Example #1
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    optParser.add_option("-w", "--width", dest="width",
                         type="float", default=20, help="Defines the width of the dots")
    optParser.add_option("-c", "--color", dest="color",
                         default='r', help="Defines the dot color")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-width", dest="defaultWidth",
                         type="float", default=1, help="Defines the edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-color", dest="defaultColor",
                         default='k', help="Defines the edge color")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net is None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)

    tlsn = {}
    for tid in net._id2tls:
        t = net._id2tls[tid]
        tlsn[tid] = set()
        for c in t._connections:
            n = c[0].getEdge().getToNode()

    tlspX = []
    tlspY = []
    for tid in tlsn:
        x = 0
        y = 0
        n = 0
        for node in tlsn[tid]:
            x += node._coord[0]
            y += node._coord[1]
            n = n + 1
        x = x / n
        y = y / n

    fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
    ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
    helpers.plotNet(net, {}, {}, options)
    plt.plot(tlspX, tlspY, options.color, linestyle='.',
             marker='o', markersize=options.width)
    options.nolegend = True
    helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)
Example #2
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    optParser.add_option("-w", "--width", dest="width",
                         type="float", default=20, help="Defines the width of the dots")
    optParser.add_option("-c", "--color", dest="color",
                         default='r', help="Defines the dot color")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-width", dest="defaultWidth",
                         type="float", default=1, help="Defines the edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-color", dest="defaultColor",
                         default='k', help="Defines the edge color")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net == None:
        print "Error: a network to load must be given."
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print "Reading network from '%s'" % options.net
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)

    tlsn = {}
    for tid in net._id2tls:
        t = net._id2tls[tid]
        tlsn[tid] = set()
        for c in t._connections:
            n = c[0].getEdge().getToNode()

    tlspX = []
    tlspY = []
    for tid in tlsn:
        x = 0
        y = 0
        n = 0
        for node in tlsn[tid]:
            x += node._coord[0]
            y += node._coord[1]
            n = n + 1
        x = x / n
        y = y / n

    fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
    ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
    helpers.plotNet(net, {}, {}, options)
    plt.plot(tlspX, tlspY, options.color, linestyle='.',
             marker='o', markersize=options.width)
    options.nolegend = True
    helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)
Example #3
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-i", "--selection", dest="selection", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the selection to read")
    optParser.add_option("--selected-width", dest="selectedWidth",
                         type="float", default=1, help="Defines the width of selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--color", "--selected-color", dest="selectedColor",
                         default='r', help="Defines the color of selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-width", dest="defaultWidth",
                         type="float", default=.2, help="Defines the width of not selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-color", dest="defaultColor",
                         default='#606060', help="Defines the color of not selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net == None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.selection == None:
        print("Error: a selection to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)
    selection = sumolib.files.selection.read(options.selection)

    colors = {}
    widths = {}
    for e in selection["edge"]:
        colors[e] = options.selectedColor
        widths[e] = options.selectedWidth

    fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
    ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
    helpers.plotNet(net, colors, widths, options)
    options.nolegend = True
    helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)
Example #4
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-i", "--selection", dest="selection", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the selection to read")
    optParser.add_option("--selected-width", dest="selectedWidth",
                         type="float", default=1, help="Defines the width of selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--color", "--selected-color", dest="selectedColor",
                         default='r', help="Defines the color of selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-width", dest="defaultWidth",
                         type="float", default=.2, help="Defines the width of not selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-color", dest="defaultColor",
                         default='#606060', help="Defines the color of not selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net == None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.selection == None:
        print("Error: a selection to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)
    selection = sumolib.files.selection.read(options.selection)

    colors = {}
    widths = {}
    for e in selection["edge"]:
        colors[e] = options.selectedColor
        widths[e] = options.selectedWidth

    fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
    ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
    helpers.plotNet(net, colors, widths, options)
    options.nolegend = True
    helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)
Example #5
def main():
    args = []
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-i", "--selection", dest="selection", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the selection to read")
    optParser.add_option("--selected-width", dest="selectedWidth",
                         type="float", default=1, help="Defines the width of selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--color", "--selected-color", dest="selectedColor",
                         default='r', help="Defines the color of selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-width", dest="defaultWidth",
                         type="float", default=.2, help="Defines the width of not selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-color", dest="defaultColor",
                         default='#606060', help="Defines the color of not selected edges")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet('../network/nyc.net.xml')
    selections = []
    color_list = ['r','g','b','c','m','y','b']
    colors = {}
    widths = {}

    zone_path = '../network'
    zone_files = [os.path.join(zone_path,f) for f in os.listdir(zone_path) if 'zone' in f]

    for zone in zone_files:

    for i,selection in enumerate(selections):
        for e in selection["edge"]:
            colors[e] = color_list[i%7]
            widths[e] = 0.5
    fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
    ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
    helpers.plotNet(net, colors, widths, options)
    options.nolegend = True
    helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)
Example #6
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    optParser.add_option("-w", "--width", dest="width",
                         type="float", default=20, help="Defines the width of the dots")
    optParser.add_option("-c", "--color", dest="color",
                         default='r', help="Defines the dot color")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-width", dest="defaultWidth",
                         type="float", default=1, help="Defines the edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-color", dest="defaultColor",
                         default='k', help="Defines the edge color")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net is None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)
    fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
    ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
    helpers.plotNet(net, {}, {}, options)



    #fig.set_size_inches(4.5, 3.5)  
    #fig.savefig('cenario.eps', bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0.05, transparent=True)
Example #7
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-i", "--dump-inputs", dest="dumps", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the dump-output files to use as input")
    optParser.add_option("-m", "--measures", dest="measures",
                         default="speed,entered", help="Define which measure to plot")
    optParser.add_option("--min-width", dest="minWidth",
                         type="float", default=.5, help="Defines the minimum edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--max-width", dest="maxWidth",
                         type="float", default=3, help="Defines the maximum edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--log-colors", dest="logColors", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, colors are log-scaled")
    optParser.add_option("--log-widths", dest="logWidths", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, widths are log-scaled")
    optParser.add_option("--min-color-value", dest="colorMin",
                         type="float", default=None, help="If set, defines the minimum edge color value")
    optParser.add_option("--max-color-value", dest="colorMax",
                         type="float", default=None, help="If set, defines the maximum edge color value")
    optParser.add_option("--min-width-value", dest="widthMin",
                         type="float", default=None, help="If set, defines the minimum edge width value")
    optParser.add_option("--max-width-value", dest="widthMax",
                         type="float", default=None, help="If set, defines the maximum edge width value")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net == None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)

    if options.measures == None:
        print("Error: a dump file must be given.")
        return 1

    times = []
    hc = None
    if options.dumps.split(",")[0] != "":
        if options.verbose:
            print("Reading colors from '%s'" % options.dumps.split(",")[0])
        hc = WeightsReader(options.measures.split(",")[0])
        sumolib.output.parse_sax(options.dumps.split(",")[0], hc)
        times = hc._edge2value

    hw = None
    if options.dumps.split(",")[1] != "":
        if options.verbose:
            print("Reading widths from '%s'" % options.dumps.split(",")[1])
        hw = WeightsReader(options.measures.split(",")[1])
        sumolib.output.parse_sax(options.dumps.split(",")[1], hw)
        times = hw._edge2value

    for t in times:
        colors = {}
        maxColorValue = None
        minColorValue = None
        for e in net._id2edge:
            if hc and t in hc._edge2value and e in hc._edge2value[t]:
                if options.colorMax != None and hc._edge2value[t][e] > options.colorMax:
                    hc._edge2value[t][e] = options.colorMax
                if options.colorMin != None and hc._edge2value[t][e] < options.colorMin:
                    hc._edge2value[t][e] = options.colorMin
                if maxColorValue == None or maxColorValue < hc._edge2value[t][e]:
                    maxColorValue = hc._edge2value[t][e]
                if minColorValue == None or minColorValue > hc._edge2value[t][e]:
                    minColorValue = hc._edge2value[t][e]
                colors[e] = hc._edge2value[t][e]
        if options.colorMax != None:
            maxColorValue = options.colorMax
        if options.colorMin != None:
            minColorValue = options.colorMin
        if options.logColors:
            helpers.logNormalise(colors, maxColorValue)
            helpers.linNormalise(colors, minColorValue, maxColorValue)
        for e in colors:
            colors[e] = helpers.getColor(options, colors[e], 1.)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Color values are between %s and %s" %
                  (minColorValue, maxColorValue))

        widths = {}
        maxWidthValue = None
        minWidthValue = None
        for e in net._id2edge:
            if hw and t in hw._edge2value and e in hw._edge2value[t]:
                v = abs(hw._edge2value[t][e])
                if options.widthMax != None and v > options.widthMax:
                    v = options.widthMax
                if options.widthMin != None and v < options.widthMin:
                    v = options.widthMin
                if not maxWidthValue or maxWidthValue < v:
                    maxWidthValue = v
                if not minWidthValue or minWidthValue > v:
                    minWidthValue = v
                widths[e] = v
        if options.widthMax != None:
            maxWidthValue = options.widthMax
        if options.widthMin != None:
            minWidthValue = options.widthMin
        if options.logWidths:
            helpers.logNormalise(widths, options.colorMax)
            helpers.linNormalise(widths, minWidthValue, maxWidthValue)
        for e in widths:
            widths[e] = options.minWidth + widths[e] * \
                (options.maxWidth - options.minWidth)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Width values are between %s and %s" %
                  (minWidthValue, maxWidthValue))

        fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
        ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
        helpers.plotNet(net, colors, widths, options)

        # drawing the legend, at least for the colors
        sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(
            options.colormap), norm=matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=minColorValue, vmax=maxColorValue))
        # "fake up the array of the scalar mappable. Urgh..." (pelson, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8342549/matplotlib-add-colorbar-to-a-sequence-of-line-plots)
        sm._A = []

        options.nolegend = True
        optName = None
        if options.output and options.output.find("%s") >= 0:
            m, s = divmod(int(t), 60)
            h, m = divmod(m, 60)
            timeStr = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
            ax.text(7300, 15500, timeStr, bbox={
                    'facecolor': 'white', 'pad': 10}, size=16)
            optName = options.output.replace("%s", str(t))
        helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options, False, optName)
        if optName == None:
            return 0
    return 0
Example #8
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
                         help="Defines the network to read")
                         help="Defines the dump-output files to use as input")
                         help="Define which measure to plot")
                         help="Defines the minimum edge width")
                         help="Defines the maximum edge width")
                         help="If set, colors are log-scaled")
                         help="If set, widths are log-scaled")
                         help="If set, defines the minimum edge color value")
                         help="If set, defines the maximum edge color value")
                         help="If set, defines the minimum edge width value")
                         help="If set, defines the maximum edge width value")
                         help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net == None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)

    if options.measures == None:
        print("Error: a dump file must be given.")
        return 1

    times = []
    hc = None
    if options.dumps.split(",")[0] != "":
        if options.verbose:
            print("Reading colors from '%s'" % options.dumps.split(",")[0])
        hc = WeightsReader(options.measures.split(",")[0])
        sumolib.output.parse_sax(options.dumps.split(",")[0], hc)
        times = hc._edge2value

    hw = None
    if options.dumps.split(",")[1] != "":
        if options.verbose:
            print("Reading widths from '%s'" % options.dumps.split(",")[1])
        hw = WeightsReader(options.measures.split(",")[1])
        sumolib.output.parse_sax(options.dumps.split(",")[1], hw)
        times = hw._edge2value

    for t in times:
        colors = {}
        maxColorValue = None
        minColorValue = None
        for e in net._id2edge:
            if hc and t in hc._edge2value and e in hc._edge2value[t]:
                if options.colorMax != None and hc._edge2value[t][
                        e] > options.colorMax:
                    hc._edge2value[t][e] = options.colorMax
                if options.colorMin != None and hc._edge2value[t][
                        e] < options.colorMin:
                    hc._edge2value[t][e] = options.colorMin
                if maxColorValue == None or maxColorValue < hc._edge2value[t][
                    maxColorValue = hc._edge2value[t][e]
                if minColorValue == None or minColorValue > hc._edge2value[t][
                    minColorValue = hc._edge2value[t][e]
                colors[e] = hc._edge2value[t][e]
        if options.colorMax != None:
            maxColorValue = options.colorMax
        if options.colorMin != None:
            minColorValue = options.colorMin
        if options.logColors:
            helpers.logNormalise(colors, maxColorValue)
            helpers.linNormalise(colors, minColorValue, maxColorValue)
        for e in colors:
            colors[e] = helpers.getColor(options, colors[e], 1.)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Color values are between %s and %s" %
                  (minColorValue, maxColorValue))

        widths = {}
        maxWidthValue = None
        minWidthValue = None
        for e in net._id2edge:
            if hw and t in hw._edge2value and e in hw._edge2value[t]:
                v = abs(hw._edge2value[t][e])
                if options.widthMax != None and v > options.widthMax:
                    v = options.widthMax
                if options.widthMin != None and v < options.widthMin:
                    v = options.widthMin
                if not maxWidthValue or maxWidthValue < v:
                    maxWidthValue = v
                if not minWidthValue or minWidthValue > v:
                    minWidthValue = v
                widths[e] = v
        if options.widthMax != None:
            maxWidthValue = options.widthMax
        if options.widthMin != None:
            minWidthValue = options.widthMin
        if options.logWidths:
            helpers.logNormalise(widths, options.colorMax)
            helpers.linNormalise(widths, minWidthValue, maxWidthValue)
        for e in widths:
            widths[e] = options.minWidth + widths[e] * \
                (options.maxWidth - options.minWidth)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Width values are between %s and %s" %
                  (minWidthValue, maxWidthValue))

        fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
        ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
        helpers.plotNet(net, colors, widths, options)

        # drawing the legend, at least for the colors
        sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(
        # "fake up the array of the scalar mappable. Urgh..." (pelson, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8342549/matplotlib-add-colorbar-to-a-sequence-of-line-plots)
        sm._A = []

        options.nolegend = True
        optName = None
        if options.output and options.output.find("%s") >= 0:
            m, s = divmod(int(t), 60)
            h, m = divmod(m, 60)
            timeStr = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
                        'facecolor': 'white',
                        'pad': 10
            optName = options.output.replace("%s", str(t))
        helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options, False, optName)
        if optName == None:
            return 0
    return 0
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-i", "--dump-inputs", dest="dumps", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the dump-output files to use as input")
    optParser.add_option("-m", "--measures", dest="measures",
                         default="speed,entered", help="Define which measure to plot")
    optParser.add_option("--min-width", dest="minWidth",
                         type="float", default=.5, help="Defines the minimum edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--max-width", dest="maxWidth",
                         type="float", default=3, help="Defines the maximum edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--log-colors", dest="logColors", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, colors are log-scaled")
    optParser.add_option("--log-widths", dest="logWidths", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, widths are log-scaled")
    optParser.add_option("--min-color-value", dest="colorMin",
                         type="float", default=None,
                         help="If set, defines the minimum edge color value")
    optParser.add_option("--max-color-value", dest="colorMax",
                         type="float", default=None,
                         help="If set, defines the maximum edge color value")
    optParser.add_option("--min-width-value", dest="widthMin",
                         type="float", default=None,
                         help="If set, defines the minimum edge width value")
    optParser.add_option("--max-width-value", dest="widthMax",
                         type="float", default=None,
                         help="If set, defines the maximum edge width value")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    optParser.add_option("--color-bar-label", dest="colorBarLabel", default="",
                         help="The label to put on the color bar")

    # standard plot options

    # Override the help string for the output option
    outputOpt = optParser.get_option("--output")
    outputOpt.help = "Comma separated list of filename(s) the figure shall be written to; " +\
                     "for multiple time intervals use \'\%s\' in the filename as a " +\
                     "placeholder for the beginning of the time interval"

    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net is None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)

    if options.measures is None:
        print("Error: a dump file must be given.")
        return 1

    times = []
    hc = None
    colorDump = options.dumps.split(",")[0]
    colorMeasure = options.measures.split(",")[0]
    if colorDump:
        if options.verbose:
            print("Reading colors from '%s'" % colorDump)
        hc = WeightsReader(colorMeasure)
        sumolib.output.parse_sax(colorDump, hc)
        times = hc._edge2value

    hw = None
    widthDump = options.dumps.split(",")[1]
    widthMeasure = options.measures.split(",")[1]
    if widthDump != "":
        if options.verbose:
            print("Reading widths from '%s'" % widthDump)
        hw = WeightsReader(widthMeasure)
        sumolib.output.parse_sax(widthDump, hw)
        times = hw._edge2value

    # Should we also save the figure to a file / list of files (comma
    # separated)? Then we need to check the output filename(s)
    if options.output:
        options.nolegend = True
        optOutputNames = options.output

        # If we have multiple intervals to be plotted, make sure we have
        # proper output filenames (with a %s as a placeholder in it)
        if len(times) > 1 and optOutputNames.find('%s') < 0:
            print('Warning: multiple time intervals detected, but ' +
                  'the output filename(s) do not contain a \'%s\' placeholder. ' +
                  'Continuing by using a default placeholder.')

            # Modify each filename by putting a '-%s' right before the
            # extension
            filenames = optOutputNames.split(',')
            for i in range(0, len(filenames)):
                filename, extension = os.path.splitext(filenames[i])
                filenames[i] = filename + '-%s' + extension
            optOutputNames = ','.join(filenames)

    # Now go through each time interval and create the figures
    for t in times:
        if options.verbose:
            print("Processing interval with a beginning of %s" % t)
        colors = {}
        maxColorValue = None
        minColorValue = None
        for e in net._id2edge:
            if hc and t in hc._edge2value and e in hc._edge2value[t]:
                if options.colorMax is not None and hc._edge2value[t][e] > options.colorMax:
                    hc._edge2value[t][e] = options.colorMax
                if options.colorMin is not None and hc._edge2value[t][e] < options.colorMin:
                    hc._edge2value[t][e] = options.colorMin
                if maxColorValue is None or maxColorValue < hc._edge2value[t][e]:
                    maxColorValue = hc._edge2value[t][e]
                if minColorValue is None or minColorValue > hc._edge2value[t][e]:
                    minColorValue = hc._edge2value[t][e]
                colors[e] = hc._edge2value[t][e]
        if options.colorMax is not None:
            maxColorValue = options.colorMax
        if options.colorMin is not None:
            minColorValue = options.colorMin
        if options.logColors:
            helpers.logNormalise(colors, maxColorValue)
            helpers.linNormalise(colors, minColorValue, maxColorValue)
        for e in colors:
            colors[e] = helpers.getColor(options, colors[e], 1.)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Color values are between %s and %s" %
                  (minColorValue, maxColorValue))

        widths = {}
        maxWidthValue = None
        minWidthValue = None
        for e in net._id2edge:
            if hw and t in hw._edge2value and e in hw._edge2value[t]:
                v = abs(hw._edge2value[t][e])
                if options.widthMax is not None and v > options.widthMax:
                    v = options.widthMax
                if options.widthMin is not None and v < options.widthMin:
                    v = options.widthMin
                if maxWidthValue is None or maxWidthValue < v:
                    maxWidthValue = v
                if minWidthValue is None or minWidthValue > v:
                    minWidthValue = v
                widths[e] = v
        if options.widthMax is not None:
            maxWidthValue = options.widthMax
        if options.widthMin is not None:
            minWidthValue = options.widthMin
        if options.logWidths:
            helpers.logNormalise(widths, options.colorMax)
            helpers.linNormalise(widths, minWidthValue, maxWidthValue)
        for e in widths:
            widths[e] = options.minWidth + widths[e] * \
                (options.maxWidth - options.minWidth)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Width values are between %s and %s" %
                  (minWidthValue, maxWidthValue))

        fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
        ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
        helpers.plotNet(net, colors, widths, options)

        # drawing the legend, at least for the colors
        norm = matplotlib.colors.LogNorm if options.logColors else matplotlib.colors.Normalize
        sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(options.colormap),
                                   norm=norm(vmin=minColorValue, vmax=maxColorValue))

        # "fake up the array of the scalar mappable. Urgh..."
        # (pelson, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8342549/matplotlib-add-colorbar-to-a-sequence-of-line-plots)
        sm._A = []
        color_bar = plt.colorbar(sm)

        # Should we also save the figure to a file / list of files (comma
        # separated)?
        if options.output:

            # If we have a "%s" in the name of the output then replace it with the
            # interval begin of the current interval
            expandedOutputNames = optOutputNames
            if expandedOutputNames.find('%s') >= 0:
                expandedOutputNames = expandedOutputNames.replace("%s", str(t))

            # Can be used to print additional text in the figure:
            # m, s = divmod(int(t), 60)
            # h, m = divmod(m, 60)
            # timeStr = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
            # ax.text(0.2, 0.2, timeStr, bbox={
            #    'facecolor': 'white', 'pad': 10}, size=16)
            helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options, False, expandedOutputNames)

    return 0
Example #10
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("-i", "--dump-inputs", dest="dumps", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the dump-output files to use as input")
    optParser.add_option("-m", "--measures", dest="measures",
                         default="speed,entered", help="Define which measure to plot")
    optParser.add_option("--min-width", dest="minWidth",
                         type="float", default=.5, help="Defines the minimum edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--max-width", dest="maxWidth",
                         type="float", default=3, help="Defines the maximum edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--log-colors", dest="logColors", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, colors are log-scaled")
    optParser.add_option("--log-widths", dest="logWidths", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, widths are log-scaled")
    optParser.add_option("--min-color-value", dest="colorMin",
                         type="float", default=None,
                         help="If set, defines the minimum edge color value")
    optParser.add_option("--max-color-value", dest="colorMax",
                         type="float", default=None,
                         help="If set, defines the maximum edge color value")
    optParser.add_option("--min-width-value", dest="widthMin",
                         type="float", default=None,
                         help="If set, defines the minimum edge width value")
    optParser.add_option("--max-width-value", dest="widthMax",
                         type="float", default=None,
                         help="If set, defines the maximum edge width value")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         help="If set, the script says what it's doing")

    # standard plot options

    # Override the help string for the output option
    outputOpt = optParser.get_option("--output")
    outputOpt.help = "Comma separated list of filename(s) the figure shall be written to; " +\
                     "for multiple time intervals use \'\%s\' in the filename as a " +\
                     "placeholder for the beginning of the time interval"

    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net == None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)

    if options.measures == None:
        print("Error: a dump file must be given.")
        return 1

    times = []
    hc = None
    colorDump = options.dumps.split(",")[0]
    colorMeasure = options.measures.split(",")[0]
    if colorDump:
        if options.verbose:
            print("Reading colors from '%s'" % colorDump)
        hc = WeightsReader(colorMeasure)
        sumolib.output.parse_sax(colorDump, hc)
        times = hc._edge2value

    hw = None
    widthDump = options.dumps.split(",")[1]
    widthMeasure = options.measures.split(",")[1]
    if widthDump != "":
        if options.verbose:
            print("Reading widths from '%s'" % widthDump)
        hw = WeightsReader(widthMeasure)
        sumolib.output.parse_sax(widthDump, hw)
        times = hw._edge2value

    # Should we also save the figure to a file / list of files (comma
    # separated)? Then we need to check the output filename(s)
    if options.output:
        options.nolegend = True
        optOutputNames = options.output

        # If we have multiple intervals to be plotted, make sure we have
        # proper output filenames (with a %s as a placeholder in it)
        if len(times) > 1 and optOutputNames.find('%s') < 0:
            print('Warning: multiple time intervals detected, but ' +
                  'the output filename(s) do not contain a \'%s\' placeholder. ' +
                  'Continuing by using a default placeholder.')

            # Modify each filename by putting a '-%s' right before the
            # extension
            filenames = optOutputNames.split(',')
            for i in range(0, len(filenames)):
                filename, extension = os.path.splitext(filenames[i])
                filenames[i] = filename + '-%s' + extension
            optOutputNames = ','.join(filenames)

    # Now go through each time interval and create the figures
    for t in times:
        if options.verbose:
            print("Processing interval with a beginning of %s" % t)
        colors = {}
        maxColorValue = None
        minColorValue = None
        for e in net._id2edge:
            if hc and t in hc._edge2value and e in hc._edge2value[t]:
                if options.colorMax != None and hc._edge2value[t][e] > options.colorMax:
                    hc._edge2value[t][e] = options.colorMax
                if options.colorMin != None and hc._edge2value[t][e] < options.colorMin:
                    hc._edge2value[t][e] = options.colorMin
                if maxColorValue == None or maxColorValue < hc._edge2value[t][e]:
                    maxColorValue = hc._edge2value[t][e]
                if minColorValue == None or minColorValue > hc._edge2value[t][e]:
                    minColorValue = hc._edge2value[t][e]
                colors[e] = hc._edge2value[t][e]
        if options.colorMax != None:
            maxColorValue = options.colorMax
        if options.colorMin != None:
            minColorValue = options.colorMin
        if options.logColors:
            helpers.logNormalise(colors, maxColorValue)
            helpers.linNormalise(colors, minColorValue, maxColorValue)
        for e in colors:
            colors[e] = helpers.getColor(options, colors[e], 1.)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Color values are between %s and %s" %
                  (minColorValue, maxColorValue))

        widths = {}
        maxWidthValue = None
        minWidthValue = None
        for e in net._id2edge:
            if hw and t in hw._edge2value and e in hw._edge2value[t]:
                v = abs(hw._edge2value[t][e])
                if options.widthMax != None and v > options.widthMax:
                    v = options.widthMax
                if options.widthMin != None and v < options.widthMin:
                    v = options.widthMin
                if not maxWidthValue or maxWidthValue < v:
                    maxWidthValue = v
                if not minWidthValue or minWidthValue > v:
                    minWidthValue = v
                widths[e] = v
        if options.widthMax != None:
            maxWidthValue = options.widthMax
        if options.widthMin != None:
            minWidthValue = options.widthMin
        if options.logWidths:
            helpers.logNormalise(widths, options.colorMax)
            helpers.linNormalise(widths, minWidthValue, maxWidthValue)
        for e in widths:
            widths[e] = options.minWidth + widths[e] * \
                (options.maxWidth - options.minWidth)
        if options.verbose:
            print("Width values are between %s and %s" %
                  (minWidthValue, maxWidthValue))

        fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
        ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
        helpers.plotNet(net, colors, widths, options)

        # drawing the legend, at least for the colors
        sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=matplotlib.cm.get_cmap(options.colormap),

        # "fake up the array of the scalar mappable. Urgh..."
        # (pelson, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8342549/matplotlib-add-colorbar-to-a-sequence-of-line-plots)
        sm._A = []

        # Should we also save the figure to a file / list of files (comma
        # separated)?
        if options.output:

            # If we have a "%s" in the name of the output then replace it with the
            # interval begin of the current interval
            expandedOutputNames = optOutputNames
            if expandedOutputNames.find('%s') >= 0:
                expandedOutputNames = expandedOutputNames.replace("%s", str(t))

            # Can be used to print additional text in the figure:
            # m, s = divmod(int(t), 60)
            # h, m = divmod(m, 60)
            # timeStr = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (h, m, s)
            # ax.text(0.2, 0.2, timeStr, bbox={
            #    'facecolor': 'white', 'pad': 10}, size=16)
            helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options, False, expandedOutputNames)

    return 0
Example #11
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
                         help="Defines the network to read")
                         help="Defines the edge width")
                         help="Defines the edge color")
                         help="Define the minimum value boundary")
                         help="Define the maximum value boundary")
                         help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net is None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)

    speeds = {}
    minV = None
    maxV = None
    for e in net._id2edge:
        v = net._id2edge[e]._speed
        if minV is None or minV > v:
            minV = v
        if maxV is None or maxV < v:
            maxV = v
        speeds[e] = v
    if options.minV is not None:
        minV = options.minV
    if options.maxV is not None:
        maxV = options.maxV
    # if options.logColors:

#    helpers.logNormalise(colors, maxColorValue)
#  else:
#    helpers.linNormalise(colors, minColorValue, maxColorValue)

    helpers.linNormalise(speeds, minV, maxV)
    for e in speeds:
        speeds[e] = helpers.getColor(options, speeds[e], 1.)
    fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
    ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
    helpers.plotNet(net, speeds, {}, options)

    # drawing the legend, at least for the colors
    print("%s -> %s" % (minV, maxV))
    sm = matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(
        norm=matplotlib.colors.normalize(vmin=minV, vmax=maxV))
    # "fake up the array of the scalar mappable. Urgh..." (pelson, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8342549/matplotlib-add-colorbar-to-a-sequence-of-line-plots)
    sm._A = []
    options.nolegend = True
    helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)
Example #12
def main(args=None):
    """The main function; parses options and plots"""
    # ---------- build and read options ----------
    from optparse import OptionParser
    optParser = OptionParser()
    optParser.add_option("-n", "--net", dest="net", metavar="FILE",
                         help="Defines the network to read")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-width", dest="defaultWidth",
                         type="float", default=1, help="Defines the edge width")
    optParser.add_option("--edge-color", dest="defaultColor",
                         default='k', help="Defines the edge color")
    optParser.add_option("--minV", dest="minV",
                         type="float", default=None, help="Define the minimum value boundary")
    optParser.add_option("--maxV", dest="maxV",
                         type="float", default=None, help="Define the maximum value boundary")
    optParser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true",
                         default=False, help="If set, the script says what it's doing")
    # standard plot options
    # parse
    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    if options.net == None:
        print("Error: a network to load must be given.")
        return 1
    if options.verbose:
        print("Reading network from '%s'" % options.net)
    net = sumolib.net.readNet(options.net)

    speeds = {}
    minV = None
    maxV = None
    for e in net._id2edge:
        v = net._id2edge[e]._speed
        if minV == None or minV > v:
            minV = v
        if maxV == None or maxV < v:
            maxV = v
        speeds[e] = v
    if options.minV != None:
        minV = options.minV
    if options.maxV != None:
        maxV = options.maxV
    # if options.logColors:
#    helpers.logNormalise(colors, maxColorValue)
#  else:
#    helpers.linNormalise(colors, minColorValue, maxColorValue)

    helpers.linNormalise(speeds, minV, maxV)
    for e in speeds:
        speeds[e] = helpers.getColor(options, speeds[e], 1.)
    fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
    ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
    helpers.plotNet(net, speeds, {}, options)

    # drawing the legend, at least for the colors
    print("%s -> %s" % (minV, maxV))
    sm = matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(
        cmap=get_cmap(options.colormap), norm=plt.normalize(vmin=minV, vmax=maxV))
    # "fake up the array of the scalar mappable. Urgh..." (pelson, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8342549/matplotlib-add-colorbar-to-a-sequence-of-line-plots)
    sm._A = []
    options.nolegend = True
    helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)
		maxCount = edge_traversal_list[key_max]

		helpers.linNormalise(edge_traversal_list, minCount, maxCount)

		for e in edge_traversal_list:
			edge_traversal_list[e] = helpers.getColor(options, edge_traversal_list[e], 1.)

		fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
		str_val = 'Edge Traversal count for robot "{}"'
		fig.suptitle(str_val.format(robot_id), fontsize=12)

		ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')\

		helpers.plotNet(net, edge_traversal_list, {}, options)

		sm = matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=matplotlib.cm.jet)

		sm._A = []

		options.nolegend = True

		str_val = save_path+'{}_edge_traverse_heatmap.png'
		helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)

def plot(densities, md, net, filename=None):
    args = []
    optParser = OptionParser()
                         help="Defines the network to read")
                         help="Defines the width of not selected edges")
                         help="Defines the color of not selected edges")
                         help="If set, the script says what it's doing")

    options, remaining_args = optParser.parse_args(args=args)

    for i, interval in enumerate(densities):
        colors = {}
        widths = {}
        max_density = 0
        min_density = 10000
        for e in interval.keys():
            if max_density < interval[e]:
                max_density = interval[e]
            if min_density > interval[e]:
                min_density = interval[e]

        for e in interval.keys():

            colors[e] = get_color(interval[e], md)
            #widths[e] = normalize(interval[e], max_density, min_density) + 2.0
            widths[e] = 4

        fig, ax = helpers.openFigure(options)
        ax.set_aspect("equal", None, 'C')
        helpers.plotNet(net, colors, widths, options)
        lines = ax.get_lines()
        for line in lines:
        ax.set_title('{num1:02d}:00:00 to {num2:02d}:00:00 hrs'.format(
            num1=(i + 6) % 24, num2=(i + 7) % 24))
        if filename:
            fig.savefig('../output/hour' + str(i) + '.pdf',
        options.nolegend = True

        helpers.closeFigure(fig, ax, options)