Example #1
class SrOpenSuitcase(object):

    # The xyz distance we want the palm link to be from the grasping point
    DISTANCE_TO_GRASP = [-0.1, -0.01, 0.04]
    # The distance used when computing the approach

    def __init__(self,):
        self.markers_pub_ = rospy.Publisher("~markers", Marker)
        self.execution = Execution(use_database=False)

        # direct control of the elbow swing, WRJ1 and THJ5 for throwing the lid open
        self.publishers = {}
        self.publishers["ElbowJSwing"] = rospy.Publisher("/sa_es_position_controller/command", Float64, latch=True)
        self.publishers["WRJ1"] = rospy.Publisher(
            "/sh_wrj1_mixed_position_velocity_controller/command", Float64, latch=True
        self.publishers["THJ5"] = rospy.Publisher(
            "/sh_wrj1_mixed_position_velocity_controller/command", Float64, latch=True

        self.suitcase_src_ = rospy.Service("~open_suitcase", OpenSuitcase, self.open_lid)

    def open_lid(self, suitcase_req):
        suitcase = suitcase_req.suitcase

        semi_circle = self.go_to_mechanism_and_grasp_(suitcase)

        if semi_circle == None:
            rospy.logerr("Failed to approach.")


        self.lift_lid_(suitcase, semi_circle)

        # throw the lid open

    def go_to_mechanism_and_grasp_(self, suitcase):
        # compute the full trajectory
        semi_circle = self.compute_semi_circle_traj_(suitcase)

        # compute the pregrasp and grasp
        grasp = Grasp()
        grasp_pose_ = PoseStamped()

        # the grasp is the first item of the semi circle
        grasp_pose_ = semi_circle[0]

        # copy the grasp_pose as a pre-grasp_pose
        pre_grasp_pose_ = copy.deepcopy(grasp_pose_)

        # add desired_approach_distance along the approach vector. above the object to plan pre-grasp pose
        # TODO: use the suitcase axis to approach from the perpendicular
        pre_grasp_pose_.pose.position.x = pre_grasp_pose_.pose.position.x - self.APPROACH_DISTANCE

        # TODO: find better postures
        grasp.pre_grasp_posture.name = [
        grasp.pre_grasp_posture.position = [0.0] * 18
        grasp.pre_grasp_posture.position[grasp.pre_grasp_posture.name.index("THJ4")] = 58.0
        grasp.pre_grasp_posture.position[grasp.pre_grasp_posture.name.index("THJ5")] = -50.0

        grasp.grasp_posture.name = [
        grasp.grasp_posture.position = [0.0] * 18
        grasp.grasp_posture.position[grasp.grasp_posture.name.index("THJ1")] = 57.0
        grasp.grasp_posture.position[grasp.grasp_posture.name.index("THJ2")] = 30.0
        grasp.grasp_posture.position[grasp.grasp_posture.name.index("THJ3")] = -15.0
        grasp.grasp_posture.position[grasp.grasp_posture.name.index("THJ4")] = 58.0
        grasp.grasp_posture.position[grasp.grasp_posture.name.index("THJ5")] = 40.0

        grasp.grasp_pose = grasp_pose_.pose

        # for distance from 0 (grasp_pose) to desired_approach distance (pre_grasp_pose) test IK/Collision and save result
        # decompose this in X steps depending on distance to do and max speed
        motion_plan_res = GetMotionPlanResponse()
        interpolated_motion_plan_res = self.execution.plan.get_interpolated_ik_motion_plan(
            pre_grasp_pose_, grasp_pose_, False

        # check the result (depending on number of steps etc...)
        if interpolated_motion_plan_res.error_code.val == interpolated_motion_plan_res.error_code.SUCCESS:
            number_of_interpolated_steps = 0
            # check if one approach trajectory is feasible
            for interpolation_index, traj_error_code in enumerate(interpolated_motion_plan_res.trajectory_error_codes):
                if traj_error_code.val != 1:
                        "One unfeasible approach-phase step found at "
                        + str(interpolation_index)
                        + "with val "
                        + str(traj_error_code.val)
                    number_of_interpolated_steps = interpolation_index

            # if trajectory is feasible then plan reach motion to pre-grasp pose
            if number_of_interpolated_steps + 1 == len(interpolated_motion_plan_res.trajectory.joint_trajectory.points):
                rospy.loginfo("Grasp number approach is possible, checking motion plan to pre-grasp")
                # print interpolated_motion_plan_res

                # check and plan motion to this pre_grasp_pose
                motion_plan_res = self.execution.plan.plan_arm_motion("right_arm", "jointspace", pre_grasp_pose_)

        # execution part
        if motion_plan_res.error_code.val == motion_plan_res.error_code.SUCCESS:
            # put hand in pre-grasp posture
            if self.execution.pre_grasp_exec(grasp) < 0:
                rospy.logerr("Failed to go in pregrasp.")

            # go there
            # filter the trajectory
            filtered_traj = self.execution.filter_traj_(motion_plan_res)


            # reach pregrasp pose
            if self.execution.send_traj_(filtered_traj) < 0:
                time.sleep(20)  # TODO use actionlib here

            # approach
            if self.execution.send_traj_(interpolated_motion_plan_res.trajectory.joint_trajectory) < 0:
                rospy.logerr("Failed to approach.")
            time.sleep(20)  # TODO use actionlib here

            # grasp
            if self.execution.grasp_exec(grasp) < 0:
                rospy.logerr("Failed to grasp.")
            time.sleep(20)  # TODO use actionlib here

            # Failed, don't return the computed traj
            return None

        # return the full traj
        return semi_circle

    def lift_lid_(self, suitcase, semi_circle):
        while len(semi_circle) > 0:

        return OpenSuitcaseResponse(OpenSuitcaseResponse.SUCCESS)

    def throw_lid_open(self):
        # get the current joint states
        res = self.execution.plan.get_joint_state_.call()
        current_joint_states = res.joint_state

        # flex the elbow, flip the wrist
        elbow_target = current_joint_states.position[current_joint_states.name.index("ElbowJSwing")] + 0.5
        wrist_target = current_joint_states.position[current_joint_states.name.index("WRJ1")] - 0.5
        thj5_target = -0.80


    def compute_semi_circle_traj_(self, suitcase, nb_steps=50):
        poses = []

        # compute a semi-circular trajectory, starting
        # from the suitcase mechanism, rotating
        # around the suitcase axis
        target = PoseStamped()
        target.header.frame_id = suitcase.header.frame_id
        target.pose = suitcase.opening_mechanism.pose_stamped.pose

        # axis_x and axis_z are the projection of the mechanism model
        # onto the suitcase axis (point around which we want to rotate)
        mechanism = [
        axis = [
            suitcase.lid_axis_a.x + (suitcase.lid_axis_b.x - suitcase.lid_axis_a.x) / 2.0,
            suitcase.lid_axis_a.y + (suitcase.lid_axis_b.y - suitcase.lid_axis_a.y) / 2.0,
            suitcase.lid_axis_a.z + (suitcase.lid_axis_b.z - suitcase.lid_axis_a.z) / 2.0,

        # We're always starting with the palm straight along the x axis
        # TODO: use real suitcase axis instead?
        suitcase_axis = (1, 0, 0)
        for i in range(0, nb_steps + 1):
            # we're rotating from this angle around the suitcase axis to point towards the suitcase
            rotation_angle = float(i) * math.pi / 2.0 / float(nb_steps)

            # POSITION
            target.pose.position.x = axis[0] - (
                (axis[0] - mechanism[0] - self.DISTANCE_TO_GRASP[0]) * math.cos(rotation_angle)
            target.pose.position.y = suitcase.opening_mechanism.pose_stamped.pose.position.y + self.DISTANCE_TO_GRASP[1]
            target.pose.position.z = (
                + ((axis[0] - mechanism[0] - self.DISTANCE_TO_GRASP[0]) * math.sin(rotation_angle))
                + self.DISTANCE_TO_GRASP[2]

            # ORIENTATION
            # limit the wrj1 axis
            rotation_angle = min(rotation_angle, math.radians(15.0))
            # add 90 degrees to point the axis toward the suitcase
            rotation_angle += math.pi / 2.0
            # orientation, palm z axis pointing towards the suitcase axes
            # z toward suitcase
            toward_z = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(math.pi / 2.0, (0, 0, 1))
            # then rotate as we go up to continue pointing at the axis
            step_rotation = transformations.quaternion_about_axis(rotation_angle, suitcase_axis)
            # combine those transform:
            orientation = transformations.quaternion_multiply(toward_z, step_rotation)

            target.pose.orientation.x = orientation[0]
            target.pose.orientation.y = orientation[1]
            target.pose.orientation.z = orientation[2]
            target.pose.orientation.w = orientation[3]

        return poses

    def display_suitcase_(self, suitcase):
        # display axes
        axes_marker = Marker()
        axes_marker.header.frame_id = suitcase.header.frame_id
        axes_marker.ns = "suitcase"
        axes_marker.id = 0
        axes_marker.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP
        axes_marker.action = Marker.ADD
        axes_marker.scale.x = 0.02

        axes_marker.color.a = 0.4
        axes_marker.color.r = 0.1
        axes_marker.color.g = 0.47
        axes_marker.color.b = 0.88


        # display mechanism
        mechanism_marker = Marker()
        mechanism_marker.header.frame_id = suitcase.header.frame_id
        mechanism_marker.ns = "suitcase"
        mechanism_marker.id = 1
        mechanism_marker.type = Marker.CUBE
        mechanism_marker.action = Marker.ADD

        mechanism_marker.pose = suitcase.opening_mechanism.pose_stamped.pose
        mechanism_marker.scale = suitcase.opening_mechanism.dimensions

        mechanism_marker.color.a = 0.4
        mechanism_marker.color.r = 0.1
        mechanism_marker.color.g = 0.47
        mechanism_marker.color.b = 0.88
