Example #1
def do_fig_plotting(fig, ax, key_group, dur, figs_data_dict, usage_frac_dict):
    for key in key_group:  # note: key is a ic
        x, y = figs_data_dict[key][dur]
        # note: key_obj is a ic_obj
        key_obj = util.gen_cluster_obj_from_clustername(key)
                y / float(key_obj.quota) * 100,
                label="{0} | {1} | {2:.1%}".format(
                    key_obj.clustername, key_obj.quota,

    if dur in ['day', 'week']:
        dtfmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
        dtfmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
    ax.grid(b=True, which="both")
    leg = ax.legend(loc="best")

    # It's probably better to plot percentage
    ax.set_ylabel("Running Cores (%)", labelpad=50)
    xlim = list(ax.get_xlim())  # get_ylim() returns a tuple
    ylim = list(ax.get_ylim())  # get_ylim() returns a tuple
    ylim[0] = -5  # to see 0 more clearly
    # make sure we see this line at y=100%
    ylim[1] = ylim[1] * 1.1 if ylim[1] > 100 else 105

    # drawing reference line, this will mess up the xlim, need to
    # find a way to avoid it 2012-06-28
    beg_datetime = datetime.datetime(*[2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    end_datetime = datetime.datetime(*[2050, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    ax.plot([beg_datetime, end_datetime], [100, 100], 'k--')
    return fig
Example #2
def do_fig_plotting(fig, ax, key_group, dur, figs_data_dict, usage_frac_dict):
    for key in key_group:                       # note: key is a ic
        x, y = figs_data_dict[key][dur]
        # note: key_obj is a ic_obj
        key_obj = util.gen_cluster_obj_from_clustername(key)
        ax.plot(x, y / float(key_obj.quota) * 100, 'o-', linewidth=2,
                label="{0} | {1} | {2:.1%}".format(

    if dur in ['day', 'week']:
        dtfmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
        dtfmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
    ax.grid(b=True, which="both")
    leg = ax.legend(loc="best")

    # It's probably better to plot percentage
    ax.set_ylabel("Running Cores (%)", labelpad=50)
    xlim = list(ax.get_xlim())             # get_ylim() returns a tuple
    ylim = list(ax.get_ylim())             # get_ylim() returns a tuple
    ylim[0] = -5                           # to see 0 more clearly
    # make sure we see this line at y=100%
    ylim[1] = ylim[1] * 1.1 if ylim[1] > 100 else 105

    # drawing reference line, this will mess up the xlim, need to
    # find a way to avoid it 2012-06-28
    beg_datetime = datetime.datetime(*[2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    end_datetime = datetime.datetime(*[2050, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
    ax.plot([beg_datetime, end_datetime], [100, 100], 'k--')
    return  fig
Example #3
def collect_data(db):
    """should be ideally run in background"""
    # the names in interested_clusters are not arbitrary, it has to match the
    # clusternames in static/xml/clusters.xml, e.g. scinet is not the same as
    # Scinet, SciNet, or Sci Net

    # be sure to use config var INTERESTED_CLUSTERS on heroku
    # here, just use scinet is for local testing,
    interested_clusters = os.getenv(
        "scinet mp2 colosse guillimin lattice nestor parallel orcinus orca"

    # interested_clusters = ["orcinus"]

    # sort of variables initialization
    figs_data_dict, usage_frac_dict = {}, {}
    usermap = util.user_mapping()
    delta_ts, resolutions = get_delta_ts_and_resolutions()
    durations = DURATIONS
    while True:
        for ic in interested_clusters:  # ic: interested cluster
            ic_obj = util.gen_cluster_obj_from_clustername(ic)
            raw_xml = ic_obj.fetch_raw_xml()
            created = datetime.datetime.now()
            if raw_xml:
                global RAW_XML
                RAW_XML[ic] = raw_xml
                # having such error for scinet and nestor,
                # MemcachedError: error 37 from memcached_set: SUCCESS
                # guess those xml data may be too big for memcached,
                # using system memory instead for now 2012-06-12
                # MEMC.set("RAW_XML", raw_xml_cache)

            # rcu, qcu: running & queuing core usages
            rcu, qcu = ic_obj.process_raw_xml(usermap, raw_xml)

            # 1. generate reports and cache it
            reports = MEMC.get("REPORTS")
            if not reports:  # meaning: first time
                reports = {}
            report = ic_obj.gen_report(rcu, qcu, usermap, created)
            reports[ic_obj.clustername] = report
            MEMC.set("REPORTS", reports)

            # 2. insert to database
            insert2db(rcu, qcu, ic_obj, created, db)

            # 3. cache usage data for later plotting
            # dur_queries = [last_day_data, last_week_data, last_month_data,
            # last_year_data]
            dur_queries = prepare_data_for_plotting(ic, created, db)

            # this is for /.json kind of url
            figs_data_dict[ic] = {i: j for i, j in zip(durations, dur_queries)}
            MEMC.set("FIGS_DATA", figs_data_dict)

            # ldd:last_day_data;    lwd:last_week_data
            # lmd:last_month_data;  lyd:last_year_data
            ldd, lwd, lmd, lyd = dur_queries
            total_sec_to_now = (lyd[0][-1] -

            # inte_coresec: integrate core seconds
            usage_frac_dict[ic] = {
                'day': inte_coresec(*ldd) / (ic_obj.quota * 24 * 3600),
                'week': inte_coresec(*lwd) / (ic_obj.quota * 7 * 24 * 3600),
                'month': inte_coresec(*lmd) / (ic_obj.quota * 30 * 24 * 3600),
                'year': inte_coresec(*lyd) / (ic_obj.quota * total_sec_to_now),
            MEMC.set("USAGE_FRAC", usage_frac_dict)

        # 4. Now let's do the real plotting, first: usage vs. time, then: histogram
        # 1). usage vs. time
        keys = sorted(figs_data_dict.keys())
        for index, key_group in enumerate(util.split_list(keys, step=4)):
            figs, axes = {}, {}
            for dur in durations:
                figs[dur] = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 13.5))
                axes[dur] = figs[dur].add_subplot(111)
                fig, ax = figs[dur], axes[dur]
                fig = do_fig_plotting(fig, ax, key_group, dur, figs_data_dict,

                canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
                png_output = StringIO.StringIO()
                plt.close(fig)  # clear up the memory

                # figure naming pattern should be systematically redesigned
                # when # gets large
                ident = str('_'.join([dur, str(index)]))
                fig_content = png_output.getvalue()
                db = update_the_figure(db, Figure, ident, fig_content, created)

        # 2). histogram plotting
        usage_frac_dict_by_dur = {}
        for dur in durations:
            usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur] = {}
        for ic in usage_frac_dict:
            for dur in usage_frac_dict[ic]:
                usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur][ic] = usage_frac_dict[ic][dur]

        for dur in usage_frac_dict_by_dur:
            N = len(usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur])
            width = 1.  # the width of the bars
            ind = np.arange(0, N, width)  # the x locations for the groups

            keys = usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur].keys()
            keys.sort(key=lambda k: usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur][k],
            # make sure the order is right
            durMeans = [usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur][k] for k in keys]

            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
                bottom=0.2)  # otherwise, xticklabels cannot be shown fully
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

            for i, d in zip(ind, durMeans):
                # 'g': green; 'r': red
                col = 'g' if d > 1 else 'r'
                ax.bar(i, d, width, color=col)

            ylim = list(ax.get_ylim())
            ylim[1] = ylim[1] * 1.1 if ylim[1] > 1 else 1.05

            ax.plot([0, 100], [1, 1], 'k--')
            ax.set_xlim([0, N * width])

            ax.set_ylabel('Usage', labelpad=40)
                             'facecolor': 'red',
                             'alpha': 0.5
            ax.title.set_y(1.02)  # offset title position
            ax.set_xticks(ind + width / 2.)
            ax.set_xticklabels(keys, size=25, rotation=45)
            ax.grid(b=True, which="both")

            canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
            png_output = StringIO.StringIO()

            ident = "histo_{0}".format(dur)
            fig_content = png_output.getvalue()

            db = update_the_figure(db, Figure, ident, fig_content, created)

        # when at last, maybe 10min is too frequent, think about 30 min
        dt = os.environ.get('DELTAT')
        if not dt:
            time.sleep(600)  # sleep 10 min
Example #4
def collect_data(db):
    """should be ideally run in background"""
    # the names in interested_clusters are not arbitrary, it has to match the
    # clusternames in static/xml/clusters.xml, e.g. scinet is not the same as
    # Scinet, SciNet, or Sci Net

    # be sure to use config var INTERESTED_CLUSTERS on heroku
    # here, just use scinet is for local testing,
    interested_clusters = os.getenv(
        "scinet mp2 colosse guillimin lattice nestor parallel orcinus orca").split()

    # interested_clusters = ["orcinus"]

    # sort of variables initialization
    figs_data_dict, usage_frac_dict = {}, {}
    usermap = util.user_mapping()
    delta_ts, resolutions = get_delta_ts_and_resolutions()
    durations = DURATIONS
    while True:
        for ic in interested_clusters:                 # ic: interested cluster
            ic_obj = util.gen_cluster_obj_from_clustername(ic)
            raw_xml = ic_obj.fetch_raw_xml()
            created = datetime.datetime.now()
            if raw_xml:
                global RAW_XML
                RAW_XML[ic] = raw_xml
                # having such error for scinet and nestor,
                # MemcachedError: error 37 from memcached_set: SUCCESS
                # guess those xml data may be too big for memcached,
                # using system memory instead for now 2012-06-12
                # MEMC.set("RAW_XML", raw_xml_cache)

            # rcu, qcu: running & queuing core usages
            rcu, qcu = ic_obj.process_raw_xml(usermap, raw_xml)

            # 1. generate reports and cache it
            reports = MEMC.get("REPORTS")
            if not reports:                               # meaning: first time
                reports = {}
            report = ic_obj.gen_report(rcu, qcu, usermap, created)
            reports[ic_obj.clustername] = report
            MEMC.set("REPORTS", reports)

            # 2. insert to database
            insert2db(rcu, qcu, ic_obj, created, db)

            # 3. cache usage data for later plotting
            # dur_queries = [last_day_data, last_week_data, last_month_data,
            # last_year_data]
            dur_queries = prepare_data_for_plotting(ic, created, db)

            # this is for /.json kind of url
            figs_data_dict[ic] = {i:j for i, j in zip(durations, dur_queries)}
            MEMC.set("FIGS_DATA", figs_data_dict)

            # ldd:last_day_data;    lwd:last_week_data
            # lmd:last_month_data;  lyd:last_year_data
            ldd, lwd, lmd, lyd = dur_queries
            total_sec_to_now = (
                lyd[0][-1] - THE_VERY_BEGINNING).total_seconds()

            # inte_coresec: integrate core seconds
            usage_frac_dict[ic] = {
                'day': inte_coresec(*ldd) / (ic_obj.quota * 24 * 3600),
                'week': inte_coresec(*lwd) / (ic_obj.quota * 7 * 24 * 3600),
                'month': inte_coresec(*lmd) / (ic_obj.quota * 30 * 24 * 3600),
                'year': inte_coresec(*lyd) / (ic_obj.quota * total_sec_to_now),
            MEMC.set("USAGE_FRAC", usage_frac_dict)

        # 4. Now let's do the real plotting, first: usage vs. time, then: histogram
        # 1). usage vs. time
        keys = sorted(figs_data_dict.keys())
        for index, key_group in enumerate(util.split_list(keys, step=4)):
            figs, axes = {}, {}
            for dur in durations:
                figs[dur] = plt.figure(figsize=(24, 13.5))
                axes[dur] = figs[dur].add_subplot(111)
                fig, ax = figs[dur], axes[dur]
                fig = do_fig_plotting(fig, ax, key_group, dur,
                                      figs_data_dict, usage_frac_dict)

                canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
                png_output = StringIO.StringIO()
                plt.close(fig)                            # clear up the memory

                # figure naming pattern should be systematically redesigned
                # when # gets large
                ident = str('_'.join([dur, str(index)]))
                fig_content = png_output.getvalue()
                db = update_the_figure(db, Figure, ident, fig_content, created)

        # 2). histogram plotting
        usage_frac_dict_by_dur = {}
        for dur in durations:
            usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur] = {}
        for ic in usage_frac_dict:
            for dur in usage_frac_dict[ic]:
                usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur][ic] = usage_frac_dict[ic][dur]

        for dur in usage_frac_dict_by_dur:
            N = len(usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur])
            width = 1.                         # the width of the bars
            ind = np.arange(0, N, width)       # the x locations for the groups

            keys = usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur].keys()
            keys.sort(key=lambda k:usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur][k], reverse=True)
            # make sure the order is right
            durMeans = [usage_frac_dict_by_dur[dur][k] for k in keys]

            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10))
            fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2) # otherwise, xticklabels cannot be shown fully
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

            for i, d in zip(ind, durMeans):
                # 'g': green; 'r': red
                col = 'g' if d > 1 else 'r'
                ax.bar(i, d, width, color=col)

            ylim = list(ax.get_ylim())
            ylim[1] = ylim[1] * 1.1 if ylim[1] > 1 else 1.05

            ax.plot([0, 100], [1, 1], 'k--')
            ax.set_xlim([0, N*width])

            ax.set_ylabel('Usage', labelpad=40)
            ax.set_title(dur, size=40, family="monospace",
                         bbox={'facecolor':'red', 'alpha':0.5})
            ax.title.set_y(1.02)                            # offset title position
            ax.set_xticks(ind+width / 2.)
            ax.set_xticklabels(keys, size=25, rotation=45)
            ax.grid(b=True, which="both")

            canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
            png_output = StringIO.StringIO()

            ident = "histo_{0}".format(dur)
            fig_content = png_output.getvalue()

            db = update_the_figure(db, Figure, ident, fig_content, created)

        # when at last, maybe 10min is too frequent, think about 30 min
        dt = os.environ.get('DELTAT')
        if not dt:
            time.sleep(600)                                 # sleep 10 min