Example #1
 def __init__(self, pos, bounds, imgr, imgl):
     self.bounds = bounds
     self.max_vel = 75
     self.imgr = imgr
     self.imgl = imgl
     self.size = 25
     self.per = self.size * 3
     self.pos = pos
     angle = random.random() * math.pi * 2
     self.vel = Vector(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)) * 20
Example #2
 def __init__(self, pos):
     self.img_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CougarTasker/twenty-four/master/proto/images/carol.png"
     self.row = 1
     self.column = 5
     self.img = simplegui.load_image(self.img_url)
     self.bdim = Vector(self.img.get_width(), self.img.get_height())
     self.adim = (self.bdim.x / self.column, self.bdim.y / self.row)
     self.center = Vector(self.adim[0] / 2, self.adim[1] / 2)
     self.pos = pos
     self.ratio = 0.2
     self.frame_index = [1, 1]
     self.count = 0
Example #3
    def keydown(self, key):
        if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['down']:
            self.snake.snakeScalar = Vector(0, 0.5)

        if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['up']:
            self.snake.snakeScalar = Vector(0, -0.5)

        if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['left']:
            self.snake.snakeScalar = Vector(-0.5, 0)

        if key == simplegui.KEY_MAP['right']:
            self.snake.snakeScalar = Vector(0.5, 0)
Example #4
class Carol(object):
    def __init__(self, pos):
        self.img_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CougarTasker/twenty-four/master/proto/images/carol.png"
        self.row = 1
        self.column = 5
        self.img = simplegui.load_image(self.img_url)
        self.bdim = Vector(self.img.get_width(), self.img.get_height())
        self.adim = (self.bdim.x / self.column, self.bdim.y / self.row)
        self.center = Vector(self.adim[0] / 2, self.adim[1] / 2)
        self.pos = pos
        self.ratio = 0.2
        self.frame_index = [1, 1]
        self.count = 0

    def draw_canvas(self, canvas):
        self.count += 1
        if self.count % 5 == 0:
            self.frame_index = self.next_frame()
            self.img, (self.center.get_p()[0] * (2 * self.frame_index[1] - 1),
                       self.center.get_p()[1] * (2 * self.frame_index[0] - 1)),
            self.adim, self.pos.get_p(),
            (self.adim[0] * self.ratio, self.adim[1] * self.ratio))

    def next_frame(self):
        self.frame_index[1] += 1
        if self.frame_index[1] > self.column:
            self.frame_index[0] += 1
            self.frame_index[1] = 1
        if self.frame_index[0] > self.row:
            self.frame_index = [1, 1]
        return self.frame_index
Example #5
    def seperation(self, fish, minDistance):
        if len(fish) < 1:
            return Vector()

        distance = 0
        numClose = 0
        distsum = Vector()
        for boid in fish:
            distance = (self.pos - boid.pos).length()
            if distance < minDistance and distance != 0:
                numClose += 1
                distsum += (boid.pos - self.pos).divide(distance**2)

        if numClose == 0:
            return Vector()

        return (-distsum.divide(numClose)).normalize()
Example #6
    def allign(self, fish):
        if len(fish) < 1:
        # calculate the average velocities of the other boids
        avg = Vector()
        count = 0
        for boid in fish:
            if (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per:
                count += 1
                avg += boid.vel

        if count > 0:
            avg = avg.divide(count)
            # set our velocity towards the others
            return (avg).normalize()
            return Vector()
Example #7
    def cohesion(self, fish):
        if len(fish) < 1:

        # calculate the average distances from the other boids
        com = Vector()
        count = 0
        for boid in fish:
            if boid.pos == self.pos:
            elif (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per:
                com += (self.pos - boid.pos)
                count += 1
        if count > 0:
            com = com.divide(count)
            return -com.normalize()
            return Vector()
Example #8
    def update(self):
        global score, lives

        if gameRun:
            #used to increase the speed + size of the snake
            self.snakeX += self.snakeScalar.x * self.speedScalar
            self.snakeY += self.snakeScalar.y * self.speedScalar

        #enemy snake hit wall then it turns around
        for x in self.snakePos:
            if (x[0] <= 0):
                self.snakeScalar = Vector(0.5, 0)
            elif (x[1] <= 0):
                self.snakeScalar = Vector(0, 0.5)
            elif (x[0] >= CANVAS_WIDTH):
                self.snakeScalar = Vector(-0.5, 0)
            elif (x[1] >= CANVAS_HEIGHT):
                self.snakeScalar = Vector(0, -0.5)
Example #9
 def __init__(self, snakeX, snakeY, snakeRad, snakeCol):
     self.snakeX = snakeX
     self.snakeY = snakeY
     self.snakePos = [[self.snakeX, self.snakeY]]
     self.snakeRad = snakeRad
     self.snakeScalar = Vector(0, 0)
     self.snakeTails = 40
     self.speedScalar = 1
     self.x = 0
     self.snakeCol = snakeCol
Example #10
 def draw(self, canvas, center=(-1, -1), size=(-1, -1), rotation=0):
     self.fno = round((time.time() % (self.time / 1000)) /
                      (self.time / 1000) * (self.framecount - 1))
     x = self.fno % self.size[0]
     y = (self.fno - x) / self.size[0]
     if center[0] < 0:
         center = self.pos.get_p()
     if size[0] < 0:
         size = (self.adim[0] * self.scale, self.adim[1] * self.scale)
     loc = Vector(x * self.adim[0], y * self.adim[1])
     canvas.draw_image(self.img, (self.cent + loc).get_p(), self.adim,
                       center, size, rotation)
Example #11
 def __init__(self, count, dim):
     self.fish = []
     self.imgr = SpriteSheet(
         (2, 2),
     self.imgl = SpriteSheet(
         (2, 2),
     for i in range(count):
                 Vector(random.random() * dim[0],
                        random.random() * dim[1]),
                 Bounds(Vector(0, 0.325 * dim[1]),
                        Vector(dim[0], dim[1] * 0.675)), self.imgr,
Example #12
 def __init__(self,
              size=(1, 1),
     if framecount == -1:
         framecount = size[0] * size[1]
     self.framecount = framecount
     self.url = url
     self.size = size
     self.img = simplegui.load_image(url)
     self.bdim = Vector(self.img.get_width(),
                        self.img.get_height())  # before dimentions
     self.adim = (self.bdim.x / self.size[0], self.bdim.y / self.size[1]
                  )  # after dimaentions
     self.cent = Vector(self.adim[0] / 2, self.adim[1] / 2)
     self.fno = 0
     self.time = time
     self.pos = pos
     self.scale = scale
Example #13
    def draw(self, canvas):

        a = self.vel.angle(Vector(0, 1))
        if self.vel.x > 0:
            a *= -1
            img = self.imgr
            a += math.pi / 2
            a -= math.pi / 2
            img = self.imgl

        img.pos = self.pos
        img.draw(canvas, rotation=a)
Example #14
 def __init__(self, dimensions):
     self.lastFrameTime = time.time()
     self.dimensions = dimensions
     self.clouds = simplegui.load_image(
     self.sun = simplegui.load_image(
     self.water_world = simplegui.load_image(
     self.morebubble = simplegui.load_image(
     self.bubbles = SpriteSheet(
         (15, 5),
         pos=Vector(659, 200))
     self.pearl = Pearl(Vector(695, 700))
     self.carol = Carol(Vector(227, 700))
     self.carolbubble = bubblesheet(Vector(227, 680))
Example #15
    def draw(self, canvas):
        #calls the local class update method

        #displays the score and the number of lives so the user can see the value of both variables
        canvas.draw_text(('Score: ' + str(score)), (0, 40), 40, 'Red')
        canvas.draw_text(('Lives: ' + str(lives)), (650, 40), 40, 'Red')

        #calls the draw method for each object from their class

        #draws the line to the canvas
        for b in self.obstacle:

        #when user has no lives left
        if (dead):
            self.snake.snakeScalar = Vector(0, 0)
Example #16
 def correct(self, fish):
     return Vector(self.cord(self.pos.x, self.pos.x + self.dim.x, fish),
                   self.cora(self.pos.y, self.pos.y + self.dim.y, fish))
Example #17
    def update(self):
        global score, lives, dead, B1, B2, E1, E2, Up, Down, Left, Right, alongline, SNAKE_STARTING_POS

        #makes a call to the update methods for each object snake and enemy

        #check if snake eats food
        if (self.food.pos.x - 2.5 * self.snake.snakeRad <= self.snake.snakeX
                and self.food.pos.x + 2.5 * self.snake.snakeRad >=
                and self.food.pos.y - self.snake.snakeRad < self.snake.snakeY
                and self.food.pos.y + self.snake.snakeRad > self.snake.snakeY):
            #increment the score by 1 if the player snake is in contact with the food
            score += 1
            #increase the speed + size of snake when it consumes food
            self.snake.speedScalar += 0.1
            self.food.pos = Vector(random.randint(1, CANVAS_WIDTH),
                                   random.randint(1, CANVAS_HEIGHT))
            Down = False
            Up = False
            Left = False
            Right = False

        #check if snake touches border
        if (self.snake.snakeX > CANVAS_WIDTH
                or self.snake.snakeY > CANVAS_HEIGHT or self.snake.snakeX < 0
                or self.snake.snakeY < 0):
            #checks users current amount of lives and adjusts them appropriatly as well as reseting the snake back to its starting position
            if (lives == 3):
                lives = 2
                self.snake.snakeX = SNAKE_STARTING_POS
                self.snake.snakeY = SNAKE_STARTING_POS
            elif (lives == 2):
                lives = 1
                self.snake.snakeX = SNAKE_STARTING_POS
                self.snake.snakeY = SNAKE_STARTING_POS
            elif (lives == 1):
                lives = 0
                dead = True

        #code runs for the obstacle which is the line
        for line in self.obstacle:
            HalfW = line.width / 2 + 10

            #food so its not between border
            if (self.food.pos.y > line.p1[1] - HalfW and self.food.pos.y <
                    line.p1[1] + HalfW) and (self.food.pos.x > line.p1[0]
                                             and self.food.pos.x < line.p2[0]):
                self.food.pos = Vector(random.randint(10, CANVAS_WIDTH),
                                       random.randint(10, CANVAS_HEIGHT))

            #player touches the line
            if (self.snake.snakeY > line.p1[1] - HalfW
                    and self.snake.snakeY < line.p1[1] + HalfW) and (
                        self.snake.snakeX > line.p1[0]
                        and self.snake.snakeX < line.p2[0]):
                lives -= 1
                self.snake.snakeX = SNAKE_STARTING_POS
                self.snake.snakeY = SNAKE_STARTING_POS

                if lives == 0:
                    dead = True

            #enemy not hitting line
            if (self.enemy.snakeY > line.p1[1] - HalfW
                    and self.enemy.snakeY < line.p1[1] + HalfW) and (
                        self.enemy.snakeX > line.p1[0]
                        and self.enemy.snakeX < line.p2[0]):
                if self.enemy.snakeY < CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2:
                    if self.enemy.snakeX < B1:
                        self.enemy.snakeScalar = Vector(0.5, 0)
                    elif self.enemy.snakeX > E1:
                        self.enemy.snakeScalar = Vector(-0.5, 0)
                elif self.enemy.snakeY > CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2:
                    if self.enemy.snakeX < B2:
                        self.enemy.snakeScalar = Vector(0.5, 0)
                    elif self.enemy.snakeX > E2:
                        self.enemy.snakeScalar = Vector(-0.5, 0)

                alongline = True
                Down = False
                Up = False
                Left = False
                Right = False

        if alongline and self.enemy.snakeY < CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2:
            if (self.enemy.snakeX == B1 or self.enemy.snakeX == E1):
                alongline = False
        elif alongline and self.enemy.snakeY > CANVAS_HEIGHT / 2:
            if (self.enemy.snakeX == B2 or self.enemy.snakeX == E2):
                alongline = False

        #enemy trying to get the food
        if not alongline:
            if not Down and (self.enemy.snakeY - self.food.pos.y) > 0:
                self.enemy.snakeScalar = Vector(0, -0.5)
                Up = True
            elif not Up and (self.enemy.snakeY - self.food.pos.y) < 0:
                self.enemy.snakeScalar = Vector(0, 0.5)
                Down = True
                if not Right and (self.enemy.snakeX - self.food.pos.x) > 0:
                    self.enemy.snakeScalar = Vector(-0.5, 0)
                    Left = True
                elif not Left and (self.enemy.snakeX - self.food.pos.x) < 0:
                    self.enemy.snakeScalar = Vector(0.5, 0)
                    Right = True

        #reposition food if the enemy gets it
        if (self.food.pos.x - 2.5 * self.enemy.snakeRad <= self.enemy.snakeX
                and self.food.pos.x + 2.5 * self.enemy.snakeRad >=
                and self.food.pos.y - self.enemy.snakeRad < self.enemy.snakeY
                and self.food.pos.y + self.enemy.snakeRad > self.enemy.snakeY):
            self.food.pos = Vector(random.randint(10, CANVAS_WIDTH),
                                   random.randint(10, CANVAS_HEIGHT))
            Down = False
            Up = False
            Left = False
            Right = False
Example #18
class Fsh:
    def __init__(self, pos, bounds, imgr, imgl):
        self.bounds = bounds
        self.max_vel = 75
        self.imgr = imgr
        self.imgl = imgl
        self.size = 25
        self.per = self.size * 3
        self.pos = pos
        angle = random.random() * math.pi * 2
        self.vel = Vector(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)) * 20

    def draw(self, canvas):

        a = self.vel.angle(Vector(0, 1))
        if self.vel.x > 0:
            a *= -1
            img = self.imgr
            a += math.pi / 2
            a -= math.pi / 2
            img = self.imgl

        img.pos = self.pos
        img.draw(canvas, rotation=a)
    def allign(self, fish):
        if len(fish) < 1:
        # calculate the average velocities of the other boids
        avg = Vector()
        count = 0
        for boid in fish:
            if (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per:
                count += 1
                avg += boid.vel

        if count > 0:
            avg = avg.divide(count)
            # set our velocity towards the others
            return (avg).normalize()
            return Vector()

    def cohesion(self, fish):
        if len(fish) < 1:

        # calculate the average distances from the other boids
        com = Vector()
        count = 0
        for boid in fish:
            if boid.pos == self.pos:
            elif (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per:
                com += (self.pos - boid.pos)
                count += 1
        if count > 0:
            com = com.divide(count)
            return -com.normalize()
            return Vector()

    def seperation(self, fish, minDistance):
        if len(fish) < 1:
            return Vector()

        distance = 0
        numClose = 0
        distsum = Vector()
        for boid in fish:
            distance = (self.pos - boid.pos).length()
            if distance < minDistance and distance != 0:
                numClose += 1
                distsum += (boid.pos - self.pos).divide(distance**2)

        if numClose == 0:
            return Vector()

        return (-distsum.divide(numClose)).normalize()

    def update(self, delta, fish):
        self.vel = self.vel.add(self.allign(fish).multiply(self.max_vel / 50))
        self.vel = self.vel.add(
            self.cohesion(fish).multiply(self.max_vel / 50))
        self.vel = self.vel.add(
                            self.per * 3 / 5).multiply(self.max_vel / 30))
        self.vel = self.vel.normalize().multiply(self.max_vel)
        self.vel.rotate((random.random() * 2 - 1) * delta * 20)
        self.pos = self.pos.add(self.vel * delta)
        self.pos = self.bounds.correct(self)
Example #19
 def __init__(self):
     self.pos = Vector(random.randint(1, CANVAS_WIDTH),
                       random.randint(1, CANVAS_HEIGHT))
     self.rad = 5