def test_run_command(self):
     tests run_and_log runs given command, exits on error and writes to log
     cmd = ['ls', '-la']
     msg = 'successfully ran command'
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, self.log_level)
     args = (cmd, msg)
     self.log('INFO: %s' % msg)
 def test_run_command_exits_on_error(self):
     tests run_and_log runs given command, exits on error and writes to log
     cmd = ['ls', 'fjlskhgtioeb.bla']
     msg = 'successfully ran command'
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, self.log_level)
     args = (cmd, msg)
         runlog.run_command(*args)'command did not raise error')
     except SystemExit:
         self.log('ERROR: ls fjlskhgtioeb.bla exited with exit code 2')
 def test_run_command_exits_on_error_and_does_not_log_when_log_error_is_false(self):
     tests run_and_log runs given command, exits on error and does not write to log when log_error is false
     cmd = ['ls', 'fjlskhgtioeb.bla']
     msg = 'successfully ran command'
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, self.log_level)
     args = (cmd, msg)
         runlog.run_command(*args, log_error=False)'command did not raise error')
     except SystemExit:
         with open(self.log_file) as log:
             log_content = log.readlines()
         self.assertFalse('ERROR: ls fjlskhgtioeb.bla exited with exit code 2' in log_content, log_content)