def getMovieCast(dataF, movieID, indexF, keyF, attrIF, attrKF, offsList=[], charNF=None, doCast=0, doWriters=0): """Read the specified files and return a list of Person objects, one for every people in offsList.""" resList = [] _globoff = [] for offset in offsList: # One round for person is enough. if offset not in _globoff: _globoff.append(offset) else: continue personID, movies = getRawData(dataF, offset, doCast, doWriters) # Consider only the current movie. movielist = [x for x in movies if x.get('movieID') == movieID] # XXX: a person can be listed more than one time for a single movie: # think about directors of TV series. # XXX: here, 'movie' is a dictionary as returned by the getRawData # function, not a Movie class instance. for movie in movielist: name = getLabel(personID, indexF, keyF) if not name: continue curRole = movie.get('currentRole', u'') roleID = None if curRole and charNF: curRole, roleID = getCharactersIDs(curRole, charNF) p = Person(name=name, personID=personID, currentRole=curRole, roleID=roleID, accessSystem='local') if movie.has_key('attributeID'): attr = getLabel(movie['attributeID'], attrIF, attrKF) if attr: p.notes = attr # Used to sort cast. if movie.has_key('position'): p.billingPos = movie['position'] or None resList.append(p) return resList
def getFilmography(dataF, indexF, keyF, attrIF, attrKF, offset, charNF=None, doCast=0, doWriters=0): """Gather information from the given files about the person entry found at offset; return a list of Movie objects, with the relevant attributes.""" name, res = getRawData(dataF, offset, doCast, doWriters) resList = [] for movie in res: title = getLabel(movie['movieID'], indexF, keyF) if not title: continue curRole = movie.get('currentRole', u'') roleID = None if curRole and charNF: curRole, roleID = getCharactersIDs(curRole, charNF) m = Movie(title=title, movieID=movie['movieID'], currentRole=curRole, roleID=roleID, accessSystem='local') if movie.has_key('attributeID'): attr = getLabel(movie['attributeID'], attrIF, attrKF) if attr: m.notes = attr resList.append(m) return resList
def getAkaTitles(movieID, akaDF, titlesIF, titlesKF, attrIF , attrKF): """Return a list of aka titles.""" entries = getFullIndex(akaDF, movieID, kind='akatdb', rindex=None, multi=1, default=[]) res = [] for entry in entries: akaTitle = getLabel(entry[1], titlesIF, titlesKF) if not akaTitle: continue attr = getLabel(entry[2], attrIF, attrKF) if attr: akaTitle += '::%s' % attr if akaTitle: res.append(akaTitle) return res
def gen(batch_size=8, imglist=[]): k = 0 imgCount = len(imglist) shuffle(imglist) def getLabel(imgname): vin = imgname.split('_')[0] label = np.zeros((17, len(vocabulary))) for i, char in enumerate(vin): label[i][vocabulary.index(char)] = 1 return label while True: x = np.zeros((batch_size, im_heigth, im_width, 1), dtype='float32') y = np.zeros((batch_size, 17, len(vocabulary))) for i in range(0, batch_size): if k >= imgCount: shuffle(imglist) k = 0 k = k % imgCount x[i] = cv2.imread(imglist[k])[:, :, :1] / 127.5 - 1 y[i] = getLabel(imglist[k].split('/')[-1]) k += 1 yield (x, y)
def getAkaNames(personID, akaDF, namesIF, namesKF): """Return a list of aka names.""" entries = getFullIndex(akaDF, personID, kind='akandb', rindex=None, multi=1, default=[]) res = [] for entry in entries: akaName = getLabel(entry[1], namesIF, namesKF) if akaName: res.append(akaName) return res
def encodeRecord(fileName, ignoreDict, fromCell, toCell, minGrade): recordData = openpyxl.load_workbook(fileName) sheet = cells = sheet[fromCell:toCell] sequences = [[]] studentIDs = [] # Index: # [Student ID, Year, Semester, N/A, Course's name, Course's grade] curStudentID = cells[0][1].value curSemester = cells[0][3].value sequences[0] = [] sequences[0].append("") studentIDs.append(curStudentID) for row in cells: studentID = row[1].value # year = row[2].value semester = row[3].value courseName = row[5].value courseGrade = row[6].value # if courseName in ignoreDict: # print("Ignore courseName {0}".format(courseName)) # continue if courseGrade == "NULL" or courseGrade == None: # Special case: user has no course's grade #print("Ignore unknow course {0} with grade: {1} of student {2}".format(courseName, courseGrade, studentID)) continue if courseGrade < minGrade: #print("Ignore course \"{0}\" with grade: {1} of student {2}".format(courseName, courseGrade, studentID)) continue if curStudentID != studentID: curStudentID = studentID sequences.append([]) curSemester = semester sequences[-1].append("") studentIDs.append(curStudentID) elif curSemester != semester: curSemester = semester sequences[-1].append("") encodedKey = str(Util.getLabel(courseName)) # Remove unicode if len(sequences[-1][-1]) > 0: sequences[-1][-1] += "." sequences[-1][-1] += encodedKey Util.cacheLabel() sequences = [Helper.sortAdv(seq) for seq in sequences] return (sequences, studentIDs)
def test_one_batch(X): sorted_items = X[0].numpy() groundTrue = X[1] r = utils.getLabel(groundTrue, sorted_items) pre, recall, ndcg = [], [], [] for k in world.topks: ret = utils.RecallPrecision_ATk(groundTrue, r, k) pre.append(ret['precision']) recall.append(ret['recall']) ndcg.append(utils.NDCGatK_r(groundTrue,r,k)) return {'recall':np.array(recall), 'precision':np.array(pre), 'ndcg':np.array(ndcg)}
def getMovieLinks(movieID, dataF, movieTitlIF, movieTitlKF): """Return a dictionary with movie connections.""" entries = getFullIndex(dataF, movieID, kind='mlinks', rindex=None, multi=1, default=[]) res = {} for entry in entries: title = getLabel(entry[2], movieTitlIF, movieTitlKF) if not title: continue m = Movie(title=title, movieID=entry[2], accessSystem='local') sect = _links_sect.get(entry[1]) if not sect: continue res.setdefault(sect, []).append(m) return res
def joinVectors(): allData = [] allLabels = [] for imgFeatures in featureVectorList: if imgFeatures.endswith('.swp'): continue featureVectors = np.load('./{0}/{1}'.format(folderPath, imgFeatures)) data = featureVectors[:, 1:] # Get rid of None in first column currLabel = utils.getLabel(imgFeatures) labelArr = np.tile(currLabel, len(data)) if allData == []: allData = data allLabels = labelArr else: allData = np.concatenate((allData, data), 0) allLabels = np.concatenate((allLabels, labelArr), 0) print(allLabels.shape) print(allData.shape) return allData, allLabels
def process(z): rot_coords = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype='float32') flips = [ Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM, Image.ROTATE_90, Image.ROTATE_180, Image.ROTATE_270, Image.TRANSPOSE ] def getLabel(vin): label = np.zeros((17, len(vocabulary))) for i, char in enumerate(vin): label[i][vocabulary.index(char)] = 1 return label while True: vin = generateVin(vin_length, max_spaces) if len(vin) < maxLength: for i in range(maxLength - len(vin)): vin += ' ' ff = random.choice(fonts) font = ImageFont.truetype(ff, random.randint(32, 256)) t_width, t_height_orig = font.getsize(vin) t_height = t_height_orig #int(t_height_orig * (1 + height_padding)) # t_width = int(t_width * (1 + width_padding)) # text image is a square t_img_size = max(t_height, t_width) # rot_deg = random.uniform(0, 360) rot_deg = random.uniform(-max_angle, max_angle) # text image will have original text located horizontally in the middle # original coordinates will be (0, (s-h)/2) - top left and (s, (s+h)/2) - bottom right # here s denotes text image size (image width), h - text height # we rotate all four corners of text around the center of the image (s/2, s/2) on the chosen angle # and check if rotated text can be fitted in background image rot_coords[0] = rotate_coord(0, (t_img_size - t_height) / 2., t_img_size / 2., t_img_size / 2., rot_deg) rot_coords[1] = rotate_coord(0, (t_img_size + t_height) / 2., t_img_size / 2., t_img_size / 2., rot_deg) rot_coords[2] = rotate_coord(t_img_size, (t_img_size + t_height) / 2., t_img_size / 2., t_img_size / 2., rot_deg) rot_coords[3] = rotate_coord(t_img_size, (t_img_size - t_height) / 2., t_img_size / 2., t_img_size / 2., rot_deg) min_tx = round(np.min(rot_coords[:, 0])) max_tx = round(np.max(rot_coords[:, 0])) min_ty = round(np.min(rot_coords[:, 1])) max_ty = round(np.max(rot_coords[:, 1])) dx = max_tx - min_tx dy = max_ty - min_ty if dx < im_width and dy < im_heigth: try: bcg_img ='L') except: continue text_image ='L', (t_img_size, t_img_size)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text_image) draw.text((t_width * width_padding / 2, round(t_img_size / 2. - t_height_orig / 2.)), vin, font=font, fill=255) text_image = text_image.rotate(rot_deg) x = random.randint(-min_tx, im_width - max_tx) # int((-min_tx + im_width-max_tx)/2) y = random.randint(-min_ty, im_heigth - max_ty) # int((-min_ty + im_heigth-max_ty)/2) color = random.randint(0, 255) if random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5: bcg_img = bcg_img.transpose(random.choice(flips)) bcg_img = bcg_img.resize((im_width, im_heigth)) colorization = ImageOps.colorize(text_image, (0, 0, 0), (color, color, color)) bcg_img.paste(colorization, (x, y), text_image) sigma = random.uniform(0, 2) bcg_img = gaussian_filter(bcg_img, sigma) totalmask ='L', (im_width, im_heigth)) colorization = ImageOps.colorize(text_image, (0, 0, 0), (255, 255, 255)) totalmask.paste(colorization, (x, y), text_image) totalmask = np.array(totalmask, dtype=np.float) totalmask[totalmask > 0] = 1 totalmask = np.expand_dims(totalmask, axis=-1) # from scipy.misc import imsave # imsave('tmp/%s_%s_%s.jpg' % (vin, x, y), bcg_img) bcg_img = np.array(bcg_img, dtype='uint8') rot_coords[:] += [x, y] mask ='L', (t_width, t_height_orig)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) draw.text((0, 0), vin, font=font, fill=255) mask = cv2.resize(np.array(mask, dtype=np.float), (32 * 16, 32)) # from scipy.misc import imsave # imsave('res/%s_%s_%s.jpg' % (vin, x, y), mask.astype(np.uint8)) mask[mask > 0] = 1 mask = np.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1) # output endpoints and height to define rectangle c = [ 2 * (rot_coords[0, 0] / im_width) - 1, 2 * (rot_coords[0, 1] / im_heigth) - 1, 2 * (rot_coords[2, 0] / im_width) - 1, 2 * (rot_coords[2, 1] / im_heigth) - 1, # m_point_a[0]/im_width, # m_point_a[1]/im_heigth, # m_point_b[0]/im_width, # m_point_b[1]/im_heigth, rot_deg / max_angle # t_height#/t_width ] # crop = crop_rotate(bcg_img, -rot_deg, rot_coords[0],rot_coords[2]) # # from scipy.misc import imsave # try: # imsave('tmp/%s_%s_%s.jpg' % (vin, x, y), crop) # except: # print('trololo') label = getLabel(vin) matrix = getMatrix(rot_coords) # crop = cv2.warpAffine(bcg_img, matrix, (1000, 1000)) # cv2.imwrite('temp_crop.png',crop) return np.reshape(bcg_img, (im_heigth, im_width, 1)), label, mask, matrix.flatten(), totalmask
def patch_generator(folder, all_patch_list, det_patch_list, batch_size=64, detection_ratio=0.5, levels=[0, 1, 2], dims=(512, 512)): ''' Returns (via yields) the sample image patch and corresponding ground truth mask, in given batch_size, using one level in levels list per patch with equal probability ''' true_batch = int(detection_ratio * batch_size) + 1 all_batch_size = batch_size - true_batch #print('true_batch_size: {} \t all_batch_size: {}'.format(true_batch, all_batch_size)) while 1: all_patch_list = shuffle(all_patch_list) det_patch_list = shuffle(det_patch_list) det_patch_list_cycle = cycle(det_patch_list) for offset in range(0, len(all_patch_list), all_batch_size): ## Get file and coords list from each patch list and combine them all_samples = all_patch_list[offset:offset + all_batch_size] true_sample = [] count = 0 for sample in det_patch_list_cycle: true_sample.append(sample) count += 1 if count >= true_batch: break combined_sample_list = all_samples combined_sample_list.extend(true_sample) combined_sample_list = shuffle(combined_sample_list) patch = [] ground_truth = [] for sample in combined_sample_list: filename = folder + sample[0] coords = sample[1] level = levels[np.random.randint(0, len(levels), dtype=np.int8)] patch.append( getRegionFromSlide(getWSI(filename), level=level, start_coord=coords, dims=dims)) ground_truth.append(getLabel(filename, level, coords, dims)) #print('Level used: {}'.format(level)) X_train = np.array(patch) y_train = np.array(ground_truth) yield shuffle(X_train, y_train)
def getMovieMisc(movieID, dataF, indexF, attrIF, attrKF): """Return information from files like, and so on.""" index = getFullIndex(indexF, movieID, kind='idx2idx') if index is None: return [] result = [] try: fdata = open(dataF, 'rb') except IOError, e: raise IMDbDataAccessError, str(e) # Eat the first offset. if len( != 3: fdata.close() return [] while 1: length = convBin(, 'length') strval = latin2utf( attrid = convBin(, 'attrID') if attrid != 0xffffff: attr = getLabel(attrid, attrIF, attrKF) if attr: strval += ' %s' % attr result.append(strval) nextBin = # There can be multiple values. if not (len(nextBin) == 3 and \ convBin(nextBin, 'movieID') == movieID): break fdata.close() return result
length = convBin(, 'longlength') # Skip company name. latin2utf( nrItems = convBin(, 'nrCompanyItems') filmography = {} # Yes: kindID values are hard-coded in the script. _kinds = {0: 'distributors', 1: 'production companies', 2: 'special effect companies', 3: 'miscellaneous companies'} for i in xrange(nrItems): kind = _kinds.get(ord( if kind is None: import warnings warnings.warn('Unidentified kindID for a company.') break movieID = convBin(, 'movieID') title = getLabel(movieID, movieIF, movieKF) m = Movie(title=title, movieID=movieID, accessSystem='local') filmography.setdefault(kind, []).append(m) dfptr.close() return filmography def _convChID(companyID): """Return a numeric value for the given string, or None.""" if companyID is None: return None return convBin(companyID, 'companyID') def getCompanyID(name, compNF): """Return a companyID for a name.""" and so on.""" index = getFullIndex(indexF, movieID, kind='idx2idx') if index is None: return [] result = [] try: fdata = open(dataF, 'rb') except IOError, e: raise IMDbDataAccessError, str(e) # Eat the first offset. if len( != 3: fdata.close() return [] while 1: length = convBin(, 'length') strval = latin2utf( attrid = convBin(, 'attrID') if attrid != 0xffffff: attr = getLabel(attrid, attrIF, attrKF) if attr: strval += ' %s' % attr result.append(strval) nextBin = # There can be multiple values. if not (len(nextBin) == 3 and \ convBin(nextBin, 'movieID') == movieID): break fdata.close() return result
def process(z): rot_coords = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype='float32') flips = [ Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM, Image.ROTATE_90, Image.ROTATE_180, Image.ROTATE_270, Image.TRANSPOSE ] while True: vin = generateVin(vin_length, max_spaces) if len(vin) < maxLength: for i in range(maxLength - len(vin)): vin +=' ' ff = random.choice(fonts) font = ImageFont.truetype(ff, random.randint(32, 256)) t_width, t_height = font.getsize(vin) # text image is a square t_img_size = max(t_height, t_width) # rot_deg = random.uniform(0, 360) rot_deg = random.uniform(-max_angle, max_angle) # text image will have original text located horizontally in the middle # original coordinates will be (0, (s-h)/2) - top left and (s, (s+h)/2) - bottom right # here s denotes text image size (image width), h - text height # we rotate all four corners of text around the center of the image (s/2, s/2) on the chosen angle # and check if rotated text can be fitted in background image rot_coords[0] = rotate_coord(0, (t_img_size - t_height)/2., t_img_size/2., t_img_size/2., rot_deg) rot_coords[1] = rotate_coord(0, (t_img_size + t_height)/2., t_img_size/2., t_img_size/2., rot_deg) rot_coords[2] = rotate_coord(t_img_size, (t_img_size + t_height)/2., t_img_size/2., t_img_size/2., rot_deg) rot_coords[3] = rotate_coord(t_img_size, (t_img_size - t_height)/2., t_img_size/2., t_img_size/2., rot_deg) min_tx = round(np.min(rot_coords[:, 0])) max_tx = round(np.max(rot_coords[:, 0])) min_ty = round(np.min(rot_coords[:, 1])) max_ty = round(np.max(rot_coords[:, 1])) dx = max_tx - min_tx dy = max_ty - min_ty if dx < im_width and dy < im_heigth: try: bcg_img ='L') except: continue text_image ='L', (t_img_size, t_img_size)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(text_image) draw.text((0, round(t_img_size/2. - t_height/2.)), vin, font=font, fill=255) text_image = text_image.rotate(rot_deg) x = random.randint(-min_tx, im_width - max_tx) #int((-min_tx + im_width-max_tx)/2) y = random.randint(-min_ty, im_heigth - max_ty) #int((-min_ty + im_heigth-max_ty)/2) color = random.randint(0, 255) if random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5: bcg_img = bcg_img.transpose(random.choice(flips)) bcg_img = bcg_img.resize((im_width, im_heigth)) colorization = ImageOps.colorize(text_image, (0, 0, 0), (color, color, color)) bcg_img.paste(colorization, (x, y), text_image) sigma = random.uniform(0, 2) bcg_img = gaussian_filter(bcg_img, sigma) from scipy.misc import imsave imsave('tmp/%s_%s_%s.jpg' % (vin, x, y), bcg_img) bcg_img = np.array(bcg_img, dtype='uint8') rot_coords[:] += [x, y] # bcg_img = cv2.polylines(bcg_img, np.int32([rot_coords]), 1, (255,255,255)) # end points of center line going through text # m_point_a = (rot_coords[0] + rot_coords[1])/2 # m_point_b = (rot_coords[2] + rot_coords[3])/2 # output endpoints and height to define rectangle c = [ 2 * (rot_coords[0, 0]/im_width)-1, 2 * (rot_coords[0, 1]/im_heigth)-1, 2 * (rot_coords[2, 0]/im_width)-1, 2 * (rot_coords[2, 1]/im_heigth)-1, # m_point_a[0]/im_width, # m_point_a[1]/im_heigth, # m_point_b[0]/im_width, # m_point_b[1]/im_heigth, rot_deg / max_angle #t_height#/t_width ] # crop = crop_rotate(bcg_img, -rot_deg, rot_coords[0],rot_coords[2]) # # from scipy.misc import imsave # try: # imsave('tmp/%s_%s_%s.jpg' % (vin, x, y), crop) # except: # print('trololo') indexes, vinLen = getLabel(vin)
filmography = {} # Yes: kindID values are hard-coded in the script. _kinds = { 0: 'distributors', 1: 'production companies', 2: 'special effect companies', 3: 'miscellaneous companies' } for i in xrange(nrItems): kind = _kinds.get(ord( if kind is None: import warnings warnings.warn('Unidentified kindID for a company.') break movieID = convBin(, 'movieID') title = getLabel(movieID, movieIF, movieKF) m = Movie(title=title, movieID=movieID, accessSystem='local') filmography.setdefault(kind, []).append(m) dfptr.close() return filmography def _convChID(companyID): """Return a numeric value for the given string, or None.""" if companyID is None: return None return convBin(companyID, 'companyID') def getCompanyID(name, compNF): """Return a companyID for a name."""
############################################################################################################# ############################################################################################################# if __name__ == '__main__': # FILENAME = args.file FOLDERPATH = args.folderPath #FILETYPE = args.fileType # img = cv2.imread('testImages/' + FILENAME) categoryFileList = os.listdir(FOLDERPATH) # The 'ground truths' for getting rid of background blobs rgbBackgroundFeatures = background.handleBackgroundBlobs() for folderName in categoryFileList: label = utils.getLabel(folderName) imgFileList = os.listdir("{0}{1}".format(FOLDERPATH, folderName)) if folderName == 'assorted': continue for imgName in imgFileList: img = cv2.imread("{0}{1}/{2}".format(FOLDERPATH,folderName,imgName)) # We need to iterate over all the files in the dir (we will split it 80/20 for training vs test) #segment the image blobs, markers,labels = utils.extractBlobs(img) rgbFeatureList = [] #multiprocess the feature extraction
#!/usr/bin/python3 import utils import numpy import colors imageWidth = 224 if __name__ == "__main__": # Load the model model = utils.loadModel("model/keras_model.h5") # Get an image from the webcam image = utils.getWebcam("/dev/video0") normalImage = utils.prepareImage(image, imageWidth) # Run the prediction prediction = model.predict(normalImage) # get the largest value largest = max(prediction[0]) index = int(numpy.where(prediction[0] == largest)[0]) # Get the labels labels = utils.openLabels("model/labels.txt") label = utils.getLabel(labels, index) # Run the user defined function colors.runColor(label, index, prediction)
def patch_generator(folder, all_patch_list, det_patch_list, batch_size=64, sample_factor=1, levels=[0, 1, 2], dims=(512, 512), save_labels=False, labels_list=None): ''' Returns (via yields) the sample image patch and corresponding ground truth mask, in given batch_size, using one level in levels list per patch with equal probability if save_labels is True then the function appends the labels generated to labels_list and yields only the image patches - used for inference purposes (metrics) folder: location of the image slides sample_factor = det_list_size / mix_list_size if sample_factor = 1 then all patch sample size is same as detections patch sample size if sample_factor = 2 then all patch sample size is *half* as detections patch sample size if sample_factor = 0.5 then all patch sample size is *double* as detections patch sample size #detection_ratio = det_list_size / combined_list_size #cls = dls + mls = dls + dls/sf = dls(1+1/sf) = dls (sf+1)/sf #detection_ratio = dls/cls = dls/(dls * (sf+1)/sf) = sf/(sf+1) ''' #detection_ratio = sample_factor / (sample_factor + 1) #true_batch = math.ceil(detection_ratio * batch_size) #all_batch_size = batch_size - true_batch #print('true_batch_size: {} \t all_batch_size: {}'.format(true_batch, all_batch_size)) IDG = ImageDataGenerator() while 1: all_patch_list = shuffle(all_patch_list) #det_patch_list = shuffle(det_patch_list) all_patch_list_size = math.ceil(len(det_patch_list) / sample_factor) all_patch_list_sub = all_patch_list[:all_patch_list_size] sampleset_size = len(all_patch_list_sub) + len(det_patch_list) ## Create a combined sample list and shuffle all_patch_list_sub.extend(det_patch_list) combined_sample_list = shuffle(all_patch_list_sub) for offset in range(0, sampleset_size, batch_size): sample_batch = combined_sample_list[offset:offset + batch_size] patch = [] ground_truth = [] for sample in sample_batch: filename = folder + sample[0] coords = sample[1] level = levels[np.random.randint(0, len(levels), dtype=np.int8)] brightness = (0.95 + np.random.rand() * (1.05 - 0.95)) if np.random.rand() > 0.5 else 1 dims_factor = (0.9 + np.random.rand() * (1. - 0.9)) if np.random.rand() > 0.5 else 1 zoom_dims = int(dims[0] / dims_factor) flip_v = np.random.rand() > 0.5 flip_h = np.random.rand() > 0.5 transformation = { 'brightness': brightness, 'flip_horizontal': flip_h, 'flip_vertical': flip_v } patch_img = getRegionFromSlide( getWSI(filename), level=level, start_coord=coords, dims=(zoom_dims, zoom_dims)).astype(np.float) if zoom_dims != dims[0]: patch_img = cv2.resize(patch_img, dims) patch_img = IDG.apply_transform(patch_img, transformation) patch_img = (patch_img - 128) / 128 patch.append(patch_img) if len(sample) == 3: ground_truth.append(np.array(sample[2])) else: ground_truth.append( getLabel(filename, level, coords, (zoom_dims, zoom_dims))) #print('Level used: {}'.format(level)) X_train = np.array(patch) if save_labels: labels_list.extend(ground_truth) #print('||----------------------------------------------||') #print('len(patch): {}'.format(len(patch))) #print('len(ground_truth): {}'.format(len(ground_truth))) #print('len(labels_list): {}'.format(len(labels_list))) yield X_train else: y_train = np.array(ground_truth) yield X_train, y_train # Check characterID. chID = if characterID != convBin(chID, 'characterID'): dfptr.close() return None length = convBin(, 'longlength') # Skip character name. latin2utf( nrItems = convBin(, 'nrCharacterItems') if limit is not None and nrItems/2 > limit: nrItems = limit*2 filmography = [] for i in xrange(nrItems/2): personID = convBin(, 'personID') name = getLabel(personID, personIF, personKF) movieID = convBin(, 'movieID') title = getLabel(movieID, movieIF, movieKF) # XXX: notes are not retrieved: they can be found scanning # actors.list and acresses.list, but it will slow down everything. m = Movie(title=title, movieID=movieID, currentRole=name, roleID=personID, roleIsPerson=True, accessSystem='local') filmography.append(m) dfptr.close() return filmography def _convChID(characterID): """Return a numeric value for the given string, or None.""" if characterID is None: return None