Example #1
File: main.py Project: wumzi/metro
def main(start, destination, file, delai_correspondance, delai_stations):
    """The Main Controller of the program, the functions are called here"""

    #Opening the file
    data = get_data(file)
    if not data:
        print('Fichier de description introuvable !')

    #Building the linking map for each stations
    corresp = get_corresp(data, start, destination)
    if not corresp:
        return'Format du fichier de description invalide !'
    inexistant = 0
    if clean_name(start) not in corresp:
        inexistant = start
    elif clean_name(destination) not in corresp:
        inexistant = destination
    if inexistant:
        return 'Station "%s" introuvable dans ce fichier de description' % inexistant

    #Finding the shortest path
    path_done = path(start, destination, corresp, delai_correspondance, delai_stations)

    #Show results
    return display(path_done)
Example #2
def path (start, destination, corresp, delai_correspondance, delai_stations):

    to_do = [[0, clean_name(start), [], '']] 
    done = list()

    while to_do:
        station = to_do[0]
        cost = station[0]
        name = station[1]
        line = station[3]
        path_done = station[2]
        links = corresp[name]

        if clean_name(name) == clean_name(destination):
            print("Le trajet dure %s minutes" % secondes_to_higher(cost))
            return path_done

        for link in links:
            if link[0] not in done:
                next_cost = cost
                if link[1] != line and line:
                    next_cost += delai_correspondance
                next_cost += delai_stations
                next_path = path_done + [link]
                to_do.append([next_cost, link[0], next_path, link[1]])

    return 0
Example #3
 def __init__(self, bzz, name, account):
     self.name = clean_name(name)
     topic = new_topic_mask(self.name, "", "\x02")
     self.feed_room = Feed(bzz, account, topic)
     self.bzz = bzz
     self.participants = {}
     self.hsh_room = ""
Example #4
def get_corresp(data, start, destination):

    #The dict in which we store the corresps map
    corresp = {}

    """Fetching the file for building a corresp dict looking like:
    corresp = {"La Défense":['Neuilly',"ligne 3",'Argenteuil'], 
    ... ['CCial','ligne 3', 'Bercy'], ['Nanterre', 'ligne 4', 'Saint-Denis']}"""
    while data:
        #If the current line of text is a metro line
        if findall('\[(.+)\]',data[0]):
            line_name = findall('\[(.+)\]',data[0])[0]
            stations = []#We store the ordered stations of the line in a list
            #Get the stations
            #While we stay on the same metro line
            while not findall('\[(.+)\]',data[0]):
                station = findall(r'\b.+',data[0])[0]
                if clean_name(station) == clean_name(start):
                    station = clean_name(station)
                elif clean_name(station) == clean_name(destination):
                    station = clean_name(station)

                #If there's nothing else to examine
                if not data:

            #Infos about the line        
            first_station = stations[0]
            last_station = stations[-1]

            #Creation of the corresp table for this line
            for d, station in enumerate(stations):
                linked_with = list()
                if d < (len(stations) - 1):
                    linked_with.append([stations[d + 1], line_name, last_station])
                if d > 0:
                    linked_with.append([stations[d - 1], line_name, first_station])

                if station not in corresp:
                    corresp[station] = linked_with
    return corresp
Example #5
 def __init__(self, bzz, name, acc):
     roomname = clean_name(name)
     self.name = copy.copy(roomname)
     for i in range(32 - len(roomname)):
         roomname += "\x00"
     roomnamelist = list(roomname)
     roomnamelist[31] = "\x02"
     roomname = "".join(roomnamelist)
     self.feed_room = Feed(bzz.agent, acc, roomname, False)
     self.agent = bzz.agent
     self.bzz = bzz
     self.participants = {}
     self.feedcollection_in = FeedCollection()
     self.hsh_out = zerohsh.decode("hex")
Example #6
    def load(self, hsh, owneraccount=None):
        savedJson = self.bzz.get(hsh.encode("hex"))
        print "savedj " + repr(savedJson)
        self.hsh_room = hsh
        r = json.loads(savedJson)
        self.name = clean_name(r['name'])
        for pubkeyhx in r['participants']:
            acc = Account()
            nick = acc.address.encode("hex")
            p = Participant(nick, "04" + acc.publickeybytes.encode("hex"),
                            acc.address.encode("hex"), "")
            self.add(nick, p)

        # outgoing feed user is room publisher
        if owneraccount == None:
            owneraccount = self.feed_room.account

        self.feed_out = Feed(self.agent, owneraccount, self.name, True)
        hd = self.feed_out.head()
        if len(hd) == 64:
            self.hsh_out = hd.decode("hex")
Example #7
    def load(self, hsh, owneraccount=None):
        savedJson = self.bzz.get(hsh.encode("hex"))
        #sys.stderr.write("savedj " + repr(savedJson) + " from hash " + hsh.encode("hex") + "\n")
        self.hsh_room = hsh
        r = json.loads(savedJson)
        self.name = clean_name(r['name'])

        # outgoing feed user is room publisher
        if owneraccount == None:
            owneraccount = self.feed_room.account
        senderfeed = Feed(self.bzz, owneraccount,
                          new_topic_mask(self.name, "", "\x06"))
        self.feedcollection = FeedCollection("room:" + self.name, senderfeed)

        for pubkeyhx in r['participants']:
            pubkey = clean_pubkey(pubkeyhx).decode("hex")
            nick = publickey_to_address(pubkey)
            p = Participant(nick.encode("hex"), None)
                self.add(nick, p, False)
            except Exception as e:
                sys.stderr.write("skipping already added feed: '" +