self): while True: self._loop.create_task(self._poll()) await asyncio.sleep(1) def get_last_reading(self): return self.row def tare_pressure(self, known_value, channel_index): """Apply offset channel based on known pressure value. Parameters ---------- known_value : double Known pressure, PSI. channel_index : int Channel index, 0 through 11. """ # convert from PSI to expected mA value = known_value * 20 / 150 value += 4 # find offset offset = self._last_current_readings[channel_index] - value self._state[f"channel_{channel_index}_offset"] = offset
class TrackFsm: def __init__(self): self.target_uv_sub = message_filters.Subscriber( '/laikago_tracker/target_uv', Point) self.distance_sub = message_filters.Subscriber( '/laikago_tracker/target_distance', Float32) self.state_sub = message_filters.Subscriber('/laikago_real/high_state', HighState) self.time_syn = message_filters.ApproximateTimeSynchronizer( [self.target_uv_sub, self.distance_sub, self.state_sub], 10, 0.1, allow_headerless=True) self.time_syn.registerCallback(self.FSM_callback) # state self.FSM_state = Enum( 'state', ('INIT', 'WAIT_TARGET', 'STAND_STILL_TRACK', 'STAND_ROTATE_TRACK', 'REPLAN', 'SEEK_TARGET', 'BEFORE_SEEK')) self.state = self.FSM_state.INIT # contol self.cmd_handle = laikago_command_handle() self.RecvHighROS = HighState() self.P = 0.0005 self.I = 0 self.D = 0.00002 self.pid_yaw = PID(self.P, self.I, self.D, setpoint=320) self.pid_yaw.output_limits = (-0.1, 0.1) self.pid_pitch = PID(self.P, self.I, self.D, setpoint=240) self.pid_pitch.output_limits = (-0.1, 0.1) self.pid_sideSpeed = PID(0.00002, 0.0, 0.0000002, setpoint=320) self.pid_sideSpeed.output_limits = (-1.0, 1.0) self.pid_rotateSpeed = PID(0.00005, 0.0, 0.0, setpoint=320) self.pid_rotateSpeed.output_limits = (-1.0, 1.0) self.safe_distance = rospy.get_param('safe_distance') # m self.replan_distance = rospy.get_param('replan_distance') # m self.pid_forwardSpeed = PID(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, setpoint=-self.safe_distance) self.pid_forwardSpeed.output_limits = (-1.0, 1.0) self.FSM_state_enter_first_time = self.seek_curve_x = 0 self.FSM_state_pub = rospy.Publisher('/laikago_tracker/fsm_state', String, queue_size=10) self.cmd_yaw = rospy.Publisher('/laikago_tracker/cmd_yaw', Float32, queue_size=10) self.cmd_pitch = rospy.Publisher('/laikago_tracker/cmd_pitch', Float32, queue_size=10) self.cmd_rotateSpeed = rospy.Publisher( '/laikago_tracker/cmd_rotateSpeed', Float32, queue_size=10) # rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1), self.FSM_callback) def reset_pitch(self): self.cmd_handle.reset_pitch() self.pid_pitch.reset() def reset_yaw(self): self.cmd_handle.reset_yaw() self.pid_yaw.reset() def reset_speed(self): self.cmd_handle.reset_speed() self.pid_forwardSpeed.reset() self.pid_sideSpeed.reset() self.pid_rotateSpeed.reset() def reset_cmd(self): # self.reset_pitch() self.reset_yaw() self.reset_speed() def change_FSM_state(self, state): rospy.loginfo('change to state: %s', state) self.FSM_state_pub.publish('change to state: %s' % state) self.FSM_state_enter_first_time = self.state = self.FSM_state[state] if state == 'REPLAN': self.reset_cmd() rospy.set_param('enable_replan', True) elif state == 'SEEK_TARGET': self.seek_curve_x = 0 def FSM_callback(self, target_uv, distance, laikage_Highstate): state = self.state change_FSM_state = self.change_FSM_state reset_yaw = self.reset_yaw reset_speed = self.reset_speed reset_cmd = self.reset_cmd FSM_state = self.FSM_state distance = safe_distance = self.safe_distance tmp = 0.2 if state == FSM_state.INIT: reset_cmd() change_FSM_state('WAIT_TARGET') elif state == FSM_state.WAIT_TARGET: if distance == -1: if ) - self.FSM_state_enter_first_time.to_nsec() > 500000000: reset_cmd() elif distance <= safe_distance: # reset_cmd() change_FSM_state('STAND_STILL_TRACK') elif distance > safe_distance: change_FSM_state('REPLAN') elif state == FSM_state.STAND_STILL_TRACK: if distance == -1: if ) - self.FSM_state_enter_first_time.to_nsec() > 1000000000: change_FSM_state('BEFORE_SEEK') elif distance <= safe_distance: self.FSM_state_enter_first_time = # make sure the robot has stopped if laikage_Highstate.forwardSpeed == 0: self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw -= self.pid_yaw(target_uv.x) self.cmd_handle.cmd.pitch -= self.pid_pitch(target_uv.y) if self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw < -0.6 or self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw > 0.6: self.pid_rotateSpeed.reset() change_FSM_state('STAND_ROTATE_TRACK') else: reset_cmd() elif distance > safe_distance: change_FSM_state('REPLAN') elif state == FSM_state.STAND_ROTATE_TRACK: if distance == -1 or (320 - 0.05 * 320) < target_uv.x < ( 320 + 0.05 * 320): if ) - self.FSM_state_enter_first_time.to_nsec() > 500000000: reset_cmd() change_FSM_state('STAND_STILL_TRACK') elif distance > safe_distance: change_FSM_state('REPLAN') else: self.FSM_state_enter_first_time = self.cmd_handle.cmd.mode = 2 self.cmd_handle.cmd.forwardSpeed = 0 self.cmd_handle.cmd.rotateSpeed += self.pid_rotateSpeed( target_uv.x) self.cmd_handle.cmd.sideSpeed += self.pid_sideSpeed( target_uv.x) elif state == FSM_state.REPLAN: # enable_seek_target = rospy.get_param('enable_seek_target') if distance == -1: if ) - self.FSM_state_enter_first_time.to_nsec() > 60000000000: rospy.set_param('enable_replan', False) change_FSM_state('BEFORE_SEEK') elif distance <= safe_distance: rospy.set_param('enable_replan', False) change_FSM_state('STAND_STILL_TRACK') else: self.FSM_state_enter_first_time = return False elif state == FSM_state.SEEK_TARGET: if distance == -1: self.seek_curve_x += 0.02 if 0 <= self.seek_curve_x <= 6: self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw = -0.8 * sin( pi * self.seek_curve_x / 2) if 3 <= self.seek_curve_x <= 5: self.cmd_handle.cmd.pitch = -0.8 * cos( pi * self.seek_curve_x / 2) if 6 < self.seek_curve_x <= 8: self.cmd_handle.cmd.mode = 2 self.cmd_handle.cmd.rotateSpeed = 0.5 if 8 < self.seek_curve_x <= 10: self.cmd_handle.cmd.mode = 2 self.cmd_handle.cmd.rotateSpeed = -0.5 if 10 < self.seek_curve_x <= 12: self.cmd_handle.cmd.mode = 2 self.cmd_handle.cmd.rotateSpeed = -0.5 if 12 < self.seek_curve_x <= 14: self.cmd_handle.cmd.mode = 2 self.cmd_handle.cmd.rotateSpeed = 0.5 if self.seek_curve_x > 14: change_FSM_state('WAIT_TARGET') elif distance > safe_distance: change_FSM_state('REPLAN') elif distance <= safe_distance: change_FSM_state('STAND_STILL_TRACK') elif state == FSM_state.BEFORE_SEEK: if distance == -1: if abs(self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw) > 0.01: self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw -= 0.1 * self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw if abs(self.cmd_handle.cmd.pitch) > 0.01: self.cmd_handle.cmd.pitch -= 0.1 * self.cmd_handle.cmd.pitch if abs(self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw) <= 0.01 and abs( self.cmd_handle.cmd.pitch) <= 0.01: change_FSM_state('SEEK_TARGET') elif distance > safe_distance: change_FSM_state('REPLAN') elif distance <= safe_distance: change_FSM_state('STAND_STILL_TRACK') else: print 'Invalid state!' # debug self.cmd_yaw.publish(self.cmd_handle.cmd.yaw) self.cmd_pitch.publish(self.cmd_handle.cmd.pitch) self.cmd_rotateSpeed.publish(self.cmd_handle.cmd.rotateSpeed) self.cmd_handle.send()
def program(): pid_x = PID(0.022, 0.0005, 0.001, setpoint=set_point_x, output_limits=(-100, 100), sample_time=None) pid_y = PID(0.01, 0.0000, 0.0005, setpoint=set_point_y, output_limits=(-100, 100), sample_time=None) pid_dist = PID(0.007, 0.0001, 0.004, setpoint=set_point_dist, output_limits=(-100, 100), sample_time=None) mv_y = 0 mv_x = 0 mv_dist = 0 x_flag = False y_flag = False dist_flag = False init_flag = False buff2 = 'No Accomplished' wait = 1 if opt.tracking == 'ssd' else 200 _frame, bbox = search_target() if opt.tracking == 'algo': tracker = Tracker(algo=opt.tracking, frame=_frame, bbox=bbox) else: tracker = Tracker(algo=opt.tracking) while True: frame = cv2.undistort(frame_read.frame, cameraMat, distortCoef) ok, bbox = tracker(frame) if ok: cv2.rectangle(frame, (int(bbox[0]), int(bbox[1])), (int(bbox[0] + bbox[2]), int(bbox[1] + bbox[3])), (0, 255, 0), 2) center_x = (bbox[2] / 2) + bbox[0] center_y = (bbox[3] / 2) + bbox[1] err_x = abs(center_x - set_point_x) err_y = abs(center_y - set_point_y) _, d2 = get_distance(bbox[2], bbox[3]) err_dist = abs(d2 - set_point_dist) if not init_flag: if not x_flag: if (err_x < lambda_x): x_flag = True pid_x.reset() buff2 = 'X Centered' elif (err_x > lambda_x): mv_x = pid_x(center_x) buff = 'Controlling center X %.2f, Current Center X %.2f' % ( mv_x, center_x) elif not y_flag: if (err_y < lambda_y): y_flag = True pid_y.reset() buff2 = buff2 + ' Y Centered' elif (err_y > lambda_y): mv_y = pid_y(center_y) buff = 'Controlling center Y %.2f, Current Center Y%.2f' % ( mv_y, center_y) init_control(x_flag, y_flag, mv_x, mv_y) if x_flag and y_flag: init_flag = True else: if not dist_flag: if (err_dist < lambda_d): dist_flag = True pid_dist.reset() buff2 = buff2 + ' Dist Approached' elif (err_dist > lambda_d): mv_dist = pid_dist(d2) maintain_dist(mv_dist) if err_x > lambda_x or err_y > lambda_y: x_flag = False y_flag = False init_flag = False pid_dist.reset() buff = 'Controlling Distance %.2f, Current Dist %.2f' % ( mv_dist, d2) cv2.putText( frame, buff, (20, 20), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, # font scale (200, 0, 255), 1) cv2.putText( frame, buff2, (20, int(h / 2)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, # font scale (255, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imshow('TELLO', frame) key = cv2.waitKey(wait) if key == 27: break
def main(): global drone global drone_cc global drone_ud global drone_fb global shutdown drone = tellopy.Tello() drone.connect() drone.wait_for_connection(60.0) drone.start_video() drone.subscribe(drone.EVENT_FLIGHT_DATA, handler) pid_cc = PID(0.35,0.2,0.2,setpoint=0,output_limits=(-100,100)) pid_ud = PID(0.3,0.3,0.3,setpoint=0,output_limits=(-80,80)) pid_fb = PID(0.35,0.2,0.3,setpoint=0,output_limits=(-50,50)) video = cv2.VideoWriter('test_out.mp4',-1,1,(320,240)) # drone.subscribe(drone.EVENT_VIDEO_FRAME,handler) print("Start Running") with tf.Session() as sess: model_cfg, model_outputs = posenet.load_model(args.model, sess) output_stride = model_cfg['output_stride'] try: # threading.Thread(target=recv_thread).start() threading.Thread(target=controller_thread).start() container = frame_count = 0 while not shutdown: for frame in container.decode(video=0): frame_count = frame_count + 1 # skip first 300 frames if frame_count < 300: continue if frame_count %4 == 0: im = numpy.array(frame.to_image()) im = cv2.resize(im, (320,240)) #resize frame image = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) #image = cv2.cvtColor(numpy.array(frame.to_image()), cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) input_image, display_image, output_scale = posenet.process_input( image, scale_factor=args.scale_factor, output_stride=output_stride) heatmaps_result, offsets_result, displacement_fwd_result, displacement_bwd_result = model_outputs, feed_dict={'image:0': input_image} ) pose_scores, keypoint_scores, keypoint_coords = posenet.decode_multi.decode_multiple_poses( heatmaps_result.squeeze(axis=0), offsets_result.squeeze(axis=0), displacement_fwd_result.squeeze(axis=0), displacement_bwd_result.squeeze(axis=0), output_stride=output_stride, max_pose_detections=10, min_pose_score=0.15) keypoint_coords *= output_scale # TODO this isn't particularly fast, use GL for drawing and display someday... overlay_image = posenet.draw_skel_and_kp( display_image, pose_scores, keypoint_scores, keypoint_coords, min_pose_score=0.15, min_part_score=0.1) centerx = int(overlay_image.shape[1]/2) centery = int(overlay_image.shape[0]/2) nosex = int(keypoint_coords[0,0,1]) nosey = int(keypoint_coords[0,0,0]) ctrl_out_cc = 0 ctrl_out_ud = 0 #overlay_image = cv2.putText(overlay_image, str(nosey), (120,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 1, (55,255,45), 2) errorx = 0 errory = 0 if keypoint_scores[0,0] > .04: overlay_image = cv2.line(overlay_image, (centerx,centery - 10), (nosex, nosey), (255, 255, 0), 2) errorx = nosex - centerx errory = nosey - centery - 10 if abs(errorx) > 20: ctrl_out_cc = pid_cc(errorx) drone_cc = ctrl_out_cc else: drone_cc = 0 if abs(errory) > 16: ctrl_out_ud = pid_ud(errory) drone_ud = ctrl_out_ud else: drone_ud = 0 #out_img = cv2.putText(out_img, str(keypoint_scores[ii,kpoint]), (50,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 1, (255,255,45), 2) else: #reset pid drone_cc = 0 drone_ud = 0 pid_cc.reset() pid_ud.reset() leftSholy = int(keypoint_coords[0,5,0]) rightSholy = int(keypoint_coords[0,6,0]) leftHipy = int(keypoint_coords[0,11,0]) rightHipy = int(keypoint_coords[0,12,0]) meanHeight = ((rightHipy - rightSholy) + (leftHipy - leftSholy))/2 #technically arbitrary desiredHeight = 100 ctrl_out_fb = 0 errorFB = 0 if keypoint_scores[0,5] > .04 and keypoint_scores[0,6] > .04 and keypoint_scores[0,11] > .04 and keypoint_scores[0,12] > .04: errorFB = meanHeight - desiredHeight #error can be within +/- 15 without caring if abs(errorFB) > 15: ctrl_out_fb = pid_cc(errorFB) drone_fb = ctrl_out_fb else: drone_fb = 0 #out_img = cv2.putText(out_img, str(keypoint_scores[ii,kpoint]), (50,50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 1, (255,255,45), 2) else: #reset pid drone_fb = 0 pid_fb.reset() #don't let the hips lie # if keypoint_scores[0,11] < .04 and keypoint_scores[0,12] < .04: # drone_fb = -20 # drone_ud = -20 #overlay_image = cv2.putText(overlay_image, str(ctrl_out_fb), (30,110), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 1, (55,255,45), 2) # overlay_image = cv2.putText(overlay_image, str(ctrl_out_ud), (30,30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 1, (55,255,45), 2) #overlay_image = cv2.putText(overlay_image, str(errory), (30,70), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX , 1, (55,255,45), 2) cv2.imshow('posenet', overlay_image) video.write(overlay_image) #cv2.imshow('Original', image) #cv2.imshow('Canny', cv2.Canny(image, 100, 200)) cv2.waitKey(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print(e) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) print(e) cv2.destroyAllWindows() video.release() drone.quit() exit(1)