Esempio n. 1
def map_func1(coords):
    tform2 = transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=1. / 257.,
                                           translation=(-0.99, -0.99))
    return tform.inverse(np.arctanh(tform2(coords)))
Esempio n. 2
margins = dict(hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01, top=1, bottom=0, left=0, right=1)

Several different geometric transformation types are supported: similarity,
affine, projective and polynomial.

Geometric transformations can either be created using the explicit parameters
(e.g. scale, shear, rotation and translation) or the transformation matrix:

First we create a transformation using explicit parameters:

tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1,
                               rotation=math.pi / 2,
                               translation=(0, 1))
print tform._matrix
Alternatively you can define a transformation by the transformation matrix

matrix = tform._matrix.copy()
matrix[1, 2] = 2
tform2 = tf.SimilarityTransform(matrix)
These transformation objects can then be used to apply forward and inverse
coordinate transformations between the source and destination coordinate
Esempio n. 3
def imtranslate(im,tx,ty): # tx: columns, ty: rows
    tform = trfm.SimilarityTransform(translation = (-tx,-ty))
    return trfm.warp(im,tform,mode='constant')
Esempio n. 4
def trans(img: object = None, xaxis: int = 0, yaxis: int = 0):
    return transform.warp(
        img, transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(-1 * xaxis, yaxis)))
def preprocess(img, bbox=None, landmark=None, **kwargs):
    if isinstance(img, str):
        img = read_image(img, **kwargs)
    M = None
    image_size = []
    str_image_size = kwargs.get('image_size', '')
    if len(str_image_size) > 0:
        image_size = [int(x) for x in str_image_size.split(',')]
        if len(image_size) == 1:
            image_size = [image_size[0], image_size[0]]
        assert len(image_size) == 2
        assert image_size[0] == 112
        assert image_size[0] == 112 or image_size[1] == 96
    if landmark is not None:
        assert len(image_size) == 2
        src = np.array(
            [[30.2946, 51.6963], [65.5318, 51.5014], [48.0252, 71.7366],
             [33.5493, 92.3655], [62.7299, 92.2041]],
        if image_size[1] == 112:
            src[:, 0] += 8.0
        dst = landmark.astype(np.float32)

        tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
        tform.estimate(dst, src)
        M = tform.params[0:2, :]
        #M = cv2.estimateRigidTransform( dst.reshape(1,5,2), src.reshape(1,5,2), False)

    if M is None:
        if bbox is None:  #use center crop
            det = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32)
            det[0] = int(img.shape[1] * 0.0625)
            det[1] = int(img.shape[0] * 0.0625)
            det[2] = img.shape[1] - det[0]
            det[3] = img.shape[0] - det[1]
            det = bbox
        margin = kwargs.get('margin', 44)
        bb = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.int32)
        bb[0] = np.maximum(det[0] - margin / 2, 0)
        bb[1] = np.maximum(det[1] - margin / 2, 0)
        bb[2] = np.minimum(det[2] + margin / 2, img.shape[1])
        bb[3] = np.minimum(det[3] + margin / 2, img.shape[0])
        ret = img[bb[1]:bb[3], bb[0]:bb[2], :]
        if len(image_size) > 0:
            ret = cv2.resize(ret, (image_size[1], image_size[0]))
        return ret
    else:  #do align using landmark
        assert len(image_size) == 2

        #src = src[0:3,:]
        #dst = dst[0:3,:]

        #print(src.shape, dst.shape)
        warped = cv2.warpAffine(img,
                                M, (image_size[1], image_size[0]),

        #tform3 = trans.ProjectiveTransform()
        #tform3.estimate(src, dst)
        #warped = trans.warp(img, tform3, output_shape=_shape)
        return warped
def cp2tform_v2(base, proj):
    tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
    tform.estimate(base, proj)
    return tform.params.T, inv(tform.params.T)
Esempio n. 7
File: Progetto: xuejcak/flca
def onechannel(indir, outdir, firstfits='', x0=0, x1=-1, y0=0, y1=-1, every=1, skip=1, xoffset=0, 
               yoffset=0, sigma=20, threshold='0.', kr=0., biascorrect=0, interpolate=0, verbose=0):
    print('Single-channel coalignment.')
    absflag=0; filterflag=1; marg = 0.2 # Margins of the calculated shifts that are excluded.
    if indir[-1] != '/': indir += '/'
    if outdir[-1] != '/': outdir += '/'
    filin = glob(indir+"*.f*ts")
    if len(filin) == 0:
        print(f"The input folder{indir} is empty!")
        return -1
    ind0 = 0
    if firstfits == '': 
        firstfits = filin[0]
        ind0 = 0
        if filin.count(firstfits):
            ind0 = filin.index(firstfits)
            fname0 = os.path.basename(firstfits)
            for i in range(len(filin)):
                if os.path.basename(filin[i]) == fname0:
                    ind0 = i
            if ind0 != i:
                print("The first fits file should have the same name as one of the files in input folder!")
                return -1
    xoffset = xoffset % skip; yoffset = yoffset % skip
    if threshold[-1] == 'a':
        absflag = 1;
        threshold = float(threshold[0:-1])
        threshold = float(threshold)
    if kr <= 0. or kr > 20.:
        print("Nonsense value of kr, = {}".format(kr))
        return -1
    sigma = ct.c_double(sigma);
    thresh = ct.c_double(threshold);
    kr = ct.c_double(kr);
    # Notice that for 2-D array in python and C languages, the 1st dimension is indicated by y and the 2nd by x.
    # It is consistent with images.
    # But in flcasubs.c, the 1st dimension is marked with x and 2nd with y, following FLCT.
    ny = y1-y0
    nx = x1-x0
    nys = int(np.ceil((ny-yoffset)/skip)) # dimensions for the results
    nxs = int(np.ceil((nx-xoffset)/skip))
    indx0 = int(nxs*marg); indx1 = int(np.ceil(nxs-indx0)); indy0 = int(nys*marg); indy1 = int(np.ceil(nys-indy0))
    ArrayType = ct.c_double*(nx*ny)
    f1ct = ArrayType();
    f2ct = ArrayType();

    print("{} files will be coaligned".format(len(filin)))
    sxarr = np.zeros(len(filin)); syarr = np.zeros(len(filin))
    sxarr[ind0] = 0; syarr[ind0] = 0;
    if ind0 > 0:
        kk = 0 # whether change the reference fits file, correspondes to every
        data0, hdr = readfits(firstfits)
        referf = firstfits
        shiftx0 = 0; shifty0 = 0
        for ii in range(ind0, 0, -1):
            print(f"{ii-1}", end="\r")    
            data, hdr = readfits(filin[ii-1])
            tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0))
            data1 = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate)
            f1 = data0[y0:y1, x0:x1]
            f2 = data1[y0:y1, x0:x1]
            # tate care, all the normal data are assumed to be larger than 0
            f1[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10
            f2[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10
            #f1 = detrend(f1)
            #f2 = detrend(f2)
            for i in range(ny):
                for j in range(nx):
                    f1ct[i*nx+j] = f1[i,j]
                    f2ct[i*nx+j] = f2[i,j]
            vxct = ArrayType()
            vyct = ArrayType()
            vmct = ArrayType()
            # The 1st dimension is y and the 2nd is x.
            tmp = flcas.flca(f1ct, f2ct, ny, nx, sigma, vyct, vxct, vmct, thresh, absflag, 
                             filterflag, kr, skip, yoffset, xoffset, biascorrect, verbose)
            # reshape and select
            vx = np.array(vxct).reshape([ny, nx])
            vy = np.array(vyct).reshape([ny, nx])
            vm = np.array(vmct).reshape([ny, nx]);
            vx = vx[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]
            vy = vy[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]
            vm = vm[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip];
            vx = vx[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]
            vy = vy[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]
            vm = vm[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1];
            vm[np.logical_or(np.isnan(vx), np.isnan(vy))] = 0
            shiftx = np.median(vx[vm == 1.])
            shifty = np.median(vy[vm == 1.])
            if shiftx == np.nan or shifty == np.nan:
                print("Shift X or shift Y is Nan, return.")
                return -1
            shiftx0 = shiftx+shiftx0; shifty0 = shifty+shifty0
            if interpolate == 0:
                shiftx0 = round(shiftx0); shifty0 = round(shifty0)
            tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0))
            data = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate)
            # order = 0: Nearest-neighbor; order = 1: Bi-linear (default). Other choices are not included.
            fname0 = os.path.basename(filin[ii-1])
            fits.writeto(outdir+fname0, data, hdr, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, checksum=False)
            sxarr[ii-1] = shiftx0; syarr[ii-1] = shifty0
            kk = kk+1
            if kk % every == 0:
                data0 = data.copy()
                referf = filin[ii-1]
    data0, hdr = readfits(firstfits)
    fname0 = os.path.basename(firstfits)
    referf = firstfits
    # copy the first fits file to the output folder.
    fits.writeto(outdir+fname0, data0, hdr, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, checksum=False)
    if ind0 < len(filin)-1:
        kk = 0 # whether change the reference fits file, correspondes to every
        shiftx0 = 0; shifty0 = 0
        for ii in range(ind0+1, len(filin)):
            #print("{} {} {}".format(ii, os.path.basename(filin[ii]), os.path.basename(referf)), end="\n")  
            print(f"{ii}", end="\r")  
            data, hdr = readfits(filin[ii])
            tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0))
            data1 = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate)
            f1 = data0[y0:y1, x0:x1]
            f2 = data1[y0:y1, x0:x1]
            # tate care, all the normal data are assumed to be larger than 0
            f1[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10
            f2[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10
            #f1 = detrend(f1)
            #f2 = detrend(f2)
            for i in range(ny):
                for j in range(nx):
                    f1ct[i*nx+j] = f1[i,j]
                    f2ct[i*nx+j] = f2[i,j]
            vxct = ArrayType()
            vyct = ArrayType()
            vmct = ArrayType()
            # The 1st dimension is y and the 2nd is x.
            tmp = flcas.flca(f1ct, f2ct, ny, nx, sigma, vyct, vxct, vmct, thresh, absflag, 
                             filterflag, kr, skip, yoffset, xoffset, biascorrect, verbose)
            # reshape and select
            vx = np.array(vxct).reshape([ny, nx])
            vy = np.array(vyct).reshape([ny, nx])
            vm = np.array(vmct).reshape([ny, nx]);
            vx = vx[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]
            vy = vy[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]
            vm = vm[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip];
            vx = vx[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]
            vy = vy[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]
            vm = vm[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1];
            vm[np.logical_or(np.isnan(vx), np.isnan(vy))] = 0
            shiftx = np.median(vx[vm == 1.])
            shifty = np.median(vy[vm == 1.])
            if shiftx == np.nan or shifty == np.nan:
                print("Shift X or shift Y is Nan, return.")
                return -1
            shiftx0 = shiftx+shiftx0; shifty0 = shifty+shifty0
            if interpolate == 0:
                shiftx0 = round(shiftx0); shifty0 = round(shifty0)
            tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0))
            data = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate)
            # order = 0: Nearest-neighbor; order = 1: Bi-linear (default).
            # Other choices are not included.
            fname0 = os.path.basename(filin[ii])
            fits.writeto(outdir+fname0, data, hdr, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, checksum=False)
            sxarr[ii] = shiftx0; syarr[ii] = shifty0
            kk = kk+1
            if kk % every == 0:
                data0 = data.copy()
                #referf = filin[ii]
    np.savez_compressed('shiftxy.npz', sx=sxarr, sy=syarr)
    return 0
Esempio n. 8
def main(args):
    output_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.output_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
    data_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.input_dir)
    multiFacesRF = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'multi_record.txt'), 'w')
    forceFacesRF = open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'force_record.txt'), 'w')

    listFile = open(args.list_file, 'r')
    imgNames = [i.strip() for i in listFile.readlines()]

    print('Creating networks and loading parameters')
    detector = RetinaFace('R50', 0, 0, 'net3')

    # configuration for alignment
    threshold = 0.8  # retinaface threshold
    #image_size = [112,96]
    image_size = [112, 112]
    src = np.array([[30.2946, 51.6963], [65.5318, 51.5014], [48.0252, 71.7366],
                    [33.5493, 92.3655], [62.7299, 92.2041]],

    if image_size[1] == 112:
        src[:, 0] += 8.0

    rotateAngles = [-15, 15, -30, 30, -45, 45]
    for imgName in tqdm(imgNames):
        imgName = imgName + '.jpg'
        srcImgPath = os.path.join(data_dir, imgName)
        outImgPath = os.path.join(output_dir, imgName)

            img = cv2.imread(srcImgPath)
            if img is None:
                print("Path is error! ", srcImgPath)
            print("Something is error! ", srcImgPath)
            rotateImgs = [imutils.rotate(img, x) for x in rotateAngles]
            newFlag = True
            for img in rotateImgs:
                # fixed to 640*640 by padding
                maxSize = max(img.shape[0], img.shape[1])
                padTop = 0
                padBottom = 0
                padLeft = 0
                padRight = 0
                if img.shape[0] < maxSize:
                    rowDiff = maxSize - img.shape[0]
                    padTop = rowDiff // 2
                    padBottom = rowDiff - padTop
                if img.shape[1] < maxSize:
                    colDiff = maxSize - img.shape[1]
                    padLeft = colDiff // 2
                    padRight = colDiff - padLeft

                img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(img,
                                         value=[0, 0, 0])

                fixedSizes = [80, 160, 320, 480, 640, 800, 960]
                aligned_imgs = []
                for fixedSize in fixedSizes:
                    scale = float(fixedSize) / float(maxSize)
                    bounding_boxes, points = detector.detect(img,
                    nrof_faces = bounding_boxes.shape[0]
                    det = bounding_boxes[:, 0:4]
                    scores = bounding_boxes[:, 4]

                    img_size = np.asarray(img.shape)[0:2]
                    if (nrof_faces > 0):
                        if nrof_faces > 1:
                            bounding_box_size = (det[:, 2] - det[:, 0]) * (
                                det[:, 3] - det[:, 1])
                            img_center = img_size / 2
                            offsets = np.vstack([
                                (det[:, 0] + det[:, 2]) / 2 - img_center[1],
                                (det[:, 1] + det[:, 3]) / 2 - img_center[0]
                            offset_dist_squared = np.sum(
                                np.power(offsets, 2.0), 0)
                            index = np.argmax(
                                bounding_box_size - offset_dist_squared *
                                2.0)  # some extra weight on the centering

                            bb = np.squeeze(det[index])

                            bb[0] = max(0, bb[0])
                            bb[1] = max(0, bb[1])
                            bb[2] = min(bb[2], img_size[1])
                            bb[3] = min(bb[3], img_size[0])

                            if ((bb[0] >= img_size[1])
                                    or (bb[1] >= img_size[0])
                                    or (bb[2] > img_size[1])
                                    or (bb[3] > img_size[0])):
                                print('Unable to align "%s", bbox error' %

                            h = bb[3] - bb[1]
                            w = bb[2] - bb[0]
                            x = bb[0]
                            y = bb[1]
                            _w = int(
                                (float(h) / image_size[0]) * image_size[1])
                            x += (w - _w) // 2
                            #x = min( max(0,x), img.shape[1] )
                            x = max(0, x)
                            xw = x + _w
                            xw = min(xw, img.shape[1])
                            roi = np.array((x, y, xw, y + h), dtype=np.int32)

                            faceImg = img[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2], :]
                            dst = points[index, :]
                            tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
                            tform.estimate(dst, src)
                            M = tform.params[0:2, :]
                            warped = cv2.warpAffine(
                                M, (image_size[1], image_size[0]),
                            #M = tform.params
                            #warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0)
                            if (warped is None) or (np.sum(warped) == 0):
                                warped = faceImg
                                warped = cv2.resize(
                                    warped, (image_size[1], image_size[0]))

                            multiFacesRF.write(imgName.split('.')[0] + '\n')
                            bb = np.squeeze(det[0])

                            bb[0] = max(0, bb[0])
                            bb[1] = max(0, bb[1])
                            bb[2] = min(bb[2], img_size[1])
                            bb[3] = min(bb[3], img_size[0])

                            if ((bb[0] >= img_size[1])
                                    or (bb[1] >= img_size[0])
                                    or (bb[2] > img_size[1])
                                    or (bb[3] > img_size[0])):

                            h = bb[3] - bb[1]
                            w = bb[2] - bb[0]
                            x = bb[0]
                            y = bb[1]
                            _w = int(
                                (float(h) / image_size[0]) * image_size[1])
                            x += (w - _w) // 2
                            #x = min( max(0,x), img.shape[1] )
                            x = max(0, x)
                            xw = x + _w
                            xw = min(xw, img.shape[1])
                            roi = np.array((x, y, xw, y + h), dtype=np.int32)

                            faceImg = img[roi[1]:roi[3], roi[0]:roi[2], :]
                            dst = points[0, :]
                            tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
                            tform.estimate(dst, src)
                            M = tform.params[0:2, :]
                            warped = cv2.warpAffine(
                                M, (image_size[1], image_size[0]),
                            #M = tform.params
                            #warped = cv2.warpPerspective(img,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0)
                            if (warped is None) or (np.sum(warped) == 0):
                                warped = faceImg
                                warped = cv2.resize(
                                    warped, (image_size[1], image_size[0]))


                if len(aligned_imgs) > 0:
                    cv2.imwrite(outImgPath, aligned_imgs[0])
                    if newFlag:
                        forceFacesRF.write(imgName.split('.')[0] + '\n')
                        newFlag = False

Esempio n. 9
def faceboxes_process(fd_net, o_net, landmark_net, img):
    img_width = img.shape[1]
    img_height = img.shape[0]

    im = img.copy()
    im = im.astype(np.float32)
    im[:, :, 0] = im[:, :, 0] - 104.0
    im[:, :, 1] = im[:, :, 1] - 117.0
    im[:, :, 2] = im[:, :, 2] - 123.0
    transformed_image = im.swapaxes(1, 2).swapaxes(0, 1)
    fd_net.blobs['data'].reshape(1, 3, img_height, img_width)
    fd_net.blobs['data'].data[...] = transformed_image
    detections = fd_net.get_blob('detection_out').data
    # print(detections)

    bounding_boxes = detections[0, 0, :, 3:7] * np.array(
        [img_width, img_height, img_width, img_height])
    conf = detections[0, 0, :, 2]  # 计算出的置信度,在计算熵的时候会用到
    nrof_faces = bounding_boxes.shape[0]
    crop_img_list = []
    for i in range(nrof_faces):
        if (conf[i] > 0.5):
            xmin = bounding_boxes[i][0]
            ymin = bounding_boxes[i][1]
            xmax = bounding_boxes[i][2]
            ymax = bounding_boxes[i][3]
            box_w = xmax - xmin
            box_h = ymax - ymin

            box_side = max(box_w, box_h)
            xmin += box_w * 0.5 - box_side * 0.5
            ymin += box_h * 0.5 - box_side * 0.5
            xmax = xmin + box_side
            ymax = ymin + box_side

            box = np.array([
                max(xmin, 0),
                max(ymin, 0),
                min(xmax, img_width),
                min(ymax, img_height)
            box = box.astype(np.int32)

            img_ = img.copy()
            crop_img = img_[box[1]:box[3], box[0]:box[2]]
            landmark_img = crop_img.copy()
            test_img = img_[box[1] - 20:box[3] + 20, box[0] - 20:box[2] + 20]
            image_hist(test_img)  # 绘制人脸的直方图


            # 在这里画出添加一个区分背景和前景的,论文中使用掩模的方法
            # 这里裁剪的图像的大小是多少呢?

            # 画出人脸的点
            src_lmarks = forward_lnet106(img,
            for j in range(3, 30):
      , (src_lmarks[2 * j], src_lmarks[2 * j + 1]), 2,
                           (0, 0, 255), -1)

            cv2.imshow('landmark', img)
            # cv2.waitKey(0)

            # cv2.imwrite("onet_result_"+ str(i) +".jpg", crop_img)
            cv2.imwrite("onet_result_" + str(i) + ".jpg", crop_img)
            # crop_img = cv2.cvtColor(crop_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # 这里没有转灰度图像
            crop_img = cv2.cvtColor(crop_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  # 这里转为灰度图像
            crop_img = (crop_img - 127.5) / 128  # 归一化
            scale_img = cv2.resize(crop_img, (48, 48))

            scale_img = np.swapaxes(scale_img, 0, 2)  # hwc chw
            o_net.blobs['data'].data[...] = scale_img
            out = o_net.forward()
            # src_lmarks = out['conv6-3']
            src_lmarks = o_net.get_blob('conv6-3').data  # 获取某一层的数据
            src_lmarks = src_lmarks.reshape(2, 5).T

            for j in range(5):
                           (int(src_lmarks[j][0] * landmark_img.shape[1]),
                            int(src_lmarks[j][1] * landmark_img.shape[0])), 2,
                           (0, 0, 255), -1)
                    0] = src_lmarks[j][0] * landmark_img.shape[1] + box[0]
                    1] = src_lmarks[j][1] * landmark_img.shape[0] + box[1]

            tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()  # 这是相似转换?
            tform.estimate(src_lmarks, dst_lmarks)
            M = tform.params[0:2, :]
            crop_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (112, 112))

            delt_w = (src_lmarks[1][0] - src_lmarks[0][0]) / 4
            delt_h = (src_lmarks[3][1] - src_lmarks[0][1]) / 4
            if src_lmarks[2][0] > src_lmarks[1][0] - delt_w or \
               src_lmarks[2][0] < src_lmarks[0][0] + delt_w or \
               src_lmarks[2][1] > src_lmarks[3][1] - delt_h or \
               src_lmarks[2][1] < src_lmarks[0][1] + delt_h:

                for j in range(5):
                               (int(src_lmarks[j][0]), int(src_lmarks[j][1])),
                               2, (0, 0, 255), -1)

            cv2.ellipse(img, (int((src_lmarks[0][0] + src_lmarks[1][0]) / 2), src_lmarks[2][1]), \
                             (int((box[2] - box[0])/2.2), int((box[3] - box[1])/2)), 0, 0, 360, (255, 255, 255), 1)
            cv2.imshow("landmark", crop_img)
            cv2.imwrite("onet_result_" + str(i) + ".jpg", crop_img)

            cv2.rectangle(img, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]), (0, 255, 0),
            bboxes = box
    return crop_img_list, box
Esempio n. 10
# Compose transforms by multiplying their matrices
matrix = np.linalg.inv(shift.params) @ rotation.params @ shift.params
tform = transform.EuclideanTransform(matrix)
tf_img = transform.warp(img, tform.inverse)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
_ = ax.imshow(tf_img)

# Similarity transformation
# =================================
# A `similarity transformation <>`_
# preserves the shape of objects. It combines scaling, translation and rotation.

tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=0.5,
                                      rotation=np.pi / 12,
                                      translation=(100, 50))
tf_img = transform.warp(img, tform.inverse)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
_ = ax.set_title('Similarity transformation')

# Affine transformation
# =================================
# An `affine transformation <>`_
# preserves lines (hence the alignment of objects), as well as parallelism
# between lines. It can be decomposed into a similarity transform and a
# `shear transformation <>`_.
def main(args):
    output_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.output_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
    # Store some git revision info in a text file in the log directory
    src_path,_ = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))
    #facenet.store_revision_info(src_path, output_dir, ' '.join(sys.argv))
    dataset = face_image.get_dataset(, args.input_dir)
    print('dataset size',, len(dataset))
    print('Creating networks and loading parameters')
    with tf.Graph().as_default():
        #gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=args.gpu_memory_fraction)
        #sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(gpu_options=gpu_options, log_device_placement=False))
        sess = tf.Session()
        with sess.as_default():
            pnet, rnet, onet = detect_face.create_mtcnn(sess, None)
    minsize = 100 # minimum size of face
    threshold = [ 0.6, 0.7, 0.7 ]  # three steps's threshold
    factor = 0.709 # scale factor
    #image_size = [112,96]
    image_size = [112,112]
    src = np.array([
      [30.2946, 51.6963],
      [65.5318, 51.5014],
      [48.0252, 71.7366],
      [33.5493, 92.3655],
      [62.7299, 92.2041] ], dtype=np.float32 )

    if image_size[1]==112:
      src[:,0] += 8.0

    # Add a random key to the filename to allow alignment using multiple processes
    #random_key = np.random.randint(0, high=99999)
    #bounding_boxes_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'bounding_boxes_%05d.txt' % random_key)
    #output_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'faceinsight_align_%s.lst' %
    if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir):

    output_filename = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'lst')
    with open(output_filename, "w") as text_file:
        nrof_images_total = 0
        nrof = np.zeros( (5,), dtype=np.int32)
        for fimage in dataset:
            if nrof_images_total%100==0:
              print("Processing %d, (%s)" % (nrof_images_total, nrof))
            nrof_images_total += 1
            #if nrof_images_total<950000:
            #  continue
            image_path = fimage.image_path
            if not os.path.exists(image_path):
              print('image not found (%s)'%image_path)
            filename = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(image_path)[1])[0]
                img = misc.imread(image_path)
            except (IOError, ValueError, IndexError) as e:
                errorMessage = '{}: {}'.format(image_path, e)
                if img.ndim<2:
                    print('Unable to align "%s", img dim error' % image_path)
                    #text_file.write('%s\n' % (output_filename))
                if img.ndim == 2:
                    img = to_rgb(img)
                img = img[:,:,0:3]
                _paths = fimage.image_path.split('/')
                a,b,c = _paths[-3], _paths[-2], _paths[-1]
                target_dir = os.path.join(args.output_dir, a, b)
                if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
                target_file = os.path.join(target_dir, c)
                warped = None
                if fimage.landmark is not None:
                  dst = fimage.landmark.astype(np.float32)

                  tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
                  tform.estimate(dst, src[0:3,:]*1.5+image_size[0]*0.25)
                  M = tform.params[0:2,:]
                  warped0 = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(image_size[1]*2,image_size[0]*2), borderValue = 0.0)
                  _minsize = image_size[0]
                  bounding_boxes, points = detect_face.detect_face(warped0, _minsize, pnet, rnet, onet, threshold, factor)
                  if bounding_boxes.shape[0]>0:
                    bindex = 0
                    det = bounding_boxes[bindex,0:4]
                    #points need to be transpose, points = points.reshape( (5,2) ).transpose()
                    dst = points[:, bindex].reshape( (2,5) ).T
                    tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
                    tform.estimate(dst, src)
                    M = tform.params[0:2,:]
                    warped = cv2.warpAffine(warped0,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0)
                #assert fimage.bbox is not None
                if warped is None and fimage.bbox is not None:
                  _minsize = img.shape[0]//4
                  bounding_boxes, points = detect_face.detect_face(img, _minsize, pnet, rnet, onet, threshold, factor)
                  if bounding_boxes.shape[0]>0:
                    det = bounding_boxes[:,0:4]
                    bindex = -1
                    index2 = [0.0, 0]
                    for i in range(det.shape[0]):
                      _det = det[i]
                      iou = IOU(fimage.bbox, _det)
                      if iou>index2[0]:
                        index2[0] = iou
                        index2[1] = i
                    if index2[0]>0.3:
                      bindex = index2[1]
                    if bindex>=0:
                      dst = points[:, bindex].reshape( (2,5) ).T
                      tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
                      tform.estimate(dst, src)
                      M = tform.params[0:2,:]
                      warped = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0)
                if warped is None and fimage.bbox is not None:
                  bb = fimage.bbox
                  #croped = img[bb[1]:bb[3],bb[0]:bb[2],:]
                  bounding_boxes, points = detect_face.detect_face_force(img, bb, pnet, rnet, onet)
                  assert bounding_boxes.shape[0]==1
                  _box = bounding_boxes[0]
                  if _box[4]>=0.3:
                    dst = points[:, 0].reshape( (2,5) ).T
                    tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
                    tform.estimate(dst, src)
                    M = tform.params[0:2,:]
                    warped = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(image_size[1],image_size[0]), borderValue = 0.0)

                if warped is None:
                  roi = np.zeros( (4,), dtype=np.int32)
                  roi[0] = int(img.shape[1]*0.06)
                  roi[1] = int(img.shape[0]*0.06)
                  roi[2] = img.shape[1]-roi[0]
                  roi[3] = img.shape[0]-roi[1]
                  if fimage.bbox is not None:
                    bb = fimage.bbox
                    h = bb[3]-bb[1]
                    w = bb[2]-bb[0]
                    x = bb[0]
                    y = bb[1]
                    #roi = np.copy(bb)
                    _w = int( (float(h)/image_size[0])*image_size[1] )
                    x += (w-_w)//2
                    #x = min( max(0,x), img.shape[1] )
                    x = max(0,x)
                    xw = x+_w
                    xw = min(xw, img.shape[1])
                    roi = np.array( (x, y, xw, y+h), dtype=np.int32)
                  warped = img[roi[1]:roi[3],roi[0]:roi[2],:]
                  warped = cv2.resize(warped, (image_size[1], image_size[0]))
                bgr = warped[...,::-1]
                cv2.imwrite(target_file, bgr)
                oline = '%d\t%s\t%d\n' % (1,target_file, int(fimage.classname))
Esempio n. 12
        if len(train) < 200:
            k += 1
        #105*122 features
        image = []
        for i in range(12810):
        for i in range(1, len(train)):
            pixel = train[i].split(':')
            image[int(pixel[0]) - 1] = float(pixel[1])
        im = np.array(image).reshape(122, 105)
        #im = crop(im)
        #im = imresize(im,(128,128))
        angle = random.randint(8, 20)
        locat_y = random.randint(-20, -10)
        rand_scale = random.uniform(0.9, 1.2)
        tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=rand_scale,
                                       rotation=math.pi / angle,
                                       translation=(im.shape[0] / 20, locat_y))
        rotated = tf.warp(im, tform)
        #back_rotated = tf.warp(im, tform.inverse)
        #im = crop(im)
        #im = imresize(im,(128,128))
        #im = Image.fromarray(im)
        imsave('random_warp/warp_%d_%d.png' % ((k + 1), classID), rotated)
        #new = plt.imshow(back_rotated)
        k += 1
def applyGeometricTransformation(startXs, startYs, newXs, newYs, bbox):
    import numpy as np
    import skimage.transform as tf
    import random 

    [rows,nobj] = np.asarray(startXs.shape)
    temp_Xs = []
    temp_Ys = []
    r = []

    homography = []
    second_box = np.copy(bbox.astype(np.double))
    count = 0
    for i in range(nobj):
        inliers_count = []
        inliers_firstX = []
        inliers_firstY = []
        inliers_secondX = []
        inliers_secondY = []
        box_corners = np.matrix.transpose(bbox[i, :, :])
        firstX = startXs[:, i]
        firstY = startYs[:, i]
        firstX = firstX[firstX!=-1]
        firstY = firstY[firstY!=-1]
        secondX = newXs[:, i]
        secondY = newYs[:, i]
        secondX = secondX[secondX!=-1]
        secondY = secondY[secondY!=-1]
        for k in range(500):
            for j in range(4):
            four_firstX = [firstX[x] for x in r]
            four_firstY = [firstY[x] for x in r]
            four_secondX = [secondX[x] for x in r]
            four_secondY = [secondY[x] for x in r]
            H_matrix = tf.SimilarityTransform()
            four_first = np.matrix.transpose(np.vstack((four_firstX,four_firstY)))
            four_second = np.matrix.transpose(np.vstack((four_secondX,four_secondY)))
            H_matrix.estimate(four_first, four_second)
            H = H_matrix.params
            homog_first = np.vstack((firstX, firstY, np.ones(rows)))
            new_second =, homog_first)
            diff_vector = np.vstack((secondX, secondY)) - new_second[0:2, :]

            diff_vector=diff_vector*diff_vector#find the square of the difference
            temp_firstX = firstX[squared_dist <= 16]
            temp_firstY = firstY[squared_dist <= 16]
            temp_secondX = secondX[squared_dist <= 16]
            temp_secondY = secondY[squared_dist <= 16]
        max_count_index = inliers_count.index(max(inliers_count))
        firstX = inliers_firstX[max_count_index]
        firstY = inliers_firstY[max_count_index]
        secondX = inliers_secondX[max_count_index]
        secondY = inliers_secondY[max_count_index]

        H_matrix.estimate(np.matrix.transpose(np.vstack((firstX, firstY))), np.matrix.transpose(np.vstack((secondX, secondY))))
        count = max(count, len(secondX))
        homo_box_corners = np.vstack((box_corners, np.ones(2)))
        H = H_matrix.params
        second_homo_box_corners =, homo_box_corners)
        second_box[i, :, :] = np.matrix.transpose(second_homo_box_corners[0:2, :])

    Xs = np.ones([count, nobj])*-1
    Ys = np.ones([count, nobj])*-1
    for m in range(nobj):
        Xs[0:len(temp_Xs[m]), m] = temp_Xs[m]
        Ys[0:len(temp_Ys[m]), m] = temp_Ys[m]
    return Xs, Ys, second_box
Esempio n. 14
def map_func2(coords):
    tform2 = transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=257.,
                                           translation=(255.5, 255.5))
    return tform2(np.tanh(tform(coords)))
Esempio n. 15
img_cv2 = np.array(img)[..., ::-1]

import pdb
src = np.array([[30.2946, 51.6963], [65.5318, 51.5014], [48.0252, 71.7366],
                [33.5493, 92.3655], [62.7299, 92.2041]],

src[:, 0] *= (img.size[0] / 96)
src[:, 1] *= (img.size[1] / 112)
import pdb

bounding_boxes, landmarks = detect_faces(img)
dst = landmarks[0].astype(np.float32)
facial5points = [[dst[j], dst[j + 5]] for j in range(5)]

tform = trans.SimilarityTransform()
tform.estimate(np.array(facial5points), src)
M = tform.params[0:2, :]
print('M', M)
warped = cv2.warpAffine(img_cv2,
                        M, (img.size[0], img.size[1]),
print('warped shaped', warped.shape)
temp = Image.fromarray(warped[..., ::-1])
print('temp', temp.shape)
print('img', img)
Esempio n. 16
def RndTform(img,val):
    Ih,Iw = img[0].shape[:2]
    sgn = torch.randint(0,2,(1,)).item() * 2 - 1

    if sgn>0:
        dw = val
        dh = 0
        dw = 0
        dh = val

    def rd(d): return torch.empty(1).uniform_(-d,d).item()
    def fd(d): return torch.empty(1).uniform_(-dw,d).item()

    # generate a random projective transform
    # adapted from
    tl_top = rd(dh)
    tl_left = fd(dw)
    bl_bottom = rd(dh)
    bl_left = fd(dw)
    tr_top = rd(dh)
    tr_right = fd( min(Iw * 3/4 - tl_left,dw) )
    br_bottom = rd(dh)
    br_right = fd( min(Iw * 3/4 - bl_left,dw) )

    tform = stf.ProjectiveTransform()
        (tl_left, tl_top),
        (bl_left, Ih - bl_bottom),
        (Iw - br_right, Ih - br_bottom),
        (Iw - tr_right, tr_top)
    )), np.array((
        [0, 0 ],
        [0, Ih - 1 ],
        [Iw-1, Ih-1 ],
        [Iw-1, 0]

    # determine shape of output image, to preserve size
    # trick take from the implementation of skimage.transform.rotate
    corners = np.array([
        [0, 0 ],
        [0, Ih - 1 ],
        [Iw-1, Ih-1 ],
        [Iw-1, 0]

    corners = tform.inverse(corners)
    minc = corners[:, 0].min()
    minr = corners[:, 1].min()
    maxc = corners[:, 0].max()
    maxr = corners[:, 1].max()
    out_rows = maxr - minr + 1
    out_cols = maxc - minc + 1
    output_shape = np.around((out_rows, out_cols))

    # fit output image in new shape
    translation = (minc, minr)
    tform4 = stf.SimilarityTransform(translation=translation)
    tform = tform4 + tform
    # normalize
    tform.params /= tform.params[2, 2]

    ret = []
    for i in range(len(img)):
        img2 = stf.warp(img[i], tform, output_shape=output_shape, cval=1.0)
        img2 = stf.resize(img2, (Ih,Iw), preserve_range=True).astype(np.float32)

    return ret
Esempio n. 17
def image_deformation(image):
    tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1,
                                   rotation=np.random.random() * np.pi / 12,
                                   translation=(0, .1))

    return tf.warp(image, tform)
def apply_translation(img):
    translated = 255*warp(img, transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(np.random.uniform(-5, 5), np.random.uniform(-5, 5))),mode='edge')
    translated = translated.astype(np.uint8)
    return translated.astype(np.uint8)
Esempio n. 19
    def augment_img_batch(self, img_batch, augment_methods):
        imgs = []
        for sample_ind in range(img_batch.shape[0]):
            img = img_batch[sample_ind, :, :, :]

            if VFLIP in augment_methods:
                if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
                    img = np.flipud(img)

            if HFLIP in augment_methods:
                if np.random.uniform() > 0.5:
                    img = np.fliplr(img)

            if ROTATE90 in augment_methods:
                nb_rotations = np.random.randint(0, 4)
                img = np.rot90(img, nb_rotations)

            skimage_augment_methods = [ROTATE, TRANSLATE, ZOOM]
            if set(skimage_augment_methods).intersection(set(augment_methods)):
                # skimage requires that float images have values
                # in [-1, 1] so we have to scale and then unscale the image to
                # achieve this.
                max_val = np.max(np.absolute(img.ravel()))
                img = img / max_val
                nb_rows, nb_cols = img.shape[0:2]

                if TRANSLATE in augment_methods:
                    max_trans_ratio = 0.1
                    trans_row_bound = int(nb_rows * max_trans_ratio)
                    trans_col_bound = int(nb_cols * max_trans_ratio)
                    translation = (np.random.randint(-trans_row_bound,
                    tf = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=translation)
                    img = transform.warp(img, tf, mode='reflect')

                if ZOOM in augment_methods:
                    shift_x = shift_y = int(nb_rows / 2)
                    scale_x = scale_y = np.random.uniform(-0.15, 0.15) + 1.0
                    matrix_to_topleft = transform.SimilarityTransform(
                        translation=[-shift_x, -shift_y])
                    matrix_transforms = transform.AffineTransform(
                        scale=(scale_x, scale_y))
                    matrix_to_center = transform.SimilarityTransform(
                        translation=[shift_x, shift_y])
                    matrix = (matrix_to_topleft + matrix_transforms +
                    matrix = matrix.inverse
                    img = transform.warp(img, matrix, mode='reflect')

                if ROTATE in augment_methods:
                    degrees = np.random.uniform(0, 360)
                    img = transform.rotate(img, degrees, mode='reflect')

                img = img * max_val

            imgs.append(np.expand_dims(img, axis=0))

        img_batch = np.concatenate(imgs, axis=0)
        return img_batch
    def keyPressEvent(self, event):
        #        print(event.key())

        self.mask2 = self.mask2.astype(np.float64)
        self.mask = self.mask.astype(np.float64)

        if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Right:

            self.Hoffset -= 1
            self.tform = tr.SimilarityTransform(
                translation=(int(self.Hoffset), int(self.Voffset)))
            self.mask2 = tr.warp(self.mask,
                                 output_shape=(int(512), int(512)))
            [self.mask2, n] = msr.label(self.mask2, return_num=True)
            self.mask2 = sgm.clear_border(self.mask2)

        if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Left:

            self.Hoffset += 1

            self.tform = tr.SimilarityTransform(translation=(self.Hoffset,
            self.mask2 = tr.warp(self.mask,
                                 output_shape=(int(512), int(512)))
            [self.mask2, n] = msr.label(self.mask2, return_num=True)
            self.mask2 = sgm.clear_border(self.mask2)

        if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Up:

            self.Voffset += 1

            self.tform = tr.SimilarityTransform(translation=(self.Hoffset,
            self.mask2 = tr.warp(self.mask,
                                 output_shape=(int(512), int(512)))
            [self.mask2, n] = msr.label(self.mask2, return_num=True)
            self.mask2 = sgm.clear_border(self.mask2)

        if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Down:

            self.Voffset -= 1

            self.tform = tr.SimilarityTransform(translation=(self.Hoffset,
            self.mask2 = tr.warp(self.mask,
                                 output_shape=(int(512), int(512)))
            [self.mask2, n] = msr.label(self.mask2, return_num=True)
            self.mask2 = sgm.clear_border(self.mask2)

Esempio n. 21
File: Progetto: xuejcak/flca
def doublechannel(indir0, indir, outdir, x0=0, x1=-1, y0=0, y1=-1, time0a=-23, time0b=-8, time1a=None,
               time1b=None, skip=1, xoffset=0, yoffset=0, sigma=20, threshold='0.', kr=0., 
               biascorrect=0, interpolate=0, verbose=0):
    print('Double-channel coalignment.')
    import datetime
    def is_digit(stri):
        return stri.isdigit()
    absflag=0; filterflag=1; marg = 0.2 # Margins of the calculated shifts that are excluded.
    if indir0[-1] != '/': indir0 += '/'
    if indir[-1] != '/': indir += '/'
    if outdir[-1] != '/': outdir += '/'
    filin0 = glob(indir0+"*.f*ts")
    nfilin0 = len(filin0)
    if nfilin0 == 0:
        print(f"The reference folder {indir0} is empty!")
        return -1
    filin = glob(indir+"*.f*ts")
    nfilin = len(filin)
    if nfilin == 0:
        print(f"The input folder {indir} is empty!")
        return -1
    #ind0 = 0
    tims0 = "".join(filter(is_digit, filin0[0][time0a:time0b]))
    tims1 = "".join(filter(is_digit, filin[0][time1a:time1b]))
    if len(tims0) != 14 or len(tims1) != 14:
        print("time0a, time0b, time1a, time1b: time should be from year to second")
        return -1
    timarr = [];
    for ii in range(nfilin0):
        tims = "".join(filter(is_digit, filin0[ii][time0a:time0b]))
        timdate=datetime.datetime(int(tims[0:4]), int(tims[4:6]), int(tims[6:8]), int(tims[8:10]), 
                                  int(tims[10:12]), int(tims[12:14]))
    timarr = np.array(timarr, dtype=datetime.datetime)
    xoffset = xoffset % skip; yoffset = yoffset % skip
    if threshold[-1] == 'a':
        absflag = 1;
        threshold = float(threshold[0:-1])
        threshold = float(threshold)
    if kr <= 0. or kr > 20.:
        print("Nonsense value of kr, = {}".format(kr))
        return -1
    sigma = ct.c_double(sigma);
    thresh = ct.c_double(threshold);
    kr = ct.c_double(kr);
    # Notice that for 2-D array in python and C languages, the 1st dimension is indicated by y and the 2nd by x.
    # It is consistent with images.
    # But in flcasubs.c, the 1st dimension is marked with x and 2nd with y, following FLCT.
    ny = y1-y0
    nx = x1-x0
    nys = int(np.ceil((ny-yoffset)/skip)) # dimensions for the results
    nxs = int(np.ceil((nx-xoffset)/skip))
    indx0 = int(nxs*marg); indx1 = int(np.ceil(nxs-indx0)); indy0 = int(nys*marg); indy1 = int(np.ceil(nys-indy0))
    ArrayType = ct.c_double*(nx*ny)
    f1ct = ArrayType();
    f2ct = ArrayType();

    print("{} files will be coaligned".format(nfilin))
    shiftx0 = 0; shifty0 = 0
    sxarr = np.zeros(nfilin); syarr = np.zeros(nfilin)
    i0 = 0
    for ii in range(nfilin):
        tims1 = "".join(filter(is_digit, filin[ii][time1a:time1b]))
        timdate=datetime.datetime(int(tims1[0:4]), int(tims1[4:6]), int(tims1[6:8]), int(tims1[8:10]), 
                                  int(tims1[10:12]), int(tims1[12:14]))
        for i1 in range(i0, nfilin0):
            if timarr[i1]>timdate: break
        if i1 > i0:
            timd1 = timdate-timarr[i1-1]
            timd2 = timarr[i1]-timdate
            if timd1.seconds < timd2.seconds:
                i0 = i1-1
                i0 = i1
        print("{} {} {}".format(ii, os.path.basename(filin[ii]), os.path.basename(filin0[i0])), end="\n")    
        data, hdr = readfits(filin0[i0])
        f1 = data[y0:y1, x0:x1]
        data, hdr = readfits(filin[ii])
        tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0))
        data1 = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate)
        f2 = data1[y0:y1, x0:x1]
        # tate care, all the normal data are assumed to be larger than 0
        f1[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10
        f2[np.logical_or(np.isnan(f1), np.isnan(f2))] = threshold-10
        #f1 = detrend(f1)
        #f2 = detrend(f2)
        for i in range(ny):
            for j in range(nx):
                f1ct[i*nx+j] = f1[i,j]
                f2ct[i*nx+j] = f2[i,j]
        vxct = ArrayType()
        vyct = ArrayType()
        vmct = ArrayType()
        # The 1st dimension is y and the 2nd is x.
        tmp = flcas.flca(f1ct, f2ct, ny, nx, sigma, vyct, vxct, vmct, thresh, absflag, 
                         filterflag, kr, skip, yoffset, xoffset, biascorrect, verbose)
        # reshape and select
        vx = np.array(vxct).reshape([ny, nx])
        vy = np.array(vyct).reshape([ny, nx])
        vm = np.array(vmct).reshape([ny, nx]);
        vx = vx[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]
        vy = vy[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip]
        vm = vm[yoffset::skip, xoffset::skip];
        vx = vx[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]
        vy = vy[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1]
        vm = vm[indy0:indy1, indx0:indx1];
        vm[np.logical_or(np.isnan(vx), np.isnan(vy))] = 0
        shiftx = np.median(vx[vm == 1.])
        shifty = np.median(vy[vm == 1.])
        if shiftx == np.nan or shifty == np.nan:
            print("Shift X or shift Y is Nan, return.")
            return -1
        shiftx0 = shiftx+shiftx0; shifty0 = shifty+shifty0
        if interpolate == 0:
            shiftx0 = round(shiftx0); shifty0 = round(shifty0)
        tform = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shiftx0,shifty0))
        data = transform.warp(data, tform, order=interpolate)
        # order = 0: Nearest-neighbor; order = 1: Bi-linear (default). Other choices are not included.
        fname0 = os.path.basename(filin[ii])
        fits.writeto(outdir+fname0, data, hdr, output_verify='fix', overwrite=True, checksum=False)
        sxarr[ii] = shiftx0; syarr[ii] = shifty0
    np.savez_compressed('shiftxy.npz', sx=sxarr, sy=syarr)
    return 0
    def transform(self, Xb, yb):
        Xb, yb = super(DataAugmentationBatchIterator, self).transform(Xb, yb)

        augmentation_params = {
            'zoom_range': (1.0, 1.1),
            'rotation_range': (0, 360),
            'shear_range': (0, 20),
            'translation_range': (-4, 4),


        def fast_warp(img, tf, output_shape=(PIXELS,PIXELS), mode='nearest'):
            This wrapper function is about five times faster than skimage.transform.warp, for our use case.
            #m = tf._matrix
            m = tf.params
            img_wf = np.empty((output_shape[0], output_shape[1]), dtype='float32')
            #for k in xrange(1):
            #    img_wf[..., k] = skimage.transform._warps_cy._warp_fast(img[..., k], m, output_shape=output_shape, mode=mode)
            img_wf = skimage.transform._warps_cy._warp_fast(img, m, output_shape=output_shape, mode=mode)
            return img_wf

        def random_perturbation_transform(zoom_range, rotation_range, shear_range, translation_range, do_flip=True):
            # random shift [-10, 10] - shift no longer needs to be integer!
            shift_x = np.random.uniform(*translation_range)
            shift_y = np.random.uniform(*translation_range)
            translation = (shift_x, shift_y)

            # random rotation [0, 360]
            rotation = np.random.uniform(*rotation_range) # there is no post-augmentation, so full rotations here!

            # random shear [0, 20]
            shear = np.random.uniform(*shear_range)

            # random zoom [0.9, 1.1]
            # zoom = np.random.uniform(*zoom_range)
            log_zoom_range = [np.log(z) for z in zoom_range]
            zoom = np.exp(np.random.uniform(*log_zoom_range)) # for a zoom factor this sampling approach makes more sense.
            # the range should be multiplicatively symmetric, so [1/1.1, 1.1] instead of [0.9, 1.1] makes more sense.

            translation = (0,0)
            rotation = 0.0
            shear = 0.0
            zoom = 1.0

            rotate =  np.random.randint(4)
            if rotate == 0:
                rotation = 0.0
            elif rotate == 1:
                rotation = 90.0
            elif rotate == 2:
                rotation = 180.0
                rotation = 270.0

            # only translate 40% of the cases
            trans =  np.random.randint(10)
            if trans == 0:
                translation = (-2,-2)
            elif trans == 1:
                translation = (2,2)
                translation = (0,0)

            zooming =  np.random.randint(3)
            if zooming == 0:
                shear = 0
            elif zooming == 1 and rotate == 0:
                shear = 10
            elif zooming ==2 and rotate == 0:
                shear = 20
                shear = 0
            trans =  np.random.randint(5)
            if trans == 0:
                translation = (0,0)
            elif trans == 1:
                translation = (-4,0)
            elif trans == 2:
                translation = (0,-4)
            elif trans == 3:
                translation = (4,0)
                translation = (0,4)
            rotate =  np.random.randint(8)
            if rotate == 0:
                rotation = 0.0
            elif rotate == 1:
                rotation = 90.0
            elif rotate == 2:
                rotation = 180.0
            elif rotate == 3:
                rotation = 45.0
            elif rotate == 4:
                rotation = 135.0
            elif rotate == 5:
                rotation = 225.0
            elif rotate == 6:
                rotation = 315.0
                rotation = 270.0

            ## flip
            if do_flip and (np.random.randint(2) > 0): # flip half of the time
                shear += 180
                rotation += 180
                # shear by 180 degrees is equivalent to rotation by 180 degrees + flip.
                # So after that we rotate it another 180 degrees to get just the flip.            

            print "translation = ", translation
            print "rotation = ", rotation
            print "shear = ",shear
            print "zoom = ",zoom
            print ""

            return build_augmentation_transform(zoom, rotation, shear, translation)

        center_shift   = np.array((IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH)) / 2. - 0.5
        tform_center   = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=-center_shift)
        tform_uncenter = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=center_shift)

        def build_augmentation_transform(zoom=1.0, rotation=0, shear=0, translation=(0, 0)):
            tform_augment = transform.AffineTransform(scale=(1/zoom, 1/zoom), 
            tform = tform_center + tform_augment + tform_uncenter # shift to center, augment, shift back (for the rotation/shearing)
            return tform

        tform_augment  = random_perturbation_transform(**augmentation_params)
        tform_identity = skimage.transform.AffineTransform()
        tform_ds       = skimage.transform.AffineTransform()
        for i in range(Xb.shape[0]):
            new = fast_warp(Xb[i][0], tform_ds + tform_augment + tform_identity, output_shape=(PIXELS,PIXELS), mode='nearest').astype('float32')
            Xb[i,:] = new
        return Xb, yb
Esempio n. 23
if __name__ == "__main__":
    detector = RetinaFace(0)

    imgname = "examples/obama.png"
    img = cv2.imread(imgname)

    faces = detector(cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))

    face = faces[0]

    box, landmark, score = face

    std_points_256 = np.array([
        [85.82991, 85.7792],
        [169.0532, 84.3381],
        [127.574, 137.0006],
        [90.6964, 174.7014],
        [167.3069, 173.3733],

    trans = transform.SimilarityTransform()

    res = trans.estimate(landmark, std_points_256)
    M = trans.params

    new_img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M[:2, :], dsize=(256, 256))

    cv2.imshow("new_img", new_img)
Esempio n. 24
def gen_aug_images(img):
    Data augmentation batch iterator for feeding images into CNN.
    This example will randomly rotate all images in a given batch between -9 and 9 degrees
    and to random translations between -2 and 2 pixels in all directions.
    Be sure to remove part that displays the augmented images, it's only there to check
    that everything works correctly.

    img_aug = np.zeros((PIXELS, PIXELS, 3))
    # color intensity augmentation
    r_intensity = random.randint(0, 1)
    g_intensity = random.randint(0, 1)
    b_intensity = random.randint(0, 1)
    intensity_scaler = random.randint(-20, 20) / 255.

    # pad and crop settings
    trans_1 = random.randint(0, (PAD_CROP * 2))
    trans_2 = random.randint(0, (PAD_CROP * 2))
    crop_x1 = trans_1
    crop_x2 = (PIXELS + trans_1)
    crop_y1 = trans_2
    crop_y2 = (PIXELS + trans_2)

    # shearing
    shear_deg = random.uniform(-5, 5)

    # random rotations betweein -15 and 15 degrees
    dorotate = random.randint(-15, 15)

    # brightness settings
    bright = random.uniform(0.8, 1.2)

    # flip left-right choice
    #flip_lr = random.randint(0,1)

    # set the transform parameters for skimage.transform.warp
    # have to shift to center and then shift back after transformation otherwise
    # rotations will make image go out of frame
    center_shift = np.array((PIXELS, PIXELS)) / 2. - 0.5
    tform_center = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=-center_shift)
    tform_uncenter = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=center_shift)

    tform_aug = transform.AffineTransform(shear=np.deg2rad(shear_deg),

    tform = tform_center + tform_aug + tform_uncenter

    # images in the batch do the augmentation
    #img = crop(img, crop_amt)

    for i in range(img_aug.shape[2]):
        img_aug[:, :, i] = fast_warp(img[:, :, i],
                                     output_shape=(PIXELS, PIXELS))
        # pad and crop images
        img_pad = np.pad(img_aug[:, :, i],
                         pad_width=((PAD_CROP, PAD_CROP), (PAD_CROP,
        img_aug[:, :, i] = img_pad[crop_x1:crop_x2, crop_y1:crop_y2]

    # adjust brightness
    img_aug = img_aug * bright

    if r_intensity == 1:
        img_aug[:, :, 0] += intensity_scaler
    if g_intensity == 1:
        img_aug[:, :, 1] += intensity_scaler
    if b_intensity == 1:
        img_aug[:, :, 2] += intensity_scaler

    img_aug[img_aug > 1] = 1.0

    #choice = randint(0,2)
    #if choice == 1:
    #    img_aug = np.fliplr(img_aug)

    return img_aug
Esempio n. 25
def create_aug_matrices(nb_matrices, img_width_px, img_height_px,
                        scale_to_percent=1.0, scale_axis_equally=False,
                        rotation_deg=0, shear_deg=0,
                        translation_x_px=0, translation_y_px=0,
    """Creates the augmentation matrices that may later be used to transform

    This is a wrapper around scikit-image's transform.AffineTransform class.
    You can apply those matrices to images using the apply_aug_matrices()

        nb_matrices: How many matrices to return, e.g. 100 returns 100 different
            random-generated matrices (= 100 different transformations).
        img_width_px: Width of the images that will be transformed later
            on (same as the width of each of the matrices).
        img_height_px: Height of the images that will be transformed later
            on (same as the height of each of the matrices).
        scale_to_percent: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__().
            Up to which percentage the images may be
            scaled/zoomed. The negative scaling is automatically derived
            from this value. A value of 1.1 allows scaling by any value
            between -10% and +10%. You may set min and max values yourself
            by using a tuple instead, like (1.1, 1.2) to scale between
            +10% and +20%. Default is 1.0 (no scaling).
        scale_axis_equally: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__().
            Whether to always scale both axis (x and y)
            in the same way. If set to False, then e.g. the Augmenter
            might scale the x-axis by 20% and the y-axis by -5%.
            Default is False.
        rotation_deg: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__().
            By how much the image may be rotated around its
            center (in degrees). The negative rotation will automatically
            be derived from this value. E.g. a value of 20 allows any
            rotation between -20 degrees and +20 degrees. You may set min
            and max values yourself by using a tuple instead, e.g. (5, 20)
            to rotate between +5 und +20 degrees. Default is 0 (no
        shear_deg: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__().
            By how much the image may be sheared (in degrees). The
            negative value will automatically be derived from this value.
            E.g. a value of 20 allows any shear between -20 degrees and
            +20 degrees. You may set min and max values yourself by using a
            tuple instead, e.g. (5, 20) to shear between +5 und +20
            degrees. Default is 0 (no shear).
        translation_x_px: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__().
            By up to how many pixels the image may be
            translated (moved) on the x-axis. The negative value will
            automatically be derived from this value. E.g. a value of +7
            allows any translation between -7 and +7 pixels on the x-axis.
            You may set min and max values yourself by using a tuple
            instead, e.g. (5, 20) to translate between +5 und +20 pixels.
            Default is 0 (no translation on the x-axis).
        translation_y_px: Same as in ImageAugmenter.__init__().
            See translation_x_px, just for the y-axis.
        seed: Seed to use for python's and numpy's random functions.

        List of augmentation matrices.
    assert nb_matrices > 0
    assert img_width_px > 0
    assert img_height_px > 0
    assert is_minmax_tuple(scale_to_percent) or scale_to_percent >= 1.0
    assert is_minmax_tuple(rotation_deg) or rotation_deg >= 0
    assert is_minmax_tuple(shear_deg) or shear_deg >= 0
    assert is_minmax_tuple(translation_x_px) or translation_x_px >= 0
    assert is_minmax_tuple(translation_y_px) or translation_y_px >= 0

    if seed is not None:

    result = []

    shift_x = int(img_width_px / 2.0)
    shift_y = int(img_height_px / 2.0)

    # prepare min and max values for
    # scaling/zooming (min/max values)
    if is_minmax_tuple(scale_to_percent):
        scale_x_min = scale_to_percent[0]
        scale_x_max = scale_to_percent[1]
        scale_x_min = scale_to_percent
        scale_x_max = 1.0 - (scale_to_percent - 1.0)
    assert scale_x_min > 0.0
    #if scale_x_max >= 2.0:
    #     warnings.warn("Scaling by more than 100 percent (%.2f)." % (scale_x_max,))
    scale_y_min = scale_x_min # scale_axis_equally affects the random value generation
    scale_y_max = scale_x_max

    # rotation (min/max values)
    if is_minmax_tuple(rotation_deg):
        rotation_deg_min = rotation_deg[0]
        rotation_deg_max = rotation_deg[1]
        rotation_deg_min = (-1) * int(rotation_deg)
        rotation_deg_max = int(rotation_deg)

    # shear (min/max values)
    if is_minmax_tuple(shear_deg):
        shear_deg_min = shear_deg[0]
        shear_deg_max = shear_deg[1]
        shear_deg_min = (-1) * int(shear_deg)
        shear_deg_max = int(shear_deg)

    # translation x-axis (min/max values)
    if is_minmax_tuple(translation_x_px):
        translation_x_px_min = translation_x_px[0]
        translation_x_px_max = translation_x_px[1]
        translation_x_px_min = (-1) * translation_x_px
        translation_x_px_max = translation_x_px

    # translation y-axis (min/max values)
    if is_minmax_tuple(translation_y_px):
        translation_y_px_min = translation_y_px[0]
        translation_y_px_max = translation_y_px[1]
        translation_y_px_min = (-1) * translation_y_px
        translation_y_px_max = translation_y_px

    # create nb_matrices randomized affine transformation matrices
    for _ in range(nb_matrices):
        # generate random values for scaling, rotation, shear, translation
        scale_x = random.uniform(scale_x_min, scale_x_max)
        scale_y = random.uniform(scale_y_min, scale_y_max)
        if not scale_axis_equally:
            scale_y = random.uniform(scale_y_min, scale_y_max)
            scale_y = scale_x
        rotation = np.deg2rad(random.randint(rotation_deg_min, rotation_deg_max))
        shear = np.deg2rad(random.randint(shear_deg_min, shear_deg_max))
        translation_x = random.randint(translation_x_px_min, translation_x_px_max)
        translation_y = random.randint(translation_y_px_min, translation_y_px_max)

        # create three affine transformation matrices
        # 1st one moves the image to the top left, 2nd one transforms it, 3rd one
        # moves it back to the center.
        # The movement is neccessary, because rotation is applied to the top left
        # and not to the image's center (same for scaling and shear).
        matrix_to_topleft = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=[-shift_x, -shift_y])
        matrix_transforms = tf.AffineTransform(scale=(scale_x, scale_y),
                                               rotation=rotation, shear=shear,
        matrix_to_center = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=[shift_x, shift_y])

        # Combine the three matrices to one affine transformation (one matrix)
        matrix = matrix_to_topleft + matrix_transforms + matrix_to_center

        # one matrix is ready, add it to the result

    return result
Esempio n. 26
def show_radon_registration(img1, rotation_ccw_deg, translation_pixels,
    '''The function  get image and transform parameters and apply transformation and radon transform,then show the results and the diffirences betwwen them'''

    imgGrey = img1
    allSize = imgGrey.shape[0]
    padSize = imgGrey.shape[0] / 2
    #pad the image to get correct transform
    imgPad = np.pad(imgGrey, padSize, mode="edge")
    #get the transformation
    tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1,

    #apply the transformation
    imgWarped = tf.warp(imgPad, tform.inverse)

    #show results
    #plt.title("Fixed Brain With Padding")
    plt.title("Phantom With Padding")
    plt.imshow(imgPad, cmap=cm.gray)
    #plt.title("Fixed Brain After Padding and transformation")
    plt.title("Phantom After Padding and transformation")
    plt.imshow(imgWarped, cmap=cm.gray)

    #return images to original size
    unpadImgPad = imgPad[padSize:allSize - padSize + 1,
                         padSize:allSize - padSize + 1]
    unpadImWraped = imgWarped[padSize:allSize - padSize + 1,
                              padSize:allSize - padSize + 1]

    fixed_angles_deg = np.arange(180)
    moving_angles_deg = np.arange(0, 180, 180 / num_angles)

    #apply radon trnasform with angles range
    fixed_sinogram = tf.radon(unpadImgPad, fixed_angles_deg, circle=True)
    moving_sinogram = tf.radon(unpadImWraped, moving_angles_deg, circle=True)

    #get the best radon parameters for transfromation
    theta, trans = radon_register(fixed_sinogram, fixed_angles_deg,
                                  moving_sinogram, moving_angles_deg)

    tform1 = tf.SimilarityTransform(scale=1,

    #apply the trans
    imgWarped1 = tf.warp(imgPad, tform1.inverse)

    #show results
    #plt.title("Fixed Brain After Radon tranformation")
    plt.title("Phantom After Radon tranformation")
    plt.imshow(imgWarped1, cmap=cm.gray)

    #show diffirences
    plt.imshow(imgPad, cmap=cm.gray)
    plt.imshow(sobel(imgWarped1), alpha=0.5)
    #plt.title("Differences Between Original Brain and Radon Transform Brain")
        "Differences Between Original Phantom and Radon Transform Phantom")
Esempio n. 27
 def map_func1(coords):
     tform2 = transform.SimilarityTransform(scale=1 / 32,
                                            translation=(-1.0, -1.0))
     return tform.inverse(tform2(coords))
Esempio n. 28
def align_seq(prj,
              pad=(0, 0),
    """Aligns the projection image stack using the sequential
    re-projection algorithm :cite:`Gursoy:17`.

    prj : ndarray
        3D stack of projection images. The first dimension
        is projection axis, second and third dimensions are
        the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively.
    ang : ndarray
        Projection angles in radians as an array.
    iters : scalar, optional
        Number of iterations of the algorithm.
    pad : list-like, optional
        Padding for projection images in x and y-axes.
    blur : bool, optional
        Blurs the edge of the image before registration.
    save : bool, optional
        Saves projections and corresponding reconstruction
        for each algorithm iteration.
    debug : book, optional
        Provides debugging info such as iterations and error.

        3D stack of projection images with jitter.
        Error array for each iteration.

    from skimage import transform as tf
    from skimage.feature import register_translation
    import tomopy
    import dxchange
    import numpy as np

    # Needs scaling for skimage float operations.
    prj, scl = scale(prj)

    # Shift arrays
    sx = np.zeros((prj.shape[0]))
    sy = np.zeros((prj.shape[0]))

    conv = np.zeros((iters))

    # Pad images.
    npad = ((0, 0), (pad[1], pad[1]), (pad[0], pad[0]))
    prj = np.pad(prj, npad, mode='constant', constant_values=0)
    #prj = np.pad(prj, npad, mode='edge')

    # Register each image frame-by-frame.
    for n in range(iters):
        # Reconstruct image.
        rec = tomopy.recon(prj, ang, algorithm='sirt')
        ##rec = tomopy.recon(prj, ang, algorithm='sirt', num_iter=2)
        #rec = tomopy.recon(prj, ang, algorithm='gridrec')

        # Re-project data and obtain simulated data.
        sim = tomopy.project(rec, ang, pad=False)

        # Blur edges.
        if blur:
            _prj = blur_edges(prj, 0.1, 0.5)
            _sim = blur_edges(sim, 0.1, 0.5)
            _prj = prj
            _sim = sim

        # Initialize error matrix per iteration.
        err = np.zeros((prj.shape[0]))

        # For each projection
        for m in range(prj.shape[0]):

            # Register current projection in sub-pixel precision
            shift, error, diffphase = register_translation(_prj[m], _sim[m], 2)
            err[m] = np.sqrt(shift[0] * shift[0] + shift[1] * shift[1])
            sx[m] += shift[0]
            sy[m] += shift[1]

            # Register current image with the simulated one
            tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift[1], shift[0]))
            prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=5)
            ##prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=0, mode='edge')

        if debug:
            print('iter=' + str(n) + ', err=' + str(np.linalg.norm(err)))
            conv[n] = np.linalg.norm(err)

        if save:
            dxchange.write_tiff(prj, fdir + '/tmp/iters/prj/prj')
            dxchange.write_tiff(sim, fdir + '/tmp/iters/sim/sim')
            dxchange.write_tiff(rec, fdir + '/tmp/iters/rec/rec')

    # Re-normalize data
    prj *= scl
    return prj, sx, sy, conv
Esempio n. 29
def align_joint(prj,
                pad=(0, 0),
    Aligns the projection image stack using the joint
    re-projection algorithm :cite:`Gursoy:17`.

    prj : ndarray
        3D stack of projection images. The first dimension
        is projection axis, second and third dimensions are
        the x- and y-axes of the projection image, respectively.
    ang : ndarray
        Projection angles in radians as an array.
    iters : scalar, optional
        Number of iterations of the algorithm.
    pad : list-like, optional
        Padding for projection images in x and y-axes.
    blur : bool, optional
        Blurs the edge of the image before registration.
    center: array, optional
        Location of rotation axis.
    algorithm : {str, function}
        One of the following string values.

            Algebraic reconstruction technique :cite:`Kak:98`.
            Fourier grid reconstruction algorithm :cite:`Dowd:99`,
            Maximum-likelihood expectation maximization algorithm
            Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique.
            Total Variation reconstruction technique
            Gradient descent method with a constant step size

    upsample_factor : integer, optional
        The upsampling factor. Registration accuracy is
        inversely propotional to upsample_factor.
    rin : scalar, optional
        The inner radius of blur function. Pixels inside
        rin is set to one.
    rout : scalar, optional
        The outer radius of blur function. Pixels outside
        rout is set to zero.
    save : bool, optional
        Saves projections and corresponding reconstruction
        for each algorithm iteration.
    debug : book, optional
        Provides debugging info such as iterations and error.

        3D stack of projection images with jitter.
        Error array for each iteration.

    # Needs scaling for skimage float operations.
    prj, scl = scale(prj)

    # Shift arrays
    sx = np.zeros((prj.shape[0]))
    sy = np.zeros((prj.shape[0]))

    conv = np.zeros((iters))

    # Pad images.
    npad = ((0, 0), (pad[1], pad[1]), (pad[0], pad[0]))
    prj = np.pad(prj, npad, mode='constant', constant_values=0)

    # Initialization of reconstruction.
    rec = 1e-12 * np.ones((prj.shape[1], prj.shape[2], prj.shape[2]))

    extra_kwargs = {}
    if algorithm != 'gridrec':
        extra_kwargs['num_iter'] = 1

    # Register each image frame-by-frame.
    for n in range(iters):

        if np.mod(n, 1) == 0:
            _rec = rec

        # Reconstruct image.
        rec = recon(prj,

        # Re-project data and obtain simulated data.
        sim = project(rec, ang, center=center, pad=False)

        # Blur edges.
        if blur:
            _prj = blur_edges(prj, rin, rout)
            _sim = blur_edges(sim, rin, rout)
            _prj = prj
            _sim = sim

        # Initialize error matrix per iteration.
        err = np.zeros((prj.shape[0]))

        # For each projection
        for m in range(prj.shape[0]):

            # Register current projection in sub-pixel precision
            shift, error, diffphase = phase_cross_correlation(
                _prj[m], _sim[m], upsample_factor)
            err[m] = np.sqrt(shift[0] * shift[0] + shift[1] * shift[1])
            sx[m] += shift[0]
            sy[m] += shift[1]

            # Register current image with the simulated one
            tform = tf.SimilarityTransform(translation=(shift[1], shift[0]))
            prj[m] = tf.warp(prj[m], tform, order=5)

        if debug:
            print('iter=' + str(n) + ', err=' + str(np.linalg.norm(err)))
            conv[n] = np.linalg.norm(err)

        if save:
            write_tiff(prj, 'tmp/iters/prj', n)
            write_tiff(sim, 'tmp/iters/sim', n)
            write_tiff(rec, 'tmp/iters/rec', n)

    # Re-normalize data
    prj *= scl
    return prj, sx, sy, conv
Esempio n. 30

# Re use previous coordinates, if found
if not os.path.exists('_reg_coords.npz'):

coords = np.load('_reg_coords.npz')

# Estimate the transformation between the two sets of coordinates,
# assuming it is an affine transform
tf = transform.estimate_transform('similarity', coords['source'], coords['target'])

# Use a translation transformation to center both images for display purposes
offset = transform.SimilarityTransform(translation=(-200, -170))

img0_warped = transform.warp(img0, inverse_map=offset,
                             output_shape=(600, 600))

img1_warped = transform.warp(img1, inverse_map=offset + tf,
                             output_shape=(600, 600))

# Find where both images overlap; in that region average their values
mask = (img0_warped != 0) & (img1_warped != 0)
registered = img0_warped + img1_warped
registered[mask] /= 2

# Display the results
f, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3, subplot_kw={'xticks': [], 'yticks': []})