Example #1
class ORM:
        'PARENT': '',
        'NAME': '- - -',
        'ID': 0

    def __init__(self, file_name):
        self.storage = Storage(file_name)

    # Accounts #

    def fetch_accounts_summary(self):
        accounts = [Account(*a) for a in self.storage.select_accounts_summary()]
        return accounts

    def fetch_accounts(self):
        accounts = [Account(*a) for a in self.storage.select_accounts()]
        return accounts

    def update_account_type(self, account, text):
        self.storage.update_account_type(account.id, text)

    def update_account_status(self, account, state):
        self.storage.update_account_status(account.id, state)

    def update_account_budget_status(self, account, state):
        self.storage.update_account_budget_status(account.id, state)

    def add_account(self, name):
        acc = self.storage.add_account(name)
        return Account(*acc)

    def delete_account(self, account):
        return self.storage.delete_account(account.id)

    # Budget records #

    def _build_record(self, query_result):
        Builds Record object given query result and categories dictionary.
        amount, category_id, budget_type, day, year, month, rowid = query_result
        category = self.fetch_subcategory(category_id)
        category_name = category.parent + '::' + category.name
        amount = from_cents(amount)
        return Record(amount, category_name, budget_type, day, year, month,
                      rowid, category_id)

    def fetch_records(self, month, year):
        if month == 0:
            records = self.storage.select_records_for_year(year)
            records = self.storage.select_records(month, year)
        records = [self._build_record(r) for r in records]
        return records

    def fetch_budget_for_month(self, month, year, category):
        if month == 0:
            budget, *_ = self.storage.select_budget_for_year(year, category.id)
            budget, *_ = self.storage.select_budget(month, year, category.id)
        return from_cents(budget or 0)

    def delete_record(self, record):

    def add_record(self, amount, category, budget_type, day, year, month):
        result = self.storage.add_record(amount, category.id, budget_type,
                                         day, year, month)
        record = self._build_record(result)
        return record

    def update_record(self, amount, category, budget_type, day, year,
                      month, record_id):
        self.storage.update_record(amount, category.id, budget_type, day, year,
                                   month, record_id)

    def fetch_budget_report_bars(self, month, year):
        Fetches from DB budgets and transactions for each category and turns
        them into BudgetBar.
        subcategories = self.fetch_subcategories()
        for category in subcategories.values():
            budget = self.fetch_budget_for_month(month, year, category)
            fact = self.fetch_summary_for_month(month, year, category)

            if budget == 0 and fact == 0:
            elif budget >= 0 and fact >= 0:  # Income
                expectation = max(budget - fact, 0)
            elif budget <= 0 and fact <= 0:  # Spending
                expectation = min(budget - fact, 0)
                budget = -budget
                fact = -fact
            else:  # budget and fact have different signs, error
                expectation = 'Error'
                budget = abs(budget)
                fact = abs(fact)

            yield BudgetBar(category, fact, budget, str(expectation))

    def fetch_budget_prediction(self, month, year, transaction_date):
        Fetches predictions for a given period.

        min_period, max_period = _from_date_to_period(month, year)

        min_period = min(transaction_date, min_period)

        m = min_period.month
        for y in range(min_period.year, max_period.year+1):
            while True:
                budget_records = self.fetch_records(m, y)
                for record in budget_records:
                    for prediction in self._predict(record, transaction_date):
                        if prediction:
                            yield prediction

                if (m, y) == (max_period.month, max_period.year) or m == 12:
                    m = 1
                    # Move to the next month
                    m += 1

    # Categories #

    def fetch_parents(self):
        parents = self.storage.select_parents()
        return [Category(*p) for p in parents]

    def fetch_subcategories_for_parent(self, category):
        subs = self.storage.select_subcategories(category.name)
        subs = [Category(*c) for c in subs]
        return subs

    def fetch_subcategories(self, full=True):
        Builds dictionary of subcategories.
        :return: dic
        subs = self.storage.select_all_subcategories()
        categories = dict(((rowid, Category(name, parent, rowid))
                          for name, parent, rowid in subs))

        # Add empty category
        if full:
            categories[self.NO_CATEGORY['ID']] =\

        return categories

    def fetch_subcategory(self, category_id):
        if category_id == self.NO_CATEGORY['ID']:
            return Category(self.NO_CATEGORY['NAME'],
            name, parent = self.storage.select_subcategory(category_id)
            return Category(name, parent, category_id)

    def delete_category(self, category):
        if category.parent is not None:
            return self.storage.delete_subcategory(category.id)
            return self.storage.delete_category(category.name)

    def add_category(self, name, parent):
        if parent == '':
            return self.storage.add_category(name)
            return self.storage.add_subcategory(name, parent)

    # Transactions #

    def _build_transaction(self, query_result):
        Builds Transaction object given query result and categories dictionary.
        date, amount, info, category_id, rowid = query_result
        category = self.fetch_subcategory(category_id)
        category_name = category.parent + '::' + category.name
        amount = from_cents(amount)
        date = _from_str_to_date(date)
        return Transaction(date, amount, info, category_name,
                           rowid, category_id)

    def fetch_transactions_for_month(self, month, year, category):
        f_day, l_day = _from_date_to_period(month, year)

        results = self.storage.select_budget_transactions_for_category(
            f_day, l_day, category.id)
        transactions = [self._build_transaction(t) for t in results]

        return transactions

    def fetch_summary_for_month(self, month, year, category: Category):
        f_day, l_day = _from_date_to_period(month, year)

        total, *_ = self.storage.select_summary(f_day, l_day, category.id)
        return from_cents(total or 0)

    def fetch_transactions_for_period(self, month, year):
        f_day, l_day = _from_date_to_period(month, year)

        transactions = [self._build_transaction(t)
                        for t in self.storage.select_transactions_for_period(
                        f_day, l_day)]
        return transactions

    def fetch_transactions(self, account):
        transactions = [self._build_transaction(t)
                        for t in self.storage.select_transactions(account.id)]

        return transactions

    def fetch_balance_to_date(self, month, year):
        # Get the last transaction date
        last_transaction, *_ = self.storage.select_last_date()
        # Fix if transaction roll is empty
        last_transaction = last_transaction or str(datetime.date.today())

        last_transaction = _from_str_to_date(last_transaction)
        last_transaction += relativedelta(days=1)
        # Get the first day of report period
        if month in (0, 1):
            last_day = datetime.date(year, 1, 1)
            last_day = datetime.date(year, month, 1)

        last_day = min(last_day, last_transaction)

        balance, *_ = self.storage.select_balance_till(last_day)
        return last_day, from_cents(balance or 0)

    def delete_transaction(self, transaction, account):
        self.storage.delete_transaction(transaction.id, account.id)

    def add_transaction(self, date, amount, info, account, category):
        tr = self.storage.add_transaction(
            date, amount, info, account.id, category.id)
        transaction = self._build_transaction(tr)
        return transaction

    def update_transaction(self, transaction, account, category):
            transaction.id, account.id, transaction.date, transaction.amount,
            transaction.info, category.id)

    # Predictors

    def _predict(self, record: Record, transaction_date):
        funcs = {
            'Monthly': self._monthly_predictor,
            'Point': self._point_predictor,
            'Daily': self._daily_predictor,
            'Weekly':  self._weekly_predictor

        return funcs[record.type](record, transaction_date)

    def _monthly_predictor(self, record, transaction_date):
        category = self.fetch_subcategory(record.category_id)
        _, lastday = monthrange(record.year, record.month)
        last_day = datetime.date(record.year, record.month, lastday)
        budget = record.amount
        fact = self.fetch_summary_for_month(record.month, record.year, category)

        if budget == 0 or transaction_date >= last_day:
            yield None
            if budget > 0 and fact >= 0:  # Income
                expectation = max(budget - fact, 0)
            elif budget < 0 and fact <= 0:  # Spending
                expectation = min(budget - fact, 0)
            else:  # budget and fact have different signs, error
                # Stick to the plan
                expectation = budget
            yield Prediction(last_day, expectation, category)

    def _point_predictor(self, record, transaction_date):
        category = self.fetch_subcategory(record.category_id)
        budget_date = datetime.date(record.year, record.month, record.day)
        if transaction_date >= budget_date:
            # Budget record has expired
            yield None
            yield Prediction(budget_date, record.amount, category)

    def _daily_predictor(self, record, transaction_date):
        category = self.fetch_subcategory(record.category_id)
        _, last_day = monthrange(record.year, record.month)
        budget = record.amount / last_day
        for i in range(1, last_day+1):
            budget_date = datetime.date(record.year, record.month, i)
            if transaction_date >= budget_date:
                yield None
                yield Prediction(budget_date, budget, category)

    def _weekly_predictor(self, record, transaction_date):
        category = self.fetch_subcategory(record.category_id)
        day = record.day - 1  # Natural day of week order to array index
        # Calculate the dates of budget spending
        budget_days = [datetime.date(record.year, record.month, week[day])
                       for week in monthcalendar(record.year, record.month)
                       if week[day] != 0]
        budget = record.amount / len(budget_days)
        for day in budget_days:
            if transaction_date >= day:
                yield None
                yield Prediction(day, budget, category)