def clone_app_mock(app_home):
    static_files = [
        ['static', 'static/static_file', 'static'],
        ['media', 'media/media_file', 'media'],
        ['', 'uwsgi_params', 'uwsgi_params'],
        ['static/base/site_down', 'static/base/site_down/index.html', 'index.html']
    for static_dir, static_file_path, static_name in static_files:
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(app_home, 'app_name', static_dir), exist_ok=True)
        static_file_abs_path = os.path.join(app_home, 'app_name', static_file_path)
        with open(static_file_abs_path, 'w') as static_file:
            static_file.write('%s stuff\n' % static_name)
    cfu = CommandFileUtils(DIST_VERSION, LOG_FILE, LOG_LEVEL)
    cfu.write_to_log('successfully cloned %s to %s' % ('app_name', app_home), 'INFO')
 def test_write_to_log(self):
     tests that write_to_log writes messages to log
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, 'DEBUG')
     msgs = [
         ['debug message', 'DEBUG'],
         ['info message', 'INFO'],
         ['warning message', 'WARNING'],
         ['error message', 'ERROR'],
         ['critical message', 'CRITICAL']
     for m, ll in msgs:
         runlog.write_to_log(m, ll)
         self.log('%s: %s' % (ll, m))
 def test_basic_functionality(self):
     tests basic logging functionality
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, 'DEBUG')
     msgs = [
         ['debug message', 'DEBUG'],
         ['info message', 'INFO'],
         ['warning message', 'WARNING'],
         ['error message', 'ERROR'],
         ['critical message', 'CRITICAL']
     for m, ll in msgs:
         runlog.write_to_log(m, ll)
     for m, ll in msgs:
         self.log('%s: %s' % (ll, m))
 def test_level_functionality(self):
     tests logging functionality when log level is higher than DEBUG
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, 'INFO')
     msgs = [
         ['debug message', 'DEBUG'],
         ['info message', 'INFO'],
         ['warning message', 'WARNING'],
         ['error message', 'ERROR'],
         ['critical message', 'CRITICAL']
     for m, ll in msgs:
         runlog.write_to_log(m, ll)
     for m, ll in msgs[1:]:
         self.log('%s: %s' % (ll, m))
     self.log('%s: %s' % (msgs[0][1], msgs[0][0]), test=False)
 def test_write_to_log_only_logs_messages_of_appropriate_log_level(self):
     tests that write_to_log only writes messages with appropriate log level to log
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, 'ERROR')
     msgs_log = [
         ['error message', 'ERROR'],
         ['CRITICAL message', 'CRITICAL']
     msgs_no_log = [
         ['debug message', 'DEBUG'],
         ['info message', 'INFO'],
     for m, ll in msgs_log:
         runlog.write_to_log(m, ll)
         self.log('%s: %s' % (ll, m))
     for m, ll in msgs_no_log:
         runlog.write_to_log(m, ll)
         self.log('%s: %s' % (ll, m), test=False)
 def test_write_to_log_adds_timestamp_to_message(self):
     tests that write_to_log adds the current time to messages
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, 'DEBUG')
     msgs = [
         ['debug message', 'DEBUG'],
         ['info message', 'INFO'],
         ['warning message', 'WARNING'],
         ['error message', 'ERROR'],
         ['critical message', 'CRITICAL']
     now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
     for m, ll in msgs:
         runlog.write_to_log(m, ll)
     with open(self.log_file) as log:
         log_list = [l[:19] for l in log][-5:]
         for l in log_list:
             self.assertEqual(now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), l, l)
 def test_write_to_log_exits_when_log_level_is_not_specified(self):
     tests that write_to_log uses default log level (DEBUG) when level is not specified and exits when log level is
     runlog = CommandFileUtils(self.dist_version, self.log_file, 'DEBUG')
     msgs = [
         ['warning message', 'WARNING'],
         ['other warning message', 'WARNING'],
         ['debug message', 'IMPORTANT'],
         ['info message', 'INFO'],
         ['default info message', False],
     for m, ll in msgs:
             runlog.write_to_log(m, ll)
             self.log('%s: %s' % (ll, m))
         except SystemExit as error:
             self.assertEqual(1, error.code, '%s exited with: %s' % ('write_to_log', str(error)))
             self.log('ERROR: log level "%s" is not specified or not valid' % ll)
def stop_celery_mock(app_home):
    cfu = CommandFileUtils(DIST_VERSION, LOG_FILE, LOG_LEVEL)
    cfu.write_to_log('stopped celery and beat', 'INFO')
    if os.path.exists(os.path.join(CELERY_PID_PATH, '')):
        os.remove(os.path.join(CELERY_PID_PATH, ''))
    return 0
def own_app_mock(path, owner, group):
    cfu = CommandFileUtils(DIST_VERSION, LOG_FILE, LOG_LEVEL)
    cfu.write_to_log('changed ownership of %s to %s:%s' % (path, owner, group), 'INFO')