def create_concrete_visitor(base_visitor_name, n_visit_func): print('You are creating a concrete visitor class for Visitor pattern.') concrete_visitor = meta_class.MetaClass() concrete_visitor._add_class_name() class_name = base_classes = [base_visitor_name] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_classes) wrap(concrete_visitor._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_classes, True) concrete_visitor._add_base_names() for i in range(n_visit_func): curr_func = f'visit_concrete_element_{i}' curr_params = [f'concrete_element_{i}'] curr_decors = [] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(concrete_visitor._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, True) concrete_visitor._add_args_to_method(curr_func) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, True) concrete_visitor._add_method_decorator(curr_func) concrete_visitor._add_methods() return concrete_visitor
def evaluate(model, criterion, epoch, eval_losses): total = 0 valid_enum = tqdm(valid_loader, desc='Valid epoch %d' % epoch) for txt, feat, spkr in valid_enum: input = wrap(txt, volatile=True) target = wrap(feat, volatile=True) spkr = wrap(spkr, volatile=True) output, _ = model([input, spkr], target[0]) loss = criterion(output, target[0], target[1]) total +=[0] valid_enum.set_description('Valid (loss %.2f) epoch %d' % ([0], epoch)) avg = total / len(valid_loader) eval_losses.append(avg) if args.visualize: vis.line(Y=np.asarray(eval_losses), X=torch.arange(1, 1 + len(eval_losses)), opts=dict(title="Eval"), win='Eval loss ' + args.expName)'====> Test set loss: {:.4f}'.format(avg)) return avg
def create_base_element(): print('You are creating a base element class for Visitor pattern.') base_element = meta_class.MetaClass() base_element._add_class_name() class_name = base_classes = ['ABC'] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_classes) wrap(base_element._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_classes, True) base_element._add_base_names() curr_func = 'accept' curr_params = ['visitor'] curr_decors = ['abstractmethod'] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(base_element._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, True) base_element._add_args_to_method(curr_func) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, True) base_element._add_method_decorator(curr_func) base_element._add_methods() return base_element
def create_base_visitor(): print('You are creating a base visitor class for Visitor pattern.') base_visitor = meta_class.MetaClass() base_visitor._add_class_name() class_name = base_classes = ['ABC'] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_classes) wrap(base_visitor._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_classes, True) base_visitor._add_base_names() n_visit_func = int(input('How many visitor functions do you want: ')) for i in range(n_visit_func): curr_func = f'visit_concrete_element_{i}' curr_params = [f'concrete_element_{i}'] curr_decors = ['abstractmethod'] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(base_visitor._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, True) base_visitor._add_args_to_method(curr_func) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, True) base_visitor._add_method_decorator(curr_func) base_visitor._add_methods() return base_visitor, n_visit_func
def simulate_sensor(self, state, noise=1): #states xt = state[0, :] yt = state[1, :] tht = state[2, :] #range components w/o sensor noise dif1x = self.landmark1[0] - xt dif1y = self.landmark1[1] - yt dif2x = self.landmark2[0] - xt dif2y = self.landmark2[1] - yt dif3x = self.landmark3[0] - xt dif3y = self.landmark3[1] - yt #range and bearing w/o sensor noise/truth z_r1_tru = np.sqrt(dif1x**2 + dif1y**2) z_r2_tru = np.sqrt(dif2x**2 + dif2y**2) z_r3_tru = np.sqrt(dif3x**2 + dif3y**2) z_b1_tru = np.arctan2(dif1y, dif1x) z_b2_tru = np.arctan2(dif2y, dif2x) z_b3_tru = np.arctan2(dif3y, dif3x) #add in sensor noise if noise is not specified as 0 z_r1 = z_r1_tru + noise * np.random.normal(0, self.sig_r) z_r2 = z_r2_tru + noise * np.random.normal(0, self.sig_r) z_r3 = z_r3_tru + noise * np.random.normal(0, self.sig_r) z_b1 = wrap(z_b1_tru - tht + noise * np.random.normal(0, self.sig_phi)) z_b2 = wrap(z_b2_tru - tht + noise * np.random.normal(0, self.sig_phi)) z_b3 = wrap(z_b3_tru - tht + noise * np.random.normal(0, self.sig_phi)) z = np.array([[z_r1], [z_r2], [z_r3], [z_b1], [z_b2], [z_b3]]) return (z)
def vel_motion_model(self, ut, state, noise=1): #commands and states vc = ut[0] wc = ut[1] xt = state[0, :] yt = state[1, :] tht = state[2, :] size = len(xt) #Add noise to commands v_hat = vc + noise * np.random.normal( 0, np.sqrt(self.a1 * vc**2 + self.a2 * wc**2), size) w_hat = wc + noise * np.random.normal( 0, np.sqrt(self.a3 * vc**2 + self.a4 * wc**2), size) #include a gamma that accounts for imperfect heading gama = noise * np.random.normal( 0, np.sqrt(self.a5 * vc**2 + self.a6 * wc**2), size) #propagate states x_new = xt - v_hat / w_hat * np.sin(tht) + v_hat / w_hat * np.sin( wrap(tht + w_hat * self.dt)) y_new = yt + v_hat / w_hat * np.cos(tht) - v_hat / w_hat * np.cos( wrap(tht + w_hat * self.dt)) th_new = wrap(tht + w_hat * self.dt + gama * self.dt) states_new = np.array([x_new, y_new, th_new]) return states_new
async def rpg(self, ctx: Context): """A rouge-like rpg game you can play with reactions. To get the tutorial use the "tutorial" or "rpg tutorial" commands. """ await ctx.send( "Welcome to culturebot's rpg game! If this is your first time playing make sure to read the tutorial\n", delete_after=10) msg = await ctx.send( wrap('Please pick a hero:\n' "knight ⚔️ | bleed, steals enemy stamina\n" "rogue 🗡️ | dodge, dodge enemy attack and deal damage back\n" "viking 🪓 | punch, deal high damage")) choice = await discord_choice(, msg,, dict(zip(['⚔️', '🗡️', '🪓'], heroes))) if choice is None: return hero = Hero(**choice) await msg.edit(content=wrap( 'Please pick a difficulty:\n' "1: easy 🟩 | enemies move basically at random, gets boring after a while.\n" "2: normal 🟨 | enemies use simple AI to attack, recomended for casual players.\n" "3: hard 🟥 | super smart AI, hard to beat, a true challenge.")) difficulty = await discord_choice(, msg,, dict(zip(['🟩', '🟨', '🟥'], [1, 2, 3]))) if difficulty is None: return await msg.edit( content= f"Now playing as {} on {['dev','easy','normal','hard'][difficulty]}" ) await self.gameloop(ctx, hero, difficulty)
def toHumanReadable(self, lineLength=72): result = u"" result += "=" * lineLength + "\n" result += utils.wrap(self.title, lineLength) + "\n" result += "\n" notes = [ note for note in [self.description, self.content, self.hint] if note ] if len(self.schedules) > 0: for schedule in self.schedules: result += unicode(schedule) + "\n" if notes: result += "-" * lineLength + "\n" result += u"\n".join( [utils.wrap(note, lineLength) + "\n" for note in notes]) if notes: result += "=" * lineLength + "\n" return result
def evaluate_epoch(self, epoch): for meter in self.evals_recon: meter.reset() self.eval_total.reset() self.encoder.eval() self.decoder.eval() n_batches = int(np.ceil(self.args.epoch_len / 10)) with tqdm(total=n_batches) as valid_enum, \ torch.no_grad(): for batch_num in range(n_batches): if self.args.short and batch_num == 10: break dset_num = batch_num % self.args.n_datasets x, x_aug = next([dset_num].valid_iter) x = wrap(x) x_aug = wrap(x_aug) batch_loss = self.eval_batch(x, x_aug, dset_num) valid_enum.set_description( f'Test (loss: {batch_loss:.2f}) epoch {epoch}') valid_enum.update()
def measurement_model(self, zt, xm, simulate_sensor, sig_r, sig_phi): #get range and bearing for each particle without sensor noise noise = 0 zm = simulate_sensor(xm, noise) #calculate weights based on probability of each particle's range and bearing given the actual measurement and sensor noise dr1 = zt[0] - zm[0] dr2 = zt[1] - zm[1] dr3 = zt[2] - zm[2] db1 = wrap(zt[3] - zm[3]) db2 = wrap(zt[4] - zm[4]) db3 = wrap(zt[5] - zm[5]) # mr = np.mean(dr) # mb = np.mean(db) wmr1 = self.prob(dr1, sig_r) wmr2 = self.prob(dr2, sig_r) wmr3 = self.prob(dr3, sig_r) wmb1 = self.prob(db1, sig_phi) wmb2 = self.prob(db2, sig_phi) wmb3 = self.prob(db3, sig_phi) wm = wmr1 * wmr2 * wmr3 * wmb1 * wmb2 * wmb3 # wm = self.prob(dr, sig_phi)*self.prob(db, sig_phi) #product of the three probabilties for each landmark is the final probability. This may not be done in this function? return wm
def create_base_strategy(): print('You are creating a base class for Strategy in Strategy pattern.') strategy = meta_class.MetaClass() strategy._add_class_name() class_name = base_names = ['ABC'] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_names) wrap(strategy._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_names, True) strategy._add_base_names() curr_func = 'algorithm_interface' curr_params = [] curr_decors = ['abstractmethod'] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(strategy._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, True) strategy._add_args_to_method(curr_func) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, True) strategy._add_method_decorator(curr_func) strategy._add_methods() return strategy
def create_concrete_observer(base_observer_name): print( 'You are creating a concrete class for Observer in Observer pattern.') observer = meta_class.MetaClass() observer._add_class_name() class_name = base_names = [base_observer_name] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_names) wrap(observer._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_names, True) observer._add_base_names() curr_func = 'update' curr_params = ['arg'] curr_decors = [] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(observer._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, True) observer._add_args_to_method(curr_func) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, True) observer._add_method_decorator(curr_func) return observer
def __init__(self, alphas, Q, num_particles=1000, limits=[-5, 5, -5, 5], landmarks=np.empty(0)): self.Q = Q.diagonal().reshape((len(Q), 1)) self.M = num_particles self.landmarks = landmarks self.g = MotionModel(alphas, noise=True) self.h = MeasurementModel() self.chi = np.empty((4, num_particles)) self.chi[0] = np.random.uniform(limits[0], limits[1], self.chi[0].shape) self.chi[1] = np.random.uniform(limits[2], limits[3], self.chi[1].shape) self.chi[2] = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, self.chi[2].shape) self.chi[3] = 1 / num_particles = wrap(np.mean(self.chi[:3], axis=1, keepdims=True), dim=2) mu_diff = wrap(self.chi[:3] -, dim=2) self.sigma = np.cov(mu_diff) self.z_nan = 50 self.z_hat = np.ones((2, len(self.landmarks))) * self.z_nan self.z = np.ones((2, len(self.landmarks))) * self.z_nan self.n = 3
def train_epoch(self, epoch): for meter in self.losses_recon: meter.reset() self.loss_d_right.reset() self.loss_total.reset() self.encoder.train() self.decoder.train() self.discriminator.train() n_batches = self.args.epoch_len with tqdm(total=n_batches, desc='Train epoch %d' % epoch) as train_enum: for batch_num in range(n_batches): if self.args.short and batch_num == 3: break if self.args.distributed: assert self.args.rank < self.args.n_datasets, "No. of workers must be equal to #dataset" # dset_num = (batch_num + self.args.rank) % self.args.n_datasets dset_num = self.args.rank else: dset_num = batch_num % self.args.n_datasets x, x_aug = next([dset_num].train_iter) x = wrap(x) x_aug = wrap(x_aug) batch_loss = self.train_batch(x, x_aug, dset_num) train_enum.set_description( f'Train (loss: {batch_loss:.2f}) epoch {epoch}') train_enum.update()
def evaluate_epoch(self, epoch): for meter in self.evals_recon: meter.reset() self.eval_d_right.reset() self.eval_total.reset() self.encoder.eval() self.decoder.eval() self.discriminator.eval() n_batches = int(np.ceil(self.args.epoch_len / 10)) with tqdm(total=n_batches) as valid_enum, \ torch.no_grad(): for batch_num in range(n_batches): if self.args.short and batch_num == 10: break if self.args.distributed: assert self.args.rank < self.args.n_datasets, "No. of workers must be equal to #dataset" dset_num = self.args.rank else: dset_num = batch_num % self.args.n_datasets x, x_aug = next([dset_num].valid_iter) x = wrap(x) x_aug = wrap(x_aug) batch_loss = self.eval_batch(x, x_aug, dset_num) valid_enum.set_description( f'Test (loss: {batch_loss:.2f}) epoch {epoch}') valid_enum.update()
def evp_init(lib): wrap(lib.PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_pass_callback_t, c_void_p], c_void_p) wrap(lib.EVP_PKEY_free, [c_void_p], None) wrap(lib.EVP_sha256, [], c_void_p) wrap(lib.EVP_sha384, [], c_void_p) wrap(lib.EVP_sha512, [], c_void_p)
def create_concrete_state(base_state_name): print('You are creating a concrete class for State in State pattern.') state = meta_class.MetaClass() state._add_class_name() class_name = base_names = [base_state_name] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_names) wrap(state._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_names, True) state._add_base_names() curr_func = 'handle' curr_params = [] curr_decors = [] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(state._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, True) state._add_args_to_method(curr_func) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, True) state._add_method_decorator(curr_func) state._add_methods() return state
def train_epoch(self, epoch): for meter in self.losses_recon: meter.reset() self.loss_total.reset() self.encoder.eval() self.decoder.train() n_batches = self.args.epoch_len with tqdm(total=n_batches, desc='Train epoch %d' % epoch) as train_enum: for batch_num in range(n_batches): if self.args.short and batch_num == 3: break dset_num = batch_num % self.args.n_datasets x, x_aug = next([dset_num].train_iter) x = wrap(x) x_aug = wrap(x_aug) batch_loss = self.train_batch(x, x_aug, dset_num) train_enum.set_description( f'Train (loss: {batch_loss:.2f}) epoch {epoch}') train_enum.update()
def create_concrete_class(base_name, n_steps): print('You are creating a concrete class for Template method pattern.') concrete = meta_class.MetaClass() concrete._add_class_name() class_name = base_names = [base_name] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_names) wrap(concrete._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_names, True) concrete._add_base_names() for i in range(n_steps): curr_func = f'_primitive_operation_{i}' curr_params = [] curr_decors = [] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(concrete._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, True) concrete._add_args_to_method(curr_func) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, True) concrete._add_method_decorator(curr_func) concrete._add_methods() return concrete
def evaluate(self, loader=None, epoch=1, eval_fold_str='Valid'): if not loader: loader = self.valid_loader total = 0 valid_enum = tqdm(loader, desc='Eval epoch %d' % epoch) total_correct = 0. total_samples = 0. num_samples = len(loader.dataset) all_pred = [] all_gt = [] all_correct = [] for txt, feat, spkr in valid_enum: tmp = feat[0] tmp = tmp[:self.seq_len, :, :] feat = (tmp, feat[1]) input = wrap(txt, volatile=True) target = wrap(feat, volatile=True) spkr = wrap(spkr, volatile=True) # TODO: run with gradients turned off? output =[0].transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(1)) loss = self.criterion(output, spkr.view(-1)) # output, _ = model([input, spkr], target[0]) # loss = criterion(output, target[0], target[1]) total +=[0] valid_enum.set_description('Evaluation %s (loss %.2f) epoch %d' % (eval_fold_str,[0], epoch)) total_samples += len(spkr) spkr_gt = spkr.cpu().view(-1).data.numpy() spkr_pred = output.cpu().data.numpy().argmax(1) correct_pred = spkr_gt == spkr_pred num_correct_pred = np.sum(correct_pred) total_correct += num_correct_pred all_pred.append(spkr_pred) all_gt.append(spkr_gt) all_correct.append(correct_pred) accuracy = total_correct / total_samples avg = total / len(loader) all_pred = np.concatenate(all_pred) all_gt = np.concatenate(all_gt) all_correct = np.concatenate(all_correct) return avg, accuracy, all_pred, all_gt, all_correct
def evaluate(model, norm, valid_loader, logging=None): total = 0 total1 = 0 valid_enum = tqdm(valid_loader, desc='Valid') dtw_cost = logSpecDbDist cmp_mean = norm[0] cmp_std = norm[1] for txt, feat, spkr in valid_enum: input = wrap(txt, volatile=True) target = wrap(feat, volatile=True) spkr = wrap(spkr, volatile=True) #lan = wrap(lan) feat = target[0] # model.train() #feat = torch.FloatTensor(*target[0].size()) #feat = Variable(target[0], volatile=True) #feat = wrap(feat) #with torch.no_grad(): output, attn = model([input, spkr], feat) batch_size = attn.size(1) tmp_loss = 0 ground_truths = target[0].cpu().data.numpy() ground_truths = ground_truths * cmp_std + cmp_mean synthesised = output.cpu().data.numpy() synthesised = synthesised * cmp_std + cmp_mean for i in range(batch_size): length = target[1][i].cpu().data.numpy()[0] ground_truth = ground_truths[:, i] ground_truth = ground_truth[:length, :25] synth = synthesised[:, i] synth = synth[:length, :25] unit_loss = dtw(ground_truth, synth, dtw_cost) unit_loss /= length tmp_loss += unit_loss tmp_loss /= batch_size total += tmp_loss valid_enum.set_description('Valid (MCD %.2f)' % (tmp_loss)) avg = total / len(valid_loader) if logging:'====> Test set loss: {:.4f}'.format(avg)) return avg
class RenderRequest(BaseModel): doc_class: str = wrap(template.default_documentclass) doc_option: str = wrap(template.default_documentoption) preamble: str = wrap(template.default_preamble) content: str = wrap(template.example_latex_code) engine: str = template.default_engine compilepass: int = 3 target: str = 'svg' @property def crc32(self): return crc32(bytes(self.to_string(), encoding='utf8'))
def update(self, t): if self.geo.position.z < 1000: self.lifespan += t if self.lifespan > self.EXPIRES: self.reset() return delta = three.Vector3().copy(self.vector) delta.multiplyScalar(self.BULLET_SPEED * t) delta.add(self.momentum) current_pos = self.geo.position.add(delta) self.geo.position.set(current_pos.x, current_pos.y, current_pos.z) wrap(self.geo)
def create_context(): print('You are creating a context class for State pattern.') context = meta_class.MetaClass() class_name = 'Context' commands = [class_name] wrap(context._add_class_name, commands) base_classes = [] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_classes) wrap(context._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_classes, False) curr_func = '__init__' curr_params = ['state'] curr_decors = [] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(context._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, False) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, False) curr_func = 'request' curr_params = [] curr_decors = [] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(context._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, False) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, False) return context
def create_template(n_steps=2): print('You are creating a Template class for Template method pattern.') template = meta_class.MetaClass() class_name = 'TemplateMethod' commands = [class_name] wrap(template._add_class_name, commands) base_classes = ['ABCMeta'] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_classes) wrap(template._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_classes, False) curr_func = 'template_method' curr_params = [] curr_decors = [] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(template._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, False) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, False) for i in range(n_steps): curr_func = f'_primitive_operation_{i}' curr_params = [] curr_decors = ['abstractmethod'] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(template._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, False) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, False) return template
def create_observer(): print('You are creating a base class for Observer in Observer pattern.') observer = meta_class.MetaClass() class_name = 'BaseObserver' commands = [class_name] wrap(observer._add_class_name, commands) base_names = ['ABCMeta'] commands = generate_commands_add_base(base_names) wrap(observer._add_base_names, commands) print_class_must_have_base(class_name, base_names, False) curr_func = '__init__' curr_params = ['_subject', '_observer_state'] curr_decors = [] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(observer._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, False) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, False) curr_func = 'update' curr_params = ['arg'] curr_decors = ['abstractmethod'] commands = generate_commands_add_func(curr_func, curr_params, curr_decors) wrap(observer._add_method, commands) print_class_must_have_func(class_name, curr_func, curr_params, False) print_class_must_have_decors(class_name, curr_func, curr_decors, False) return observer
def train(model, criterion, optimizer, epoch, train_losses): total = 0 # Reset every plot_every model.train() train_enum = tqdm(train_loader, desc='Train epoch %d' % epoch) for full_txt, full_feat, spkr in train_enum: batch_iter = TBPTTIter(full_txt, full_feat, spkr, args.seq_len) batch_total = 0 for txt, feat, spkr, start in batch_iter: input = wrap(txt) target = wrap(feat) spkr = wrap(spkr) # Zero gradients if start: optimizer.zero_grad() # Forward output, _ = model([input, spkr], target[0], start) loss = criterion(output, target[0], target[1]) # Backward loss.backward() if check_grad(model.parameters(), args.clip_grad, args.ignore_grad):'Not a finite gradient or too big, ignoring.') optimizer.zero_grad() continue optimizer.step() # Keep track of loss batch_total +=[0] batch_total = batch_total / len(batch_iter) total += batch_total train_enum.set_description('Train (loss %.2f) epoch %d' % (batch_total, epoch)) avg = total / len(train_loader) train_losses.append(avg) if args.visualize: vis.line(Y=np.asarray(train_losses), X=torch.arange(1, 1 + len(train_losses)), opts=dict(title="Train"), win='Train loss ' + args.expName)'====> Train set loss: {:.4f}'.format(avg)) return avg
def initialize(): # set stdout as non-buffered if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'fileno'): fileno = sys.stdout.fileno() tmp_fd = os.dup(fileno) sys.stdout.close() os.dup2(tmp_fd, fileno) os.close(tmp_fd) sys.stdout = os.fdopen(fileno, "w", 0) ctx = utils.FormattedDict() # Add environment variables for key, val in os.environ.iteritems(): ctx[key] = wrap(val) # Convert JSON env variables ctx['VCAP_APPLICATION'] = json.loads( ctx.get('VCAP_APPLICATION', wrap('{}'))) ctx['VCAP_SERVICES'] = json.loads(ctx.get('VCAP_SERVICES', wrap('{}'))) # Build Pack Location ctx['BP_DIR'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) # User's Application Files, build droplet here ctx['BUILD_DIR'] = sys.argv[1] # Cache space for the build pack ctx['CACHE_DIR'] = (len(sys.argv) == 3) and sys.argv[2] or None # Temp space if 'TMPDIR' not in ctx.keys(): ctx['TMPDIR'] = tempfile.gettempdir() # Make sure cache & build directories exist if not os.path.exists(ctx['BUILD_DIR']): os.makedirs(ctx['BUILD_DIR']) if ctx['CACHE_DIR'] and not os.path.exists(ctx['CACHE_DIR']): os.makedirs(ctx['CACHE_DIR']) # Add place holder for extensions ctx['EXTENSIONS'] = [] # Init Logging CloudFoundryUtil.init_logging(ctx)'CloudFoundry Initialized.') _log.debug("CloudFoundry Context Setup [%s]", ctx) # get default PHP, httpd, and nginx versions from manifest manifest_file = os.path.join(ctx['BP_DIR'], 'manifest.yml') for dependency in ["php", "nginx", "httpd"]: ctx = CloudFoundryUtil.update_default_version( dependency, manifest_file, ctx) # Git URL, if one exists ctx['BP_GIT_URL'] = find_git_url(ctx['BP_DIR'])'Build Pack Version: %s', ctx['BP_GIT_URL']) return ctx
def getAuthors(self, element): log.debug("Getting the authors...") authors = self.getOption('author', element, or 'unknown' if not type(authors) == type([]): log.debug("Trying to split authors on ','.") authors = authors.split(',') else: log.debug(" is already a list, no need to split it.") authors = [i.strip() for i in authors] log.debug("Found the following authors: %r.", authors) log.debug("Getting the email addresses.") emails = self.getOption('email', element, or 'unknown' if not type(emails) == type([]): # is already a list emails = emails.split(',') emails = ['<%s>' % i.strip() for i in emails] log.debug("Found the following email addresses: %r.", emails) authoremail = [] for author in authors: if authors.index(author) < len(emails): authoremail.append("%s %s" % (author, emails[authors.index(author)])) else: authoremail.append("%s <unknown>" % author) authorline = utils.wrap(", ".join(authoremail), 77) return authors, emails, authorline
def additional_doc_filters_keep_originals__test(): with wrap() as wrapper: with open("", 'w') as f: f.write( trim("""\ echo "1 + 1 = {{ 1+1 }}" > hello.txt ls -l""")) with open("dexy.yaml", 'w') as f: f.write( trim(""" -|sh: - sh: { add-new-files: True, keep-originals: True, additional-doc-filters: "jinja" } """)) wrapper.run_from_new() assert "doc:hello.txt" in wrapper.nodes hello_txt = wrapper.nodes["doc:hello.txt|jinja"] assert str(hello_txt.output_data()) == "1 + 1 = 2"
def ext_info_filter(self, Ksp, Omp, Ut, Zt): #prediction step Mup = inv(Omp)@Ksp # Mup[2] = utils.wrap(Mup[2]) #could be wrapped, but to match true theta, don't thp = Mup[2] Gt, Rt= self.propogation_matrices(Ut, thp) Omg_bar = inv(Gt@inv(Omp)@Gt.T+Rt) g_function = self.dyn_2d(Mup, Ut) #g is needed for both prediction and measurement Ks_bar = Omg_bar@g_function #measurement step for each marker mu_bar = g_function no_noise = 0 h_function = self.model_sensor(mu_bar, no_noise) for i in range(len(self.M[0])): Ht, Qt = self.measurement_matrices(self.M[:,i], mu_bar) #reassign Omg to Omg_bar until all markers are accounted for Omg_bar = Omg_bar+Ht.T@inv(Qt)@Ht #reassign Ks to Ks_bar until all markers are accounted for Ks_bar = Ks_bar+Ht.T@inv(Qt)@(utils.wrap(np.array([Zt[:,i]]).T-np.array([h_function[:,i]]).T)+Ht@mu_bar) Ks = Ks_bar Omg = Omg_bar return Ks, Omg
def initialize(): # set stdout as non-buffered if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'fileno'): fileno = sys.stdout.fileno() tmp_fd = os.dup(fileno) sys.stdout.close() os.dup2(tmp_fd, fileno) os.close(tmp_fd) sys.stdout = os.fdopen(fileno, "w", 0) ctx = utils.FormattedDict() # Add environment variables for key, val in os.environ.iteritems(): ctx[key] = wrap(val) # Convert JSON env variables ctx['VCAP_APPLICATION'] = json.loads(ctx.get('VCAP_APPLICATION', wrap('{}'))) ctx['VCAP_SERVICES'] = json.loads(ctx.get('VCAP_SERVICES', wrap('{}'))) # Build Pack Location ctx['BP_DIR'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) # User's Application Files, build droplet here ctx['BUILD_DIR'] = sys.argv[1] # Cache space for the build pack ctx['CACHE_DIR'] = (len(sys.argv) == 3) and sys.argv[2] or None # Temp space if 'TMPDIR' not in ctx.keys(): ctx['TMPDIR'] = tempfile.gettempdir() # Make sure cache & build directories exist if not os.path.exists(ctx['BUILD_DIR']): os.makedirs(ctx['BUILD_DIR']) if ctx['CACHE_DIR'] and not os.path.exists(ctx['CACHE_DIR']): os.makedirs(ctx['CACHE_DIR']) # Add place holder for extensions ctx['EXTENSIONS'] = [] # Init Logging CloudFoundryUtil.init_logging(ctx)'CloudFoundry Initialized.') _log.debug("CloudFoundry Context Setup [%s]", ctx) # get default PHP, httpd, and nginx versions from manifest manifest_file = os.path.join(ctx['BP_DIR'], 'manifest.yml') for dependency in ["php", "nginx", "httpd"]: ctx = CloudFoundryUtil.update_default_version(dependency, manifest_file, ctx) # Git URL, if one exists ctx['BP_GIT_URL'] = find_git_url(ctx['BP_DIR'])'Build Pack Version: %s', ctx['BP_GIT_URL']) return ctx
def magnetometer_readings_to_tilt_compensated_heading(self, bx, by, bz, phi, theta): self.variation = 4.528986*(pi/180) Xh = bx * cos(theta) + by * sin(phi) * sin(theta) + bz * cos(phi) * sin(theta) Yh = by * cos(phi) - bz * sin(phi) heading = wrap((atan2(-Yh, Xh) + self.variation)) if heading < 0: heading += 2*pi return heading
def config_txt_single_file_in_subdir__test(): with wrap() as wrapper: write_text_files() with open("dexy.yaml", 'w') as f: f.write("bar/foo.txt") wrapper.run_from_new() assert sorted(wrapper.nodes) == ['doc:bar/foo.txt']
def add_controls(self): """ Añade los widgets de componen la ventana. A saber: 1 botón de cancelar. 1 botón de iniciar/cerrar que se pondrá insensitivo una vez se pulse y se activará con el texto "Cerrar" cuando acaben todas las tareas. 1 barra de progreso global. 1 VBox que contiene: 1 HBox por cada tarea que contiene: 1 Una flecha que se activa cuando la tarea se inicia y se desactiva después de completarse. 1 CheckBox que se pone a True cuando la tarea finaliza, a False si no se completa y en Z si no se ha iniciado aún. 1 Label con la descripción de la tarea. ... y sal al gusto. """ botonera = gtk.HBox(homogeneous = True) self.cancel = gtk.Button("Cancelar") self.cancel.connect("clicked", self.cancelar) botonera.pack_start(self.cancel, False) self.startstop = gtk.Button("Iniciar") self.startstop.connect("clicked", self.iniciar_o_cerrar) botonera.pack_start(self.startstop, False) self.lista = gtk.VBox() self.widgets_tareas = [] # Lista de tuplas con flecha y checkbox. for tarea in self.tareas: if len(tarea['nombre']) > 140: tarea['nombre'] = utils.wrap(tarea['nombre'], 140) self.widgets_tareas.append((gtk.Arrow(gtk.ARROW_RIGHT, gtk.SHADOW_NONE), gtk.CheckButton(tarea['nombre'], False), gtk.CheckButton())) tarea['widgets'] = self.widgets_tareas[-1] vbox = gtk.HBox() vbox.pack_start(tarea['widgets'][0], False) vbox.pack_start(tarea['widgets'][1]) vbox.pack_start(tarea['widgets'][2], False) tarea['widgets'][0].set_sensitive(False) tarea['widgets'][1].set_inconsistent(True) tarea['widgets'][1].set_property("can-focus", False) tarea['widgets'][1].connect("clicked", lambda w: w.set_active(w.get_active())) tarea['widgets'][2].set_active(True) self.lista.pack_start(vbox) vbox_out = gtk.VBox() vbox_out.pack_start(self.lista, padding = 10) self.progreso = gtk.ProgressBar() vbox_out.pack_start(self.progreso, False, padding = 10) vbox_out.pack_start(botonera, False, padding = 10) self.barra_estado = gtk.Statusbar() label_statusbar = self.barra_estado.get_children()[0].child font = pango.FontDescription("Monospace oblique 7") label_statusbar.modify_font(font) label_statusbar.modify_fg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, label_statusbar.get_colormap().alloc_color("darkgray")) vbox_out.pack_end(self.barra_estado, False) self.window.add(vbox_out) self.window.show_all()
def virtual_file_contents__test(): with wrap() as wrapper: with open("dexy.yaml", 'w') as f: f.write(trim("""\ hello.txt|jinja: - contents: "1 + 1 = {{ 1+1 }}" """)) wrapper.run_from_new() doc = wrapper.nodes['doc:hello.txt|jinja'] assert str(doc.output_data()) == "1 + 1 = 2"
def config_txt_wildcard__test(): with wrap() as wrapper: write_text_files() with open("dexy.yaml", 'w') as f: f.write("\"*foo.txt\"") wrapper.run_from_new() assert sorted(wrapper.nodes) == [ 'doc:bar/baz/foo.txt', 'doc:bar/foo.txt', 'doc:foo.txt', 'pattern:*foo.txt']
def search(self, keywords, type='AND'): type = type.upper() types = ['AND', 'OR', 'NOT'] if type not in types: raise ValueError("Search type should be one of: " + ", ".join(types)) element = self.copy()['search'] = { 'type': type, 'keywords': utils.wrap(keywords), } return element
def initialize(): # set stdout as non-buffered if hasattr(sys.stdout, 'fileno'): fl = fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL) fl |= os.O_DSYNC fcntl.fcntl(sys.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL) ctx = utils.FormattedDict() # Add environment variables for key, val in os.environ.iteritems(): ctx[key] = wrap(val) # Convert JSON env variables ctx['VCAP_APPLICATION'] = json.loads(ctx.get('VCAP_APPLICATION', wrap('{}'))) ctx['VCAP_SERVICES'] = json.loads(ctx.get('VCAP_SERVICES', wrap('{}'))) # Build Pack Location ctx['BP_DIR'] = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) # User's Application Files, build droplet here ctx['BUILD_DIR'] = sys.argv[1] # Cache space for the build pack ctx['CACHE_DIR'] = (len(sys.argv) == 3) and sys.argv[2] or None # Temp space if 'TMPDIR' not in ctx.keys(): ctx['TMPDIR'] = tempfile.gettempdir() # Make sure cache & build directories exist if not os.path.exists(ctx['BUILD_DIR']): os.makedirs(ctx['BUILD_DIR']) if ctx['CACHE_DIR'] and not os.path.exists(ctx['CACHE_DIR']): os.makedirs(ctx['CACHE_DIR']) # Add place holder for extensions ctx['EXTENSIONS'] = [] # Init Logging CloudFoundryUtil.init_logging(ctx)'CloudFoundry Initialized.') _log.debug("CloudFoundry Context Setup [%s]", ctx) # Git URL, if one exists ctx['BP_GIT_URL'] = find_git_url(ctx['BP_DIR'])'Build Pack Version: %s', ctx['BP_GIT_URL']) return ctx
def getHeaderInfo(self, element, name=None, all=0): log.debug("Getting info for the header...") encoding = self.getOption('encoding', element, 'utf-8') log.debug("Encoding for python files is set to %s" % encoding) authors, emails, authorline = self.getAuthors(element) copyright = COPYRIGHT.encode(encoding) % \ (str(time.localtime()[0]), self.getOption('copyright', element, self.copyright) or authorline) log.debug("Copyright = %r.", copyright) license = self.getLicenseInfo(element, all=all) if self.getOption('rcs_id', element, False): log.debug("Using id keyword.") filename_or_id = '$'+'Id'+'$' else: log.debug("Using filename.") filename_or_id = 'File:' % (name or element.getModuleName()) if self.getOption('generated_date', element, False): date = '# Generated: %s\n' % time.ctime() else: date = '' if utils.isTGVTrue(self.getOption('version_info', element, True)): log.debug("We want version info in every file.") versiontext = utils.version() elif element.__class__ == xmiparser.XMIModel: log.debug("We don't want version info in all files, " "but we do want them in the config and Install.") versiontext = utils.version() else: log.debug("We don't want version info in this file.") versiontext = '' moduleinfo = { 'authors': ', '.join(authors), 'emails': ', '.join(emails), 'authorline': authorline, 'version': versiontext, 'date': date, 'copyright': '\n# '.join(utils.wrap(copyright, 77).split('\n')), 'license': license, 'filename_or_id': filename_or_id, 'encoding': encoding, } return moduleinfo
def linearized_model_output_matrix(self, phi, theta): """ Axhat, ayhat and azhat are used to compute the the expected accelerometer readings given the model (the flight dynamics of a fixed-wing aircraft). Once we have these we can look at the actual readings and adjust things accordingly. [ISEFMAV 2.26] """ bxyz = matrix("0 0 0; 0 0 0; 0 0 0") self.psi = wrap(self.psi) bxyz[0,0] = cos(theta) * cos(self.psi) bxyz[0,1] = cos(theta) * sin(self.psi) bxyz[0,2] = -sin(theta) bxyz[1,0] = (sin(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(self.psi)) - (cos(phi) * sin(self.psi)) bxyz[1,1] = (sin(phi) *sin(theta) * sin(self.psi)) + (cos(phi) * cos(self.psi)) bxyz[1,2] = sin(phi) * cos(theta) bxyz[2,0] = (cos(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(self.psi)) + (sin(phi) * sin(self.psi)) bxyz[2,1] = (cos(phi) * sin(theta) * sin(self.psi)) - (sin(phi) * cos(self.psi)) bxyz[2,2] = cos(phi) * cos(theta) b = bxyz * self.mxyz self.bxhat = b[0,0] self.byhat = b[1,0] self.bzhat = b[2,0]
def basic_yaml__test(): with open(PROJECT_ROOT + "/examples/basic.yaml", 'r') as f: yaml = with wrap() as wrapper: with open("", 'w') as f: f.write("1 + 1 {{ 1+1 }}") with open("", 'w') as f: f.write("print 'hello'") with open("dexy.yaml", 'w') as f: f.write(yaml) wrapper.run_from_new() assert sorted(wrapper.nodes) == [ '|pyg', '|jinja|markdown', 'pattern:*.py|pyg'] assert "<pre>1</pre>" in str(wrapper.nodes["|pyg"].output_data()) assert wrapper.nodes["|jinja|markdown"].setting('output')
def generate_virtual_magnetometer_readings(self, phi, theta, psi): psi = wrap(psi) self.bxyz[0,0] = cos(theta) * cos(psi) self.bxyz[0,1] = cos(theta) * sin(psi) self.bxyz[0,2] = -sin(theta) self.bxyz[1,0] = (sin(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(psi)) - (cos(phi) * sin(psi)) self.bxyz[1,1] = (sin(phi) *sin(theta) * sin(psi)) + (cos(phi) * cos(psi)) self.bxyz[1,2] = sin(phi) * cos(theta) self.bxyz[2,0] = (cos(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(psi)) + (sin(phi) * sin(psi)) self.bxyz[2,1] = (cos(phi) * sin(theta) * sin(psi)) - (sin(phi) * cos(psi)) self.bxyz[2,2] = cos(phi) * cos(theta) #display.register_matrices({"bxyz":self.bxyz}) b = self.bxyz * self.mxyz TD.BX = b[0,0] TD.BY = b[1,0] TD.BZ = b[2,0] # DCM pitch = -atan2(self.bxyz[2,1], self.bxyz[2,2]) roll = asin(self.bxyz[2,0]) yaw = -atan2(self.bxyz[1,0], self.bxyz[0,0]) pitch = degrees(pitch) roll = degrees(roll) yaw = (degrees(yaw) + 360) % 360
def rellenar_tabla(self, resultados): """ Rellena el model con los items de la consulta """ model = self.wids['tv_datos'].get_model() model.clear() totfact = totsiniva = totbeneficio = totbeneficio_cobro = 0.0 self.wids['tv_datos'].freeze_child_notify() self.wids['tv_datos'].set_model(None) totcobrado = totpendiente = 0.0 total_costo = total_costo_cobrado = 0.0 for material in resultados: if material != None: nombre_mat = material.descripcion else: nombre_mat = "" padre_mat = model.append(None, (nombre_mat, "", "0", "0", "0", "M:%d" % (material and or -1))) for fecha in resultados[material]: if fecha: str_fecha = utils.str_fecha(fecha) else: str_fecha = "" padre_fec = model.append(padre_mat, (str_fecha, "", "0", "0", "0", "")) for ldv in resultados[material][fecha]: subtotal = ldv.get_subtotal(iva = True) subtotal_siva = ldv.get_subtotal(iva = False) beneficio = ldv.calcular_beneficio() costo = ldv.calcular_precio_costo() * ldv.cantidad if ldv.facturaVenta: fac_alb_tic = ldv.facturaVenta.numfactura cobradofra = ldv.facturaVenta.calcular_cobrado() pendientefra = ldv.facturaVenta.calcular_pendiente_cobro() try: fraccion = cobradofra / (cobradofra + pendientefra) except ZeroDivisionError: fraccion = 1.0 cobrado = subtotal * fraccion pendiente = subtotal - cobrado beneficio_cobro = beneficio * fraccion costo_cobrado = costo * fraccion elif ldv.albaranSalida: fac_alb_tic = ldv.albaranSalida.numalbaran cobrado = 0.0 pendiente = subtotal beneficio_cobro = 0.0 costo_cobrado = 0.0 elif ldv.ticket: fac_alb_tic = "Ticket %d" % ldv.ticket.numticket cobrado = subtotal pendiente = 0.0 beneficio_cobro = beneficio costo_cobrado = costo # Los tickets se asume que se cobran siempre, por # tanto el costo de los productos sobre lo cobrado # es del 100%. else: fac_alb_tic = "" cobrado = pendiente = beneficio_cobro = 0.0 costo_cobrado = 0.0 desc_producto = utils.wrap(ldv.producto.descripcion, 40) try: beneficio_costo = 100.0 * beneficio / costo except ZeroDivisionError: beneficio_costo = 0.0 model.append(padre_fec, (desc_producto, fac_alb_tic, utils.float2str(subtotal), utils.float2str(subtotal_siva), "%s (%s%%)" % ( utils.float2str(beneficio), utils.float2str( beneficio_costo)), "LDV:%d" % # Actualizo totales en memoria y en nodos padre TreeView totfact += subtotal totsiniva += subtotal_siva totbeneficio += beneficio totbeneficio_cobro += beneficio_cobro totcobrado += cobrado totpendiente += pendiente total_costo += costo total_costo_cobrado += costo_cobrado model[padre_fec][2] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_fec][2]) + subtotal) model[padre_fec][3] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_fec][3]) + subtotal_siva) model[padre_fec][4] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_fec][4]) + beneficio) model[padre_mat][2] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_mat][2]) + subtotal) model[padre_mat][3] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_mat][3]) + subtotal_siva) model[padre_mat][4] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_mat][4]) + beneficio) self.rellenar_totales(totfact, totsiniva, totbeneficio, totcobrado, totpendiente, totbeneficio_cobro, total_costo, total_costo_cobrado) self.wids['tv_datos'].set_model(model) self.wids['tv_datos'].thaw_child_notify()
def pkcs7_init(lib): wrap(lib.PKCS7_set_type, [c_void_p, c_int], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_set_content, [c_void_p, c_void_p], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_add_certificate, [c_void_p, c_void_p], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_signatureVerify, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_dataVerify, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_dataInit, [c_void_p, c_void_p], c_void_p) wrap(lib.PKCS7_dataFinal, [c_void_p, c_void_p], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_dataDecode, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p], c_void_p) wrap(lib.PKCS7_add_signature, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p], c_void_p) wrap(lib.PKCS7_verify, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_encrypt, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int], c_void_p) wrap(lib.PKCS7_decrypt, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_add_attrib_smimecap, [c_void_p, c_void_p], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_get_smimecap, [c_void_p], c_void_p) wrap(lib.PKCS7_simple_smimecap, [c_void_p, c_int, c_int], c_int) wrap(lib.SMIME_write_PKCS7, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int], c_int) wrap(lib.SMIME_read_PKCS7, [c_void_p, c_void_p], c_void_p) wrap(lib.SMIME_crlf_copy, [c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int], c_int) wrap(lib.SMIME_text, [c_void_p, c_void_p], c_int) wrap(lib.PKCS7_new, [], c_void_p)
def wrapargs(text): try: return utils.wrap(text, subsequent_indent=' ') except: return text
if __name__ == '__main__': from experiments import functions, get_D, get_lb, get_ub, get_min, gkls_function max_f_calls = 10000 error = 0.01 mirror_division = False for gkls_cls in range(1, 9): for gkls_fid in range(1, 101): f_name = 'gkls_cls%d_%d' % (gkls_cls, gkls_fid) D = get_D(f_name) lb = get_lb(f_name, D) ub = get_ub(f_name, D) f = wrap(gkls_function, lb, ub, gkls_cls=gkls_cls, gkls_fid=gkls_fid) # f = wrap(dict(functions)[f_name], lb, ub) print f_name + ':' min_x = get_min(f_name, D)[:-1] min_f = get_min(f_name, D)[-1] # draw_3d_objective_function(branin, lb, ub) start = pareto_front, simplexes, f = disimpl_v(f, lb, ub, error, max_f_calls, min_f, mirror_division) end = print '%s calls %d' % (f_name, f.calls) # print "Calls:", f.calls, 'Found min f:', f.min_f, 'at x:', f.min_x[:-1] # print "f*:", min_f, "x*:", min_x # print "Duration", end-start # show_lower_pareto_bound(simplexes) # show_partitioning(simplexes) # show_potential(simplexes)
def rellenar_tabla_por_ticket(self, resultados): """ Rellena el model con los items de la consulta """ model = self.wids['tv_datos'].get_model() model.clear() totfact = totsiniva = totbeneficio = totbeneficio_cobro = 0.0 self.wids['tv_datos'].freeze_child_notify() self.wids['tv_datos'].set_model(None) totcobrado = totpendiente = 0.0 total_costo = total_costo_cobrado = 0.0 tratados = {} for material in resultados: for fecha in resultados[material]: if fecha: str_fecha = utils.str_fecha(fecha) else: str_fecha = "" for ldv in resultados[material][fecha]: # Para que coincidan los totales con la suma de las # columnas y por coherencia con todas las cifras de la # ventana, es necesario redondear a 2 decimales. subtotal = round(ldv.get_subtotal(iva = True), 2) subtotal_siva = round(ldv.get_subtotal(iva = False), 2) beneficio = round(ldv.calcular_beneficio(), 2) costo = round(ldv.calcular_precio_costo()*ldv.cantidad, 2) fac_alb_tic = "Ticket %d" % ldv.ticket.numticket cobrado = subtotal pendiente = 0.0 beneficio_cobro = beneficio costo_cobrado = costo # Los tickets se asume que se cobran siempre, por # tanto el costo de los productos sobre lo cobrado # es del 100%. desc_producto = utils.wrap(ldv.producto.descripcion, 40) try: beneficio_costo = 100.0 * beneficio / costo except ZeroDivisionError: beneficio_costo = 0.0 if ldv.ticket not in tratados: padre_ticket = model.append(None, (str_fecha, ldv.ticket.numticket, "0", "0", "0", "")) tratados[ldv.ticket] = padre_ticket else: padre_ticket = tratados[ldv.ticket] model.append(padre_ticket, (desc_producto, fac_alb_tic, utils.float2str(subtotal), utils.float2str(subtotal_siva), "%s (%s%%)" % ( utils.float2str(beneficio), utils.float2str( beneficio_costo)), "LDV:%d" % # Actualizo totales en memoria y en nodos padre TreeView totfact += subtotal totsiniva += subtotal_siva totbeneficio += beneficio totbeneficio_cobro += beneficio_cobro totcobrado += cobrado totpendiente += pendiente total_costo += costo total_costo_cobrado += costo_cobrado model[padre_ticket][2] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_ticket][2]) + subtotal) model[padre_ticket][3] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_ticket][3]) + subtotal_siva) model[padre_ticket][4] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre_ticket][4]) + beneficio) self.rellenar_totales(totfact, totsiniva, totbeneficio, totcobrado, totpendiente, totbeneficio_cobro, total_costo, total_costo_cobrado) self.wids['tv_datos'].set_model(model) self.wids['tv_datos'].thaw_child_notify()
def rellenar_tabla_por_proveedor(self, resultados): """ Rellena el model con los items de la consulta """ model = self.wids['tv_datos'].get_model() model.clear() totfact = totsiniva = totbeneficio = totbeneficio_cobro = 0.0 self.wids['tv_datos'].freeze_child_notify() self.wids['tv_datos'].set_model(None) totcobrado = totpendiente = 0.0 total_costo = total_costo_cobrado = 0.0 padres = {} for material in resultados: for fecha in resultados[material]: for ldv in resultados[material][fecha]: # Para que coincidan los totales con la suma de las # columnas y por coherencia con todas las cifras de la # ventana, es necesario redondear a 2 decimales. subtotal = round(ldv.get_subtotal(iva = True), 2) subtotal_siva = round(ldv.get_subtotal(iva = False), 2) beneficio = round(ldv.calcular_beneficio(), 2) costo = round(ldv.calcular_precio_costo()*ldv.cantidad, 2) if ldv.facturaVenta: fac_alb_tic = ldv.facturaVenta.numfactura cobradofra = ldv.facturaVenta.calcular_cobrado() pendientefra = ldv.facturaVenta.calcular_pendiente_cobro() try: fraccion = cobradofra / (cobradofra + pendientefra) except ZeroDivisionError: fraccion = 1.0 cobrado = subtotal * fraccion pendiente = subtotal - cobrado beneficio_cobro = beneficio * fraccion costo_cobrado = costo * fraccion elif ldv.albaranSalida: fac_alb_tic = ldv.albaranSalida.numalbaran cobrado = 0.0 pendiente = subtotal beneficio_cobro = 0.0 costo_cobrado = 0.0 elif ldv.ticket: fac_alb_tic = "Ticket %d" % ldv.ticket.numticket cobrado = subtotal pendiente = 0.0 beneficio_cobro = beneficio costo_cobrado = costo # Los tickets se asume que se cobran siempre, por # tanto el costo de los productos sobre lo cobrado # es del 100%. else: fac_alb_tic = "" cobrado = pendiente = beneficio_cobro = 0.0 costo_cobrado = 0.0 desc_producto = utils.wrap(ldv.producto.descripcion, 40) try: beneficio_costo = 100.0 * beneficio / costo except ZeroDivisionError: beneficio_costo = 0.0 proveedor = ldv.get_proveedor() try: padre = padres[proveedor] except KeyError: padre = padres[proveedor] = model.append(None, (proveedor and proveedor.nombre or "Sin proveedor", "-", utils.float2str(0.0), utils.float2str(0.0), utils.float2str(0.0), proveedor and proveedor.get_puid() or "" )) model.append(padre, (desc_producto, fac_alb_tic, utils.float2str(subtotal), utils.float2str(subtotal_siva), "%s (%s%%)" % ( utils.float2str(beneficio), utils.float2str( beneficio_costo)), ldv.get_puid() )) # Actualizo totales en memoria y en nodos padre TreeView totfact += subtotal totsiniva += subtotal_siva totbeneficio += beneficio totbeneficio_cobro += beneficio_cobro totcobrado += cobrado totpendiente += pendiente total_costo += costo total_costo_cobrado += costo_cobrado model[padre][2] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre][2]) + subtotal) model[padre][3] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre][3]) + subtotal_siva) model[padre][4] = utils.float2str( utils._float(model[padre][4]) + beneficio) self.rellenar_totales(totfact, totsiniva, totbeneficio, totcobrado, totpendiente, totbeneficio_cobro, total_costo, total_costo_cobrado) self.wids['tv_datos'].set_model(model) self.wids['tv_datos'].thaw_child_notify()
def estimate(self, Vair, theta, psi, GPS_Pn, GPS_Pe, dt): # CHECK UNITS #psi = wrap(psi) psi = wrap(TD.HEADING) theta = TD.PITCH Vair = TD.AIRSPEED * 1.68780986 # m/s to ft/s display.register_scalars({"Vair":Vair,"psi":psi,"theta":theta,"dt":dt},"Dead reckoning") Qpn = (self.Qot*abs(cos(psi))) + (self.Qxt*abs(sin(psi))) Qpe = (self.Qot*abs(sin(psi))) + (self.Qxt*abs(cos(psi))) Qwn = 1.0 Qwe = 1.0 Qcpress = 0.1 self.Q = matrix("%f,0,0,0,0; 0,%f,0,0,0; 0,0,%f,0,0; 0,0,0,%f,0; 0,0,0,0,%f" % \ (Qpn, Qpe, Qwn, Qwe, Qcpress)) X_dot = matrix("%f;%f;%f;%f;%f" % (self.Cpress*Vair*cos(psi)*cos(theta) - self.Wn_est, self.Cpress*Vair*sin(psi)*cos(theta) - self.We_est, 0, 0, 0)) self.X = self.X+X_dot*dt self.A = matrix("0,0,-1,0,%f; 0,0,0,-1,%f; 0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0; 0,0,0,0,0" % \ #(1.0,1.0)) (Vair*cos(psi)*cos(theta), Vair*cos(theta)*sin(psi))) display.register_scalars({"Vtrue/Vias":(TD.TRUEAIRSPEED*1.68780986)/Vair, "0":Vair*cos(psi)*cos(theta), "1":Vair*cos(theta)*sin(psi)},"Dead reckoning") P_dot = self.A*self.P + self.P*self.A.transpose() + self.Q self.P = self.P + P_dot*dt self.C = matrix("1,0,0,0,0; 0,1,0,0,0") self.L = self.P*self.C.transpose()*linalg.inv(self.R+self.C*self.P*self.C.transpose()) #To invert the matrix it must not be singular ie have a det()=0 self.P = (self.I-self.L*self.C)*self.P z = matrix("%f;%f" % (GPS_Pn,GPS_Pe)) h = matrix("%f;%f" % (self.X[0,0],self.X[1,0])) display.register_scalars({"Vtrue_est":Vair*self.Cpress/1.68780986},"Dead reckoning") display.register_scalars({"z-h:0":(z-h)[0,0],"z-h:1":(z-h)[1,0]},"Dead reckoning") matrices = {"A":self.A, "Q":self.Q, "P":self.P, "P_dot":P_dot, "C":self.C, "L":self.L, "X":self.X, "X_dot":X_dot, "z":z, "h":h, "z-h":z-h} self.X = self.X + self.L*(z-h) self.Wn_est, self.We_est = self.X[2,0], self.X[3,0] self.Cpress = self.X[4,0] display.register_matrices(matrices, "Internal states") wind_direction_estimate = degrees(atan2(self.X[3,0], self.X[2,0])) wind_velocity_estimate = sqrt(self.X[3,0]**2 + self.X[2,0]**2) * 0.592483801 # convert from ft/s to knots FOUT.writerow([GPS_Pn, GPS_Pe, self.X[0,0], self.X[1,0], TD.WIND_VELOCITY, TD.WIND_DIRECTION, wind_velocity_estimate, wind_direction_estimate, (TD.TRUEAIRSPEED*1.68780986)/Vair, self.X[4,0]]) return self.X
mirror_division = True algorithm = argv[3] comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() gkls_cls = 1 gkls_fid_from = 1 + rank * 10 gkls_fid_till = 1 + (rank+1) * 10 for gkls_cls in [5]: for gkls_fid in range(gkls_fid_from, gkls_fid_till): f_name = 'gkls_cls%d_%d' % (gkls_cls, gkls_fid) D = get_D(f_name) lb = get_lb(f_name, D) ub = get_ub(f_name, D) f = wrap(gkls_function, lb, ub, gkls_cls=gkls_cls, gkls_fid=gkls_fid) # f = wrap(dict(functions)[f_name], lb, ub) min_x = get_min(f_name, D)[:-1] min_f = get_min(f_name, D)[-1] # draw_3d_objective_function(branin, lb, ub) start = pareto_front, simplexes, f = algorithms[algorithm](f, lb, ub, error, max_f_calls, min_f, mirror_division) end = output_path = '/home/albertas/global_opt/results/cls%d/%s__e%.2f_%s__%s__%d' % (gkls_cls, f_name, error, algorithm, str(mirror_division), f.calls) output = open(output_path, 'w+') output.write('%s %d %f %s\n' % (f_name, f.calls, f.min_f, str(f.min_x))) output.write('duration: %s\n' % (end-start,)) output.write('Actual minimum: %f, %s' % (min_f, str(min_x))) output.write('D: %d, lb: %s, ub: %s' % (D, lb, ub)) output.close()
def select(self, keys): element = self.copy()['selected'] = utils.wrap(keys) return element
def _reconstruct(holo_data,sb_size,sb_pos,fresnel_ratio,fresnel_width): '''Core function for holographic reconstruction performing following steps: * 2D FFT without apodisation; * Cutting out sideband; * Centering sideband; * Applying round window; * Applying sinc filter; * Applying automatic filtering of Fresnel fringe (Fresnel filtering); * Inverse FFT. Parameters ---------- holo_data : array_like Holographic data array sb_size : int Size of the sideband filter in px sb_pos : nparray (N=1) Vector of two elements with sideband coordinates [y,x] fresnel_ratio : float The ratio of Fresnel filter with respect to the sideband size fresnel_width : int Width of frsnel filter in px Returns ------- wav : nparray Reconstructed electron wave Notes ----- Disabeling of Fresnel filter is not implemented See Also -------- reconstruct ''' # TODO: Parsing of the input has to be redone # TODO: Add disabling of Fresnel filtering # TODO: Add smoothing of Fresnel filter # TODO: Add smoothing options? # Parse input if not fresnel_ratio: # fresnenl_ratio is empty or 0 fresnel_ratio=0.3 if not fresnel_width: # fresnel_width is emty or 0 fresnel_width=6 (sx,sy) = holo_data.shape holo_data = np.float64(holo_data); h_hw_fft = fftshift(fft2(holo_data)) # <---- NO Hanning filtering sb_roi = h_hw_fft[sb_pos[0]-sb_size/2:sb_pos[0]+sb_size/2, sb_pos[1]-sb_size/2:sb_pos[1]+sb_size/2] (sb_ny,sb_nx) = sb_roi.shape sb_l=min(sb_ny/2, sb_nx/2) cen_yx=[sb_ny/2, sb_nx/2] # Circular Aperture cgrid_y = np.arange(-sb_ny/2, sb_ny/2, 1) cgrid_x = np.arange(-sb_nx/2, sb_nx/2, 1) (sb_xx,sb_yy) = np.meshgrid(cgrid_x,cgrid_y) sb_r = np.sqrt(sb_xx**2 + sb_yy**2) c_mask = np.zeros((sb_nx,sb_ny)) # Original: cMask=zeros(SB_Ny,SB_Nx); c_mask[sb_r < sb_l] = 1 # Fresnel Mask ang = np.arctan2((sx/2-sb_pos[0]),(sy/2-sb_pos[1])); #[-pi pi] p_one = np.round([fresnel_ratio*sb_l*np.sin(ang), fresnel_ratio*sb_l*np.cos(ang)]) p_two = np.round([sb_l*np.sin(ang), sb_l*np.cos(ang)]) #ang_three = utils.wrap_to_pi(np.arctan2(p_two[0]-p_one[0], p_two[1]-p_one[1])) ang_one = utils.wrap(ang - np.pi/2) ang_two = utils.wrap(ang + np.pi/2) r = fresnel_width/2 aa = np.round([p_one[0]+r*np.sin(ang_one), p_one[1]+r*np.cos(ang_one)])+cen_yx bb = np.round([p_one[0]+r*np.sin(ang_two), p_one[1]+r*np.cos(ang_two)])+cen_yx cc = np.round([p_two[0]+r*np.sin(ang_two), p_two[1]+r*np.cos(ang_two)])+cen_yx dd = np.round([p_two[0]+r*np.sin(ang_one), p_two[1]+r*np.cos(ang_one)])+cen_yx abcd=np.array([aa,bb,cc,dd]) f_mask = utils.poly_to_mask(abcd[:,1],abcd[:,0],sb_roi.shape) sinc_k=5.0; #Sink times SBsize w_one = np.sinc(np.linspace(-sb_size/2,sb_size/2,sb_size)*np.pi/(sinc_k*sb_size)) w_one = w_one.reshape((sb_size,1)) w_two =,sb_size))) # IFFT wav = ifft2(fftshift(sb_roi*c_mask*np.logical_not(f_mask)*w_two)) return wav