def _get_angles(coords): base_shape = [int(dim) for dim in coords.shape] base_shape.pop(1) base_shape[-1] = 1 coords_list = tf.unstack(coords, axis=1) def _get_angle_for_joint(joint_idx, parent_idx, angles): if parent_idx is None: # joint_idx should be 0 parent_bone = K.constant( np.concatenate([ np.ones(base_shape), np.zeros(base_shape), np.zeros(base_shape) ], axis=-1)) else: parent_bone = coords_list[parent_idx] - coords_list[ joint_idx] for child_idx in body_graph[joint_idx]: child_bone = coords_list[child_idx] - coords_list[joint_idx] angle = quaternion_between(parent_bone, child_bone) angle = quaternion_to_expmap(angle) angles.append(angle) for child_idx in body_graph[joint_idx]: angles = _get_angle_for_joint(child_idx, joint_idx, angles) return angles angles = _get_angle_for_joint(0, None, []) return K.stack(angles, axis=1)
def _diff_to_seq(args): diffs, start_pose = args diffs_list = tf.unstack(diffs, axis=2) poses = [start_pose] for p in range(diffs.shape[2]): poses.append(poses[p] + diffs_list[p]) return K.stack(poses, axis=2)
def _get_bone_len(arg): bone_list = tf.unstack(arg[:, :, 0, :], axis=1) bones = [ bone_list[j] - bone_list[i] for i, j in zip(members_from, members_to) ] bones = K.stack(bones, axis=1) return K.sqrt(K.sum(K.square(bones), axis=-1) + K.epsilon())
def _get_avg_bone_len(arg): bone_list = tf.unstack(arg[:, :, 0, :], axis=1) bones = [ bone_list[j] - bone_list[i] for i, j in zip(members_from, members_to) ] bones = K.expand_dims(K.stack(bones, axis=1), axis=2) bone_len = K.sqrt( K.sum(K.square(bones), axis=-1, keepdims=True) + K.epsilon()) return K.mean(bone_len, axis=1, keepdims=True)
def _get_coords(args): rotmat, bone_len = args rotmat_list = tf.unstack(rotmat, axis=1) bone_len_list = tf.unstack(bone_len, axis=1) base_shape = [int(d) for d in rotmat.shape] base_shape.pop(1) base_shape[-2] = 1 base_shape[-1] = 1 bone_idcs = { idx_tup: i for i, idx_tup in enumerate( [idx_tup for idx_tup in zip(members_from, members_to)]) } def _get_coords_for_joint(joint_idx, parent_idx, child_angle_idx, coords): if parent_idx is None: # joint_idx should be 0 coords[joint_idx] = K.zeros(base_shape[:-2] + [3, 1]) parent_bone = K.constant( np.concatenate([ np.ones(base_shape), np.zeros(base_shape), np.zeros(base_shape) ], axis=-2)) else: parent_bone = coords[parent_idx] - coords[joint_idx] parent_bone_norm = K.sqrt( K.sum(K.square(parent_bone), axis=-2, keepdims=True) + K.epsilon()) parent_bone = parent_bone / parent_bone_norm for child_idx in body_graph[joint_idx]: child_bone = tf.matmul(rotmat_list[child_angle_idx], parent_bone) child_bone_idx = bone_idcs[(joint_idx, child_idx)] child_bone = child_bone * K.reshape( bone_len_list[child_bone_idx], (child_bone.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)) coords[child_idx] = child_bone + coords[joint_idx] child_angle_idx += 1 for child_idx in body_graph[joint_idx]: child_angle_idx, coords = _get_coords_for_joint( child_idx, joint_idx, child_angle_idx, coords) return child_angle_idx, coords child_angle_idx, coords = _get_coords_for_joint(0, None, 0, {}) coords = K.stack([t for i, t in sorted(coords.iteritems())], axis=1) coords = K.squeeze(coords, axis=-1) return coords
def _get_rotation(arg): coords_list = tf.unstack(arg[:, :, 0, :], axis=1) torso_rot = tf.cross( coords_list[left_shoulder] - coords_list[hip], coords_list[right_shoulder] - coords_list[hip]) side_rot = K.reshape( tf.cross(coords_list[head_top] - coords_list[hip], torso_rot), base_shape) theta_diff = ( (np.pi / 2) - tf.atan2(side_rot[..., 1], side_rot[..., 0])) / 2 cos_theta_diff = tf.cos(theta_diff) sin_theta_diff = tf.sin(theta_diff) zeros_theta = K.zeros_like(sin_theta_diff) return K.stack( [cos_theta_diff, zeros_theta, zeros_theta, sin_theta_diff], axis=-1)
def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs) tensor_input_shape = K.shape(inputs) # Prepare broadcasting shape. reduction_axes = list(range(len(input_shape))) del reduction_axes[self.axis] broadcast_shape = [1] * len(input_shape) broadcast_shape[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis] // self.groups broadcast_shape.insert(1, self.groups) reshape_group_shape = K.shape(inputs) group_axes = [reshape_group_shape[i] for i in range(len(input_shape))] group_axes[self.axis] = input_shape[self.axis] // self.groups group_axes.insert(1, self.groups) # reshape inputs to new group shape group_shape = [group_axes[0], self.groups] + group_axes[2:] group_shape = K.stack(group_shape) inputs = K.reshape(inputs, group_shape) group_reduction_axes = list(range(len(group_axes))) mean, variance = _moments(inputs, group_reduction_axes[2:], keep_dims=True) inputs = (inputs - mean) / (K.sqrt(variance + self.epsilon)) # prepare broadcast shape inputs = K.reshape(inputs, group_shape) outputs = inputs # In this case we must explicitly broadcast all parameters. if self.scale: broadcast_gamma = K.reshape(self.gamma, broadcast_shape) outputs = outputs * broadcast_gamma if broadcast_beta = K.reshape(self.beta, broadcast_shape) outputs = outputs + broadcast_beta # finally we reshape the output back to the input shape outputs = K.reshape(outputs, tensor_input_shape) return outputs
def _atari_state_feature_net(observation_space, net_name): num_frames = len(observation_space.spaces) height, width = observation_space.spaces[0].shape input_shape = height, width, num_frames # input state state = Input(shape=input_shape) # convolutional layers conv1_32 = Conv2D(32, (8, 8), strides=(4, 4), activation='relu') conv2_64 = Conv2D(64, (4, 4), strides=(2, 2), activation='relu') conv3_64 = Conv2D(64, (3, 3), strides=(1, 1), activation='relu') # if recurrent net then change input shape if 'lstm' in net_name or 'gru' in net_name: # recurrent net lambda_perm_state = lambda x: K.permute_dimensions(x, [0, 3, 1, 2]) perm_state = Lambda(lambda_perm_state)(state) dist_state = Lambda(lambda x: K.stack([x], axis=4))(perm_state) # extract features with `TimeDistributed` wrapped convolutional layers dist_conv1 = TimeDistributed(conv1_32)(dist_state) dist_conv2 = TimeDistributed(conv2_64)(dist_conv1) dist_convf = TimeDistributed(conv3_64)(dist_conv2) feature = TimeDistributed(Flatten())(dist_convf) # specify net type for the following layer if 'lstm' in net_name: net = LSTM elif 'gru' in net_name: net = GRU elif 'fc' in net_name: # fully connected net # extract features with convolutional layers conv1 = conv1_32(state) conv2 = conv2_64(conv1) convf = conv3_64(conv2) feature = Flatten()(convf) # specify net type for the following layer net = Dense else: raise ValueError('`net_name` is not recognized') return state, feature, net
def _get_angles_mask(coord_masks): base_shape = [int(dim) for dim in coord_masks.shape] base_shape.pop(1) base_shape[-1] = 1 coord_masks_list = tf.unstack(coord_masks, axis=1) def _get_angle_mask_for_joint(joint_idx, angles_mask): for child_idx in body_graph[joint_idx]: angles_mask.append(coord_masks_list[child_idx] ) # * coord_masks_list[joint_idx] for child_idx in body_graph[joint_idx]: angles_mask = _get_angle_mask_for_joint( child_idx, angles_mask) return angles_mask angles_mask = _get_angle_mask_for_joint(0, []) return K.stack(angles_mask, axis=1)