Example #1
            with open('/tmp/login.exp', 'w') as fd:
                fd.write(expect_script.format(user, ip, passwd))

            os.system("expect /tmp/login.exp")
    elif opts.list_sets:
        for name, tp in Sets.all():
            print "{0} {1}".format(tp, name)
    elif opts.start_set:
        if len(files) == 1:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Cluster name should be given"
        storage = Storage()
        for vm in Sets().start(files[1], vconn()):
                       dict((eth.hw, eth.ip)
                            for eth in vm.eths(with_ip = True)))
    elif opts.set_state:
        if len(files) == 1:
            print >> sys.stderr, "vm name template should be given"
        conn = vconn()
        all_ips = {}
        is_alive = {}
        all_names = []

        for templ in files[1:]:
            if templ == 'ALL':
                templ = '*'