Example #1
    def cohesion(self, fish):
        if len(fish) < 1:

        # calculate the average distances from the other boids
        com = Vector()
        count = 0
        for boid in fish:
            if boid.pos == self.pos:
            elif (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per:
                com += (self.pos - boid.pos)
                count += 1
        if count > 0:
            com = com.divide(count)
            return -com.normalize()
            return Vector()
Example #2
class Fsh:
    def __init__(self, pos, bounds, imgr, imgl):
        self.bounds = bounds
        self.max_vel = 75
        self.imgr = imgr
        self.imgl = imgl
        self.size = 25
        self.per = self.size * 3
        self.pos = pos
        angle = random.random() * math.pi * 2
        self.vel = Vector(math.cos(angle), math.sin(angle)) * 20

    def draw(self, canvas):

        a = self.vel.angle(Vector(0, 1))
        if self.vel.x > 0:
            a *= -1
            img = self.imgr
            a += math.pi / 2
            a -= math.pi / 2
            img = self.imgl

        img.pos = self.pos
        img.draw(canvas, rotation=a)
    def allign(self, fish):
        if len(fish) < 1:
        # calculate the average velocities of the other boids
        avg = Vector()
        count = 0
        for boid in fish:
            if (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per:
                count += 1
                avg += boid.vel

        if count > 0:
            avg = avg.divide(count)
            # set our velocity towards the others
            return (avg).normalize()
            return Vector()

    def cohesion(self, fish):
        if len(fish) < 1:

        # calculate the average distances from the other boids
        com = Vector()
        count = 0
        for boid in fish:
            if boid.pos == self.pos:
            elif (boid.pos - self.pos).length() < self.per:
                com += (self.pos - boid.pos)
                count += 1
        if count > 0:
            com = com.divide(count)
            return -com.normalize()
            return Vector()

    def seperation(self, fish, minDistance):
        if len(fish) < 1:
            return Vector()

        distance = 0
        numClose = 0
        distsum = Vector()
        for boid in fish:
            distance = (self.pos - boid.pos).length()
            if distance < minDistance and distance != 0:
                numClose += 1
                distsum += (boid.pos - self.pos).divide(distance**2)

        if numClose == 0:
            return Vector()

        return (-distsum.divide(numClose)).normalize()

    def update(self, delta, fish):
        self.vel = self.vel.add(self.allign(fish).multiply(self.max_vel / 50))
        self.vel = self.vel.add(
            self.cohesion(fish).multiply(self.max_vel / 50))
        self.vel = self.vel.add(
                            self.per * 3 / 5).multiply(self.max_vel / 30))
        self.vel = self.vel.normalize().multiply(self.max_vel)
        self.vel.rotate((random.random() * 2 - 1) * delta * 20)
        self.pos = self.pos.add(self.vel * delta)
        self.pos = self.bounds.correct(self)