def map_func1(coords): tform2 = transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=1. / 257., rotation=0, translation=(-0.99, -0.99)) return tform.inverse(np.arctanh(tform2(coords)))
margins = dict(hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01, top=1, bottom=0, left=0, right=1) """ Basics ====== Several different geometric transformation types are supported: similarity, affine, projective and polynomial. Geometric transformations can either be created using the explicit parameters (e.g. scale, shear, rotation and translation) or the transformation matrix: First we create a transformation using explicit parameters: """ tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1, rotation=math.pi / 2, translation=(0, 1)) print tform._matrix """ Alternatively you can define a transformation by the transformation matrix itself: """ matrix = tform._matrix.copy() matrix[1, 2] = 2 tform2 = tf.SimilarityTransform(matrix) """ These transformation objects can then be used to apply forward and inverse coordinate transformations between the source and destination coordinate systems: """
def imtranslate(im,tx,ty): # tx: columns, ty: rows tform = trfm.SimilarityTransform(translation = (-tx,-ty)) return trfm.warp(im,tform,mode='constant')
def trans(img: object = None, xaxis: int = 0, yaxis: int = 0): return transform.warp( img, transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(-1 * xaxis, yaxis)))
def preprocess(img, bbox=None, landmark=None, **kwargs): #print(bbox) #print(landmark) if isinstance(img, str): img = read_image(img, **kwargs) M = None image_size = [] str_image_size = kwargs.get('image_size', '') if len(str_image_size) > 0: image_size = [int(x) for x in str_image_size.split(',')] if len(image_size) == 1: image_size = [image_size[0], image_size[0]] assert len(image_size) == 2 assert image_size[0] == 112 assert image_size[0] == 112 or image_size[1] == 96 if landmark is not None: assert len(image_size) == 2 src = np.array( [[30.2946, 51.6963], [65.5318, 51.5014], [48.0252, 71.7366], [33.5493, 92.3655], [62.7299, 92.2041]], dtype=np.float32) if image_size[1] == 112: src[:, 0] += 8.0 dst = landmark.astype(np.float32) tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(dst, src) M = tform.params[0:2, :] #M = cv2.estimateRigidTransform( dst.reshape(1,5,2), src.reshape(1,5,2), False) if M is None: if bbox is None: #use center crop det = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32) det[0] = int(img.shape[1] * 0.0625) det[1] = int(img.shape[0] * 0.0625) det[2] = img.shape[1] - det[0] det[3] = img.shape[0] - det[1] else: det = bbox margin = kwargs.get('margin', 44) bb = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32) bb[0] = np.maximum(det[0] - margin / 2, 0) bb[1] = np.maximum(det[1] - margin / 2, 0) bb[2] = np.minimum(det[2] + margin / 2, img.shape[1]) bb[3] = np.minimum(det[3] + margin / 2, img.shape[0]) ret = img[bb[1]:bb[3], bb[0]:bb[2], :] if len(image_size) > 0: ret = cv2.resize(ret, (image_size[1], image_size[0])) return ret else: #do align using landmark assert len(image_size) == 2 #src = src[0:3,:] #dst = dst[0:3,:] #print(src.shape, dst.shape) #print(src) #print(dst) #print(M) warped = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (image_size[1], image_size[0]), borderValue=0.0) #tform3 = trans.ProjectiveTransform() #tform3.estimate(src, dst) #warped = trans.warp(img, tform3, output_shape=_shape) return warped
def cp2tform_v2(base, proj): tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(base, proj) return tform.params.T, inv(tform.params.T)
def onechannel(indir, outdir, firstfits='', x0=0, x1=-1, y0=0, y1=-1, every=1, skip=1, xoffset=0, yoffset=0, sigma=20, threshold='0.', kr=0., biascorrect=0, interpolate=0, verbose=0): print('Single-channel coalignment.') absflag=0; filterflag=1; marg = 0.2 # Margins of the calculated shifts that are excluded. if indir[-1] != '/': indir += '/' if outdir[-1] != '/': outdir += '/' filin = glob(indir+"*.f*ts") if len(filin) == 0: print(f"The input folder{indir} is empty!") return -1 filin.sort() ind0 = 0 if firstfits == '': firstfits = filin[0] ind0 = 0 else: if filin.count(firstfits): ind0 = filin.index(firstfits) else: fname0 = os.path.basename(firstfits) for i in range(len(filin)): if os.path.basename(filin[i]) == fname0: ind0 = i break if ind0 != i: print("The first fits file should have the same name as one of the files in input folder!") return -1 xoffset = xoffset % skip; yoffset = yoffset % skip if threshold[-1] == 'a': absflag = 1; threshold = float(threshold[0:-1]) else: threshold = float(threshold) if kr <= 0. or kr > 20.: print("Nonsense value of kr, = {}".format(kr)) return -1 sigma = ct.c_double(sigma); thresh = ct.c_double(threshold); kr = ct.c_double(kr); # Notice that for 2-D array in python and C languages, the 1st dimension is indicated by y and the 2nd by x. # It is consistent with images. # But in flcasubs.c, the 1st dimension is marked with x and 2nd with y, following FLCT. ny = y1-y0 nx = x1-x0 nys = int(np.ceil((ny-yoffset)/skip)) # dimensions for the results nxs = int(np.ceil((nx-xoffset)/skip)) indx0 = int(nxs*marg); indx1 = int(np.ceil(nxs-indx0)); indy0 = int(nys*marg); indy1 = int(np.ceil(nys-indy0)) ArrayType = ct.c_double*(nx*ny) f1ct = ArrayType(); f2ct = ArrayType(); print("{} files will be coaligned".format(len(filin))) sxarr = np.zeros(len(filin)); syarr = np.zeros(len(filin)) sxarr[ind0] = 0; syarr[ind0] = 0; if ind0 > 0: kk = 0 # whether change the reference fits file, correspondes to every data0, hdr = readfits(firstfits) referf = firstfits shiftx0 = 0; shifty0 = 0 for ii in range(ind0, 0, -1): print(f"{ii-1}", end="\r") data, hdr = readfits(filin[ii-1]) tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0)) data1 = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate) f1 = data0[y0:y1, x0:x1] f2 = data1[y0:y1, x0:x1] # tate care, all the normal data are assumed to be larger than 0 f1[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10 f2[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10 #f1 = detrend(f1) #f2 = detrend(f2) for i in range(ny): for j in range(nx): f1ct[i*nx+j] = f1[i,j] f2ct[i*nx+j] = f2[i,j] vxct = ArrayType() vyct = ArrayType() vmct = ArrayType() # The 1st dimension is y and the 2nd is x. tmp = flcas.flca(f1ct, f2ct, ny, nx, sigma, vyct, vxct, vmct, thresh, absflag, filterflag, kr, skip, yoffset, xoffset, biascorrect, verbose) # reshape and select vx = np.array(vxct).reshape([ny, nx]) vy = np.array(vyct).reshape([ny, nx]) vm = np.array(vmct).reshape([ny, nx]); vx = vx[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip] vy = vy[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip] vm = vm[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]; vx = vx[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1] vy = vy[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1] vm = vm[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]; vm[np.logical_or(np.isnan(vx), np.isnan(vy))] = 0 shiftx = np.median(vx[vm == 1.]) shifty = np.median(vy[vm == 1.]) if shiftx == np.nan or shifty == np.nan: print("Shift X or shift Y is Nan, return.") return -1 shiftx0 = shiftx+shiftx0; shifty0 = shifty+shifty0 if interpolate == 0: shiftx0 = round(shiftx0); shifty0 = round(shifty0) tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0)) data = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate) # order = 0: Nearest-neighbor; order = 1: Bi-linear (default). Other choices are not included. fname0 = os.path.basename(filin[ii-1]) fits.writeto(outdir+fname0, data, hdr, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, checksum=False) sxarr[ii-1] = shiftx0; syarr[ii-1] = shifty0 kk = kk+1 if kk % every == 0: data0 = data.copy() referf = filin[ii-1] data0, hdr = readfits(firstfits) fname0 = os.path.basename(firstfits) referf = firstfits # copy the first fits file to the output folder. fits.writeto(outdir+fname0, data0, hdr, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, checksum=False) if ind0 < len(filin)-1: kk = 0 # whether change the reference fits file, correspondes to every shiftx0 = 0; shifty0 = 0 for ii in range(ind0+1, len(filin)): #print("{} {} {}".format(ii, os.path.basename(filin[ii]), os.path.basename(referf)), end="\n") print(f"{ii}", end="\r") data, hdr = readfits(filin[ii]) tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0)) data1 = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate) f1 = data0[y0:y1, x0:x1] f2 = data1[y0:y1, x0:x1] # tate care, all the normal data are assumed to be larger than 0 f1[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10 f2[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10 #f1 = detrend(f1) #f2 = detrend(f2) for i in range(ny): for j in range(nx): f1ct[i*nx+j] = f1[i,j] f2ct[i*nx+j] = f2[i,j] vxct = ArrayType() vyct = ArrayType() vmct = ArrayType() # The 1st dimension is y and the 2nd is x. tmp = flcas.flca(f1ct, f2ct, ny, nx, sigma, vyct, vxct, vmct, thresh, absflag, filterflag, kr, skip, yoffset, xoffset, biascorrect, verbose) # reshape and select vx = np.array(vxct).reshape([ny, nx]) vy = np.array(vyct).reshape([ny, nx]) vm = np.array(vmct).reshape([ny, nx]); vx = vx[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip] vy = vy[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip] vm = vm[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]; vx = vx[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1] vy = vy[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1] vm = vm[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]; vm[np.logical_or(np.isnan(vx), np.isnan(vy))] = 0 shiftx = np.median(vx[vm == 1.]) shifty = np.median(vy[vm == 1.]) if shiftx == np.nan or shifty == np.nan: print("Shift X or shift Y is Nan, return.") return -1 shiftx0 = shiftx+shiftx0; shifty0 = shifty+shifty0 if interpolate == 0: shiftx0 = round(shiftx0); shifty0 = round(shifty0) tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0)) data = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate) # order = 0: Nearest-neighbor; order = 1: Bi-linear (default). # Other choices are not included. fname0 = os.path.basename(filin[ii]) fits.writeto(outdir+fname0, data, hdr, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, checksum=False) sxarr[ii] = shiftx0; syarr[ii] = shifty0 kk = kk+1 if kk % every == 0: data0 = data.copy() #referf = filin[ii] np.savez_compressed('shiftxy.npz', sx=sxarr, sy=syarr) return 0
def main(args): output_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) data_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.input_dir) multiFacesRF = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'multi_record.txt'), 'w') forceFacesRF = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'force_record.txt'), 'w') listFile = open(args.list_file, 'r') imgNames = [i.strip() for i in listFile.readlines()] print('Creating networks and loading parameters') detector = RetinaFace('R50', 0, 0, 'net3') # configuration for alignment threshold = 0.8 # retinaface threshold #image_size = [112,96] image_size = [112, 112] src = np.array([[30.2946, 51.6963], [65.5318, 51.5014], [48.0252, 71.7366], [33.5493, 92.3655], [62.7299, 92.2041]], dtype=np.float32) if image_size[1] == 112: src[:, 0] += 8.0 rotateAngles = [-15, 15, -30, 30, -45, 45] for imgName in tqdm(imgNames): imgName = imgName + '.jpg' srcImgPath = os.path.join(data_dir, imgName) outImgPath = os.path.join(output_dir, imgName) try: img = cv2.imread(srcImgPath) if img is None: print("Path is error! ", srcImgPath) continue except: print("Something is error! ", srcImgPath) else: rotateImgs = [imutils.rotate(img, x) for x in rotateAngles] newFlag = True for img in rotateImgs: # fixed to 640*640 by padding maxSize = max(img.shape[0], img.shape[1]) padTop = 0 padBottom = 0 padLeft = 0 padRight = 0 if img.shape[0] < maxSize: rowDiff = maxSize - img.shape[0] padTop = rowDiff // 2 padBottom = rowDiff - padTop if img.shape[1] < maxSize: colDiff = maxSize - img.shape[1] padLeft = colDiff // 2 padRight = colDiff - padLeft img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img, padTop, padBottom, padLeft, padRight, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=[0, 0, 0]) fixedSizes = [80, 160, 320, 480, 640, 800, 960] aligned_imgs = [] for fixedSize in fixedSizes: scale = float(fixedSize) / float(maxSize) bounding_boxes, points = detector.detect(img, threshold, scales=[scale]) nrof_faces = bounding_boxes.shape[0] det = bounding_boxes[:, 0:4] scores = bounding_boxes[:, 4] img_size = np.asarray(img.shape)[0:2] #print(c) if (nrof_faces > 0): if nrof_faces > 1: bounding_box_size = (det[:, 2] - det[:, 0]) * ( det[:, 3] - det[:, 1]) img_center = img_size / 2 offsets = np.vstack([ (det[:, 0] + det[:, 2]) / 2 - img_center[1], (det[:, 1] + det[:, 3]) / 2 - img_center[0] ]) offset_dist_squared = np.sum( np.power(offsets, 2.0), 0) index = np.argmax( bounding_box_size - offset_dist_squared * 2.0) # some extra weight on the centering bb = np.squeeze(det[index]) bb[0] = max(0, bb[0]) bb[1] = max(0, bb[1]) bb[2] = min(bb[2], img_size[1]) bb[3] = min(bb[3], img_size[0]) if ((bb[0] >= img_size[1]) or (bb[1] >= img_size[0]) or (bb[2] > img_size[1]) or (bb[3] > img_size[0])): print('Unable to align "%s", bbox error' % image_path) continue h = bb[3] - bb[1] w = bb[2] - bb[0] x = bb[0] y = bb[1] _w = int( (float(h) / image_size[0]) * image_size[1]) x += (w - _w) // 2 #x = min( max(0,x), img.shape[1] ) x = max(0, x) xw = x + _w xw = min(xw, img.shape[1]) roi = np.array((x, y, xw, y + h), dtype=np.int32) faceImg = img[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2], :] dst = points[index, :] tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(dst, src) M = tform.params[0:2, :] warped = cv2.warpAffine( img, M, (image_size[1], image_size[0]), borderValue=0.0) #M = tform.params #warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0) if (warped is None) or (np.sum(warped) == 0): warped = faceImg warped = cv2.resize( warped, (image_size[1], image_size[0])) aligned_imgs.append(warped) multiFacesRF.write(imgName.split('.')[0] + '\n') break else: bb = np.squeeze(det[0]) bb[0] = max(0, bb[0]) bb[1] = max(0, bb[1]) bb[2] = min(bb[2], img_size[1]) bb[3] = min(bb[3], img_size[0]) if ((bb[0] >= img_size[1]) or (bb[1] >= img_size[0]) or (bb[2] > img_size[1]) or (bb[3] > img_size[0])): continue h = bb[3] - bb[1] w = bb[2] - bb[0] x = bb[0] y = bb[1] _w = int( (float(h) / image_size[0]) * image_size[1]) x += (w - _w) // 2 #x = min( max(0,x), img.shape[1] ) x = max(0, x) xw = x + _w xw = min(xw, img.shape[1]) roi = np.array((x, y, xw, y + h), dtype=np.int32) faceImg = img[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2], :] dst = points[0, :] tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(dst, src) M = tform.params[0:2, :] warped = cv2.warpAffine( img, M, (image_size[1], image_size[0]), borderValue=0.0) #M = tform.params #warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0) if (warped is None) or (np.sum(warped) == 0): warped = faceImg warped = cv2.resize( warped, (image_size[1], image_size[0])) aligned_imgs.append(warped) break if len(aligned_imgs) > 0: cv2.imwrite(outImgPath, aligned_imgs[0]) break else: if newFlag: forceFacesRF.write(imgName.split('.')[0] + '\n') newFlag = False multiFacesRF.close() forceFacesRF.close()
def faceboxes_process(fd_net, o_net, landmark_net, img): img_width = img.shape[1] img_height = img.shape[0] im = img.copy() im = im.astype(np.float32) im[:, :, 0] = im[:, :, 0] - 104.0 im[:, :, 1] = im[:, :, 1] - 117.0 im[:, :, 2] = im[:, :, 2] - 123.0 transformed_image = im.swapaxes(1, 2).swapaxes(0, 1) fd_net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, 3, img_height, img_width) fd_net.blobs['data'].data[...] = transformed_image fd_net.forward() detections = fd_net.get_blob('detection_out').data print(detections) # print(detections) bounding_boxes = detections[0, 0, :, 3:7] * np.array( [img_width, img_height, img_width, img_height]) conf = detections[0, 0, :, 2] # 计算出的置信度,在计算熵的时候会用到 nrof_faces = bounding_boxes.shape[0] #print(nrof_faces) print(nrof_faces) crop_img_list = [] for i in range(nrof_faces): if (conf[i] > 0.5): xmin = bounding_boxes[i][0] ymin = bounding_boxes[i][1] xmax = bounding_boxes[i][2] ymax = bounding_boxes[i][3] box_w = xmax - xmin box_h = ymax - ymin box_side = max(box_w, box_h) xmin += box_w * 0.5 - box_side * 0.5 ymin += box_h * 0.5 - box_side * 0.5 xmax = xmin + box_side ymax = ymin + box_side box = np.array([ max(xmin, 0), max(ymin, 0), min(xmax, img_width), min(ymax, img_height) ]) box = box.astype(np.int32) img_ = img.copy() crop_img = img_[box[1]:box[3], box[0]:box[2]] landmark_img = crop_img.copy() test_img = img_[box[1] - 20:box[3] + 20, box[0] - 20:box[2] + 20] image_hist(test_img) # 绘制人脸的直方图 cv2.imshow(test_img) cv2.waitKey(1) # 在这里画出添加一个区分背景和前景的,论文中使用掩模的方法 # 这里裁剪的图像的大小是多少呢? test_mask_hist(test_img) # 画出人脸的点 src_lmarks = forward_lnet106(img, landmark_net, box, is_minicaffe=True) for j in range(3, 30):, (src_lmarks[2 * j], src_lmarks[2 * j + 1]), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.imshow('landmark', img) # cv2.waitKey(0) image_hist(test_img) # cv2.imwrite("onet_result_"+ str(i) +".jpg", crop_img) cv2.imwrite("onet_result_" + str(i) + ".jpg", crop_img) # crop_img = cv2.cvtColor(crop_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # 这里没有转灰度图像 crop_img = cv2.cvtColor(crop_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 这里转为灰度图像 crop_img = (crop_img - 127.5) / 128 # 归一化 scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (48, 48)) scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2) # hwc chw o_net.blobs['data'].data[...] = scale_img out = o_net.forward() # src_lmarks = out['conv6-3'] src_lmarks = o_net.get_blob('conv6-3').data # 获取某一层的数据 src_lmarks = src_lmarks.reshape(2, 5).T for j in range(5):, (int(src_lmarks[j][0] * landmark_img.shape[1]), int(src_lmarks[j][1] * landmark_img.shape[0])), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) src_lmarks[j][ 0] = src_lmarks[j][0] * landmark_img.shape[1] + box[0] src_lmarks[j][ 1] = src_lmarks[j][1] * landmark_img.shape[0] + box[1] tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() # 这是相似转换? tform.estimate(src_lmarks, dst_lmarks) M = tform.params[0:2, :] crop_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (112, 112)) delt_w = (src_lmarks[1][0] - src_lmarks[0][0]) / 4 delt_h = (src_lmarks[3][1] - src_lmarks[0][1]) / 4 if src_lmarks[2][0] > src_lmarks[1][0] - delt_w or \ src_lmarks[2][0] < src_lmarks[0][0] + delt_w or \ src_lmarks[2][1] > src_lmarks[3][1] - delt_h or \ src_lmarks[2][1] < src_lmarks[0][1] + delt_h: continue else: for j in range(5):, (int(src_lmarks[j][0]), int(src_lmarks[j][1])), 2, (0, 0, 255), -1) cv2.ellipse(img, (int((src_lmarks[0][0] + src_lmarks[1][0]) / 2), src_lmarks[2][1]), \ (int((box[2] - box[0])/2.2), int((box[3] - box[1])/2)), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), 1) cv2.imshow("landmark", crop_img) cv2.imwrite("onet_result_" + str(i) + ".jpg", crop_img) print(crop_img.shape) crop_img_list.append(crop_img) cv2.rectangle(img, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]), (0, 255, 0), 5) bboxes = box return crop_img_list, box
# Compose transforms by multiplying their matrices matrix = np.linalg.inv(shift.params) @ rotation.params @ shift.params tform = transform.EuclideanTransform(matrix) tf_img = transform.warp(img, tform.inverse) fig, ax = plt.subplots() _ = ax.imshow(tf_img) ###################################################################### # Similarity transformation # ================================= # # A `similarity transformation <>`_ # preserves the shape of objects. It combines scaling, translation and rotation. tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=0.5, rotation=np.pi / 12, translation=(100, 50)) print(tform.params) tf_img = transform.warp(img, tform.inverse) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(tf_img) _ = ax.set_title('Similarity transformation') ###################################################################### # Affine transformation # ================================= # # An `affine transformation <>`_ # preserves lines (hence the alignment of objects), as well as parallelism # between lines. It can be decomposed into a similarity transform and a # `shear transformation <>`_.
def main(args): output_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.output_dir) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Store some git revision info in a text file in the log directory src_path,_ = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__)) #facenet.store_revision_info(src_path, output_dir, ' '.join(sys.argv)) dataset = face_image.get_dataset(, args.input_dir) print('dataset size',, len(dataset)) print('Creating networks and loading parameters') with tf.Graph().as_default(): #gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_memory_fraction) #sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False)) sess = tf.Session() with sess.as_default(): pnet, rnet, onet = detect_face.create_mtcnn(sess, None) minsize = 100 # minimum size of face threshold = [ 0.6, 0.7, 0.7 ] # three steps's threshold factor = 0.709 # scale factor #image_size = [112,96] image_size = [112,112] src = np.array([ [30.2946, 51.6963], [65.5318, 51.5014], [48.0252, 71.7366], [33.5493, 92.3655], [62.7299, 92.2041] ], dtype=np.float32 ) if image_size[1]==112: src[:,0] += 8.0 # Add a random key to the filename to allow alignment using multiple processes #random_key = np.random.randint(0, high=99999) #bounding_boxes_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'bounding_boxes_%05d.txt' % random_key) #output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'faceinsight_align_%s.lst' % if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) output_filename = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'lst') with open(output_filename, "w") as text_file: nrof_images_total = 0 nrof = np.zeros( (5,), dtype=np.int32) for fimage in dataset: if nrof_images_total%100==0: print("Processing %d, (%s)" % (nrof_images_total, nrof)) nrof_images_total += 1 #if nrof_images_total<950000: # continue image_path = fimage.image_path if not os.path.exists(image_path): print('image not found (%s)'%image_path) continue filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(image_path)[1])[0] #print(image_path) try: img = misc.imread(image_path) except (IOError, ValueError, IndexError) as e: errorMessage = '{}: {}'.format(image_path, e) print(errorMessage) else: if img.ndim<2: print('Unable to align "%s", img dim error' % image_path) #text_file.write('%s\n' % (output_filename)) continue if img.ndim == 2: img = to_rgb(img) img = img[:,:,0:3] _paths = fimage.image_path.split('/') a,b,c = _paths[-3], _paths[-2], _paths[-1] target_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, a, b) if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir) target_file = os.path.join(target_dir, c) warped = None if fimage.landmark is not None: dst = fimage.landmark.astype(np.float32) tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(dst, src[0:3,:]*1.5+image_size[0]*0.25) M = tform.params[0:2,:] warped0 = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(image_size[1]*2,image_size[0]*2), borderValue = 0.0) _minsize = image_size[0] bounding_boxes, points = detect_face.detect_face(warped0, _minsize, pnet, rnet, onet, threshold, factor) if bounding_boxes.shape[0]>0: bindex = 0 det = bounding_boxes[bindex,0:4] #points need to be transpose, points = points.reshape( (5,2) ).transpose() dst = points[:, bindex].reshape( (2,5) ).T tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(dst, src) M = tform.params[0:2,:] warped = cv2.warpAffine(warped0,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0) nrof[0]+=1 #assert fimage.bbox is not None if warped is None and fimage.bbox is not None: _minsize = img.shape[0]//4 bounding_boxes, points = detect_face.detect_face(img, _minsize, pnet, rnet, onet, threshold, factor) if bounding_boxes.shape[0]>0: det = bounding_boxes[:,0:4] bindex = -1 index2 = [0.0, 0] for i in range(det.shape[0]): _det = det[i] iou = IOU(fimage.bbox, _det) if iou>index2[0]: index2[0] = iou index2[1] = i if index2[0]>0.3: bindex = index2[1] if bindex>=0: dst = points[:, bindex].reshape( (2,5) ).T tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(dst, src) M = tform.params[0:2,:] warped = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0) nrof[1]+=1 #print('1',target_file,index2[0]) if warped is None and fimage.bbox is not None: bb = fimage.bbox #croped = img[bb[1]:bb[3],bb[0]:bb[2],:] bounding_boxes, points = detect_face.detect_face_force(img, bb, pnet, rnet, onet) assert bounding_boxes.shape[0]==1 _box = bounding_boxes[0] if _box[4]>=0.3: dst = points[:, 0].reshape( (2,5) ).T tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(dst, src) M = tform.params[0:2,:] warped = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0) nrof[2]+=1 #print('2',target_file) if warped is None: roi = np.zeros( (4,), dtype=np.int32) roi[0] = int(img.shape[1]*0.06) roi[1] = int(img.shape[0]*0.06) roi[2] = img.shape[1]-roi[0] roi[3] = img.shape[0]-roi[1] if fimage.bbox is not None: bb = fimage.bbox h = bb[3]-bb[1] w = bb[2]-bb[0] x = bb[0] y = bb[1] #roi = np.copy(bb) _w = int( (float(h)/image_size[0])*image_size[1] ) x += (w-_w)//2 #x = min( max(0,x), img.shape[1] ) x = max(0,x) xw = x+_w xw = min(xw, img.shape[1]) roi = np.array( (x, y, xw, y+h), dtype=np.int32) nrof[3]+=1 else: nrof[4]+=1 #print('3',bb,roi,img.shape) #print('3',target_file) warped = img[roi[1]:roi[3],roi[0]:roi[2],:] #print(warped.shape) warped = cv2.resize(warped, (image_size[1], image_size[0])) bgr = warped[...,::-1] cv2.imwrite(target_file, bgr) oline = '%d\t%s\t%d\n' % (1,target_file, int(fimage.classname)) text_file.write(oline)
if len(train) < 200: k += 1 continue output.append(classID) #105*122 features image = [] for i in range(12810): image.append(0.0) for i in range(1, len(train)): pixel = train[i].split(':') image[int(pixel[0]) - 1] = float(pixel[1]) im = np.array(image).reshape(122, 105) #im = crop(im) #im = imresize(im,(128,128)) angle = random.randint(8, 20) locat_y = random.randint(-20, -10) rand_scale = random.uniform(0.9, 1.2) tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=rand_scale, rotation=math.pi / angle, translation=(im.shape[0] / 20, locat_y)) rotated = tf.warp(im, tform) #back_rotated = tf.warp(im, tform.inverse) #im = crop(im) #im = imresize(im,(128,128)) #im = Image.fromarray(im) imsave('random_warp/warp_%d_%d.png' % ((k + 1), classID), rotated) #new = plt.imshow(back_rotated) k += 1 print(k)
def applyGeometricTransformation(startXs, startYs, newXs, newYs, bbox): import numpy as np import skimage.transform as tf import random [rows,nobj] = np.asarray(startXs.shape) temp_Xs = [] temp_Ys = [] r = [] homography = [] second_box = np.copy(bbox.astype(np.double)) count = 0 for i in range(nobj): inliers_count = [] inliers_firstX = [] inliers_firstY = [] inliers_secondX = [] inliers_secondY = [] box_corners = np.matrix.transpose(bbox[i, :, :]) firstX = startXs[:, i] firstY = startYs[:, i] firstX = firstX[firstX!=-1] firstY = firstY[firstY!=-1] secondX = newXs[:, i] secondY = newYs[:, i] secondX = secondX[secondX!=-1] secondY = secondY[secondY!=-1] for k in range(500): for j in range(4): r.append(random.randint(0,np.shape(firstX)[0])-1) four_firstX = [firstX[x] for x in r] four_firstY = [firstY[x] for x in r] four_secondX = [secondX[x] for x in r] four_secondY = [secondY[x] for x in r] H_matrix = tf.SimilarityTransform() four_first = np.matrix.transpose(np.vstack((four_firstX,four_firstY))) four_second = np.matrix.transpose(np.vstack((four_secondX,four_secondY))) H_matrix.estimate(four_first, four_second) H = H_matrix.params homog_first = np.vstack((firstX, firstY, np.ones(rows))) new_second =, homog_first) diff_vector = np.vstack((secondX, secondY)) - new_second[0:2, :] diff_vector=diff_vector*diff_vector#find the square of the difference squared_dist=diff_vector[0,:]+diff_vector[1,:] temp_firstX = firstX[squared_dist <= 16] temp_firstY = firstY[squared_dist <= 16] temp_secondX = secondX[squared_dist <= 16] temp_secondY = secondY[squared_dist <= 16] inliers_count.append(np.shape(firstX)[0]) homography.append(H) inliers_firstX.append(temp_firstX) inliers_firstY.append(temp_firstY) inliers_secondX.append(temp_secondX) inliers_secondY.append(temp_secondY) max_count_index = inliers_count.index(max(inliers_count)) firstX = inliers_firstX[max_count_index] firstY = inliers_firstY[max_count_index] secondX = inliers_secondX[max_count_index] secondY = inliers_secondY[max_count_index] H_matrix.estimate(np.matrix.transpose(np.vstack((firstX, firstY))), np.matrix.transpose(np.vstack((secondX, secondY)))) count = max(count, len(secondX)) temp_Xs.append(secondX) temp_Ys.append(secondY) homo_box_corners = np.vstack((box_corners, np.ones(2))) H = H_matrix.params second_homo_box_corners =, homo_box_corners) second_box[i, :, :] = np.matrix.transpose(second_homo_box_corners[0:2, :]) Xs = np.ones([count, nobj])*-1 Ys = np.ones([count, nobj])*-1 for m in range(nobj): Xs[0:len(temp_Xs[m]), m] = temp_Xs[m] Ys[0:len(temp_Ys[m]), m] = temp_Ys[m] return Xs, Ys, second_box
def map_func2(coords): tform2 = transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=257., rotation=0, translation=(255.5, 255.5)) return tform2(np.tanh(tform(coords)))
img_cv2 = np.array(img)[..., ::-1] import pdb pdb.set_trace() src = np.array([[30.2946, 51.6963], [65.5318, 51.5014], [48.0252, 71.7366], [33.5493, 92.3655], [62.7299, 92.2041]], dtype=np.float32) src[:, 0] *= (img.size[0] / 96) src[:, 1] *= (img.size[1] / 112) print(img.size) print(src) import pdb pdb.set_trace() bounding_boxes, landmarks = detect_faces(img) dst = landmarks[0].astype(np.float32) facial5points = [[dst[j], dst[j + 5]] for j in range(5)] tform = trans.SimilarityTransform() tform.estimate(np.array(facial5points), src) M = tform.params[0:2, :] print('M', M) warped = cv2.warpAffine(img_cv2, M, (img.size[0], img.size[1]), borderValue=0.0) print('warped shaped', warped.shape) temp = Image.fromarray(warped[..., ::-1]) print('temp', temp.shape) print('img', img)
def RndTform(img,val): Ih,Iw = img[0].shape[:2] sgn = torch.randint(0,2,(1,)).item() * 2 - 1 if sgn>0: dw = val dh = 0 else: dw = 0 dh = val def rd(d): return torch.empty(1).uniform_(-d,d).item() def fd(d): return torch.empty(1).uniform_(-dw,d).item() # generate a random projective transform # adapted from tl_top = rd(dh) tl_left = fd(dw) bl_bottom = rd(dh) bl_left = fd(dw) tr_top = rd(dh) tr_right = fd( min(Iw * 3/4 - tl_left,dw) ) br_bottom = rd(dh) br_right = fd( min(Iw * 3/4 - bl_left,dw) ) tform = stf.ProjectiveTransform() tform.estimate(np.array(( (tl_left, tl_top), (bl_left, Ih - bl_bottom), (Iw - br_right, Ih - br_bottom), (Iw - tr_right, tr_top) )), np.array(( [0, 0 ], [0, Ih - 1 ], [Iw-1, Ih-1 ], [Iw-1, 0] ))) # determine shape of output image, to preserve size # trick take from the implementation of skimage.transform.rotate corners = np.array([ [0, 0 ], [0, Ih - 1 ], [Iw-1, Ih-1 ], [Iw-1, 0] ]) corners = tform.inverse(corners) minc = corners[:, 0].min() minr = corners[:, 1].min() maxc = corners[:, 0].max() maxr = corners[:, 1].max() out_rows = maxr - minr + 1 out_cols = maxc - minc + 1 output_shape = np.around((out_rows, out_cols)) # fit output image in new shape translation = (minc, minr) tform4 = stf.SimilarityTransform(translation=translation) tform = tform4 + tform # normalize tform.params /= tform.params[2, 2] ret = [] for i in range(len(img)): img2 = stf.warp(img[i], tform, output_shape=output_shape, cval=1.0) img2 = stf.resize(img2, (Ih,Iw), preserve_range=True).astype(np.float32) ret.append(img2) return ret
def image_deformation(image): tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1, rotation=np.random.random() * np.pi / 12, translation=(0, .1)) return tf.warp(image, tform)
def apply_translation(img): translated = 255*warp(img, transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(np.random.uniform(-5, 5), np.random.uniform(-5, 5))),mode='edge') translated = translated.astype(np.uint8) return translated.astype(np.uint8)
def augment_img_batch(self, img_batch, augment_methods): imgs = [] for sample_ind in range(img_batch.shape[0]): img = img_batch[sample_ind, :, :, :] if VFLIP in augment_methods: if np.random.uniform() > 0.5: img = np.flipud(img) if HFLIP in augment_methods: if np.random.uniform() > 0.5: img = np.fliplr(img) if ROTATE90 in augment_methods: nb_rotations = np.random.randint(0, 4) img = np.rot90(img, nb_rotations) skimage_augment_methods = [ROTATE, TRANSLATE, ZOOM] if set(skimage_augment_methods).intersection(set(augment_methods)): # skimage requires that float images have values # in [-1, 1] so we have to scale and then unscale the image to # achieve this. max_val = np.max(np.absolute(img.ravel())) img = img / max_val nb_rows, nb_cols = img.shape[0:2] if TRANSLATE in augment_methods: max_trans_ratio = 0.1 trans_row_bound = int(nb_rows * max_trans_ratio) trans_col_bound = int(nb_cols * max_trans_ratio) translation = (np.random.randint(-trans_row_bound, trans_row_bound), np.random.randint(-trans_col_bound, trans_col_bound)) tf = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=translation) img = transform.warp(img, tf, mode='reflect') if ZOOM in augment_methods: shift_x = shift_y = int(nb_rows / 2) scale_x = scale_y = np.random.uniform(-0.15, 0.15) + 1.0 matrix_to_topleft = transform.SimilarityTransform( translation=[-shift_x, -shift_y]) matrix_transforms = transform.AffineTransform( scale=(scale_x, scale_y)) matrix_to_center = transform.SimilarityTransform( translation=[shift_x, shift_y]) matrix = (matrix_to_topleft + matrix_transforms + matrix_to_center) matrix = matrix.inverse img = transform.warp(img, matrix, mode='reflect') if ROTATE in augment_methods: degrees = np.random.uniform(0, 360) img = transform.rotate(img, degrees, mode='reflect') img = img * max_val imgs.append(np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)) img_batch = np.concatenate(imgs, axis=0) return img_batch
def keyPressEvent(self, event): # print(event.key()) self.mask2 = self.mask2.astype(np.float64) self.mask = self.mask.astype(np.float64) if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right: self.Hoffset -= 1 self.tform = tr.SimilarityTransform( translation=(int(self.Hoffset), int(self.Voffset))) self.mask2 = tr.warp(self.mask, self.tform, output_shape=(int(512), int(512))) [self.mask2, n] = msr.label(self.mask2, return_num=True) self.mask2 = sgm.clear_border(self.mask2) self.updateCanvas2() self.updateCanvas1() if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left: self.Hoffset += 1 self.tform = tr.SimilarityTransform(translation=(self.Hoffset, self.Voffset)) self.mask2 = tr.warp(self.mask, self.tform, output_shape=(int(512), int(512))) [self.mask2, n] = msr.label(self.mask2, return_num=True) self.mask2 = sgm.clear_border(self.mask2) self.updateCanvas2() self.updateCanvas1() if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up: self.Voffset += 1 self.tform = tr.SimilarityTransform(translation=(self.Hoffset, self.Voffset)) self.mask2 = tr.warp(self.mask, self.tform, output_shape=(int(512), int(512))) [self.mask2, n] = msr.label(self.mask2, return_num=True) self.mask2 = sgm.clear_border(self.mask2) self.updateCanvas2() self.updateCanvas1() if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down: self.Voffset -= 1 self.tform = tr.SimilarityTransform(translation=(self.Hoffset, self.Voffset)) self.mask2 = tr.warp(self.mask, self.tform, output_shape=(int(512), int(512))) [self.mask2, n] = msr.label(self.mask2, return_num=True) self.mask2 = sgm.clear_border(self.mask2) self.updateCanvas2() self.updateCanvas1() self.setFocus()
def doublechannel(indir0, indir, outdir, x0=0, x1=-1, y0=0, y1=-1, time0a=-23, time0b=-8, time1a=None, time1b=None, skip=1, xoffset=0, yoffset=0, sigma=20, threshold='0.', kr=0., biascorrect=0, interpolate=0, verbose=0): print('Double-channel coalignment.') import datetime def is_digit(stri): return stri.isdigit() absflag=0; filterflag=1; marg = 0.2 # Margins of the calculated shifts that are excluded. if indir0[-1] != '/': indir0 += '/' if indir[-1] != '/': indir += '/' if outdir[-1] != '/': outdir += '/' filin0 = glob(indir0+"*.f*ts") nfilin0 = len(filin0) if nfilin0 == 0: print(f"The reference folder {indir0} is empty!") return -1 filin0.sort() filin = glob(indir+"*.f*ts") nfilin = len(filin) if nfilin == 0: print(f"The input folder {indir} is empty!") return -1 filin.sort() #ind0 = 0 tims0 = "".join(filter(is_digit, filin0[0][time0a:time0b])) tims1 = "".join(filter(is_digit, filin[0][time1a:time1b])) if len(tims0) != 14 or len(tims1) != 14: print("time0a, time0b, time1a, time1b: time should be from year to second") return -1 timarr = []; for ii in range(nfilin0): tims = "".join(filter(is_digit, filin0[ii][time0a:time0b])) timdate=datetime.datetime(int(tims[0:4]), int(tims[4:6]), int(tims[6:8]), int(tims[8:10]), int(tims[10:12]), int(tims[12:14])) timarr.append(timdate) timarr = np.array(timarr, dtype=datetime.datetime) xoffset = xoffset % skip; yoffset = yoffset % skip if threshold[-1] == 'a': absflag = 1; threshold = float(threshold[0:-1]) else: threshold = float(threshold) if kr <= 0. or kr > 20.: print("Nonsense value of kr, = {}".format(kr)) return -1 sigma = ct.c_double(sigma); thresh = ct.c_double(threshold); kr = ct.c_double(kr); # Notice that for 2-D array in python and C languages, the 1st dimension is indicated by y and the 2nd by x. # It is consistent with images. # But in flcasubs.c, the 1st dimension is marked with x and 2nd with y, following FLCT. ny = y1-y0 nx = x1-x0 nys = int(np.ceil((ny-yoffset)/skip)) # dimensions for the results nxs = int(np.ceil((nx-xoffset)/skip)) indx0 = int(nxs*marg); indx1 = int(np.ceil(nxs-indx0)); indy0 = int(nys*marg); indy1 = int(np.ceil(nys-indy0)) ArrayType = ct.c_double*(nx*ny) f1ct = ArrayType(); f2ct = ArrayType(); print("{} files will be coaligned".format(nfilin)) shiftx0 = 0; shifty0 = 0 sxarr = np.zeros(nfilin); syarr = np.zeros(nfilin) i0 = 0 for ii in range(nfilin): tims1 = "".join(filter(is_digit, filin[ii][time1a:time1b])) timdate=datetime.datetime(int(tims1[0:4]), int(tims1[4:6]), int(tims1[6:8]), int(tims1[8:10]), int(tims1[10:12]), int(tims1[12:14])) for i1 in range(i0, nfilin0): if timarr[i1]>timdate: break if i1 > i0: timd1 = timdate-timarr[i1-1] timd2 = timarr[i1]-timdate if timd1.seconds < timd2.seconds: i0 = i1-1 else: i0 = i1 print("{} {} {}".format(ii, os.path.basename(filin[ii]), os.path.basename(filin0[i0])), end="\n") data, hdr = readfits(filin0[i0]) f1 = data[y0:y1, x0:x1] data, hdr = readfits(filin[ii]) tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0)) data1 = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate) f2 = data1[y0:y1, x0:x1] # tate care, all the normal data are assumed to be larger than 0 f1[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10 f2[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10 #f1 = detrend(f1) #f2 = detrend(f2) for i in range(ny): for j in range(nx): f1ct[i*nx+j] = f1[i,j] f2ct[i*nx+j] = f2[i,j] vxct = ArrayType() vyct = ArrayType() vmct = ArrayType() # The 1st dimension is y and the 2nd is x. tmp = flcas.flca(f1ct, f2ct, ny, nx, sigma, vyct, vxct, vmct, thresh, absflag, filterflag, kr, skip, yoffset, xoffset, biascorrect, verbose) # reshape and select vx = np.array(vxct).reshape([ny, nx]) vy = np.array(vyct).reshape([ny, nx]) vm = np.array(vmct).reshape([ny, nx]); vx = vx[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip] vy = vy[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip] vm = vm[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]; vx = vx[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1] vy = vy[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1] vm = vm[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]; vm[np.logical_or(np.isnan(vx), np.isnan(vy))] = 0 shiftx = np.median(vx[vm == 1.]) shifty = np.median(vy[vm == 1.]) if shiftx == np.nan or shifty == np.nan: print("Shift X or shift Y is Nan, return.") return -1 shiftx0 = shiftx+shiftx0; shifty0 = shifty+shifty0 if interpolate == 0: shiftx0 = round(shiftx0); shifty0 = round(shifty0) tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0)) data = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate) # order = 0: Nearest-neighbor; order = 1: Bi-linear (default). Other choices are not included. fname0 = os.path.basename(filin[ii]) fits.writeto(outdir+fname0, data, hdr, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, checksum=False) sxarr[ii] = shiftx0; syarr[ii] = shifty0 np.savez_compressed('shiftxy.npz', sx=sxarr, sy=syarr) return 0
def transform(self, Xb, yb): Xb, yb = super(DataAugmentationBatchIterator, self).transform(Xb, yb) augmentation_params = { 'zoom_range': (1.0, 1.1), 'rotation_range': (0, 360), 'shear_range': (0, 20), 'translation_range': (-4, 4), } IMAGE_WIDTH = PIXELS IMAGE_HEIGHT = PIXELS def fast_warp(img, tf, output_shape=(PIXELS,PIXELS), mode='nearest'): """ This wrapper function is about five times faster than skimage.transform.warp, for our use case. """ #m = tf._matrix m = tf.params img_wf = np.empty((output_shape[0], output_shape[1]), dtype='float32') #for k in xrange(1): # img_wf[..., k] = skimage.transform._warps_cy._warp_fast(img[..., k], m, output_shape=output_shape, mode=mode) img_wf = skimage.transform._warps_cy._warp_fast(img, m, output_shape=output_shape, mode=mode) return img_wf def random_perturbation_transform(zoom_range, rotation_range, shear_range, translation_range, do_flip=True): # random shift [-10, 10] - shift no longer needs to be integer! shift_x = np.random.uniform(*translation_range) shift_y = np.random.uniform(*translation_range) translation = (shift_x, shift_y) # random rotation [0, 360] rotation = np.random.uniform(*rotation_range) # there is no post-augmentation, so full rotations here! # random shear [0, 20] shear = np.random.uniform(*shear_range) # random zoom [0.9, 1.1] # zoom = np.random.uniform(*zoom_range) log_zoom_range = [np.log(z) for z in zoom_range] zoom = np.exp(np.random.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) # for a zoom factor this sampling approach makes more sense. # the range should be multiplicatively symmetric, so [1/1.1, 1.1] instead of [0.9, 1.1] makes more sense. translation = (0,0) rotation = 0.0 shear = 0.0 zoom = 1.0 rotate = np.random.randint(4) if rotate == 0: rotation = 0.0 elif rotate == 1: rotation = 90.0 elif rotate == 2: rotation = 180.0 else: rotation = 270.0 ''' # only translate 40% of the cases trans = np.random.randint(10) if trans == 0: translation = (-2,-2) elif trans == 1: translation = (2,2) else: translation = (0,0) ''' ''' zooming = np.random.randint(3) if zooming == 0: shear = 0 elif zooming == 1 and rotate == 0: shear = 10 elif zooming ==2 and rotate == 0: shear = 20 else: shear = 0 ''' ''' trans = np.random.randint(5) if trans == 0: translation = (0,0) elif trans == 1: translation = (-4,0) elif trans == 2: translation = (0,-4) elif trans == 3: translation = (4,0) else: translation = (0,4) rotate = np.random.randint(8) if rotate == 0: rotation = 0.0 elif rotate == 1: rotation = 90.0 elif rotate == 2: rotation = 180.0 elif rotate == 3: rotation = 45.0 elif rotate == 4: rotation = 135.0 elif rotate == 5: rotation = 225.0 elif rotate == 6: rotation = 315.0 else: rotation = 270.0 ''' ## flip if do_flip and (np.random.randint(2) > 0): # flip half of the time shear += 180 rotation += 180 # shear by 180 degrees is equivalent to rotation by 180 degrees + flip. # So after that we rotate it another 180 degrees to get just the flip. ''' print "translation = ", translation print "rotation = ", rotation print "shear = ",shear print "zoom = ",zoom print "" ''' return build_augmentation_transform(zoom, rotation, shear, translation) center_shift = np.array((IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH)) / 2. - 0.5 tform_center = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=-center_shift) tform_uncenter = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=center_shift) def build_augmentation_transform(zoom=1.0, rotation=0, shear=0, translation=(0, 0)): tform_augment = transform.AffineTransform(scale=(1/zoom, 1/zoom), rotation=np.deg2rad(rotation), shear=np.deg2rad(shear), translation=translation) tform = tform_center + tform_augment + tform_uncenter # shift to center, augment, shift back (for the rotation/shearing) return tform tform_augment = random_perturbation_transform(**augmentation_params) tform_identity = skimage.transform.AffineTransform() tform_ds = skimage.transform.AffineTransform() for i in range(Xb.shape[0]): new = fast_warp(Xb[i][0], tform_ds + tform_augment + tform_identity, output_shape=(PIXELS,PIXELS), mode='nearest').astype('float32') Xb[i,:] = new return Xb, yb
if __name__ == "__main__": detector = RetinaFace(0) imgname = "examples/obama.png" img = cv2.imread(imgname) faces = detector(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)) face = faces[0] box, landmark, score = face std_points_256 = np.array([ [85.82991, 85.7792], [169.0532, 84.3381], [127.574, 137.0006], [90.6964, 174.7014], [167.3069, 173.3733], ]) trans = transform.SimilarityTransform() res = trans.estimate(landmark, std_points_256) M = trans.params new_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M[:2, :], dsize=(256, 256)) cv2.imshow("new_img", new_img) cv2.waitKey(0)
def gen_aug_images(img): ''' Data augmentation batch iterator for feeding images into CNN. This example will randomly rotate all images in a given batch between -9 and 9 degrees and to random translations between -2 and 2 pixels in all directions. Be sure to remove part that displays the augmented images, it's only there to check that everything works correctly. ''' img_aug = np.zeros((PIXELS, PIXELS, 3)) # color intensity augmentation r_intensity = random.randint(0, 1) g_intensity = random.randint(0, 1) b_intensity = random.randint(0, 1) intensity_scaler = random.randint(-20, 20) / 255. # pad and crop settings trans_1 = random.randint(0, (PAD_CROP * 2)) trans_2 = random.randint(0, (PAD_CROP * 2)) crop_x1 = trans_1 crop_x2 = (PIXELS + trans_1) crop_y1 = trans_2 crop_y2 = (PIXELS + trans_2) # shearing shear_deg = random.uniform(-5, 5) # random rotations betweein -15 and 15 degrees dorotate = random.randint(-15, 15) # brightness settings bright = random.uniform(0.8, 1.2) # flip left-right choice #flip_lr = random.randint(0,1) # set the transform parameters for skimage.transform.warp # have to shift to center and then shift back after transformation otherwise # rotations will make image go out of frame center_shift = np.array((PIXELS, PIXELS)) / 2. - 0.5 tform_center = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=-center_shift) tform_uncenter = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=center_shift) tform_aug = transform.AffineTransform(shear=np.deg2rad(shear_deg), rotation=np.deg2rad(dorotate)) tform = tform_center + tform_aug + tform_uncenter # images in the batch do the augmentation #img = crop(img, crop_amt) for i in range(img_aug.shape[2]): img_aug[:, :, i] = fast_warp(img[:, :, i], tform, output_shape=(PIXELS, PIXELS)) # pad and crop images img_pad = np.pad(img_aug[:, :, i], pad_width=((PAD_CROP, PAD_CROP), (PAD_CROP, PAD_CROP)), mode='constant') img_aug[:, :, i] = img_pad[crop_x1:crop_x2, crop_y1:crop_y2] # adjust brightness img_aug = img_aug * bright if r_intensity == 1: img_aug[:, :, 0] += intensity_scaler if g_intensity == 1: img_aug[:, :, 1] += intensity_scaler if b_intensity == 1: img_aug[:, :, 2] += intensity_scaler img_aug[img_aug > 1] = 1.0 #choice = randint(0,2) #if choice == 1: # img_aug = np.fliplr(img_aug) return img_aug
def create_aug_matrices(nb_matrices, img_width_px, img_height_px, scale_to_percent=1.0, scale_axis_equally=False, rotation_deg=0, shear_deg=0, translation_x_px=0, translation_y_px=0, seed=None): """Creates the augmentation matrices that may later be used to transform images. This is a wrapper around scikit-image's transform.AffineTransform class. You can apply those matrices to images using the apply_aug_matrices() function. Args: nb_matrices: How many matrices to return, e.g. 100 returns 100 different random-generated matrices (= 100 different transformations). img_width_px: Width of the images that will be transformed later on (same as the width of each of the matrices). img_height_px: Height of the images that will be transformed later on (same as the height of each of the matrices). scale_to_percent: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__(). Up to which percentage the images may be scaled/zoomed. The negative scaling is automatically derived from this value. A value of 1.1 allows scaling by any value between -10% and +10%. You may set min and max values yourself by using a tuple instead, like (1.1, 1.2) to scale between +10% and +20%. Default is 1.0 (no scaling). scale_axis_equally: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__(). Whether to always scale both axis (x and y) in the same way. If set to False, then e.g. the Augmenter might scale the x-axis by 20% and the y-axis by -5%. Default is False. rotation_deg: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__(). By how much the image may be rotated around its center (in degrees). The negative rotation will automatically be derived from this value. E.g. a value of 20 allows any rotation between -20 degrees and +20 degrees. You may set min and max values yourself by using a tuple instead, e.g. (5, 20) to rotate between +5 und +20 degrees. Default is 0 (no rotation). shear_deg: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__(). By how much the image may be sheared (in degrees). The negative value will automatically be derived from this value. E.g. a value of 20 allows any shear between -20 degrees and +20 degrees. You may set min and max values yourself by using a tuple instead, e.g. (5, 20) to shear between +5 und +20 degrees. Default is 0 (no shear). translation_x_px: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__(). By up to how many pixels the image may be translated (moved) on the x-axis. The negative value will automatically be derived from this value. E.g. a value of +7 allows any translation between -7 and +7 pixels on the x-axis. You may set min and max values yourself by using a tuple instead, e.g. (5, 20) to translate between +5 und +20 pixels. Default is 0 (no translation on the x-axis). translation_y_px: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__(). See translation_x_px, just for the y-axis. seed: Seed to use for python's and numpy's random functions. Returns: List of augmentation matrices. """ assert nb_matrices > 0 assert img_width_px > 0 assert img_height_px > 0 assert is_minmax_tuple(scale_to_percent) or scale_to_percent >= 1.0 assert is_minmax_tuple(rotation_deg) or rotation_deg >= 0 assert is_minmax_tuple(shear_deg) or shear_deg >= 0 assert is_minmax_tuple(translation_x_px) or translation_x_px >= 0 assert is_minmax_tuple(translation_y_px) or translation_y_px >= 0 if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) np.random.seed(seed) result = [] shift_x = int(img_width_px / 2.0) shift_y = int(img_height_px / 2.0) # prepare min and max values for # scaling/zooming (min/max values) if is_minmax_tuple(scale_to_percent): scale_x_min = scale_to_percent[0] scale_x_max = scale_to_percent[1] else: scale_x_min = scale_to_percent scale_x_max = 1.0 - (scale_to_percent - 1.0) assert scale_x_min > 0.0 #if scale_x_max >= 2.0: # warnings.warn("Scaling by more than 100 percent (%.2f)." % (scale_x_max,)) scale_y_min = scale_x_min # scale_axis_equally affects the random value generation scale_y_max = scale_x_max # rotation (min/max values) if is_minmax_tuple(rotation_deg): rotation_deg_min = rotation_deg[0] rotation_deg_max = rotation_deg[1] else: rotation_deg_min = (-1) * int(rotation_deg) rotation_deg_max = int(rotation_deg) # shear (min/max values) if is_minmax_tuple(shear_deg): shear_deg_min = shear_deg[0] shear_deg_max = shear_deg[1] else: shear_deg_min = (-1) * int(shear_deg) shear_deg_max = int(shear_deg) # translation x-axis (min/max values) if is_minmax_tuple(translation_x_px): translation_x_px_min = translation_x_px[0] translation_x_px_max = translation_x_px[1] else: translation_x_px_min = (-1) * translation_x_px translation_x_px_max = translation_x_px # translation y-axis (min/max values) if is_minmax_tuple(translation_y_px): translation_y_px_min = translation_y_px[0] translation_y_px_max = translation_y_px[1] else: translation_y_px_min = (-1) * translation_y_px translation_y_px_max = translation_y_px # create nb_matrices randomized affine transformation matrices for _ in range(nb_matrices): # generate random values for scaling, rotation, shear, translation scale_x = random.uniform(scale_x_min, scale_x_max) scale_y = random.uniform(scale_y_min, scale_y_max) if not scale_axis_equally: scale_y = random.uniform(scale_y_min, scale_y_max) else: scale_y = scale_x rotation = np.deg2rad(random.randint(rotation_deg_min, rotation_deg_max)) shear = np.deg2rad(random.randint(shear_deg_min, shear_deg_max)) translation_x = random.randint(translation_x_px_min, translation_x_px_max) translation_y = random.randint(translation_y_px_min, translation_y_px_max) # create three affine transformation matrices # 1st one moves the image to the top left, 2nd one transforms it, 3rd one # moves it back to the center. # The movement is neccessary, because rotation is applied to the top left # and not to the image's center (same for scaling and shear). matrix_to_topleft = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=[-shift_x, -shift_y]) matrix_transforms = tf.AffineTransform(scale=(scale_x, scale_y), rotation=rotation, shear=shear, translation=(translation_x, translation_y)) matrix_to_center = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=[shift_x, shift_y]) # Combine the three matrices to one affine transformation (one matrix) matrix = matrix_to_topleft + matrix_transforms + matrix_to_center # one matrix is ready, add it to the result result.append(matrix.inverse) return result
def show_radon_registration(img1, rotation_ccw_deg, translation_pixels, num_angles): '''The function get image and transform parameters and apply transformation and radon transform,then show the results and the diffirences betwwen them''' imgGrey = img1 allSize = imgGrey.shape[0] padSize = imgGrey.shape[0] / 2 #pad the image to get correct transform imgPad = np.pad(imgGrey, padSize, mode="edge") #get the transformation tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1, rotation=math.radians(rotation_ccw_deg), translation=translation_pixels) #apply the transformation imgWarped = tf.warp(imgPad, tform.inverse) #show results plt.figure(1) #plt.title("Fixed Brain With Padding") plt.title("Phantom With Padding") plt.imshow(imgPad, cmap=cm.gray) plt.figure(2) #plt.title("Fixed Brain After Padding and transformation") plt.title("Phantom After Padding and transformation") plt.imshow(imgWarped, cmap=cm.gray) #return images to original size unpadImgPad = imgPad[padSize:allSize - padSize + 1, padSize:allSize - padSize + 1] unpadImWraped = imgWarped[padSize:allSize - padSize + 1, padSize:allSize - padSize + 1] fixed_angles_deg = np.arange(180) moving_angles_deg = np.arange(0, 180, 180 / num_angles) #apply radon trnasform with angles range fixed_sinogram = tf.radon(unpadImgPad, fixed_angles_deg, circle=True) moving_sinogram = tf.radon(unpadImWraped, moving_angles_deg, circle=True) #get the best radon parameters for transfromation theta, trans = radon_register(fixed_sinogram, fixed_angles_deg, moving_sinogram, moving_angles_deg) tform1 = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1, rotation=math.radians(theta), translation=trans) #apply the trans imgWarped1 = tf.warp(imgPad, tform1.inverse) #show results plt.figure(3) #plt.title("Fixed Brain After Radon tranformation") plt.title("Phantom After Radon tranformation") plt.imshow(imgWarped1, cmap=cm.gray) #show diffirences plt.imshow(imgPad, cmap=cm.gray) plt.imshow(sobel(imgWarped1), alpha=0.5) #plt.title("Differences Between Original Brain and Radon Transform Brain") plt.title( "Differences Between Original Phantom and Radon Transform Phantom")
def map_func1(coords): tform2 = transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=1 / 32, rotation=0, translation=(-1.0, -1.0)) return tform.inverse(tform2(coords))
def align_seq(prj, ang, fdir='.', iters=10, pad=(0, 0), blur=True, save=False, debug=True): """Aligns the projection image stack using the sequential re-projection algorithm :cite:`Gursoy:17`. Parameters ---------- prj : ndarray 3D stack of projection images. The first dimension is projection axis, second and third dimensions are the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively. ang : ndarray Projection angles in radians as an array. iters : scalar, optional Number of iterations of the algorithm. pad : list-like, optional Padding for projection images in x and y-axes. blur : bool, optional Blurs the edge of the image before registration. save : bool, optional Saves projections and corresponding reconstruction for each algorithm iteration. debug : book, optional Provides debugging info such as iterations and error. Returns ------- ndarray 3D stack of projection images with jitter. ndarray Error array for each iteration. """ from skimage import transform as tf from skimage.feature import register_translation import tomopy import dxchange import numpy as np # Needs scaling for skimage float operations. prj, scl = scale(prj) # Shift arrays sx = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) sy = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) conv = np.zeros((iters)) # Pad images. npad = ((0, 0), (pad[1], pad[1]), (pad[0], pad[0])) prj = np.pad(prj, npad, mode='constant', constant_values=0) #prj = np.pad(prj, npad, mode='edge') # Register each image frame-by-frame. for n in range(iters): # Reconstruct image. rec = tomopy.recon(prj, ang, algorithm='sirt') ##rec = tomopy.recon(prj, ang, algorithm='sirt', num_iter=2) #rec = tomopy.recon(prj, ang, algorithm='gridrec') # Re-project data and obtain simulated data. sim = tomopy.project(rec, ang, pad=False) # Blur edges. if blur: _prj = blur_edges(prj, 0.1, 0.5) _sim = blur_edges(sim, 0.1, 0.5) else: _prj = prj _sim = sim # Initialize error matrix per iteration. err = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) # For each projection for m in range(prj.shape[0]): # Register current projection in sub-pixel precision shift, error, diffphase = register_translation(_prj[m], _sim[m], 2) err[m] = np.sqrt(shift[0] * shift[0] + shift[1] * shift[1]) sx[m] += shift[0] sy[m] += shift[1] # Register current image with the simulated one tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift[1], shift[0])) prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=5) ##prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=0, mode='edge') if debug: print('iter=' + str(n) + ', err=' + str(np.linalg.norm(err))) conv[n] = np.linalg.norm(err) if save: dxchange.write_tiff(prj, fdir + '/tmp/iters/prj/prj') dxchange.write_tiff(sim, fdir + '/tmp/iters/sim/sim') dxchange.write_tiff(rec, fdir + '/tmp/iters/rec/rec') # Re-normalize data prj *= scl return prj, sx, sy, conv
def align_joint(prj, ang, fdir='.', iters=10, pad=(0, 0), blur=True, center=None, algorithm='sirt', upsample_factor=10, rin=0.5, rout=0.8, save=False, debug=True): """ Aligns the projection image stack using the joint re-projection algorithm :cite:`Gursoy:17`. Parameters ---------- prj : ndarray 3D stack of projection images. The first dimension is projection axis, second and third dimensions are the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively. ang : ndarray Projection angles in radians as an array. iters : scalar, optional Number of iterations of the algorithm. pad : list-like, optional Padding for projection images in x and y-axes. blur : bool, optional Blurs the edge of the image before registration. center: array, optional Location of rotation axis. algorithm : {str, function} One of the following string values. 'art' Algebraic reconstruction technique :cite:`Kak:98`. 'gridrec' Fourier grid reconstruction algorithm :cite:`Dowd:99`, :cite:`Rivers:06`. 'mlem' Maximum-likelihood expectation maximization algorithm :cite:`Dempster:77`. 'sirt' Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique. 'tv' Total Variation reconstruction technique :cite:`Chambolle:11`. 'grad' Gradient descent method with a constant step size upsample_factor : integer, optional The upsampling factor. Registration accuracy is inversely propotional to upsample_factor. rin : scalar, optional The inner radius of blur function. Pixels inside rin is set to one. rout : scalar, optional The outer radius of blur function. Pixels outside rout is set to zero. save : bool, optional Saves projections and corresponding reconstruction for each algorithm iteration. debug : book, optional Provides debugging info such as iterations and error. Returns ------- ndarray 3D stack of projection images with jitter. ndarray Error array for each iteration. """ # Needs scaling for skimage float operations. prj, scl = scale(prj) # Shift arrays sx = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) sy = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) conv = np.zeros((iters)) # Pad images. npad = ((0, 0), (pad[1], pad[1]), (pad[0], pad[0])) prj = np.pad(prj, npad, mode='constant', constant_values=0) # Initialization of reconstruction. rec = 1e-12 * np.ones((prj.shape[1], prj.shape[2], prj.shape[2])) extra_kwargs = {} if algorithm != 'gridrec': extra_kwargs['num_iter'] = 1 # Register each image frame-by-frame. for n in range(iters): if np.mod(n, 1) == 0: _rec = rec # Reconstruct image. rec = recon(prj, ang, center=center, algorithm=algorithm, init_recon=_rec, **extra_kwargs) # Re-project data and obtain simulated data. sim = project(rec, ang, center=center, pad=False) # Blur edges. if blur: _prj = blur_edges(prj, rin, rout) _sim = blur_edges(sim, rin, rout) else: _prj = prj _sim = sim # Initialize error matrix per iteration. err = np.zeros((prj.shape[0])) # For each projection for m in range(prj.shape[0]): # Register current projection in sub-pixel precision shift, error, diffphase = phase_cross_correlation( _prj[m], _sim[m], upsample_factor) err[m] = np.sqrt(shift[0] * shift[0] + shift[1] * shift[1]) sx[m] += shift[0] sy[m] += shift[1] # Register current image with the simulated one tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift[1], shift[0])) prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=5) if debug: print('iter=' + str(n) + ', err=' + str(np.linalg.norm(err))) conv[n] = np.linalg.norm(err) if save: write_tiff(prj, 'tmp/iters/prj', n) write_tiff(sim, 'tmp/iters/sim', n) write_tiff(rec, 'tmp/iters/rec', n) # Re-normalize data prj *= scl return prj, sx, sy, conv
plt.close() # Re use previous coordinates, if found if not os.path.exists('_reg_coords.npz'): choose_corresponding_points() coords = np.load('_reg_coords.npz') # Estimate the transformation between the two sets of coordinates, # assuming it is an affine transform tf = transform.estimate_transform('similarity', coords['source'], coords['target']) # Use a translation transformation to center both images for display purposes offset = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(-200, -170)) img0_warped = transform.warp(img0, inverse_map=offset, output_shape=(600, 600)) img1_warped = transform.warp(img1, inverse_map=offset + tf, output_shape=(600, 600)) # Find where both images overlap; in that region average their values mask = (img0_warped != 0) & (img1_warped != 0) registered = img0_warped + img1_warped registered[mask] /= 2 # Display the results f, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3, subplot_kw={'xticks': [], 'yticks': []})