class Attribute(TwoCells): def __init__(self, parent, text, value, callback=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, **kwargs) self.callback = callback self.label_text = StringVar() self.label_text.set(text) self.label = Label(self.frame, textvariable=self.label_text) self.label.grid(column=0, row=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=W) self.current_value = StringVar(self.frame) self.current_value.set(value) self.value = Entry(self.frame, textvariable=self.current_value, validate="key", validatecommand=self.validate_command) self.value.grid(column=1, row=0, padx=5, pady=5, sticky=E) if self.callback: self.value.bind("<KeyRelease>", self._on_entry_changed) def _on_entry_changed(self, event): self.callback() def hide(self): self.label.grid_remove() self.value.grid_remove() return self def show(self, text): self.label_text.set(text) self.label.grid() self.value.grid() return self def disable(self): self.value.configure(state=DISABLED) return self def enable(self): self.value.configure(state=NORMAL) return self def set(self, value): self.current_value.set(value) if str(value) == "": self.disable() else: self.enable() def get(self): value = self.current_value.get() if self.validation_type in [ TwoCells.INTEGERS, TwoCells.NON_NEGATIVE_INTEGERS ]: return int(value) if value not in ["", "-"] else 0 else: return value
class Dialogue(Frame): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.initUI() def initUI(self): = Style()"default") self.master.title("LineChart") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.SSU = BooleanVar() self.SSU.set(1) self.COX1 = BooleanVar() self.COX1.set(1) self.EF1A = BooleanVar() self.EF1A.set(1) self.EF1A_variants = BooleanVar() self.EF1A_variants.set(1) self.filelabel = StringVar(self, "File not chosen") self.filename = "" self.var = IntVar() self.var.set(1) self.clades = IntVar() self.clades.set(0) # self.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) # self.rowconfigure(2, weight=1) cbSSU = Checkbutton(self, text="SSU", variable=self.SSU, state=DISABLED, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) cbSSU.grid(sticky=W, padx=5, pady=5) cbCOX1 = Checkbutton(self, text="COX1", variable=self.COX1, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) cbCOX1.grid(sticky=W, row=1, padx=5, pady=5) cbEF1A = Checkbutton(self, text="EF1A", variable=self.EF1A, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) cbEF1A.grid(sticky=W, row=2, padx=5, pady=5) cbEcomb = Checkbutton(self, text="EF1A combinations", variable=self.EF1A_variants, onvalue=1, offvalue=0) cbEcomb.grid(sticky=W, row=3, padx=5, pady=5) openButton = Button(self, text="Choose file", command=self.onOpen) openButton.grid(sticky=W, row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) labFile = Label(self, textvariable=self.filelabel) labFile.grid(sticky=W, row=0, column=2, columnspan=2, padx=5, pady=5) closeButton = Button(self, text="Exit", command=self.quit) closeButton.grid(sticky=E, row=4, column=3, padx=5, pady=5) okButton = Button(self, text="OK", command=self.onOK) okButton.grid(sticky=W, row=4, column=0, padx=5, pady=5) def onOpen(self): ftypes = [('Excel files', '*.xls, *.xlsx'), ('All files', '*')] dlg = filedialog.Open(self, filetypes=ftypes) file = if file != '': self.filelabel.set("Current file: " + file) self.filename = file self.readExcel(self.filename) self.columns = BooleanVar() self.columns.set(1) if self.filelabel.get() != "File not chosen": rboneColumn = Radiobutton(self, text="Arrange in 1 column", variable=self.columns, value=1, command=self.onClick) rboneColumn.grid(sticky=W, row=2, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) rb2Columns = Radiobutton(self, text="Arrange in 2 columns", variable=self.columns, value=0, command=self.onClick) rb2Columns.grid(sticky=W, row=3, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) def readExcel(self, filename): self.dataframe = read_excel(filename, index_col="Specimen") if self.clades.get() != 0: self.labClades.grid_remove() self.clades.set(len(set(self.dataframe.loc[:, "Clade"]))) self.labClades = Label(self, text="Number of clades: " + str(self.clades.get())) self.labClades.grid(sticky=W, row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=5) def onClick(self): if self.columns.get() == 0: self.scale = Scale(self, from_=1, to=self.clades.get() - 1, command=self.onScale, orient=HORIZONTAL) self.scale.grid(sticky=W, row=3, column=2) self.labScale = Label( self, text="Number of clades in the first column: ") self.labScale.grid(sticky=W, row=2, column=2) self.ScaleVal = Label(self, textvariable=self.var) self.ScaleVal.grid(sticky=E, row=2, column=2) else: self.scale.grid_remove() self.labScale.grid_remove() self.ScaleVal.grid_remove() def onScale(self, val): v = int(float(val)) self.var.set(v) # print(self.var.get()) def onOK(self): dataframe = self.dataframe SSU = self.SSU.get() COX1 = self.COX1.get() EF1A = self.EF1A.get() EF1A_combinations = self.EF1A_variants.get() change = self.var.get() onecolumn = self.columns.get() # graphical parameters: distance between columns and lines of variants, total height etc. top = 200 # uppermost position xS = 1 # X position of SSU column on the graph xE = 2 # X position of EF1A column on the graph xC = 0 # X position of COX1 column on the graph cladeX = 3.3 # X position of clade names on the graph distance = 5 # distance between lines shift = 5 # distance between two columns vardict = {} ssu_set = set() ef1a_set = set() cox1_set = set() # Count the number of specimens for each clade that have a valid SSU and at least one other valid gene variant countdict = {} for specimen in dataframe.index.values: valid = 0 if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(dataframe.loc[specimen, "SSU"])) == []: if EF1A and COX1: if findall("[A-Za-z]", str( dataframe.loc[specimen, "EF1A"])) == [] or findall( "[A-Za-z]", str(dataframe.loc[specimen, "COX1"])) == []: valid = 1 elif EF1A: if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(dataframe.loc[specimen, "EF1A"])) == []: valid = 1 elif COX1: if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(dataframe.loc[specimen, "COX1"])) == []: valid = 1 if dataframe.loc[specimen, "Clade"] not in countdict: countdict[dataframe.loc[specimen, "Clade"]] = valid else: countdict[dataframe.loc[specimen, "Clade"]] += valid # build a dict of connections for every SSU variant, regardless of clades for i in dataframe.index.values: if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(dataframe.loc[ i, "SSU"])) == []: # choosing ony valid SSU variants if dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"] not in vardict: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]] = { "SSU_count": 1, "EF1A": {}, "COX1": {} } # adding new SSU variant into dictionary ssu_set.add(dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]) else: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]][ "SSU_count"] += 1 # increasing SSU variant count if COX1: if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(dataframe.loc[i, "COX1"]) ) == []: # choosing ony valid COX1 variants if dataframe.loc[i, "COX1"] not in vardict[ dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["COX1"]: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["COX1"][ dataframe.loc[ i, "COX1"]] = 1 # adding new COX1 variant cox1_set.add(dataframe.loc[i, "COX1"]) else: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["COX1"][ dataframe.loc[ i, "COX1"]] += 1 # increasing COX1 variant count if EF1A and EF1A_combinations: if "homozygous" in str(dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A_combinations"]) \ or "both" in str(dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A_combinations"]) \ and findall("[A-Za-z]", str(dataframe.loc[ i, "EF1A"])) == []: # choosing ony homozygous EF1A variants or unique unknown heterozygous if dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A"] not in vardict[ dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"]: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"][ dataframe.loc[ i, "EF1A"]] = 1 # adding new EF1A variant ef1a_set.add(dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A"]) else: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"][ dataframe.loc[ i, "EF1A"]] += 1 # increasing EF1A variant count elif "+" in str(dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A_combinations"] ): # choosing known heterozygous variants for var in findall( "[0-9]+", str(dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A_combinations"])): if var not in vardict[dataframe.loc[ i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"]: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"][ var] = 1 # adding new EF1A variant ef1a_set.add(int(var)) else: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"][ var] += 1 # increasing EF1A variant count elif EF1A and findall("[A-Za-z]", str( dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A"])) == []: if dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A"] not in vardict[dataframe.loc[ i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"]: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"][dataframe.loc[ i, "EF1A"]] = 1 # adding new EF1A variant ef1a_set.add(dataframe.loc[i, "EF1A"]) else: vardict[dataframe.loc[i, "SSU"]]["EF1A"][dataframe.loc[ i, "EF1A"]] += 1 # increasing EF1A variant count # print(vardict) # # modify dataframe by adding known heterozygous variants into EF1A column. new_dataframe = dataframe if EF1A_combinations: for i in range(len(new_dataframe["EF1A_combinations"])): if "+" in str(new_dataframe["EF1A_combinations"][i]): if len( findall("[0-9]+", str(new_dataframe["EF1A_combinations"] [i]))) == 1: new_dataframe.loc[ new_dataframe.index.values[i], "EF1A"] = int( findall( "[0-9]+", str(new_dataframe["EF1A_combinations"][i])) [0]) elif len( findall("[0-9]+", str(new_dataframe["EF1A_combinations"] [i]))) == 2: new_dataframe.loc[ new_dataframe.index.values[i], "EF1A"] = int( findall( "[0-9]+", str(new_dataframe["EF1A_combinations"][i])) [0]) new_dataframe = new_dataframe.append( new_dataframe.iloc[i], ignore_index=True) new_dataframe.loc[ new_dataframe.index.values[-1], "EF1A"] = int( findall( "[0-9]+", str(new_dataframe["EF1A_combinations"][i])) [1]) new_dataframe.loc[new_dataframe.index.values[-1], "COX1"] = "" grouping_columns = ["Clade", "SSU"] if COX1: grouping_columns.append("COX1") if EF1A: grouping_columns.append("EF1A") grouped = new_dataframe.groupby(grouping_columns).aggregate( {"SSU": "count"}) # print(grouped) # starting Y coordinates yS = top yE = top yC = top # dictionaries with pairs of coordinates for every variant of every gene ssu_coo = {} cox1_coo = {} ef1a_coo = {} clade_coo = {} # sets of clades and variants that were catalogued already to avoid duplicates clade_done = set() ssu_done = set() cox1_done = set() ef1a_done = set() # Gives XY coordinates to every genetic variant iterating through clades. # Variants are sorted acending; clades are sorted alphabetically counter = 0 # adjusting distance between columns by adding the size of the longest clade name length shift_adj = 0.1 * max( [len(i) for i in grouped.index.get_level_values("Clade")]) + 0.3 shift += shift_adj for clade in grouped.index.get_level_values("Clade"): if clade not in clade_done: if not onecolumn and counter == change: # if a specified change value is reached, starts the second column with a specified shift xS += shift yS = top if COX1: xC += shift yC = top if EF1A: xE += shift yE = top cladeX += shift counter += 1 yS -= distance if COX1: yC -= distance if EF1A: yE -= distance # add coordinates of the clade name and vertical line at the side ssuvalid = set([ i for i in grouped.loc[(clade)].index.get_level_values("SSU") if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(i)) == [] and str(i) != "" ]) if COX1: cox1valid = set([ i for i in grouped.loc[( clade)].index.get_level_values("COX1") if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(i)) == [] and str(i) != "" ]) if EF1A: ef1avalid = set([ i for i in grouped.loc[( clade)].index.get_level_values("EF1A") if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(i)) == [] and str(i) != "" ]) genelenlist = [len(ssuvalid)] if COX1: genelenlist.append(len(cox1valid)) if EF1A: genelenlist.append(len(ef1avalid)) cladeY = yS - (max(genelenlist) - 1) * distance * 0.5 linestart = yS + 0.5 * distance lineend = yS - (max(genelenlist) - 1) * distance - 0.5 * distance clade_coo[clade] = [ cladeX, cladeY, cladeX - 0.2, linestart, lineend, countdict[clade] ] # within-clade vertical position adjustments if COX1 and not EF1A: if len(ssuvalid) - len(cox1valid) >= 2: yC -= distance * (len(ssuvalid) - len(cox1valid)) // 2 elif len(cox1valid) - len(ssuvalid) >= 2: yS -= distance * (len(cox1valid) - len(ssuvalid)) // 2 elif EF1A and COX1: if len(ssuvalid) - len(cox1valid) >= 2: yC -= distance * (len(ssuvalid) - len(cox1valid)) // 2 if len(ssuvalid) - len(ef1avalid) >= 2: yE -= distance * (len(ssuvalid) - len(ef1avalid)) // 2 elif len(ef1avalid) - len(ssuvalid) >= 2: yS -= distance * (len(ef1avalid) - len(ssuvalid)) // 2 yC -= distance * (len(ef1avalid) - len(ssuvalid)) // 2 elif len(cox1valid) - len(ssuvalid) >= 2: yS -= distance * (len(cox1valid) - len(ssuvalid)) // 2 if len(cox1valid) - len(ef1avalid) >= 2: yE -= distance * (len(cox1valid) - len(ef1avalid)) // 2 elif len(ef1avalid) - len(cox1valid) >= 2: yC -= distance * (len(ef1avalid) - len(cox1valid)) // 2 yS -= distance * (len(ef1avalid) - len(cox1valid)) // 2 elif len(ef1avalid) - len(ssuvalid) >= 2: yS -= distance * (len(ef1avalid) - len(ssuvalid)) // 2 yC -= distance * (len(ef1avalid) - len(cox1valid)) // 2 elif len(ssuvalid) - len(ef1avalid) >= 2: yE -= distance * (len(ssuvalid) - len(ef1avalid)) // 2 elif EF1A: if len(ssuvalid) - len(ef1avalid) >= 2: yE -= distance * (len(ssuvalid) - len(ef1avalid)) // 2 elif len(ef1avalid) - len(ssuvalid) >= 2: yS -= distance * (len(ef1avalid) - len(ssuvalid)) // 2 # finally, assign coordinates for ssu in grouped.loc[(clade)].index.get_level_values("SSU"): if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(ssu)) == [] and str( ssu ) != "": # choose only valid genetic variants (no text, only numbers) if ssu not in ssu_done: ssu_coo[ssu] = [xS, yS] yS -= distance ssu_done.add(ssu) if COX1: for cox1 in grouped.loc[( clade)].index.get_level_values("COX1"): if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(cox1)) == [] and str( cox1 ) != "": # choose only valid genetic variants (no text, only numbers) if cox1 not in cox1_done: cox1_coo[cox1] = [xC, yC] yC -= distance cox1_done.add(cox1) if EF1A: for ef1a in grouped.loc[( clade)].index.get_level_values("EF1A"): if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(ef1a)) == [] and str( ef1a ) != "": # choose only valid genetic variants (no text, only numbers) if ef1a not in ef1a_done: ef1a_coo[ef1a] = [xE, yE] yE -= distance ef1a_done.add(ef1a) clade_done.add(clade) geneXlist = [xS] geneYlist = [yS] if COX1: geneXlist.append(xC) geneYlist.append(yC) if EF1A: geneXlist.append(xE) geneYlist.append(yE) lowest = min(geneYlist) yS = lowest yC = lowest yE = lowest # print(grouped) # Building a plot def choose_line(size): # a rule for choosing line width for the plot size = int(size) if size in (1, 2): width = 1 elif size == 3: width = 1.5 elif size < 6: width = 2 elif size < 11: width = 2.5 else: width = 3 return width # remove axes ax1 = axes(frameon=False) ax1.set_frame_on(False) ax1.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax1.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # build the lines between genetic variants for ssu in vardict: if EF1A: for ef1a in vardict[ssu]["EF1A"]: if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(ef1a)) == []: size = vardict[ssu]["EF1A"][ef1a] plot([ ef1a_coo[int(ef1a)][0] + 0.4, ssu_coo[ssu][0] + 0.5 ], [ef1a_coo[int(ef1a)][1], ssu_coo[ssu][1]], linestyle="dashed" if size == 1 else "solid", linewidth=choose_line(size), color="black") text(ef1a_coo[int(ef1a)][0] + 0.7, ef1a_coo[int(ef1a)][1], ef1a, ha="center", va="center") if COX1: for cox1 in vardict[ssu]["COX1"]: if findall("[A-Za-z]", str(cox1)) == []: size = vardict[ssu]["COX1"][cox1] plot([cox1_coo[cox1][0], ssu_coo[ssu][0]], [cox1_coo[cox1][1], ssu_coo[ssu][1]], linestyle="dashed" if size == 1 else "solid", linewidth=choose_line(vardict[ssu]["COX1"][cox1]), color="black") text(cox1_coo[cox1][0] - 0.3, cox1_coo[cox1][1], cox1, ha="center", va="center") text(ssu_coo[ssu][0] + 0.25, ssu_coo[ssu][1], ssu, ha="center", va="center") # add gene names above the variants for the second column if not onecolumn: text(xS - shift + 0.25, top + distance + 0.2, "SSU", ha="center") text(xS + 0.25, top + distance + 0.2, "SSU", ha="center") if EF1A: text(xE - shift + 0.7, top + distance + 0.2, "EF1A", ha="center") text(xE + 0.7, top + distance + 0.2, "EF1A", ha="center") if COX1: text(xC - shift - 0.3, top + distance + 0.2, "COI", ha="center") text(xC - 0.3, top + distance + 0.2, "COI", ha="center") else: text(xS + 0.25, top + distance + 0.2, "SSU", ha="center") if EF1A: text(xE + 0.7, top + distance + 0.2, "EF1A", ha="center") if COX1: text(xC - 0.3, top + distance + 0.2, "COI", ha="center") # add clade names and vertical lines to the right of the column for clade in clade_coo: if EF1A: text(clade_coo[clade][0], clade_coo[clade][1], "%s (%d)" % (clade, clade_coo[clade][5]), ha="left", va="center") plot([clade_coo[clade][2], clade_coo[clade][2]], [clade_coo[clade][3], clade_coo[clade][4]], linewidth=2, color="black") else: text(clade_coo[clade][0] - shift * 0.5 + shift_adj + 0.65, clade_coo[clade][1], "%s (%d)" % (clade, clade_coo[clade][5]), ha="left", va="center") plot([ clade_coo[clade][2] - shift * 0.5 + shift_adj + 0.7, clade_coo[clade][2] - shift * 0.5 + shift_adj + 0.7 ], [clade_coo[clade][3], clade_coo[clade][4]], linewidth=2, color="black") # set limits for X axis to avoid overlapping with legend if not onecolumn and EF1A: xlim(0, 14) elif not onecolumn: xlim(0, 12) elif onecolumn and EF1A: xlim(0, 7) elif onecolumn: xlim(0, 5) # produce lines for a legend leg_lines = [ Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linestyle="dashed", linewidth=1), Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=1), Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=1.5), Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=2), Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=2.5), Line2D([0], [0], color="black", linewidth=3) ] # plot legend legend(leg_lines, ["1", "2", "3", "4-5", "6-10", "11-20"], loc="upper right") # show the plot show()
def db_download(): file_url = '' #file_url = '' answer = askyesno( 'Confirmation', 'Database downloading will take a while, and the database will occuppy ~15 GB disk space.\n Are you sure?' ) if not answer: return global APPDATA currentdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(APPDATA) #Check if database is not already present if "genbank_mf.pal" in os.listdir("."): answer = askyesno( 'File already present', 'Database appears to be present already. Overwrite?') if not answer: return #Check if sufficient disk space is available default_file_size = 357266739200 dbfilesize = int(get_remote_filesize(file_url)) if int(get_free_space(".")) < dbfilesize: showerror('Error', 'Insufficient disk space available.\n15GB needed.') return #Open 'loading...' message loading = Toplevel(frame, height=200, width=400) loading.title("Download progress") message = "Downloading: " + str(0) + "/ " + str(int( dbfilesize / 1024)) + " kb\nPlease wait..." a = Label(loading, text=message) a.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=50, pady=50) loading.bind("<Escape>", lambda e: "return") frame.update() #Download the MGB GenBank database try: req = urllib.request.urlopen(file_url) except: showerror( 'Error', 'File not found on server.\nPlease check your internet connection.' ) return loading.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda: cancel_download(req, loading)) CHUNK = 128 * 1024 x = 0 with open("genbank_mf.tar.gz", 'wb') as fp: while True: message = "Downloading: " + str(x) + "/ " + str( int(dbfilesize / 1024)) + " kb\nPlease wait..." try: a = Label(loading, text=message) a.grid_remove() frame.update() a.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=20, pady=20) frame.update() chunk = if not chunk: break fp.write(chunk) x += 128 if x > int(dbfilesize / 1024): x = int(dbfilesize / 1024) except: showerror('Error', 'Download interrupted.') return #Report download success loading.destroy() showinfo("Download finished", "Download completed successfully.") #Extract the database TAR/GZ file extracting = Toplevel(frame, height=200, width=400) extracting.title("Database extraction") message = "Extracting database.\nPlease wait..." a = Label(extracting, text=message) a.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=50, pady=50) extracting.bind("<Escape>", lambda e: "return") frame.update() try: tar ="genbank_mf.tar.gz") extracting.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda: cancel_download(tar, extracting)) frame.update() tar.extractall() tar.close() except: showerror( "Error", "Error extracting database. Please try to extract it manually.") extracting.destroy() os.chdir(currentdir) return extracting.destroy() os.chdir(currentdir) showinfo( "Extraction finished", "Database extraction finished.\nYou can now use this database by selecting 'genbank_mf.pal' under 'Select database' in the 'File' menu." )