Example #1
 def sell_market_report(self, sprice: float):
     """ report on a successful market sell
         <sprice>: average sell price """
     profit = 100 * (sprice / self.bprice - 1)
     if profit >= 0:
         CColors.cprint(f'[MARKET SELL PROFIT] +{profit:.2f}%',
         CColors.cprint(f'[MARKET SELL LOSS] {profit:.2f}%', CColors.FAIL)
    def analyze_mins(self, mins: int, color: CColors):
        """ analyze symbol per minutes """
        klast = self.klines[-1]
        kprev = self.klines[-1 - mins]
        dcl = (klast.price_cl / kprev.price_cl - 1) * 100
        rvol = self.vol_ratio(mins)

        if mins not in self.nalarm:
            self.nalarm[mins] = 0

        if rvol and dcl > self.limits.price_chg_min and \
                    (dcl > self.limits.price_thr or rvol > self.limits.vol_thr and dcl) > 0:
            mult = self.nalarm[mins] + 1
            CColors.cprint(f'{self.prefix(mult)} up {dcl:.2f}% ' + \
                           f'in {mins}min, vol. chg. {rvol:.2f}%', color)
            mult = 0
        self.nalarm[mins] = mult
Example #3
 async def sell_coins_limit(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> int:
     """ sell coins using a limit or OCO sell, return order ID """
     # try OCO if suitable
     if self.use_oco:
         oid = await self.api.sell_coin_oco(client, self.bqty, self.tprice,
         if not oid:
             raise CException('OCO sell failed')
         CColors.cprint(f'[OCO SELL] target profit: {self.env.profit:.2f}%, ' + \
                        f'max loss: {-self.env.stop:.2f}%', CColors.OKGREEN)
         return oid
     # try limit sell
     oid = await self.api.sell_coin_limit(client, self.bqty, self.tprice)
     if not oid:
         raise CException('Limit sell failed')
     CColors.cprint(f'[LIMIT SELL] target profit: {self.env.profit:.2f}%',
     return oid
Example #4
    async def sell_coin_market(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession,
                               bqty: float) -> (bool, float, float):
        """ sell <bqty> of <bcoin> for <qcoin> at market price
            return success, amount of <qcoin> purchased and average trade price """
        bcoin = self.pair['baseAsset']
        CColors.cprint(f'[MARKET SELL] Selling {self.bfmt_mkt(bqty)} {bcoin}',

        params = {
            'symbol': self.pair['symbol'],
            'side': 'SELL',
            'type': 'MARKET',
            'quantity': self.bfmt_mkt(bqty), # sell <bqty> of <bcoin>
            _, resp = await self.req(client, 'POST', 'order', params, {})
            return (True, *self.market_order_status(resp))
        except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc:
            CColors.eprint(f'Market sell failed with {exc.data}')
            return False, 0, 0
Example #5
    async def buy_coin_market(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession,
                              qqty: float) -> (bool, float, float):
        """ buy <bcoin> with <qqty> of <qcoin> at market price
            return amount of <bcoin> purchased and average trade price """
        bcoin, qcoin = self.pair['baseAsset'], self.pair['quoteAsset']
        msg = f'[MARKET BUY] Buying {bcoin} with {self.qfmt(qqty)} {qcoin}'
        CColors.cprint(msg, CColors.WARNING)

        params = {
            'symbol': self.pair['symbol'],
            'side': 'BUY',
            'type': 'MARKET',
            'quoteOrderQty': self.qfmt(qqty), # buy with <qqty> of <qcoin>
            _, resp = await self.req(client, 'POST', 'order', params, {})
            return (True, *self.market_order_status(resp))
        except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc:
            CColors.eprint(f'Market buy failed with {exc.data}')
            return False, 0, 0
Example #6
    async def sell_coin_limit(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession,
                              bqty: float, price: float) -> int:
        """ sell <bqty> of <bcoin>, return order ID (0 = fail) """
        bcoin = self.pair['baseAsset']
        CColors.cprint(f'[LIMIT SELL] Selling {self.bfmt(bqty)} {bcoin} at {self.qfmt(price)}',

        params = {
            'symbol': self.pair['symbol'],
            'side': 'SELL',
            'type': 'LIMIT',
            'timeInForce': 'GTC', # good till cancelled
            'quantity': self.bfmt(bqty),
            'price': self.qfmt(price),
            _, resp = await self.req(client, 'POST', 'order', params, {})
            CColors.iprint(f'Executed limit sell order (status: {resp["status"]})')
        except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc:
            CColors.eprint(f'Limit sell failed with {exc.data}')
            return 0
        return resp['orderId']
Example #7
    async def sell_coins(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession):
        """ coin selling logic """
        bcoin = self.api.pair['baseAsset']
        lprice = 0  # last traded price

        if self.env.sell_type == SellType.LIMIT:
            # put a limit order on the book immediately
            self.oid = await self.sell_coins_limit(client)
            if not self.env.bailout:
        self.allow_bailout = self.env.bailout
        async for tdata in self.wapi.agg_trades_single(
            # last traded price is the current market price
            _lprice = float(tdata['p'])
            if _lprice == lprice:
            lprice = _lprice

            # calculate estimated profit
            eprofit = 100 * (lprice / self.bprice - 1)
            if eprofit >= 0:
                CColors.cprint(f'[+{eprofit:.2f}%] 1 {bcoin} = ' + \
                                f'{self.api.qfmt(lprice)} {self.env.qcoin}', CColors.OKGREEN)
                CColors.cprint(f'[{eprofit:.2f}%] 1 {bcoin} = ' + \
                                f'{self.api.qfmt(lprice)} {self.env.qcoin}', CColors.FAIL)

            if self.env.sell_type == SellType.LIMIT:
                # limit orders are here just to be able to bailout

            # sell if forced or profit/loss limits are triggered
            if lprice > self.tprice or lprice < self.sprice:
                self.allow_bailout = False
                await self.sell_coins_market(client)
Example #8
    async def sell_coin_oco(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession,
                            bqty: float, price: float, sprice: float) -> int:
        """ sell <bqty> of <bcoin> as OCO, return order ID (0 = fail) """
        bcoin = self.pair['baseAsset']
        msg = f'[OCO SELL] Selling {self.bfmt(bqty)} {bcoin} at {self.qfmt(price)}' + \
              f', stop: {self.qfmt(sprice)}'
        CColors.cprint(msg, CColors.WARNING)

        params = {
            'symbol': self.pair['symbol'],
            'side': 'SELL',
            'quantity': self.bfmt(bqty),
            'price': self.qfmt(price),
            'stopPrice': self.qfmt(sprice),
            'stopLimitPrice': self.qfmt(sprice * 0.98),
            'stopLimitTimeInForce': 'GTC' # good till cancelled
            _, resp = await self.req(client, 'POST', 'order/oco', params, {})
            CColors.iprint(f'Executed OCO order (status: {resp["listOrderStatus"]})')
        except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc:
            CColors.eprint(f'OCO sell failed with {exc.data}')
            return 0
        return resp['orderListId']