Example #1
def largeSeedWatershed(raw, pmap, seeds, membraneWidth = 7.0, visu=False):

    blockShape = (100, )*3
    cOpts = vbw.convOpts

    pmap = numpy.require(pmap, dtype='float32')
    with  vigra.Timer("add noise"):
        mx = pmap.max()
        sshape = pmap.squeeze().shape
        noise = numpy.random.rand(*sshape)*(0.05*mx)
        noise = vigra.taggedView(noise.astype('float32'),'xyz')
        opts = vbw.convOpts(blockShape=blockShape, sigma=4.0)
        noise  = vbw.gaussianSmooth(noise, options=opts)
        pmap += noise

    with  vigra.Timer("smoothed tie breaker"):
        # compute a smoothed map as tie breaker
        opts = vbw.convOpts(blockShape=blockShape, sigma=membraneWidth/2.0)
        gaussianSmoothedPmap  = vbw.gaussianSmooth(pmap, options=opts)
        addEps = 0.3
        growingMap = gaussianSmoothedPmap
        growingMap *= addEps

        opts = vbw.convOpts(blockShape=blockShape, sigma=membraneWidth/7.50)
        notSoMuch  = vbw.gaussianSmooth(pmap, options=opts)

        # get the actual growing mapz
        growingMap += notSoMuch 
        growingMap /= 1.0 + addEps

    with  vigra.Timer("watershedsNew"):
        # do the actual watershed
        growingMap = vigra.taggedView(growingMap, 'xyz')
        seeds = numpy.require(seeds, dtype='uint32')
        seeds = vigra.taggedView(seeds, 'xyz')
        seg,nSeg = vigra.analysis.watershedsNew(image=growingMap, seeds=seeds)

    if visu:
        grayData = [
        (raw, "raw"),
        segData  = [
            (seeds, "seeds"),
            (seg, "seg")
        skneuro.addHocViewer(grayData, segData)

    return seg,nSeg
Example #2
def largeSeedWatershed(raw, pmap, seeds, membraneWidth=7.0, visu=False):

    blockShape = (100, ) * 3
    cOpts = vbw.convOpts

    pmap = numpy.require(pmap, dtype='float32')

    with vigra.Timer("add noise"):
        mx = pmap.max()
        sshape = pmap.squeeze().shape
        noise = numpy.random.rand(*sshape) * (0.05 * mx)
        noise = vigra.taggedView(noise.astype('float32'), 'xyz')
        opts = vbw.convOpts(blockShape=blockShape, sigma=4.0)
        noise = vbw.gaussianSmooth(noise, options=opts)
        pmap += noise

    with vigra.Timer("smoothed tie breaker"):
        # compute a smoothed map as tie breaker
        opts = vbw.convOpts(blockShape=blockShape, sigma=membraneWidth / 2.0)
        gaussianSmoothedPmap = vbw.gaussianSmooth(pmap, options=opts)
        addEps = 0.3
        growingMap = gaussianSmoothedPmap
        growingMap *= addEps

        opts = vbw.convOpts(blockShape=blockShape, sigma=membraneWidth / 7.50)
        notSoMuch = vbw.gaussianSmooth(pmap, options=opts)

        # get the actual growing mapz
        growingMap += notSoMuch
        growingMap /= 1.0 + addEps

    with vigra.Timer("watershedsNew"):
        # do the actual watershed
        growingMap = vigra.taggedView(growingMap, 'xyz')
        seeds = numpy.require(seeds, dtype='uint32')
        seeds = vigra.taggedView(seeds, 'xyz')
        seg, nSeg = vigra.analysis.watershedsNew(image=growingMap, seeds=seeds)

    if visu:
        grayData = [(raw, "raw"), (pmap, "pmap"), (growingMap, "growingMap")]
        segData = [(seeds, "seeds"), (seg, "seg")]
        skneuro.addHocViewer(grayData, segData)

    return seg, nSeg
Example #3
def prepareMinMap(raw, pmap, sPre=0.8, sInt=5.0, mapInterval=0.5,
                  scaleEw=4.0, ewBeta=0.01,
                  tvWeightSoft=None, isotropicTvSoft=True,
                  tvWeightHard=None, isotropicTvHard=True,
                  sPost=0.6, visu=False


    print "prepare stuff"
    if tvWeightSoft is None and isotropicTvSoft:
    elif tvWeightSoft is None and isotropicTvSoft==False:

    if tvWeightHard is None and isotropicTvHard:
    elif tvWeightHard is None and isotropicTvHard==False:

    grayData = []
    labelsData = []

    # do minimalistic raw map presmoothing to remove artifacts
    if sPre>0.0001:
        rawG = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(numpy.require(raw ,dtype=numpy.float32), sigma=sPre)
    else :
        rawG = numpy.require(image,dtype=numpy.float32)

    print "pmap integral"
    # get pmap integral
    pmapIntegral = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(numpy.require(pmap, dtype=numpy.float32), sigma=sInt )
    pmapIntegral = numpy.array(pmapIntegral)


    if visu:
        addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    # remap integral

    print "soft tv"
    # do soft TV smoothing
    pmapTVSoft = denoise.tvBregman(pmap, weight=tvWeightSoft, isotropic=isotropicTvSoft).astype(numpy.float32)

    print "hard tv"
    # do hard heavy TV smoothing
    pmapTVHard = denoise.tvBregman(pmap, weight=tvWeightHard, isotropic=isotropicTvHard).astype(numpy.float32)


    if visu:
        addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    # mix hard and soft according to pmap probability
    mixedPmap = numpy.empty(raw.shape)
    mixedPmap = (1.0 - pmapIntegral)*pmapTVHard  +  pmapIntegral*pmapTVSoft

    print "le min le max",mixedPmap.min(), mixedPmap.max()

    #addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    # add a tiny portion of eigenvalues of hessian give flat wide boundaries the min at the right position
    # but we only add this at places where the boundary is strong (in a hard fashion)
    aew = vigra.filters.hessianOfGaussianEigenvalues(numpy.require(raw, dtype=numpy.float32), scale=scaleEw).squeeze()
    sew = numpy.sort(aew,axis=3)
    ew = sew[:, :, :, 2]
    ew *= pmap**2
    ew -= ew.min()
    ew /= ew.max()
    ew *= ewBeta


    if visu:
        addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    # do minimalistic final smoothing to remove artefacts
    if sPre>0.0001:
        mixedPmapG = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(numpy.require(mixedPmap,dtype=numpy.float32), sigma=sPost)
    else :
        mixedPmapG = numpy.require(mixedPmap,dtype=numpy.float32)

    if visu:
        addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    return mixedPmapG
Example #4
def getLargeSeeds(raw, pmap, membraneWidth , threshold , rank, visu=False):

    with  vigra.Timer("ballRankOrderFilter"):
        # make mebrane wider with ballRankOrderFilter
        r = int(membraneWidth*0.35 + 0.5)
        r = max(r, 1)
        widerPmap1 = denoise.ballRankOrderFilter(pmap, radius=r, rank=rank)
        widerPmap = denoise.ballRankOrderFilter(widerPmap1, radius=r, rank=rank)
        widerPmap1 = None

    with  vigra.Timer("normalize"):
        # renormalize
        widerPmap -= widerPmap.min()
        widerPmap /= widerPmap.max()

    with  vigra.Timer("binarize"):
        # binarize
        binaryPmap = numpy.zeros(widerPmap.shape, dtype='uint8')
        binaryPmap[pmap>threshold] = 1
        #widerPmap = None  # save mem
        if visu == False:
            widerPmap = None

    with  vigra.Timer("multiBinaryDilation"):
        # morphology
        # 1) make membrane wider by  r
        r = int(membraneWidth*1.2 + 0.5)
        r = max(r, 2)
        mBinaryPmapA = vigra.filters.multiBinaryDilation(binaryPmap,r)
        #binaryPmap = None  # save mem
        if visu == False:
            binaryPmap = None

    #with  vigra.Timer("multiBinaryErosion"):
    #    # morphology
    #    # 1) make membrane smaller by  r
    #    r = int(membraneWidth*0.1 + 0.5)
    #    r = max(r, 1)
    #    mBinaryPmapB = vigra.filters.multiBinaryErosion(mBinaryPmapA,r)
    #    if visu == False:
    #        mBinaryPmapA = None

    with  vigra.Timer("labelVolumeWithBackground"):
        # get seeds
        invertedBinaryPmap = 1- mBinaryPmapA
        if visu == False:
            mBinaryPmapB = None

        invertedBinaryPmap = numpy.require(invertedBinaryPmap, dtype='uint32')
        ccImg = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(invertedBinaryPmap)

        if visu == False:
            invertedBinaryPmap = None

    if visu:
        grayData = [
            (raw, "raw"),
        segData  = [
            (ccImg, "seeds"),
            #(seg, "seg")
        skneuro.addHocViewer(grayData, segData)

    return ccImg
Example #5
def prepareMinMap(raw,


    print "prepare stuff"
    if tvWeightSoft is None and isotropicTvSoft:
        tvWeightSoft = 5.0
    elif tvWeightSoft is None and isotropicTvSoft == False:
        tvWeightSoft = 25.0

    if tvWeightHard is None and isotropicTvHard:
        tvWeightHard = 0.7
    elif tvWeightHard is None and isotropicTvHard == False:
        tvWeightHard = 15.0

    grayData = []
    labelsData = []

    # do minimalistic raw map presmoothing to remove artifacts
    if sPre > 0.0001:
        rawG = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(numpy.require(
            raw, dtype=numpy.float32),
        rawG = numpy.require(image, dtype=numpy.float32)

    print "pmap integral"
    # get pmap integral
    pmapIntegral = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(numpy.require(
        pmap, dtype=numpy.float32),
    pmapIntegral = numpy.array(pmapIntegral)

    grayData.append([rawG, 'rawG'])
    grayData.append([pmapIntegral, 'pmapIntegral'])

    if visu:
        addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    # remap integral
    pmapIntegral[pmapIntegral > mapInterval] = mapInterval
    pmapIntegral *= 1.0 / mapInterval

    print "soft tv"
    # do soft TV smoothing
    pmapTVSoft = denoise.tvBregman(pmap,

    print "hard tv"
    # do hard heavy TV smoothing
    pmapTVHard = denoise.tvBregman(pmap,

    grayData.append([pmapTVSoft, 'pmapTVSoft'])
    grayData.append([pmapTVHard, 'pmapTVHard'])

    if visu:
        addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    # mix hard and soft according to pmap probability
    mixedPmap = numpy.empty(raw.shape)
    mixedPmap = (1.0 - pmapIntegral) * pmapTVHard + pmapIntegral * pmapTVSoft

    print "le min le max", mixedPmap.min(), mixedPmap.max()

    #addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    # add a tiny portion of eigenvalues of hessian give flat wide boundaries the min at the right position
    # but we only add this at places where the boundary is strong (in a hard fashion)
    aew = vigra.filters.hessianOfGaussianEigenvalues(numpy.require(
        raw, dtype=numpy.float32),
    sew = numpy.sort(aew, axis=3)
    ew = sew[:, :, :, 2]
    ew *= pmap**2
    ew -= ew.min()
    ew /= ew.max()
    ew *= ewBeta

    mixedPmap += ew

    grayData.append([mixedPmap, 'mixedPmapWITHEW'])
    if visu:
        addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    # do minimalistic final smoothing to remove artefacts
    if sPre > 0.0001:
        mixedPmapG = vigra.filters.gaussianSmoothing(numpy.require(
            mixedPmap, dtype=numpy.float32),
        mixedPmapG = numpy.require(mixedPmap, dtype=numpy.float32)

    grayData.append([mixedPmapG, 'finalSeedingMap'])
    if visu:
        addHocViewer(grayData, labelsData, visu=visu)

    return mixedPmapG
Example #6
def getLargeSeeds(raw, pmap, membraneWidth, threshold, rank, visu=False):

    with vigra.Timer("ballRankOrderFilter"):
        # make mebrane wider with ballRankOrderFilter
        r = int(membraneWidth * 0.35 + 0.5)
        r = max(r, 1)
        widerPmap1 = denoise.ballRankOrderFilter(pmap, radius=r, rank=rank)
        widerPmap = denoise.ballRankOrderFilter(widerPmap1,
        widerPmap1 = None

    with vigra.Timer("normalize"):
        # renormalize
        widerPmap -= widerPmap.min()
        widerPmap /= widerPmap.max()

    with vigra.Timer("binarize"):
        # binarize
        binaryPmap = numpy.zeros(widerPmap.shape, dtype='uint8')
        binaryPmap[pmap > threshold] = 1
        #widerPmap = None  # save mem
        if visu == False:
            widerPmap = None

    with vigra.Timer("multiBinaryDilation"):
        # morphology
        # 1) make membrane wider by  r
        r = int(membraneWidth * 1.2 + 0.5)
        r = max(r, 2)
        mBinaryPmapA = vigra.filters.multiBinaryDilation(binaryPmap, r)
        #binaryPmap = None  # save mem
        if visu == False:
            binaryPmap = None

    #with  vigra.Timer("multiBinaryErosion"):
    #    # morphology
    #    # 1) make membrane smaller by  r
    #    r = int(membraneWidth*0.1 + 0.5)
    #    r = max(r, 1)
    #    mBinaryPmapB = vigra.filters.multiBinaryErosion(mBinaryPmapA,r)
    #    if visu == False:
    #        mBinaryPmapA = None

    with vigra.Timer("labelVolumeWithBackground"):
        # get seeds
        invertedBinaryPmap = 1 - mBinaryPmapA
        if visu == False:
            mBinaryPmapB = None

        invertedBinaryPmap = numpy.require(invertedBinaryPmap, dtype='uint32')
        ccImg = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(invertedBinaryPmap)

        if visu == False:
            invertedBinaryPmap = None

    if visu:
        grayData = [
            (raw, "raw"),
            (pmap, "pmap"),
            (widerPmap, "widerPmap"),
            (binaryPmap, "binaryPmap"),
            (mBinaryPmapA, "mBinaryPmapA"),
        segData = [
            (ccImg, "seeds"),
            #(seg, "seg")
        skneuro.addHocViewer(grayData, segData)

    return ccImg