Example #1
 def _convert_to_direct_coordinates(self):
     print "Running convertion"
     new_sc = SuperCell()
     for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
         new_sc.add(atom.symbol, self.supercell.convert_to_direct(atom.position))
     self.supercell.atoms = new_sc.atoms
     self.direct_coords = True
Example #2
class Poscar(object):

    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        self.version = 0
        self.title = ''
        self.selective_dynamics = False
        self.direct_coords = False
        self.counts = []
        self.formula_unit = 0
        self.symbols = []
        self.supercell = SuperCell()
        self.surface_area = 0

    def _extract_data(self):

        def _float_list(lst):
            new_lst = []
            for item in lst:
            return new_lst

        def _int_list(lst):
            new_lst = []
            for item in lst:
            return new_lst
        def _count_adatoms():
            This function will count atoms as adatoms if there is less atoms on top 
            surface than in the bottom layer.
            Accuracy of the rounding is set with decimals variable
            decimals = 5
            hp = round(self.supercell.get_highest_position(), decimals)
            atoms_at_hp = 0
            for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
                if round(atom.position[2], decimals) == hp:
                    atoms_at_hp += 1
            lp = round(self.supercell.get_lowest_position(), decimals)
            atoms_at_lp = 0
            for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
                if round(atom.position[2], decimals) == lp:
                    atoms_at_lp += 1
            if atoms_at_hp < atoms_at_lp:
                return atoms_at_hp
                return 0

        if getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 6).strip().isdigit():
            self.version = 4
            self.counts = _int_list(getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 6).split())
            self.symbols = ['None'] * len(self.counts)
            self.version = 5
            self.symbols = getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 6).split()
            self.counts = _int_list(getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 7).split())

        maximum = self.counts[0]
        for count in self.counts:
            if count > maximum:
                maximum = count
        self.formula_unit = maximum

        pos_starting_line = 0

        if self.version >= 5:
            if getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 8)[0] in ['s', 'S']:
                self.selective_dynamics = True
                if  getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 9)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 10
                if  getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 8)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 9
            if getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 7)[0] in ['s', 'S']:
                self.selective_dynamics = True
                if  getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 8)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 9
                if  getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 7)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 6

        self.title = getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 1).rstrip()
        self.supercell.a0 = float(getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 2))
        a1 = _float_list(getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 3).split())
        a1 = array([a1[0], a1[1], a1[2]])
        a2 = _float_list(getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 4).split())
        a2 = array([a2[0], a2[1], a2[2]])
        a3 = _float_list(getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, 5).split())
        a3 = array([a3[0], a3[1], a3[2]])
        self.surface_area = self.supercell.a0 * 2 * norm(cross(a1, a2))
        self.supercell.primitive_cell = PrimitiveCell(a1, a2, a3)
        f = open("%s/POSCAR" % self.path)
        for i in range(0, len(self.counts)):
            for j in range(pos_starting_line,
                              pos_starting_line + self.counts[i]):
                position = getline("%s/POSCAR" % self.path, j).split()
                if self.selective_dynamics:
                    relax = position[3:6]
                position = _float_list(position[:3])
                position = array([position[0], position[1], position[2]])
                if self.selective_dynamics:
                    self.supercell.add(self.symbols[i], position,
                    self.supercell.add(self.symbols[i], position)
            pos_starting_line += self.counts[i]
        # Mark adatoms
        nr_of_adatoms = _count_adatoms()
        for i in range(1, 1 + nr_of_adatoms):
            self.supercell.atoms[-i].adatom = True

Example #3
class Poscar(object):

    def __init__(self, path, suffix="", supercell=None, title="", selective_dynamics=False, velocities=False):
        self.path = path
        self.suffix = suffix
        self.version = 0
        self.title = title
        self.selective_dynamics = selective_dynamics
        self.velocities = velocities
        self.direct_coords = False
        self.counts = []
        self.formula_unit = 0
        self.symbols = []
        if supercell == None:
            self.supercell = supercell
        self.surface_area = 0
        if supercell == None:
        if self.direct_coords == False:

    def find_adatoms(self):
        # Mark adatoms
        nr_of_adatoms = self._count_adatoms()
        for i in range(1, 1 + nr_of_adatoms):
            self.supercell.atoms[-i].adatom = True
    def _count_adatoms(self):
        This function will count atoms as adatoms if there is less atoms on top 
        surface than in the bottom layer.
        Accuracy of the rounding is set with decimals variable
        decimals = 5
        hp = round(self.supercell.get_highest_position(), decimals)
        atoms_at_hp = 0
        for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
            if round(atom.position[2], decimals) == hp:
                atoms_at_hp += 1
        lp = round(self.supercell.get_lowest_position(), decimals)
        atoms_at_lp = 0
        for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
            if round(atom.position[2], decimals) == lp:
                atoms_at_lp += 1
        if atoms_at_hp < atoms_at_lp:
            return atoms_at_hp
            return 0    
    def _extract_data(self):

        def _float_list(lst):
            new_lst = []
            for item in lst:
            return new_lst

        def _int_list(lst):
            new_lst = []
            for item in lst:
            return new_lst

        if getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 6).strip().isdigit():
            self.version = 4
            self.counts = _int_list(getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 6).split())
            self.symbols = ['None'] * len(self.counts)
            self.version = 5
            self.symbols = getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 6).split()
                self.counts = _int_list(getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 7).split())
                print getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 7)
        if len(self.counts) == 0:
            print "Error in POSCAR%s at: %s" % (self.suffix, self.path)
        maximum = self.counts[0]
        for count in self.counts:
            if count > maximum:
                maximum = count
        self.formula_unit = maximum

        pos_starting_line = 0

        if self.version >= 5:
            if getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 8)[0] in ['s', 'S']:
                self.selective_dynamics = True
                if  getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 9)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 10
                if  getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 8)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 9
            if getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 7)[0] in ['s', 'S']:
                self.selective_dynamics = True
                if  getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 8)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 9
                if  getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 7)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 6

        self.title = getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 1).rstrip()
        self.supercell.a0 = float(getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 2))
        a1 = _float_list(getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 3).split())
        a1 = array([a1[0], a1[1], a1[2]])
        a2 = _float_list(getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 4).split())
        a2 = array([a2[0], a2[1], a2[2]])
        a3 = _float_list(getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), 5).split())
        a3 = array([a3[0], a3[1], a3[2]])
        self.surface_area = self.supercell.a0 * 2 * norm(cross(a1, a2))
        self.supercell.primitive_cell = PrimitiveCell(a1, a2, a3)
        f = open("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix))
        for i in range(0, len(self.counts)):
            for j in range(pos_starting_line,
                              pos_starting_line + self.counts[i]):
                position = getline("%s/POSCAR%s" % (self.path, self.suffix), j).split()
                if self.selective_dynamics:
                    relax = position[3:6]
                position = _float_list(position[:3])
                position = array([position[0], position[1], position[2]])
                if self.selective_dynamics:
                    self.supercell.add(self.symbols[i], position,
                    self.supercell.add(self.symbols[i], position)
            pos_starting_line += self.counts[i]

    def _convert_to_direct_coordinates(self):
        print "Running convertion"
        new_sc = SuperCell()
        for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
            new_sc.add(atom.symbol, self.supercell.convert_to_direct(atom.position))
        self.supercell.atoms = new_sc.atoms
        self.direct_coords = True

    def create_file(self):
        outfile = open(self.path + '/POSCAR', 'w')
        outfile.write(' - %s\n' % datetime.now())
        outfile.write('%f\n' % self.supercell.a0)
        outfile.write(" ".join(self.symbols) + '\n') # Change this
        outfile.write(" ".join(str(x) for x in self.counts) + '\n') # and this
        if self.selective_dynamics: outfile.write('Selective dynamics\n')
        for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
            if self.selective_dynamics:
                outfile.write("%s\n" % atom.str_with_relaxation())
                outfile.write("%s\n" % atom)
        if self.velocities:
            outfile.write(2 * '\n')        
            for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
                outfile.write("  %.9f  %.9f  %.9f\n" % (atom.velocity[0], atom.velocity[1], atom.velocity[2]))
Example #4
class Contcar(object):

    def __init__(self, path):
        self.path = path
        self.version = 0
        self.title = ''
        self.selective_dynamics = False
        self.direct_coords = False
        self.counts = []
        self.formula_unit = 0
        self.symbols = []
        self.supercell = SuperCell()
        self.surface_area = 0
        self.coa = 0
            print "Error with CONTCAR in: %s" % self.path
            #print exc_info()
    def find_adatoms(self):
        # Mark adatoms
        nr_of_adatoms = self._count_adatoms()
        for i in range(1, 1 + nr_of_adatoms):
            self.supercell.atoms[-i].adatom = True
    def _count_adatoms(self):
        This function will count atoms as adatoms if there is less atoms on top 
        surface than in the bottom layer.
        Accuracy of the rounding is set with decimals variable
        decimals = 5
        hp = round(self.supercell.get_highest_position(), decimals)
        atoms_at_hp = 0
        for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
            if round(atom.position[2], decimals) == hp:
                atoms_at_hp += 1
        lp = round(self.supercell.get_lowest_position(), decimals)
        atoms_at_lp = 0
        for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
            if round(atom.position[2], decimals) == lp:
                atoms_at_lp += 1
        if atoms_at_hp < atoms_at_lp:
            return atoms_at_hp
            return 0

    def _convert_to_direct_coordinates(self):
        print "Running convertion"
        new_sc = SuperCell()
        for atom in self.supercell.atoms:
            new_sc.add(atom.symbol, self.supercell.convert_to_direct(atom.position))
        self.supercell.atoms = new_sc.atoms
        self.direct_coords = True

    def _extract_data(self):
        def _float_list(lst):
            new_lst = []
            for item in lst:
            return new_lst

        def _int_list(lst):
            new_lst = []
            for item in lst:
            return new_lst

        if getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 6).strip().isdigit():
            self.version = 4
            self.counts = _int_list(getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 6).split())
            self.symbols = ['None'] * len(self.counts)
            self.version = 5
            self.symbols = getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 6).split()
            self.counts = _int_list(getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 7).split())

        maximum = self.counts[0]
        for count in self.counts:
            if count > maximum:
                maximum = count
        self.formula_unit = maximum

        pos_starting_line = 0

        if self.version >= 5:
            if getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 8)[0] in ['s', 'S']:
                self.selective_dynamics = True
                if  getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 9)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 10
                if  getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 8)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 9
            if getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 7)[0] in ['s', 'S']:
                self.selective_dynamics = True
                if  getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 8)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 9
                if  getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 7)[0] in ['D', 'd']:
                    self.direct_coords = True
                pos_starting_line = 6

        self.title = getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 1).rstrip()
        self.supercell.a0 = float(getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 2).split()[0])
        a1 = _float_list(getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 3).split())
        a1 = array([a1[0], a1[1], a1[2]])
        a2 = _float_list(getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 4).split())
        a2 = array([a2[0], a2[1], a2[2]])
        a3 = _float_list(getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, 5).split())
        a3 = array([a3[0], a3[1], a3[2]])
        self.coa = norm(a3)       
        self.supercell.primitive_cell = PrimitiveCell(a1, a2, a3)
        if self.supercell.a0 < 0:
            self.supercell.a0 = (self.supercell.a0/np.linalg.det(self.supercell.primitive_cell.matrix))**(1./3.)
        self.surface_area = self.supercell.a0**2 * norm(cross(a1, a2))
        f = open("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path)
        for i in range(0, len(self.counts)):
            for j in range(pos_starting_line,
                              pos_starting_line + self.counts[i]):
                position = getline("%s/CONTCAR" % self.path, j).split()
                if self.selective_dynamics:
                    relax = position[3:6]
                position = _float_list(position[:3])
                position = array([position[0], position[1], position[2]])
                if self.selective_dynamics:
                    self.supercell.add(self.symbols[i], position,
                    self.supercell.add(self.symbols[i], position)
            pos_starting_line += self.counts[i]

        if not self.direct_coords:
    def distance(self, r1, r2):
        delta = np.linalg.norm(self.supercell.convert_to_real(r1 - r2))
        return delta
    def _calculate_sqs_repetitions(self, other):
        if abs(self.supercell.primitive_cell.matrix[1, 0]) > 1.1:
            return (4, 4, 2)
        elif abs(self.supercell.primitive_cell.matrix[1, 0]) > 0.51:
            return (4, 2, 4)
            return (1, 1, 1)
    def calculate_average_u(self, return_all=False):
        sqs_repetitions = self._calculate_sqs_repetitions('N')
        print sqs_repetitions
        u_list = []
        cd_list = []
        for atom1 in self.supercell.atoms:
            if atom1.symbol != 'N':
                d = 0.0
                cd = 0.0
                for atom2 in self.supercell.atoms:
                    if atom2.symbol == 'N':
                        for i in range(-1, 2):
                            for j in range(-1, 2):
                                if (atom2.position[2] > atom1.position[2] 
                                    and self.distance(array([atom1.position[0] + i, atom1.position[1] + j, 0]),
                                                      array([atom2.position[0], atom2.position[1], 0])) < 1.5):
                                    new_d = self.distance(atom1.position, atom2.position) 
                                    new_cd = atom2.position[2] - atom1.position[2]
                                    if d == 0 or new_d < d:
                                        d = new_d
                                    if cd == 0 or new_cd < cd:
                                        cd = new_cd
                                elif (atom2.position[2] + 1. > atom1.position[2] 
                                    and self.distance(array([atom1.position[0] + i, atom1.position[1] + j, 0]),
                                                      array([atom2.position[0], atom2.position[1], 0])) < 1.5 ):
                                    new_d = self.distance(atom1.position, atom2.position + array([0, 0, 1.]))
                                    new_cd = atom2.position[2] + 1 - atom1.position[2]
                                    if d == 0 or new_d < d: 
                                        d = new_d
                                    if cd == 0 or new_cd < cd: 
                                        cd = new_cd
                if d == 0 or cd == 0:
                    print "Found no atom to compare with"
                    u_list.append(d / (self.coa * self.supercell.a0) * sqs_repetitions[2])
                    cd_list.append(cd * sqs_repetitions[2])
        # Change to u_list to get u parameter not only in c-direction
        if return_all:
            return cd_list
            return sum(cd_list) / len(cd_list)