Example #1
File: main.py Project: kif/xdress
def genextratypes(ns, rc):
    d = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
    srcs = [os.path.join(d, 'xdress_extra_types.h'), 
            os.path.join(d, 'xdress_extra_types.pxd'), 
            os.path.join(d, 'xdress_extra_types.pyx')]
    tars = [os.path.join(rc.sourcedir, rc.extra_types + '.h'), 
            os.path.join(rc.packagedir, rc.extra_types + '.pxd'), 
            os.path.join(rc.packagedir, rc.extra_types + '.pyx')]
    for src, tar in zip(srcs, tars):
        with open(src, 'r') as f:
            s = f.read()
            s = s.format(extra_types=rc.extra_types)
            newoverwrite(s, tar)
Example #2
def gh_make_token(gh, user, credfile='gh.cred'):
    """Creates a github token for the user.

    gh : GitHub object
        The object to authenticate with.
    user : str
        The username to make the token for.
    credfile : str, optional
        The github credentials file name.
    password = False
    while not password:
        password = getpass("{0}'s github password: ".format(user))
    note = 'magic cones'
    note_url = 'pyne.io'
    scopes = ['user', 'repo']
    auth = gh.authorize(user, password, scopes, note, note_url)
    newoverwrite(str(auth.token) + '\n' + str(auth.id) + '\n', credfile)
Example #3
def genfiles(template, fname='temp', pxdname=None, testname=None, 
             pyxheader=None, pxdheader=None, testheader=None, package='..'):
    """Generates all cython source files needed to create the wrapper."""
    # munge some filenames
    fname = fname[:-4] if fname.endswith('.pyx') else fname
    pxdname = fname if pxdname is None else pxdname
    pxdname = pxdname + '.pxd' if not pxdname.endswith('.pxd') else pxdname
    testname = 'test_' + fname if testname is None else testname
    testname = testname + '.py' if not testname.endswith('.py') else testname
    fname += '.pyx'

    # register dtypes
    for t in template:
        if t[0] == 'vector':

    pyx = genpyx(template, pyxheader)
    pxd = genpxd(template, pxdheader)
    test = gentest(template, testheader, package)

    newoverwrite(pyx, fname)
    newoverwrite(pxd, pxdname)
    newoverwrite(test, testname)
Example #4
File: main.py Project: kif/xdress
def genbindings(ns, rc):
    """Generates bidnings using the command line setting specified in ns.
    ns.cyclus = False  # FIXME cyclus bindings don't exist yet!
    for i, cls in enumerate(rc.classes):
        if len(cls) == 2:
            rc.classes[i] = (cls[0], cls[1], cls[1])
        load_pysrcmod(cls[1], ns, rc)        
    for i, fnc in enumerate(rc.functions):
        if len(fnc) == 2:
            rc.functions[i] = (fnc[0], fnc[1], fnc[1])
        load_pysrcmod(fnc[1], ns, rc)
    # register dtypes
    for t in rc.stlcontainers:
        if t[0] == 'vector':

    # compute all class descriptions first 
    classes = {}
    env = {}  # target environment, not source one
    for classname, srcname, tarname in rc.classes:
        print("parsing " + classname)
        desc = classes[classname] = compute_desc(classname, srcname, tarname, 
                                                 'class', ns, rc)
        if ns.verbose:

        print("registering " + classname)
        #pxd_base = desc['pxd_filename'].rsplit('.', 1)[0]         # eg, fccomp
        pxd_base = tarname or srcname  # eg, fccomp
        #cpppxd_base = desc['cpppxd_filename'].rsplit('.', 1)[0]   # eg, cpp_fccomp
        cpppxd_base = 'cpp_' + (tarname or srcname)   # eg, cpp_fccomp
        class_c2py = ('{pytype}({var})', 
                      ('{proxy_name} = {pytype}()\n'
                       '(<{ctype} *> {proxy_name}._inst)[0] = {var}'),
                      ('if {cache_name} is None:\n'
                       '    {proxy_name} = {pytype}()\n'
                       '    {proxy_name}._free_inst = False\n'
                       '    {proxy_name}._inst = &{var}\n'
                       '    {cache_name} = {proxy_name}\n')
        class_py2c = ('{proxy_name} = <{cytype}> {var}', '(<{ctype} *> {proxy_name}._inst)[0]')
        class_cimport = (rc.package, cpppxd_base) 
        ts.register_class(classname,                              # FCComp
            cython_c_type=cpppxd_base + '.' + classname,          # cpp_fccomp.FCComp
            cython_cy_type=pxd_base + '.' + classname,            # fccomp.FCComp   
            cython_py_type=pxd_base + '.' + classname,            # fccomp.FCComp   
            cython_template_class_name=classname.replace('_', '').capitalize(),
            cython_cyimport=pxd_base,                             # fccomp
            cython_pyimport=pxd_base,                             # fccomp
        _adddesc2env(desc, env, classname, srcname, tarname)

    # then compute all function descriptions
    for funcname, srcname, tarname in rc.functions:
        print("parsing " + classname)
        desc = compute_desc(funcname, srcname, tarname, 'func', ns, rc)
        if ns.verbose:
        _adddesc2env(desc, env, funcname, srcname, tarname)

    # next, make cython bindings
    # generate first, then write out to ensure this is atomic per-class
    if ns.cython:
        print("making cython bindings")
        cpppxds = gencpppxd(env)
        pxds = genpxd(env)
        pyxs = genpyx(env, classes)
        for key, cpppxd in cpppxds.iteritems():
            newoverwrite(cpppxd, os.path.join(rc.package, env[key]['cpppxd_filename']))
        for key, pxd in pxds.iteritems():
            newoverwrite(pxd, os.path.join(rc.package, env[key]['pxd_filename']))
        for key, pyx in pyxs.iteritems():
            newoverwrite(pyx, os.path.join(rc.package, env[key]['pyx_filename']))

    # next, make cyclus bindings
    if ns.cyclus:
        print("making cyclus bindings")