Example #1
def initial_import(user_id, max_id=None):
    logging.critical('Importing all tweets older than %s for user %d...' %
                     (max_id, user_id))

    # We should just quit if the user doesn't exist or if their initial import
    # has already finished.
    user = User.get_by_key_name(str(user_id))
    if not user:
        return logging.error('User not found.')

    if user.import_finished:
        return logging.error('Import already finished for user.')

    # Get a batch of tweets to work on
    tweets = user.api.user_timeline(max_id=max_id, count=settings.BATCH_SIZE)

    # Are there any tweets in the batch?
    if tweets:
        logging.info('Importing %d tweets in this batch' % len(tweets))
        entities, max_id = [], None
        for tweet in tweets:
            entities.extend(make_tweet(user, tweet))
            max_id = tweet.id
        user.tweet_count += len(tweets)
        db.put(entities + [user])

        # Spawn another instance of this task to continue the import
        # process. The max_id needs to be decremented here because Twitter's
        # API will include the tweet with that ID, even though you might
        # expect it to only include tweets *older* than that one, like the
        # documentation says.
        max_id -= 1
            initial_import, user_id, max_id, _queue='import')

    # Otherwise, the import has finished.  Update the user accordingly.
        logging.critical('Initial import finished!')

        # Note the latest tweet, so we know where to start importing new ones.
        last_tweet = user.tweets.get()
        user.latest_tweet_id = last_tweet.id if last_tweet else None

        # Note the date of the oldest tweet for the user, for graphs.
        old_key = db.Key.from_path('Tweet', str(max_id+1), parent=user.key())
        old_tweet = db.get(old_key)
        user.oldest_tweet_at = old_tweet.created_at


        # Now start the post-processing
        deferred.defer(post_process_tweets, user.id, initial_import=True,
Example #2
def fetch_new_tweets(user_id, token_key, token_secret, since_id=None):
    logging.info('Fetching new tweets for user %d...' % user_id)
    user = User.get_by_key_name(str(user_id))
    if not user:
        return logging.error('User not found.')

    if since_id is None:
        last_tweet = user.tweets.order('-created_at').get()
        since_id = last_tweet.id if last_tweet else None
        logging.info('Found last tweet by date: %d' % since_id)

    api = make_api(token_key, token_secret)
    tweets = api.user_timeline(since_id=since_id, count=settings.BATCH_SIZE)
    if tweets:
        entities = []
        for tweet in tweets:
        deferred.defer(fetch_new_tweets, user_id, token_key, token_secret,