def upload_tweet_sentiment(): print('Process started, it can take several time. Follow updates through ' \ 'the log...') dbm_local = DBManager(collection='tweets_esp_hpai') dbm_remote = DBManager(collection='bsc-ls', config_fn='config_mongo_hpai.json') query = {'$and': [{'lang': {'$in': SPAIN_LANGUAGES}}, {'$or': [{'': 'Spain'}, {'user.location': {'$in': \ get_spain_places_regex()}}]}]} query.update({'retweeted_status': {'$exists': 0}}) query.update({'sentiment_score': {'$exists': 1}}) tweets = total_tweets = tweets.count() processing_counter = total_segs = modified_records = found_tweets = 0'Going to upload {0:,} tweets'.format(total_tweets)) for tweet in tweets: start_time = time.time() processing_counter += 1'[{0}/{1}] Processing tweet:\n{2}'.\ format(processing_counter, total_tweets, tweet['id'])) sentiment_dict = { 'sentiment': { 'score': tweet['sentiment_score'] if tweet['sentiment_score_polyglot'] else None, } } if tweet['sentiment_score_polyglot']: sentiment_dict['sentiment']['raw_score_polyglot'] = \ tweet['sentiment_score_polyglot'] if 'sentiment_score_sentipy' in tweet: sentiment_dict['sentiment']['raw_score_sentipy'] = \ tweet['sentiment_score_sentipy'] if 'sentiment_score_affin' in tweet: sentiment_dict['sentiment']['raw_score_affin'] = \ tweet['sentiment_score_affin'] ret_update = dbm_remote.update_record({'id': int(tweet['id'])}, sentiment_dict) if ret_update.matched_count == 0:'Could not find in the remote server a tweet with ' \ 'the id {}'.format(tweet['id'])) elif ret_update.matched_count == 1: found_tweets += 1 if ret_update.modified_count == 0:'Found tweet but did not update.') elif ret_update.modified_count == 1: modified_records += 1'Remote tweet update with sentiment info!') total_segs += calculate_remaining_execution_time( start_time, total_segs, processing_counter, total_tweets)'Total processed tweets: {0:,}\n'\ 'Total found tweets in remote server: {1:,}\n' 'Total updated tweets in remote server: {2:,}\n'.\ format(total_tweets, found_tweets, modified_records)) print('Process finished!')
class NetworkAnalyzer: __dbm_tweets = None __dbm_users = None __dbm_networks = None __network = None __graph = None __nodes = set() __unknown_users = set() __node_sizes = None def __init__(self, colletion=None): if not None: self.__dbm_tweets = DBManager(colletion) self.__dbm_users = DBManager('users') self.__dbm_networks = DBManager('networks') self.__network = [] def __computer_ff_ratio(self, friends, followers): if followers > 0 and friends > 0: return friends / followers else: return 0 # Get interactions in of a given users def get_in_interactions(self, user_screen_name): # compute in interactions, meaning, interactions in which the user # was mentioned, retweeted, quoted, replied in_inter_query = { 'interactions.' + user_screen_name: { '$exists': 1 }, 'screen_name': { '$ne': user_screen_name } } n_users = in_interactions_dict, in_rts, in_rps = {}, {}, {} in_qts, in_mts = {}, {} total_in_interactions = 0 total_in_retweets, total_in_replies = 0, 0 total_in_mentions, total_in_quotes = 0, 0 for n_user in n_users: n_user_interactions = n_user['interactions'] for i_user, interactions in n_user_interactions.items(): if i_user == user_screen_name: in_interactions_dict[ n_user['screen_name']] = interactions['total'] total_in_interactions += interactions['total'] if 'retweets' in interactions.keys(): total_in_retweets += interactions['retweets'] in_rts[ n_user['screen_name']] = interactions['retweets'] if 'replies' in interactions.keys(): total_in_replies += interactions['replies'] in_rps[n_user['screen_name']] = interactions['replies'] if 'mentions' in interactions.keys(): total_in_mentions += interactions['mentions'] in_mts[ n_user['screen_name']] = interactions['mentions'] if 'quotes' in interactions.keys(): total_in_quotes += interactions['quotes'] in_qts[n_user['screen_name']] = interactions['quotes'] in_interactions_obj = { 'total': { 'count': total_in_interactions, 'details': in_interactions_dict }, 'replies': { 'count': total_in_replies, 'details': in_rps }, 'retweets': { 'count': total_in_retweets, 'details': in_rts }, 'mentions': { 'count': total_in_mentions, 'details': in_mts }, 'quotes': { 'count': total_in_quotes, 'details': in_qts } } user_dict = {'in_interactions': in_interactions_obj} return user_dict # Get interactions out of a given users def get_out_interactions(self, user_screen_name): user ={'screen_name': user_screen_name})[0] # compute out interactions, meaning, interactions originated by # the user user_interactions = user['interactions'] out_interactions_dict, out_rts = {}, {} out_rps, out_qts, out_mts = {}, {}, {} total_out_interactions, total_out_retweets = 0, 0 total_out_mentions, total_out_replies = 0, 0 total_out_quotes = 0 for recipient, interactions in user_interactions.items(): out_interactions_dict[recipient] = interactions['total'] total_out_interactions += interactions['total'] if 'retweets' in interactions: total_out_retweets += interactions['retweets'] out_rts[recipient] = interactions['retweets'] if 'replies' in interactions: total_out_replies += interactions['replies'] out_rps[recipient] = interactions['replies'] if 'mentions' in interactions: total_out_mentions += interactions['mentions'] out_mts[recipient] = interactions['mentions'] if 'quotes' in interactions: total_out_quotes += interactions['quotes'] out_qts[recipient] = interactions['quotes'] out_interactions_obj = { 'total': { 'count': total_out_interactions, 'details': out_interactions_dict }, 'replies': { 'count': total_out_replies, 'details': out_rps }, 'retweets': { 'count': total_out_retweets, 'details': out_rts }, 'mentions': { 'count': total_out_mentions, 'details': out_mts }, 'quotes': { 'count': total_out_quotes, 'details': out_qts } } # compile all information in a dictionary user_dict = {'out_interactions': out_interactions_obj} return user_dict def create_users_db(self, clear_collection=False): '::. Network Analyzer: Creating database of users, it can take several minutes, please wait_' ) if clear_collection: self.__dbm_users.clear_collection() users = self.__dbm_tweets.get_unique_users() users_count = len(users) '::. Network Analyzer: Extracted {0} unique users from the database...' .format(users_count)) progress = 1 for user in users: db_user = { 'screen_name': user['screen_name'], 'friends': user['friends'], 'followers': user['followers'], 'ff_ratio': self.__computer_ff_ratio(user['friends'], user['followers']), 'interactions': user['interactions'], 'tweets': user['tweets_count'], 'original_tweets': user['original_count'], 'rts': user['retweets_count'], 'qts': user['quotes_count'], 'rps': user['replies_count'], 'verified': user['verified'] } filter_query = {'screen_name': user['screen_name']} logging.debug( '::. Network Analyzer: Updating/creating user {0} ({1}/{2})...' .format(user['screen_name'], progress, users_count)) progress += 1 self.__dbm_users.update_record(filter_query, db_user, create_if_doesnt_exist=True) def generate_network(self, subnet_query={}, depth=1, file_name='network', override_net=False): net_query = subnet_query.copy() net_query.update({'depth': depth}) ret_net = # the net doesn't exist yet, let's create it if ret_net.count() == 0 or override_net: 'Generating the network, it can take several minutes, please wait_' ) users = # for each user generate his/her edges for user in users: if 'ff_ratio' in user.keys(): u_ff_ratio = user['ff_ratio'] else: u_ff_ratio = self.__computer_ff_ratio( user['friends'], user['followers']) exists = user['exists'] if 'exists' in user.keys() else '' self.__nodes.add( tuple({ 'screen_name': user['screen_name'], 'ff_ratio': u_ff_ratio, 'exists': exists }.items())) for interacted_user, interactions in user[ 'interactions'].items(): iuser = self.__dbm_users.find_record( {'screen_name': interacted_user}) if not iuser: if depth > 1: iuser_ffratio = self.__get_ffratio(interacted_user) if not iuser_ffratio: self.__unknown_users.add(interacted_user) continue else: self.__unknown_users.add(interacted_user) continue else: if 'ff_ratio' in iuser.keys(): i_ff_ratio = iuser['ff_ratio'] else: i_ff_ratio = self.__computer_ff_ratio( iuser['friends'], iuser['followers']) exists_iuser = iuser['exists'] if 'exists' in iuser.keys( ) else '' self.__nodes.add( tuple({ 'screen_name': iuser['screen_name'], 'ff_ratio': i_ff_ratio }.items())) edge = { 'nodeA': { 'screen_name': user['screen_name'], 'ff_ratio': u_ff_ratio, 'exists': exists }, 'nodeB': { 'screen_name': interacted_user, 'ff_ratio': i_ff_ratio, 'exists': exists_iuser }, 'weight': interactions['total'] } self.__network.append(edge)'Created a network of {0} nodes and {1} edges'.format( len(self.__nodes), len(self.__network)))'Unknown users {0}'.format(len(self.__unknown_users))) # save the net in a gefx file for posterior usage f_name = self.save_network_in_gexf_format(file_name)'Saved the network in the file {0}'.format(f_name)) db_net = {'file_name': str(f_name)} db_net.update(net_query) self.__dbm_networks.save_record(db_net) else: f_net = ret_net[0] 'The network was already generated, please find it at {0}'. format(f_net['file_name'])) def create_graph(self):'Creating the graph, please wait_') self.__graph = net.DiGraph() ff_ratio = defaultdict(lambda: 0.0) # create a directed graph from the edge data and populate a dictionary # with the friends/followers ratio for edge in self.__network: user = edge['nodeA']['screen_name'] interacted_with = edge['nodeB']['screen_name'] num_interactions = edge['weight'] u_ff_ratio = edge['nodeA']['ff_ratio'] self.__graph.add_edge(user, interacted_with, weight=int(num_interactions)) ff_ratio[user] = float(u_ff_ratio) # obtain central node # degrees = # central_node, max_degree = sorted(degrees, key=itemgetter(1))[-1] # center the graph around the central node # ego_graph = net.DiGraph(net.ego_graph(self.__graph, central_node)) return def get_graph_nodes(self): return len(self.__nodes) def get_graph_edges(self): return len(self.__network) def get_graph(self): return self.__graph def get_node_sizes(self): return self.__node_sizes def __get_ffratio(self, screen_name): query = { '$or': [{ 'user.screen_name': screen_name }, { 'retweeted_status.user.screen_name': screen_name }, { 'quoted_status.user.screen_name': screen_name }] } tweet_obj = self.__dbm_tweets.find_record(query) if tweet_obj: tweet = tweet_obj['tweet_obj'] if 'retweeted_status' in tweet.keys(): return self.__computer_ff_ratio( tweet['retweeted_status']['user']['friends_count'], tweet['retweeted_status']['user']['followers_count']) elif 'quoted_status' in tweet.keys(): return self.__computer_ff_ratio( tweet['quoted_status']['user']['friends_count'], tweet['quoted_status']['user']['followers_count']) else: return self.__computer_ff_ratio( tweet['user']['friends_count'], tweet['user']['followers_count']) else: return None def save_network_in_gexf_format(self, file_name): today = datetime.strftime(, '%m/%d/%y') f_name = pathlib.Path(__file__).parents[1].joinpath( 'sna', 'gefx', file_name + '_' + today + '.gexf') with open(str(f_name), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n') f.write( '<gexf xmlns="" xmlns:viz="" ' 'xmlns:xsi="" ' 'xsi:schemaLocation="" ' 'version="1.2">\n') f.write('<meta lastmodifieddate="{0}">\n'.format(today)) f.write('<creator>NetworkAnalysis</creator>\n') f.write('<description>{0}</description>\n'.format(file_name)) f.write('</meta>\n') f.write('<graph mode="static" defaultedgetype="directed">\n') # add data attributes f.write('<attributes class="node">\n') f.write('<attribute id="2" title="ff_ratio" type="float"/>\n') f.write('<attribute id="5" title="exists" type="float"/>\n') f.write('</attributes>\n') # add nodes f.write('<nodes>\n') node_id = 0 list_nodes = [] for node_tup in self.__nodes: node = dict(node_tup) f.write('<node id="{0}" label="{1}">\n'.format( node_id, node['screen_name'])) f.write('<attvalues>\n') f.write('<attvalue for="2" value="{0}"/>\n'.format( node['ff_ratio'])) f.write('</attvalues>\n') #f.write('<viz:size value="{0}"/>\n'.format(node['ff_ratio'])) f.write('</node>\n') node_id += 1 list_nodes.append(node['screen_name']) f.write('</nodes>\n') # add edges f.write('<edges>\n') edge_id = 0 for edge in list(self.__network): id_vertexA = list_nodes.index(edge['nodeA']['screen_name']) id_vertexB = list_nodes.index(edge['nodeB']['screen_name']) weight = edge['weight'] f.write( '<edge id="{0}" source="{1}" target="{2}" weight="{3}"/>\n' .format(edge_id, id_vertexA, id_vertexB, weight)) edge_id += 1 f.write('</edges>\n') f.write('</graph>\n') f.write('</gexf>\n') return f_name