Example #1
 def account(self):
     label = u' '.join(self.doc.xpath(
     balance = self.amount(u'Balance')
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(
         u'//li[text()="Available to Spend"]')[0].text_content()\
         .replace(u'Available to Spend', u'').replace(u'Limit', u'').strip()
     paymin = self.amount(u'Payment Due')
     if self.doc.xpath(u'//li[@class="noPaymentDue"]'):
         # If payment date is not scheduled yet, set it somewhere in a
         # distant future, so that we always have a valid date.
         paydate = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=999)
         rawtext = self.doc.xpath(
             u'//li[contains(text(),"Due Date")]')[0].text_content()
         datetext = re.match('.*(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d).*', rawtext).group(1)
         paydate = datetime.strptime(datetext, '%m/%d/%Y')
     a = Account()
     a.id = label[-4:]
     a.label = label
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     if paydate is not None:
         a.paydate = paydate
     return a
Example #2
 def account(self):
     label = u' '.join(
     balance = self.amount(u'Balance')
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(
         u'//li[text()="Available to Spend"]')[0].text_content()\
         .replace(u'Available to Spend', u'').replace(u'Limit', u'').strip()
     paymin = self.amount(u'Payment Due')
     if self.doc.xpath(u'//li[@class="noPaymentDue"]'):
         # If payment date is not scheduled yet, set it somewhere in a
         # distant future, so that we always have a valid date.
         paydate = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=999)
         rawtext = self.doc.xpath(
             u'//li[contains(text(),"Due Date")]')[0].text_content()
         datetext = re.match('.*(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d).*', rawtext).group(1)
         paydate = datetime.strptime(datetext, '%m/%d/%Y')
     a = Account()
     a.id = label[-4:]
     a.label = label
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     if paydate is not None:
         a.paydate = paydate
     return a
Example #3
 def account(self):
     id_ = self.doc.xpath(
         '"credit card account ending in")]/text()')[0].strip()[-4:]
     balance = self.doc.xpath(
         u'//section[@id=" account_summary"]'
         '//span[text()="Current Balance"]/../span[2]/text()')[0].strip()
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(u'//span[contains(text(),"Credit limit")]'
     paymin = self.doc.xpath(
         u'//section[@id=" account_summary"]'
         '//strong[text()="Minimum Payment Due"]/../../span[2]/text()'
     a = Account()
     a.id = id_
     a.label = u'ACCOUNT ENDING IN %s' % id_
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     #TODO: Add paydate.
     #Oleg: I don't have an account with scheduled payment.
     #      Need to wait for a while...
     return a
Example #4
 def account(self):
     detact = self.doc['accountDetailsAndActivity']
     details = detact['accountDetails']
     account = Account()
     account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     account.label = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', detact['accountName'])
     account.id = account.label[-4:]
     for bal in details['accountBalances']:
         label, value = bal['label'], (bal['value'] or ['0'])[0]
         if label == u'Current Balance:':
             account.currency = Account.get_currency(value)
             account.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label == u'Total Revolving Credit Line:':
             account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label.startswith(u'Minimum Payment Due'):
             d = re.match(r'.*(..-..-....):$', label).group(1)
             account.paydate = datetime.strptime(d, '%m-%d-%Y')
             account.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
     return account
Example #5
    def get_account(self):
        json = self._auth()
        account = Account(id=Dict('id')(json))
        account.number = account.id
        # weboob.capabilities.bank.BaseAccount
        account.bank_name = 'Lunchr'

        account.type = Account.TYPE_CHECKING

        # Check if account have a card
        balance = Dict('meal_voucher_info/balance/value', default=None)(json)
        if empty(balance):

        account.balance = CleanDecimal.SI(balance)(json)
        account.label = Format('%s %s', CleanText(Dict('first_name')), CleanText(Dict('last_name')))(json)
        account.currency = Currency(Dict('meal_voucher_info/balance/currency/iso_3'))(json)
        account.cardlimit = CleanDecimal.SI(Dict('meal_voucher_info/daily_balance/value'))(json)
        yield account
Example #6
 def account(self):
     detact = self.doc['accountDetailsAndActivity']
     details = detact['accountDetails']
     account = Account()
     account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     account.label = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', detact['accountName'])
     account.id = account.label[-4:]
     for bal in details['accountBalances']:
         label, value = bal['label'], (bal['value'] or ['0'])[0]
         if label == u'Current Balance:':
             account.currency = Account.get_currency(value)
             account.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label == u'Total Revolving Credit Line:':
             account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label.startswith(u'Minimum Payment Due'):
             d = re.match(r'.*(..-..-....):$', label).group(1)
             account.paydate = datetime.strptime(d, '%m-%d-%Y')
             account.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
     return account
Example #7
 def account(self):
     detact = self.doc["accountDetailsAndActivity"]
     details = detact["accountDetails"]
     account = Account()
     account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     account.label = re.sub(r"<[^>]+>", "", detact["accountName"])
     account.id = account.label[-4:]
     for bal in details["accountBalances"]:
         label, value = bal["label"], (bal["value"] or ["0"])[0]
         if label == u"Current Balance:":
             account.currency = Account.get_currency(value)
             account.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label == u"Total Revolving Credit Line:":
             account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label.startswith(u"Minimum Payment Due"):
             d = re.match(r".*(..-..-....):$", label).group(1)
             account.paydate = datetime.strptime(d, "%m-%d-%Y")
             account.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
     return account
Example #8
 def account(self):
     id_ = self.doc.xpath(u'//strong[contains(text(),'
         '"credit card account ending in")]/text()')[0].strip()[-4:]
     balance = self.doc.xpath(u'//span[@class="description" and text()="Current Balance"]/../span[@class="total"]/text()')[0].strip()
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(u'//span[contains(text(),"Credit limit")]'
     paymin = self.doc.xpath(u'//section[@id=" account_summary"]'
         '//strong[text()="Minimum Payment Due"]/../../span[2]/text()'
     a = Account()
     a.id = id_
     a.label = u'ACCOUNT ENDING IN %s' % id_
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     #TODO: Add paydate.
     #Oleg: I don't have an account with scheduled payment.
     #      Need to wait for a while...
     return a
Example #9
 def account(self):
     label = u' '.join(u''.join(self.doc.xpath(
         u'//text()[contains(.,"Account ending in")]')).split())
     balance = self.doc.xpath(
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(u'//td[contains(text(),'
         '"Total Credit Limit")]/../td[2]')[0].text_content()
     paydate = self.doc.xpath(u'//td[contains(text(),'
         '"Payment Due Date")]/../td[2]')[0].text_content()
     paymin = self.doc.xpath(
     a = Account()
     a.id = label[-4:]
     a.label = label
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paydate = datetime.strptime(paydate, '%m/%d/%Y')
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     return a
Example #10
    def get_account(self):
        name = self.account_name()
        balance = self.account_balance()
        currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
        id_ = self.account_id()
        type_ = self.account_type()
        paydate, paymin = self.account_paydatemin()
        cardlimit = self.account_cardlimit()

        account = Account()
        account.id = id_
        account.label = name
        account.currency = currency
        account.balance = AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
        account.type = type_
        if paydate is not None:
            account.paydate = paydate
        if paymin is not None:
            account.paymin = paymin
        if cardlimit is not None:
            account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)

        return account
Example #11
    def get_account(self):
        name = self.account_name()
        balance = self.account_balance()
        currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
        id_ = self.account_id()
        type_ = self.account_type()
        paydate, paymin = self.account_paydatemin()
        cardlimit = self.account_cardlimit()

        account = Account()
        account.id = id_
        account.label = name
        account.currency = currency
        account.balance = AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
        account.type = type_
        if paydate is not None:
            account.paydate = paydate
        if paymin is not None:
            account.paymin = paymin
        if cardlimit is not None:
            account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)

        return account