Example #1
def test_add_symmetry_const():
    name = f'ckt_{get_test_id()}'
    netlist = ota_six(name)
    constraints = [
        {"constraint": "IsDigital", "isTrue": True}
    example = build_example(name, netlist, constraints)
    ckt_library = compiler_input(example, name, pdk_path, config_path)
    ckt = ckt_library.find(name)
    with set_context(ckt.constraints):
        x = constraint.SymmetricBlocks(direction="V", pairs=[["MN4", "MN3"]])
    const_pairs = {"MN4": "MN3"}  # skip dictionary element
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        add_or_revert_const(const_pairs, ckt.constraints, list())
    assert len(ckt.constraints) == 1
    const_pairs = [["MN4", "MN3"]]
    add_or_revert_const(const_pairs, ckt.constraints, list())
    assert len(ckt.constraints) == 2
    assert ckt.constraints[1] == x
    const_pairs = [["MN4", "MN5"]]  # Skip unequal size
    add_or_revert_const(const_pairs, ckt.constraints, list())
    assert len(ckt.constraints) == 2
    const_pairs = [["VIN", "VIP"]]  # Skip net
    add_or_revert_const(const_pairs, ckt.constraints, list())
    assert len(ckt.constraints) == 2
Example #2
def test_symm_net():
    name = f'ckt_{get_test_id()}'
    netlist = ota_six(name)
    constraints = [
        {"constraint": "IsDigital", "isTrue": True}
    example = build_example(name, netlist, constraints)
    ckt_library = compiler_input(example, name, pdk_path, config_path)
    ckt = ckt_library.find(name)
    G = Graph(ckt)
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, 'VIN', 'VIP', list(), None, True)
    assert pairs == {'VIN': 'VIP', 'MN4': 'MN3'}
    assert pinsA == ['MN4/G', 'VIN']
    assert pinsB == ['MN3/G', 'VIP']
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, 'VIN', 'VIP', [{'MN3', 'MN4'}], None)
    assert pairs == {'VIN': 'VIP', 'MN4': 'MN3'}
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, 'VIN', 'VIP', ['MN3'], None)
    assert pairs is None
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, "VIN", "VIP", ["MN4"], None)
    assert pairs is None
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, "VIN", "VIP", list(), ["MN4"])
    assert pairs is None
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, "VIN", "VIP", list(), ["MN3"])
    assert pairs is None
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, "IBIAS", "TAIL", list(), ["MN3"])
    assert pairs is None
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, "VON", "VOP", list(), ["MN3"])
    assert pairs is None
    pairs, pinsA, pinsB = symmnet_device_pairs(G, "VIN", "VON", list(), ["MN3"])
    assert pairs is None
Example #3
def test_merge_parallel():
    # TODO Do not identify array when setup set as false
    name = f'ckt_{get_test_id()}'.upper()
    netlist = ota_six(name)
    constraints = [{
        "constraint": "PowerPorts",
        "ports": ["VCCX"]
    }, {
        "constraint": "GroundPorts",
        "ports": ["VSSX"]
    }, {
        "constraint": "MergeParallelDevices",
        "isTrue": False
    example = build_example(name, netlist, constraints)
    generate_hierarchy(example, name, out_path, False, pdk_path, False)
Example #4
def test_dont_constrain_clk():
    # TODO Do not constrain clock connected devices
    name = f'ckt_{get_test_id()}'.upper()
    netlist = ota_six(name)
    constraints = [{
        "constraint": "PowerPorts",
        "ports": ["VCCX"]
    }, {
        "constraint": "GroundPorts",
        "ports": ["VSSX"]
    }, {
        "constraint": "ClockPorts",
        "ports": ["vin"]
    example = build_example(name, netlist, constraints)
    generate_hierarchy(example, name, out_path, False, pdk_path, False)
Example #5
def test_ota_six():
    name = f'ckt_{get_test_id()}'.upper()
    netlist = ota_six(name)
    constraints = [{
        "constraint": "PowerPorts",
        "ports": ["VCCX"]
    }, {
        "constraint": "GroundPorts",
        "ports": ["VSSX"]
    example = build_example(name, netlist, constraints)
    ckt_library = compiler_input(example, name, pdk_path, config_path)
    all_modules = set([name, "SCM_NMOS", "SCM_PMOS", "DP_NMOS_B"])
    available_modules = set([
        module.name for module in ckt_library
        if isinstance(module, SubCircuit)
    assert available_modules == all_modules, f"{available_modules}"
Example #6
def test_dont_const():
    name = f'ckt_{get_test_id()}'.upper()
    netlist = ota_six(name)
    constraints = [{
        "constraint": "PowerPorts",
        "ports": ["VCCX"]
    }, {
        "constraint": "GroundPorts",
        "ports": ["VSSX"]
    }, {
        "constraint": "AutoConstraint",
        "isTrue": False
    example = build_example(name, netlist, constraints)
    generate_hierarchy(example, name, out_path, False, pdk_path, False)
    gen_const_path = out_path / f'{name}.verilog.json'
    with open(gen_const_path, "r") as fp:
        gen_const = next(x for x in json.load(fp)['modules']
                         if x['name'] == name)["constraints"]
        assert len(gen_const) == 3, f"{gen_const}"