def figure1k1(info,path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) sessions = info.groupby(level=['subject','session']) for (subject,session),sinfo in sessions: subjectpath = os.path.join(activitymovies.datafolder,subject) sact = activitytables.read_subjects(subjectpath,days=[session]) scr = activitytables.read_subjects(subjectpath,days=[session], selector = activitytables.crossings) features = activitytables.stepfeature(sact,scr,4,3) leftwards = features.side == 'leftwards' features.xhead[leftwards] = max_width_cm - features.xhead[leftwards] median = np.sort(features.xhead)[len(features)/2+1] median = features[features.xhead == median].iloc[-1,:] vidpaths = activitymovies.getmoviepath(sinfo) timepaths = activitymovies.gettimepath(info) movie = [,mtimepath) for mpath,mtimepath in zip(vidpaths,timepaths)][0] medianframe = movie.frame(sact.index.get_loc( flip = median.side == 'rightwards' stepindex = 3 if flip else 4 medianframe = activitytables.cropstep(medianframe,stepindex,flip=flip) fname = str.format("{0}_session_{1}_median_step_posture.png", subject, session) fpath = os.path.join(path,subject) if not os.path.exists(fpath): os.makedirs(fpath) fpath = os.path.join(fpath,fname) cv2.imwrite(fpath,medianframe)
def savefirstpoke(path): subfolders = os.walk(path) name = os.path.split(path)[1] path = next(subfolders)[0] path = next(subfolders)[0] basepath = r'C:/Users/IntelligentSystem/Desktop' leftrewards = os.path.join(path,'left_rewards.csv') videopath = os.path.join(path,'top_video.avi') timepath = os.path.join(path,'top_video.csv') frontvideo =,timepath) with open(leftrewards) as f: timestamp = f.readline() pokeframe = frontvideo.frameindex(timestamp) vidutils.savemovie(videopath,0,pokeframe-120,pokeframe+120,os.path.join(basepath,name + '.avi'))
def clusterroiframes(act, roiactivity, info, leftroi, rightroi, roicenter_cm, cropframes): # Compute step times roidiff = roiactivity.diff() roipeaks = activitytables.findpeaks(roidiff, 1500) pksloc = [[roidiff.index.get_loc(peak) for peak in roi] for roi in roipeaks] # Tile step frames vidpaths = activitymovies.getmoviepath(info) timepaths = activitymovies.gettimepath(info) backpaths = activitymovies.getbackgroundpath(info) videos = [, timepath) for path, timepath in zip(vidpaths, timepaths)] def getroiframes(roiindex, flip=False): roicenterxcm = roicenter_cm[roiindex][1] headdistance = [act.xhead[p] - roicenterxcm for p in pksloc[roiindex]] print headdistance framehead = [ p for i, p in enumerate(pksloc[roiindex]) if (-25 < headdistance[i] < -5 if not flip else 5 < headdistance[i] < 25) ] frames = [cropframes(videos[0].frame(p), roiindex) for p in framehead] backgrounds = [ cropframes(activitymovies.getbackground(backpaths[0], videos[0].timestamps[p]), roiindex) for p in framehead ] frames = [cv2.subtract(f, b) for f, b in zip(frames, backgrounds)] if flip: frames = [cv2.flip(f, 1) for f in frames] return frames, framehead leftframes, leftindices = getroiframes(leftroi, False) rightframes, rightindices = getroiframes(rightroi, True) print "===========================" frames = np.array(leftframes + rightframes) frameindices = np.array(leftindices + rightindices) sortindices = np.argsort(frameindices) frames = frames[sortindices] frameindices = frameindices[sortindices] Z, R, labels, h = imgproc.cluster(frames, videos[0], frameindices) return frames, roidiff, roipeaks, pksloc, Z, R, labels
def roiframes(activity,crossings,info,leftroi,rightroi,roiframeindices,croproi, cropsize=(300,300),subtractBackground=False): # Tile step frames vidpaths = activitymovies.getmoviepath(info) timepaths = activitymovies.gettimepath(info) backpaths = activitymovies.getbackgroundpath(info) videos = [,timepath) for path,timepath in zip(vidpaths,timepaths)] frames = [] indices,side = roiframeindices(activity,crossings,leftroi,rightroi) for frameindex,side in zip(indices,side): leftwards = side == 'leftwards' roiindex = leftroi if leftwards else rightroi frame = videos[0].frame(frameindex) background = None if subtractBackground: timestamp = videos[0].timestamps[frameindex] background = activitymovies.getbackground(backpaths[0],timestamp) frame = croproi(frame,roiindex,cropsize,background,roiindex == rightroi) frames.append(frame) return frames
def clusterstepframes(cr,info,leftstep,rightstep): # Compute step times stepactivity = cr.iloc[:,16:24] stepdiff = stepactivity.diff() steppeaks = siphon.findpeaksMax(stepdiff,1500) pksloc = [[stepdiff.index.get_loc(peak) for peak in step] for step in steppeaks] # Tile step frames vidpaths = activitymovies.getmoviepath(info) timepaths = activitymovies.gettimepath(info) backpaths = activitymovies.getbackgroundpath(info) videos = [,timepath) for path,timepath in zip(vidpaths,timepaths)] def getstepframes(stepindex,flip=False): stepcenterxcm = stepcenters[stepindex][1] * preprocess.width_pixel_to_cm framehead = [p for p in pksloc[stepindex] if (cr.xhead[p] < stepcenterxcm if not flip else cr.xhead[p] > stepcenterxcm)] frames = [imgproc.croprect(stepcenters[stepindex],(200,200),videos[0].frame(p)) for p in framehead] backgrounds = [imgproc.croprect(stepcenters[stepindex],(200,200),activitymovies.getbackground(backpaths[0],videos[0].timestamps[p])) for p in framehead] frames = [cv2.subtract(f,b) for f,b in zip(frames,backgrounds)] if flip: frames = [cv2.flip(f,1) for f in frames] return frames,framehead leftframes,leftindices = getstepframes(leftstep,False) rightframes,rightindices = getstepframes(rightstep,True) frames = np.array(leftframes + rightframes) frameindices = np.array(leftindices + rightindices) sortindices = np.argsort(frameindices) frames = frames[sortindices] frameindices = frameindices[sortindices] R,labels,h = imgproc.cluster(frames,videos[0],frameindices) return frames,stepdiff,steppeaks,pksloc,R,labels
def get_videos(self): """Docstring for get_videos. :returns: returns video frames in each sub folder of vot directory """ logger = self.logger vot_folder = self.vot_folder sub_vot_dirs = self.find_subfolders(vot_folder) for vot_sub_dir in sub_vot_dirs: video_path = glob.glob( os.path.join(vot_folder, vot_sub_dir, '*.jpg')) objVid = video(video_path) list_of_frames = sorted(video_path) if not list_of_frames: # logger.error('vot folders should contain only .jpg images') print('ERROR: vot folders should contain only .jpg images') objVid.all_frames = list_of_frames bbox_gt_file = os.path.join(vot_folder, vot_sub_dir, 'groundtruth.txt') with open(bbox_gt_file, 'r') as f: for i, line in enumerate(f): co_ords = line.strip().split(',') co_ords = [(float(co_ord)) for co_ord in co_ords] ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy, dx, dy = co_ords x1 = min(ax, min(bx, min(cx, dx))) - 1 y1 = min(ay, min(by, min(cy, dy))) - 1 x2 = max(ax, max(bx, max(cx, dx))) - 1 y2 = max(ay, max(by, max(cy, dy))) - 1 bbox = BoundingBox(x1, y1, x2, y2) bbox.frame_num = i objVid.annotations.append(bbox) self.videos[vot_sub_dir] = [objVid.all_frames, objVid.annotations] return self.videos
from playlist import Plist from video import video import sys while True: isVidOrPlay = input( 'Do you need to download a playlist or Video: ').lower() if isVidOrPlay == 'pl': url = input('Enter the playlist URL: ') Plist(url) elif isVidOrPlay == 'vi': url = input('Enter the video URL: ') video(url) else: print('please enter video or playlist') continue repeat = input( 'Do you need to download an other Video or Playlist [enter Y for yes or N for No]: ' ).lower() x = 1 while repeat != 'y' and repeat != 'n' and x <= 3: repeat = input("please enter 'Y' or 'N': ").lower() if x == 3: print('Sorry.. Invalide enter') sys.exit() x += 1 if repeat == 'y': continue
#coding=utf-8 import feature, video import sys, os, logging import numpy as np from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite3 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s', datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', filename='./log/classify.log', filemode='w') if len(sys.argv) > 3: name = sys.argv[1] out = sys.argv[2] fname = sys.argv[3] else : exit(); v = pwd = os.getcwd() rv = sqlite3.connect(pwd + '/tasklist.db') rv.execute('update tasks set prograss = "1" where filename = "%s"' %fname) rv.commit() rv.close()
def escuchar(gui): session_user = servidor_descubrimiento.read_session_user() # Comprobacion de argumentos if (not session_user['ip']) or (not session_user['puerto']): return -1 # Volvemos a copiar de servidor_descubrimiento my_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) address = (session_user['ip'], int(session_user['puerto'])) my_socket.bind(address) # Supongo que solo escucharé una peticion my_socket.listen(1) conn, address = my_socket.accept() # El loop while (1): # Recogemos la peticion peticion = conn.recv(1024) # Espero que baste """ Posibilidades: -CALLING <usuario>: + Rechazamos => CALL_DENIED <nuestro nickname> + Aceptamos => CALL_ACCEPTED <nuestro nickname> Le buscamos empezamos a transmitir video. -CALL_BUSY: + informamos y a otra cosa -CALL_END: + informamos y a otra cosa -CALL_DENIED: + informamos y a otra cosa """ peticion_aux = peticion.decode(encoding='utf-8').split(" ") # Caso CALLING if peticion_aux[0] == "CALLING": # Estamos recibiendo una llamada, respndemos con si o no acepta = "LLAMADA", "Aceptar la llamada de " + peticion_aux[1] + " ?") # Caso no acepta if acepta == False: msg = "CALL_DENIED " + session_user['nickname'] conn.sendall(msg.encode(encoding='utf-8')) # Caso acepta else: calling_user = servidor_descubrimiento.query(peticion_aux[1]) msg = "CALL_ACCEPTED " + session_user['nickname'] + " " + str( session_user['puerto_udp_escucha'] ) # TODO str(5100) = puerto UDP escucha calling_user['puerto_udp_escucha'] = int(peticion_aux[2]) servidor_descubrimiento.save_calling_user(calling_user) conn.sendall(msg.encode(encoding='utf-8')) # iniciar transmision de video my_video = gui.cola_imagenes = my_video.cola_imagenes = my_video my_video.iniciar() return 1 # Caso CALL_BUSY elif peticion_aux[0] == "CALL_BUSY":"LLAMADA", "CALL_BUSY.") return 1 # Caso CALL_END elif peticion_aux[0] == "CALL_END":"LLAMADA", "CALL_END.") return 1 # Caso CALL_DENIED elif peticion_aux[0] == "CALL_DENIED":"LLAMADA", "CALL_DENIED.") return 1
import Util from video import video from inputFile import inputFile from stego import stuff, extract if __name__ == "__main__": video1 = video('./flame.avi') file1 = inputFile('./tes.txt') fileName = 'kudukudu' key = 'diar' isRandom = True stuffer = stuff(video1, file1, key, isRandom) stuffer.insertLength() stuffer.insertExtension() stuffer.insertFile() stuffer.write('tes.avi') video2 = video('./tes.avi') extractor = extract(video2, key, isRandom, fileName) print('length :', extractor.readBitLength(), "bit") print('extension :', extractor.readExtension()) extractor.readBits()
def showVideo(self): vid = video() vid.show_webcam() msg = Alert("Suspicious Activity has been Detected")
#coding=utf-8 import video, sys if len(sys.argv) > 1: print 'file %s'%sys.argv[1] i =[1]) while(True): # print i.snow_region( ) i.Temporal_feature()
N_vn = len(videoName_chunks_list) vn = 4 * 13 + 8 # video Number videoName = videoName_chunks_list[vn] fileName = videoName[:-4] + "-obj-" + str(obj_id) + "-BBox-continued.npz" print("Feading File: ", fileName) #videoName = '1439328827509_000000_AZ324hrsno5and8_1-30000.flv' #fileName = '1439328827509_000000_AZ324hrsno5and8_1-30000-BBox-obj-0.npz' in_res = [1200, 500] # input video resolution out_res = [32, 32] # output boxed video resolution v = video(path + videoName) out = cv2.VideoWriter( path + videoName[:-4] + "-obj-" + str(obj_id) + '-Boxed.avi', -1, 25.0, (out_res[0], out_res[1])) #fourcc =*'XVID') #out = cv2.VideoWriter(path+videoName[:-4]+'-Boxed.avi',fourcc, 25.0, (out_res[0],out_res[1])) fopen = np.load(path + fileName) fn_list = fopen["fn_list"] pt_0_0_list = fopen["pt_0_0_list"] #top-left x pt_0_1_list = fopen["pt_0_1_list"] #top-left y pt_1_0_list = fopen["pt_1_0_list"] #bottom-right x pt_1_1_list = fopen["pt_1_1_list"] #bottom-right y print("data have been read!")
def __init__(self): self.HG=histogramas() self.Video=video()
from video import video import os import json if (os.path.exists("conf.json") == False): print("conf.json不存在") os.system("pause") f = open('conf.json', 'r', encoding='gb2312') conf = json.load(f) print(conf) f.close() username = '' password = '' course = '' chapter = '' driverpath = '' username = conf['username'] password = conf['password'] course = conf['coursename'] chapter = conf['chapter'] driverpath = conf['chromedriver'] log = Loginer() log.login(username, password) log.findcourse(course) if (log.courseurl is not ''): video = video() video.Input(log.courseurl, log.cookielist, driverpath) video.Read(chapter) print( "You have finished!Please thank coder wangzw and give him some money.") os.system("pause")
def video(self): v = v.videotest()
def sessionsummary(path): labelh5path = labelpath(path) activity = activitytables.read_activity(path) crossings = activitytables.read_crossings(path, activity) rewards = activitytables.read_rewards(path) #steptimes = activitytables.steptimes(activity) vidpath = os.path.join(path, 'front_video.avi') vid = selected = [] def onselect(ind): selector.ind[:] = ind selector.updateselection() clearhandles(selected) if len(ind) <= 0: return for s in crossings.slices[ind]: h = axs[0, 1].plot(activity.xhead[s], activity.yhead[s], 'r') selected.append(h) markers = [] def updateplots(): onselect([]) clearcollection(markers) valid = crossings.label == 'valid' axs[0, 1].clear() trajectoryplot(activity, crossings[valid], axs[0, 1], alpha=0.2) axs[1, 2].clear() slowdownsummary(crossings[valid], axs[1, 2]) axs[1, 1].clear() invalid = crossings.label == 'invalid' if invalid.any(): rows = crossings[invalid] pts = axs[0, 2].scatter(rows.duration, rows.yhead_max, s=20, marker='x', facecolors='none', edgecolors='r') markers.append(pts) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def onkeypress(evt): label = None if evt.key == 'q': crossings.label.to_hdf(labelh5path, 'label') if evt.key == 'x': label = 'invalid' if evt.key == 'c': label = 'valid' if evt.key == 'z' and len(selector.ind) == 1: frameslice = crossings.iloc[selector.ind[0], :].slices video.showmovie(vid, frameslice.start, fps=frames_per_second, frameend=frameslice.stop) if label != None: crossings.label[selector.ind] = label updateplots() fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3) fpshist(activity, axs[0, 0]) selector = featuresummary(crossings, axs[0, 2], onselect) updateplots() rewardrate(rewards, axs[1, 0]) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', onkeypress) plt.tight_layout() return activity, crossings, rewards, selector
def __init__(self, frameVideo): video(frameVideo, '/alpheus_cam/bottom/image_raw', 1, 1, 'Raw Image') video(frameVideo, '/alpheus_cam/bottom/image_processed', 1, 2, 'Processed Image') hsvDynClient(frameVideo, 1, 3, 'HSV Range')
import numpy as np import cv2 from video import video if __name__ == '__main__': my_video = video() my_video.readVideo2()
#! /usr/local/bin/python # This is the inference algorithm to determine if the attributes at the selected # points are up to par with the known target. I will pepper this code with comments # for ease of understanding. import cv, cv2, numpy, math, edge, contrast, convert, random, MonteCarlo, array, video feed = #NOTE: feed is in color & is unchanged video frame lines = edge.main() #REMEMBER THIS VARIABLE!!!! #print lines def parallel(lines): good_lines = [line for line in lines if (line[2] - line[0]) != 0] sort_slopes = sorted(good_lines, key = slope) return sort_slopes def slope(line): return float(line[3] - line[1]) / float(line [2] - line[0]) #we are going to assume that q is our image #DO NOT FORGET TO REMOVE ERROR CHECKING PARTS OF CODE!!! k = [] q = contrast.main() k = q#q is name of working contrast frame passed from module slopearray = [] for line in parallel(lines[0]): orderedSlope = slope(line) slopearray.append(orderedSlope) #below I find value from orderedSlope
# import original modules import video as v m = 1.0 # mass [kg] k = 10.0 # spring constant [N/m] g = 9.8 # gravitational accelaration[m/s^2] c = 1.0 params = [m, k, g] # parameters def MassSpring(p, t): x, dx = p ddx = ((-k * x - c * dx) / m) return [dx, ddx] # initial conditions(x0, dx0) max_t = 10.0 # max_time [s] dt = 0.01 # dt [s] t =, max_t, dt) # time seeies 0.0 to max_t (with dt intervals) x0 = [0.5, 1.0] # initial variables x0=0.5, x1=1.0 p = odeint(MassSpring, x0, t) # ode calculation, dt, max_t, params)
default="DJI_0074.MP4", help="Path to videos input, overwrite device input if used") ap.add_argument('-w', '--num-workers', dest='num_workers', type=int, default=1, help='Number of workers.') ap.add_argument('-q-size', '--queue-size', dest='queue_size', type=int, default=5, help='Size of the queue.') ap.add_argument('-l', '--logger-debug', dest='logger_debug', type=int, default=0, help='Print logger debug') ap.add_argument('-f', '--fullscreen', dest='full_screen', type=int, default=0, help='enable full screen') args = vars(ap.parse_args()) video(args) print("progress over")
# import the necessary packages from __future__ import print_function from video import video from import VideoStream import argparse import time # construct the argument parse and parse the arguments ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument("-o", "--output", required=True, help="path to output directory to store snapshots") ap.add_argument("-p", "--picamera", type=int, default=-1, help="whether or not the Raspberry Pi camera should be used") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) # initialize the video stream and allow the camera sensor to warmup print("[INFO] warming up camera...") vs = VideoStream(usePiCamera=args["picamera"] > 0).start() time.sleep(2.0) # start the app pba = video(vs, args["output"]) pba.root.mainloop()
def __init__(self, frameVideo): video(frameVideo, '/image/compressed', 1, 1, 'Raw Image') #video(frameVideo, '/alpheus_cam/front/image_processed', 1, 2, 'Processed Image') video(frameVideo, '/front/gate', 1, 2, 'Processed Image') hsvDynClient(frameVideo, 1, 3, 'HSV Range')
# Write groundtruth to txt groundtruth_log.write(' ' + str(center[0]) + ' ' + str(center[1])) # Update Gaussian map raw_Gaussian_map = np.dstack( (raw_Gaussian_map, heatmap_object.generate_Gaussian_map(center[0], center[1], config.variance_x, config.variance_y))) # Plot a red circle on frame, center, radius=5, color=(0, 0, 255), thickness=2, lineType=8, shift=0) # Save plotted frames cv2.imwrite(config.dir_to_save_groundtruth + 'frame%s.jpg' % index, img) # Convert Gaussian map to heatmap using 'maximum pixels' heatmap = np.amax(raw_Gaussian_map, axis=2) # Save as npz np.savez(config.dir_to_save_heatmap + 'heatmap%s' % index, heatmap=heatmap) groundtruth_log.close() ''' Generate a groundtruth video ''' video_object =, config.dir_write_video) video_object.to_video()
def sessionsummary(path): labelh5path = labelpath(path) activity = activitytables.read_activity(path) crossings = activitytables.read_crossings(path, activity) rewards = activitytables.read_rewards(path) # steptimes = activitytables.steptimes(activity) vidpath = os.path.join(path, "front_video.avi") vid = selected = [] def onselect(ind): selector.ind[:] = ind selector.updateselection() clearhandles(selected) if len(ind) <= 0: return for s in crossings.slices[ind]: h = axs[0, 1].plot(activity.xhead[s], activity.yhead[s], "r") selected.append(h) markers = [] def updateplots(): onselect([]) clearcollection(markers) valid = crossings.label == "valid" axs[0, 1].clear() trajectoryplot(activity, crossings[valid], axs[0, 1], alpha=0.2) axs[1, 2].clear() slowdownsummary(crossings[valid], axs[1, 2]) axs[1, 1].clear() invalid = crossings.label == "invalid" if invalid.any(): rows = crossings[invalid] pts = axs[0, 2].scatter(rows.duration, rows.yhead_max, s=20, marker="x", facecolors="none", edgecolors="r") markers.append(pts) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def onkeypress(evt): label = None if evt.key == "q": crossings.label.to_hdf(labelh5path, "label") if evt.key == "x": label = "invalid" if evt.key == "c": label = "valid" if evt.key == "z" and len(selector.ind) == 1: frameslice = crossings.iloc[selector.ind[0], :].slices video.showmovie(vid, frameslice.start, fps=frames_per_second, frameend=frameslice.stop) if label != None: crossings.label[selector.ind] = label updateplots() fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 3) fpshist(activity, axs[0, 0]) selector = featuresummary(crossings, axs[0, 2], onselect) updateplots() rewardrate(rewards, axs[1, 0]) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", onkeypress) plt.tight_layout() return activity, crossings, rewards, selector
""" This file does the actual mosaicing of the two streams. @author: Arnov """ import video from mosaicBuilder import mosaic from motion import motion import imutils import time import cv2 leftVideo = #The webcam attached to the laptop rightVideo = #The inbuilt camera of the laptop panImage = mosaic() motion = motion(area=500) time.sleep(2.0) while True: l = r = left = imutils.resize(l, width=400) right = imutils.resize(r, width=400) result = panImage.pack(left, right) if result is None: print("Something went wrong, no results :(")
import video a ='snow.avi') b ='snow.avi') a = b = b.Temporal_feature() print a-b
u = up(uid) videos = list(set(u.getvideos())) videos = ';'.join(videos) try: cursor = conn.cursor() sql = "insert into bvlist(UID,BVlist)values('%s','%s')" % (uid, videos) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() print('up视频列表爬取成功!!!!') except Exception as e: print(e) listvideo=list(set(u.getvideos())) # 爬取视频基本信息 for av in listvideo: av1=video(av) bv = av1.putbv() videos = video(bv) # print(video.getbasic()) basic = videos.getbasic() # print(basic.keys()) # print(basic.values()) # for i in basic.values(): # print(type(i)) videolist = u.moreinfo last = videolist[int(av)] typeid_union = list(last.values())#获取除video以外的视频信息 values = list(basic.values()) print(values) values.extend(typeid_union) try: