def list_all(request): """ Generate the TestCase list for the UI tabs in TestPlan page view. """ # Intial the plan in plan details page test_plan = plan_from_request_or_none(request) if not test_plan: messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _('TestPlan not specified or does not exist')) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('core-views-index')) tcs, search_form = query_testcases_from_request(request, test_plan) tcs = sort_queried_testcases(request, tcs) total_cases_count = tcs.count() # Get the tags own by the cases ttags = get_tags_from_cases(( for case in tcs), test_plan) tcs = paginate_testcases(request, tcs) # There are several extra information related to each TestCase to be shown # also. This step must be the very final one, because the calculation of # related data requires related TestCases' IDs, that is the queryset of # TestCases should be evaluated in advance. tcs = calculate_for_testcases(test_plan, tcs) # generating a query_url with order options # # FIXME: query_url is always equivlant to None&asc=True whatever what # criterias specified in filter form, or just with default filter # conditions during loading TestPlan page. query_url = remove_from_request_path(request, 'order_by') asc = bool(request.POST.get('asc', None)) if asc: query_url = remove_from_request_path(query_url, 'asc') else: query_url = '%s&asc=True' % query_url selected_case_ids = [] for test_case in get_selected_testcases(request): selected_case_ids.append( context_data = { 'test_cases': tcs, 'test_plan': test_plan, 'search_form': search_form, # selected_case_ids is used in template to decide whether or not this TestCase is selected 'selected_case_ids': selected_case_ids, 'case_status': TestCaseStatus.objects.all(), 'priorities': Priority.objects.filter(is_active=True), 'case_own_tags': ttags, 'query_url': query_url, # Load more is a POST request, so POST parameters are required only. # Remember this for loading more cases with the same as criterias. 'search_criterias': request.body.decode(), 'total_cases_count': total_cases_count, } return render(request, 'plan/get_cases.html', context_data)
def _report_context(self): errors = None report_data = None queries = self.request.GET if queries: form = self._get_form(self.request.GET) if form.is_valid(): queries = form.cleaned_data report_data = self.get_report_data(form) else: errors = form.errors queries = fmt_queries(queries) del queries['report type'] request_path = remove_from_request_path(self.request, 'report_type') data = { 'errors': errors, 'queries': queries, 'request_path': request_path, 'run_form': form, 'report_data': report_data, } if request_path: data['path_without_build'] = remove_from_request_path(request_path, 'r_build') return data
def _report_context(self): errors = None report_data = None if self.request.GET: form = self._get_form(self.request.GET) if form.is_valid(): report_data = self.get_report_data(form) else: errors = form.errors request_path = remove_from_request_path(self.request, 'report_type') data = { 'errors': errors, 'request_path': request_path, 'run_form': form, 'report_data': report_data, } if request_path: data['path_without_build'] = remove_from_request_path(request_path, 'build') return data
def view_test_run_report(request): templates = { 'per_build_report': 'report/caserun_report_per_build.html', 'per_tester_report': 'report/caserun_report_per_tester.html', 'per_priority_report': 'report/caserun_report_per_priority.html', 'per_plan_tag_report': 'report/testrun_report_per_plan_tag.html', 'per_plan_build_report': 'report/testrun_report_per_plan_build.html', 'runs_with_rates_per_plan_tag': 'report/testrun_report_by_plan_tag_with_rates.html', 'runs_with_rates_per_plan_build': 'report/testrun_report_by_plan_build_with_rates.html', } errors = None queries = request.GET data = {} report_type = queries.get('report_type') PRODUCT_CHOICE = [ (, for p in cached_entities('product') ] if queries: run_form = RunForm(queries) run_form.populate(queries) if run_form.is_valid(): queries = run_form.cleaned_data data = test_run_report(queries, report_type) else: errors = run_form.errors tmpl = templates.get(report_type, 'report/common/search_run.html') queries = fmt_queries(queries) request_path = remove_from_request_path(request, 'report_type') if request_path: path_without_build = remove_from_request_path(request_path, 'r_build') data.update(locals()) return direct_to_template(request, tmpl, data)
def _render_results(request, results, time_cost, queries): """Using a SQL "in" query and PKs as the arguments""" klasses = { 'plan': { 'class': TestPlan, 'result_key': 'test_plans' }, 'case': { 'class': TestCase, 'result_key': 'test_cases' }, 'run': { 'class': TestRun, 'result_key': 'test_runs' } } asc = bool(request.GET.get('asc', None)) query_url = remove_from_request_path(request, 'order_by') if asc: query_url = remove_from_request_path(query_url, 'asc') else: query_url = '%s&asc=True' % query_url context_data = { klasses[request.GET['target']]['result_key']: results, 'time_cost': time_cost, 'queries': queries, 'query_url': query_url, } return render(request, 'search/results.html', context_data)
def get_all(request): # pylint: disable=missing-permission-required """Display all testplans""" # TODO: this function should be deleted # todo: this function can be replaced with the existing JSON-RPC search # TODO: this function now only performs a forward feature, no queries # need here. All of it will be removed in the future. # If it's not a search the page will be blank tps = TestPlan.objects.none() query_result = False order_by = request.GET.get('order_by', 'create_date') asc = bool(request.GET.get('asc', None)) # if it's a search request the page will be fill if request.GET: search_form = SearchPlanForm(request.GET) search_form.populate(product_id=request.GET.get('product')) if search_form.is_valid(): query_result = True # build a QuerySet: tps = TestPlan.list(search_form.cleaned_data) tps = tps.select_related('author', 'type', 'product') tps = order_plan_queryset(tps, order_by, asc) else: # Set search active plans only by default search_form = SearchPlanForm(initial={'is_active': True}) template_name = 'non-existing.html' # used in tree preview only # fixme: must be replaced by JSON RPC and the # JavaScript dialog that displays the preview # should be converted to Patternfly # todo: when this is done SearchPlanForm must contain only the # fields which are used in search.html if request.GET.get('t') == 'html': if request.GET.get('f') == 'preview': template_name = 'plan/preview.html' query_url = remove_from_request_path(request, 'order_by') if asc: query_url = remove_from_request_path(query_url, 'asc') else: query_url = '%s&asc=True' % query_url page_type = request.GET.get('page_type', 'pagination') query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(request, 'page_type') if query_url_page_type: query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(query_url_page_type, 'page') context_data = { 'test_plans': tps, 'query_result': query_result, 'search_plan_form': search_form, 'query_url': query_url, 'query_url_page_type': query_url_page_type, 'page_type': page_type } return render(request, template_name, context_data)
def all(request, template_name = 'run/all.html'): """Read the test runs from database and display them.""" SUB_MODULE_NAME = "runs" if request.REQUEST.get('manager'): if request.user.is_authenticated() and ( request.REQUEST.get('people') == request.user.username or request.REQUEST.get('people') == ): SUB_MODULE_NAME = "my_runs" # Initial the values will be use if it's not a search query_result = False trs = None order_by = request.REQUEST.get('order_by', 'create_date') asc = bool(request.REQUEST.get('asc', None)) # If it's a search if request.REQUEST.items(): search_form = SearchRunForm(request.REQUEST) if request.REQUEST.get('product'): search_form.populate(product_id=request.REQUEST['product']) else: search_form.populate() if search_form.is_valid(): # It's a search here. query_result = True trs = TestRun.list(search_form.cleaned_data) trs = trs.select_related('manager', 'default_tester', 'build', 'plan', 'build__product__name',) # Further optimize by adding caserun attributes: trs = trs.extra( select={'env_groups': RawSQL.environment_group_for_run,}, ) trs = order_run_queryset(trs, order_by, asc) else: search_form = SearchRunForm() # search_form.populate() # generating a query_url with order options query_url = remove_from_request_path(request, 'order_by') if asc: query_url = remove_from_request_path(query_url, 'asc') else: query_url = '%s&asc=True' % query_url return direct_to_template(request, template_name, { 'module': MODULE_NAME, 'sub_module': SUB_MODULE_NAME, 'test_runs': trs, 'query_result': query_result, 'search_form': search_form, 'query_url': query_url, })
def view_test_run_report(request): templates = { 'per_build_report': 'report/caserun_report_per_build.html', 'per_tester_report': 'report/caserun_report_per_tester.html', 'per_priority_report': 'report/caserun_report_per_priority.html', 'per_plan_tag_report': 'report/testrun_report_per_plan_tag.html', 'per_plan_build_report': 'report/testrun_report_per_plan_build.html', 'runs_with_rates_per_plan_tag': 'report/testrun_report_by_plan_tag_with_rates.html', 'runs_with_rates_per_plan_build': 'report/testrun_report_by_plan_build_with_rates.html', } errors = None queries = request.GET data = {} report_type = queries.get('report_type') PRODUCT_CHOICE = [(, for p in cached_entities('product')] if queries: run_form = RunForm(queries) run_form.populate(queries) if run_form.is_valid(): queries = run_form.cleaned_data data = test_run_report(queries, report_type) else: errors = run_form.errors tmpl = templates.get(report_type, 'report/common/search_run.html') queries = fmt_queries(queries) request_path = remove_from_request_path(request, 'report_type') if request_path: path_without_build = remove_from_request_path(request_path, 'r_build') data.update(locals()) return render_to_response(tmpl, data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def all(request, template_name='plan/all.html'): '''Display all testplans''' # TODO: this function now only performs a forward feature, no queries # need here. All of it will be removed in the future. # If it's not a search the page will be blank tps = TestPlan.objects.none() query_result = False order_by = request.GET.get('order_by', 'create_date') asc = bool(request.GET.get('asc', None)) # if it's a search request the page will be fill if request.GET: search_form = SearchPlanForm(request.GET) if request.GET.get('product'): search_form.populate(product_id=request.GET['product']) else: search_form.populate() if search_form.is_valid(): query_result = True # build a QuerySet: tps = TestPlan.list(search_form.cleaned_data) tps = tps.select_related('author', 'type', 'product') # We want to get the number of cases and runs, without doing # lots of per-test queries. # # Ideally we would get the case/run counts using m2m field tricks # in the ORM # Unfortunately, Django's select_related only works on ForeignKey # relationships, not on ManyToManyField attributes # See # SQLAlchemy can handle this kind of thing in several ways. # Unfortunately we're using Django # The cleanest way I can find to get it into one query is to # use QuerySet.extra() # See tps = tps.extra(select={ 'num_cases': RawSQL.num_cases, 'num_runs': RawSQL.num_runs, 'num_children': RawSQL.num_plans, }) tps = order_plan_queryset(tps, order_by, asc) else: # Set search active plans only by default search_form = SearchPlanForm(initial={'is_active': True}) if request.GET.get('action') == 'clone_case': template_name = 'case/clone_select_plan.html' tps = tps.order_by('name') if request.GET.get('t') == 'ajax': results = [] for obj in tps: dict_obj = model_to_dict(obj, fields=('name', 'parent', 'is_active')) for attr in ['pk', 'num_cases', 'num_cases', 'num_runs', 'num_children']: dict_obj[attr] = getattr(obj, attr) dict_obj['get_url_path'] = obj.get_url_path() results.append(dict_obj) return JsonResponse(results, safe=False) if request.GET.get('t') == 'html': if request.GET.get('f') == 'preview': template_name = 'plan/preview.html' query_url = remove_from_request_path(request, 'order_by') if asc: query_url = remove_from_request_path(query_url, 'asc') else: query_url = '%s&asc=True' % query_url page_type = request.GET.get('page_type', 'pagination') query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(request, 'page_type') if query_url_page_type: query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(query_url_page_type, 'page') context_data = { 'test_plans': tps, 'query_result': query_result, 'search_plan_form': search_form, 'query_url': query_url, 'query_url_page_type': query_url_page_type, 'page_type': page_type } return render(request, template_name, context_data)
def get_all(request): """Display all testplans""" # TODO: this function now only performs a forward feature, no queries # need here. All of it will be removed in the future. # If it's not a search the page will be blank tps = TestPlan.objects.none() query_result = False order_by = request.GET.get('order_by', 'create_date') asc = bool(request.GET.get('asc', None)) # if it's a search request the page will be fill if request.GET: search_form = SearchPlanForm(request.GET) search_form.populate(product_id=request.GET.get('product')) if search_form.is_valid(): query_result = True # build a QuerySet: tps = TestPlan.list(search_form.cleaned_data) tps = tps.select_related('author', 'type', 'product') tps = order_plan_queryset(tps, order_by, asc) else: # Set search active plans only by default search_form = SearchPlanForm(initial={'is_active': True}) if request.GET.get('action') == 'clone_case': template_name = 'case/clone_select_plan.html' tps = tps.order_by('name') # test plan TreeView if request.GET.get('t') == 'ajax': results = [] for obj in tps: dict_obj = model_to_dict(obj, fields=('name', 'parent', 'is_active')) for attr in ['pk']: dict_obj[attr] = getattr(obj, attr) dict_obj['plan_url'] = reverse('test_plan_url_short', args=[]) results.append(dict_obj) return JsonResponse(results, safe=False) # used in tree preview if request.GET.get('t') == 'html': if request.GET.get('f') == 'preview': template_name = 'plan/preview.html' query_url = remove_from_request_path(request, 'order_by') if asc: query_url = remove_from_request_path(query_url, 'asc') else: query_url = '%s&asc=True' % query_url page_type = request.GET.get('page_type', 'pagination') query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(request, 'page_type') if query_url_page_type: query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(query_url_page_type, 'page') context_data = { 'test_plans': tps, 'query_result': query_result, 'search_plan_form': search_form, 'query_url': query_url, 'query_url_page_type': query_url_page_type, 'page_type': page_type } return render(request, template_name, context_data)
def all(request, template_name='plan/all.html'): '''Display all testplans''' # Define the default sub module SUB_MODULE_NAME = 'plans' # TODO: this function now only performs a forward feature, no queries # need here. All of it will be removed in the future. # If it's not a search the page will be blank tps = TestPlan.objects.none() query_result = False order_by = request.GET.get('order_by', 'create_date') asc = bool(request.GET.get('asc', None)) # if it's a search request the page will be fill if request.GET.items(): search_form = SearchPlanForm(request.GET) if request.GET.get('product'): search_form.populate(product_id=request.GET['product']) else: search_form.populate() if search_form.is_valid(): # Detemine the query is the user's plans and change the sub # module value author = request.GET.get('author') if author and request.user.is_authenticated(): if author == request.user.username or author == SUB_MODULE_NAME = "my_plans" query_result = True # build a QuerySet: tps = TestPlan.list(search_form.cleaned_data) tps = tps.select_related('author', 'type', 'product') # We want to get the number of cases and runs, without doing # lots of per-test queries. # # Ideally we would get the case/run counts using m2m field tricks # in the ORM # Unfortunately, Django's select_related only works on ForeignKey # relationships, not on ManyToManyField attributes # See # SQLAlchemy can handle this kind of thing in several ways. # Unfortunately we're using Django # The cleanest way I can find to get it into one query is to # use QuerySet.extra() # See tps = tps.extra(select={ 'num_cases': RawSQL.num_cases, 'num_runs': RawSQL.num_runs, 'num_children': RawSQL.num_plans, }) tps = order_plan_queryset(tps, order_by, asc) else: # Set search active plans only by default # I wish to use 'default' argument, as the same as in ModelForm # But it does not seem to work search_form = SearchPlanForm(initial={'is_active': True}) if request.GET.get('action') == 'clone_case': template_name = 'case/clone_select_plan.html' tps = tps.order_by('name') if request.GET.get('t') == 'ajax': return HttpResponse(serializers.serialize( request.GET.get('f', 'json'), tps, extras=('num_cases', 'num_runs', 'num_children', 'get_url_path') )) if request.GET.get('t') == 'html': if request.GET.get('f') == 'preview': template_name = 'plan/preview.html' query_url = remove_from_request_path(request, 'order_by') if asc: query_url = remove_from_request_path(query_url, 'asc') else: query_url = '%s&asc=True' % query_url page_type = request.GET.get('page_type', 'pagination') query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(request, 'page_type') if query_url_page_type: query_url_page_type = remove_from_request_path(query_url_page_type, 'page') context_data = { 'module': MODULE_NAME, 'sub_module': SUB_MODULE_NAME, 'test_plans': tps, 'query_result': query_result, 'search_plan_form': search_form, 'query_url': query_url, 'query_url_page_type': query_url_page_type, 'page_type': page_type } return render_to_response(template_name, context_data, context_instance=RequestContext(request))