async def cancel_order(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession, order_id: int) -> (bool, float): """ Cancel a regular order, return success and executed quantity """ params = { 'symbol': self.pair['symbol'], 'orderId': order_id } try: _, resp = await self.req(client, 'DELETE', 'order', params, {}) CColors.iprint(f'Canceled limit order #{order_id} (status: {resp["status"]})') return True, float(resp['executedQty']) except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc: CColors.eprint(f'Order cancel failed with {}') return False, 0
async def cancel_oco_order(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession, order_list_id: int) -> (bool, float): """ Cancel an OCO order, return success and executed quantity """ params = { 'symbol': self.pair['symbol'], 'orderListId': order_list_id } try: _, resp = await self.req(client, 'DELETE', 'orderList', params, {}) CColors.iprint(f'Canceled OCO #{order_list_id} (status: {resp["listOrderStatus"]})') qty = sum((float(rep['executedQty']) for rep in resp['orderReports'])) return True, qty except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc: CColors.eprint(f'OCO order cancel failed with {}') return False, 0
async def sell_coin_market(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession, bqty: float) -> (bool, float, float): """ sell <bqty> of <bcoin> for <qcoin> at market price return success, amount of <qcoin> purchased and average trade price """ bcoin = self.pair['baseAsset'] CColors.cprint(f'[MARKET SELL] Selling {self.bfmt_mkt(bqty)} {bcoin}', CColors.WARNING) params = { 'symbol': self.pair['symbol'], 'side': 'SELL', 'type': 'MARKET', 'quantity': self.bfmt_mkt(bqty), # sell <bqty> of <bcoin> } try: _, resp = await self.req(client, 'POST', 'order', params, {}) return (True, *self.market_order_status(resp)) except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc: CColors.eprint(f'Market sell failed with {}') return False, 0, 0
async def buy_coin_market(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession, qqty: float) -> (bool, float, float): """ buy <bcoin> with <qqty> of <qcoin> at market price return amount of <bcoin> purchased and average trade price """ bcoin, qcoin = self.pair['baseAsset'], self.pair['quoteAsset'] msg = f'[MARKET BUY] Buying {bcoin} with {self.qfmt(qqty)} {qcoin}' CColors.cprint(msg, CColors.WARNING) params = { 'symbol': self.pair['symbol'], 'side': 'BUY', 'type': 'MARKET', 'quoteOrderQty': self.qfmt(qqty), # buy with <qqty> of <qcoin> } try: _, resp = await self.req(client, 'POST', 'order', params, {}) return (True, *self.market_order_status(resp)) except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc: CColors.eprint(f'Market buy failed with {}') return False, 0, 0
async def sell_coin_limit(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession, bqty: float, price: float) -> int: """ sell <bqty> of <bcoin>, return order ID (0 = fail) """ bcoin = self.pair['baseAsset'] CColors.cprint(f'[LIMIT SELL] Selling {self.bfmt(bqty)} {bcoin} at {self.qfmt(price)}', CColors.WARNING) params = { 'symbol': self.pair['symbol'], 'side': 'SELL', 'type': 'LIMIT', 'timeInForce': 'GTC', # good till cancelled 'quantity': self.bfmt(bqty), 'price': self.qfmt(price), } try: _, resp = await self.req(client, 'POST', 'order', params, {}) CColors.iprint(f'Executed limit sell order (status: {resp["status"]})') except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc: CColors.eprint(f'Limit sell failed with {}') return 0 return resp['orderId']
async def sell_coin_oco(self, client: aiohttp.ClientSession, bqty: float, price: float, sprice: float) -> int: """ sell <bqty> of <bcoin> as OCO, return order ID (0 = fail) """ bcoin = self.pair['baseAsset'] msg = f'[OCO SELL] Selling {self.bfmt(bqty)} {bcoin} at {self.qfmt(price)}' + \ f', stop: {self.qfmt(sprice)}' CColors.cprint(msg, CColors.WARNING) params = { 'symbol': self.pair['symbol'], 'side': 'SELL', 'quantity': self.bfmt(bqty), 'price': self.qfmt(price), 'stopPrice': self.qfmt(sprice), 'stopLimitPrice': self.qfmt(sprice * 0.98), 'stopLimitTimeInForce': 'GTC' # good till cancelled } try: _, resp = await self.req(client, 'POST', 'order/oco', params, {}) CColors.iprint(f'Executed OCO order (status: {resp["listOrderStatus"]})') except BinanceAPI.ApiError as exc: CColors.eprint(f'OCO sell failed with {}') return 0 return resp['orderListId']