def get_draw_start_pos(self):
     return (int(
         util.clamp(self.x - self.width / 2, 0,
                    self.world_width - self.width)),
                 util.clamp(self.y - self.height / 2, 0,
                            self.world_height - self.height)))
    def move_cursor(self):
        move = vec()
        move.x =['RIGHT'] -['LEFT']
        move.y =['DOWN'] -['UP']

        # change the inventory index
        self.inv_index[0] += int(move.x)
        self.inv_index[1] += int(move.y)
        self.inv_index[0] = utils.clamp(self.inv_index[0], 0,
                                        self.inv_size[0] - 1)
        self.inv_index[1] = utils.clamp(self.inv_index[1], 0,
                                        self.inv_size[1] - 1)

        # move the cursor
        self.cursor_pos += move * 24
        self.cursor_pos.x = utils.clamp(self.cursor_pos.x, 24, 120)
        self.cursor_pos.y = utils.clamp(self.cursor_pos.y, 40, 136)

        # restart animation if curser is moved
        if move != (0, 0):
            self.anim_timer = 0
            self.anim_frame = 0

        # assign an item to a slot
        player =
        x = self.inv_index[1]
        y = self.inv_index[0]
            if self.inv_items[x][y]:
                # put the item into slot A
                # if there is already an item, put it in slot B
                # if the item is already in slot B, clear slot B
                lastA = player.items['A']
                player.items['A'] = self.inv_items[x][y]
                if player.items['A'] and player.items['B'] == None:
                    player.items['B'] = player.items['A']
                if player.items['B'] == self.inv_items[x][y]:
                    player.items['B'] = lastA
                if player.items['B'] == player.items['A']:
                    player.items['B'] = None
                # if no item is at x, y
                # TODO play sound

            if self.inv_items[x][y]:
                # put the item into slot B
                lastB = player.items['B']
                player.items['B'] = self.inv_items[x][y]
                if player.items['B'] and player.items['A'] == None:
                    player.items['A'] = player.items['B']
                if player.items['A'] == self.inv_items[x][y]:
                    player.items['A'] = lastB
                if player.items['A'] == player.items['B']:
                    player.items['A'] = None
                # if no item is at x, y
                # TODO play sound
Example #3
    def set_reach(self) -> None:
        weapons = []
        for loc in [19, 20, 27, 28]:
            w = self.fighter.equip_loc.get(loc)
            if w.weapon:

        r_w = self.fighter.equip_loc.get(19)
        l_w = self.fighter.equip_loc.get(20)

        if self.fighter.dom_hand == 'R':
            self.fighter.reach = clamp(
                inch_conv( + r_w.length, 1), 2)
            if len(weapons) > 1:
                self.fighter.reach_oh = clamp(
                    inch_conv( + l_w.length, 1), 2)
                self.fighter.reach_oh = self.fighter.reach
            self.fighter.reach = clamp(
                inch_conv( + l_w.length, 1), 2)
            if len(weapons) > 1:
                self.fighter.reach_oh = clamp(
                    inch_conv( + r_w.length, 1), 2)
                self.fighter.reach_oh = self.fighter.reach

        self.fighter.reach_leg = clamp(
                (self.fighter.height * self.fighter.location_ratios[17]) +
                self.fighter.equip_loc.get(27).length, 1), 2)
 def pan(self, dx, dy):
     """Pan the camera in the direction specified by (dx, dy)."""
     self.x = int(
         util.clamp(self.x + dx, self.width / 2,
                    self.world_width - self.width / 2))
     self.y = int(
         util.clamp(self.y + dy, self.height / 2,
                    self.world_height - self.height / 2))
def solve_one_to_one_3x3():
    input_keys = [-1, -2, -3, -4]
    output_keys = [0]
    switch_keys = [1, 2, 3]
    node_keys = [4, 5, 6]

    nodes = []

    modulating_nodes_dict = {
        'activation_function': lambda x: clamp(x,-10,10),
        'integration_function': mult,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,

    node_weights = {4: [(-1, 1), (-4, 1)], 5: [(-2, 1), (-4, 1)], 6: [(-3, 1), (-4, 1)]}
    for i in node_keys:
        node_dict = copy.deepcopy(modulating_nodes_dict)
        node_dict['weights'] = node_weights[i]
        nodes.append(Neuron(i, node_dict))

    switch_std_weights = {
        1: [(-1, 10), (-1, 0), (-1, -10)],
        2: [(-2, 10), (-2, 0), (-2, -10)],
        3: [(-3, 10), (-3, 0), (-3, -10)]
    switch_mod_weights = {
        1: [(4, 1 / 3)],
        2: [(5, 1 / 3)],
        3: [(6, 1 / 3)]
    for key in switch_keys:
        nodes.append(SwitchNeuron(key, switch_std_weights[key], switch_mod_weights[key]))

    node_0_std = {
        'activation_function': lambda x: clamp(x,-10,10),
        'integration_function': sum,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'weights': [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)],
        'bias' : 0
    nodes.append(Neuron(0, node_0_std))

    net = SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys, output_keys, nodes)
    agent = Agent(net,lambda x: x,lambda x: convert_to_action(x))
    return agent
Example #6
    def paint(self, painter, option, index):
        # # set background color

        # # Get RAM information:
        s_index      = self.proxy.mapToSource(index)
        mem_used_idx = self.model.get_key_index("AllocMem")
        mem_free_idx = self.model.get_key_index("FreeMem")
        mem_real_idx = self.model.get_key_index("RealMemory")

        mem_used = self.model._data[s_index.row()][mem_used_idx]
        mem_free = self.model._data[s_index.row()][mem_free_idx]
        mem_real = self.model._data[s_index.row()][mem_real_idx]

        if mem_used.isdigit(): mem_used = int(mem_used)
        else: mem_used = 0
        if mem_real.isdigit(): mem_real = int(mem_real)
        else:     mem_real = 0

        # # Load information:
        # load_avg_idx = self.model.get_key_index("load_avg")
        # num_proc_idx = self.model.get_key_index("num_proc")
        # load_avg = self.model._data[s_index.row()][load_avg_idx]
        # num_proc = self.model._data[s_index.row()][num_proc_idx]
        # try: load_avg = float(load_avg)
        # except: load_avg = 0.0
        # try: num_proc = float(num_proc)
        # except: num_proc = 1.0
        # # Set color based on ram and load:
        # # TODO: Color setting should come from confing file or user condiguration!
        if mem_used and mem_real:
            color = QColor()
            sat = utilities.clamp(mem_used/mem_real, 0.0, 1.0)
            sat =, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.85)
            hue = 1.0 #utilities.clamp(load_avg/num_proc, 0.0, 1.0)
            hue =, 0.0, 1.0, .25, .9)
            color.setHsvF(hue, sat , 1)
            # Mark in red hosts with used ram above 0.9 (or other SGE_HOST_RAM_WARNING constant)
            # if mem_used > mem_real * constants.SGE_HOST_RAM_WARNING:
            #     color.setHsvF(1, 1 , 1)

        # # Set selection color:
        if option.state & QStyle.State_Selected:

        value =
        if value.isValid():
            text = value.toString()
            painter.drawText(option.rect, Qt.AlignLeft, text)

Example #7
    def access_cell(self, x, y):
        actualX = 0
        actualY = 0
        if (x >= 0 and x < self.cols):
            actualX = x
            if self.edgeRule == WRAP_GRID:
                actualX = x % self.cols
                actualX = utilities.clamp(x, 0, self.cols - 1)

        if (y >= 0 and y < self.rows):
            actualY = y
            if self.edgeRule == WRAP_GRID:
                actualY = y % self.rows
                actualY = utilities.clamp(y, 0, self.rows - 1)

        return actualX, actualY
Example #8
def get_gemstone(key: str, level: int) -> Gemstone:
    level = utilities.clamp(level, 1, 9) - 1
    base = gemstones[key]
    gemstone = Gemstone() = base['name'] + f' {base["tiers"][level]["name"]}'
    gemstone.description = base['description']
    gemstone.level = level + 1
    gemstone.effect = base['effect']
    gemstone.amount = base['tiers'][level]['amount']
    gemstone.weight = 1
    return gemstone
def solve_one_to_many():

    input_keys = [-1, -2, -3, -4]
    output_keys = [0,1]
    node_keys = [3,4,5]
    switch_keys = [7,8,9,10,11,12]

    nodes = []

    node_weights = {3: [(-1, 1), (-4, 1)], 4: [(-2, 1), (-4, 1)], 5: [(-3, 1), (-4, 1)]}
    modulating_nodes_dict = {
        'activation_function': lambda x: clamp(x,-1,1),
        'integration_function': mult,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'bias' : 1
    for i in node_keys:
        node_dict = copy.deepcopy(modulating_nodes_dict)
        node_dict['weights'] = node_weights[i]
        nodes.append(Neuron(i, node_dict))

    slow, fast = 0,0
    switch_std_w = {}
    while fast < len(switch_keys):
        switch_std_w[switch_keys[fast]] = [(input_keys[slow], 1), (input_keys[slow], -1)]
        fast += 1
        switch_std_w[switch_keys[fast]] = [(input_keys[slow], 1), (input_keys[slow], -1)]

    w1, w2 = 0.5, 1
    switch_mod_w = {7: [(3,w2)], 8: [(7,w1)], 9: [(4,w2)], 10:[(9,w1)], 11: [(5,w2)], 12: [(11,w1)]}

    for key in switch_keys:

    out_w = {0 : [(8,1), (10,1), (12,1)], 1: [(7,1), (9,1), (11,1)]}
    out_dict = {
        'activation_function': heaviside,
        'integration_function': sum,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'bias' : 0
    for key in output_keys:
        params = copy.deepcopy(out_dict)
        params['weights'] = out_w[key]

    net = SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys,output_keys,nodes)
    return net
Example #10
    def move_cursor(self):
        move = vec()
        move.x =['RIGHT'] -['LEFT']
        move.y =['DOWN'] -['UP']

        # change the inventory index
        self.inv_index[0] += int(move.x)
        self.inv_index[1] += int(move.y)
        self.inv_index[0] = utils.clamp(self.inv_index[0], 0,
                                        self.inv_size[0] - 1)
        self.inv_index[1] = utils.clamp(self.inv_index[1], 0,
                                        self.inv_size[1] - 1)

        # move the cursor
        self.cursor_pos += move * 24
        self.cursor_pos.x = utils.clamp(self.cursor_pos.x, 24, 120)
        self.cursor_pos.y = utils.clamp(self.cursor_pos.y, 40, 136)

        # restart animation if curser is moved
        if move != (0, 0):
            self.anim_timer = 0
            self.anim_frame = 0
Example #11
def solve_tmaze():

    input_keys = [-1,-2,-3,-4,-5]
    output_keys = [0]
    node_keys = [1,2,3]

    nodes = []

    #Aggregating neuron
    params = {
        'activation_function' : lambda x : x,
        'integration_function' : sum,
        'activity': 0,
        'output' : 0,
        'weights' : [(-1,-1), (-5,1)],

    m_params = {
        'activation_function': lambda x: clamp(x, -0.8,0),
        'integration_function': mult,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'weights': [(1, 1), (-4, 1)],
        'bias' : 1

    std_weights = [(-3,5), (-3,-5)]
    mod_weights = [(2,-1.25*0.5)]

    o_params = {
        'activation_function': tanh,
        'integration_function': sum,
        'activity': 0,
        'output': 0,
        'weights': [(3,1)],
        'bias' : 0

    net = SwitchNeuronNetwork(input_keys,output_keys,nodes)
    #For input, append the bias to -1 input
    agent = Agent(net, append_bias, convert_to_direction)
    return agent
Example #12
    def _create_walls(self, percent=0.06, rsd=0.2):
        """Randomly place some walls

        The actual number of walls is drawn from a normal distribution.

        :param float percent: Mean percent of walls to be created
        :param float rsd: Relative standard deviation
        walls = set()  # collect all possible walls
        for x, y in itertools.product(range(self.columns), range(self.rows)):
            if (self.wrap
                    or y != 0) and not self._nodes[x, y].edges[Direction.down]:
                walls.add(Wall(Vector2d(x, y), Wall.Orientation.horizontal))
            if (self.wrap
                    or x != 0) and not self._nodes[x, y].edges[Direction.left]:
                walls.add(Wall(Vector2d(x, y), Wall.Orientation.vertical))
        mean = len(walls) * percent
        count = clamp(int(random.gauss(mean, rsd * mean)), 0, len(walls))
        walls = random.sample(walls, count)
        return walls
Example #13
    def _rotate(self, grid, percent=0.8, rsd=0.1):
        """Rotate a random selection of tiles

        The actual number of rotated tile is drawn from a normal distribution.

        :param grid.GridContainer grid: Grid of :class:`Tile` objects
        :param float percent: Mean percent of tiles to be rotated
        :param float rsd: Relative standard deviation
        rotatable = set()  # collect all rotatable tiles
        for x, y in itertools.product(range(self.columns), range(self.rows)):
            if grid[x, y].link not in (LinkType.cross_intersection,
                rotatable.add(grid[x, y])
        mean = len(rotatable) * percent
        count = clamp(int(random.gauss(mean, rsd * mean)), 1, len(rotatable))
        for tile in random.sample(rotatable, count):
            if == LinkType.straight:
                tile.orientation = tile.orientation.rotate()
                tile.orientation = tile.orientation.rotate(
                    random.choice(range(1, 4)))
        return count
def strPot_to_angle(strPot, potRange, angleRange):
  strPot = clamp(potRange, strPot) 
  potSpan = potRange[1] - potRange[0]
  angleSpan = angleRange[1] - angleRange[0]
  angle = (((strPot - potRange[0]) * potSpan)/ angleSpan ) + angleRange[0] 
#Temporary file, will be removed on clean-up.

import re
from utilities import clamp

if __name__ == "__main__":

    correct = 0
    trials = 0
    with open('temp.txt') as f:
        lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f]
        for line in lines:
            reg ="output \((.*?),\), got \[(.*?)\]", line)
            if reg:
                trials += 1
                groups = reg.groups()
                if abs(clamp(float(groups[0])) - clamp(float(groups[1]))) < 0.3:
                    correct += 1
    print("Correct: {} out of {}".format(correct, trials))
Example #16
def readAin(pinName, jointRange):
  raw = readInt(pinName)
  raw = clamp(jointRange, raw)
  return getPercentageIntoRange(jointRange, float(raw))
Example #17
 def affect_confusion(self, amount: int) -> int:
     start = self.confusion
     self.confusion = utilities.clamp(
         self.confusion + amount, 0,
         self.confusion_limit + self.bonus_confusion_limit)
     return self.confusion - start
Example #18
 def affect_shock(self, amount: int) -> int:
     start = self.shock
     self.shock = utilities.clamp(self.shock + amount, 0,
                                  self.shock_limit + self.bonus_shock_limit)
     return self.shock - start
Example #19
def readAin(pinName, jointRange):
    raw = readInt(pinName)
    raw = clamp(jointRange, raw)
    return getPercentageIntoRange(jointRange, float(raw))
Example #20
    def iterate(self, iterNumber):
        prevCells = copy.deepcopy(self.cells)
        for row in range(self.rows):
            for col in range(self.cols):
                stateNumber = 0
                A = B = S = 0
                state = ""
                state = self._state(prevCells, row - 1, col - 1)
                if state == "Infected":
                    A += 1
                elif state == "Ill":
                    B += 1

                state = self._state(prevCells, row - 1, col)
                if state == "Infected":
                    A += 1
                elif state == "Ill":
                    B += 1

                state = self._state(prevCells, row - 1, col + 1)
                if state == "Infected":
                    A += 1
                elif state == "Ill":
                    B += 1

                state = self._state(prevCells, row, col - 1)
                if state == "Infected":
                    A += 1
                elif state == "Ill":
                    B += 1

                state = self._state(prevCells, row, col + 1)
                if state == "Infected":
                    A += 1
                elif state == "Ill":
                    B += 1

                state = self._state(prevCells, row + 1, col - 1)
                if state == "Infected":
                    A += 1
                elif state == "Ill":
                    B += 1

                state = self._state(prevCells, row + 1, col)
                if state == "Infected":
                    A += 1
                elif state == "Ill":
                    B += 1

                state = self._state(prevCells, row + 1, col + 1)
                if state == "Infected":
                    A += 1
                elif state == "Ill":
                    B += 1

                if self._state(prevCells, row, col) == "Healthy":
                    self.cells[row][col] = utilities.clamp(int(math.floor((A / float(self.k1)) + (B / float(self.k2)))), \
                                                           0, self.stateCount)

                elif self._state(prevCells, row, col) == "Ill":
                    self.cells[row][col] = 0

                    S = self.access_cell(prevCells, row-1, col-1) + \
                        self.access_cell(prevCells, row-1, col) + \
                        self.access_cell(prevCells, row-1, col+1) + \
                        self.access_cell(prevCells, row, col-1) + \
                        self.access_cell(prevCells, row, col) + \
                        self.access_cell(prevCells, row, col+1) + \
                        self.access_cell(prevCells, row+1, col-1) + \
                        self.access_cell(prevCells, row+1, col) + \
                        self.access_cell(prevCells, row+1, col+1)

                    self.cells[row][col] = utilities.clamp(int(math.floor(S / (A + B + 1) + self.g)), \
                                                           0, self.stateCount)

        print("Iteration #{0} completed.".format(iterNumber))