Example #1
 def test_athena(self):
     L{RemoteStatsCollector._emit} sends a I{StatUpdate} command with Athena
     transport data for Athena message send and receive events.
     self.receiver._emit({'athena_send_messages': True, 'count': 17})
     self.receiver._emit({'athena_received_messages': True, 'count': 12})
     self.assertEqual(len(self.sender.boxes), 2)
     send = set([(d['key'], d['value'])
                 for d in parseString(self.sender.boxes[0]['data'])])
         send, set([('count', '17'), ('athena_send_messages', 'True')]))
     received = set([(d['key'], d['value'])
                     for d in parseString(self.sender.boxes[1]['data'])])
         set([('count', '12'), ('athena_received_messages', 'True')]))
Example #2
 def fromString(self, inString):
     Convert the given string to an L{Identifier}.
     box = parseString(inString)[0]
     return Identifier(shareID=box['shareID'].decode('utf-8'),
Example #3
 def fromString(self, inString):
     Convert the given string to an L{Identifier}.
     box = parseString(inString)[0]
     return Identifier(shareID=box['shareID'].decode('utf-8'),
Example #4
 def test_unparse(self):
     L{sharing.IdentifierArgument} should be able to unserialize an
     L{Identifier} from a serialized box.
     argDict = CommandWithIdentifier.parseArguments(
         parseString(self.expectedData)[0], None)
     self.assertEquals(argDict, dict(shareIdentTest=self.identifier))
Example #5
 def assert_roundtrips(self, command, **kwargs):
     ``kwargs`` supplied to ``command`` can be serialized and unserialized.
     amp_protocol = None
     argument_box = command.makeArguments(kwargs, amp_protocol)
     [roundtripped] = parseString(argument_box.serialize())
     parsed_objects = command.parseArguments(roundtripped, amp_protocol)
     self.assertEqual(kwargs, parsed_objects)
Example #6
 def assert_roundtrips(self, command, **kwargs):
     ``kwargs`` supplied to ``command`` can be serialized and unserialized.
     amp_protocol = None
     argument_box = command.makeArguments(kwargs, amp_protocol)
     [roundtripped] = parseString(argument_box.serialize())
     parsed_objects = command.parseArguments(roundtripped, amp_protocol)
     self.assertEqual(kwargs, parsed_objects)
Example #7
    def callRemote(self, command, **kwargs):
        Call the corresponding responder on the configured locator.

        @param commandType: a subclass of L{AMP_MODULE.Command}.

        @param kwargs: Keyword arguments taken by the command, a C{dict}.

        @return: A C{Deferred} that fires with the result of the responder.
        # Get a Box for the supplied arguments. E.g.
        # command = ClusterStatusUpdate
        # kwargs = {"configuration": Deployment(nodes={Node(...)})}
        # The Box contains the Deployment object converted to nested dict. E.g.
        # Box({"configuration": {"$__class__$": "Deployment", ...}})
        argument_box = command.makeArguments(kwargs, self._locator)

        # Serialize the arguments to prove that we can.  For example, if an
        # argument would serialize to more than 64kB then we can't actually
        # serialize it so we want a test attempting this to fail.
        # Wire format will contain bytes. E.g.
        # b"\x12\x32configuration..."
        wire_format = argument_box.serialize()

        # Now decode the bytes back to a Box
        [decoded_argument_box] = parseString(wire_format)

        # And supply that to the responder which internally reverses
        # makeArguments -> back to kwargs
        responder = self._locator.locateResponder(command.commandName)
        d = responder(decoded_argument_box)

        def serialize_response(response_box):
            # As above, prove we can serialize the response.
            wire_format = response_box.serialize()
            [decoded_response_box] = parseString(wire_format)
            return decoded_response_box

        d.addCallback(command.parseResponse, self._locator)

        def massage_error(error):
            if error.check(RemoteAmpError):
                rje = error.value
                errorType = command.reverseErrors.get(rje.errorCode,
                return Failure(errorType(rje.description))

            # In this case the actual AMP implementation closes the connection.
            # Weakly simulate that here by failing how things fail if the
            # connection closes and commands are outstanding.  This is sort of
            # terrible behavior but oh well.  https://tm.tl/7055
            return Failure(ConnectionLost(str(error)))

        return d
Example #8
    def callRemote(self, command, **kwargs):
        Call the corresponding responder on the configured locator.

        @param commandType: a subclass of L{AMP_MODULE.Command}.

        @param kwargs: Keyword arguments taken by the command, a C{dict}.

        @return: A C{Deferred} that fires with the result of the responder.
        # Get a Box for the supplied arguments. E.g.
        # command = ClusterStatusUpdate
        # kwargs = {"configuration": Deployment(nodes={Node(...)})}
        # The Box contains the Deployment object converted to nested dict. E.g.
        # Box({"configuration": {"$__class__$": "Deployment", ...}})
        argument_box = command.makeArguments(kwargs, self._locator)

        # Serialize the arguments to prove that we can.  For example, if an
        # argument would serialize to more than 64kB then we can't actually
        # serialize it so we want a test attempting this to fail.
        # Wire format will contain bytes. E.g.
        # b"\x12\x32configuration..."
        wire_format = argument_box.serialize()

        # Now decode the bytes back to a Box
        [decoded_argument_box] = parseString(wire_format)

        # And supply that to the responder which internally reverses
        # makeArguments -> back to kwargs
        responder = self._locator.locateResponder(command.commandName)
        d = responder(decoded_argument_box)

        def serialize_response(response_box):
            # As above, prove we can serialize the response.
            wire_format = response_box.serialize()
            [decoded_response_box] = parseString(wire_format)
            return decoded_response_box

        d.addCallback(command.parseResponse, self._locator)

        def massage_error(error):
            if error.check(RemoteAmpError):
                rje = error.value
                errorType = command.reverseErrors.get(
                    rje.errorCode, UnknownRemoteError)
                return Failure(errorType(rje.description))

            # In this case the actual AMP implementation closes the connection.
            # Weakly simulate that here by failing how things fail if the
            # connection closes and commands are outstanding.  This is sort of
            # terrible behavior but oh well.  https://tm.tl/7055
            return Failure(ConnectionLost(str(error)))

        return d
Example #9
 def test_timestamp(self):
     L{RemoteStatsCollector._emit} sends a I{StatUpdate} command with a
     timestamp taken from the log event passed to it.
     self.receiver._emit({'time': 123456789.0, 'interface': IStatEvent})
     self.assertEqual(len(self.sender.boxes), 1)
     timestamp = [
         d['value'] for d in parseString(self.sender.boxes[0]['data'])
         if d['key'] == 'time'
     self.assertEqual(timestamp, ['123456789.0'])
Example #10
 def test_athena(self):
     L{RemoteStatsCollector._emit} sends a I{StatUpdate} command with Athena
     transport data for Athena message send and receive events.
             'athena_send_messages': True,
             'count': 17})
             'athena_received_messages': True,
             'count': 12})
     self.assertEqual(len(self.sender.boxes), 2)
     send = set([(d['key'], d['value'])
                 for d in parseString(self.sender.boxes[0]['data'])])
         set([('count', '17'), ('athena_send_messages', 'True')]))
     received = set([(d['key'], d['value'])
                     for d in parseString(self.sender.boxes[1]['data'])])
         set([('count', '12'), ('athena_received_messages', 'True')]))
Example #11
 def test_timestamp(self):
     L{RemoteStatsCollector._emit} sends a I{StatUpdate} command with a
     timestamp taken from the log event passed to it.
             'time': 123456789.0,
             'interface': IStatEvent})
     self.assertEqual(len(self.sender.boxes), 1)
     timestamp = [
         for d in parseString(self.sender.boxes[0]['data'])
         if d['key'] == 'time']
     self.assertEqual(timestamp, ['123456789.0'])
Example #12
    def _boxFromData(self, messageData):
        A box.

        @param messageData: a serialized AMP box representing either a message
        or an error.
        @type messageData: L{str}

        @raise MalformedMessage: if the C{messageData} parameter does not parse
        to exactly one AMP box.
        inputBoxes = parseString(messageData)
        if not len(inputBoxes) == 1:
            raise MalformedMessage()
        [inputBox] = inputBoxes
        return inputBox
Example #13
    def _boxFromData(self, messageData):
        A box.

        @param messageData: a serialized AMP box representing either a message
        or an error.
        @type messageData: L{str}

        @raise MalformedMessage: if the C{messageData} parameter does not parse
        to exactly one AMP box.
        inputBoxes = parseString(messageData)
        if not len(inputBoxes) == 1:
            raise MalformedMessage()
        [inputBox] = inputBoxes
        return inputBox
Example #14
 def test_deliverStatEvents(self):
     When a L{RemoteStatsCollector} is active, it sends AMP boxes
     to its client when L{IStatEvent}s are logged.
     log.msg(interface=IStatEvent, foo="bar", baz=12, quux=u'\N{SNOWMAN}')
     self.assertEqual(len(self.sender.boxes), 1)
     stat = self.sender.boxes[0]
     self.assertNotIn(ASK, stat)
     self.assertEqual(stat[COMMAND], 'StatUpdate')
     # Skip testing the timestamp, another test which can control its value
     # will do that.
     data = set([(d['key'], d['value']) for d in parseString(stat['data'])
                 if d['key'] != 'time'])
     self.assertIn(('foo', 'bar'), data)
     self.assertIn(('baz', '12'), data)
     self.assertIn(('quux', u'\N{SNOWMAN}'.encode('utf-8')), data)
Example #15
 def test_deliverStatEvents(self):
     When a L{RemoteStatsCollector} is active, it sends AMP boxes
     to its client when L{IStatEvent}s are logged.
     log.msg(interface=IStatEvent, foo="bar", baz=12, quux=u'\N{SNOWMAN}')
     self.assertEqual(len(self.sender.boxes), 1)
     stat = self.sender.boxes[0]
     self.assertNotIn(ASK, stat)
     self.assertEqual(stat[COMMAND], 'StatUpdate')
     # Skip testing the timestamp, another test which can control its value
     # will do that.
     data = set([
             (d['key'], d['value'])
             for d in parseString(stat['data'])
             if d['key'] != 'time'])
     self.assertIn(('foo', 'bar'), data)
     self.assertIn(('baz', '12'), data)
     self.assertIn(('quux', u'\N{SNOWMAN}'.encode('utf-8')), data)
Example #16
    def key(self, domain, username):
        Retrieve the derived key for user with this name, in this

        @param domain: This user's domain.
        @type domain: L{str}

        @param username: This user's name.
        @type username: L{str}

        @return: The user's key if they exist; otherwise L{None}.
        @rtype: L{str} or L{None}
        userpath = self.path.child(domain).child(username + ".info")
        if userpath.exists():
            with userpath.open() as f:
                data = parseString(f.read())[0]
            return data['key']
Example #17
    def key(self, domain, username):
        Retrieve the derived key for user with this name, in this

        @param domain: This user's domain.
        @type domain: L{str}

        @param username: This user's name.
        @type username: L{str}

        @return: The user's key if they exist; otherwise L{None}.
        @rtype: L{str} or L{None}
        userpath = self.path.child(domain).child(username + ".info")
        if userpath.exists():
            with userpath.open() as f:
                data = parseString(f.read())[0]
            return data['key']
Example #18
 def serialize_response(response_box):
     # As above, prove we can serialize the response.
     wire_format = response_box.serialize()
     [decoded_response_box] = parseString(wire_format)
     return decoded_response_box
Example #19
 def fromStringProto(self, inString, proto):
     boxes = amp.parseString(inString)
     return amp._stringsToObjects(boxes[0], self.subargs, proto)
Example #20
        if not os.path.exists(domainpath):
        userpath = os.path.join(domainpath, username+".info")
        if os.path.exists(userpath):
            raise NotAllowed()
        f = open(userpath, 'w')

    def get(self, (domain, username)):
        domainpath = os.path.join(self.path, domain)
        if os.path.exists(domainpath):
            filepath = os.path.join(domainpath, username+".info")
            if os.path.exists(filepath):
                data = parseString(open(filepath).read())[0]
                return data['password'].decode('hex')

class DirectoryCertificateAndUserStore(q2q.DirectoryCertificateStore):
    def __init__(self, filepath):
        q2q.DirectoryCertificateStore.__init__(self, filepath)
        self.users = _usermap(os.path.join(filepath, "users"))

    def getPrivateCertificate(self, domain):
            return q2q.DirectoryCertificateStore.getPrivateCertificate(self, domain)
        except KeyError:
            if len(self.localStore.keys()) > 10:
                # avoid DoS; nobody is going to need autocreated certs for more
                # than 10 domains
Example #21
 def serialize_response(response_box):
     # As above, prove we can serialize the response.
     wire_format = response_box.serialize()
     [decoded_response_box] = parseString(wire_format)
     return decoded_response_box