def find_threads(course, forum_folder, forum_id): """ Find all threads in current forum. Note: forum 0 has every thread! """ # download the 1st page of given forum query = 'sort=firstposted&page=1' url = '{}/api/forum/forums/{}/threads?{}' url = url.format(course.get_url(), forum_id, query) path = forum_folder + '/temp.json', path, course.get_cookie_file()) # download a huge page with all threads forum = util.read_json(path) num_threads = forum['total_threads'] url += '&page_size={}'.format(num_threads), path, course.get_cookie_file()) # add each thread's id to forum info threads = util.read_json(path)['threads'] util.remove(path) path = forum_folder + '/info.json' forum = util.read_json(path) forum_threads = [] for thread in reversed(threads): forum_threads.append({'id': thread['id']}) forum['num_threads'] = num_threads forum['threads'] = forum_threads util.write_json(path, forum)
def _find_files(url, folder, cookie): """ Recursively find all files in current page. :param url: A URL to given page. :param folder: A destination folder for this page. :param cookie: A cookie file used for downloading. :return: A list of files (URL, path) in current page. """ files = [] path = '{}/temp.html'.format(folder), path, cookie) page = util.read_file(path) util.remove(path) # recursively find all files in sub-folders pattern = r'<tr><td colspan="4"><a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>' for find in re.finditer(pattern, page, re.DOTALL): url = sub_folder = '{}/{}'.format(folder, files += _find_files(url, sub_folder, cookie) # find all files in this page pattern = r'<tr><td>(.*?)</td>.*?Embed.*?<a href="(.*?)\?.*?">Download</a>' for find in re.finditer(pattern, page, re.DOTALL): url = file_name = path = u'{}/{}'.format(folder, file_name) files.append((url, path)) return files
def link(self, args): """ Actually deploy the configuration by linking the correct spot to the original file. @param args: The parsed arguments from the command-line. """ if args.dry: print(str(self.source) + " -> " + str(self.destination)) return if not self.src_exists: return if self.dst_exists_before: if args.replace: if self.dst_is_link_before: util.unlink(self.destination) elif self.dst_is_file_before: util.remove(self.destination) elif self.dst_is_dir_before: util.remove_dir(self.destination) else: #SUS should never get here. raise Exception("WTF is this shit") else: # File already exists and isn't going to be replaced. return else: #This is some weird nonsense conserning broken links if self.dst_is_link_before: util.unlink(self.destination) if args.copy: util.copy(self.source, self.destination) else:, self.destination)
def get_data(api): response = 'temp.json' url = '' + api cmd = 'curl "{}" -o "{}" --cookie {}'.format(url, response, COOKIE) os.system(cmd) data = util.read_json(response) util.remove(response) return data
def calc_nodata_9999_lineage(stacking, band_name, clip_extents, tile_id, rename, workdir): """Clip scenes which have data outside the lineage, apply -9999 fill."""' Start processing for band: %s', band_name) mosaic_filename = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id, tile_id + '_' + rename + '.tif') if os.path.exists(mosaic_filename): logger.warning("Skip previously generated result %s", mosaic_filename) return mosaic_filename temp_clipped_names = list() temp_masked_names = list() for level, stack in reversed(list(enumerate(stacking, start=1))): scene_name = util.ffind(workdir, stack['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], '*' + band_name + '.tif') temp_name1 = mosaic_filename.replace('.tif', '_temp%d' % level + '.tif') temp_warp_cmd = ('gdalwarp -te {extents}' ' -dstnodata "-9999" -srcnodata "-9999" {0} {1}') util.execute_cmd( temp_warp_cmd.format(scene_name, temp_name1, extents=clip_extents)) temp_clipped_names.append(temp_name1) lineg_name = util.ffind(workdir, tile_id, '*LINEAGEQA.tif') temp_name2 = mosaic_filename.replace('.tif', '_temp%dM' % level + '.tif') temp_calc_cmd = (' -A {0} -B {lineage} --outfile {1}' ' --calc="(A*(B=={level}) + (-9999*(B!={level})))"' ' --NoDataValue=-9999') util.execute_cmd( temp_calc_cmd.format(temp_name1, temp_name2, lineage=lineg_name, level=level)) temp_masked_names.append(temp_name2) temp_name = mosaic_filename.replace('.tif', '_temp.tif') temp_warp_cmd = 'gdalwarp {} {}'.format(' '.join(temp_masked_names), temp_name) util.execute_cmd(temp_warp_cmd) util.remove(*temp_masked_names + temp_clipped_names) warp_cmd = ( 'gdalwarp -dstnodata "-9999" -srcnodata "-9999" -co "compress=deflate"' ' -co "zlevel=9" -co "tiled=yes" -co "predictor=2" {} {}') util.execute_cmd(warp_cmd.format(temp_name, mosaic_filename)) util.remove(temp_name)' End processing for %s as %s ', band_name, mosaic_filename) if not os.path.exists(mosaic_filename): logger.error('Processing failed to generate desired output: %s', mosaic_filename) return mosaic_filename
def cleanup(): for tdir in dumpscreen_window_dirs: removeit(tdir) # remove old files in "___source" directory import glob import time now = time.time() for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir_source, '*')): if now - os.stat(f).st_mtime > 30: remove(f)
def process_lineage_contributing(lineage_filename, n_contrib_scenes): """Check historgram for count of scenes which were not all-fill."""' Start checking contributing scenes') info_cmd = 'gdalinfo -hist {}' results = util.execute_cmd(info_cmd.format(lineage_filename)) # TODO: could potentially use this instead... util.remove(lineage_filename + '.aux.xml') count, array = geofuncs.parse_gdal_hist_output(results['output']) 'Parsing histogram from lineage file found %d' ' contributing scenes', count) if count == 0: logger.warning('Found all fill lineage, tile not needed!') raise ArdTileNotNeededException() # decrement pixel values in lineage file if some scenes didn't contribute # any pixels if count != n_contrib_scenes: delta = n_contrib_scenes - count # Determine whether we need decrement the pixel # values in the lineage file or not. cmd = '' if delta == 1: if array[0] == 0: cmd = ' --calc="A-' + str(delta) + '"' elif array[1] == 0 and array[2] > 0: cmd = ' --calc="A-(A==3)"' elif delta == 2: if array[0] == 0 and array[1] == 0: cmd = ' --calc="A-' + str(delta) + '"' elif array[0] == 0 and array[2] == 0: cmd = ' --calc="A-' + str(1) + '"' if cmd != '': temp_name = lineage_filename.replace('.tif', '_linTemp.tif') calc_cmd = (' -A {lineage} --outfile {temp} {calc}' ' --type="Byte" --NoDataValue=0 --overwrite') util.execute_cmd( calc_cmd.format(lineage=lineage_filename, temp=temp_name, calc=cmd)) # compress warp_cmd = ('gdalwarp -co "compress=deflate" -co "zlevel=9"' ' -co "tiled=yes" -co "predictor=2"' ' -overwrite {} {}') util.execute_cmd(warp_cmd.format(temp_name, lineage_filename)) util.remove(temp_name)'finish updating contributing scenes') return count
def download_email_blacklist(self): url = self.url + '/data/export/pii' path = self.info_folder + '/temp.html', path, self.cookie_file) content = util.read_file(path) pattern = r'href="(https://coursera-reports.*?)"' url =, content).group(1) util.remove(path) path = self.info_folder + '/email_blacklist.csv', path, self.cookie_file)
def rm_identity(computations): """ Remove or reduce one identity """ for c in computations: if isinstance(c, Identity): others = remove(c.__eq__, computations) other_vars = reduce(set.union, [o.variables for o in others], set()) vars = remove(other_vars.__contains__, c.outputs) if not vars: return others if tuple(vars) != c.outputs: newident = Identity(*vars) return (newident,) + tuple(others) return computations
def download_info(self): url = self.url temp = self.info_folder + '/temp.html', temp, self.cookie_file) page_html = util.read_file(temp) util.remove(temp) info_files = ['user.json', 'course.json', 'sidebar.json'] matches = re.findall(r'JSON\.parse\("(.*?)"\);', page_html) for match, info_file in zip(matches, info_files)[1:]: info = util.unicode_unescape(match).replace('\\\\', '') path = '{}/{}'.format(self.info_folder, info_file) util.write_json(path, util.read_json(info, True))
def _input_outputs(self, canonicalize=identity): """ Find the inputs and outputs of the complete computation """ allin = map(canonicalize, unique(chain(*[c.inputs for c in self.computations]))) allout = map(canonicalize, unique(chain(*[c.outputs for c in self.computations]))) inputs = remove(allout.__contains__, allin) outputs = remove(allin.__contains__, allout) ident_inputs = [i for c in self.computations if isinstance(c, Identity) for i in c.inputs] ident_outputs = [o for c in self.computations if isinstance(c, Identity) for o in c.outputs] return tuple(inputs + ident_inputs), tuple(outputs + ident_outputs)
def __scrollback_clean(self): """clean up scrollback files: remove empty lines at the beginning and at the end of a file""" for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "hardcopy.*")): try: ftmp = f + "_tmp" temp = open(ftmp, "w") thefile = open(f, 'r') beginning = True for line in thefile: if beginning: if cmp(line, '\n') == 0: line = line.replace('\n', "") else: beginning = False temp.write(line) temp.close() thefile.close() temp = open(ftmp, 'r') endmark = -1 lockmark = False for (i, line) in enumerate(temp): if cmp(line, '\n') == 0: if not lockmark: endmark = i lockmark = True else: endmark = -1 lockmark = False temp.close() if endmark > 1: thefile = open(f, "w") temp = open(ftmp, 'r') for (i, line) in enumerate(temp): if i == endmark: break None else: thefile.write(line) thefile.close() temp.close() util.remove(ftmp) else: util.remove(f) os.rename(ftmp, f) except: sys.stderr.write('Unable to clean scrollback file: ' + f + '\n')
def __scrollback_clean(self): """clean up scrollback files: remove empty lines at the beginning and at the end of a file""" for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "hardcopy.*")): try: ftmp = f + "_tmp" temp = open(ftmp, "w") thefile = open(f, "r") beginning = True for line in thefile: if beginning: if cmp(line, "\n") == 0: line = line.replace("\n", "") else: beginning = False temp.write(line) temp.close() thefile.close() temp = open(ftmp, "r") endmark = -1 lockmark = False for (i, line) in enumerate(temp): if cmp(line, "\n") == 0: if not lockmark: endmark = i lockmark = True else: endmark = -1 lockmark = False temp.close() if endmark > 1: thefile = open(f, "w") temp = open(ftmp, "r") for (i, line) in enumerate(temp): if i == endmark: break None else: thefile.write(line) thefile.close() temp.close() util.remove(ftmp) else: util.remove(f) os.rename(ftmp, f) except: sys.stderr.write("Unable to clean scrollback file: " + f + "\n")
def __save_win(self,winid,ctype,pids_data,ctime,rollback): errors=[] fname=os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir,"win_"+winid) if rollback[1]: #time=linecache.getline(rollback[0],2).strip() #copy scrollback shutil.move(rollback[1],os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir,"hardcopy."+winid)) basedata_len=7 f=open(fname,"a") if rollback[0]: rollback_dir=rollback[2] target=rollback[0] fr=open(target,'r') last_sep=1 for i,line in enumerate(fr.readlines()[basedata_len:]): f.write(line) if line=='-\n': last_sep=i elif i-last_sep==6 and line.startswith('vim_'): #import vim files but update the window number in filename for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(rollback_dir,line.strip()+'_*')): try: tvim="vim_W%s_%s"%(winid,os.path.basename(filename).split('_',2)[2]) tvim=os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir,tvim) shutil.move(filename,tvim) except: errors.append('Unable to rollback vim: %s'%filename) util.remove(target) else: pids_data_len="0" if(pids_data): pids_data_len=str(len(pids_data)) f.write(pids_data_len+'\n') if(pids_data): for pid in pids_data: f.write("-\n") for i,data in enumerate(pid): if i == 2: if data.endswith('\0\0'): data=data[:len(data)-1] f.write(str(len(data.split('\0'))-1)+'\n') f.write(str(data)+'\n') else: f.write(str(data)+'\n') f.write(ctime) f.close() return errors
def deleta_aluno(id_aluno): try: aluno = util.localiza(id_aluno, 'ALUNO') removido = util.remove(aluno, 'ALUNO') return jsonify(removido) except util.NotFoundError: return jsonify({'erro': 'aluno nao encontrado'}), 400
def deleta_disciplina(id_disciplina): try: disciplina = util.localiza(id_disciplina,'DISCIPLINA') removido = util.remove(disciplina,'DISCIPLINA') return jsonify(removido) except util.NotFoundError: return jsonify({'erro':'disciplina nao encontrada'}),400
def deleta_professor(id_professor): try: professor = util.localiza(id_professor, 'PROFESSOR') deletado = util.remove(professor, 'PROFESSOR') return jsonify(deletado) except util.NotFoundError: return jsonify({'erro': 'professor nao encontrado'}), 400
def cleanup(): cmd = '' f = open(sourcefile, 'w') for (i, w) in enumerate(win_history): if w == "-1": w = "-" f.write("""select %s at \"%s\#\" kill focus """ % (w, wins[i])) f.flush() f.close() scs.source(sourcefile) scs.focusminsize(focusminsize) sc.cleanup() remove(sourcefile)
def __scrollback_clean(self): '''clean up scrollback files: remove empty lines at the beginning and at the end of a file''' for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir,'hardcopy.*')): try: ftmp=f+"_tmp" temp=open(ftmp,'w') thefile = open(f,'r') beginning=True for line in thefile: if beginning: if cmp(line,'\n') == 0: line = line.replace('\n','') else: beginning=False temp.write(line) temp.close() thefile.close() temp = open( ftmp, 'r' ) endmark=-1 lockmark=False for i,line in enumerate(temp): if cmp(line,'\n') == 0: if not lockmark: endmark=i lockmark=True else: endmark=-1 lockmark=False temp.close() if endmark > 1: thefile = open(f , 'w') temp=open(ftmp,'r') for i,line in enumerate(temp): if i == endmark: break; else: thefile.write(line) thefile.close() temp.close() util.remove(ftmp) else: util.remove(f) os.rename(ftmp,f) except: out ('Unable to clean scrollback file: '+f)
def download(course): """ Download grade book. :param course: A Coursera course object. :return: None. """ path = course.get_info_folder() + '/temp.html' url = course.get_url() + '/admin/course_grade/export_grades', path, course.get_cookie_file()) pattern = r'graded. <a href="(.*?)">' find =, util.read_file(path), re.DOTALL) util.remove(path) if find: url = path = course.get_info_folder() + '/grades.csv', path, course.get_cookie_file())
def process_lineage(stacking, band_name, clip_extents, tile_id, rename, workdir): """Create the lineage file."""' Start processing for band: %s', rename) lineage_filename = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id, tile_id + '_' + rename + '.tif') if os.path.exists(lineage_filename): logger.warning("Skip previously generated result %s", lineage_filename) return lineage_filename temp_names = list() for level, stack in reversed(list(enumerate(stacking, start=1))): temp_name = lineage_filename.replace('.tif', '_srcTemp%d' % level + '.tif') scene_name = util.ffind(workdir, stack['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], '*' + band_name + '.tif') calc_cmd = ( ' -A {scene} --outfile {temp}' ' --calc=" {level} * (A > -101)" --type="Byte" --NoDataValue=0') util.execute_cmd( calc_cmd.format(level=level, temp=temp_name, scene=scene_name)) temp_names.append(temp_name) warp_cmd = ('gdalwarp -te {extents} -dstnodata "0" -srcnodata "0"' ' -ot "Byte" -wt "Byte"' ' -co "compress=deflate" -co "zlevel=9"' ' -co "tiled=yes" -co "predictor=2" ').format( extents=clip_extents) warp_cmd += ' '.join(temp_names) warp_cmd += ' ' + lineage_filename util.execute_cmd(warp_cmd) util.remove(*temp_names)' End processing for %s as %s ', band_name, lineage_filename) if not os.path.exists(lineage_filename): logger.error('Processing failed to generate desired output: %s', lineage_filename) return lineage_filename
def __save_layouts(self): (homelayout, homelayoutname) = self.get_layout_number() findir = sc.datadir if homelayout == -1: sys.stderr.write("No layouts to save.\n") return False path_layout = os.path.join(findir, "load_layout") oflayout = open(path_layout, "w") ex_lay = [] for lay in sc.gen_layout_info(self, sc.dumpscreen_layout_info(self)): try: num = lay[0] title = lay[1] except: title = "" if self.excluded_layouts and (num in self.excluded_layouts or title in self.excluded_layouts): ex_lay.append(lay) else: sys.stdout.write("%s(%s); " % (num, title)) oflayout.write( """layout select %s layout dump \"%s\" dumpscreen layout \"%s\" """ % (num, os.path.join(findir, "layout_" + num), os.path.join(findir, "winlayout_" + num)) ) oflayout.write("layout select %s\n" % homelayout) oflayout.close() self.source(path_layout) util.remove(path_layout) linkify(findir, "layout_" + homelayout, "last_layout") if ex_lay: sys.stdout.write( """ Excluded layouts: %s""" % str(ex_lay) ) out("") return True
def process_segments(segments, output_path, conf): """Clips tiles from a list of contiguous scenes aka segment.""" for i, segment in enumerate(segments): # Cleanup unneeded scene directories to save space # Results of this check should keep no more than 3 scenes # in work directory at a time if (i - 2) > -1: previous_scene = segments[i - 2]['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'] util.remove(previous_scene) scene_state = process_segment(segment, output_path, conf)"Scene %s is %s.", segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], scene_state)'Segment loop: %d', i) # cleanup any remaining scene directories for segment in segments: previous_scene = segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'] if not conf.debug: util.remove(previous_scene)
def download_subtitles(course, item): """ Download all subtitles of this video. """ if item['source_video']: url = '{}/admin/api/lectures/{}/subtitles' url = url.format(course.get_url(), item['item_id']) path = course.get_folder() + '/video/subtitles/temp.json', path, course.get_cookie_file()) subtitles = util.read_json(path) util.remove(path) for subtitle in subtitles: url = subtitle['srt_url'] if url: path = '{}/video/subtitles/{}.{}.srt' path = path.format(course.get_folder(), item['item_id'], subtitle['language']), path, course.get_cookie_file())
def download_compressed_video(course, item): """ Download compressed video. """ if item['source_video']: url = '{}/lecture/view?lecture_id={}&preview=1' url = url.format(course.get_url(), item['item_id']) path = '{}/video/compressed_videos/{}.html' path = path.format(course.get_folder(), item['item_id']), path, course.get_cookie_file()) pattern = r'type="video/mp4" src="(.*?)"' url =, util.read_file(path), re.DOTALL).group(1) util.remove(path) path = '{}/video/compressed_videos/{}.mp4' path = path.format(course.get_folder(), item['item_id']), path, course.get_cookie_file(), resume=True)
def __save_layouts(self): (homelayout, homelayoutname) = self.get_layout_number() findir = sc.datadir if homelayout == -1: sys.stderr.write("No layouts to save.\n") return False path_layout = os.path.join(findir, "load_layout") oflayout = open(path_layout, "w") ex_lay = [] for lay in sc.gen_layout_info(self, sc.dumpscreen_layout_info(self)): try: num = lay[0] title = lay[1] except: title = "" if self.excluded_layouts and (num in self.excluded_layouts or title in self.excluded_layouts): ex_lay.append(lay) else: sys.stdout.write("%s(%s); " % (num, title)) oflayout.write('''layout select %s layout dump \"%s\" dumpscreen layout \"%s\" ''' % (num, os.path.join(findir, "layout_" + num), os.path.join(findir, "winlayout_" + num))) oflayout.write('layout select %s\n' % homelayout) oflayout.close() self.source(path_layout) util.remove(path_layout) linkify(findir, "layout_" + homelayout, "last_layout") if ex_lay: sys.stdout.write(""" Excluded layouts: %s""" % str(ex_lay)) out("") return True
def _download_assesment(course, url, folder): url = "{}/data/export/{}".format(course.get_url(), url) temp = "temp.html", temp, course.get_cookie_file()) page = util.read_file(temp) util.remove(temp) pattern = r"<tbody>.*?</tbody>" table = re.findall(pattern, page, re.DOTALL)[-1] pattern = r'<td colspan="2">(.*?)</td>.*?<a href="(.*?/export/(.*?)\?.*?)">Download</a>' for tr_match in re.finditer(r"<tr>.*?</tr>", table, re.DOTALL): for match in re.finditer(pattern,, re.DOTALL): name =""", "").replace(":", "") name = name.replace("<em>", "") name = name.replace("</em>", "") url = file_name = util.unquote( path = u"{}/peer_assessment/{}/{} {}".format(course.get_folder(), folder, name, file_name), path, course.get_cookie_file(), resume=True)
def prepare_windows(scs): global focusminsize regions = None regions = sc.get_regions(sc.dumpscreen_layout( sc.cleanup() focusminsize = "%s %s" % (regions.focusminsize_x, regions.focusminsize_x) regions_c = len(regions.regions) focus_offset = regions.focus_offset scs.focusminsize('0 0') this_win_history = [] cmd = '' f = open(sourcefile, 'w') for i in range(0, regions_c): f.write("""screen -t scs-regions-helper %s %s %s %d focus """ % (subprogram, subprogram_args, inputfile, i)) f.flush() f.close scs.source(sourcefile, "screen-session regions") remove(sourcefile) regions_n = [] regions_n = sc.get_regions(sc.dumpscreen_layout( sc.cleanup() for r in (regions.regions)[focus_offset:]: this_win_history.append(r[0]) for r in (regions.regions)[:focus_offset]: this_win_history.append(r[0]) new_windows = [] for r in (regions_n.regions)[focus_offset:]: new_windows.append(r[0]) for r in (regions_n.regions)[:focus_offset]: new_windows.append(r[0]) return (this_win_history, new_windows, regions_c)
def __restore_mru(self): if self.enable_layout and not self.mru: pass else: try: if self.mru: sys.stdout.write("\nRestoring MRU windows order:") else: sys.stdout.write("\nSelecting last window:") mru_w = [] ifmru = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "mru"), 'r') for line in ifmru: n = line.strip() try: nw = (self.__wins_trans)[n] mru_w.append('select ' + nw + '\n') sys.stdout.write(' %s' % nw) if not self.mru: break except: if self.enable_layout: mru_w.append('select -\n') else: pass ifmru.close() mru_w.reverse() path_mru_tmp = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "mru_tmp") ofmru = open(path_mru_tmp, "w") ofmru.writelines(mru_w) ofmru.close() self.source(path_mru_tmp) util.remove(path_mru_tmp) except: sys.stderr.write(' Failed to load MRU.') out("")
def ub_lb(x_star, Vy, cons, scale=1): m, d = Vy.shape c = util.read_constraint(cons) #determin direction z = direction(d) #determin the most promising area Vy = util.remove(Vy, util.ismember(x_star, Vy)) t1 = util.mat_sub(np.matlib.repmat(x_star, m-1, 1), Vy) t2 = util.mat_add(np.matlib.repmat(x_star, m-1, 1), Vy) * 0.5 #initialize upperbound and lowerbound ub = [0] * d lb = [0] * d for i in range(d): ub[i] = x_star[i] + z[i] * scale lb[i] = x_star[i] - z[i] * scale #determin upper bound check_ub1 =, util.mat_sub(np.matlib.repmat(ub, m-1, 1), t2)) check_ub2 = True while (np.sum(util.mat_abs(check_ub1)) >= 1e-6) and check_ub2 : for i in range(d): if ub[i] > c[i][1]: check_ub2 = False break else: ub[i] += z[i] * scale check_ub1 =, util.mat_sub(np.matlib.repmat(ub, m-1, 1), t2)) for j in range(d): ub[j] -= z[j] * scale #determin lower bound check_lb1 =, util.mat_sub(np.matlib.repmat(lb, m-1, 1), t2)) check_lb2 = True while (np.sum(util.mat_abs(check_lb1)) >= 1e-6) and check_lb2 : for i in range(d): if lb[i] < c[i][0]: check_lb2 = False break else: lb[i] -= z[i] * scale check_lb1 =, util.mat_sub(np.matlib.repmat(lb, m-1, 1), t2)) for j in range(d): lb[j] += z[j] * scale return (ub, lb, z)
def _download_new_quizzes(course, item, path): """ Download new version in-video quizzes. """ # Step 1, download a HTML that has quiz ID. url = '{}/lecture/view?quiz_v2_admin=1&lecture_id={}' url = url.format(course.get_url(), item['parent_id']), path, course.get_cookie_file()) pattern = r'v2-classId="(.*?)".*?v2-id="(.*?)".*?v2-lecture-id="(.*?)"' find =, util.read_file(path), re.DOTALL) class_id, v2_id, lecture_id =, 2, 3) # if no quiz in this video, delete the file if not v2_id: util.remove(path) return # Step 2, download a JSON that has question ID. class_url = '' + class_id url = '{}/lecture/{}/{}'.format(class_url, lecture_id, v2_id), path, course.get_cookie_file()) # Step 3, download each question. quiz = util.read_json(path) questions = quiz['assessment']['definition']['questions'] for question_id, question in questions.items(): url = '{}/questions/{}'.format(class_url, question_id), path, course.get_cookie_file()) question_json = util.read_json(path) # add question content to quiz question['metadata'] = question_json['metadata'] question['data'] = question_json['question'] # write the whole quiz to file util.write_json(path, quiz)
def __restore_mru(self): if self.enable_layout and not self.mru: pass else: try: if self.mru: sys.stdout.write("\nRestoring MRU windows order:") else: sys.stdout.write("\nSelecting last window:") mru_w = [] ifmru = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "mru"), "r") for line in ifmru: n = line.strip() try: nw = (self.__wins_trans)[n] mru_w.append("select " + nw + "\n") sys.stdout.write(" %s" % nw) if not self.mru: break except: if self.enable_layout: mru_w.append("select -\n") else: pass ifmru.close() mru_w.reverse() path_mru_tmp = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "mru_tmp") ofmru = open(path_mru_tmp, "w") ofmru.writelines(mru_w) ofmru.close() self.source(path_mru_tmp) util.remove(path_mru_tmp) except: sys.stderr.write(" Failed to load MRU.") out("")
def delchild(self, child): if child not in self.children: raise Error, 'delchild: child not in list' remove(child, self.children) if child in self.mouse_interest: remove(child, self.mouse_interest) if child in self.timer_interest: remove(child, self.timer_interest) if child = self.mouse_focus: self.mouse_focus = 0
def environment(roles=None, host=None): if roles is None: roles = fab.env.roles if host is None: host = if not host: fab.warn('no host') role_configs = [cfg['roles'][role] for role in roles] global_vars = remove(cfg, ['roles', 'hosts']) ret = reduce( merge, [global_vars, cfg['hosts'][host] if host else [], cfg['roles']['all'] ] + role_configs) if 'document_root' not in ret: url = urlparse(ret['ftp']['url']) ret['document_root'] = url.path return ret
class Test_Set__WCAG_1_AA(Test_Set): _name = 'WCAG 1.0 AA' _description = 'Testing for conformance with Web Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, level Double-A.' _tests = ( util.remove(Test_Set__WCAG_1_A._tests, Test__WCAG_1__8_1_Important) + ( Test__WCAG_1__2_2_Images, Test__WCAG_1__3_1, Test__WCAG_1__3_2, Test__WCAG_1__3_3, Test__WCAG_1__3_4, Test__WCAG_1__3_5, Test__WCAG_1__3_6, Test__WCAG_1__3_7, Test__WCAG_1__5_3, Test__WCAG_1__5_4, Test__WCAG_1__6_4, Test__WCAG_1__6_5, Test__WCAG_1__7_2, Test__WCAG_1__7_3, Test__WCAG_1__7_4, Test__WCAG_1__7_5, Test__WCAG_1__8_1, Test__WCAG_1__9_2, Test__WCAG_1__9_3, Test__WCAG_1__10_1, Test__WCAG_1__10_2, Test__WCAG_1__11_1, Test__WCAG_1__11_2, Test__WCAG_1__12_2, Test__WCAG_1__12_3, Test__WCAG_1__12_4, Test__WCAG_1__13_1, Test__WCAG_1__13_2, Test__WCAG_1__13_3, Test__WCAG_1__13_4, ))
def nest_layout(session, src_layuot, dst_layout): src_dumpfile = os.path.join(tmpdir_source, 'nest_layout-dump-%d' % os.getpid()) if not os.path.exists(tmpdir_source): os.makedirs(tmpdir_source) scs = ScreenSaver(session) print('layouts src: %s dst: %s' % (src_layout, dst_layout)) regions_file_dst = regions_file = sc.dumpscreen_layout( regions_dst = sc.get_regions(regions_file) dst_focusminsize = "%s %s" % (regions_dst.focusminsize_x, regions_dst.focusminsize_y) dst_rsize = (int(regions_dst.regions[regions_dst.focus_offset][1]), int(regions_dst.regions[regions_dst.focus_offset][2])) dst_term_size = (int(regions_dst.term_size_x), int(regions_dst.term_size_y)) scs.layout('select %s' % src_layout, False) scs.layout('dump %s' % src_dumpfile, False) regions_file_src = sc.dumpscreen_layout( regions_src = sc.get_regions(regions_file_src) src_term_size = (int(regions_src.term_size_x), int(regions_src.term_size_y)) print ('dst_rsize: %s' % str(dst_rsize)) print ('src_term_size: %s' % str(src_term_size)) scs.layout('select %s' % dst_layout, False) regions_new = sc.Regions() regions_new.focus_offset = regions_dst.focus_offset + regions_src.focus_offset regions_new.term_size_x = regions_dst.term_size_x regions_new.term_size_y = regions_dst.term_size_y regions_new.focusminsize_x = regions_dst.focusminsize_x regions_new.focusminsize_y = regions_dst.focusminsize_y regions_new.regions = regions_dst.regions[:regions_dst.focus_offset] for (window, sizex, sizey) in regions_src.regions: print('SRC REGION' + str((window,sizex,sizey))) x = (int(sizex) * dst_rsize[0]) / src_term_size[0] y = (int(sizey) * dst_rsize[1]) / src_term_size[1] print( '%s * %d / %d = %d' % (sizex, dst_rsize[0], src_term_size[0], x)) print( '%s * %d / %d = %d' % (sizey, dst_rsize[1], src_term_size[0], y)) regions_new.regions.append((window, str(x), str(y))) regions_new.regions = regions_new.regions + regions_dst.regions[regions_dst.focus_offset+1:] print('destination regions: '+ str(regions_dst.regions)) print('source regions: ' + str(regions_src.regions)) print('new regions: ' + str(regions_new.regions)) sc.layout_begin(session) sc.layout_load_dump(open(src_dumpfile, 'r')) sc.layout_load_regions(regions_new, None, dst_term_size[0], dst_term_size[1]) sc.layout_end() remove(src_dumpfile) remove(regions_file_dst) remove(regions_file_src) sc.cleanup()
def main(self): if self.N_proc == '-1': self.N_proc = N_CPU # check directory existence check_dir(self.templatePath, self.force) ## check consistency of b-shells and spatial resolution ref_bvals_file = pjoin(self.templatePath, 'ref_bshell_bvalues.txt') ref_res_file = pjoin(self.templatePath, 'ref_res_file.npy') if self.ref_csv: if isfile(ref_bvals_file) and isfile(ref_res_file): remove(ref_bvals_file) remove(ref_res_file) consistencyCheck(self.ref_csv, ref_bvals_file, ref_res_file) if self.target_csv: consistencyCheck(self.target_csv, ref_bvals_file, ref_res_file) ## separate b-shells if self.ref_csv: refListOutPrefix = separateShellsWrapper(self.ref_csv, ref_bvals_file, self.N_proc) if self.target_csv: tarListOutPrefix = separateShellsWrapper(self.target_csv, ref_bvals_file, self.N_proc) ## define variables for template creation and data harmonization # variables common to all ref_bvals pipeline_vars = [ '--tar_name',, '--nshm', self.N_shm, '--nproc', self.N_proc, '--template', self.templatePath, ] if self.reference: pipeline_vars.append(f'--ref_name {self.reference}') if self.N_zero: pipeline_vars.append(f'--nzero {self.N_zero}') if self.bvalMap: pipeline_vars.append(f'--bvalMap {self.bvalMap}') if self.resample: pipeline_vars.append(f'--resample {self.resample}') if self.denoise: pipeline_vars.append('--denoise') if self.travelHeads: pipeline_vars.append('--travelHeads') if self.force: pipeline_vars.append('--force') if self.debug: pipeline_vars.append('--debug') if self.verbose: pipeline_vars.append('--verbose') # the b-shell bvalues are sorted in descending order because we want to perform registration with highest bval ref_bvals = read_bvals(ref_bvals_file)[::-1] for bval in ref_bvals[:-1]: # pass the last bval which is 0. if self.create and not self.process: print('## template creation ##') check_call((' ').join([ pjoin(SCRIPTDIR, ''), '--tar_list', tarListOutPrefix + f'_b{int(bval)}.csv', '--bshell_b', str(int(bval)), '--ref_list', refListOutPrefix + f'_b{int(bval)}.csv', '--create' ] + pipeline_vars), shell=True) elif not self.create and self.process: print('## data harmonization ##') check_call((' ').join([ pjoin(SCRIPTDIR, ''), '--tar_list', tarListOutPrefix + f'_b{int(bval)}.csv', f'--ref_list {refListOutPrefix}_b{int(bval)}.csv' if self. ref_csv else '', '--bshell_b', str(int(bval)), '--process' ] + pipeline_vars), shell=True) elif self.create and self.process: check_call((' ').join([ pjoin(SCRIPTDIR, ''), '--tar_list', tarListOutPrefix + f'_b{int(bval)}.csv', '--bshell_b', str(int(bval)), '--ref_list', refListOutPrefix + f'_b{int(bval)}.csv', '--create', '--process' ] + pipeline_vars), shell=True) if '--force' in pipeline_vars: pipeline_vars.remove('--force') ## join harmonized data if self.process: joinAllBshells(self.target_csv, ref_bvals_file, 'harmonized_', self.N_proc) if self.debug and self.ref_csv: joinAllBshells(self.ref_csv, ref_bvals_file, 'reconstructed_', self.N_proc)
def handler(signum, frame): global handler_lock if handler_lock: return else: handler_lock = True global win_history bSelect = False mode = -1 number = 0 try: f = open(inputfile, "r") ch = f.readline() f.close() remove(inputfile) try: number = int(ch[1:]) except: number = 0 if ch[0] == 's': mode = 1 elif ch[0] == 'S': mode = 1 bSelect = True elif ch[0] == " " or ch[0] == "'" or ch[0] == 'g' or ch[0] == 'G': mode = 0 bSelect = True if ch[0] == 'G': number = -1 * number elif ch[0] == "l": mode = 2 rnumber = number elif ch[0] == "L": mode = 2 rnumber = number number = -1 * number bSelect = True elif ch[0] == "r": rnumber = -1 * number mode = 2 elif ch[0] == "R": rnumber = -1 * number mode = 2 bSelect = True else: mode = 0 if number != 0 and mode == 1: tmp = win_history[0] win_history[0] = win_history[number] win_history[number] = tmp elif mode == 2: win_history = rotate_list(win_history, rnumber) except IOError: sys.stderr.write('No input file found.\n') cleanup() if number != 0 and bSelect: # this will work properly up to 62 regions (MAXSTR-4)/8 command = SCREEN + ' -S "%s" -X eval' % session if number < 0: number = abs(number) cfocus = 'focus prev' else: cfocus = 'focus' for i in range(0, number): command += ' "%s"' % cfocus os.system(command) sys.exit(0)
def train_conv_net(datasets, U, idx_word_map, img_w=300, filter_hs=[3, 4, 5], hidden_units=[100, 2], dropout_rate=[0.5], shuffle_batch=True, n_epochs=25, batch_size=50, lr_decay=0.95, conv_non_linear="relu", activations=[Iden], sqr_norm_lim=9, non_static=True, sen_dropout_rate=[0.0], whether_train_sen=True): rng = np.random.RandomState(3435) img_h = datasets[0][0][0].shape[0] - 1 filter_w = img_w feature_maps = hidden_units[0] filter_shapes = [] pool_sizes = [] for filter_h in filter_hs: filter_shapes.append((feature_maps, 1, filter_h, filter_w)) pool_sizes.append((img_h - filter_h + 1, img_w - filter_w + 1)) parameters = [("image shape", img_h, img_w), ("filter shape", filter_shapes), ("hidden_units", hidden_units), ("dropout", dropout_rate), ("batch_size", batch_size), ("non_static", non_static), ("learn_decay", lr_decay), ("conv_non_linear", conv_non_linear), ("non_static", non_static), ("sqr_norm_lim", sqr_norm_lim), ("shuffle_batch", shuffle_batch), ('sentence dropout rate', sen_dropout_rate)] print(parameters) #define model architecture index = T.lscalar() x = T.tensor3('x') y = T.ivector('y') sen_x = T.matrix('sen_x') mark = T.matrix('mark') sen_y = T.ivector('sen_y') Words = theano.shared(value=U, name="Words") zero_vec_tensor = T.vector() zero_vec = np.zeros(img_w) set_zero = theano.function([zero_vec_tensor], updates=[ (Words, T.set_subtensor(Words[0, :], zero_vec_tensor)) ], allow_input_downcast=True) layer0_input = Words[T.cast(x.flatten(), dtype="int32")].reshape( (x.shape[0] * x.shape[1], 1, x.shape[2], Words.shape[1])) sen_layer0_input = Words[T.cast(sen_x.flatten(), dtype='int32')].reshape( (sen_x.shape[0], 1, sen_x.shape[1], Words.shape[1])) conv_layers = [] layer1_inputs = [] Doc_length = datasets[0][0].shape[0] sen_layer1_inputs = [] for i in xrange(len(filter_hs)): filter_shape = filter_shapes[i] pool_size = pool_sizes[i] conv_layer = LeNetConvPoolLayer(rng, input=layer0_input, image_shape=(None, 1, img_h, img_w), filter_shape=filter_shape, poolsize=pool_size, non_linear=conv_non_linear) layer1_input = conv_layer.output.flatten(2) conv_layers.append(conv_layer) layer1_inputs.append(layer1_input) sen_layer1_input = conv_layer.predict(sen_layer0_input, None).flatten(2) sen_layer1_inputs.append(sen_layer1_input) layer1_input = T.concatenate(layer1_inputs, 1) sen_layer1_input = T.concatenate(sen_layer1_inputs, 1) hidden_units[0] = feature_maps * len(filter_hs) sen_hidden_units = [feature_maps * len(filter_hs), 3] shaped_mark = T.flatten(mark) sen_classifier1 = MLPDropout(rng, input=sen_layer1_input, layer_sizes=sen_hidden_units, activations=activations, dropout_rates=sen_dropout_rate) sen_cost = sen_classifier1.dropout_negative_log_likelihood(sen_y) sen_pos_prob = T.max( sen_classifier1.predict_p(layer1_input)[:, np.array([0, 2])], axis=1) prev_layer1_output, updates = theano.scan( fn=lambda i, x: x[i * Doc_length:i * Doc_length + Doc_length], sequences=[T.arange(batch_size)], non_sequences=layer1_input * (sen_pos_prob.dimshuffle(0, 'x')) * (shaped_mark.dimshuffle(0, 'x'))) layer1_output = T.sum(prev_layer1_output, axis=1) classifier = MLPDropout(rng, input=layer1_output, layer_sizes=hidden_units, activations=activations, dropout_rates=dropout_rate) #define parameters of the model and update functions using adadelta params = classifier.params for conv_layer in conv_layers: params += conv_layer.params if non_static: params += [Words] #add sentence level parameters sen_params = sen_classifier1.params for conv_layer in conv_layers: sen_params += conv_layer.params if non_static: sen_params += [Words] cost = classifier.negative_log_likelihood(y) dropout_cost = classifier.dropout_negative_log_likelihood(y) grad_updates = sgd_updates_adadelta(params, dropout_cost, lr_decay, 1e-6, sqr_norm_lim) sen_grad_updates = sgd_updates_adadelta(sen_params, sen_cost, lr_decay, 1e-6, sqr_norm_lim) np.random.seed(3435) train_mask = np.zeros((datasets[0].shape[0], datasets[0].shape[1]), dtype='float32') ##doc length * number of documnts test_mask = np.zeros((datasets[2].shape[0], datasets[2].shape[1]), dtype='float32') #set the mask for i in range(datasets[0].shape[0]): for j in range(datasets[0][i].shape[0]): if np.count_nonzero(datasets[0][i][j]) != 0: train_mask[i][j] = 1.0 for i in range(datasets[2].shape[0]): for j in range(datasets[2][i].shape[0]): if np.count_nonzero(datasets[2][i][j]) != 0: test_mask[i][j] = 1.0 if datasets[0].shape[0] % batch_size > 0: extra_data_num = batch_size - datasets[0].shape[0] % batch_size permuted_index = np.random.permutation(range(datasets[0].shape[0])) permuted_index = np.append(permuted_index, permuted_index[:extra_data_num]) new_data = datasets[0][permuted_index] else: permuted_index = np.random.permutation(range(datasets[0].shape[0])) new_data = datasets[0][permuted_index] n_batches = new_data.shape[0] / batch_size n_train_batches = int(np.round(n_batches * 0.9)) #divide train set into train/val sets train_set_y = datasets[1][permuted_index] test_set_x, test_set_y = shared_dataset( (datasets[2][:, :, :-1], datasets[3])) test_set_mark = theano.shared(test_mask.astype(theano.config.floatX)) train_mask = train_mask[permuted_index] train_set_mark = train_mask[:n_train_batches * batch_size] train_set_mark = theano.shared(train_set_mark.astype(theano.config.floatX)) train_set_with_sen_label = new_data[:n_train_batches * batch_size] val_set_with_sen_label = new_data[n_train_batches * batch_size:] train_set = new_data[:n_train_batches * batch_size, :, :-1] train_set_label = train_set_y[:n_train_batches * batch_size] val_set = new_data[n_train_batches * batch_size:, :, :-1] val_set_label = train_set_y[n_train_batches * batch_size:] val_set_mark = train_mask[n_train_batches * batch_size:] val_set_mark = theano.shared(val_set_mark.astype(theano.config.floatX)) train_set_x, train_set_y = shared_dataset((train_set, train_set_label)) val_set_x, val_set_y = shared_dataset((val_set, val_set_label)) n_val_batches = n_batches - n_train_batches val_model = theano.function( [index], classifier.errors(y), givens={ x: val_set_x[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size], y: val_set_y[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size], mark: val_set_mark[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size] }, allow_input_downcast=True) #compile theano functions to get train/val/test errors test_model = theano.function( [index], classifier.errors(y), givens={ x: train_set_x[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size], y: train_set_y[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size], mark: train_set_mark[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size] }, allow_input_downcast=True) train_model = theano.function( [index], cost, updates=grad_updates, givens={ x: train_set_x[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size], y: train_set_y[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size], mark: train_set_mark[index * batch_size:(index + 1) * batch_size] }, allow_input_downcast=True) test_pred_layers = [] test_size = datasets[2].shape[0] test_batch_size = 1 n_test_batches = int(math.ceil(test_size / float(test_batch_size))) test_layer0_input = Words[T.cast(x.flatten(), dtype="int32")].reshape( (x.shape[0] * x.shape[1], 1, x.shape[2], Words.shape[1])) for conv_layer in conv_layers: test_layer0_output = conv_layer.predict(test_layer0_input, test_batch_size * Doc_length) test_pred_layers.append(test_layer0_output.flatten(2)) test_layer1_input = T.concatenate(test_pred_layers, 1) test_sen_prob = T.max( sen_classifier1.predict_p(test_layer1_input)[:, np.array([0, 2])], axis=1) test_sen_prob_to_sen, updates = theano.scan( fn=lambda i, x: x[i * Doc_length:i * Doc_length + Doc_length], sequences=[T.arange(test_batch_size)], non_sequences=test_sen_prob) sorted_index = T.argsort(test_sen_prob_to_sen * shaped_mark, axis=-1)[:, -5:] sorted_sentence, updates = theano.scan( fn=lambda i, y: y[i, sorted_index[i], :], sequences=[T.arange(sorted_index.shape[0])], non_sequences=x) sorted_prob, updates = theano.scan( fn=lambda i, z: z[i, sorted_index[i]], sequences=[T.arange(sorted_index.shape[0])], non_sequences=test_sen_prob_to_sen) sorted_sentence_value = theano.function( [index], sorted_sentence, allow_input_downcast=True, givens={ x: test_set_x[index * test_batch_size:(index + 1) * test_batch_size], mark: test_set_mark[index * test_batch_size:(index + 1) * test_batch_size] }) sorted_prob_val = theano.function( [index], sorted_prob, allow_input_downcast=True, givens={ x: test_set_x[index * test_batch_size:(index + 1) * test_batch_size], mark: test_set_mark[index * test_batch_size:(index + 1) * test_batch_size] }) test_layer1_output, updates = theano.scan( fn=lambda i, x: x[i * Doc_length:i * Doc_length + Doc_length], sequences=[T.arange(test_batch_size)], non_sequences=test_layer1_input * (test_sen_prob.dimshuffle(0, 'x')) * (shaped_mark.dimshuffle(0, 'x'))) test_layer1_output = T.sum(test_layer1_output, axis=1) test_y_pred = classifier.predict(test_layer1_output) test_error = T.mean(T.neq(test_y_pred, y)) test_model_all = theano.function( [index], test_error, allow_input_downcast=True, givens={ x: test_set_x[index * test_batch_size:(index + 1) * test_batch_size], y: test_set_y[index * test_batch_size:(index + 1) * test_batch_size], mark: test_set_mark[index * test_batch_size:(index + 1) * test_batch_size], }) print('... training') epoch = 0 best_val_perf = 0 val_perf = 0 test_perf = 0 cost_epoch = 0 sen_batch_size = 50 best_sen_param = [] for p in sen_params: best_sen_param.append(theano.shared(p.get_value())) #first training on sentences best_sen_val = 0.0 if whether_train_sen == True: print('pre-train on sentences') while (epoch < 20): sen_costs = [] train_sen = train_set_with_sen_label train_sentences = util.doc_to_sen(train_sen) train_sentences = util.remove(train_sentences) train_sentences = util.downsample_three(train_sentences) print("positive sentences after sampling: " + str(np.sum(train_sentences[:, -1] == 2))) print("negative sentences after sampling: " + str(np.sum(train_sentences[:, -1] == 0))) print("neutral sentences after sampling: " + str(np.sum(train_sentences[:, -1] == 1))) train_sentences = np.random.permutation(train_sentences) if train_sentences.shape[0] % sen_batch_size != 0: extra_data_num = sen_batch_size - train_sentences.shape[ 0] % sen_batch_size extra_index = np.random.permutation( range(train_sentences.shape[0]))[:extra_data_num] train_sentences = np.vstack( (train_sentences, train_sentences[extra_index])) train_sen_x, train_sen_y = shared_dataset( (train_sentences[:, :-1], train_sentences[:, -1])) train_sen_model = theano.function( [index], sen_cost, updates=sen_grad_updates, givens={ sen_x: train_sen_x[index * sen_batch_size:(index + 1) * sen_batch_size], sen_y: train_sen_y[index * sen_batch_size:(index + 1) * sen_batch_size] }) n_train_sen_batches = train_sentences.shape[0] / sen_batch_size for minibatch_index_1 in np.random.permutation( range(n_train_sen_batches)): cur_sen_cost = train_sen_model(minibatch_index_1) sen_costs.append(cur_sen_cost) set_zero(zero_vec) print("training sentence cost: " + str(sum(sen_costs) / len(sen_costs))) val_sen = val_set_with_sen_label val_sentences = util.doc_to_sen(val_sen) val_sentences = util.remove(val_sentences) print("positive sentences in the validation set: " + str(np.sum(val_sentences[:, -1] == 2))) print("negative sentences in the validation set: " + str(np.sum(val_sentences[:, -1] == 0))) print("neutral sentences in the validation set: " + str(np.sum(val_sentences[:, -1] == 1))) val_sen_x, val_sen_y = shared_dataset( (val_sentences[:, :-1], val_sentences[:, -1])) val_sen_model = theano.function([], sen_classifier1.errors(sen_y), givens={ sen_x: val_sen_x, sen_y: val_sen_y }) val_accuracy = 1 - val_sen_model() print("validation sentence accuracy: " + str(val_accuracy)) if val_accuracy > best_sen_val: best_sen_val = val_accuracy for i, p in enumerate(best_sen_param): p.set_value(sen_params[i].get_value()) epoch = epoch + 1 for i, sp in enumerate(sen_params): sp.set_value(best_sen_param[i].get_value()) #train on documents epoch = 0 while (epoch < n_epochs): start_time = time.time() epoch = epoch + 1 if shuffle_batch: for minibatch_index in np.random.permutation( range(n_train_batches)): cost_epoch = train_model(minibatch_index) set_zero(zero_vec) else: for minibatch_index in xrange(n_train_batches): cost_epoch = train_model(minibatch_index) set_zero(zero_vec) train_losses = [test_model(i) for i in xrange(n_train_batches)] train_perf = 1 - np.mean(train_losses) val_losses = [val_model(i) for i in xrange(n_val_batches)] val_perf = 1 - np.mean(val_losses) print( 'epoch: %i, training time: %.2f secs, train perf: %.2f %%, val perf: %.2f %%' % (epoch, time.time() - start_time, train_perf * 100., val_perf * 100.)) if val_perf >= best_val_perf: best_val_perf = val_perf test_loss = [test_model_all(i) for i in xrange(n_test_batches)] test_perf = 1 - np.sum(test_loss) / float(test_size) print("best test performance so far: " + str(test_perf)) test_loss = [test_model_all(i) for i in xrange(n_test_batches)] new_test_loss = [] for i in test_loss: new_test_loss.append(np.asscalar(i)) test_loss = new_test_loss correct_index = np.where(np.array(test_loss) == 0)[0] count_pos = 0 test_labels = np.array(datasets[3]) # sample two correctly predicted positive documents and two correctly predicted negative documents # for each document, generate top five rationales with highest probabilities print("negative estimated rationales: ") print(len(idx_word_map)) for c in correct_index: if test_labels[c] == 1: continue print(util.convert(sorted_sentence_value(c)[0], idx_word_map)) print(sorted_prob_val(c)) count_pos += 1 if count_pos == 2: break count_neg = 0 print("positive estimated rationales: ") for c in correct_index: if test_labels[c] == 0: continue print(util.convert(sorted_sentence_value(c)[0], idx_word_map)) print(sorted_prob_val(c)) count_neg += 1 if count_neg == 2: break return test_perf
def __save_win(self, winid, ctype, pids_data, ctime, rollback): # print (self,winid,ctype,pids_data,ctime,rollback) errors = [] fname = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "win_" + winid) if rollback[1]: # time=linecache.getline(rollback[0],2).strip() # copy scrollback shutil.move(rollback[1], os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "hardcopy." + winid)) basedata_len = 8 zombie_vector_pos = 8 zombie_vector = linecache.getline(fname, zombie_vector_pos) f = open(fname, "a") # import changes from previous savefiles (run with non-restarted windows still running primer) if rollback[0]: print ("Rolling back to primer data in windows running primer") rollback_dir = rollback[2] target = rollback[0] fr = open(target, "r") last_sep = 1 for (i, line) in enumerate(fr.readlines()[basedata_len:]): f.write(line) if line == "-\n": last_sep = i elif i - last_sep == 6 and line.startswith("vim_"): # import vim files but also update the window number in a filename for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(rollback_dir, line.strip() + "_*")): try: tvim = "vim_W%s_%s" % (winid, os.path.basename(filename).split("_", 2)[2]) tvim = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, tvim) shutil.move(filename, tvim) except: errors.append("Unable to rollback vim: %s" % filename) elif i - last_sep == 6 and line.startswith("shellvars_"): print ("shellvars") # import shellvars files but also update the window number in the datafile filename = os.path.join(rollback_dir, line.strip()) try: tshellvars = "shellvars_W%s_%s" % (winid, os.path.basename(filename).split("_", 2)[2]) print tshellvars tshellvars = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, tshellvars) shutil.move(filename, tshellvars) print filename, tshellvars except: errors.append("Unable to rollback shellvars: %s" % filename) util.remove(target) else: pids_data_len = "1" if pids_data: pids_data_len = str(len(pids_data) + 1) f.write(pids_data_len + "\n") f.write("-\n") f.write("-1\n") f.write(zombie_vector) f.write("%d\n" % (len(zombie_vector.split("\x00")) - 1)) f.write(zombie_vector) f.write("-1\n") f.write("-1\n") if pids_data: for pid in pids_data: f.write("-\n") for (i, data) in enumerate(pid): if i == 2: if data.endswith("\0\0"): data = data[: len(data) - 1] f.write(str(len(data.split("\x00")) - 1) + "\n") f.write(str(data) + "\n") else: f.write(str(data) + "\n") f.write(ctime) f.close() return errors
def no_mouse(self, child): if child in self.mouse_interest: remove(child, self.mouse_interest) if not self.mouse_interest: self.parent.no_mouse(self)
def post(self, user_id, song_id): u_id = int(user_id) s_id = int(song_id) self.write(util.remove(u_id, s_id))
def process_segment(segment, output_path, conf): """Produce all necessary products for a segment of acquisitions.""" scene_state = "INWORK" # update PROCESSING_STATE in ARD_PROCESSED_SCENES to 'INWORK' db.update_scene_state(db.connect(conf.connstr), segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], scene_state)"Scene %s is %s.", segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], scene_state) id_parts = landsat.match_dt(segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID']) pathrow = id_parts['wrspath'] + id_parts['wrsrow'] if pathrow in pathrow2regionLU.keys(): region = pathrow2regionLU[pathrow] else: scene_state = "NOGRID" db.update_scene_state(db.connect(conf.connstr), segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], scene_state) return scene_state # Intersect scene with tile grid to find all touching tiles, and # consecutive scenes needed to produce them hv_tiles, tile_scenes = (geofuncs.get_tile_scene_intersections( db.connect(conf.connstr), segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], region))'Number of tiles to create: %d', len(hv_tiles)) if not hv_tiles: logger.error('No scene coordinates found for %s', segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID']) scene_state = "ERROR" # update PROCESSING_STATE in ARD_PROCESSED_SCENES db.update_scene_state(db.connect(conf.connstr), segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], scene_state) return scene_state tiling_error_encountered = 0 for current_tile in hv_tiles: try: tile_id = landsat.generate_tile_id(segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], current_tile, region, conf.collection, conf.version) tile_state = process_tile(current_tile, tile_id, segment, region, tile_scenes, output_path, conf) if tile_state == 'ERROR': tiling_error_encountered = 1 except ArdTileNotNeededException: logger.warning('Lineage file found 0 contributing scenes,' ' set to NOT NEEDED') except ArdTileException: logger.exception('Error caught while processing tile %s!', current_tile) except ArdSceneException: logger.exception('Error caught while processing scene %s!', segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID']) tiling_error_encountered = 1 except Exception: logger.exception('Unexpected error processing tile %s!', current_tile) tiling_error_encountered = 1 # Remove the temporary work directory, # but keep adjacent scenes for other tiles if not conf.debug:' Cleanup: Removing temp directory: %s ...', os.path.join(conf.workdir, tile_id)) util.remove(os.path.join(conf.workdir, tile_id)) # If no tiling errors were encountered that may call for a retry, # we're done with this scene. Otherwise, mark the scene for a # retry so that failed tiles can be reattempted. if not tiling_error_encountered: scene_state = "COMPLETE" else: scene_state = "ERROR" # update PROCESSING_STATE in ARD_PROCESSED_SCENES db.update_scene_state(db.connect(conf.connstr), segment['LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID'], scene_state) return scene_state
import util import math NUM_TESTS = 10 def startBench(coroutines) -> int: return int('benchSwitch', [coroutines])[7]) print('--Start go bench--') util.build_go('go/benchSwitch.go') switchesPerSecond = [startBench('100') for i in range(NUM_TESTS)] mean, std = util.stdev(switchesPerSecond) print('Result: {} +/- {}'.format(mean, std)) util.remove('benchSwitch')
def clean(): """Removes all windows libs from libs folder""" d = curr_directory() + "/libs/" remove(d)
import util import math NUM_TESTS = 10 def startBench(coroutines) -> int: return int('bench0', [coroutines])[2]) print('--Start go bench--') util.build_go('go/bench0.go') time = [startBench('100000') for i in range(NUM_TESTS)] mean, std = util.stdev(time) print('Result: {} +/- {}'.format(mean, std)) util.remove('bench0')
def clean(): """Removes all windows libs from libs folder""" d = curr_directory() + '/libs/' remove(d)
def run(session, requirecleanup_win, requirecleanup_lay, curwin, curlay, height, select_other = False): global lock_and_com_file, mru_file lltmpdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, '___layoutlist') try: os.makedirs(lltmpdir) except: pass signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) session = session.split('.', 1)[0] ret = 0 ss = ScreenSaver(session) wnum = os.getenv('WINDOW') if requirecleanup_lay: lnum = ss.get_layout_number()[0] else: lnum = None mru_file = os.path.join(lltmpdir, '%s_MRU' % session) if select_other: mru_layouts = pickle.load(open(mru_file, 'r')) num, title = mru_layouts[1] tmp = mru_layouts[0] mru_layouts[0] = mru_layouts[1] mru_layouts[1] = tmp ss.command_at(False, 'eval "layout select %s" "layout title"' % num) pickle.dump(mru_layouts, open(mru_file, 'w')) return ret if NO_END: lock_and_com_file = os.path.join(lltmpdir, '%s' % session) f = open(lock_and_com_file, 'w') f.write(str(os.getpid()) + '\n') if requirecleanup_win and not requirecleanup_lay: f.write(wnum + '\n') else: f.write('-1\n') if requirecleanup_lay: f.write(lnum + '\n') else: f.write('-1\n') f.close() try: try: layinfo = list(sc.gen_layout_info(ss, sc.dumpscreen_layout_info(ss))) finally: sc.cleanup() except: sys.stderr.write('Layouts dumping error.\n') return 1 screen = curses.initscr() (laytable, pos_start) = create_table(ss, screen, curlay, layinfo, lnum, height) try: curses.start_color() except: curses.endwin() sys.stderr.write('start_color() failed!\n') return 1 curses.noecho() #screen.notimeout(1) try: choice = menu_table( ss, screen, lnum, curwin, curlay, layinfo, laytable, pos_start[0], pos_start[1], height, ) if requirecleanup_lay and choice == lnum: choice = curlay except Exception: import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) choice = curlay ret = 1 curses.endwin() if NO_END: from util import remove remove(lock_and_com_file) if requirecleanup_lay: ss.command_at(False, 'eval "layout select %s" "layout remove %s" "at \"%s\#\" kill" "layout title"' % (choice, lnum, wnum)) elif requirecleanup_win: ss.command_at(False, 'eval "select %s" "layout select %s" "at \"%s\#\" kill" "layout title"' % (curwin, choice, wnum)) else: ss.command_at(False, 'eval "layout select %s" "layout title"' % choice) return ret
def __save_screen(self): errors=[] homewindow=self.homewindow group_wins={} group_groups={} excluded_wins=[] excluded_groups=[] scroll_wins=[] scroll_groups=[] cwin=-1 ctty=None cppids={} rollback=None,None,None ctime=self.time() findir=os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir) #sc_cwd=self.command_at(True,'hardcopydir') #print(sc_cwd) self.command_at(False, 'at \# dumpscreen window %s'%os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir,"winlist")) self.command_at(False, 'at \# dumpscreen window %s -F'%os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir)) self.command_at(False, 'hardcopydir %s'%os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir)) self.command_at(False, 'at \# hardcopy -h') self.command_at(False, 'hardcopydir \"%s\"'%self.homedir) # should be modified to properly restore hardcopydir(:dumpscreen settings) try: f=open(os.path.join(findir,"winlist"),'r') f.close() except: self.command_at(False, 'at \# dumpscreen window %s'%os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir,"winlist")) fmru = open(os.path.join(findir,"mru"),"w") for line in open(os.path.join(findir,"winlist"),'r'): try: id,cgroupid,ctty,ctitle = line.strip().split(' ',3) except: id,cgroupid,ctty= line.strip().split(' ') ctitle=None cwin=id fmru.write("%s "%cwin) if(ctty[0]=='z'): # zombie continue if(ctty[0]=="g"): # group ctype="group" cpids = None cpids_data=None if self.excluded: if cwin in self.excluded or ctitle in self.excluded: excluded_groups.append(cwin) try: group_groups[cgroupid]+=[cwin] except: group_groups[cgroupid]=[cwin] if self.scroll: if cwin in self.scroll or ctitle in self.scroll: scroll_groups.append(cwin) try: group_groups[cgroupid]+=[cwin] except: group_groups[cgroupid]=[cwin] else: if self.excluded: if cwin in self.excluded or ctitle in self.excluded: excluded_wins.append(cwin) else: try: group_wins[cgroupid]+=[cwin] except: group_wins[cgroupid]=[cwin] if self.scroll: if cwin in self.scroll or ctitle in self.scroll: scroll_wins.append(cwin) else: try: group_wins[cgroupid]+=[cwin] except: group_wins[cgroupid]=[cwin] if(ctty[0]=="t"): # telnet ctype="telnet" cpids = None cpids_data=None else: ctype="basic" # get sorted pids in window cpids=sc.get_tty_pids(ctty) cpids_data=[] ncpids=[] for pid in cpids: try: pidinfo=sc.get_pid_info(pid) (exehead,exetail)=os.path.split(pidinfo[1]) if exetail in self.blacklist: blacklist=True else: blacklist=False cpids_data.append(pidinfo+tuple([blacklist])) ncpids.append(pid) except: errors.append('%s PID %s: Unable to access. No permission or no procfs.'%(cwin,pid)) cpids=ncpids if(cpids): for i,pid in enumerate(cpids): if(cpids_data[i][3]): text="BLACKLISTED" else: text="" l=cpids_data[i][2].split('\0') jremove=[] wprev=False for j,w in enumerate(l): if w == '-ic' or w == '-c': wprev=True elif wprev: if w.startswith(self.primer): jremove+=j,j-1 wprev=False if jremove: s=[] for j,w in enumerate(l): if j not in jremove: s.append(w) newdata=(cpids_data[i][0],cpids_data[i][1],"\0".join(["%s"%v for v in s]),cpids_data[i][3]) cpids_data[i]=newdata #out('%s pid = %s: cwd = %s; exe = %s; cmdline = %s' % (text,pid, cpids_data[i][0], cpids_data[i][1], cpids_data[i][2])) vim_name=str(None) args=cpids_data[i][2].split('\0') if args[0].endswith(self.primer_base) and args[1]=='-p': sys.stdout.write('(primer)') rollback=self.__rollback(cpids_data[i][2]) #out(str(rollback)) elif args[0] in self.vim_names and self.bVim: sys.stdout.write('(vim)') vim_name=self.__save_vim(id) nargs=[] rmarg=False for arg in args: if rmarg: rmarg=False pass elif arg in ('-S','-i'): rmarg=True else: nargs.append(arg) args=nargs newdata=(cpids_data[i][0],cpids_data[i][1],"\0".join(["%s"%v for v in args]),cpids_data[i][3]) cpids_data[i]=newdata cpids_data[i]=(cpids_data[i][0],cpids_data[i][1],cpids_data[i][2],cpids_data[i][3],vim_name) scrollback_filename=os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir,"hardcopy."+id) sys.stdout.write("%s %s | "%(cwin,ctype)) errors+=self.__save_win(id,ctype,cpids_data,ctime,rollback) rollback=None,None,None out('') fmru.close() util.remove(os.path.join(findir,"winlist")) # remove ignored scrollbacks if 'all' in self.scroll: for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "hardcopy.*")): open(f,'w') elif self.scroll: scroll_groups_tmp=[] while scroll_groups: sgroup=scroll_groups.pop() if sgroup not in scroll_groups_tmp: scroll_groups_tmp.append(sgroup) try: ngroups = group_groups[sgroup] if ngroups: for g in ngroups: scroll_groups.append(g) except: pass scroll_groups = scroll_groups_tmp out('Scrollback excluded groups: %s'%str(scroll_groups)) for sgroup in scroll_groups: scroll_wins.append(sgroup) try: for w in group_wins[sgroup]: scroll_wins.append(w) except: pass out('All scrollback excluded windows: %s'%str(scroll_wins)) for w in scroll_wins: util.remove(os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "hardcopy.%s"%w)) # remove ignored windows if self.excluded: excluded_groups_tmp=[] while excluded_groups: egroup=excluded_groups.pop() if egroup not in excluded_groups_tmp: excluded_groups_tmp.append(egroup) try: ngroups = group_groups[egroup] if ngroups: for g in ngroups: excluded_groups.append(g) except: pass excluded_groups = excluded_groups_tmp out('Excluded groups: %s'%str(excluded_groups)) for egroup in excluded_groups: excluded_wins.append(egroup) try: for w in group_wins[egroup]: excluded_wins.append(w) except: pass out('All excluded windows: %s'%str(excluded_wins)) bpath1 = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "win_") bpath2 = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "hardcopy.") bpath3 = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "vim_W") for win in excluded_wins: util.remove(bpath1+win) util.remove(bpath2+win) for f in glob.glob(bpath3+win+'_*'): util.remove(f) linkify(os.path.join(self.basedir,self.savedir),"win_"+homewindow,"last_win") if errors: out('Errors:') for error in errors: out(error) out('\nSaved: '+str(ctime))
def process_browse(bands, workdir, tile_id, outpath): """Create a pyramid-layered RBG browse file for EE."""' Start processing for BROWSE') output_browse_filename = os.path.join(outpath, tile_id + '.tif') if os.path.exists(output_browse_filename): logger.warning("Skip previously generated result %s", output_browse_filename) return output_browse_filename bands = { k: util.ffind(workdir, tile_id, tile_id + '_' + v + '.tif') for k, v in bands.items() } # create RGB image temp_filename1 = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id + '_brw1.tif') merge_cmd = ' -o {outfile} -separate {red} {green} {blue}' results = util.execute_cmd( merge_cmd.format(outfile=temp_filename1, **bands)) if results['status'] != 0: return results['status'] # scale the pixel values temp_filename2 = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id + '_brw2.tif') scale_cmd = 'gdal_translate -scale 0 10000 -ot Byte {} {}' results = util.execute_cmd(scale_cmd.format(temp_filename1, temp_filename2)) if results['status'] != 0: return results['status'] # apply compression browse_filename = os.path.join(workdir, tile_id + '.tif') comp_cmd = 'gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR {} {}' results = util.execute_cmd(comp_cmd.format(temp_filename2, browse_filename)) if results['status'] != 0: # The browse generation failed on the HSM. # Wait a short period and try again. logger.warning('gdal_translate failed to create the browse. ' 'Trying again.') time.sleep(10) results = util.execute_cmd( comp_cmd.format(temp_filename2, browse_filename)) if results['status'] != 0: return results['status'] # internal pyramids addo_cmd = 'gdaladdo {} 2 4 8 16' results = util.execute_cmd(addo_cmd.format(browse_filename)) if results['status'] != 0: # The pyramid generation failed on the HSM. # Wait a short period and try again. logger.warning('gdaladdo failed to create the pyramids. ' 'Trying again.') time.sleep(10) results = util.execute_cmd(addo_cmd.format(browse_filename)) if results['status'] != 0: return results['status'] # Copy the browse to the output location, and verify using checksums. shutil.copyfile(browse_filename, output_browse_filename) if (util.checksum_md5(browse_filename) != util.checksum_md5(output_browse_filename)): logger.warning('%s checksums do not match.', os.path.basename(browse_filename)) os.remove(output_browse_filename) return 1 else:'%s checksums match.', os.path.basename(browse_filename)) util.remove(temp_filename1, temp_filename2, browse_filename + '.aux.xml', browse_filename)' End building browse.') return 0
def __save_win(self, winid, ctype, pids_data, ctime, rollback): # print (self,winid,ctype,pids_data,ctime,rollback) errors = [] fname = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "win_" + winid) if rollback[1]: #time=linecache.getline(rollback[0],2).strip() #copy scrollback shutil.move(rollback[1], os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, "hardcopy." + winid)) basedata_len = 8 zombie_vector_pos = 8 zombie_vector = linecache.getline(fname, zombie_vector_pos) f = open(fname, "a") # import changes from previous savefiles (run with non-restarted windows still running primer) if rollback[0]: print('Rolling back to primer data in windows running primer') rollback_dir = rollback[2] target = rollback[0] fr = open(target, 'r') last_sep = 1 for (i, line) in enumerate(fr.readlines()[basedata_len:]): f.write(line) if line == "-\n": last_sep = i elif i - last_sep == 6 and line.startswith('vim_'): #import vim files but also update the window number in a filename for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(rollback_dir, line.strip() + '_*')): try: tvim = "vim_W%s_%s" % (winid, os.path.basename(filename).split("_", 2)[2]) tvim = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, tvim) shutil.move(filename, tvim) except: errors.append('Unable to rollback vim: %s' % filename) elif i - last_sep == 6 and line.startswith('shellvars_'): print('shellvars') #import shellvars files but also update the window number in the datafile filename = os.path.join(rollback_dir, line.strip()) try: tshellvars = "shellvars_W%s_%s" % (winid, os.path.basename(filename).split("_",2)[2]) print tshellvars tshellvars = os.path.join(self.basedir, self.savedir, tshellvars) shutil.move(filename, tshellvars) print filename,tshellvars except: errors.append('Unable to rollback shellvars: %s' % filename) util.remove(target) else: pids_data_len = "1" if pids_data: pids_data_len = str(len(pids_data) + 1) f.write(pids_data_len + '\n') f.write("-\n") f.write("-1\n") f.write(zombie_vector) f.write("%d\n" % (len(zombie_vector.split('\x00')) - 1)) f.write(zombie_vector) f.write("-1\n") f.write("-1\n") if pids_data: for pid in pids_data: f.write("-\n") for (i, data) in enumerate(pid): if i == 2: if data.endswith('\0\0'): data = data[:len(data) - 1] f.write(str(len(data.split('\x00')) - 1) + '\n') f.write(str(data) + '\n') else: f.write(str(data) + '\n') f.write(ctime) f.close() return errors
def flatten(computations): for c in computations: if isinstance(c, CompositeComputation): return tuple(remove(c.__eq__, computations)) + tuple(c.computations) return computations
rollback = (None, None, None) out("") # remove ignored scrollbacks if 'all' in self.scroll: for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(findir, "hardcopy.*")): open(f, "w") elif self.scroll: import tools (scroll_groups, scroll_wins) = tools.subwindows(, sc.datadir, self.scroll) out('Scrollback excluded groups: %s' % str(scroll_groups)) out('All scrollback excluded windows: %s' % str(scroll_wins)) for w in scroll_wins: util.remove(os.path.join(findir, "hardcopy.%s" % w)) # remove ignored windows if self.excluded: import tools (excluded_groups, excluded_wins) = tools.subwindows(, sc.datadir, self.excluded) out('Excluded groups: %s' % str(excluded_groups)) out('All excluded windows: %s' % str(excluded_wins)) bpath1 = os.path.join(findir, "win_") bpath2 = os.path.join(findir, "hardcopy.") bpath3 = os.path.join(findir, "vim_W") bpath4 = os.path.join(findir, "shellvars_W") for win in excluded_wins: util.remove(bpath1 + win)
def no_timer(self, child): if child in self.timer_interest: remove(child, self.timer_interest) if not self.timer_interest: self.parent.no_timer(self)
rollback = (None, None, None) out("") # remove ignored scrollbacks if "all" in self.scroll: for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(findir, "hardcopy.*")): open(f, "w") elif self.scroll: import tools (scroll_groups, scroll_wins) = tools.subwindows(, sc.datadir, self.scroll) out("Scrollback excluded groups: %s" % str(scroll_groups)) out("All scrollback excluded windows: %s" % str(scroll_wins)) for w in scroll_wins: util.remove(os.path.join(findir, "hardcopy.%s" % w)) # remove ignored windows if self.excluded: import tools (excluded_groups, excluded_wins) = tools.subwindows(, sc.datadir, self.excluded) out("Excluded groups: %s" % str(excluded_groups)) out("All excluded windows: %s" % str(excluded_wins)) bpath1 = os.path.join(findir, "win_") bpath2 = os.path.join(findir, "hardcopy.") bpath3 = os.path.join(findir, "vim_W") bpath4 = os.path.join(findir, "shellvars_W") for win in excluded_wins: util.remove(bpath1 + win)