Example #1
    def iter_accounts(self):
        params = {}
        for field in self.document.xpath("//input"):
            params[field.attrib["name"]] = field.attrib.get("value", "")

        account = None
        for tr in self.document.xpath('//table[@id="TabCtes"]/tbody/tr'):
            cols = tr.xpath("./td")

            id = self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_ID])
            if len(id) > 0:
                if account is not None:
                    yield account
                account = Account()
                account.id = id
                account.balance = account.coming = Decimal("0")
                account._next_debit = datetime.date.today()
                account._prev_debit = datetime.date(2000, 1, 1)
                account.label = u" ".join(
                    [self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_TYPE]), self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_LABEL])]
                account._coming_params = params.copy()
                account._coming_params["dialogActionPerformed"] = "SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE"
                account._coming_params["attribute($SEL_$%s)" % tr.attrib["id"].split("_")[0]] = tr.attrib["id"].split(
                    "_", 1
            elif account is None:
                raise BrokenPageError("Unable to find accounts on cards page")
                account._params = params.copy()
                account._params["dialogActionPerformed"] = "SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE"
                account._params["attribute($SEL_$%s)" % tr.attrib["id"].split("_")[0]] = tr.attrib["id"].split("_", 1)[

            date_col = self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_DATE])
            m = re.search("(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)", date_col)
            if not m:
                self.logger.warning("Unable to parse date %r" % date_col)

            date = datetime.date(*reversed(map(int, m.groups())))
            if date.year < 100:
                date = date.replace(year=date.year + 2000)

            amount = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_AMOUNT])))

            if not date_col.endswith("(1)"):
                # debited
                account.coming += -abs(amount)
                account._next_debit = date
            elif date > account._prev_debit:
                account._prev_balance = -abs(amount)
                account._prev_debit = date

        if account is not None:
            yield account
Example #2
    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        account_type = Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

        params = {}
        for field in self.document.xpath('//input'):
            params[field.attrib['name']] = field.attrib.get('value', '')

        for div in self.document.getroot().cssselect('div.btit'):
            if div.text is None:
            account_type = self.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(div.text.strip(), Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)

            if account_type is None:
                # ignore services accounts

            currency = None
            for th in div.getnext().xpath('.//thead//th'):
                m = re.match('.*\((\w+)\)$', th.text)
                if m and currency is None:
                    currency = Account.get_currency(m.group(1))

            for tr in div.getnext().xpath('.//tbody/tr'):
                if 'id' not in tr.attrib:

                args = dict(parse_qsl(tr.attrib['id']))
                tds = tr.findall('td')

                if len(tds) < 4 or 'identifiant' not in args:
                    self.logger.warning('Unable to parse an account')

                account = Account()
                account.id = args['identifiant'].replace(' ', '')
                account.label = u' '.join([u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[1].itertext()]),
                                           u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[2].itertext()])]).strip()
                account.type = account_type

                balance = FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[3].itertext()]))
                account.balance = Decimal(balance or '0.0')
                account.currency = currency
                if account.type == account.TYPE_LOAN:
                    account.balance = - abs(account.balance)

                account._prev_debit = None
                account._next_debit = None
                account._params = None
                account._coming_params = None
                if balance != u'' and len(tds[3].xpath('.//a')) > 0:
                    account._params = params.copy()
                    account._params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SOLDE'
                    account._params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

                if len(tds) >= 5 and len(tds[self.COL_COMING].xpath('.//a')) > 0:
                    _params = account._params.copy()
                    _params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'ENCOURS_COMPTE'
                yield account
Example #3
    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        params = self.get_params()

        account = None
        currency = None
        for th in self.document.xpath('//table[@id="TabCtes"]//thead//th'):
            m = re.match('.*\((\w+)\)$', th.text)
            if m and currency is None:
                currency = Account.get_currency(m.group(1))

        for tr in self.document.xpath('//table[@id="TabCtes"]/tbody/tr'):
            cols = tr.xpath('./td')

            id = self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_ID])
            if len(id) > 0:
                if account is not None:
                    yield account
                account = Account()
                account.id = id.replace(' ', '')
                account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
                account.balance = account.coming = Decimal('0')
                account._next_debit = datetime.date.today()
                account._prev_debit = datetime.date(2000, 1, 1)
                account.label = u' '.join([
                account.currency = currency
                account._params = None
                account._invest_params = None
                account._coming_params = params.copy()
                    'dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE'
                    'attribute($SEL_$%s)' %
                    tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split(
                        '_', 1)[1]
            elif account is None:
                raise BrokenPageError('Unable to find accounts on cards page')
                account._params = params.copy()
                    'dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE'
                    'attribute($SEL_$%s)' %
                    tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split(
                        '_', 1)[1]

            date_col = self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_DATE])
            m = re.search('(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)', date_col)
            if not m:
                self.logger.warning('Unable to parse date %r' % date_col)

            date = datetime.date(*reversed(map(int, m.groups())))
            if date.year < 100:
                date = date.replace(year=date.year + 2000)

            amount = Decimal(

            if not date_col.endswith('(1)'):
                # debited
                account.coming += -abs(amount)
                account._next_debit = date
            elif date > account._prev_debit:
                account._prev_balance = -abs(amount)
                account._prev_debit = date

        if account is not None:
            yield account

        # Needed to preserve navigation.
        btn = self.document.xpath('.//button/span[text()="Retour"]')
        if len(btn) > 0:
            btn = btn[0].getparent()
            actions = self.get_button_actions()
            _params = params.copy()
Example #4
    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        account_type = Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

        params = self.get_params()
        actions = self.get_button_actions()

        for div in self.document.getroot().cssselect('div.btit'):
            if div.text in (None, u'Synthèse'):
            account_type = self.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(div.text.strip(),

            if account_type is None:
                # ignore services accounts
                self.logger.debug('Ignore account type %s', div.text.strip())

            # Go to the full list of this kind of account, if any.
            btn = div.getparent().xpath('.//button/span[text()="Suite"]')
            if len(btn) > 0:
                btn = btn[0].getparent()
                _params = params.copy()

            currency = None
            for th in div.getnext().xpath('.//thead//th'):
                m = re.match('.*\((\w+)\)$', th.text)
                if m and currency is None:
                    currency = Account.get_currency(m.group(1))

            for tr in div.getnext().xpath('.//tbody/tr'):
                if 'id' not in tr.attrib:

                args = dict(parse_qsl(tr.attrib['id']))
                tds = tr.findall('td')

                if len(tds) < 4 or 'identifiant' not in args:
                    self.logger.warning('Unable to parse an account')

                account = Account()
                account.id = args['identifiant'].replace(' ', '')
                account.label = u' '.join([
                    u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[1].itertext()]),
                    u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[2].itertext()])
                account.type = account_type

                balance = FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(u''.join(
                    [txt.strip() for txt in tds[3].itertext()]))
                account.balance = Decimal(balance or '0.0')
                account.currency = currency
                if account.type == account.TYPE_LOAN:
                    account.balance = -abs(account.balance)

                account._prev_debit = None
                account._next_debit = None
                account._params = None
                account._coming_params = None
                account._invest_params = None
                if balance != u'' and len(tds[3].xpath('.//a')) > 0:
                    account._params = params.copy()
                    account._params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SOLDE'
                        'attribute($SEL_$%s)' %
                        tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split(
                            '_', 1)[1]

                if len(tds) >= 5 and len(
                        tds[self.COL_COMING].xpath('.//a')) > 0:
                    _params = account._params.copy()
                    _params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'ENCOURS_COMPTE'

                    # If there is an action needed before going to the cards page, save it.
                    m = re.search('dialogActionPerformed=([\w_]+)', self.url)
                    if m and m.group(1) != 'EQUIPEMENT_COMPLET':
                        _params['prevAction'] = m.group(1)

                if not account._params:
                    account._invest_params = params.copy()
                    account._invest_params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'CONTRAT'
                        'attribute($SEL_$%s)' %
                        tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split(
                            '_', 1)[1]

                yield account

        # Needed to preserve navigation.
        btn = self.document.xpath('.//button/span[text()="Retour"]')
        if len(btn) > 0:
            btn = btn[0].getparent()
            _params = params.copy()
Example #5
    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        params = self.get_params()

        account = None
        for tr in self.document.xpath('//table[@id="TabCtes"]/tbody/tr'):
            cols = tr.xpath('./td')

            id = self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_ID])
            if len(id) > 0:
                if account is not None:
                    yield account
                account = Account()
                account.id = id.replace(' ', '')
                account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
                account.balance = account.coming = Decimal('0')
                account._next_debit = datetime.date.today()
                account._prev_debit = datetime.date(2000,1,1)
                account.label = u' '.join([self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_TYPE]),
                account._params = None
                account._invest_params = None
                account._coming_params = params.copy()
                account._coming_params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE'
                account._coming_params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]
            elif account is None:
                raise BrokenPageError('Unable to find accounts on cards page')
                account._params = params.copy()
                account._params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE'
                account._params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

            date_col = self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_DATE])
            m = re.search('(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)', date_col)
            if not m:
                self.logger.warning('Unable to parse date %r' % date_col)

            date = datetime.date(*reversed(map(int, m.groups())))
            if date.year < 100:
                date = date.replace(year=date.year+2000)

            amount = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(self.parser.tocleanstring(cols[self.COL_AMOUNT])))

            if not date_col.endswith('(1)'):
                # debited
                account.coming += - abs(amount)
                account._next_debit = date
            elif date > account._prev_debit:
                account._prev_balance = - abs(amount)
                account._prev_debit = date

        if account is not None:
            yield account

        # Needed to preserve navigation.
        btn = self.document.xpath('.//button/span[text()="Retour"]')
        if len(btn) > 0:
            btn = btn[0].getparent()
            actions = self.get_button_actions()
            _params = params.copy()
            self.browser.openurl('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', urllib.urlencode(_params))
Example #6
    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        account_type = Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

        params = self.get_params()
        actions = self.get_button_actions()

        for div in self.document.getroot().cssselect('div.btit'):
            if div.text in (None, u'Synthèse'):
            account_type = self.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(div.text.strip(), Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)

            if account_type is None:
                # ignore services accounts

            # Go to the full list of this kind of account, if any.
            btn = div.getparent().xpath('.//button/span[text()="Suite"]')
            if len(btn) > 0:
                btn = btn[0].getparent()
                _params = params.copy()

            currency = None
            for th in div.getnext().xpath('.//thead//th'):
                m = re.match('.*\((\w+)\)$', th.text)
                if m and currency is None:
                    currency = Account.get_currency(m.group(1))

            for tr in div.getnext().xpath('.//tbody/tr'):
                if 'id' not in tr.attrib:

                args = dict(parse_qsl(tr.attrib['id']))
                tds = tr.findall('td')

                if len(tds) < 4 or 'identifiant' not in args:
                    self.logger.warning('Unable to parse an account')

                account = Account()
                account.id = args['identifiant'].replace(' ', '')
                account.label = u' '.join([u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[1].itertext()]),
                                           u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[2].itertext()])]).strip()
                account.type = account_type

                balance = FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(u''.join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[3].itertext()]))
                account.balance = Decimal(balance or '0.0')
                account.currency = currency
                if account.type == account.TYPE_LOAN:
                    account.balance = - abs(account.balance)

                account._prev_debit = None
                account._next_debit = None
                account._params = None
                account._coming_params = None
                account._invest_params = None
                if balance != u'' and len(tds[3].xpath('.//a')) > 0:
                    account._params = params.copy()
                    account._params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SOLDE'
                    account._params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

                if len(tds) >= 5 and len(tds[self.COL_COMING].xpath('.//a')) > 0:
                    _params = account._params.copy()
                    _params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'ENCOURS_COMPTE'

                    # If there is an action needed before going to the cards page, save it.
                    m = re.search('dialogActionPerformed=([\w_]+)', self.url)
                    if m and m.group(1) != 'EQUIPEMENT_COMPLET':
                        _params['prevAction'] = m.group(1)

                if not account._params:
                    account._invest_params = params.copy()
                    account._invest_params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'CONTRAT'
                    account._invest_params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

                yield account

        # Needed to preserve navigation.
        btn = self.document.xpath('.//button/span[text()="Retour"]')
        if len(btn) > 0:
            btn = btn[0].getparent()
            _params = params.copy()
            self.browser.openurl('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', urllib.urlencode(_params))
Example #7
    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        account_type = Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN

        params = {}
        for field in self.document.xpath("//input"):
            params[field.attrib["name"]] = field.attrib.get("value", "")

        for div in self.document.getroot().cssselect("div.btit"):
            if div.text is None:
            account_type = self.ACCOUNT_TYPES.get(div.text.strip(), Account.TYPE_UNKNOWN)

            if account_type is None:
                # ignore services accounts

            currency = None
            for th in div.getnext().xpath(".//thead//th"):
                m = re.match(".*\((\w+)\)$", th.text)
                if m and currency is None:
                    currency = Account.get_currency(m.group(1))

            for tr in div.getnext().xpath(".//tbody/tr"):
                if not "id" in tr.attrib:

                args = dict(parse_qsl(tr.attrib["id"]))
                tds = tr.findall("td")

                if len(tds) < 4 or not "identifiant" in args:
                    self.logger.warning("Unable to parse an account")

                account = Account()
                account.id = args["identifiant"]
                account.label = u" ".join(
                        u"".join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[1].itertext()]),
                        u"".join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[2].itertext()]),
                account.type = account_type

                balance = FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(u"".join([txt.strip() for txt in tds[3].itertext()]))
                account.balance = Decimal(balance or "0.0")
                account.currency = currency
                if account.type == account.TYPE_LOAN:
                    account.balance = -abs(account.balance)

                account._prev_debit = None
                account._next_debit = None
                account._params = None
                account._coming_params = None
                if balance != u"" and len(tds[3].xpath(".//a")) > 0:
                    account._params = params.copy()
                    account._params["dialogActionPerformed"] = "SOLDE"
                    account._params["attribute($SEL_$%s)" % tr.attrib["id"].split("_")[0]] = tr.attrib["id"].split(
                        "_", 1

                if len(tds) >= 5 and len(tds[self.COL_COMING].xpath(".//a")) > 0:
                    _params = account._params.copy()
                    _params["dialogActionPerformed"] = "ENCOURS_COMPTE"
                yield account
Example #8
    def iter_accounts(self, next_pages):
        params = self.get_params()

        account = None
        currency = None
        for th in self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1"]//thead//th'):
            m = re.match('.*\((\w+)\)$', th.text)
            if m and currency is None:
                currency = Account.get_currency(m.group(1))

        if currency is None:
            currency = Account.get_currency(CleanText('//td[@id="tbl1_0_5_Cell"]//span')(self.doc))

        for tr in self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1"]/tbody/tr'):
            cols = tr.xpath('./td')

            if len(cols) == 1 and CleanText('.')(cols[0]) == 'pas de carte':
                self.logger.debug('there are no cards on this page')

            id = CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_ID])
            if len(id) > 0:
                if account is not None:
                    yield account
                account = Account()
                account.id = id.replace(' ', '')
                account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
                account.balance = account.coming = Decimal('0')
                account._next_debit = datetime.date.today()
                account._prev_debit = datetime.date(2000,1,1)
                account.label = u' '.join([CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_TYPE]),
                account.currency = currency
                account._params = None
                account._invest_params = None
                account._coming_params = params.copy()
                account._coming_params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE'
                account._coming_params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]
                account._coming_count = len(self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tbl1"]/tbody/tr/td[5]/span[not(contains(text(), "(1)"))]'))
            elif account is None:
                raise BrokenPageError('Unable to find accounts on cards page')
                account._params = params.copy()
                account._params['dialogActionPerformed'] = 'SELECTION_ENCOURS_CARTE'
                account._params['attribute($SEL_$%s)' % tr.attrib['id'].split('_')[0]] = tr.attrib['id'].split('_', 1)[1]

            date_col = CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_DATE])
            m = re.search('(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)', date_col)
            if not m:
                self.logger.warning('Unable to parse date %r' % date_col)

            date = datetime.date(*[int(c) for c in m.groups()][::-1])
            if date.year < 100:
                date = date.replace(year=date.year+2000)

            amount = Decimal(FrenchTransaction.clean_amount(CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_AMOUNT])))

            if not date_col.endswith('(1)'):
                # debited
                account.coming += - abs(amount)
                account._next_debit = date
            elif date > account._prev_debit:
                account._prev_balance = - abs(amount)
                account._prev_debit = date

        if account is not None:
            yield account

        # Needed to preserve navigation.
        btn = self.doc.xpath('.//button[span[text()="Retour"]]')
        if len(btn) > 0:
            actions = self.get_button_actions()
            _params = params.copy()
            self.browser.open('/cyber/internet/ContinueTask.do', data=_params)