Example #1
def tell(event, bot):
	""" tell target msg. Will tell a user <target> a message <msg>."""
	target, msg = argumentSplit(event.argument, 2)
	if not target: return bot.say(functionHelp(tell))
	if not msg:
		return bot.say("Need something to tell (%s)" % target)
	users, unknown, dupes, hasself = _generate_users(bot, target, USERS_MODULE.get_username(bot, event.nick))
	if not users:
		if hasself: return bot.say("Use notepad.")
		else: return bot.say("Sorry, don't know (%s)." % target)
	cmd = event.command.lower()
	targets = []
	for user, target in users:
		#cmd user msg
		imsg = "%s %s %s" % (event.command, target, msg)
		# TODO: do we do an alias lookup on event.nick also?
		bot.dbQuery('''INSERT INTO tell(user, telltime, source, msg) VALUES (?,?,?,?);''',
			(user, int(timegm(gmtime())), event.nick, imsg))
	# check if we need to warn about too many tell pastebin
	# https://github.com/Clam-/pyBurlyBot/issues/29 
	#~ n = bot.dbQuery('''SELECT COUNT(id) AS C FROM tell WHERE user = ? AND delivered = ? AND telltime < ?;''', (user, 0, time()), fetchone)['C']
	#~ if n > 3:
		#~ print "GUNNA WARNING"
	if len(users) > 1:
		bot.say(RPLFORMAT % (event.nick, PASSON if cmd == "tell" else ASKTHAT,
			english_list(targets), "are", UNKNOWN % english_list(unknown) if unknown else "",
			URSELF if hasself else "", MULTIUSER % "Telling" if dupes else ""))
		bot.say(RPLFORMAT % (event.nick, PASSON if cmd == "tell" else ASKTHAT,
			english_list(targets), "is", UNKNOWN % english_list(unknown) if unknown else "",
			URSELF if hasself else "", MULTIUSER % "Telling" if dupes else ""))
Example #2
def tell(event, bot):
	""" tell target msg. Will tell a user <target> a message <msg>."""
	target, msg = argumentSplit(event.argument, 2)
	if not target: return bot.say(bot.say(functionHelp(tell)))
	if not msg:
		return bot.say("Need something to tell (%s)" % target)
	users, unknown, dupes, hasself = _generate_users(bot, target, USERS_MODULE.get_username(bot, event.nick))
	if not users:
		if hasself: return bot.say("Use notepad.")
		else: return bot.say("Sorry, don't know (%s)." % target)
	cmd = event.command.lower()
	targets = []
	for user, target in users:
		#cmd user msg
		imsg = "%s %s %s" % (event.command, target, msg)
		# TODO: do we do an alias lookup on event.nick also?
		bot.dbQuery('''INSERT INTO tell(user, telltime, source, msg) VALUES (?,?,?,?);''',
			(user, int(timegm(gmtime())), event.nick, imsg))
	# check if we need to warn about too many tell pastebin
	# https://github.com/Clam-/pyBurlyBot/issues/29 
	#~ n = bot.dbQuery('''SELECT COUNT(id) AS C FROM tell WHERE user = ? AND delivered = ? AND telltime < ?;''', (user, 0, time()), fetchone)['C']
	#~ if n > 3:
		#~ print "GUNNA WARNING"
	if len(users) > 1:
		bot.say(RPLFORMAT % (event.nick, PASSON if cmd == "tell" else ASKTHAT,
			english_list(targets), "are", UNKNOWN % english_list(unknown) if unknown else "",
			URSELF if hasself else "", MULTIUSER % "Telling" if dupes else ""))
		bot.say(RPLFORMAT % (event.nick, PASSON if cmd == "tell" else ASKTHAT,
			english_list(targets), "is", UNKNOWN % english_list(unknown) if unknown else "",
			URSELF if hasself else "", MULTIUSER % "Telling" if dupes else ""))
Example #3
def do_commands(obj, *args, **kwargs):
 Lists all commands.
 obj.notify('Commands listing:')
 i = 0
 for f in commands.values():
  if obj.access >= f.access:
   i += 1
   obj.notify('%s: %s' % (util.english_list(f.name.split(), and_string = 'or').capitalize(), getdoc(f).strip().split('\n')[0]))
 obj.notify('Commands: %s.' % i)
 return True
Example #4
def alert(event, bot):
	""" alert target datespec msg. Alert a user <target> about a message <msg> at <datespec> time.
		datespec can be relative (in) or calendar/day based (on), e.g. 'in 5 minutes'"""
	target, dtime1, dtime2, msg = argumentSplit(event.argument, 4)
	if not target:
		return bot.say(functionHelp(alert))
	if dtime1.lower() == "tomorrow":
		target, dtime1, msg = argumentSplit(event.argument, 3) # reparse is easiest way I guess... resolves #30 if need to readdress
		dtime2 = ""
		if not (dtime1 and dtime2): return bot.say("Need time to alert.")
	if not msg:
		return bot.say("Need something to alert (%s)" % target)

	origuser = USERS_MODULE.get_username(bot, event.nick)
	users, unknown, dupes, _ = _lookup_users(bot, target, origuser, False)

	if not users:
		return bot.say("Sorry, don't know (%s)." % target)

	dtime = "%s %s" % (dtime1, dtime2)
	# user location aware destination times
	locmod = None
	goomod = None
	timelocale = False
		locmod = bot.getModule("pbm_location")
		goomod = bot.getModule("pbm_googleapi")
		timelocale = True
	except ConfigException:

	origin_time = timegm(gmtime())
	alocal_time = localtime(origin_time)
	local_offset = timegm(alocal_time) - origin_time
	if locmod and goomod:
		t = origin_time
		loc = locmod.getlocation(bot.dbQuery, origuser)
		if not loc:
			timelocale = False
			t = alocal_time
			tz = goomod.google_timezone(loc[1], loc[2], t)
			if not tz:
				timelocale = False
				t = alocal_time
				t = gmtime(t + tz[2] + tz[3]) #[2] dst [3] timezone offset
		t = alocal_time
	ntime = parseDateTime(dtime, t)
	if not ntime:
		return bot.say("Don't know what time and/or day and/or date (%s) is." % dtime)

	# go on, change it. I dare you.
	if timelocale:
		t = timegm(t) - tz[2] - tz[3]
		ntime = ntime - tz[2] - tz[3]
		t = timegm(t) - local_offset
		ntime = ntime - local_offset

	if ntime < t or ntime > (t + MAX_REMIND_TIME):
		return bot.say("Don't sass me with your back to the future alerts.")
	if ntime < (t + 5):
		return bot.say("2fast")

	targets = []
	for user, target in users:
		if user == origuser:
			source_user = None
			source_user = event.nick

		if event.isPM():
			chan_or_user = event.nick
			chan_or_user = event.target

		bot.dbQuery('''INSERT INTO alert(target_user, alert_time, created_time, source, source_user, msg) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);''',
				(user, int(ntime), int(origin_time), chan_or_user, source_user, msg))

		if ntime < (t + LOOP_INTERVAL):

		if not source_user:
	bot.say(RPL_ALERT_FORMAT % (event.nick, english_list(targets), distance_of_time_in_words(ntime, t),
		UNKNOWN % english_list(unknown) if unknown else "", MULTIUSER % "Alerting" if dupes else ""))
Example #5
def remind(event, bot):
	""" remind target datespec msg. Will remind a user <target> about a message <msg> at <datespec> time.
		datespec can be relative (in) or calendar/day based (on), e.g. 'in 5 minutes'"""
	target, dtime1, dtime2, msg = argumentSplit(event.argument, 4)
	if not target: return bot.say(functionHelp(tell))
	if dtime1.lower() == "tomorrow":
		target, dtime1, msg = argumentSplit(event.argument, 3) # reparse is easiest way I guess... resolves #30 if need to readdress
		dtime2 = ""
		if not (dtime1 and dtime2): return bot.say("Need time to remind.")
	if not msg:
		return bot.say("Need something to remind (%s)" % target)
	origuser = USERS_MODULE.get_username(bot, event.nick)
	users, unknown, dupes, _ = _generate_users(bot, target, origuser, False)

	if not users:
		return bot.say("Sorry, don't know (%s)." % target)
	dtime = "%s %s" % (dtime1, dtime2)
	# user location aware destination times
	locmod = None
	goomod = None
	timelocale = False
		locmod = bot.getModule("pbm_location")
		goomod = bot.getModule("pbm_googleapi")
		timelocale = True
	except ConfigException:
	origintime = timegm(gmtime())
	alocaltime = localtime(origintime)
	localoffset = timegm(alocaltime) - origintime
	if locmod and goomod:
		t = origintime
		loc = locmod.getlocation(bot.dbQuery, origuser)
		if not loc: 
			timelocale = False
			t = alocaltime
			tz = goomod.google_timezone(loc[1], loc[2], t)
			if not tz: 
				timelocale = False
				t = alocaltime
				t = gmtime(t + tz[2] + tz[3]) #[2] dst [3] timezone offset
		t = alocaltime
	ntime = parseDateTime(dtime, t)
	if not ntime: return bot.say("Don't know what time and/or day and/or date (%s) is." % dtime)
	# go on, change it. I dare you.
	if timelocale:
		t = timegm(t) - tz[2] - tz[3]
		ntime = ntime - tz[2] - tz[3]
		t = timegm(t) - localoffset
		ntime = ntime - localoffset

	if ntime < t or ntime > t+MAX_REMIND_TIME:
		return bot.say("Don't sass me with your back to the future reminds.")
	targets = []
	for user, target in users:
		if user == origuser: source = None
		else: source = event.nick
		bot.dbQuery('''INSERT INTO tell(user, telltime, origintime, remind, source, msg) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?);''',
			(user, int(ntime), int(origintime), 1, source, msg))
		if not source: targets.append("you")
		else: targets.append(target)
	bot.say(RPLREMINDFORMAT % (event.nick, english_list(targets), distance_of_time_in_words(ntime, t),
		UNKNOWN % english_list(unknown) if unknown else "", MULTIUSER % "Reminding" if dupes else ""))
Example #6
def test_english_list():
 assert util.english_list([]) == ''
 assert util.english_list(['hello']) == 'hello'
 assert util.english_list(['hello', 'world']) == 'hello, and world'
 assert util.english_list(['fruit', 'nut', 'cream']) == 'fruit, nut, and cream'
 assert util.english_list(['male', 'female'], and_string = 'or') == 'male, or female'