Example #1
    def __init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod, sSubject, aidSubjects, # pylint: disable=R0913
                 aidTestBoxes, aidBuildCats, aidTestCases, fSepTestVars):
        assert(sSubject == self.ksSubEverything); # dummy
        ReportModelBase.__init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod, sSubject, aidSubjects);
        self.aidTestBoxes = aidTestBoxes;
        self.aidBuildCats = aidBuildCats;
        self.aidTestCases = aidTestCases;
        self.fOnTestCase  = not fSepTestVars; # (Separates testcase variations into separate data series.)
        self.oCache       = DatabaseObjCache(self._oDb, self.tsNow, None, self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod);

        # Quickly validate and convert the subject "IDs".
        self.aoLookups       = [];
        for sCur in self.aidSubjects:
            asParts = sCur.split(':');
            if len(asParts) < 2:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value "%s"' % (sCur,));

            sType = asParts[0];
            if sType not in ReportGraphModel.kasTypes:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value type "%s" (full: "%s")' % (sType, sCur,));

            aidStrTests = [];
            for sIdStr in asParts[1:]:
                try:    idStr = int(sIdStr);
                except: raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value id "%s" (full: "%s")' % (sIdStr, sCur,));
                if idStr < 0:
                    raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value id "%u" (full: "%s")' % (idStr, sCur,));

            idStrValue = None;
            if sType == ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue:
                idStrValue = aidStrTests.pop();
            self.aoLookups.append(ReportGraphModel.SampleSource(sType, aidStrTests, idStrValue));
Example #2
    def __init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod, sSubject, aidSubjects, # pylint: disable=R0913
                 aidTestBoxes, aidBuildCats, aidTestCases, fSepTestVars):
        assert(sSubject == self.ksSubEverything); # dummy
        ReportModelBase.__init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod, sSubject, aidSubjects);
        self.aidTestBoxes = aidTestBoxes;
        self.aidBuildCats = aidBuildCats;
        self.aidTestCases = aidTestCases;
        self.fOnTestCase  = not fSepTestVars; # (Separates testcase variations into separate data series.)
        self.oCache       = DatabaseObjCache(self._oDb, self.tsNow, None, self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod);

        # Quickly validate and convert the subject "IDs".
        self.aoLookups       = [];
        for sCur in self.aidSubjects:
            asParts = sCur.split(':');
            if len(asParts) < 2:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value "%s"' % (sCur,));

            sType = asParts[0];
            if sType not in ReportGraphModel.kasTypes:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value type "%s" (full: "%s")' % (sType, sCur,));

            aidStrTests = [];
            for sIdStr in asParts[1:]:
                try:    idStr = int(sIdStr);
                except: raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value id "%s" (full: "%s")' % (sIdStr, sCur,));
                if idStr < 0:
                    raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value id "%u" (full: "%s")' % (idStr, sCur,));

            idStrValue = None;
            if sType == ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue:
                idStrValue = aidStrTests.pop();
            self.aoLookups.append(ReportGraphModel.SampleSource(sType, aidStrTests, idStrValue));
Example #3
class ReportGraphModel(ReportModelBase): # pylint: disable=R0903
    Extended report model used when generating the more complicated graphs
    detailing results, time elapsed and values over time.

    ## @name Subject ID types.
    ## These prefix the values in the aidSubjects array.  The prefix is
    ## followed by a colon and then a list of string IDs.  Following the prefix
    ## is one or more string table IDs separated by colons.  These are used to
    ## drill down the exact test result we're looking for, by matching against
    ## TestResult::idStrName (in the db).
    ## @{
    ksTypeResult  = 'result';
    ksTypeElapsed = 'elapsed';
    ## The last string table ID gives the name of the value.
    ksTypeValue   = 'value';
    ## List of types.
    kasTypes = (ksTypeResult, ksTypeElapsed, ksTypeValue);
    ## @}

    class SampleSource(object):
        """ A sample source. """
        def __init__(self, sType, aidStrTests, idStrValue):
            self.sType       = sType;
            self.aidStrTests = aidStrTests;
            self.idStrValue  = idStrValue;

        def getTestResultTables(self):
            """ Retrieves the list of TestResults tables to join with."""
            sRet = '';
            for i in range(len(self.aidStrTests)):
                sRet += '         TestResults TR%u,\n' % (i,);
            return sRet;

        def getTestResultConditions(self):
            """ Retrieves the join conditions for the TestResults tables."""
            sRet = '';
            cItems = len(self.aidStrTests);
            for i in range(cItems - 1):
                sRet += '     AND TR%u.idStrName = %u\n' \
                        '     AND TR%u.idTestResultParent = TR%u.idTestResult\n' \
                      % ( i, self.aidStrTests[cItems - i - 1], i, i + 1 );
            sRet += '     AND TR%u.idStrName = %u\n' % (cItems - 1, self.aidStrTests[0]);
            return sRet;

    class DataSeries(object):
        """ A data series. """
        def __init__(self, oCache, idBuildCategory, idTestBox, idTestCase, idTestCaseArgs, iUnit):
            _ = oCache;
            self.idBuildCategory    = idBuildCategory;
            self.oBuildCategory     = oCache.getBuildCategory(idBuildCategory);
            self.idTestBox          = idTestBox;
            self.oTestBox           = oCache.getTestBox(idTestBox);
            self.idTestCase         = idTestCase;
            self.idTestCaseArgs     = idTestCaseArgs;
            if idTestCase is not None:
                self.oTestCase      = oCache.getTestCase(idTestCase);
                self.oTestCaseArgs  = None;
                self.oTestCaseArgs  = oCache.getTestCaseArgs(idTestCaseArgs);
                self.oTestCase      = oCache.getTestCase(self.oTestCaseArgs.idTestCase);
            self.iUnit              = iUnit;
            # Six parallel arrays.
            self.aiRevisions        = []; # The X values.
            self.aiValues           = []; # The Y values.
            self.aiErrorBarBelow    = []; # The Y value minimum errorbars, relative to the Y value (positive).
            self.aiErrorBarAbove    = []; # The Y value maximum errorbars, relative to the Y value (positive).
            self.acSamples          = []; # The number of samples at this X value.
            self.aoRevInfo          = []; # VcsRevisionData objects for each revision. Empty/SQL-NULL objects if no info.

    class DataSeriesCollection(object):
        """ A collection of data series corresponding to one input sample source. """
        def __init__(self, oSampleSrc, asTests, sValue = None):
            self.sType       = oSampleSrc.sType;
            self.aidStrTests = oSampleSrc.aidStrTests;
            self.asTests     = list(asTests);
            self.idStrValue  = oSampleSrc.idStrValue;
            self.sValue      = sValue;
            self.aoSeries    = [];

        def addDataSeries(self, oDataSeries):
            """ Appends a data series to the collection. """
            return oDataSeries;

    def __init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod, sSubject, aidSubjects, # pylint: disable=R0913
                 aidTestBoxes, aidBuildCats, aidTestCases, fSepTestVars):
        assert(sSubject == self.ksSubEverything); # dummy
        ReportModelBase.__init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod, sSubject, aidSubjects);
        self.aidTestBoxes = aidTestBoxes;
        self.aidBuildCats = aidBuildCats;
        self.aidTestCases = aidTestCases;
        self.fOnTestCase  = not fSepTestVars; # (Separates testcase variations into separate data series.)
        self.oCache       = DatabaseObjCache(self._oDb, self.tsNow, None, self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod);

        # Quickly validate and convert the subject "IDs".
        self.aoLookups       = [];
        for sCur in self.aidSubjects:
            asParts = sCur.split(':');
            if len(asParts) < 2:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value "%s"' % (sCur,));

            sType = asParts[0];
            if sType not in ReportGraphModel.kasTypes:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value type "%s" (full: "%s")' % (sType, sCur,));

            aidStrTests = [];
            for sIdStr in asParts[1:]:
                try:    idStr = int(sIdStr);
                except: raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value id "%s" (full: "%s")' % (sIdStr, sCur,));
                if idStr < 0:
                    raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value id "%u" (full: "%s")' % (idStr, sCur,));

            idStrValue = None;
            if sType == ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue:
                idStrValue = aidStrTests.pop();
            self.aoLookups.append(ReportGraphModel.SampleSource(sType, aidStrTests, idStrValue));

        # done

    def getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriod(self, sTimestampField):
        Returns additional WHERE expression for getting test sets for the
        specified period.  It starts with an AND so that it can simply be
        appended to the WHERE clause.
        return self.getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriodEx(sTimestampField, sTimestampField, True);

    def getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriodEx(self, sStartField = 'tsCreated', sEndField = 'tsDone', fLeadingAnd = True):
        Returns additional WHERE expression for getting test sets for the
        specified period.
        if self.tsNow is None:
            sNow = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
            sNow = self._oDb.formatBindArgs('%s::TIMESTAMP', (self.tsNow,));

        sRet = '     AND %s >= (%s - interval \'%u hours\')\n' \
               '     AND %s <=  %s\n' \
             % ( sStartField, sNow, self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod,
                 sEndField, sNow);

        if not fLeadingAnd:
            assert sRet[8] == ' ' and sRet[7] == 'D';
            return sRet[9:];
        return sRet;

    def _getEligibleTestSetPeriod(self, sPrefix = 'TestSets.', fLeadingAnd = False):
        Returns additional WHERE expression for getting TestSets rows
        potentially relevant for the selected period.
        if self.tsNow is None:
            sNow = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP';
            sNow = self._oDb.formatBindArgs('%s::TIMESTAMP', (self.tsNow,));

        # The 2nd line is a performance hack on TestSets.  It nudges postgresql
        # into useing the TestSetsCreatedDoneIdx index instead of doing a table
        # scan when we look for eligible bits there.
        # ASSUMES no relevant test runs longer than 7 days!
        sRet = '     AND %stsCreated <= %s\n' \
               '     AND %stsCreated >= (%s - interval \'%u hours\' - interval \'%u days\')\n' \
               '     AND %stsDone    >= (%s - interval \'%u hours\')\n' \
             % ( sPrefix, sNow,
                 sPrefix, sNow,  self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod, 7,
                 sPrefix, sNow, self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod, );

        if not fLeadingAnd:
            assert sRet[8] == ' ' and sRet[7] == 'D';
            return sRet[9:];
        return sRet;

    def _getNameStrings(self, aidStrTests):
        """ Returns an array of names corresponding to the array of string table entries. """
        return [self.oCache.getTestResultString(idStr) for idStr in aidStrTests];

    def fetchGraphData(self):
        """ returns data """
        sWantedTestCaseId = 'idTestCase' if self.fOnTestCase else 'idTestCaseArgs';

        aoRet = [];
        for oLookup in self.aoLookups:
            # Set up the result collection.
            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                oCollection = self.DataSeriesCollection(oLookup, self._getNameStrings(oLookup.aidStrTests),
                oCollection = self.DataSeriesCollection(oLookup, self._getNameStrings(oLookup.aidStrTests));

            # Construct the query.
            sQuery  = 'SELECT   Builds.iRevision,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.idBuildCategory,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.idTestBox,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.' + sWantedTestCaseId + ',\n';
            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                sQuery += '         TestResultValues.iUnit as iUnit,\n' \
                          '         MIN(TestResultValues.lValue),\n' \
                          '         CAST(ROUND(AVG(TestResultValues.lValue)) AS BIGINT),\n' \
                          '         MAX(TestResultValues.lValue),\n' \
                          '         COUNT(TestResultValues.lValue)\n';
            elif oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeElapsed:
                sQuery += '         %u as iUnit,\n' \
                          '         CAST((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM MIN(TR0.tsElapsed)) * 1000) AS INTEGER),\n' \
                          '         CAST((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM AVG(TR0.tsElapsed)) * 1000) AS INTEGER),\n' \
                          '         CAST((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM MAX(TR0.tsElapsed)) * 1000) AS INTEGER),\n' \
                          '         COUNT(TR0.tsElapsed)\n' \
                        % (constants.valueunit.MS,);
                sQuery += '         %u as iUnit,\n'\
                          '         MIN(TR0.cErrors),\n' \
                          '         CAST(ROUND(AVG(TR0.cErrors)) AS INTEGER),\n' \
                          '         MAX(TR0.cErrors),\n' \
                          '         COUNT(TR0.cErrors)\n' \
                        % (constants.valueunit.OCCURRENCES,);

            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                sQuery += 'FROM     TestResultValues,\n';
                sQuery += '         TestSets,\n'
                sQuery += oLookup.getTestResultTables();
                sQuery += 'FROM     ' + oLookup.getTestResultTables().lstrip();
                sQuery += '         TestSets,\n';
            sQuery += '         Builds\n';

            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                sQuery += 'WHERE    TestResultValues.idStrName = %u\n' % ( oLookup.idStrValue, );
                sQuery += self.getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriod('TestResultValues.tsCreated');
                sQuery += '     AND TestResultValues.idTestSet = TestSets.idTestSet\n';
                sQuery += self._getEligibleTestSetPeriod(fLeadingAnd = True);
                sQuery += 'WHERE    ' + (self.getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriod('TR0.tsCreated').lstrip()[4:]).lstrip();
                sQuery += '     AND TR0.idTestSet = TestSets.idTestSet\n';

            if len(self.aidTestBoxes) == 1:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idTestBox = %u\n' % (self.aidTestBoxes[0],);
            elif len(self.aidTestBoxes) > 0:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idTestBox IN (' + ','.join([str(i) for i in self.aidTestBoxes]) + ')\n';

            if len(self.aidBuildCats) == 1:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idBuildCategory = %u\n' % (self.aidBuildCats[0],);
            elif len(self.aidBuildCats) > 0:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idBuildCategory IN (' + ','.join([str(i) for i in self.aidBuildCats]) + ')\n';

            if len(self.aidTestCases) == 1:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idTestCase = %u\n' % (self.aidTestCases[0],);
            elif len(self.aidTestCases) > 0:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idTestCase IN (' + ','.join([str(i) for i in self.aidTestCases]) + ')\n';

            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeElapsed:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.enmStatus = \'%s\'::TestStatus_T\n' % (self.ksTestStatus_Success,);

            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                sQuery += '     AND TestResultValues.idTestResult = TR0.idTestResult\n'
                sQuery += self.getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriod('TR0.tsCreated'); # For better index matching in some cases.

            if oLookup.sType != self.ksTypeResult:
                sQuery += '     AND TR0.enmStatus = \'%s\'::TestStatus_T\n' % (self.ksTestStatus_Success,);

            sQuery += oLookup.getTestResultConditions();
            sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idBuild = Builds.idBuild\n';

            sQuery += 'GROUP BY TestSets.idBuildCategory,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.idTestBox,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.' + sWantedTestCaseId + ',\n' \
                      '         iUnit,\n' \
                      '         Builds.iRevision\n';
            sQuery += 'ORDER BY TestSets.idBuildCategory,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.idTestBox,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.' + sWantedTestCaseId + ',\n' \
                      '         iUnit,\n' \
                      '         Builds.iRevision\n';

            # Execute it and collect the result.
            sCurRepository   = None;
            dRevisions       = {};
            oLastSeries      = None;
            idLastBuildCat   = -1;
            idLastTestBox    = -1;
            idLastTestCase   = -1;
            iLastUnit        = -1;
            for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll(): # Fetching all here so we can make cache queries below.
                if  aoRow[1] != idLastBuildCat \
                 or aoRow[2] != idLastTestBox \
                 or aoRow[3] != idLastTestCase \
                 or aoRow[4] != iLastUnit:
                    idLastBuildCat = aoRow[1];
                    idLastTestBox  = aoRow[2];
                    idLastTestCase = aoRow[3];
                    iLastUnit      = aoRow[4];
                    if self.fOnTestCase:
                        oLastSeries = self.DataSeries(self.oCache, idLastBuildCat, idLastTestBox,
                                                      idLastTestCase, None, iLastUnit);
                        oLastSeries = self.DataSeries(self.oCache, idLastBuildCat, idLastTestBox,
                                                      None, idLastTestCase, iLastUnit);
                    if oLastSeries.oBuildCategory.sRepository != sCurRepository:
                        if sCurRepository is not None:
                            self.oCache.preloadVcsRevInfo(sCurRepository, dRevisions.keys());
                        sCurRepository = oLastSeries.oBuildCategory.sRepository
                        dRevisions = {};
                oLastSeries.aiErrorBarBelow.append(aoRow[6] - aoRow[5]);
                oLastSeries.aiErrorBarAbove.append(aoRow[7] - aoRow[6]);
                dRevisions[aoRow[0]] = 1;

            if sCurRepository is not None:
                self.oCache.preloadVcsRevInfo(sCurRepository, dRevisions.keys());
                del dRevisions;

            # Look up the VCS revision details.
            for oSeries in oCollection.aoSeries:
                for i in range(len(oSeries.aiRevisions)):
                    oSeries.aoRevInfo.append(self.oCache.getVcsRevInfo(sCurRepository, oSeries.aiRevisions[i]));

        return aoRet;

    def getEligibleTestBoxes(self):
        Returns a list of TestBoxData objects with eligible testboxes for
        the total period of time defined for this graph.

        # Taking the simple way out now, getting all active testboxes at the
        # time without filtering out on sample sources.

        # 1. Collect the relevant testbox generation IDs.
        self._oDb.execute('SELECT   DISTINCT idTestBox, idGenTestBox\n'
                          'FROM     TestSets\n'
                          'WHERE    ' + self._getEligibleTestSetPeriod(fLeadingAnd = False) +
                          'ORDER BY idTestBox, idGenTestBox DESC');
        idPrevTestBox    = -1;
        asIdGenTestBoxes = [];
        for _ in range(self._oDb.getRowCount()):
            aoRow = self._oDb.fetchOne();
            if aoRow[0] != idPrevTestBox:
                idPrevTestBox = aoRow[0];

        # 2. Query all the testbox data in one go.
        aoRet = [];
        if len(asIdGenTestBoxes) > 0:
            self._oDb.execute('SELECT   *\n'
                              'FROM     TestBoxes\n'
                              'WHERE    idGenTestBox in (' + ','.join(asIdGenTestBoxes) + ')\n'
                              'ORDER BY sName');
            for _ in range(self._oDb.getRowCount()):

        return aoRet;

    def getEligibleBuildCategories(self):
        Returns a list of BuildCategoryData objects with eligible build
        categories for the total period of time defined for this graph.  In
        addition it will add any currently selected categories that aren't
        really relevant to the period, just to simplify the WUI code.


        # Taking the simple way out now, getting all used build cat without
        # any testbox or testcase filtering.

        sSelectedBuildCats = '';
        if len(self.aidBuildCats) > 0:
            sSelectedBuildCats = '   OR idBuildCategory IN (' + ','.join([str(i) for i in self.aidBuildCats]) + ')\n';

        self._oDb.execute('SELECT   DISTINCT *\n'
                          'FROM     BuildCategories\n'
                          'WHERE    idBuildCategory IN (\n'
                          '   SELECT DISTINCT Builds.idBuildCategory\n'
                          '   FROM  TestSets, Builds\n'
                          '   WHERE ' + self._getEligibleTestSetPeriod(fLeadingAnd = False) +
                          '     AND TestSets.idBuild       = Builds.idBuild\n'
                          + sSelectedBuildCats +
                          'ORDER BY sProduct,\n'
                          '         sBranch,\n'
                          '         asOsArches,\n'
                          '         sType\n');
        aoRet = [];
        for _ in range(self._oDb.getRowCount()):

        return aoRet;
Example #4
class ReportGraphModel(ReportModelBase):  # pylint: disable=R0903
    Extended report model used when generating the more complicated graphs
    detailing results, time elapsed and values over time.

    ## @name Subject ID types.
    ## These prefix the values in the aidSubjects array.  The prefix is
    ## followed by a colon and then a list of string IDs.  Following the prefix
    ## is one or more string table IDs separated by colons.  These are used to
    ## drill down the exact test result we're looking for, by matching against
    ## TestResult::idStrName (in the db).
    ## @{
    ksTypeResult = 'result'
    ksTypeElapsed = 'elapsed'
    ## The last string table ID gives the name of the value.
    ksTypeValue = 'value'
    ## List of types.
    kasTypes = (ksTypeResult, ksTypeElapsed, ksTypeValue)

    ## @}

    class SampleSource(object):
        """ A sample source. """
        def __init__(self, sType, aidStrTests, idStrValue):
            self.sType = sType
            self.aidStrTests = aidStrTests
            self.idStrValue = idStrValue

        def getTestResultTables(self):
            """ Retrieves the list of TestResults tables to join with."""
            sRet = ''
            for i in range(len(self.aidStrTests)):
                sRet += '         TestResults TR%u,\n' % (i, )
            return sRet

        def getTestResultConditions(self):
            """ Retrieves the join conditions for the TestResults tables."""
            sRet = ''
            cItems = len(self.aidStrTests)
            for i in range(cItems - 1):
                sRet += '     AND TR%u.idStrName = %u\n' \
                        '     AND TR%u.idTestResultParent = TR%u.idTestResult\n' \
                      % ( i, self.aidStrTests[cItems - i - 1], i, i + 1 )
            sRet += '     AND TR%u.idStrName = %u\n' % (cItems - 1,
            return sRet

    class DataSeries(object):
        """ A data series. """
        def __init__(self, oCache, idBuildCategory, idTestBox, idTestCase,
                     idTestCaseArgs, iUnit):
            _ = oCache
            self.idBuildCategory = idBuildCategory
            self.oBuildCategory = oCache.getBuildCategory(idBuildCategory)
            self.idTestBox = idTestBox
            self.oTestBox = oCache.getTestBox(idTestBox)
            self.idTestCase = idTestCase
            self.idTestCaseArgs = idTestCaseArgs
            if idTestCase is not None:
                self.oTestCase = oCache.getTestCase(idTestCase)
                self.oTestCaseArgs = None
                self.oTestCaseArgs = oCache.getTestCaseArgs(idTestCaseArgs)
                self.oTestCase = oCache.getTestCase(
            self.iUnit = iUnit
            # Six parallel arrays.
            self.aiRevisions = []
            # The X values.
            self.aiValues = []
            # The Y values.
            self.aiErrorBarBelow = []
            # The Y value minimum errorbars, relative to the Y value (positive).
            self.aiErrorBarAbove = []
            # The Y value maximum errorbars, relative to the Y value (positive).
            self.acSamples = []
            # The number of samples at this X value.
            self.aoRevInfo = []
            # VcsRevisionData objects for each revision. Empty/SQL-NULL objects if no info.

    class DataSeriesCollection(object):
        """ A collection of data series corresponding to one input sample source. """
        def __init__(self, oSampleSrc, asTests, sValue=None):
            self.sType = oSampleSrc.sType
            self.aidStrTests = oSampleSrc.aidStrTests
            self.asTests = list(asTests)
            self.idStrValue = oSampleSrc.idStrValue
            self.sValue = sValue
            self.aoSeries = []

        def addDataSeries(self, oDataSeries):
            """ Appends a data series to the collection. """
            return oDataSeries

    def __init__(
            aidSubjects,  # pylint: disable=R0913
        assert (sSubject == self.ksSubEverything)
        # dummy
        ReportModelBase.__init__(self, oDb, tsNow, cPeriods, cHoursPerPeriod,
                                 sSubject, aidSubjects)
        self.aidTestBoxes = aidTestBoxes
        self.aidBuildCats = aidBuildCats
        self.aidTestCases = aidTestCases
        self.fOnTestCase = not fSepTestVars
        # (Separates testcase variations into separate data series.)
        self.oCache = DatabaseObjCache(self._oDb, self.tsNow, None,
                                       self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod)

        # Quickly validate and convert the subject "IDs".
        self.aoLookups = []
        for sCur in self.aidSubjects:
            asParts = sCur.split(':')
            if len(asParts) < 2:
                raise TMExceptionBase('Invalid graph value "%s"' % (sCur, ))

            sType = asParts[0]
            if sType not in ReportGraphModel.kasTypes:
                raise TMExceptionBase(
                    'Invalid graph value type "%s" (full: "%s")' % (

            aidStrTests = []
            for sIdStr in asParts[1:]:
                    idStr = int(sIdStr)
                    raise TMExceptionBase(
                        'Invalid graph value id "%s" (full: "%s")' % (
                if idStr < 0:
                    raise TMExceptionBase(
                        'Invalid graph value id "%u" (full: "%s")' % (

            idStrValue = None
            if sType == ReportGraphModel.ksTypeValue:
                idStrValue = aidStrTests.pop()
                ReportGraphModel.SampleSource(sType, aidStrTests, idStrValue))

        # done

    def getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriod(self, sTimestampField):
        Returns additional WHERE expression for getting test sets for the
        specified period.  It starts with an AND so that it can simply be
        appended to the WHERE clause.
        return self.getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriodEx(sTimestampField,
                                                      sTimestampField, True)

    def getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriodEx(self,
        Returns additional WHERE expression for getting test sets for the
        specified period.
        if self.tsNow is None:
            sNow = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'
            sNow = self._oDb.formatBindArgs('%s::TIMESTAMP', (self.tsNow, ))

        sRet = '     AND %s >= (%s - interval \'%u hours\')\n' \
               '     AND %s <=  %s\n' \
             % ( sStartField, sNow, self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod,
                 sEndField, sNow)

        if not fLeadingAnd:
            assert sRet[8] == ' ' and sRet[7] == 'D'
            return sRet[9:]
        return sRet

    def _getEligibleTestSetPeriod(self,
        Returns additional WHERE expression for getting TestSets rows
        potentially relevant for the selected period.
        if self.tsNow is None:
            sNow = 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP'
            sNow = self._oDb.formatBindArgs('%s::TIMESTAMP', (self.tsNow, ))

        # The 2nd line is a performance hack on TestSets.  It nudges postgresql
        # into useing the TestSetsCreatedDoneIdx index instead of doing a table
        # scan when we look for eligible bits there.
        # ASSUMES no relevant test runs longer than 7 days!
        sRet = '     AND %stsCreated <= %s\n' \
               '     AND %stsCreated >= (%s - interval \'%u hours\' - interval \'%u days\')\n' \
               '     AND %stsDone    >= (%s - interval \'%u hours\')\n' \
             % ( sPrefix, sNow,
                 sPrefix, sNow,  self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod, 7,
                 sPrefix, sNow, self.cPeriods * self.cHoursPerPeriod, )

        if not fLeadingAnd:
            assert sRet[8] == ' ' and sRet[7] == 'D'
            return sRet[9:]
        return sRet

    def _getNameStrings(self, aidStrTests):
        """ Returns an array of names corresponding to the array of string table entries. """
        return [
            self.oCache.getTestResultString(idStr) for idStr in aidStrTests

    def fetchGraphData(self):
        """ returns data """
        sWantedTestCaseId = 'idTestCase' if self.fOnTestCase else 'idTestCaseArgs'

        aoRet = []
        for oLookup in self.aoLookups:
            # Set up the result collection.
            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                oCollection = self.DataSeriesCollection(
                    oLookup, self._getNameStrings(oLookup.aidStrTests),
                oCollection = self.DataSeriesCollection(
                    oLookup, self._getNameStrings(oLookup.aidStrTests))

            # Construct the query.
            sQuery  = 'SELECT   Builds.iRevision,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.idBuildCategory,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.idTestBox,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.' + sWantedTestCaseId + ',\n'
            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                sQuery += '         TestResultValues.iUnit as iUnit,\n' \
                          '         MIN(TestResultValues.lValue),\n' \
                          '         CAST(ROUND(AVG(TestResultValues.lValue)) AS BIGINT),\n' \
                          '         MAX(TestResultValues.lValue),\n' \
                          '         COUNT(TestResultValues.lValue)\n'
            elif oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeElapsed:
                sQuery += '         %u as iUnit,\n' \
                          '         CAST((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM MIN(TR0.tsElapsed)) * 1000) AS INTEGER),\n' \
                          '         CAST((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM AVG(TR0.tsElapsed)) * 1000) AS INTEGER),\n' \
                          '         CAST((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM MAX(TR0.tsElapsed)) * 1000) AS INTEGER),\n' \
                          '         COUNT(TR0.tsElapsed)\n' \
                        % (constants.valueunit.MS,)
                sQuery += '         %u as iUnit,\n'\
                          '         MIN(TR0.cErrors),\n' \
                          '         CAST(ROUND(AVG(TR0.cErrors)) AS INTEGER),\n' \
                          '         MAX(TR0.cErrors),\n' \
                          '         COUNT(TR0.cErrors)\n' \
                        % (constants.valueunit.OCCURRENCES,)

            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                sQuery += 'FROM     TestResultValues,\n'
                sQuery += '         TestSets,\n'
                sQuery += oLookup.getTestResultTables()
                sQuery += 'FROM     ' + oLookup.getTestResultTables().lstrip()
                sQuery += '         TestSets,\n'
            sQuery += '         Builds\n'

            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                sQuery += 'WHERE    TestResultValues.idStrName = %u\n' % (
                    oLookup.idStrValue, )
                sQuery += self.getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriod(
                sQuery += '     AND TestResultValues.idTestSet = TestSets.idTestSet\n'
                sQuery += self._getEligibleTestSetPeriod(fLeadingAnd=True)
                sQuery += 'WHERE    ' + (self.getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriod(
                sQuery += '     AND TR0.idTestSet = TestSets.idTestSet\n'

            if len(self.aidTestBoxes) == 1:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idTestBox = %u\n' % (
                    self.aidTestBoxes[0], )
            elif len(self.aidTestBoxes) > 0:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idTestBox IN (' + ','.join(
                    [str(i) for i in self.aidTestBoxes]) + ')\n'

            if len(self.aidBuildCats) == 1:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idBuildCategory = %u\n' % (
                    self.aidBuildCats[0], )
            elif len(self.aidBuildCats) > 0:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idBuildCategory IN (' + ','.join(
                    [str(i) for i in self.aidBuildCats]) + ')\n'

            if len(self.aidTestCases) == 1:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idTestCase = %u\n' % (
                    self.aidTestCases[0], )
            elif len(self.aidTestCases) > 0:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idTestCase IN (' + ','.join(
                    [str(i) for i in self.aidTestCases]) + ')\n'

            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeElapsed:
                sQuery += '     AND TestSets.enmStatus = \'%s\'::TestStatus_T\n' % (
                    self.ksTestStatus_Success, )

            if oLookup.sType == self.ksTypeValue:
                sQuery += '     AND TestResultValues.idTestResult = TR0.idTestResult\n'
                sQuery += self.getExtraWhereExprForTotalPeriod('TR0.tsCreated')
                # For better index matching in some cases.

            if oLookup.sType != self.ksTypeResult:
                sQuery += '     AND TR0.enmStatus = \'%s\'::TestStatus_T\n' % (
                    self.ksTestStatus_Success, )

            sQuery += oLookup.getTestResultConditions()
            sQuery += '     AND TestSets.idBuild = Builds.idBuild\n'

            sQuery += 'GROUP BY TestSets.idBuildCategory,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.idTestBox,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.' + sWantedTestCaseId + ',\n' \
                      '         iUnit,\n' \
                      '         Builds.iRevision\n'
            sQuery += 'ORDER BY TestSets.idBuildCategory,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.idTestBox,\n' \
                      '         TestSets.' + sWantedTestCaseId + ',\n' \
                      '         iUnit,\n' \
                      '         Builds.iRevision\n'

            # Execute it and collect the result.
            sCurRepository = None
            dRevisions = {}
            oLastSeries = None
            idLastBuildCat = -1
            idLastTestBox = -1
            idLastTestCase = -1
            iLastUnit = -1
            for aoRow in self._oDb.fetchAll(
            ):  # Fetching all here so we can make cache queries below.
                if  aoRow[1] != idLastBuildCat \
                 or aoRow[2] != idLastTestBox \
                 or aoRow[3] != idLastTestCase \
                 or aoRow[4] != iLastUnit:
                    idLastBuildCat = aoRow[1]
                    idLastTestBox = aoRow[2]
                    idLastTestCase = aoRow[3]
                    iLastUnit = aoRow[4]
                    if self.fOnTestCase:
                        oLastSeries = self.DataSeries(self.oCache,
                                                      idLastTestCase, None,
                        oLastSeries = self.DataSeries(self.oCache,
                                                      idLastTestBox, None,
                    if oLastSeries.oBuildCategory.sRepository != sCurRepository:
                        if sCurRepository is not None:
                                sCurRepository, dRevisions.keys())
                        sCurRepository = oLastSeries.oBuildCategory.sRepository
                        dRevisions = {}
                oLastSeries.aiErrorBarBelow.append(aoRow[6] - aoRow[5])
                oLastSeries.aiErrorBarAbove.append(aoRow[7] - aoRow[6])
                dRevisions[aoRow[0]] = 1

            if sCurRepository is not None:
                del dRevisions

            # Look up the VCS revision details.
            for oSeries in oCollection.aoSeries:
                for i in range(len(oSeries.aiRevisions)):

        return aoRet

    def getEligibleTestBoxes(self):
        Returns a list of TestBoxData objects with eligible testboxes for
        the total period of time defined for this graph.

        # Taking the simple way out now, getting all active testboxes at the
        # time without filtering out on sample sources.

        # 1. Collect the relevant testbox generation IDs.
        self._oDb.execute('SELECT   DISTINCT idTestBox, idGenTestBox\n'
                          'FROM     TestSets\n'
                          'WHERE    ' +
                          self._getEligibleTestSetPeriod(fLeadingAnd=False) +
                          'ORDER BY idTestBox, idGenTestBox DESC')
        idPrevTestBox = -1
        asIdGenTestBoxes = []
        for _ in range(self._oDb.getRowCount()):
            aoRow = self._oDb.fetchOne()
            if aoRow[0] != idPrevTestBox:
                idPrevTestBox = aoRow[0]

        # 2. Query all the testbox data in one go.
        aoRet = []
        if len(asIdGenTestBoxes) > 0:
            self._oDb.execute('SELECT   *\n'
                              'FROM     TestBoxes\n'
                              'WHERE    idGenTestBox in (' +
                              ','.join(asIdGenTestBoxes) + ')\n'
                              'ORDER BY sName')
            for _ in range(self._oDb.getRowCount()):

        return aoRet

    def getEligibleBuildCategories(self):
        Returns a list of BuildCategoryData objects with eligible build
        categories for the total period of time defined for this graph.  In
        addition it will add any currently selected categories that aren't
        really relevant to the period, just to simplify the WUI code.


        # Taking the simple way out now, getting all used build cat without
        # any testbox or testcase filtering.

        sSelectedBuildCats = ''
        if len(self.aidBuildCats) > 0:
            sSelectedBuildCats = '   OR idBuildCategory IN (' + ','.join(
                [str(i) for i in self.aidBuildCats]) + ')\n'

        self._oDb.execute('SELECT   DISTINCT *\n'
                          'FROM     BuildCategories\n'
                          'WHERE    idBuildCategory IN (\n'
                          '   SELECT DISTINCT Builds.idBuildCategory\n'
                          '   FROM  TestSets, Builds\n'
                          '   WHERE ' +
                          self._getEligibleTestSetPeriod(fLeadingAnd=False) +
                          '     AND TestSets.idBuild       = Builds.idBuild\n'
                          ')\n' + sSelectedBuildCats + 'ORDER BY sProduct,\n'
                          '         sBranch,\n'
                          '         asOsArches,\n'
                          '         sType\n')
        aoRet = []
        for _ in range(self._oDb.getRowCount()):

        return aoRet