Example #1
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(GameAssets.Instance().getImage('explosion'), x, y)
        #super(self.__class__, self).__init__(GameAssets.Instance().getImage('dbg2'), x, y)

        th = 360*random.random()
        u,v = vec.uvec(th)
        self.alive = True
        self.timeAlive = 0.0
        self.angle = tv.LinearMotion(0,120)
Example #2
    def thrust(self, dt, throttle):
        # We assume that at self.angle == 0, the forward direction
        # is x = 0, y = +1, and that +ive rotation is clock-wise
        # Throttle is from 0.0 to 1.0 (well, I guess I'm allowing negative tto)
        #ux, uy = vec.uvec(self.angle)
        if throttle != 0.0:
            ux, uy = vec.uvec(self.angleVar.value)
            ds = throttle * self.maxThrustPower * dt
            self.motion.thrust( ds * ux, ds * uy)

        self.currThrottle = throttle
Example #3
    def getTipParams(self):
        ''' Return postion of tip and forward direction (as angle)'''
        x,y = self.motion.position()
        th = self.angleVar.value
        #fwd = self.angle - 90.0

        ux, uy = vec.uvec(th)
        #tipOffset = gAssets.shipTipAboveCenter
        x,y = x + self.tipOffset*ux, y + self.tipOffset*uy

        return ((x,y), th-90.0)
Example #4
    def spawnNew(self, shipPosition, viewportOrigin):
        # This is very stochastic. It tries to create a new meteor,
        # but if it doesn't on this go-around is just returns, as it will
        # be called again fairly soon.
        #targetN = 15
        targetN = int(self.meteorCountCurve(self.gameTime))

        if len(self.meteors) >= targetN:
        #print "Have", len(self.meteors), "meteors, want", targetN

        w = self.props.windowWidth
        h = self.props.windowHeight

        x = None
        y = None
        offset = 250

        side = random.randint(0,3)
        # side selects (left, right, bottom, top) 
        sides = ('left', 'right', 'bottom', 'top') # for debugging
        if side < 2:
            # left or right
            y = viewportOrigin[1] + random.randrange(h)
            if side == 0:
                x = viewportOrigin[0] - offset  
                x = viewportOrigin[0] + w + offset

            # top or bottom
            x = viewportOrigin[0] + random.randrange(w)
            if side == 2:
                y = viewportOrigin[1] - offset  
                y = viewportOrigin[1] + h + offset

        # Make sure it's within the meteor field
        if x < -w or y < -h or x > 2*w or y > 2*h:

        speedBase = self.meteorSpeedCurve(self.gameTime)
        speed = random.gauss(speedBase, 30)
        name = random.choice(self.meteorPool)

        th = 360*random.random()
        u,v = vec.uvec(th)

        m = MeteorSprite(name, (x, y), (speed*u, speed*v), self.meteorBatch, self.props)
Example #5
    def addMeteorsXXX(self, n, shipPosition):
        w = self.props.windowWidth
        h = self.props.windowHeight

        for _ in range(0,n):
            # Meteors bounce around in a 3w x 3h block
            # Spawn new meteor on "opposite side of the torus"
            # This is not good!!! XXX
            speed = random.gauss(100, 30)
            x = tv.wrap(shipPosition[0] + 1.5*w, -w, 2*w)
            y = tv.wrap(shipPosition[1] + 1.5*h, -h, 2*h)
            th = 360*random.random()
            u,v = vec.uvec(th)
            m = MeteorSprite("foo", (x, y), (speed*u, speed*v), self.meteorBatch, self.props)
Example #6
    def initialMeteors(self, n, shipPosition):

        w = self.props.windowWidth
        h = self.props.windowHeight

        for i in range(0,n):
            x = random.uniform(-w, 2*w)
            y = random.uniform(-h, 2*h)
            dx, dy = (x - shipPosition[0]), (y - shipPosition[1])
            if dx*dx + dy*dy < 150*150:
                # Don't start off right next to a meteor
                # And it's okay if we don't get exactly n created here.
            speed = random.gauss(100, 30)
            name = random.choice(self.meteorPool)
            th = 360*random.random()
            u,v = vec.uvec(th)

            m = MeteorSprite(name, (x, y), (speed*u, speed*v), self.meteorBatch, self.props)
Example #7
 def get(self):
     # Sigh. Gotta set some standards w.r.t. angles
     return vec.Vector(self.x, self.y), vec.Vector(*vec.uvec(self.rotation+90.))